I Messenger February 2, 2018
I Messenger
February 2, 2018
moves jones closer to the bench page 4
Raquel Rocky Jones
Teresa Hawthorne
February 2, 2018
I Messenger An IMM LLC Publication MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110 Cheryl Smith PUBLISHER - EDITOR news@texasmetronews.com Nina Garcia Marketing/Sales Manager EDITORIAL TEAM Eva Coleman Dorothy J. Gentry Vincent Hall Richard Alexander Moore Betheny Sargent Dr. Felicia N. Shepherd Dareia Tolbert Andrew Whigham III Marketing Team Carlton McConnell Terry Allen PR DESIGN/LAYOUT 619 WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Alana King PHOTOGRAPHERS Wallace Faggett Kevin Griffith Richard Manson dgdaphotographer.com
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CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.
I Messenger
Free at Last
be an understatement. I began this year’s AfI wasn’t paying a thing rican American Heritage because the system was Month watching TV definitely broken. One’s award-winning seThe situation was firies, “UnSung� featuring By Cheryl Smith comedians George Walnally resolved but it took Publisher lace and Dick Gregory. a little time. Both men used humor to Time for some is entertain and educate. short. have issues securing housing. As I gear up for another Just ask Chris Wicker, who I know how they feel because month of excellent program- I found myself in a situation attended the press conference ming, I wonder, as I usually do; because a corrupt District At- announcing this year’s expo. why is it that during February torney’s office decided to file He got into a little trouble and there is a wealth of information charges against me, thinking attended last year’s expo where to share about the history of that I would testify in a case that his record was expunged. “Now Black people? would have ousted an elected of- I have a new job,� said Wicker, Here’s some good news to ficial had the official been found as he thanked participants for start the month off! giving him a new chance at life. guilty. For the second time in as “A lot of doors were slammed on They had the wrong sister! many years, Dallas County will Well the official was not guilty me. But now I see the light and be holding an expunction expo and was found not guilty in the its shining.� Pilgrim Rest Baptist to “clear records for people Church is the location for who, by law, are eligible� the expo and Youth Minto have their records expunged. ister Shawn Torres said the “There are individuals church has various prowithin Dallas County who grams that benefit the comcannot obtain employment, munity. “The church holds higher education or even 1300, we’re centrally located serve our country in the and provide easy access for military because they have attendees,� he said. a criminal record,� said DisIf you know anyone trict Attorney Faith Johnwho needs their record son. “We must do every- District Clerk Felicia Pitre, expunged, tell them to go thing we can to help those District Attorney Faith John- to http://www.dallascounindividual obtain a fresh son and UNT Law School Pro- ty.org/districtclerk/ or in start so that they can become fessor Atty. Cheryl Wattley person, at: The District productive and contributing Clerk’s Office, The City of members of our community.� Dallas Community Courts and court of law. So he was in the Last year, the District Attor- clear because the case was dis- the Irving and Cedar Hill Poney joined with then-Dallas pensed of. lice Departments to pre-register City Councilwoman Tiffinni A. But guess what, nothing ever through February 16. If you Young and Dallas County Dis- came of my case. I didn’t hear are eligible, you will be notified trict Clerk Felicia Pitre to host anything more until almost 20 to attend the pre-qualification the first expo and more than years later when I was asked for clinic. 1,200 were in attendance. Please share this info. Don’t a background check. Lo and beThis year, Pitre, Johnson and hold, there it was. act like you don’t know someseveral collaborators, including So I contacted the current one. You may have to look in the law students from SMU and the district attorney, Susan Hawk, mirror. UNT Dallas College of Law will and Ms. Pitre. According to Whatever the case, if we don’t be at the March 3, 2018 expo Dallas County I needed to pay start looking for and sharing hoping to help those who have almost $300 to have my record ways to help one another, we will been disenfranchised because expunged. look around and there won’t be they have a record and find To say I was pissed, would anyone to help us! themselves unable to get a job or
I Messenger
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
I Messenger
Ruling unfavorable for Hawthorne
By Emma Lynn Staffwriter
The Honorable Teresa Hawthorne, presiding Judge of the 203rd Judicial District Court in Dallas County, was recently deemed ineligible to run for re-election in the 2018 Democratic primary due to errors on the required filing paperwork to run for elected office. Instead of entering which political party she was collecting signatures for in the blank space provided at the top of each petition page, Judge Hawthorne wrote “March 6, 2018,” which is the date of the upcoming primary election. However, due to the fact that there are both Democratic and Republican primary elections on March 6th, it is critical for all political candidates to provide clarity when collecting signatures to avoid the potential for misleading voters as to which party the candidate represents.
The Law
Hawthorne’s omission of “Democratic Party” on her signature petitions is a violation of Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 172.027, which states: The following statement must appear at the top of each page of a petition to be filed under Section 172.021: “I know that the purpose of this petition is to entitle (insert candidate’s name) to have his or her name placed on the ballot for the office of (insert office title, including any place number or other distinguishing number) for the (insert political party’s name) primary election. I understand that by signing this petition I become ineligible to vote in a primary election or participate in a convention of another party, including a party not holding a primary election, during the voting year in which this primary election is held.” Additionally, Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 141.032(c) states (emphasis added): If an application is accompanied by a petition, the petition is consid-
Judge Teresa Hawthorne ered part of the application, and the review shall be completed as soon as practicable after the date the application is received by the authority. However, the petition is not considered part of the application for purposes of determining compliance with the requirements applicable to each document, and a deficiency in the requirements for one document may not be remedied by the contents of the other document. Unless the petition is challenged, the authority is only required to review the petition for facial compliance with the applicable requirements as to form, content, and procedure. Petition challenge The errors and omissions (other spaces were left blank) on Hawthorne’s filing were discovered by the Democratic Party in response to a formal challenge of the judge’s petitions filed by her opponent, defense attorney and former Dallas County prosecutor, Raquel “Rocky” Jones, who is seeking to unseat Hawthorne in March. The law allows anyone to request, review and challenge petitions of political candidates. On January 8, 2018, the party accepted Jones’ challenge based on current law, the application and the petition, resulting in Dallas County Democratic Party chairwoman Carol Donovan’s decision to remove Judge Hawthorne’s name from the upcoming primary election ballot.
Atty. Raquel Jones Legal battle In response to being removed from the ballot by the Dallas County Democratic Party, on January 12, 2018, Judge Hawthorne filed a lawsuit against her own party in an effort to remain on the ballot. The two-term embattled Democratic judge, who initially ran for office in 2006 as a Republican, hired a Republican attorney to represent her in the lawsuit. A hearing on the lawsuit was scheduled for January 19, 2018, in the 160th Civil District Court, where Judge Jim Jordan, a Democrat, is the presiding judge. To avoid ruling on a case involving his judicial peer, Judge Jordan recused himself and a Republican judge was appointed to preside over the hearing about Hawthorne’s lawsuit against the Democratic Party. The hearing lasted approximately 15 minutes, resulting in the visiting judge ruling to put Judge Hawthorne back on the ballot. The trial court’s decision was primarily based on case law from 1992 instead of using the most current case law from 1997 regarding entering the political party affiliation on candidates’ signature petitions. Final answer Following the hearing, that same day Jones’ filed an appeal with the 5th Court of Appeals of Dallas. Later that evening, the panel of appellate judges reversed the trial court’s decision and published an opinion based
on current case law that Judge Hawthorne’s name should be removed from the ballot for the 2018 Democratic primary election. Per federal law, primary election absentee ballots had to be mailed out on January 20, 2018. The 5th Court of Appeals’ opinion was the final course of legal action that could occur before the ballots were mailed out. Per the 5th Court of Appeals of Dallas’ ruling, the absentee ballots were mailed out without Judge Hawthorne’s name printed on them. There is no Republican challenger in the November general election, so the winner of the Democratic primary will be the Judge of the 203rd Judicial District Court for the next four-year term. Hawthorne’s current term on the bench ends on December 31, 2018. Public reprimand In a rare move, last November, the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct issued a Public Reprimand to Judge Hawthorne. The Commission, responsible for investigating allegations of judicial misconduct, reprimanded Judge Hawthorne for using her influence to interfere in her nephew’s criminal case in Lubbock County, and for shaming a jury for their verdict in an unrelated rape case in her court. The state agency further concluded that Judge Hawthorne’s conduct, as described above, constituted willful and/or persistent violations of three standards of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct and conduct that is inconsistent with the proper execution of her duties, in violation of the Texas Constitution. In addition to the Commission’s Public Reprimand, in 2011, Judge Hawthorne ruled the death penalty unconstitutional in a capital case in her court. Her decision was overturned and the capital punishment case was transferred to another court.
I Messenger
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
How Do I Smile? Even today, when my heart continues to cry; Because you were and always will be. Realizing the finality of life and knowing we all must die. Yet, relishing the time left for me. To live and learn; to move forward and love. Left to finish things started by we two. Accepting your absence but still feeling your love. All the time frightened by what I might see. Asking for guidance and hoping it comes; To brighten the path I must take; none to shun. Connecting broken pieces from this life I now make.
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I Messenger
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
I Messenger
Congress must not disappoint!
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following responses to President Trump’s State of the Union address: On Transportation/ Infrastructure: “Almost an entire year has passed since President Trump first addressed a joint session of Congress. Yet, we are no closer now than we were then to seeing a concrete plan on how the Administration plans to shore up our nation’s infrastructure. The $1.5 trillion infrastructure package that President Trump alluded to tonight sounds great on its face. However, the devil is always in the details and there is still no substitute for direct federal spending when it comes to infrastructure, especially when we are talking about helping our rural areas. In its last report, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) estimates that there is a current infrastructure gap of $1.5 trillion needed by 2025. The U.S. Department of Transportation also estimates that more than $800 billion is needed today just to bring our existing roads and bridges to a state of good repair. This is serious and our country is exposed to greater risk every single day that we do not act. The U.S. economy
relies heavily on a vast network of infrastructure to move people, goods, and services. Without a robust transportation network, we are putting our nation’s economy and its people at risk. The time to act is now. This Administration owes it to the American people to deliver on his campaign promises to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.” On the Economy: “Now more than ever, we need to be protecting our most vulnerable – particularly communities of color. Our economy should be working for every American, not just a select few. Yet President Trump’s only major legislative accomplishment during the first session of Congress was passage of a tax bill that overwhelmingly benefits the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations. This bill will end up costing the American people at least $1.5 trillion over the next decade, a heavy burden that future generations
will be forced to bear for decades to come.” On Immigration: “I am deeply disappointed in the president’s tone towards immigrants and the disregard to how they contribute to our nation. President Trump seems to forget that this country’s history has been about tearing down walls, not building them up. The fate of 1.8 million young people should not be considered a bargaining chip for the president to use so that he can permanently reconfigure our legal immigration system by eliminating the diversity lottery and family reunification. President Trump should not use the hopes and dreams of thousands of DACA recipients within my district as a tool to erect an expensive wall. For too long, these young people have only known the United States as their home. Congress must swiftly pass a bill to protect these individuals without damaging our reputation abroad as a place where dreams of a better life can come true.” On Healthcare: “President Trump signed the Republican Tax bill into law on December 22, 2017. His tax bill is just the beginning of the Republicans plan to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. The individual health care mandate, which is the primary
enforcement mechanism under the ACA for individuals, will be repealed beginning in 2019. As a direct result of this repeal, more than 10 million Americans can reasonably expect to experience increased premiums. Ultimately, this will result in fewer Americans having health care coverage for their families. Within the next year alone, Medicare will be cut by $25 billion – effectively placing the burden of these tax cuts on the backs of our senior citizens. Sadly, Republicans in Congress and President Trump have demonstrated once again that they are willing to put the interests of a select few [the wealthy] ahead of the greater good of the American people. This bill will have a devastating impact on future generations for decades to come. We must continue to find a way to work with Republicans in a bipartisan manner to come up with real policy solutions to repair the Affordable Care Act and ensure all Americans have access to affordable and effective healthcare.” • Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson represents the 30th Congressional District of Texas.
I Messenger
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
I Messenger
I Messenger
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
I Messenger
The Color Purple Music Hall at Fair Park January 23rd - February 4th, 2018 Time: TIMES VARY Tickets $20 and up Tickets and show times: http://bit.ly/ 2AoWINE
Bridge! TICKETS: $20 for Pre-sale. Vip Mardi Gras Party Pack-$60 Click Here and Order Your Tickets Today: https://www.dallasmardigrasfestival.com
*********** Bob Marley Celebration Day Hosted by Dallas Reggae Festival 10 pm - 2 am 2315 S Cooper St, Arlington, TX 76015-1602 Birthday’s in January or February bring 10 or more people and get a FREE table in the VIP section with 1 FREE bottle Saturday. For info call 214-371-5777
January 31 “Mary Poppins” by Breitling Youth Theater 9:45 am at Plaza Theatre, 521 W. State Street, Garland, TX, 75040 “Anything can happen if you let it.” Tickets: www.ActingForChildren.org or 972-658-3915. Show dates/times: 01/3102/01 at 9:45 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. 02/02 at 6:30 p.m. 02/03 at 6 p.m.
February 1 Mikky Ekko w/ BØRNS at House of Blues 7 PM - 10 PM House of Blues Dallas 2200 N Lamar St, Dallas, Texas 75202 Mikky Ekko Musician/BandLight The Way out now: http://smarturl.it/LightTheWayME ************ Dominique LIVE at Arlington Improv Arlington Improv 309 Curtis Mathes Way #147 Arlington, TX 76018 February 1st - February 3rd, 2018 Times VARY Tickets and show times available here: http://bit.ly/2B1l6Gc
February 2 The Art of Crafting Cocktails House of Blues 2200 N. Lamar Street Dallas, TX 75202 7:00 p.m. Foundation Room is hosting an Art of Crafting Cocktails class starting at 7:00 p.m. Bourbon will be the featured spirit for this event. Come learn from experts. Reservations: http://bit.ly/2ARK2hP
February 3 DALLAS MARDI GRAS FESTIVAL 2018 Dallas Mardi Gras Party & Celebration **SUPERBOWL WEEKEND** Street/Block Party Hours: 3pm - 10pm About Dallas Mardi Gras Festival Dallas, Texas will be the newly adopted home 2nd to the biggest Mardi Gras in the world in New Orleans.1st Annual Dallas Mardi Gras Festival. Get Your Beads Ready & Join The Party on the Ronald Kirk \\ Continental Ave.
************* Valentine Mini, Hosted by Courtney Marie Photography 9 AM - 12 PM Courtney Marie Photography 337 Oaks Trl, Garland, Texas 75043 Please Follow the Ticket Link to secure your spot. Set up Photo Coming Closer to date. Tickets www.signupgenius.com ************* Sweetheart Dance The Atrium Downtown Garland 300 N. Fifth St. 972-205-2000 Dads, granddads, and uncles, watch your little one shine at the Sweetheart Dance. Saturday Ages 3 to 7 (5 to 7 p.m.) Ages 8 to 15 (7:30 to 9:30 p.m.) Register online at www.PlayGarland. com starting 12- 1- 2017. *************** Take the Throne Step Competition Lake Ridge High School 101 Day Miar Road Mansfield, TX 76063 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The Classy Ladies of Dynasty & The Distinguished Gentlemen of Lake Ridge High School are proud to present the Take the Throne Step Competition. The doors will open at 3:00 p.m. Pre-Sale Tickets are $10.00 Register here: http://bit.ly/2z9SWq1 ************ 7TH ANNUAL FAN BOWL AT LAKEWOOD BREWING COMPANY 5:00 PM - 11:00 p.m. 2302 Executive Dr Garland, TX 75041 - 972-864-2337 It’s a marquee FAN HANG on February 3rd. A party bigger than the game the next day. It’s FAN BOWL 2018, one of the largest paper football tourneys in the country and this year, we’ve picked an awesome location, Lakewood Brewing
Company in Garland! $4,000 in prizes up for grabs plus FAN round tables, our own DJ Lucious Alexander, cornhole boards and the brews will be flowing. Signups for the tournament fill up fast so register for free now at 1053thefan.com/fanbowl
February 4 YPCD Pizza & Politics Tx32 Congressional candidate forum Hosted by Brett Shipp for Congress Sunday at 12:30 PM - 2 PM Northaven United Methodist Church 11211 Preston Rd, Dallas, Texas 75230 The Young Progressive Christians of
Dallas Serves you a Slice of Politics. Please join us and ask the candidates questions on LGBTQ+ rights, public education, immigration and the Arts.
February 7 February Women’s EmPower Brunch Hosted by The Every Heart Project Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The Egg & I Restaurants 3328 East Hebron Parkway #100, Carrollton, Texas 75010 Tickets by Eventbrite No matter your career or industry, we all face challenges. Bring those challenges and participate in our emPower Brunch!
I Messenger
Remembering James Brown 1933-2006
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
I Messenger
HALL: A Silent Walker! QUIT PLAYIN’ By Vincent L. Hall
You should know and the world should mourn the recent passing of a Civil Rights giant; Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, Pastor Emeritus of the Canaan Baptist Church of Christ in Harlem, New York. This space is far too shallow to scratch the surface of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “ride-or-die”; so let me interpose part of an August 25, 2016 Washington Post article that encapsulates his spirit. “On a cold day in 1960, a fed-up Wyatt Tee Walker led a group of protesters through the “whites-only” entrance of the Petersburg, Va., public library. Walker, the pastor of the historic Gillfield Baptist Church, calmly walked to the library’s counter and asked for a biography of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. “I was rubbing it in their noses a little because I always felt Robert E. Lee was guilty of treason and should have been arrested and put in prison,” said Walker, now 87, “but the South made such a hero of him.” “I heard somebody say, ‘The niggers are here!’” recalled Walker, who would later serve as chief of staff for the Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr. “ T h e y called the police and arrested those of us who would
He was always about the movement. He never bragged that Dr. King once called him; “The keenest mind in the non-violent revolution.” King installed his pastorate at Canaan on March 24, 1968, 10 days before the
was there for the launching of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. Dr. Walker was bestowed the title, “Harlem’s Renaissance Man” by Rev. Jesse Jackson. He was the assistant Pastor to the “The King of Cats,” the Reverend Adam Clayton Powell. not leave. They Seven books lend took us to the his name to a short Petersburg jail, list of ministers who and that stirred effectively preach up the community.” and pen the message. It was the first of His first publication; Walker’s 17 arrests “Somebody’s Calling for challenging My Name- Black sacred music and social segregation. The change” proved his Petersburg library mettle as an ethnomusit-in would become a catalyst for sicologist. desegregating the Personally, Dr. Walker small city’s lunch holds a place in my Hall counters, bus Drs. Wyatt Tee Walker and Martin Luther King, Jr. of Fame for a sermon terminal, restauhe delivered in Dallas rants and public swimming “Drum Major for justice” lay entitled; “If, Because and pools.” cold on a dirty, concrete Regardless.” The cliff notes Wyatt Tee Walker’s life was balcony at the Lorraine Mo- version is enough to make a whirlwind after the nota- tel. you shout. ble protest. Walker became Walker didn’t carry a Doc juxtaposed the biban intimate protégé of the pamphlet that shouted out lical experiences and faith revolution that had MLK at his education. After receiv- walks of Jacob (If the Lord its head and was flanked ing a degree from Virginia will), David (Because the by some of the most intel- Union, he studied abroad at Lord has) and Job, (Regardlectually gifted preacher/ the University of Ghana, the less of what the Lord does prophets in American his- Haitian American Institute next). Walker’s capstone tory. Dr. King marshaled a and in Nigeria. Walker was a and epilogue declared that “Talented Tenth” that gave man of letters who applied it doesn’t matter where your ground cover to an army his alphabets toward solv- life intersects with God… of men and women who ing Black America’s puz- just make sure it does! risked their lives and liveli- zling struggle toward liberThat’s the good news of hoods to be free. ty and justice! the Gospel and a revolution Walker was known in Walker was the Executive within itself. his early years as flamboy- Director of the SCLC, led Even in silence, Dr. Walkant, but he never seemed the NAACP and CORE (The er is speaking…#quitplayto wear his accolades like Council On Racial Equality). in…#staywoke Vincent L. Hall is an author, chevrons on a doctoral He was a captain in the activist and award-winning journalrobe. Apartheid movement and
I Messenger
February 2, 2018
Make sure you are registered to vote!
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February 2, 2018
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I Messenger
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
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I Messenger
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
I Messenger
S***Hole Countries not a priority
The Last Word by Dr. Julianne Malveaux
Our 45th President has traipsed over to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, planning to rub elbows with world leaders, repair some relationships, and possibly shred even more. He had hardly landed before he started threatening to cut off aid to the Palestinians unless they participate in peace talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Palestinian leaders are justifiably angry that 45, without a conversation with them, said he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, the city that both Palestinian and Israelis consider their capital. Since 45 has been President, the world has been losing respect for us. According to a November Gallup poll, approval of US leaders among 134 countries has hit a new low of 30 percent, down 18 percent from the 48 percent approval rate in President Obama’s last year, and even lower than the previous low of 34 percent in George W. Bush’s last year. Only Liberia, Macedonia, Israel and Belarus increased their approval rating of the US, while Portugal, Norway, Belgium and Canada saw approval ratings plunge by 40 points or more. 45 has been currying Israel’s favor, so it is no wonder that they are more approving of him. But US leadership lags behind support for leadership in both Germany and China. Only Russia has a lower approval rating than we do. Meanwhile, 45 is ignoring most of the rest of the world. A year into his Presidency, he has not appointed ambassadors for fully half of the world. The Bureau of African Affairs, part of the State Department, has no leader. There is an “acting” Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Donald Yamamoto, a career foreign policy professional who has worked for both Presidents Bush and
Obama. Yamamoto has some responsibility for the Bureau of African Affairs, but it is not his priority. There is no ambassador to the African Union, which is perhaps a blessing because that person may have had to defend 45’s ignorant remark about s***hole countries. But 45 didn’t have to make such an ignorant statement in order for us to know how he felt about people of African descent. He illustrates his disdain every time he opens his mouth. He did not have to compare Haiti to Norway, all he had to do was fail to appoint an ambassador to Brazil, which is home to the largest population of Afrodescendents outside the African continent. There is no US ambassador to Belize, Bo-
livia, Burkina Faso or Cape Verde. No ambassador to Cote D’Ivorie or Cuba, Guinea or Ghana, Jamaica or Kenya. Neither Madagascar nor Mali, Mozambique nor Nigeria, South Africa nor Tanzania, Togo nor Trinidad have US Ambassadors. Blessedly, 40 percent of 45’s appointees are career foreign policy experts. Some, like Calista Gingrich’s appointment as Ambassador to the Vatican, are clearly political plums. But how can 45 justify having no ambassadors to two of the most important countries on the African continent, oil-producing Nigeria, and economically advanced South Africa? I guess he will be forced to pay attention to these s***hole countries if there is an oil crisis and we need some Nigerian oil! Africa and the Caribbean are not the only parts of the world that have been ig-
nored by this administration. Highly desirable appointments, like those to Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and Germany have been filled. Even as 45 has squabbled with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, he has appointed no ambassador to South Korea. This could have been completely avoided if 45 had allowed Obama appointees to stay in place until he found people to replace them. Instead, people had to come home in the middle of the school year, hurriedly making arrangements for new schools, new housing (some had rented their homes), and more. Why did 45 demand resignations so abruptly when he had few replacements, breaking precedent and also thumbing his nose at the world? Our NATO allies look askance at him because of his obnoxious and belligerent behavior. He has made strange remarks about terrorism in the UK, taken swipes at France and Germany, and generally behaved like an overgrown child when gathering with other world leaders, pushing the Prime Minister of Montenegro aside so he could get in front of a group photo at a NATO summit in May. Incidentally, there is no US Ambassador to Montenegro. Actually, staffing the government is not a priority of this administration. When he was elected, he indicated that he thought some agencies were “huuuuge”, and there were positions he would not fill. He has been much slower than his predecessors in staffing up every agency, but especially the State Department. By the end of their first calendar year (2001 for Bush, 2009 for Obama), Bush had 139 State Department confirmations, with 14 pending. Obama had 119 confirmed and 18 pending. 45 has 61 confirmed and 28 pending! We who are connected to s***hole countries can rest assured that foreign policy is not this administration’s strong suit. Julianne Malveaux is an economist, author, and Founder of Economic Education. Her podcast, “It’s Personal with Dr. J” is available on iTunes. Her latest book “Are We Better Off: Race, Obama and public policy is available via amazon.com
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February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
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February 2, 2018
I Messenger
GIRL, ARE YOU CRAY CRAY? Ask ALMA Dear Alma, I think my nephew is gay. I would even go so far as to say I know that he is gay. I don’t know why my sister, or his father or sisters and brothers can’t see it. This boy is gay and it’s time for him to come “out” and tell the truth. I don’t know if he is worried about what our family and friends might think or if he thinks we will no longer love him. I’m just not sure but things need to change and the truth has to be told. My sister acts like she is blind to this fact and is always talking about him and his many girlfriends. There’s no way this can be true or these friends are just that: friends that are girls, because he is gay. I am sick of it and ready to end the lies. I’m just tired of the charade. These girls are getting their hopes up and I know he is not interested in them. Our family needs to stop acting like he is not gay. I’m just not doing it anymore. How would you suggest I tell my sister she needs to wake up and just tell the truth? — Aunt Bea
Dear Aunt Bea-
tract yourself from this situation. If just for this one time, sit on your behind and mind your own business. Your sister doesn’t need to wake up, you do. Wash your face and clean the thoughtlessness out of your eyes. The path set ahead for your nephew to follow, requires only one set of footprints, his. You are never, ever, invited, welcomed or called to cross it. Alma
What! Wait! No, no indeed, this is not your issue. Quick, put it in reverse and back your way out of this personal and private state of affairs. Understand the need for you to stay in your lane, cause you’ve clearly crossed over the double yellow lines. Just because you think he’s gay doesn’t make him gay and just because you want to “out” him, doesn’t mean he’s ready to reveal is sexual preference – to you, his family or the rest of the world. Clearly to me, Aunt Reach Nearly Bea, you’re about to overstep your boundaries. Although I tried, I can’t resist asking, are you craycray? Why in the world would you even think this has anything to do with you? You are so waaay off course, so astronomically off the mark, I just can’t… From breathe. Your mindset has Coast To Coast me blown. PUT THE POWER OF So, please back off beNEARLY 10 MILLION HOMES TO WORK FOR YOU fore you get more than your feelings hurt. Hear me when I say, for the love of all things dipped in chocolate – back down, withdraw, and exClassified Ad Network 15 words, nearly 10 million homes, $749 ($15 each additional word). All new advertisers can take advantage of our buy 2 get one free offer.
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I Messenger
February 2, 2018
Hollywood Hernandez Live
By Hollywood Hernandez Den of Thieves is a gritty cops and robbers drama. Gerard Butler is the head of LA’s Major Crimes Unit (the good guys) and Pablo Schrieber. from TV’s “The Wire”, is the head of a major league bank robbery team (the bad guys). However in this high octane, action drama it’s hard to separate the good guys from the bad ones. Butler’s character Nick is anything but a hero, except when he’s on the trail of the bank robbers. He’s a bad father and husband and he has no time for
any kind of rules that should apply to a policeman. He smokes, he drinks and he even
picks up donuts off the ground at a crime scene to grab a quick sugar rush. He’s so good at being bad that often times you’ll find yourself rooting against him in the movie. Meanwhile, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson and O’Shea Jackson (Straight Outta Compton), as members of the bank robbers gang, display more likable qualities than the cops who are chasing them. They are loyal. They take good care of their families and they exhibit more good qualities than you’d expect from a bank robber.
Den of Thieves reminded me a lot of the Michael Man directed cops and robbers drama “Heat” from the ‘90s. While the characters weren’t on the level of Pacino and De Niro, the movie’s director makes up for any weaknesses with his action scenes. Christian Gudegast knows how to create a serious shoot ‘em up drama, and like 50 Cent, Gudegast comes from the world of rap music videos and that edginess shows throughout the movie. The movie runs a bit long at 2 hours and 20 minutes, but I didn’t have a problem with that. Den of Thieves will keep you enthralled. It has plenty of surprises that you’ll never see coming until the very end. I enjoyed Den of Thieves a lot. It’s rated “R” for a whole lot of violence and on my “Hollywood Popcorn Scale” I rate it a JUMBO.
Oscar Nominations released By Hollywood Hernandez
Nominations for the 90th annual Academy Awards were announced on Tuesday, January 23rd, by Academy President John Bailey. He was joined by Tiffany Haddish (who did not receive an Oscar nomination) and Andy Serkis. Guillermo del Toro’s “The Shape of Water” led the pack of nominees with 13 nominations. "Get Out" also had an eventful day with Jordan Peele becoming the first Afri-
can-American ever nominated for directing, writing, and Best Picture in the same year. "Get Out's" lead actor, Daniel Kaluuya, was also nominated in the Best Actor category. Octavia Spencer and Mary J. Blige were also notable women of color who received nominations. Many attribute the more diverse group of nominees to the new Academy members who were added to the voting. Over 700 new members were inducted as Oscar voters this year. Of that group over 30% were women and
30% were people of color. The Academy's goal is to double the number of women and minority voters by 2020. The 90th Academy Awards ceremony will take place at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California on March 4, 2018 on ABC-TV. For a complete list of Oscar nominees go to the Academy Awards website: https://www.oscars.org/oscars/ceremonies/2018 http://www.hollywoodhernandezlive.com/
Read more and win tickets at www.hollywoodhernandezlive.com Tiffany Haddish
February 2, 2018
DCCCD celebrates Black History Month Dance, lectures, literature and a historical trip to Louisiana are part of the activities Dallas County Community College District is offering during Black History Month. Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. BROOKHAVEN COLLEGE · Wed., Feb. 7 – Movie screening: “Red Tails,” noon in B Building, room 240. · Wed., Feb. 14 – African American Read-In, 10 a.m., BHC Performance Hall. · Wed., Feb. 21 – Speaker: Dr. Angela Ross, U.S. Army veteran and professor from the University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, noon, Q Building, room Q201. · Wed., Feb. 28 – “A Taste of Soul,” 11 a.m., BHC Performance Hall lobby. For more info, call the Brookhaven College office of student life at 972-8604115. Brookhaven College is located at 3939 Valley View Lane in Carrollton/Farmers Branch.
CEDAR VALLEY COLLEGE · Mon., Feb. 5 – Fred Gray, famed civil rights activities and an attorney for Rosa Parks, is the featured speaker for the first Dallas County Promise student leadership summit. The program starts at 10 a.m. in the performance hall (invitation-only event for Dallas County Promise and DCCCD Phi Theta Kappa students); Gray speaks to invited students at 11 a.m. For more info, call Patricia Davis at 972-860-8179. Cedar Valley College is located at 3030 N. Dallas Ave. in Lancaster
EASTFIELD COLLEGE · Thurs., Feb. 1 – “Telling Our Story: The Black Experience” through storytelling/ readings begins at 10:30 a.m. at The Hive, C Building (lower level). · Fri., Feb. 9 – The Value of You – Learn about genetics and extract your own DNA. The event begins at 10 a.m. in Building S, rooms S100/101. · Tues., Feb. 13 – The Second Line: Parade Culture in New Orleans includes a live brass band. The event begins at 10:30 a.m. in Building G, room G101. · Wed., Feb. 14 – Repairing Our Roots: Healing the Community through Mental Health – This event begins at 11 a.m. in Building C, room C135. This event is funded by a grant from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services. · Fri., Feb. 16 – Film screening: “Dear White People” explores the experience of four black students at an Ivy League college. The event begins at 11 a.m. in Building G, rooms G101/102. · Tues., Feb. 27 – No Beats, Just Bars, features Jonathan Jones, who will use hip hop music to inspire action and leadership. The event begins at 11 a.m. in Building C, room C135. For more info, contact the Eastfield College office of student engagement and retention at 40SER@ dcccd.edu. Eastfield College is located at 3737 Motley Dr., Mesquite.
EL CENTRO COLLEGE · Tues., Feb. 13 – Black History Month program features a lecture by Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson. The event begins at 11 a.m. in the Performance Hall.
For more info, contact Destiney Tolbert-Jackson at 214-860-2735. El Centro College is located at 801 Main St., in downtown Dallas
MOUNTAIN VIEW COLLEGE · Tues., Feb. 1 – Pre-release screening of “Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Black Colleges and Universities” with KERA begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Performance Hall. A panel discussion follows and includes members of Mountain View faculty and invited guests from historically Black colleges (HBCUs) in Texas. · Mon., Feb. 5 – Film screening of “Glory Road.” The film highlights the all African-American starting lineup that won an NCAA championship. One of the team’s star players, Nevil Shed, will attend. The film begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Treetop Lounge, W Building. · Tues., Feb. 6 – Guest lecturer Nevil Shed discusses playing basketball. The lecture begins at 12:30 p.m. in the B Building, room
B149. · Tues., Feb. 20 – African American Read-In begins at 12:30 p.m. in the Treetop Lounge, W Building. · Mon., Feb. 26 – Food, Faith & Fellowship begins at 12:30 p.m. in the Student Services Building, rooms S1029/30. Lunch will be provided. · Tues., Feb. 27 – Black History Book Club will discuss Dr. Michael W. Waters’ book, “Stakes Is High – Race, Faith and Hope for America.” The event begins at 12:30 p.m. in the library. · Wed., Feb. 28 – Slavery and the Value of Human Chattels is part of a history series featuring Dr. Daina Berry, an associate professor of history at the University of Texas at Austin. The event begins at 12:30 p.m., Student Services Building, rooms S1029/1030. · Fri., March 2 – Project Blue is an off-campus event. MVC’s office of student life will make a one-day trip to historic Natchitoches Parish in Louisiana where students will visit the Melrose and Magnolia Cane River plantations. Mountain View faculty member Dr. Paul Benson will lead the tour. For more info, and to register, visit room S1032. The cost is $50 for the trip and is required at registration; the fee covers all travel expenses, including bus transportation, entry fees and two meals. For more info, contact Alice Rios at AliceRios@dcccd.edu or 214 -860-8722. Mountain View College is located 4849 West Illinois Ave., in Dallas.
Thurs., Feb. 1 – Panel discussion: “Then and Now” begins at
I Messenger 11 a.m. in room H200. Moderator is Malcolm Fierson, author and history professor at North Lake College. · Tues. and Wed., Feb. 6 and 7 – Pop-Up Book Store: Searching for Answers begins at 11 a.m. in the Gallery. Facilitator: Wild Detectives. · Wed., Feb. 14 – Dance presentation by Bandan Koro African Drum & Dance Ensemble begins at 11:30 a.m. in the H Building, room 200. Moderator: Ixchel Frierson. · Tues., Feb. 20 – Theatrical Performance: “The Griot” begins at 12:30 p.m. in the H Building, room 200. Moderator: Adrienne Settles. · Wed., Feb. 28 – African-American Read-in, titled “Sweet Connections with Lasting Repercussions,” begins at 12:30 p.m. in the H Building, room 200. Moderator: Darryl Howard.
RICHLAND COLLEGE · Tues., Feb. 6 – Black Student Association (BSA) Professional Networking workshop begins at 12:30 p.m. in Sabine Hall, room 117. A “Dress for Success” presentation takes place at 1:30 p.m. in Sabine Hall. · Tues, Feb. 13 – “Get Out: A Community Conversation” will be presented by the Black Student Association and Richland College Studies in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The program begins at 12:30 p.m. in Sabine Hall, room 118. · Tues., Feb. 13 – “I’m Every Woman: From Girl Talk to Woman’s Work” begins at 2 p.m. in Sabine Hall, room 117. · Thurs., Feb. 13 – The Talent Review begins at 12:30 p.m. in the cafeteria, El Paso Hall. For more info, contact the Richland College office of student life at 972-2386130. Richland College is located at 12800 Abrams Road, Dallas.
I Messenger
February 2, 2018
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February 2, 2018
I Messenger
Obama and Farrakhan photo topic of discussion In autobiography, Askia Muhammad tells why and how the photo was kept a secret By Hazel Edney
(TriceEdneyWire.com) - It was during a mid-2005 Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) meeting on Capitol Hill when award-winning journalist Askia Muhammad captured one of the most significant photos of his career. Muhammad had doggedly covered then Chicago Sen. Barack Obama since he “first laid eyes on him” at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. Now, here was the Senator in a warm conversation with constituent and fellow Chicagoan Minister Louis Farrakhan. As leader of the Nation of Islam, Farrakhan is another star in Black America, but one whose name is synonymous with controversy. Wasting no time, Muhammad snapped the news photo. But moments later, he faced a dilemma. Obama had already become the darling of national Democratic politics. And the scent of a presidential run was strong. Muhammad and others almost immediately realized that the public release of this photo could mean major trouble down the road. Mainly because of bigotry and fear-mongering, the public release of that photo could doom America’s chances of electing Obama as its first
Veteran journalist Askia Muhammad
Black President. Muhammad had not even left the scene when he received a call and the photo was being summoned by a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Muhammad ultimately surrendered the disk to Minister Farrakhan’s chief of staff. And it remained one of America’s best hidden secrets for the next 12 years. For the first time, more than a decade later, the glowing photograph of now former President Barack Obama and Minister Louis Farrakhan has been published in a book by Muhammad to be released Jan. 31 - “The Autobiography of Charles 67X”. Muhammad and some political observers still believe that if that photo had been released, it could have drawn enough fire - even from some of Obama’s supporters looking for excuses to dent his chances of becoming President. “I gave the picture up at the time and basically swore secrecy,” Muhammad said in an exclusive interview with the Trice Edney News Wire this week. “But after the nomination was secured and all the way up until
Pictured from left to right are: Minister Farrakhan’s son-in-law, Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad; his son and security chief, Mustapha Farrakhan; U. S. Sen. Barack Obama; Minister Farrakhan’s son Joshua Farrakhan; Minister Louis Farrakhan, and the Rev. Willie F. Wilson, pastor of D.C.’s Union Temple Baptist Church.)
the inauguration; then for eight years after he was President, it was kept under cover.” As for any debate that the photo could have made a difference in the outcome of the Obama presidential election, Muhammad is emphatic: “I insist. It absolutely would have made a difference.” He has agreement in high places. “I do believe that it would have had a very, very negative affect in that given moment as far as the candidacy of candidate Obama at that time,” says Dr. Shayla Nunnally, president of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists. Her opinion was based largely on the “negative stereotypes about Muslim Americans about Black people and about their allegiance to the United States,” which have often been twisted and used to fit bigoted agendas - especially after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. “On top of that,” Nunnally said, “people have always characterized Minister Farrakhan as being a combative figure in
American politics. That adds another layer.” Nunnally, a professor of political science who also teaches in the Africana Studies Institute at the University of Connecticut, specializes in public opinion, political behavior, race and politics. She questioned what the release of the photo will mean “even now because there’s so many conspiracy theories still floating.” Obama, who is a Christian, has constantly been the target of bigoted attacks, Nunnally pointed out. When a woman called him an Arab during a public forum, even his re-election opponent Sen. John McCain retrieved the microphone and corrected her, saying, “No ma’am. He’s a decent family man,” Nunnally also recalled how former Secretary of State Colin Powell once weighed in against negative stereotyping of Muslims saying, “He’s a Christian...But the really right answer is, what if he is” a Muslim? Nunnally concluded, “There are many, many, many layers of
I Messenger
February 2, 2018
Okay, men, you can join in on the weight loss challenge. 5-15lbs in just 8 daysGUARANTEED. 214-941-0110 Obama and Farrakhan ,
continued from previous page what that picture can represent to people in their various perceptions. So, I say this to mean that I can see that the release of that photo in that given moment, it would have been highly controversial.” Also, pictured in the photo is Rev. Willie Wilson, executive producer of the program for Farrakhan’s Million Man March in 1995 and a chairman of the 20th anniversary. In an interview, Wilson says he doesn’t recall the photo and didn’t know he was in it. But hearing the description, he also was certain it could have hurt Obama’s campaign. “I’m sure it would,” Wilson said. “Given all of the furor related to the sermon that his pastor, Jeremiah Wright did, I’m sure that it would more than likely have had a tremendous effect on his candidacy.” Wilson says Farrakhan is so controversial because, “He speaks truth and this is a country that has in so many ways attempted to cover up the realities of its wrong doings of which Minister Farrakhan is quite vocal in bringing to light.” The book tells of other notables who knew about the photograph and never divulged it. In addition to narratives of pivotal moments of his life, the autobiography is also a book of Muhammad’s poetry. Columnist and political observer A. Peter Bailey, anticipating the book release, says he believes the photo would have created controversy for Obama, but could not have caused him to lose the election or his re-election because of the groundswell of Black voter support for him. “It could have done some damage,” Bailey said. “But nothing could have stopped the election because Black support would have countered it.”
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February 2, 2018
I Messenger
Willard Allen Stimpson remembered August 9, 1938 - January 20, 2018
Willard Stimpson, the father, the husband, and the son, fondly known as “Stimp” to many, did not have to go to school to learn how to be great, to lead, or to serve. He was born with it and nurtured by it. He served as a mentor, connector, philanthropist, and friend to many. He was born in Plano, TX and valued education. He graduated with his smarts as the valedictorian from Plano Colored High School. His journey for his career and love of pharmacy began during his service in the Army in the medical clinic and pharmacy unit. He challenged himself to complete the formal pharmacy program in May 1967 and passed the Texas State Board in June of that year.Throughout his career, he was dedicated as a pharmacist serving his community and a trailblazer. He started at Skillerns Drugs and All Saints Hospital. He became the first black pharmacist to work for Methodist Hospital. Upon leaving hospital pharmacy, he returned to retail, working for several companies, including Kmart, and Wards Drugs. At Target, he was the first black pharmacist hired in the city of Dallas. In 1981, his entrepreneurship and commitment to serve led to the opening of Cut Rate Pharmacy, a beacon of light for the community in West Dallas. Through the doors of 3528 North Hampton Road, many learned a lesson or two about life while getting their “scripts” filled. In 2015, he retired from his daily routine as the owner of Cut Rate and began a career as a relief pharmacist for local agencies.He was loved by many and created family and community with many organizations and groups. However, he was most proud and loyal to his beloved Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity and his Alma Mater, Texas Southern University. In October 2017, he celebrated his 50th class reunion at TSU during the homecoming game with great joy. Mr. Stimpson has given countless hours of time and leadership to various local, state and civic organizations. He volunteered with K-12 schools through Dallas Independent School District (DISD) and the Dallas Harambee Organization. His service on committees and boards included the Lyon’s Club, the Bishop Dunne Parents Association, DISD High School Boards and the Dallas YMCA board. He was the first black president of the Dallas Pharmaceutical Society. Stimp was appointed by the former governor George W. Bush and reappointed under Governor Rick Perry to serve on the Juneteenth Board. As the recipient of many awards, honors, and recognition, worthy of note are his Lifetime Achievement Award from the Urban League and City of Dallas Proclamation. Stimp credited his success to his parents, AJ and Doll Stimpson. His mother and father stressed the importance of education, learning, and leadership, “Be independent so you can lean on yourself and not have to ask others for help.” As a parent to his children and surrogate parent to the youth who ever needed him, he would advise, “Never give up, but always give out.” Of all his accomplishments, none surpass the marriage to the love of his life, Mrs. Sophia Jessie Stimpson. She was a classmate and 1967 graduate of the TSU School of Pharmacy. The stars aligned and to this union, two beautiful and talented daughters were born who were his pride and joy. The oldest, Jennifer Carol Stimpson, M.S., followed in her parent’s footsteps to become a scientist and STEM advocate. She is a science teacher at the Hockaday School,
Dallas, TX and completing doctoral studies at the University of Pennsylvania inspired by her parents’ dedication to continuous learning. Younger daughter Natalie Noele Stimpson, DDS, pursued her parents’ commitment to medicine and community health through a career in dentistry. In lieu of flowers, in loving memory of TSU alumnus, Willard Stimpson, a memorial scholarship fund has been established at Texas Southern University in his memory. You may go to http://tsu.thankyou4caring.org/stimpsonfamilyscholarship to contribute. Donations may also be made payable to Texas Southern University Foundation and mailed to the attention of LaRence Snowden, AVP for Development, 3100 Cleburne Street – HH 202, Houston, TX 70004
I Messenger
February 2, 2018
A Way Out of This Out of the darkness, be drawn to the light. It will warm and comfort you and turn your day from the night. Allowing you to see the good times and find strength in them It will show, without a doubt, that your strength comes from Him. Everything imaginable rearranged by death. Outlining the measure of the dash that you dwell on earth. Although weakened by sadness, muster all you might. Weep if you must but keep moving towards the light.
Beauty in the Bricks a 1981 documentary about four teenage girls growing up in the West Dallas housing development, will be shown February 17, 2018, 10 am at the Lakewest Women's Health Center, 3737 Goldman St, Dallas, TX.
Beauty in the Bricks gives a vivid portrayal of the contrast between the difficult lives of four teenage girls in the West Dallas projects the dreams and aspirations they had for a better life. It is an important part of West Dallas history and Dallas history in general. The showing will be accompanied by short presentations by people involved in the making of the movie, including some of the girls -- now women -- who appeared in it. The event will be hosted by Olinka Green. For more information, call Olinka Green at 214-625-2970.
La Juana and Patricia Barton authors of Faithful Remembrances - Volume I
February 2, 2018
I Messenger
Do you know this man?
POLICE have not apprehended “Pookie” the serial rapist. We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers.
He targeted members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. but this is more than about a sorority. We’re talking about a community. Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? Will it matter when it is your sister, mother, aunt or grandmother or maybe YOU?