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In Conversation with Zan Wesley Holmes
You have to wonder when this man sleeps. There seems to be barely a pause between when he is “live� on TV One or FaceBook, interviewing guests or talking with Tom Joyner on the radio, or sharing insight on some other medium, on a daily basis. A consummate professional who takes pride on being prepared anytime he opens his mouth, veteran journalist Roland S. Martin, who spent a significant part of his career honing his craft in the Dallas-Fort Worth Market, returns to the Metroplex on February 17, 2016 to share his thoughts and analyses of today’s hot issues at “In Conversation - An Evening with Dr. Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr. and Roland S. Martin,� 7:00 p.m., at St. Luke “Community� United Methodist Church, 5710 East. R.L. Thornton Freeway, Dallas. In Conversation is “presented by Roland Parrish and Parrish McDonald’s Restaurants.� Mr. Martin is the perfect thought leader to generate a dialogue that will awe and challenge people in the Dallas community. His devoted and ever-increasing following, spans generations, cultures, socio-economic status and religions. Whether he is talking to the POTUS or giving a commencement address at a university, you can expect truthful, factual and oftentimes humorous commentary on a myriad of topics. Mr. Martin crosses all lines appealing to many and he’s not afraid to tackle any issue or address any individual. You could say the same thing about Rev. Holmes. The pastor has been a spiritual advisor to so many and he has been at the forefront of addressing many of the seemingly volatile and potentially polarizing issues surfacing in the past 50 years. He was and still is viewed as a voice of reason.
Roland S. Martin expected to give thoughts on everything from violence to 45
Roland S. Martin
To have the two men, in conversation, is definitely more than a Kodak moment! Benefiting the Zan W. Holmes, Jr. Community Outreach Center (ZWHJCOC), which is named after the long-time activist, pastor, educator and former Texas state legislator; the 4th annual event has previously featured former Dallas Mayor and Ambassador Ron Kirk and Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, to packed houses. Rev. Holmes, the Pastor Emeritus of St. Luke, says he is excited that his fraternity brother
Parrish Restaurants’ Texas Black Sports HOF 2017 Class includes Dickerson and Foreman
Two of the greatest athletes to have competed in the second half of the 20th century in their respective sport, along with several track and field sensations who won numerous World and Olympic medals, will be enshrined as part George Foreman Eric Dickerson of the 2017 Class of the Parrish RestauMuseum in Fair Park. Meet and greet the rant Texas Black Sports Hall of Fame (TB- inductees after the inductees’ roundtable. SHOF), under the theme, “Celebrating The 2017 Class Inductees include: Eric Athletic Brilliance.� This new class makes Dickerson, Football; George Foreman, up one of the strongest ever in over two Boxing; Edward Bell, Football; Orien decades of recognizing pure sports excel- Brown, Track; Kenneth Burrough, Footlence with Lone Star State connections. ball; Dexter Bussey, Football; T.C. Collins The 21st Class of TBSHOF will be formal- (Posthumous), Coaching; Carlette Guidryly recognized at the Induction Luncheon Falkquay, Track; Audrey Reid-German, Ceremony on February 25, 2017, 11:30 Track; Johnny “Lam� Jones, Football; Vea.m., at the Crown Plaza Dallas Market rida Walter-Taplin, Track; J.W. White, Golf; Center, 7050 N. Stemmons Frwy., Dallas, and Byron Williams, Football. Texas, 75247. The Legends Reception will “The 2017 Class of the Texas Black be held on Friday, February 24, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at The African American See SPORTS, page 5
will be participating this year. Widely respected and mentors to many, both Holmes and Martin are members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. A sold-out event is antic-
ipated as the award-winning, quick-witted journalist is sure to provide memorable and thought-provoking commentary on among many things; education, politics, public policy and empowerment, which are among the issues focused on at ZWHJCOC. Previously Mr. Martin lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth market, first as a city hall reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Prior to moving to D/FW, he was the county government and neighbors reporter for the Austin American-Statesman. The Texas A&M University distinguished alum previously served as owner/publisher of Dallas-Fort Worth Heritage, a Christian monthly newspaper and managing editor of the Dallas Weekly, which he led to a number of local, state and national journalism awards. Additionally Mr. Martin has worked as morning drive reporter for KRLD/1080 AM; news director and morning anchor at KKDA-AM. A former board member for the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), as a student and then a professional; Mr. Martin leaves his mark wherever he goes and the “In Conversation� audience is in for an eye-opening, mouth-dropping, Tweetable and “Googlable� evening, says organizers.
Rev. Zan Wesley Holmes Jr.
See MARTIN, page 7
Expo to expunge criminal records Dallas CIty Councilwoman Tiffinni A. Young (c), District Attorney Faith Johnson and District Clerk Felicia Pitre recently announced plans for Dallas’ first ever Expungement Expo! The expo will focus on expunging criminal records and feature an array of additional services such as an employment fair, social services, and other supports for formerly incarcerated individuals. Pointing out that the Expo will be a first for Dallas, Councilwoman Young said it will be held at Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church, 1101 C.B.T. Smith Street in Dallas. Anyone interested in participating must first register on
March 4 at Golden Gate, to prequalify and receive complete information about the process. Violent criminals, repeat
offenders and domestic violence cases will not be eligible. For more info, contact Ms. Young at 214-670-4689