JANUARY 16, 2019
VOL. 7 NO. 20
TBAAL’s Concert salutes Queen of Soul
by Cheryl Smith, Publisher
When? Right Now!
Tomorrow is here. Let’s not wait another day. We’ve heard others comment too often,“I just saw them yesterday. We just talked last night. I thought she/he would be here forever.” Which brings me to my truth. I sat in the funeral home in Crawfordville, GA, looking at the body that housed my father. I spoke those words to him, as if I expected him to respond, “Daddy, I thought you would be here forever. I never imagined life without you.” He went to the doctor’s office regularly and once he learned the perils of smoking he stopped immediately. He ate healthy foods, pretty much I guess. But he did, much to my chagrin, also eat pork. My father was big on having insurance, getting an education, being an entrepreneur, buying land, being involved in your community and life, having a spiritual foundation (although he didn’t suffer certain “negro preachers), and helping others. Also, Daddy didn’t take no stuff! Because he knew better. And if you don’t know better, or want to know better, so you can do better, come out to the Realizing the Dream Healthy Living Expo on January 21 at the Museum. See pages 7-10. Learn how to do better while you can!
INSIDE Quit Playin’
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Dr. julianne Page 5 malveaux calendar
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Pages 7-10
The Black Academy of Arts and Letters, Inc., (TBAAL) commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on his National birthday celebration, Friday, January 19, 2019 @10am and Sunday evening, January 20, 2019 @ 7:30pm. TBAAL spotlight the students performance in the Black Academy of Arts and Letters’ Naomi Bruton Main Stage, Sunday evening the live Black Music and Civil Rights Movement Concert Saluting The Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin featuring Dorinda Clark-Cole and Melanie Fiona followed with a reception to celebrate the 2x EMMY Award Winning Black Music and Civil
Right Movement Concert Music and Civil at the Morton H. Meyerson Rights Movement Symphony Hall. Concert, which The Martin Luther featured, B. Slade King, Jr weekend kick TM and Rahsaan off Friday morning with Patterson. an educational mini-stuThis weekend dent performance of the highlight is the Melanie Fiona 36th 2x EMMY Annual 36th 2x EMMY Performing at Concert Emmy Award-Winning Award Annual Black Music and the Civil Rights Black Music and the Civil Rights Movement Concert. On Sunday, Movement Concert that features well-wishers will pack the Morton TBAAL’s 200-voice recording conH. Meyerson for the “Concert” fol- cert choir, Dorinda Clark-Cole and lowed by a reception recognizing the Melanie Fiona, saluting The Queen recent Lone Star Emmy Award for of Soul Aretha Franklin. the institutions’live television perThe concert takes place at the formance of the 35th Annual Black Downtown Morton H. Meyerson
Bagsby remembered
Off and running!
A memorial service for the Hon. Dionne Phillips Bagsby, is scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 18, at First Presbyterian Church, 1000 Penn St., Fort Worth. died Jan. 10 at age 82 surrounded by her loved ones and close friends. The first woman and first African American to be elected to the Tarrant County Commissioners Court, she was battling pancreatic cancer for the past year.
Dallas City Councilman Tennell Atkins (c) was flanked by supporters and constituents at the Red Bird Starbucks yesterday, as he announced that he is running for re-election.
Symphony Center. “After 34 years, this King holiday weekend is going to be one of the most memorable moments in The Black Academy of Arts and Letters’ history", said Curtis King. TBAAL founder/president of TBAAL and the creator/producer of the concert. "Winning an Emmy is certainly icing on the cake and validates the artistic merit of our continuance work in the performing arts. It's a perfect nod to encourage our spirit and mission.” For more information, call TBAAL box office 214-743-2400 and Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000 or visit tbaal.org.
Photo: Marva Sneed
Realizing the
DREAM Healthy Living Expo 2019