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JANUARY 4, 2017



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Dallas County gets new district attorney

Johnson touts integrity and transparency


Praising her predecessors and calling on citizens to join her as partners in justice and help her “to be the best I can be for you,� Dallas County’s newest district attorney Faith Johnson had a strong message for citizens, law enforcement, and criminals. "I am a woman of integrity and I want to remain a woman of integrity,� said DA Johnson."I am going to be transparent to the citizens of Dallas County." Speaking before a standing-room only, wall-to-wall audience in the filled-to-capacity Central Jury Room at the Frank Crowley Courts Building, the former prosecutor and judge, while acknowledging the “deep division� in Dallas County, said she would do everything “in my power� to promote healing.� “I am there for you,� she continued, touting “even-handed� justice. “Our administration will be fair. We will protect and prosecute vigorously. Our administration


Justice Carolyn Wright administers oath to Faith Johnson as Attys. Cynthia and Scottie Allen look on.

will be community-wide and expand our office outreach.� It was a diverse gathering of elected officials, supporters, staff, citizens and invited guests for history in the making as former Judge Johnson was sworn in by her mentor, Chief Justice Carolyn Wright of the Fifth Court of Appeals.Appointed by Texas Gov.

Greg Abbott, to fill the unexpired term of Susan Hawk, who resigned due to medical reasons last year, DA Johnson was praised by her pastor, Bishop T.D. Jakes; Dallas County Republican Party Chair Phillip Huffines; Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings; and numerous others, including congratulatory letters from Gov. Abbott and former

TX Governor Rick Perry. With the appointment, Johnson has the distinction of being the first African American female to hold the post, and only the second African American, after two-termer Craig Watkins who was defeated in a very contentious race that crossed over party lines, and caused division within the Democratic Party. Mayor Rawlings said it was a new day, a “day that will be the beginning of a new year and a new partnership.� “We want to keep the citizens safe and growing in a spirit of social justice,� he added as he praised DA Johnson’s experience and leadership. In addition to the swearing in of DA Johnson and two other elected officials, the oath of office was administered to her deputy district attorneys and investigators; and she introduced her 1st Assistant, former Judge Mike Snipes. A West Point graduate, Judge Snipes attended law school at UT. Boasting a distinguished career, he served in the U.S. Army and also as a prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s office.

From hell to hair to millionaire author shares story Dallas entrepreneur and philanthropist Kea Garrett celebrates the release of her inspiring autobiography From Hell to Hair to Millionaire: The Divine Journeys of Kea Garrett with a book signing Sunday, January 22nd at Lofty Spaces located at 816 Montgomery Street, Dallas, TX 75215. From Hell to Hair to Millionaire chronicles the divine journey of Garrett from less than humble beginnings in South Dallas to becoming a “God made� millionaire! Always quick to credit the growth and abundance in her life to God, Garrett’s early life was riddled with the struggles, addictions and dire consequences of being young, black and left to her own devices from an early age. Stability was an intangible luxury for

my son, but didn’t have anythe young girl who found where to live; so, my mom herself moving from vartook him and took care of ious sectors and schools him. I was young, in the around the city which streets and it was like nothtook its toll on her socialing really mattered.� ly and academically. At 19 with two children By 17, Garrett was by this time, things culmiselling illegal drugs, nated to what would become stealing to survive, ina defining – or divining- movolved in an abusive rement for Garrett. After getlationship, pregnant and ting arrested on a robbery living from pillar to post. charge for which she re“Those were difficult years for me,� recounts ceived a probated sentence, Garrett failed to report to her Garrett. “I had moved Kea Garrett probation officer. in with my father and his girlfriend, and that arrangeThis act of defiance ment didn’t work out. He put me out. I had landed her on the DFW Most Wanted List

and ultimately in the Gatesville Texas Hilltop Unit where she was sentenced to spend the next three years of her life and where she would also suffer the miscarriage of her third pregnancy. Incarceration seals the fate of thousands young African American men and women every year, but that was not to be the case with Garrett. For if by fire one is tried and through trials endurance is built, Garrett braved a towering inferno and like the Phoenix, rose from its ashes braver, stronger and determined to never return to a life behind bars. During her time in prison, Garrett acquired her GED and certification as a

See HELL TO HAIR, page 7

Area Alpha Kappa Alpha members celebrate founding purchased online through, Tennessee State Univer President Dr. Glenda fwfoundersday or through Baskin Glover will focus hosting chapters. on the theme, “Reflections The guest speaker for this in Time As We Launch New public event, Dr. Glover, is Dimensions of Service,� the International Vice Presiof the 109-year-old Alpha dent of Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority InSorority, and a member of its corporatedŽ, 2017 FoundBoard of Directors. ers’ Day Celebration. Dr. Glover is serving as To honor its founding the eighth President of the members, Dallas/Fort Nashville, TN HBCU. She Worth Metroplex ChapDr. Glenda Baskin Glover is a certified public accounters, Beta Mu Omega, Fort Worth; XI Theta Omega, Arlington; Tau tant, an attorney, and is one of two African Rho Omega, Carrollton; and Chi Zeta American women to hold the Ph.D.-CPAOmega, Plano will host a Gospel Brunch JD combination in the nation. Sunday on January 15, 2017, 11:30 a.m. Dr. Glover has an extensive history of at the Crowne Plaza North Dallas Addi- serving on corporate boards of publicly son, 14315 Midway Road Addison, Tex- traded companies including the Citibank as 75001. Tickets are $65.00 and may be of Student Loan Corporation, Pinnacle Fi-

Garland Leadership Appointed to National Committees

SAT Testing at GHS January 21, 2017

Garland Mayor Douglas Athas and District 4 Council Member B.J. Williams have been appointed to federal advocacy committees for the National League of Cities (NLC). As members of these committees, Mayor Athas and Council Member Williams will play key roles in shaping NLC's policy positions and advocate on behalf of America's cities and towns before Congress, with the new administration and at home.

SAT Testing at GHS January 21, 2017 for Middle and High School Students January 21st, 2017 / SAT Testing at Garland High School On Saturday, January 21st, 2017, The SAT will be administered at Garland High School to middle and high school students who are registered through College Board. Students should report to GHS no later than 7:45 a.m. and enter the building through our court yard gate, which is located on the east side (back) of the building. All students must have their Admission Ticket and an acceptable photo ID or a completed Talent Search Identification form (7th-8th graders only) to enter the testing rooms.

nancial Partners and First Guaranty Bank of Louisiana. She is the author of more than 100 articles and papers, and regarded as one of the nation’s experts on corporate governance. Vice President Glover is a longstanding member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, IncorporatedŽ. Key positions previously held in Alpha Kappa Alpha include International Treasurer, the Legacy Endowment Fund and Corporate Support Committees. Dr. Glover is on-track to become the International President of Alpha Kappa Alpha in 2018. She is a member of several professional, civic and non-profit organizations, and recipient of numerous awards and honors, including being named to Diverse Issues in Higher Education’s prestigious list as one of the “Top 25 Women in Higher Education.� Dr. Glover is married to Charles Glov-

er. They have two adult children, Attorney Candace Glover and Dr. Charles Glover II. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, IncorporatedŽ is America’s first Greek-letter organization founded by African American college women at Howard University in 1908. The sorority cultivates and encourages high scholastic and ethical standards; promotes unity and friendship among college women; alleviates problems concerning girls and women; maintains a progressive interest in college life and serves mankind through a nucleus of more than 200,000 women in the United States, Caribbean, Europe and Africa. During the Founders’ Day Luncheon members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, IncorporatedŽ will celebrate and reflect on their 109 year history, their Founders, and honor 30 members who have achieved their 25, 50 and 75 years of service.

28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade/March 2017 Time: 10:00 A.M. (Parade line-up begins at 8:45am Route: Parade starts on Dairy Road @ Garden Drive (near Embree Park) North on Dairy Road to Highway 66 (Avenue D); West (left) on Highway 66 (Avenue D) to First Street; North (right) on First Street to Highway 66 (Avenue B); West (left) on Highway 66 (Avenue B) to Fifth Street; North (right) on Fifth Street to Austin Street (parade ends 330 North 5th Street) **Celebration continues @ the Granville Arts Center Main Auditorium** To enter the parade and march, a sign MUST be on vehicle or carried with each entry. The parade line up begins at Austin Academy, 1125 Beverly Dr., Garland, 75040. Mail all parade entries to: Attention Gwen Daniels, MLK Events Coordinator, NAACP Garland Unit, PO Box 460944, Garland, TX 75046. For application log on to


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