Garland,Rowlett Mesquite Richardson & E.Dallas
VOL XII ISSUE 9 December 4, 2013
Volume X- Issue 243 August 1-15, 2012 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503
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Volume X- Issue 243 August 1-15, 2012 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00
Something for the entire family!
HealthFest, JWP Math Reading Spelling Game in KidFest, Vendors and MORE!
in the Automobile Building at Fair Park
Saturday December 14 10 am - 7pm Sunday December 15 11am -6pm
but you need a ticket!
Get your tickets to KWANZAAFEST 2013 K104, 105.7 Smooth R&B, Martin Luther King Center and Dallas Urban League
2 DECEMBER 4, 2013 w w w. G A R L A N DJ OU R NA L . com Iota Phi Lambda members volunteer during Feast of Sharing
The Feast of Sharing holiday celebration provided free dinners to over 12,000 people of all ages. The members of Psi Chapter, led by Chapter President Daphne Hornbuckle, the Men of Iota and the Pelatis Auxiliary formed two shifts and continuously served meals for over five hours. The Feast of Sharing was a rewarding experience for all. Central Market prepared the meals to include turkey with all the trimmings, pumpkin pie and ice cream. The festive atmosphere was enhanced by live music by blues singers, jazz bands, marching bands and other entertainers.
Recently, Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc, Psi Chapter members and auxiliaries volunteered to serve dinners for the Feast of Sharing in Dallas, along with hundreds of other volunteers. The diverse crowd of volunteers from across the city united in purpose and demonstrated the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is a national business and professional women’s sorority. Every year Psi Chapter volunteers for community service projects during the months of November and December that include donating toiletries and business attire, making baby caps for a local hospital, serving the less fortunate and working diligently to prepare gifts for prisoners. T:5.5”
Marie Bates, Judy Reeves, Carol Hardy, Dwala Brown, Beverly Moore, Daphne Hornbuckle - Psi Chapter President, back row: Eula Pruitt and Barry Moore
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POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers.
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w w w. G A R L A N DJ OU R NA L . com D E C E M B E R 4 , 2013
Firemen help Garland ISD students fight the cold
It wasn’t a blaze that brought Garland firefighters to Caldwell Elementary School Nov. 15, but rather colder temperatures. “We are here today to distribute 280 coats,” said David Riggs, president of the Garland Firefighters Association. “This is an effort that we have put six months into.” Six months ago, the Garland Firefighters Association partnered with Operation Warm, a national non-profit whose Coats for Kids program provides brand new, American-made winter coats for students across the
country. Enlisting support from local businesses and community members, the Garland Firefighters Association raised $7,000 to fund Caldwell’s donation. Sponsors included Anita Goebel, Chicken Express, Collinsworth Car Care, Donna Harris, Massey Cadillac,, Noon Exchange Club of Garland, Rand Reed’s Prestige Ford and SmArt Pediatric Dentistry. On Nov. 15, firefighters and their sponsors brought the coats to Caldwell, allowing students to choose the size and color that fit best. Each coat was then labeled with its new owner’s name. “We were very fortunate to be the recipients of such a rich project,” commented Principal Zabdi Gonzales. “The students now have warm coats, and every time that we see them, we are going to remember the firefighters.” Beyond warmth, the Garland Firefighters Association believes their donation will inspire higher self-esteem, keep children in school throughout the winter months and also free up tight family resources which can help create a better future. “We hope to grow this program to include another school or two next year, continuing for many years to come,” said Riggs.
Superintendent, teachers pucker up to pig for charity
What would you do to support a friend, colleague or loved one? Garland ISD Superintendent Bob Morrison, along with staff members at Abbett Elementary School, puckered up to a pig Nov. 4. The special smooches were part of a fundraiser for P.E. teacher Kevin Jolicoeur, whose nine month-old son was diagnosed with Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder in August. “It is a rare and terminal disease,” commented Christy Elms, fifth grade teacher and fundraiser coordinator. “The purpose of this event was not only to help with medical expenses. We wanted Gideon to make a difference during his lifetime, to bring people together.” Throughout October, Abbett Elementary teamed up for
Gideon, donating money to nominate a teacher from each grade level to kiss Ellie Mae the pig. Elms also enlisted Morrison, who pledged to pucker up if students and staff raised $5,000. Elms reached out to district schools and the GISD community to make that happen. On Nov. 4, Principal Janine Fields revealed the fundraising total at a school assembly—more than $10,000. She, Morrison and ten teachers then planted one on Ellie Mae. “We love in big ways here,” said Elms. “I hope this money helps the Jolicoeur family at least a little bit. The way they face challenges with faith and positivity is so inspiring.”
Exclusive Air Force simulator stops at North Garland HS
The U.S. Air Force landed at North Garland High School Nov. 6 for an interactive lesson in math, science and technology. Bringing its Rapid Strike simulator, students experienced some of the careers their education at NGHS could lead to. "I grew up in Garland, and there was not much information about the United States Air Force out there at that time," said Technical Sergeant Robert Auten, recruiter and North Garland alumnus. "My main priority as a recruiter is to inform the community of the great career options that are available. I am thrilled to be able to bring such a prestigious event to my home town." Throughout the day, NGHS students embarked on fiveminute missions simulating life downrange. This included an F-22 flight, C-17 cargo drop, CCT ground surveillance, satellite communications and a Reaper missile strike. North Garland was one of only two North Texas locations chosen for this exclusive, national tour. The simulator was also set up at a Cowboys game.
Best Buy donation brings new technology to Lister ES
Lister Elementary School has 5,000 reasons to be thankful this holiday season. The campus received a check for that amount from Best Buy Oct. 29. Garland Best Buy employees earned the donation money through a contest sponsored by Intel. The Score with Intel Core competition invites more than 1,000 stores nationwide to expand sales representatives’ knowledge about Intel technology and the devices they sell. Those who completed the most training sessions won a portion of nearly $300,000 given to 42 schools across the U.S. Garland’s Best Buy took second place in the contest. “Our store did not originally set out to win this, however it just started to snow ball as we started having success,” said General Manager Craig Brown. “As employees completed e-learnings and duels against other stores, we found ourselves at the top of the pack. I feel so excited and satisfied that my employees went above and beyond to help the kids at Lister Elementary.” According to Principal Deborah Wilkerson, Best Buy’s donation of $5,000 will be used to purchase additional technology such as tablet computers. On Oct. 29, Brown and a representative from Intel presented Wilkerson with an oversized check during a staff meeting. The donors were then presented with several thank you cards and posters created by Lister students. “Our goal has always been to help engage the public in using technology in their daily life,” commented Brown. “The fact that this will help Lister purchase additional tablets for the classrooms is very exciting for me and my team at the Garland store. The school is our next door neighbor, and we would like to have a great relationship with its students and staff.”
DECEMBER 4, 2013
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Great Societies Don’t Lie!
Quit Playin’
crafty, cantankerous and crude. What other president has What sets LBJ apart, was invited grown men to continue that he was the consummate a conversation in the bathroom while he’s sitting on the crapper? politician. LBJ possessed the wherewithal But when it came to getting things to make deals with the most done LBJ didn’t take no caca, and wasted little time or energy. unlikely foes. He introduced his vision of the Just imagine a man who spewed “Nigger� as if it was “Great Society� at The University interchangeable with Negro, of Michigan, Ann Arbor. reap, and as it pertains to civil then reverse terrain and use it to “The challenge of the next rights and a better society, the secure the right to vote and some half century is whether we have man who reaped JFK’s harvest semblance of equality for those the wisdom to use that wealth to was Lyndon Baines Johnson, same “unfortunates.� enrich and elevate our national arguably the greatest life, and to advance the president ever. quality of our American I know that my civilization. assessment is debatable. Your imagination, Abraham Lincoln your initiative, and your supposedly freed the indignation will determine slaves. Franklin Delano whether we build a society Roosevelt had a “New where progress is the Deal� that created jobs servant of our needs, or a and security. society where old values Ronald Reagan and new visions are buried President Lyndon Johnson President Barack Obama revived the belief under unbridled growth. that “White is right,� For in your time we have resurrected the the opportunity to move Conservative movement and It may sound harsh, but the not only toward the rich society resuscitated that “John Wayne� harsh reality is that LBJ spoke and the powerful society, but myth. However, as it pertains to in contextual certainty and not in upward to the Great Society. presidents, no one has been any scripted sound-bites. The Great Society rests on more historically significant as LBJ was loud, intimidating, abundance and liberty for all. It LBJ.
Vincent L. Hall No matter how little or big, white lies usually provide cover for dark secrets. President Barack Obama is being excoriated for his little white lie on Obamacare, but the dark secret is that 50 million Americans have no health care at all. Obama didn’t actually lie. He made a generalization and any statistician would casually exclude 1.5% as an outlying factor. The end result though, has been catastrophic to his integrity. America is now past its 50th annual reflection of the fallen Prince of Camelot, John F. Kennedy. It would do well for Obama to fast forward to the president who came after him. The scriptures says that there are some who sew for others who
EDITORIAL demands an end to poverty and racial injustice, to which we are totally committed in our time. But that is just the beginning. The Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents. It is a place where leisure is a welcome chance to build and reflect, not a feared cause of boredom and restlessness.â€? President Obama finally realizes that being half White negates his ability to tell a white lie. The truth and the admonishment that LBJ delivered six months after the JFK assassination is a great place to start his rehab. President Obama ‌ Fight against poverty and forget the rest. Tell the truth and reveal the white lies that mask America’s dark secrets. Obamacare was a great start; now deal with public education, deplorable wages, a sagging infrastructure and immigration. Wall Street is only eight blocks and 0.7 miles. Spend the next three years making the rest of this continent a “Great Society.â€?
Sen. Dan Patrick Graduation plans, curriculum, and testing in our state's public schools has been the source of hotly contested debates in the capitol and across Texas. For years, students have followed an education system to prepare them for a four-year
JOURNAL Established 2002 An I Messenger Enterprises
university track. We have seen progress in this area and increased the rate of students going on to universities. The problem has been that we have neglected the hundreds of thousands of students who have no desire to attend college and drop out of school as a result. What's more, we have neglected the hundreds of thousands of businesses that desperately need new skilled trade workers entering the workforce. Jobs for Texas, a coalition of 21 industry trade organizations representing over 300,000 Texas employers was organized in response to this growing shortage of skilled laborers. Superintendents, teachers, and parents joined this effort to expand graduation options and reduce testing. Legislators in the Senate and the House heard the call loud
CHERYL SMITH Publisher BECKY LEWIS Executive Assistant to the Publisher JAMILLE BRADFIELD Entertainment Critic
and clear and took action to pass HB 5, which establishes a foundation graduation plan and five endorsements that students can choose. These new pathways will enable students to work with their parents and counselors to design a graduation path that focuses on their skills and talents and better prepare them for college and careers. The collaboration and unified effort behind this legislation was unprecedented. Unfortunately, much of the focus on this groundbreaking legislation has revolved around a single course: Algebra II. Since the beginning of this discussion, we have been accused of "dumbing down" education, and "reducing rigor," largely because the legislation does not require every student to take Algebra II.
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No one in the Legislature or in the education and business communities has ever sought to "dumb down" our education system. Instead, we have always sought to expand options for students. The Legislature directed the SBOE to adopt additional rigorous math courses as options for students to take based upon their individual goals and talents, particularly in career and technology courses. More rigorous course options will provide opportunities for all 5 million public school students and prepare students for both college and career. Research backs this up. State and national data shows students who take a sequence of career and technology courses are far less likely to drop out of school and are more likely to go into college. Other national math experts
show the importance of students learning Algebra I and Geometry in depth, and then building on that foundation with additional math courses. Algebra II is simply not necessary for every student to advance in their education. We all have the same goals, to provide rigor and relevance for all 5 million students in our public schools. Most students will continue to take Algebra II, as well as other traditional courses. But by providing additional new courses with both rigor and relevance in school, as well as multiple graduation pathways, we will lower the dropout rate, have the workers needed for the future, and give more students an opportunity to live the American Dream.
CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no AT .EWSSTANDS IN !VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDS IN fearing!VAILABLE person, no person, the Black Press strives to WWW.GARLANDJOURNAL.COM Garland,Rowlett Garland,Rowlett help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt 214-941-0110 as long as anyone isMesquite held back. Mesquite
PHYSICAL ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203
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& E.Dallas The Garland Journal is published by I Messenger Enterprises, LLC., P.O. Box 8085, Fort Worth, TX 76124. The Garland Journal reserves all rights and privileges to accept or refuse any submissions to be printed in any & issueE.Dallas of the publication. Views and opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or our advertisers. The Garland Journal will, once notified, correct any error in the next issue. The Garland Journal is published bi-monthly (1st and 16th of each month). Letters to the Editor are welcomed and encouraged but only signed letters will be published. All Ad submissions are due 3 days before publication date. The Garland Journal assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material Any use or reproduction in part or whole is forbidden without the express written consent of the publisher. Annual mail subscription rates are $60 for 12 months and $25 for digital subscriptions.
Issue 2431stAugust 1st & 15th Garland, Each Month Garland, Texas (972) 926-8503 Fax (903)$45.00 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00 Volume X- Issue 243 August 1-15,Volume 2012 X-Published & 15th1-15, Each2012 Month Published Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903)Phone 450-1397 1 Year Subscription
w w w. G A R L A N DJ OU R NA L . com D E C E M B E R 4 , 2013
Three Zeros Every day is World AIDS Day By Cheryl Smith
On Rae Lewis Thornton’s Facebook page, she wrote of her 30 years since being diagnosed HIV positive and the 20 years since her AIDS diagnosis. I first became acquainted with Rae when she appeared on the front cover of Essence Cheryl Smith Magazine. She was one of the first HIV positive subjects appearing in print and telling her story. Over the years I have interviewed her several times and I have always enjoyed her candor and commitment to sharing her story, as well as how her life continues to change because of the disease and the prescribed regimen that keeps her alive. She shares this information in hopes that others won’t find themselves in the same predicament. Unfortunately, especially in America’s African/Black communities, we have not managed to get a handle on this disease that continues to wreak havoc in the lives of all ages. Clearly many are not using condoms. Just look at the number of pregnancies among unmarried and not-ready-forparenthood females. Could Rae Lewis Thornton you even begin to imagine what the statistics would look like if those pregnancies were all HIV diagnoses? Frightening! Djibril Diallo is the Senior Adviser to the Executive Director of UNAIDS at United Nations. According to Dr. Diallo, 2300 young people are infected with HIV every 24 hours and many do not know their status. “That is unconscionable, that is unacceptable,” he said. “Together, we will take all necessary action to Dr. Djibril Diallo bring about the three Zeros---Zero new HIV infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS-related deaths.” What a noble cause. There are so many agencies providing information and resources, still; however, we are dealing with
new cases, discriminatory practices and yes, deaths! In a commentary, Earvin “Magic” Johnson focused on the importance of knowing your status, and he wrote, “Still, it’s up to each of you to also do your part – get tested and learn your results. Isn’t it time that we agree that enough is enough? Let’s bring attention back to this growing crisis and empower our community to take a stand and fight back. Let’s increase our collective efforts to work together, share our stories and fight this disease. We have the opportunity to save lives.” Stressing the importance of being tested, Texas State Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) wrote: There is the stigma that silently pervades our community. The echoes of prejudices of the 80s, when this virus was new and more frightening than ever, still hold sway in our predominantly black neighborhoods. Many of us hold onto the belief that HIV and AIDS only affect gay men, men on the ‘down low.’ Many of us still want to believe that if you just ‘act right,’ you don’t need to worry about being infected. AIDS is now the leading cause of death among black women aged 25 to 34. These are not women of ‘ill repute;’ more often than not they are our friends, sisters, and mothers.” There are numerous organizations, churches and institutions around the world, working to eradicate AIDS. While in Senegal, a delegation, led by Dr. Diallo visited an AIDS clinic where we learned of aggressive steps to deal with HIV/AIDS. As yet another World AIDS Day came and went on December 1; it is imperative that we make every day one where we focus on those three zeros. AIDS is on a long list of ills that we must Earvin Johnson intensify our efforts and turn around the health conditions in our communities. Silence is not the answer. Dr. Diallo travels the world spreading an important message. Rae and Magic have shared their lives with us in hopes that we won’t have to endure what they live with daily. Learn from their lessons!
TOGETHER WE WILL END AIDS Get tested at KwanzaaFest December 14 and 15 at Fair Park
Spiritually Speaking
Courage is a Combo Buy
By James A. Washington
I believe discipline and
confidence are spiritual tools to be used as such. Discipline is an amazing thing as it takes a fair amount discipline to have and maintain one’s faith. Coupled with confidence and interpreted as Godly, the two are tools to be used to walk the walk and talk the talk. I believe when this is understood, internal power is the result; not ego or pride but knowledge and assurance. The example I’d like to use are those saints who were in the Upper Room, when the Holy Spirit came upon them in the form of “tongues of fire.” The result was a newfound power of discipline and confidence. They already had faith, but after this they also had the power and grace necessary to spread the Word of God throughout the world. When you think about this in terms of before and after, it can only be the result of sanctified confidence and discipline. Prior to this moment, the faithful were huddled in secret, being … well being faithful to the belief that what Jesus told them was true. God would send another. The ‘Other’ turned out to be the Holy Spirit who imbued them with a discipline and confidence so powerful, it changed the world. The ability to communicate aside, scripture illustrates that through the Holy Spirit, discipline combined with confidence gives us the power to stand and deliver testimony that withstands undermining by an envious world. Accepting and utilizing these tools allow us to be unable to deny God in favor of man’s laws. Like Peter and John said before the Sanhedrin after the day of Pentecost, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than
God; for we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:19-20. The operative phrase here is “cannot help speaking out.” This is the same Peter who denied Jesus three times; an act of cowardice, or a man bereft of confidence and discipline. I guess what I’m trying to say is when all is said and done, you’re supposed to speak about what God has done for you. Did I say speak? I meant shout. “When they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31. You remember Paul at Ephesus? “When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.” Acts 19:6. My point is faith based discipline and spiritual confidence that is powered by the Holy Spirit can be quite liberating; even in the face of public criticism, which for most of us is really private criticism from friends and family. It is positive and powerful. It is fortifying this courage we receive via the Holy Spirit. Some call it being set apart. It is not always understood by those closest to us and lets us stand up as Christians in the face of adversity, temptation and yes, criticism of the worst kind. Yes we will all fail more than we’d like but, we all have the infrastructure to shore up those weak spots because we know they exist. Finally let me make myself perfectly clear. I believe the discipline coupled with the confidence that I seek, will be found when the Holy Spirit takes up permanent residence in my heart and soul. It is my desire and my fo rever quest. I wish for discipline and I pray for confidence. I anticipate I will be rewarded for this ultimately. I pray the same for you and when it does happen as always, May God bless and keep you.
DECEMBER 4, 2013
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Lung Cancer and African Americans: Questions and Answers By the National Cancer Institute BETHESDA, Md., -- Editor’s Note: The following article is part of the monthly Lifelines education and awareness print series that the National Cancer Institute provides to African American news and information outlets.
November was Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer deaths among African American men for decades and among African American women since the early 1990s. Christopher S. Lathan, MD, of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, who treats patients with the disease, discusses lung cancer among African Americans. Does lung cancer affect African American men more than other groups? Of all ethnic/racial and gender groups in the United States, African American men are the most likely to develop lung cancer and also to die from the disease. We don’t know why that is. Smoking alone cannot explain the high incidence and mortality from the disease in African American men. What causes lung cancer? The main risk factor for lung cancer is tobacco use. However, smoking does not explain all cases of the disease. About 15 percent of cases occur in nonsmokers. More research is needed to understand the role of risk factors other than smoking. Is lung cancer always fatal? No. When detected at an early stage, lung cancer can be cured by surgery and other treatments. Unfortunately, the disease is frequently found at more advanced stages, when it cannot be cured. This is a tough disease to treat—we’re curing only about 15 percent of people with lung cancer. Do beliefs about lung cancer differ among different racial and ethnic groups? My research suggests that African Americans are less likely than whites to think that changing their behavior or lifestyle would decrease their risk of developing lung cancer. This concerns me because getting people to quit smoking is critical for making progress against this disease.
KWANZAAFEST 2013 Automobile Building in Fair Park December 14 and 15
What should the public know about smoking and lung cancer? We stress two messages. First, if you smoke, the best thing you can do for your overall health is to stop. You don’t have to quit on your own—help is available (such as the toll-free quitline 1-877-44U-QUIT). Second, if you smoke now or in the past, talk to your doctor about whether you should be screened for lung cancer based on your age and smoking history. What do you hear about the disease from your patients? Many African Americans in my clinics tell me that they never thought lung cancer would affect them or their community, even though the disease clearly has a large impact on their community. I also hear people say that there are no treatments for lung cancer, yet treatments are available. Have treatments for lung cancer expanded in recent years?
We now live in an age of personalized medicine. We can identify subgroups of patients with lung cancer who are likely to respond to new treatments. These new therapies are often better at controlling cancer and have fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy. Are you optimistic about our ability to combat lung cancer in the future? I am. In the future, we’re going to detect more lung cancers at earlier stages, when they may be treatable. We’re also making progress in treating lung cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. And, finally, fewer people smoke today than in the past. All of these things make me hopeful that things are going to get better with this disease. We just have a ways to go. NCI leads the National Cancer Program and the NIH effort to dramatically reduce the burden of cancer and improve the lives of cancer patients and their families, through research into prevention and cancer biology, the development of new interventions, and the training and mentoring of new researchers. For more information about cancer, please visit the NCI web site at or call NCI’s Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237). More articles and videos in the culturally relevant Lifelines series are available at I-635, Exit 4 1818 Rodeo Drive, Mesquite, TX 972-285-8777 By texting in you consent to receive up to 4 additional offers per month. Consent is not required to purchase. Standard Txt message and data rates may apply. Reply STOP to End.
  AND ANOTHER ONE FREE STAN "RILEY HAS THE 3 &IRST 3TREET 3OUTHWOOD 'ARLAND 48 BLOCK OF &LAGSTONE $RIVE RAIN GUTTE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS each campus in action. During a recent interview, Dr. Day “If they can’t see to do the work, !LSO SINCE A (EALTH $ ,IMIT ACTIVITY Mariachi NEAR SouthOUTDOOR Garland’s talked about how vision problems they can’t do the work,� said Dr. Day. Estrellas, Southern Belles, PROPERTIE TOTAL OF HUMAN CASES OF THE DAWN AND DUSK 7HEN OUT need to be addressed early and he “l’ve seen so many kids over the marching band, team, NEGLECTED 7EST .ILE 6IRUS HAVE BEEN DOORS DURING PEAKfootball MOSQUITO shared information about the Clicks years, their grades have skyrocketed. cheerleaders and Sentrieswere REPORTED IN THE AREA ACTIVITY
CONSIDER all featured live WEARING on the Vive OR THAT CO for Kids Program where VSP Vision Kids don’t know that they are 2ICHARD "RILEY -ANAGING LONG PANTS AND LONG SLEEVE
La MaĂąana morning show Oct. WATER BO Care and the national charity Big supposed to see a certain way, so its $IRECTOR OFhigh (EALTH AND has #O the LOOSE lTTING 10. The station then returned to h4HE V Which school SHIRTS 4REAT Brothers Big Sisters partnered to very important to get them tested.â€? experience anWITH SGHS pep rally IN .ORTH most spirit FOR in North Texas? EXPOSED #OMPLIANCE THE #ITY SKIN A REPEL donate 25,000 gift certificates for eye And VSP does a whole lot more, Spanish television station Oct. 18. OF 'ARLAND HAS SOME REC HAVE TO B CONTAINS THE ACTIVE exams and glasses. said Dr. Day. Through its global Univision held a contest this LENT THAT After visiting the OMMENDATIONS FOR RESIDENTS PROTECT O INGREDIENT $%%4 !LWAYS “It’s a great program where you charity platform, VSP has provided fall to answer that question. On competition at Irving, Moises "RILEY Nov. 1, South Garland High E. Molina and South Hills high go to the website, Seemuchmore. almost $155 million in free eye care School was named the 2013 En schools, Univision enlisted its WAS lRST com, and you click and put in your and eyewear for more than 825,000 Tu Prepa winner. community to help choose a S IN zip code...â€? he explained, adding that adults and children. “I have been in education winner through an online poll. !ND EVER “There was a tremendous outpouring Dr. Day is passionate about his for more than 20 years, and With more than 2,700 votes, (Week-end And Evening Appointments Available) of support from people in this area.â€? work. He received his Doctor I have never been a part of SGHS was named this year’s IT HAS BEE (972) 516-4910 1201 E.received Parker, Suite 103 The Dallas area actually of Optometry degree from the such a tradition-rich school champion. Curtis, along with WAY IN . with so much spirit,â€? said new two students and Hispanic Plano, TX 75074 Fax (972) 516-1950 the highest numbers of clicks in University of Houston College of SGHS Principal Tracy Curtis. Liaison Joe Garcia, received &OR MO Serving the community since 1979 the country and almost 350 gift Optometry in 1975, his Therapeutic “Our students take this very a commemorative megaphone certificates were provided to area license in 1992, and his Optometric seriously. There was no way live on Vive La MaĂąanaNov. children, he acknowledged proudly. Glaucoma Specialist license in 2001. they were going to let another 1. Univision also hosted a celebratory tailgate party for school beat them.â€? The children will benefit SGHS that same day. View Launching its contest in S. 2nd Ave. Garland, Texas significantly from the exam and Find out more about VSP at www. October, 205Univisionvisited video and pictures from the To Schedule Appointments call (972) 272-0111 event. glasses, if needed, he said. four high schools to capture
Local kids can see better, thanks to VSP and BB/BS BY A.S. Walton I Messenger According to recent studies, 15 million children go back to school each year with undiagnosed vision problems. Educators and doctors agree that poor vision can lead to other problems in the classroom. “It is important that children get their eyes examined,� said Dr. Bob Day, a long-time resident of Garland and OD with VSP Vision Care, the largest not-for-profit vision care provider in the United States.
South Garland HS wins area-wide spirit contest
George Acquaye, D.D.S.
Betty Anderson
Myrtle Jones
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August 1-15, 2012
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We are looking for order pullers, loaders & unloaders for Terrell, TX. Taking applications 9:00am - 12:00pm Tuesday-Friday. Please apply in person @ Action Logistics 301 E. Apache Trail, Terrell, TX 75160
DECEMBER 4, 2013
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NNPA Chairman blasts NFL for almost a Slave Mentality
By Hazel Trice Edney Trice The chairman of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, a federation of more than 200 Black-owned newspapers, says the Washington Redskins’ team – under fire from a Richmond, Va. publisher – is in sync with the entire National Football League in its apparent oppressive treatment of Black businesses and consumers. “It’s almost a slave mentality. They put us on the field and we entertain the master but we’re not reaping any benefits from the business side of it,” Cloves Campbell says. “It’s not just the Redskins. If you look around the country, the NFL as a whole pretty much neglects Black businesses and the Black community,” said Campbell, publisher of the Arizona Informant Newspaper. He continued, “Here in Arizona, our Arizona Cardinals does zero with the Black community. Every now and then they might show up for a token Black event. But, I don’t see our African-American newspaper here in Phoenix or in Arizona being supported by the Arizona Cardinals. I believe if you called other newspapers that have [teams] in their markets, I don’t believe they’re doing much for them either. I believe the NFL as a whole takes the Black community for granted although we are their major product on the field.” Campbell was responding to questions pertaining to a conflict between NNPA member Ray Boone, editor/publisher of the award-winning Richmond Free Press, and the Richmond-based
Washington Redskins Training Camp, which is partially owned by Bon Secours Health System. In a letter to NAACP Chairman Roslyn Brock and CC’d to Campbell, Boone states that the team contracted no business with Black-owned or locally owned businesses at its first Richmond training camp between July 25 and August 16. That includes the failure to advertise in the Black-owned Richmond Free Press while advertising with the White-owned conservative daily, the Richmond Times Dispatch which has a history of pro-segregation leadership. The conflict is steeped in an ageold battle constantly waged by Black newspapers, which are historic targets for advertising discrimination. While Bon Secours placed paid advertisements for the training camp in the Times Dispatch, the Free Press was sent press releases, Boone said in an interview. Brock, who has served as NAACP chair since 2010, is vice president for advocacy and government relations for the Bon Secours Health System, Inc., in Marriottsville, Md. Boone believes her corporate position has caused her to compromise her stance for economic justice in the Richmond case. “Bon Secours, along with Mayor Dwight C. Jones and the Washington team, blatantly denied, contrary to the Mayor’s pledge, black businesses and other local businesses the opportunity to receive vendor contracts inside the training camp,” Boone wrote in a Sept. 27 letter to Brock. “Characteristic of Richmond government and big businesses, this Bon Secours
Cloves Campbell - NNPA Chairman decision disgracefully enhanced Richmond’s shameful reputation as ‘The Capital of Poverty,’ with 25 percent of Richmond’s population suffering in poverty.” When Brock had not responded to his letter for more than a month, Boone followed up with a Nov. 1 email pointing out, “This raises the unavoidable question of whether Bon Secours is restricting you from living up to your responsibility to honor the NAACP mission?” He continued, “In the interest of fairness and the image of the NAACP, I respectfully suggest that you break your silence.” Brock responded to Boone by email that same day, stating, “The matter you reference in your letter is local in nature and should be handled directly by the Richmond Branch NAACP and Salim Khalfani at the Virginia State Conference NAACP. I have forwarded your correspondence to them and shared the information with the leadership of Bon Secours Health System in Richmond.” In an email, responding to a question from the Trice Edney
News Wire this week, Brock said that she had not publically commented on Boone’s complaint because it is a local issue. Brock’s email said she had “also discussed the matter in detail with” Campbell, who is serving his second term as NNPA chairman. At a Sept. 17 reception in D.C., Campbell, Boone and other NNPA publishers praised Brock for her leadership and gave her an award for social justice. While Campbell verbally blistered the NFL, including the Redskins, he balanced his response by saying he agrees with Brock that the issue in Boone’s case is local since the economic decisions appear to have been made by the mayor and Bon Secours’ Richmond entities. “At the end of the day, I think [the criticism of her] is unfair just because she works for Bon Secours. That’s her day job. We all volunteer at some time with the NAACP,” Campbell says, referring to Brock’s volunteer chairmanship. “While we want to see Mr. Boone and his publication get what it deserves and more so; that is definitely a local issue.” Boone, who recently announced he has stopped using the term “Redskins” in the Richmond Free Press because it is “racist”, argues that the Redskins’ and Bon Secours’ exclusion of Black businesses underscores and illustrates the team’s mentality under the controversial name, which is receiving growing national pressure for change. In her email to the Trice Edney News Wire, Brock also clarified that the NAACP has long stood against the Redskins name because of its roots in racism.
“The NAACP passed a resolution more than ten years ago against racial slurs being used as mascots. In the last few months the NAACP signed on letters with the Oneida Tribe, based in Washington and the National Coalition on American Tribes especially in support of their efforts to change the Redskins name,” she wrote. Neither Mayor Dwight C. Jones; nor Virginia NAACP President King Salim Khalfani could be reached for comment by deadline. Bon Secours representatives did not return repeated phone calls. Meanwhile, Boone, a recipient of the State NAACP’s Oliver W. Hill Freedom Fighter Award, remains focused on his quest for economic justice, promising Brock “fairness and balance” in upcoming coverage of her leadership positions with the NAACP and Bon Secours. Such economic battles have been hard fought in Richmond and in Black and grassroots communities across the nation. Former Richmond City Councilman Chuck Richardson, known for his historic advocacy for Black businesses and contractors, recalls researching Washington Redskins’ racism as far back as 1961. That’s when he wrote a research paper in junior high school about the team and how the Redskins was “the last professional football team to allow Blacks to play for them,” he said in an interview. “This harkens back to that painful time. It hurt then and I would have thought that a greater degree of change might have occurred, but the mentality still exists. It seems so much has changed and yet so much remains the same.”
Rowlett High School hosts school from across the pond Bringing two worlds together under one roof, Rowlett High School hosted German exchange students for three weeks in October and November. This marks the third partnership between RHS and FürstenbergGymnasium, a school for grades 5-12 in Germany. Both belong to the German American Partnership Program. RHS teacher Kristeane Benavides applied in 2010 to give her students experiences they could not receive in the classroom. “I wanted them to experience what it was like to truly be in another culture, mastering the
language through immersion,” she said. “You just cannot learn dayto-day activities, subtle differences in culture and family life from a book.” After applying, RHS was immediately partnered with FürstenbergGymnasium, which had been waiting three years to connect with an American school. The first exchange took place in 2012, with a group of German students traveling to Rowlett. Garland ISD students then visited Germany this summer. “We were there June 10-July 2,” commented Benavides. “It was thrilling to give my students the
same exchange opportunity I had in high school. The ones I brought with me had been in my German classes for 2-3 years.” RHS students lived with Fürstenberg-Gymnasium families while overseas. They also explored the country’s tourist, historical
and educational sites. Paying it forward this fall, Rowlett High School once again hosted the German campus. Six students and two teachers traveled to Texas Oct. 18Nov. 8. During their visit, they lived with Rowlett families, attended RHS
classes and experienced several Lone Star State staples, including Austin, Houston, San Antonio, a Dallas Cowboys game and the State Fair. Students from both sides of the pond were paired together based on personalities. “I had two of the girls staying with me,” said RHS junior Brittany Leuschner. “It is great to get to meet new people and stay in touch. I now have friends to visit if I go to Germany.” “This trip has made me consider moving to America to continue my studies after graduation,” added her overseas peer,
Patrick Teubert. Upon returning home to Fürstenberg-Gymnasium, Teubert and his classmates will complete a project recapping what they learned in the U.S. They will, no doubt, also share their experiences with family and friends. “Everything is much bigger in America— schools, cars, food,” commented Maria Behringer. “Our project will focus on immigration, so it was interesting to see the different communities represented across the state,” added Rebecca Fronius.
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Call our station at: 469-245-3604
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Wed. Family Prayer 7:30-8:30 pm Fri. Worship 7:30 CHAPTER IN EVERY MAJOR CITY Fri. Worship 7:30 WHICH IS CALLING FOR MIL d the winds and little faith. Then he arose and rebuked the winds and Founder, Elder Wesley Pierce & 1st Lady Annette Pierce ked the winds ACROSS THIS COUNTRY BUT SOME LION PEOPLE TO SIMPLY Founder, Elder SIGNWesley UP Pierce & 1st Lady Annette Pierce the sea; and there he arose and rebuked the winds alm. But the HEADS OF CHURCHES ARE TOO and the sea; and there was a great calm. But the 3620 Washington Street Greenville , TX ON ITS WEBSITE IN 3620 AN EFFORT of man is this, 1013 S. Greenville Ave. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 972-644-2335â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Richardson, Texas 75081 Washington Street Greenville , TX men Time marveled, saying, what mannerPrayer of man is this, *:')
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FOLKS TO BEGIN A COLLECTIVE 8:23-27) e the disciples; we **Nursery & Transportation available* HAD THE -OVE !h us. Are maybe For Thought: Sometimes we are like the disciples; we EFFORT TO INFORM AND EDUCATE donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t recognize who is in the ship with Are maybe The believer Genesis of us. Praise MENT THE .ATIONALIST "LACK AND TO START SUPPORT AND we forget who is inChildrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the ship with us. The~believer pISIT! with him at all Worship ages 4-11 ,EADERSHIP #OALITION
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AND EVEN A 0LEASE LET S REVERSE than once to get him to obey.
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rns you. (Matthew anymore. (Matthew 6:25-34) When you are absolutely ~ Ser convinced you will give it tovice God;Times: you will~learn to Sunday Sc66 hool 9:45amTX 75040 1233 State Hwy. Garland, rest and trust God with all that concerns (Matthew Audrey Jackson - Stylist Mor ning Chris Wafer - you. Master Barber Worship 11:00am 972.276.5218 11:28-30) Corey Thompson Barber/Stylist Ronnie Smith Stylist Prayer Meeting/Bible Lesson (Wed.) 6:45pm land Journal Youth/Choir/Usher/Mission/â&#x20AC;?We Care Ministriesâ&#x20AC;? Damon Batiste - Master Barber 3 or email her at Churc h office #903.455.9841 You can write to Ruby Grant at c/o Garland Journal News, PO Box 24, Greenville, TX 75403 or email her at The Kuumba Heritage News 1-15, 2012 (
From Page 2
August 1-15, 2012
Page 7
4 ! "
- Service Times: Sunday School am TIMOTHY RAY10:00 BROWN REACTS TO Morning Worship 11:00am Prayer Meeting/Bible Lesson (Wed.) 7:00pm BREAKING NEWS TWO MORE Youth/Choir/Usher/Mission/â&#x20AC;?We CareTHAT Ministriesâ&#x20AC;? #903.455.9841 visit on theChurch web at:office MEN HOPEFULLY CURED OF AIDS Page 5News The Kuumba Heritage
~ Ser vice Times: ~ Sunday Sc hool 9:45am Mor ning Worship 11:00am Prayer Meeting/Bible Lesson (Wed.) 6:45pm Youth/Choir/Usher/Mission/â&#x20AC;?We Care Ministriesâ&#x20AC;? Churc h office #903.455.9841
Garland Journal News Page 4 August 1-15, 2012 August 1-15, 2012 7!3().'4/. $ # n
DECEMBER 4, 2013
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w w w. G A R L A N DJ OU R NA L . com D E C E M B E R 4 , 2013
Life imitates art as Fast & Furious star Paul Walker dies in fiery car crash
By Jamille Bradfield Entertainment Critic
Paul Walker, the actor best known for his role as Brian O’Conner in the popular action movie franchise, FAST & FURIOUS, died on Saturday, November 30, 2013, along with his friend, race car driver Roger Rodas, in a fiery car crash in Santa Clarita, California, about 30 miles north of Hollywood. According to eyewitness accounts, the two were attending a charity event hosted by Walker’s organization, Reach Out WorldWide, to benefit the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, when they left the event in a Porsche GT. The car later crashed into a light pole on Hercules Street and burst into flames with the two men inside. Rodas was believed to be driving at the time of the fatal wreck with Walker riding in the passenger’s seat. The talented actor, who amille just turned 40 in September, Bradfield has appeared in several feature
Paul Walker and Roger Rodas, killed in crash on November 30, 2013.
Firemen extinguish flames at crash site
films outside of the FAST & FURIOUS franchise, including PLEASANTVILLE, VARSITY BLUES, SHE’S ALL THAT, THE SKULLS, JOY RIDE, INTO THE BLUE, EIGHT BELOW and TAKERS. He began acting as a child in commercials and then graduated to appearances on a variety of television shows before taking his acting shops to the big screen. A lesser-known fact about the Glendale, California, native is
a network of professionals with first responder skill-sets who are available to serve when disasters strike. Walker’s friend, Roger Rodas was a team captain and owner of Always Evolving, a dealer of high-end luxury and sports cars, performance and service shop, and race team. Rodas, 38, who was known for racing Porsche Cup Cars, had recently stepped into the new 2013 Ford Racing Boss 302s
amille Bradfield By Jamille Bradfield
amille Bradfield
CATCHING FIRE is the second installment based on Suzanne Collins’ fictional trilogy, THE HUNGER GAMES. Directed by Francis Lawrence and written by Simon Beaufoy and Michael Arndt (screenplay), THE HUNGER GAMES CATCHING FIRE picks up where the first film left off, with District 12 tributes Katniss Everdeen (Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) back home fresh off of their 74th Annual Hunger Games win. It’s not long after they are back home
that in addition to being a reallife car enthusiast, Walker also studied marine biology and had a particular interest in sharks evident by his appearance on the Discovery Channel’s “Spawn of Jaws” special during Shark Week this past summer. He was also committed to charity work and founded Reach Out WorldWide after a trip to Haiti in 2010 following the devastating earthquake inspired Walker to fill an unmet need for
Mustang. Walker is survived by his parents, four siblings and his 15-year-old daughter. Rodas is reportedly survived by his wife and two children. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the crash and thus far has said speed was a factor in the wreck that claimed the two men’s lives. For more information about Reach Out WorldWide, visit
THE HUNGER GAMES CATCHING FIRE An entertaining adventure! Four reels
with their family and friends that they have to leave again, this time on the customary “Victor’s Tour,” where they visit the citizens in what’s left of the dystopian world that is Panem, formerly known as North America. Sounds harmless enough except for one problem…the Capitol’s fearless leader, President Snow (Golden Globe winner Donald Sutherland) worries that there is a rebellion brewing in the districts as a result of Katniss and Peeta’s victory. So, as if fighting to the death once was not sufficient, the Tribute darlings of District 12 are thrown a major monkey wrench in their plans when President Snow announces the 75th Annual Hunger Games as the third Quarter Quell – a special edition of the Hunger Games that only occurs every 25 years and requires the most recent victor(s) to compete against extremely skilled past victors of the Games. Naturally, Katniss meets this news with a ‘you-gotta-be-kidding-me’ reaction, considering she just finished a brutal round of the infamous Games. An ever-present subplot is the pseudo love-triangle between Katniss, Peeta and Gale, portrayed by the dreamy, Liam Hemsworth. The relationship is categorized as “artificial” because Katniss and Peeta are forced to convince the people of the districts that they are genuinely in love as a distraction to snuff out the spark of an uprising. However, Katniss really loves Gale, her romantic interest back home, but the more
she has to pretend to be in love with Peeta, the more her feelings grow for her fellow Tribute/survivor. Armed with their trusty Hunger Games dream team including previous victor and mentor, Haymitch Abernathy (Emmy winner Woody Harrelson), over-thetop escort, Effie (Elizabeth Banks) and brilliant personal stylist, Cinna (Lenny Kravitz), Katniss and Peeta prepare for the Quarter Quell. Also reprising his role as the flamboyant host of the televised Games is Oscar nominee Stanley Tucci as Caesar Flickerman. Joining the cast in the sequel are Golden Globe winner Jeffrey Wright as Beetee, a Quarter Quell competitor who is an electronics and wiring expert, and Oscar winner Phillip Seymour Hoffman as
Plutarch Heavensbee, the new head game maker. As sequels go in the action/adventure genre, THE HUNGER GAMES CATCHING FIRE does not disappoint. It is chock-full of adrenaline and gripping scenes. The arena is a step above the arena setting in the original film and the battle to be the lone survivor is thrilling. Die-hard fans of THE HUNGER GAMES novels will be thoroughly entertained with this latest feature film adaptation. Rated PG-13 (for intense thematic violent material and disturbing images — all involving teens), THE HUNGER GAMES CATCHING FIRE has a running time of two hours and 26 minutes.
DECEMBER 4, 2013
Ask Alma! Our sister didn’t tell us our father had died Dear Alma, I have a terrible problem concerning my dad. My mother and father were married for more than 50 years and had four children – three girls and a son – all now grown. We all work full-time jobs and live in different states. Only one – a sister – lives near my parents. She is not married and has no children. I recently called to wish my father a happy birthday, and my sister informed me that he was dead. She said she and my mother had him cremated and held a closed ceremony. She said that if the rest of us had called to check on him more frequently we would have known. We are all shocked, and some have vowed to never speak to her again. My dad had been sick for a while, and I know she felt that we all should have done more to help him and my mom. Still, she had no right not to tell us about his death. Neither did my mother, but she’s old and suffering with mild dementia. What should I do? Signed, Heartbroken Dear Heartbroken, My condolences to you and your family. Heaven help me, because I don’t know what to say next. When I read your email, I was completely stunned, so I read it again and again, and my brain wouldn’t take me to the next thought. I cannot imagine how you feel. Growing up, I often heard my mother say “death brings out the worst in families.” I had no idea what she meant, but as I’ve gotten older, the meaning has become clearer.
w w w. G A R L A N DJ OU R NA L . com At this stage of my life, I have lost According to the American Lung my big sister, Kim, my father and my Association, more than 25.9 million mother. As I continue this life’s journey, Americans have asthma including 7.1 I have accepted that parts of my heart million children. Of those children, will be forever broken. I thank God every more than 4.1 million had an asthma day for my husband, son, stepsisters, attack within the year. aunts, nieces, nephew, many cousins and BFFs. But there’s something special Daydrick Norris, a registered nurse about immediate family – the people you and caseworker, was a medic serving grew up with. They know you better than ambulances, emergency rooms, and fire anybody else, and they love you anyway. departments for 12 years. Shammara The term “Life is short” means so much Norris was a respiratory therapist more to me now. I suspect many of my Positive Breathing, a community specializing in adult care, who changed readers can relate. health organization focused on her focused to children in 2007. I say all of this to let you know that I’m addressing the needs of asthma patients, familiar with the valley you have entered. I has launched a fundraising campaign One of their biggest concerns is occupy a condo there. The loss of a parent to secure $25,000 needed to transform asthma medication containing heavy is piercingly painful. Until it happens to a charter bus into a mobile clinic to amounts of steroids. When given you, you just don’t get it. No matter how bring services directly to children constantly to children, these drugs can old you are, how old your parents are, or with asthma. Actor Marc Anthony lead to weight gain and increase the how hard you try, you can’t prepare for it, Samuel of ABC television’s General risk of diabetes. Positive Breathing and you’re never ready for it. Hospital has joined the campaign and hopes the mobile clinic will help Let’s talk about your sister for a minute. will star in a series of public service monitor these health issues and others. I understand the position she held as the announcements. lone caregiver. That was me, too. It’s “The mobile more work than anyone can imagine or Founded in clinic will provide explain. The roles regarding a parent’s 2011 by Daydrick free treatment care put you in a delicate and reversed and Shammara and screening for position. You feel like you are trying to Norris, Positive asthmatics, asthma parent the person who parented you. Breathing serves education and Your sister, the caregiver, was the Dallas-Fort management and overwhelmed, and I think she felt that Worth metropolis follow up care,” you and your other siblings were not by helping children, said Shammara carrying this enormous load with her. families, and Norris. You mentioned that she’s the one who caregivers learn “We’ve served lives close by, isn’t married and without about and manage about 550 students children. I’m sure that’s why the rest of asthma. Through this year. Once we you thought she could be more flexible. partnerships, the become mobile, I understand that, but maybe you guys organization offers we’ll be able to could have done more to let her know free serve more.” you were there to support her. It sounds testing and like she felt alone in this situation. I could supplies for people go on, but I’m sure you know what I’m Positive Breathin the community. Shammara Norris talking about. ing Organization Once your father died, it seems to me, recently purchased she should have put all those feelings “Asthma occurs a charter bus and aside. She should have contacted one at a disproportionally higher rate announced a capital campaign to raise of you to contact the others. All of you among some ethnic groups, especially $25,000 to transform it into a mobile deserved the right to funeralize and mourn African-Americans,” said Shammara clinic. your father’s death. All of you deserved Norris. “African-American children the right to support and be with your in some areas are more than twice as To learn more about Positive Breathing, mother, and each other, during that time. likely to be diagnosed with asthma. We please visit the website: are pleased President Obama recently I’d suggest you contact your family signed the new EpiPen Law that will clergy and a mental health professional. protect children with asthma and I pray that all of you will come together, severe allergies.” forgive one another and start to heal and love in a healthy, meaningful and respectful way. God bless you and your family. Alma
Positive Breathing to raise money to transform charter bus into mobile clinic to help needy children with asthma
Find out how you can get out of debt. Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio Sunday mornings at 8am
CHERYL’S WORLD on Blog Talk Radio Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to hear informative, entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking commentary and news with veteran journalist Cheryl Smith on Sundays at 8a.m. and Mondays, Felicia Shepherd on Tuesdays at 6p.m., Love A Natural Me with Yvette and Amy on Wednesdays at 6p.m., Young Generation Talk with Dareia Tolbert on Thursdays at 6p.m., and See you at the Movies - with Jamille Bradfield on Fridays at 6p.m. and Coffee, Tea and Conversation with Ms. Toni on Saturdays at noon.
LIFESTYLE w w w. G A R L A N DJ OU R NA L . com D E C E M B E R 4 , 2013 Community invited to review Garland Eberstein & Development Code Witherite, The City of Garland is updating its You are invited to attend one of the development regulations and wants public community meetings to learn more about LLP input about those updates. the proposed GDC, ask questions, and provide City Staff with your suggestions The City utilizes development-related and feedback. The community meeting joins with regulations to achieve attractive, quality schedule is as follows: development which enhances the quality of life for residents and businesses. Such Thursday, Dec. 12, 6 to 8 p.m. - North K104 regulations include zoning requirements, Garland Library, 3845 North Garland subdivision regulations and other design Avenue and development standards. to give out Tuesday, Jan. 7, 6 to 8 p.m. - Northeast The City is modernizing its development Church, 318 North Shiloh Road codes to consolidate these regulations into 1,000 a cohesive and well-organized document. Thursday, Jan. 16, 6 to 8 p.m. - Central The new document will also help the City Library, 625 Austin Street respond to changes in demographic, market turkeys for and development trends while providing more flexible and user-friendly regulations and processes. City Staff has worked with a consultant team to develop an initial draft of the Garland Development Code (GDC) which is now ready for public review and feedback. The draft GDC will be presented to the community at a series of meetings designed to increase public awareness and understanding of the GDC, and to maximize the public’s ability to provide input into the review and adoption process.
A special website - - has been established which provides an overview of the GDC, important meeting dates and links to the draft document and related summary materials. A dedicated GDC email address - GDC@garlandtx. gov - has also been created, to facilitate the exchange of information. After meeting with the community and with other stakeholders in the development process, work sessions and public hearings will be held by the Plan Commission and City Council to consider adoption of the new Code.
K104’s Dede McGuire and Atty. Eberstein distribute turkeys as K104’s Lady Jade looks on The K104 Morning Team during live broadcast
The 1-800-Car-Wreck Crew was on site with warm drinks and sweet treats
DECEMBER 4, 2013
Reception for Judge Marty Lowy Democrat - 101st Civil District Court 5:30-7:30pm Andrews Kurth LLP 1717 Main St #3700 Dallas, Texas 75201 South Dallas: What It Takes to Become an Economically Vibrant, Desirable Place to Live, Work, Learn, and Play 11:30 a.m.—Registration 11:45 a.m.—1:15 p.m.—Program Center for Community Cooperation 2900 Live Oak Street Dallas, Texas
December 5 27th Annual Peacemaker Awards Dinner -- Dallas Peace Center’s 27th Annual Peacemaker Awards Dinner at the DoubleTree Hilton Campbell Centre - 8250 N. Central Expressway, 5:30 p.m. Downtown Garland Square Garland’s annual Christmas on the Square event will feature a variety of free activities and entertainment options in Downtown Garland, highlighted by the official treelighting ceremony and fireworks display. 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
December 6 Join Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Kappa Zeta Chapter on First Fridays December 6th - March 7th, as we roll, bounce, and skate for a cause! December 6th January 3rd February 7th March 7th Redbird Skateland at: 1206 N Duncanville Road Duncanville, TX 75116. $8 includes admission and skate rental; mention ******* The annual downtown Christmas Parade will be held at 7 p.m. The theme for this year’s parade is Songs of Christmas. The parade begins at the corner of Bois D’ Arc and Lee Streets and travels westward on Lee Street; south on Wright Street; east on Washington Street and finishes at Stonewall St, HCDFW has been selected as the chapter to host the NAHJ regional conference. It will be held on December 6-7 at the Fairmont Hotel The Young Professionals of CAAPCO, J.L. Turner, Dallas NSBE, DFWABJ, AAAHR, AAMP and other YP groups invite you to: “Holiday Mingling & Toy Giving” Fedora Restaurant 1722 Routh Street, Dallas, TX 75201 In advance, $10.00 At door: $15.00 (or unwrapped gift)
w w w. G A R L A N DJ OU R NA L . com
December 6, 7 and 8, People with A Message’s Production is throwing Hip-Hop a belated 40th birthday bash For more information about becoming a featured hip-hop artist, breakdancer, graffiti artist, vendor or sponsor, please call (214) 4139807, email hiphopcollectathon@ or see www. ********* Reliant will light up a new holiday tradition at the AT&T Performing Arts Center The Reliant Lights Your Holidays event will feature a dazzling display of lights on the Center’s iconic venues and trees in Elaine D. and Charles A. Sammons Park as well as a snowfilled play area. Southwest Airlines Holiday Concert and Fireworks Spectacular will headline with country star Jack Ingram and the largest fireworks display ever held at the Center.
December 7
The Alpha Phi Alpha Founders Day Celebration will take place at Paul Quinn College. We are honored to have General President Brother Mark Tillman as guest speaker. The activities are open to Brothers and Guests and tickets are $35 each. Tickets are available through the chapter or via Online.
RSVP: This event is FREE For more information call 817-9209086 or visit http:/Veasey.House.Gov
December 10 Kim Cooks Toy Drive and Campaign Fundraiser 303 Grill located at 303 W. Davis, Dallas, Texas 75208 from 5:30p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Fundraiser/Toy drive. New, unwrapped toys for both boys and girls of all ages is requested.
December 13
Randy Brodnax and Friends Christmas Art Sale, December 13, 14 & 15, will be held at the Son’s of Hermann Hall at 3414 Elm St— Dallas, TX. 214-747-4422.
December 14
Fair Park Automobile Building at 11am What would Christmas be without shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night? The Texas Voices professional chamber choir performs “Shepherds and Stars: The Splendor of Christmas” 7:30 p.m. at Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, Shipp Chapel, 9200 Inwood Rd.
City of Lancaster 60th Annual Christmas Parade Balch Springs Parade of Lights and Tree Lighting Balch Springs Recreation Center: 4372 Shepherd Lane 6:00PM-10:00PM HOLIDAY EXPRESS 1:00pm-4:00pm Where: Shiloh Church, 4702 Saturn Road, Garland, TX 75041 Having a hard time shopping for the holidays with the kids in tow? Bring your children, ages 3-15 to Shiloh Church for our Holiday Express. Please register in advance from November 3rd-December 8th. For info call the church at 972-698-0608 or visit Join Author Ann Fields on a literary scavenger hunt at 3:00 pm at Lucky Dog Books, 633 W. Davis, Oak Cliff. Free admission. Games, food, books and more. Call 214-263-7791
“When in Rome” at AT&T Performing Arts Center! at 8:00pm, Dallas’ hit storytelling series Oral Fixation All shows will be held at Hamon Hall in the Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora Street,
December 19 Fort Worth PV Alumni Association invited you to ‘A Prairie View Christmas Soriee’ 6:30 PM Brickhouse Lounge 2525 East Arkansas Lane Arlington
December 20 FAMU Rattler Holiday Party Naturally Divine Beauty 3556 Forest Lane Dallas, TX 75234 Time: 5pm-9pm $5.00 cover and a toy Music, food, cash bar and door prizes to win for alumni that pay dues for 2014
December 15
Cub Scout Pack 4400 at their Annual Skating party at Southern Skates at 2pm -6pm to benefit the North Texas Food Bank and Veterans at the VA Hospital in Dallas. Admission is $3 and either 2 canned goods or a bag of white adult crew socks.
December 16
December 21 Christmas in the Park @ Fair Park HBCU College Fair Fair Park, Dallas TX Time: 10am *Contact Ron Fry <ronfry1@hotmail. com> for more information
BY DESTINY RATHER THAN CHOICE | Planting a Tree of Honor for the Legacy of US Army Pvt. Clarence T. Spencer, An American Hero at the John T White Rd Vintage Christmas Fair | Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 12 noon at the Harmony Healthy Harvest on the campus of Harmony Missionary Baptist Church 7510 John T White Rd., Fort Worth,
December 8 Nicole Collier, State Rep. for District 95, has teamed up with the Tarrant County Democratic Party to present “Show Me The Money: Writing Your Way to College”
December 9 Balch Springs Chamber of Commerce Annual Member Appreciation Mixer! LaQuinta Inn - 12875 Seagoville Rd., Balch Springs TX Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm Call office or email mmaldonado@ to RSVP no later than Monday, December 2nd **** Rep. Veasey hosts 33rd Congressional District Job Fair 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. WHERE: Tarrant County Resource Connection Conference Center, 2300 Circle Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76119
If you are ambitious,organized, enthusiastic and committed to excellence, come work with I Messenger Enterprises. Here’s an opportunity to chart your own course. Call 214-941- 0110 today!
Garland Journal
LOCATIONS listed at www.garlandjournal. com and you can subscribe to receive digital edition for only
w w w. G A R L A N DJ OU R NA L . com D E C E M B E R 4 , 2013
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DECEMBER 4, 2013
amille Bradfield
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The Best Man Holiday - a must see movie
Five Reels
Although the ensemble cast is all / a o l - 6 / e n - u s / m a i l / g e t attachment.aspx?uid=29808336 &folder=Sent&partId=3 AfricanAmerican except Cibrian who is Caucasian, the movie should in no way, shape or form be labeled a “Black film.” This is an American story about love, hope, forgiveness and friendship. It is about relationships and issues that people regardless of race, gender, age, faith, socioeconomic status or sexual orientation deal with everyday. The scenes that make AfricanAmericans laugh and cry J
amille Bradfield
will be the same scenes that make Anglo-Americans, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans laugh and cry. Lee’s skillful storytelling lends to a brilliant script and his vision for the sequel produced a film that in many ways has topped the original movie – a rare feat in Hollywood. THE BEST MAN HOLIDAY, rated R (for language, sexual content and brief nudity), is an instant classic and is destined to become a permanent part of America’s holiday collection once it is released on DVD. Pair it with the film’s incredible J
Taye Diggs, Morris Chestnut, Harold Perrineau and Terrence Howard entertain the ladies.
By Jamille Bradfield Written and directed by Malcolm D. Lee, THE BEST MAN HOLIDAY reunites the entire 1999 original all-star cast featuring Taye Diggs (Harper), Morris Chestnut (Lance), Monica Calhoun (Mia), Nia Long (Jordan), Terrence Howard (Quentin), Harold Perrineau (Julian), Regina Hall (Candace), Melissa De Sousa (Shelby) and adds new cast member, Eddie Cibrian (Brian) to the talent mix. The film opens with a clever sequence of key dramatic scenes from THE BEST MAN. Whether you have never seen the original film or you did see it, but it’s been a while, the opening montage serves as a Cliff’s Notes version of the main storyline to refresh your memory and/or bring you up to speed. Next, the story segues to the present day, 15 years later, with acclaimed author and NYU professor, Harper Stewart contemplating his next literary project. He has not experienced bestselling success since he penned, Unfinished Business — the book that single-handedly destroyed Lance’s trust in Harper because of the revelation that Mia, Lance’s wife, cheated on him with Harper during their engagement. Harper’s latest manuscript has just been rejected, he has been laid off from his faculty position at NYU, he is facing mounting financial woes due to costly fertility treatments and he and his wife, Robin are expecting their first child on New Year’s Eve.In
an attempt to avoid putting stress on Robin, a professional chef, who has been diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy, Harper does not tell her that he lost his job. Meanwhile, he has been ignoring invitation’s from his old friend, Mia, to spend the Christmas holidays with the Sullivan family. That is until he gets the idea to approach Lance, who is planning to retire from the New York Giants after this season, about doing his biography in a last ditch effort to save his writing career. For self-serving reasons Harper has a change of heart, and he and Robin accept Mia’s invitation. When Harper and Robin arrive at Mia and Lance’s sprawling mansion, they are greeted by Mia, the hostess of all hostesses with the spirit of an angel, and Lance, the God-fearing, family-oriented, pro athlete who is warm to Robin, but sarcastic and ice cold to Harper. After all these years, it is abundantly clear Lance still has not gotten over Harper and Mia’s transgression. The tension between Lance and Harper sets the stage for what will undoubtedly be a long and uncomfortable visit. Soon after, the other guests arrive and the whole crew is, for better or worse, back together again. Jordan is a high-powered, independent, I-am-woman-hear-me-roar entertainment exec who is in an interracial relationship with Brian. Julian is a headmaster at a school that has just lost its major benefactor due to his ex-stripper wife, Candace’s questionable past.
Rounding out the bunch is the lone bachelor, Quentin aka “Q,” the successful troublemaking, brand guru who chases women like it’s an Olympic sport. And last, but certainly not least, is Shelby, Julian’s ex, the selfacclaimed diva who is now a single mother and the star of the hit reality TV series “The Real Housewives of Westchester.” As friendships (and rivalries) are renewed, relationships are tested and old wounds are reopened, the Sullivan’s lavish home, which serves as the primary setting for the majority of the film, quickly morphs into soap opera central providing venues for everything from hot and heavy lovemaking sessions, to a musical performance to a good, oldfashioned Jerry Springer Showstyle girl fight. You will have to go see the film to find out what happens next, but overall Malcolm Lee should be applauded for this cinematic masterpiece. THE BEST MAN HOLIDAY is an early gift for ALL audiences.
Friends reunited for the holidays
soundtrack, and you will have yourself one heck of a Merry Christmas present for years to come. The romantic-dramedy, which has a running time of two hours and two minutes, opened nationwide in theaters on November 15, 2013. “One of the best films of the year!” 5 reels out of 5
Fun over dinner for Terrence Howard, Nia Long and Eddie Cibrian
Tune in to Jamille Bradfield, Fridays at 6p.m. on Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, or call in to 646-200-0459 to listen