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JANUARY 18, 2017

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JOURNAL www.garlandjournal.com

January 18, 2017


Human trafficking focus of Links, Inc. summit

By Dorothy Gentry Garland Journal

Human trafficking, the exploitation of another, usually women and children – is unfortunately increasing in this nation among girls of color. A conference this weekend in North Texas will feature a discussion from a noted author and dialogue that will hopefully lead to steps of prevention for this growing crisis. The Human Trafficking Summit: An Afternoon with Dr. Monique W. Morris will take place Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Collin College Conference Center, 2400 W. University Drive in McKinney. Presented by the Plano North Metroplex TX Chapter of The Links, Inc., the event features special guest speaker Dr. Monique W. Morris, author of “Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools.� The conference is open to all, including sororities and local girl’s organizations and is specifically designed for young girls ages 12-16.

Human Trafficking Lewis said. “We also is one of The Links’ were hoping they National Initiatives. would become menLocal chapters are tors to young girls, charged with edoffering strategies ucating, raising to improve their awareness and disself-esteem and cussing prevention self-confidence in tips in the commuhopes that they not nity. become a statistic.â€? “As we began to Just 16 percent make that decision, of female students, we chose to look at Black girls make the prevention perup more than onespective, what paths third of all girls with are being taken and a school-related choices being made arrest. Pushout exDr. Monique W. Morris that would cause poses a world of someone to be reconfined potential cruited, solicited and entrapped,â€? said Link and supports the growing movement to Gail Lewis. address the policies, practices, and cultural “In addition, because it has increased illiteracy that push countless students out among girls of color, regardless of so- of school and into unhealthy, unstable, cio-economics, we thought inviting Afri- and often unsafe futures. can American women might encourage For four years Dr. Morris, who also authem to establish an organized girl group,â€? thored Black Stats, chronicled the expe-

riences of black girls across the country. Morris shows how despite obstacles, stigmas, stereotypes, and despair, black girls still find ways to breathe remarkable dignity into their lives in classrooms, juvenile facilities, and beyond. Pushout speaks to the shared experiences of young ladies who end up on a negative path based on certain behaviors, certain choices, and who become prey to human trafficking, Lewis said. The Links, Incorporated is an international, non-for-profit corporation, established in 1946. The membership consists of 14,000 professional women of color in 284 chapters located in 42 states, the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. It is one of the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of extraordinary women who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and other persons of African ancestry.

SMU to host inauguration reconciliation panel

While President-elect Trump takes his oath of office at 11 a.m. on Jan. 20, SMU’s Dispute Resolution and Counseling Department will host an event focused on reconciliation after a divisive political season. Attendees will view the inaugural ceremony and inaugural speech, then discuss reconciliation with the experts – faculty from SMU’s Dispute Resolution and Counseling Department. Panelists will discuss reconciliation in the

workplace, school, family and post-election reconciliation. The event begins at 10:30 a.m at SMU-inPlano and is open to the public. Reservations are requested at drcm@smu.edu. What: Inauguration viewing and panel discussion with SMU’s dispute resolution and counseling faculty experts. Panelists will discuss: • Bridging relational gap with friends, families and coworkers

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De-escalating heightened conversations Increasing productive communication Expressing regret, taking responsibility, realigning

Who: Simmons School of Education and Human Development faculty panel includes Greta Davis, clinical assistant professor of counseling; Gay McAlister, director of counseling; Angela Mitikidis, manager

SAT Testing at GHS January 21, 2017

of mediation clinic; John Potter, clinical assistant professor of dispute resolution. http://www.smu.edu/Simmons/AboutUs/ Directory When: Refreshments at 10:30 a.m., inauguration at 11:00 a.m., panel discussion following inauguration. Faculty available for interviews after panel discussion. Where: SMU-in-Plano, the Great Room, Bldg 3, 5228 Tennyson Parkway, Plano, TX, https://www.smu.edu/AboutSMU/Maps/ SMU-in-Plano

Mayor's Evening In

SAT Testing at GHS January 21, 2017 for Middle and High School Students January 21st, 2017 / SAT Testing at Garland High School On Saturday, January 21st, 2017, The SAT will be administered at Garland High School to middle and high school students who are registered through College Board. Students should report to GHS no later than 7:45 a.m. and enter the building through our court yard gate, which is located on the east side (back) of the building. All students must have their Admission Ticket and an acceptable photo ID or a completed Talent Search Identification form (7th-8th graders only) to enter the testing rooms.

Mayor Douglas Athas will host his next Evening In from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25, in the Mayor's Office, 200 N. Fifth St. Schedule an appointment by calling 972-205-2400, or email Mayor@GarlandTX.gov.order through Eventbrite:


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1/10/2017 7:26:51 PM

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