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Coach Nancy Lieberman page 14


By Cheryl Smith Publisher

Are you capable of being lovable? Chuck D, of the rap group Public Enemy, has to be one of the great minds of our time! A consummate professional and thought-provoking deep thinker IMAJ with great work ethic; he is phenomenal. I also consider him a friend. I picked him up from the airport once during a visit to Dallas, and I told him I had a stop to VirLinda Stanton make because it was payday. When I arrived at the building that housed Service Broadcasting - the parent company of K104, KKDA-AM and KRNB, Chuck came inside with me. Always gracious, he greeted folks and chatted while I took care of my business. When he was in the company of Ptosha Storey those who were in a position to effect change at the station, Chuck urged them to be kinder to the locals. He wanted locals to be showered with love on the way up, instead of waiting until they hit big See TRUTH, page 11

Volume 6, No.27

TEXAS METRO NEWS June 20, 2018



Metro News What is FAIR? Dallas?


Muhammad sounds off on Dallas housing crisis WHIP Cracking Back with a Vengeance! By Thomas Muhammad

Nope I haven't written in a while, but after a friend brought to my

nist --which is all they have since their “ethnic cleansing,� said a few things that pissed me off to the highest pissisivity! What he said could be seen as pure slander, if in fact we were that touchy. However there's one thing we’ve gotten used to is that “white�

Homes built by ICDC

attention a piece in the Dallas Morning News (many call the Dallas Morning Snooze) a “white� colum-

Dallas leadership will forever see "we people who are darker than blue" as impediments for their See MUHAMMAD, page 9

7-Eleven brings franchising message South Orchestrating Memories Events and Catering hosted members of the South Dallas Business and Professional Women’s Club at DeSoto’s Grand Magnuson Hotel for 7-Eleven’s monthly business franchise dinner. 7-Eleven Franchise Development Marketing Manager Rod Lowe educated attendees on the process of becoming a franchisee with the brand which is consistently ranked among the top companies for franchising by leading business publications including Forbes and Bloomberg News. Also on hand for the presentation was 7-Eleven Women’s Giveaway winner Alyson Rae Lawson who inspired the audience with her journey

Devren Betts, Vivian Fullerlove, Alyson Rae Lawson, Gwen Daniels, Gwen Hunt, Rachael Sandifer, Rod Lowe

to franchise ownership. Ms. Lawson was awarded her own 7-Eleven franchise last year in the national competition which will open in September in Arlington. For more information on 7-Elev-

en franchising opportunities, visit www.franchising.7-eleven.com. To contact Orchestrating Memories, call Owner Shirley Adams at 972904-2433 or visit www.orchestratingmemories.com.


Quit Playin’ By Vincent L. Hall “The irony of Mr. Sessions’ nomination is that, if confirmed, he will be given a life tenure for doing with a federal prosecution what the local sheriffs accomplished twenty years ago with clubs and cattle prods.� #CorettaScottKing, 1986 WHIP is my new acronym for “White Identity Politics,� and Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions along with his boss, Donald J. Trump, are in full campaign mode. My mother says it would be a bridge too far to channel comedian Chris Rock who used the pejorative; “Cracker Ass Cracker.� But if my dad was still living, he would approve. Daddy always referred to Martin Luther King’s nemesis, Bull Connor that way. Bull used clubs and cattle prods in Alabama; Sessions adapted to technology and manufactured a concentration camp for children. Bull Connor was a Sunday school teacher and now Jeff Sessions is blaming his mistreatment of migrant children on the Holy Bible. Seems like Alabama serves a different God than the one slaves met in the brush harbors and eventually in the Black Church. American slaves weren’t theologians but they knew that everybody who proclaims Christianity ain’t a Christian. In a play to force Democrats to pay for Trump’s border wall, Jeff cracked the WHIP on asylum seekers. He quoted the Apostle Paul, a converted court master of See QUIT PLAYIN page 4 www.texasmetronews.com

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