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Cheryl Smith Publisher
HBCU Love begins with YOU
LaQuitta Thomas loves Southern University. Last weekend, she was elected and has the distinction of being the first woman to head the Southern University Alumni Federation. A 1993 graduate of that dynamic HBCU, whose main campus is in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; LaQuitta is a passionate woman who tackles everything she undertakes with enthusiasm, confidence, skill and commitment. I like to jokingly present a narrative of a
Volume 6, No30
TEXAS METRO NEWS July 25, 2018
Metro News
BELIEVE in transforming Dallas
Welcome to the D-FW Bernard and Shirley Kinsey
Frizell decides to dismiss lawsuit, work to unify party
After several months of speculation, Dallas County District Attorney candidate Judge Elizabeth Frizell announced on Monday that she will not continue Businessman Albert a company he founded her efforts to contest the primary election Black has officially filed in 1982 with his wife, as a candidate in the Gwyneith, by working Dallas mayoral election two jobs and watching scheduled for May 4, over their young chil2019 with the launchdren in the office. Three ing of his campaign at a decades later, the Blacks community event in the have deftly grown the neighborhood he was company to one of the born, Frazier Courts, at largest minority-owned the Frazier Community firms in Dallas, with Center, 4846 Elsie Faye close to 200 employees. Heggins St. His civic experience Dallas Mayoral candidate Albert Black A resident of Oak includes volunteering Cliff, Mr. Black has leveraged a tireless work ethic and with community organizations like the Park South natural leadership ability to become a highly accom- YMCA and eventually serving as the first African plished community leader. Until recently, he served as American Chairman of the Dallas Regional Chamber, President and CEO of On-Target Supplies & Logistics, See BLACK, page 8
Black announces candidacy for mayor
Garcia wins LULAC Presidency SU LaQuitta Thomas
young girl who growing up always wanted to attend my alma mater, the great Florida A&M University (FAMU). The idea of attending such a phenomenal school was actually on the minds of so many young boys and girls around the country, and even abroad. But as LaQuitta prepared for college, she saw her wishes swiftly moving further and further from her fingertips. So it was off to Southern University (her second choice) she went, seeking a degree in math/computer science. Now this brings me to My Truth. And first I must begin with dear Madam President LaQuitta Thomas’ truth. She didn’t See TRUTH, page 3
By Hilda Ramirez Duarte
Judge Liz Frizell (l) gets hug of from Judge-Elect Paula Rosales
Special to Texas Metro News
Phoenix, Arizona – On Saturday, July 21, 2018, the temperature was above 100 degrees, but the weather was not all that was hot! The USA’s most recognized Hispanic Organization, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) held its 89th Convention and the number one resolve was to elect its National President. The election was held mid-morning to early afternoon and the voting process took approximately six hours. As current president, Roger Rocha taps on the microphone to get audience attention, mostly to quiet down the crowd who was already chanting, “Domingo, Domingo, Domingo,� he calls the numbers, “for Do-
where she fell short by about 516 votes in a spirited race with former judge John Creuzot for the Democratic nomination. “It was so close,� she said to supporters and family members who gathered at the IBOC Church. “I have decided to dismiss my lawsuit and I will be supporting John Creuzot and all Democrats. Although ending, I will continue working at my priDomingo Garcia is sworn in vate practice as I pursue justice one case at a time.� mingo Garcia, 713 votes, for Darryl Morin 237. In a program that opened up with a Mr. Garcia has pledged to continue his work to help prayer and overview from her pastor, See GARCIA, page 5
See FRIZELL, page 14