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I Messenger


MARCH 3, 2017



MARCH 3, 2017

I Messenger

MARGURITTE S. JOHNSON helps those who others hurt!



I Messenger Study Circle to feature Smith’s book on African Americans

MARCH 3, 2017


COWARD-IN-CHIEF 6 Dr. Roscoe Smith

The Dr. Roscoe Smith Study Circle will be Saturday, March, 18, 2017 @10:00 AM at Dallas NBUF headquarters located 2949 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd., Suite #3-Dallas,Texas 75215 (across from Martin Luther King ComKIDNEY SCREENING munity Center). 15 The featured book for study is "African American Heritage for Family & Friends" by Dr. Roscoe Smith, Ph.D. THE Dr. Smith, who is well-known among educators across America, particu!VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDS IN MAVS larly Black educators, will walk participants through untold/unknown inforGarland,Rowlett mation of great African American thinkers in!VAILABLE America. AT .EWSSTANDS IN His presentation will include demonstrations of great African American Mesquite Garland,Rowlett 20-21 advancements that will prove the geniuses of Black people throughout the Richardson Mesquite centuries in spite of slavery, Jim Crow laws andRichardson harsh racial discrimination. & E.Dallas & E.Dallas Dr. Smith will also provide and sign "free copies" of the thought-provoking book.

Free - Take One

Free - Take One

Each Month TexasMonthPhonePhalconstar.com (972) 926-8503 Garland, Fax (903) Year 926-8503 SubscriptionFax$45.00 35thAugust 1-15, 2012Phalconstar.com Published 1stGarland, & 15th Each Texas450-1397Phone1(972) (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00



MARCH 3, 2017


I Messenger


I Messenger


MARCH 3, 2017


I Messenger Political involvement necessary not sufficient

MARCH 3, 2017

The unfortunate election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency of the United States speaks volumes about the limits of African American involvement in the political system. Don’t get me wrong. I was born and will live and die a political junkie, obsessed with the minutiae of politics. Actually, I’m a recovering politician; having run for office, got my butt beat, and flirted with the possibility of doing it again for years. Politics is about making the rules of distribution, of deciding how laws determine who gets what, when, where and why. Politics importantly ensures that those who make the rules are favorably disposed toward justice and fairness. Politics allows resistance when those elected don’t follow the lead of their constituents. Economics and politics are closely aligned. Economics also determines who gets what, when, where and why. Socalled free markets determine the flows of economic distribution, but politics often regulates the way that these so-called free markets work. I say that these markets are “so-called” free because we know that politicians distort markets to their liking. During a recession, for example, politicians agree that bankers need a tight rein on them that they can’t simply exploit for the purpose of earning predatory profits. After a recession, some politicians might loosen the rein on bankers and decide to let predatory marketflow free. African Americans have righteously focused on politics and the political system, especially during the early days of the civil rights movement, when the fight for the right to vote was a priority. People like Fannie Lou Hamer were beaten within inches of their lives because they were determined to vote. Medgar Evers was killed because he was

The Last Word By Dr. Julianne Malveaux NNPA Newswire Columnist

organizing voters. We had a focus on laws. Dr. MartinLuther King once said, “The law will not make you love me, but it will keep you from lynching me.” And so we focus on the laws and on politics. The Trump election reminds us of the limitations of politics, and the need to focus on the economic aspects of our lives. Political involvement is necessary, but not sufficient for Black progress. Every single economic indicator shows African American people lagging. Not much has changed since Dr. King said, in 1967, “Of the good things in life, the Negro has approximately one half those of whites. Of the bad things of life, he has twice those of whites. Thus, half of all Negroes live in substandard housing. And Negroes have half the income of whites. When we view the negative experiences of life, the Negro has a double share. There are twice as many unemployed. The rate of infant mortality among Negroes is double that of whites and there are twice as many Negroes dying in Vietnam as whites in proportion to their size in the population.” The numbers have changed some, but the bottom line is that African Americans are notfull equal participants in our economy. How do we fix that? How do African Americans flex our full economic muscles? How do we reward those corporations that support equality, and punish, through selective buying and boycotts, those who oppose freedom and equal opportunity?

How do we stomp with the big dogs like the Koch brothers who buy politicians with the same ease that some of us buy potato chips? Do we even stand a chance? I think that we have to spend as much time and place as much emphasis on economics as on politics. I think we have to be clear that poverty is a profit opportunity for some corporations. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has already reversed the Obama executive order that would stop the use of private prisons for federal incarceration. But these private prisons are machines of predatory capitalism, and now that Sessions has approved their use, their stocks are soaring. So we have to ask ourselves if our pension funds, mutual funds, or other financial instruments invest in corporations like Corecivic (formerly Corrections Corporation of America, $CXW) and the Geo Group ($GEO). Can we push our investors to withdraw investment from these funds? Or will we be willing, in the name of predatory capitalism, to profit from this chicanery? Similarly, from Ava DuVernay’s film 13th , we are reminded of the others whoprofit from the prison industrial complex, including those who provide meals (Aramark is one of those companies) and phone calls. How much discomfort do they impose on our incarcerated brothers and sisters to make a profit? Politicians make rules, but money talks when the nonsense walks. We need to spend as much time focusing on economics as on politics. We need to follow the money when we see oppression. And we need to be clear that the clearest path to Black liberation is that path that focuses on economics. Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest book “Are We Better Off? Race, Obama and Public Policy” is available via www.amazon.com

Julianne Malveaux is an author, an economist and President Emerita of Bennett College for Women. Her latest book “Are We Better Off? Race, Obama and Public Policy” is available on Amazon



I Messenger

MARCH 3, 2017

The Coward-in-Chief

If there’s any consistency in the draft dodging, war-mongering spirit that co-exists in Resident Trump, it has to be his blatant acts of cowardice. Somewhere amidst the bravado and bluster is a whiny, insecure toddler…a toddler clasping a blanket in one fist while sucking the thumb of his opposite hand. The Donald of this “Duck Dynasty” is as hollow and helpless as the trickster Dorothy and Toto sought out in the land of Oz. Resident Trump talks big and bold but his tactic of fear-mongering are below the dignity of a Commander-In Chief. Think critically about this latest roundup of Mexican immigrants who are portrayed as working America’s principal economic nemesis. Trump and the GOP have marshaled a reign of terror on “illegal aliens” who “broke our sovereign laws,” but to date they have issued no fines or made no arrests of employers who beckon them here in the first place. Rather than tell Americans, and especially rural White America that the “gig is up,” he persists in pitting the poor against the poor. Trump proclaims his GOP; “the working class party,” while tens of thousands of his own employees have been stiffed. Do you doubt that Trump has “undocumented” workers in his hotels or construction sites? Did he violate labor laws to keep organized labor out and poor wages and working conditions in? How many of his employees are we subsidizing through welfare and Obamacare? To terrorize non-criminal immigrants without equal penalties against employers is tantamount to punishing the prostitutes and rewarding the pimps and Johns. Straight cowardice!!


Quit Playin’

By Vincent Hall

Trump, unlike Obama and Hillary, didn’t have the guts to say to coal miners that their workdays were ebbing. Rather than be honest and risk votes, Resident Trump convinced his Nationalist constituency that “clean

coal” is making a comeback. Make the coal mines Great Again! In a story published by NPR in 2012, the case against coal mining was made plain. “Miners diagnosed with coal workers’ pneumoconiosis are eligible for compensation. Coal mining companies routinely challenge diagnoses, but since 1970, government and industry have paid out more than $45 billion in compensation (through FY 2011).” Those “Fake News” agitators over at the internationally regarded New York Times, made another stark prediction on Christmas Eve last year. “The costs of the black lung resurgence include increased strain on the federal Black Lung Disability Trust Fund and on strapped state benefit

programs. Special help for miners provided by the Affordable Care Act will disappear if that law is repealed. Only 17 percent of working Kentucky miners has been tested since 2011. But that total will grow as the 40,000 miners who have lost their jobs since 2010 feel freer to be checked out. By law, their last employer is responsible for paying health costs. Some 600 mines have closed, many pleading bankruptcy.” 80,000 miners have died since 1968. So not only did Trump lack the courage to tell miners the truth, he made these empty claims while pledging to repeal Obamacare which makes provisions for their “pre-existing conditions.” And by the way, guess who gets the tab when the mines go bankrupt? You got it…the same taxpayers that bailed out Billionaire Trump out four or more times. Democracy demands courage. Without it, we are not the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” Americans understand the need to be safe, but driving a car is dangerous. Living is dangerous! And to remix the words of my patron Saint; Chris Rock; I ain’t worried about Al Queda over there; I’m watching ‘Al Cracker’ commit unfettered mayhem over here. Resident Trump lacks the courage to call out escalating acts of anti-Semitism, Muslim hatred, blatant attacks on minorities or any other racial hatred. He does a lot of barking and bullying, but Donald J. Trump appears to be the coward-in-chief. Vincent L. Hall is an author, activist and award-winning columnist. WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM

MARCH 3, 2017


I Messenger


I Messenger

Community Calendar

MARCH 3, 2017

The Dallas Art Fair ninth edition of the fair will take place from April 6 through April 9 at the Fashion Industry Gallery (F.I.G.).

March 3

SPECIAL EXHIBIT - FILMING THE CAMPS: FROM HOLLYWOOD TO NUREMBERG Features the work of three filmmakers: John Ford, Samuel Fuller, and George Stevens. It explores the filmmakers’ experiences during and after World War II, the footage they captured of Nazi atrocities, and the impact the war had on their careers. At Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance 211 N. Record Street Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75202 from 9:30 AM -5:00 PM

Orientation: Small Business Development Center Fri, March 3, 2017; 2pm – 4pm; Bill Priest Institute; 1402 Corinth, Rm 1534, 75215. Learn how the SBDC can assist in starting or growing your business. Free. Pre-registration required. Contact: 214-860-5859. Pre-register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/orientation-march-3-2017-tickets-30055615154

Grants Information Sessions: South Dallas/Fair Park Trust Fund Applications are available to South Dallas-based nonprofits for 3 types of grants. The first two information sessions are: Tues, March 7 & 14, 2017; 6pm; MLK Center; 2922 MLK, Jr. Blvd, 75215; Bldg A; Rm 127. Contact: Betty Artis; 214-670-8271; betty.artis@dallascityhall.com. **** Let It Be: A Celebration of the Music of the Beatles Tour, the internationally acclaimed tribute to the Beatles show you never got to see, will be in the area for most of March - first at Music Hall at Fair Park and then Bass Performance Hall. Let It Be - Music Hall-Fair Park (Dallas - 3/7-19) & Bass Performance Hall (FW -3/21-26) 2017 AFRICAN CHAMBER WEEKLY LUNCHEON SPEAKERS LIST March March March March


April April April April


5 12 19 26

May 3 May 10 ALFONSO May 17 May 24 May 31 IDAY




March 2

REMEMBERING JOSEPH SMITH “Pretrial Matters, Matter” discussion at 6:00 p.m. at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center [2922 MLK, Jr. Blvd. Dallas


Johnston. Contact: Dallas Examiner, 214941-3100. Meet the New City Manager, TC Broadnax Reception: 6pm; Q&A: 6:30pm; Methodist Hospital; Hitt Auditorium, 1441 N Beckley, 75203. Let the City Manager know your priorities and concerns. Hosted by Councilman, Scott Griggs.

Saturday, March, 18, 2017 @10:00 AM at Dallas NBUF headquarters located 2949 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd., Suite #3-Dallas,Texas 75215 (across from Martin Luther King Community Center). The featured book for study is “African American Heritage for Family & Friends” by Dr. Roscoe Smith, Ph.D.

UNCF Mayor’s Masked Ball, Call 972-234-1007 for tickets

March 4

Recovery Support Specialist Training (substance abuse/mental health) Citizens’ Civil Academy March 6 – 10, 2017. Free training to work with young adults who have substance Judge Staci Williams and/or behavioral challenges. Online and presents Spring 2017 in class sessions. For qualifications and Citizens’ Academy. benefits, contact: Peer Workforce SoluA free, non-partisan program about the Civil tions, 978-219-6753; info@recovervcc. Maya Angelou KERA Essay Contest Court system. Held on org; https://peerworkforcesolutions. Deadline: Tues, March 21, 2017. High school March 4th,11th,18th. eventbrite.com students in the KERA viewing area may For more details and to participate by writing an essay that interprets register www.ccadallas. an Angelou poem and describes how it com improves race relations. Apply: http://www. kera.org/angelou In recognition of World Kidney Day (WKD), “Coffee with Cops” Dallas County Health and Human Services Sat, March 4, 2017; 9am – 11am; Various (DCHHS) and the National Kidney FoundaMcDonald’s locations: 5403 Ross, 75206; tion (NKF) are partnering to provide free 10329 Lake June, 75217; and 3200 W. kidney screenings to Dallas County residents The Pearls of Persia - Mother Wheatland, 75237. Meet officers working The health screening will be held from 10 Daughter Tea in your area for coffee & conversation. a.m. to 2 p.m Contact: 214 671-4048 DCHHS, 2377 N. Stemmons Frwy, Suite 627, Dallas, TX 75207.

March 21

March 9

March 26

Dallas Expunction Expo: Pre-Qualification Clinic 10am; Golden Gate Baptist Church, 1101 Rev CBT Smith St, 75203. Learn how to clear your arrest record. Volunteer attorneys on hand. Contact: Tiffinni Young’s office: 214-6704051; Pre-Register: https:// eventbrite.com/e/dallas-expunction-expo-tickets-32105126297

March 10-12 National Association of Black Journalists Regional Conference Marriott Medical Market Center Stemmons Freeway

March 11

City Manager’s Budget Engagement Meetings 11:30am – 1pm; Latino Cultural Center; 2600 Live Oak, 75204; and 2pm – 3:30pm; West Dallas Multipurpose Center; 2828 Fish Trap, 75212. City Manager, TC Broadnax, seeks citizen input on 2017-2018 budget.

March 6 Tire Rack Street Survival® Teen Driving School Dragon Stadium, 1085 S Kimball Ave, Southlake, TX 76092 9:00am – 4:00pm HOST: Texas Region SCCA ***** Monday Night Politics: Districts 3 & 7 City Council Races Mon, March 6, 2017; 6pm-8pm; African American Museum; Fair Park. Dist 3 candidates: Casey Thomas, Joe Tave, Sandra Crenshaw. Dist 7 candidates: Tiffinni Young, Adam Bazaldua, Marvin Crenshaw, Kevin Felder, James Turknett, Tammy

Party with DFW/ABJ at the House of Blues 10p-2a

March 12

Friendship Circle of Dallas Carnival open to all, carnival attractions include magic show, juggling show, light dinner, bring a costume to automatically enter in rafle. Located at JCC Senior Assembly Lounge, 7900 Northaven Rd. Carnival starts at 4:00 PM

March 18 The Dr. Roscoe Smith Study Circle will be

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Chi Zeta Omega Chapter along with Pearls of Service, Incorporated annual Mother Daughter Tea--”The Pearls of Persia.” This year we will be celebrating our 2017 Debutantes and their mothers in elegant style on a journey filled with the magic of Persia. Guests will experience a traditional tea in an atmosphere embellished with Persian spice. Attire: Elegant Jewel Tones 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM CDT Reflections On Spring Creek 1901 East Spring Creek Parkway Plano, TX 75074

March 30 BUSINESS Workshop This event is designed to provide small businesses with the opportunity to get meaningful, state-ofthe-art information from industry experts. Special Feature: How to Become Minority Certified $25 per person $100 for Vendor Table Dallas Executive Airport


MARCH 3, 2017


I Messenger


I Messenger

MARCH 3, 2017

Dallas Black Dance Theatre Dancing Beyond Borders takes 2016-2017 highlights on road

Dallas Black Dance Theatre (DBDT) heads North and West with its Dancing Beyond Borders series. Both DBDT and DBDT: Encore! will perform, bringing the highlights of the dance institution’s 40th Anniversary Season to Richardson on Friday, March 3, 2017 and to Fort Worth on Saturday, March 11, 2017. Both companies will be on stage together to dance Bruce Wood® Smoke. DBDT performs… And Now Marvin by Darryl B. Sneed to a suite of Marvin Gaye songs, then The B-Side by choreographer Tiffany Rea-Fisher.


DBDT: Encore! performs Unsettled Thoughts, by Richard A. Freeman-Carter. The work explores the anguish of making a heart or head decision. Later the company blends country music to contemporary dance in Country Blues by Edmond Giles. Dancing Beyond Borders - North in Richardson is supported by Texas Instruments and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. The North performance will be held Friday, March 3, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. at the Charles W. Eisemann Center for Performing Arts and Corporate Presentations,

2351 Performance Drive in Richardson, Texas 75082. For tickets, call 972-744-4650 or visit www.eisemanncenter.com. Dancing Beyond Borders - West in Fort Worth is presented by American Airlines. The Star-Telegram and Indulge Magazine are supporting sponsors. The West performance will be held Saturday, March 11, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. at the W. E. Scott Theatre, 3505 West Lancaster Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76107. For tickets call 214-880-0202 or visit www.ATTPAC.org.


I Messenger

MARCH 3, 2017

Shortcomings of a Short-sighted Immigration Policy

At the onset of President Trump’s campaign, Mr. Trump painted Mexican immigrants with a broad and nefarious brush, demonizing them as aggravated felons whose crimes include murder, drug and illegal firearm trafficking, and rape. Although several studies have repeatedly indicated that undocumented immigrants are not disproportionately responsible for crime, this unfortunate sentiment underscores public misperceptions that can influence immigration policies. Now as Commander in Chief, President Trump stands ready to deliver on his campaign’s tough talk on undocumented immigration by implementing increasingly hostile immigration policies. President Trump’s efforts to remove undocumented immigrants and crackdown on undocumented immigration have been self-described as a “military operation.” I do not support any efforts to militarize our immigration enforcement in the United States. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Border Patrol are civilian organizations charged with enforcing federal law surrounding border control and are mandated to carry out that specific task. State and local law enforcement personnel charged with the duty to “protect and serve” their respective communities should be focused on promoting local public safety and not be coerced into unfunded mandates to conduct federal immigration enforcement. Having state and local law enforcement personnel enforce federal immigration laws also erodes the delicate trust that exists between local law enforcement and


Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson the communities they serve. Building a wall to keep out illegal immigrants is not a novel idea. In fact, President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 to authorize construction of a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. Currently, 613 miles of fencing exist on the border. However, a border wall or fence will not achieve the goal that President Trump seeks to accomplish and I disagree with its premise to keep all immigrants out of our country. It did not work under President Bush and will not work under President Trump. Refusing entry to people who seek safety from danger and violence is anti-American and unconscionable. Furthermore, building a 2,000 mile long wall along our southern border is not only a knee jerk reaction to our issues with immigration, it is fiscally irresponsible. The wall’s construction alone would cost American taxpayers (make no mistake it will be the American taxpayer who foots the bill) at least $12 billion, with some estimates approaching upwards of $25 billion. Maintenance thereafter would cost another $750 million a year. We simply cannot afford to pay for the wall while our bridges, roads, and other infrastructure

continue to dangerously deteriorate due to decades of neglect. The moral case against President Trump’s immigration policies is obvious, and the economic arguments against it are daunting. His repeated attempts to impugn the reputation of immigrants living in this country and his relentless condemnation of individuals from varying backgrounds or nationalities is contrary to our values as a nation. As President Trump moves to place the full force of the federal government behind the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants and the construction of a border wall, the time to act on comprehensive immigration reform is now. Although there are many areas of disagreement, there must be a healthy debate on a reform plan. Unilateral executive orders and kneejerk responses rooted in prejudice will not solve our problems. Instead, they will only result in families being torn apart and violations of due-process rights along the way. Walls, barriers, and military patrols will only force those immigrants to utilize ever more dangerous routes and increase the number of people who die in search of an opportunity to feed and clothe their families. Comprehensive immigration reform, not constructing yet another barrier, is the best solution to resolve this issue. I challenge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together to create a truly comprehensive plan that creates a reasonable path to citizenship while upholding the law of the land.

Learn how you can receive $100,000 for college funding, by investing $7,000. This little known unique financial strategy is used by wealthy individuals to create large amounts of money daily. To receive free details on how to get access to this financial strategy, please call 214-962-0951. This opportunity is available only for those who can invest WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM


I Messenger

Ask Alma: Dear Alma,

MARCH 3, 2017

Let him go…

to forgive him. He wants to be ings for him and if you can’t have friends and be a part of my life. him as a lover, you’ll consider Ok, I was with a What’s your take on this? allowing him to be your friend. police officer for 10 Don’t! Name withheld years. You can forgive him, but don’t by Alma Gill He did some awful forget. Dear Name Withheld: NNPA News Wire Columnist things in our relaMy “Ask Alma” super girl Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than tionship. I’d have to say I’m glad this powers tell me that you’re beau25 years, including various roles at USA Today, NewsMeaning he cheat- relationship is over and no, tiful, smart and worthy of someday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: ed on me. you don’t need him as a friend. one who will give you his best. alwaysaskalma@gmail. com. Follow her on FaceA lot of it was Friends don’t deliver hurt and You’ve spent enough time albook at “Ask Alma” and Twitter @almaaskalma. through the Interpain; friends show up with tissue lowing Robocop to block your net or through the and support. blessings. phone. Unpack your big girl Meaning he was sexting Unpack your big girl bloomers bloomers and let him many other women. bounce! Surround yourself Which he considered not with friends and family who and let him bounce! Surround cheating. love and support you – everybody else has got to go. We were living together and I was battling lupus. yourself with friends and family You’re living with lupus, God bless you! He said it was because I was You ain’t got time for no sick often and didn’t like to who love and support you – everyfoolishness. Lupus didn’t do the things I used to do. give you a choice, but you Long story short, I found a can choose to have devotside phone with over 30 dif- body else has got to go. ferent women in the phone. I ed, faithful, compassionate was devastated! Nobody wants to admit it, but friends and relationships that’ll Here I am battling lupus and it’s hard to love yourself more bring you joy. he can’t be loyal. I was heartbro- than the one you love when they Don’t be afraid of not having ken, so I kicked him out and our instantly break your heart. him in your life. He doesn’t hold relationship over. Love’s not like a cell phone, you your happiness in the palm of his He has tried to be my friend can’t turn it on and off ~ or put it hand. ever since, but I’m so angry that on silent when it’s convenient for Your light of happiness lives inside of you, under your control, he hurt me. the situation. He’s apologized and begged me Sounds like you still have feel- 24/07.

It’s Women’s History Month!



MARCH 3, 2017


I Messenger


MARCH 3, 2017 I Messenger #WhoIRunFor: Gaining Traction with Time Rick Johnson not slowing down with age and will #RunBigStar

Frisco, Texas - Driven to help others achieve. Cooper Fitness Runners creator Rick Johnson has accomplished many feats in the running world, however, he says the joy he receives from helping the running community gives him the greatest rewards. We’re pleased to share Johnson’s devotion to runners of all ages to #DoSomethingBig, which can be done with their very first steps and personal goals. Who do you run for? I run for myself, for my family and to support and encourage other runners. What does running do for you? Running makes me happy and healthy. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and well being. Why will you run the Texas Big Star in Frisco April 2017? I really think it is important to support and grow our local races. Frisco is right in my backyard. Local races add a special, unique flavor that the national, corporate races cannot. Why should others #RunBigStar? Others should run Big Star to support local races...which in turn support local charities or causes. Also, it is fun to run in the community


Closing thoughts? Achievements are one thing...but rewards can be something entirely different. For example, starting the Cooper Fitness Runners had been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. There is a real joy in my life... devoting myself and giving back to the running community. Setting up pace teams and pacing local races has also been very rewarding. Let me put it this way: setting a personal record or winning an age group award is an accomplishment and the feeling of reward lasts a day or two...but reward where we live. of helping someone to achieve a PR or to complete a distance that once What has been your greatest runseemed impossible, lasts forever. ning achievement? My biggest achievement is improveWe look forward to running alongment in my running and my results... side Rick! even as I get older. It's a reminder that getting older doesn't always The North Texas Community Giving mean getting slower. Of course, it is Foundation (NTCGF) and the Tug important to set realistic goals, but McGraw Foundation will present the we can always continue to improve 2nd annual Texas Big Star Half Marourselves. Other personal achieveathon & 5K at Collin College Preston ments are having run the Boston and Ridge Campus, 9700 Wade Blvd., New York marathons. Frisco, Texas 75035 on April 15, 2017 at 7:30 a.m. #WhoIRunFor is a series If you could not run, what would of stories about race participants and you do instead? the passion behind their footwork. If I couldn't run...I would first spend Register early for discounted rates. a lot of my time just being depressed. All are welcome to #RunBigStar. After that, I would try to walk, swim, Corporate teams are encouraged to yoga and other strength training exregister as well. ercises. I would also probably devote more time to other things and hobbies...like guitar. WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM

I Messenger

MARCH 3, 2017

DCHHS offers Free Kidney Health Screening on World Kidney Day

In recognition of World Kidney Day (WKD), Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) and the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) are partnering to provide free kidney screenings to Dallas County residents Thursday, March 9. The health screening will be held Thursday, March 9, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., DCHHS, 2377 N. Stemmons Frwy, Suite 627, Dallas, TX 75207. The message for WKD 2017 is “Kidney Disease and Obesity.” In addition to celebrating WKD, National Kidney Month is celebrated every year in March as well. This global campaign aims to increase awareness of kidney disease and its associated problems. Worldwide, in 2014 over 600 million adults were considered to be obese. Obesity increases the risk of developing major risk factors of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), like diabetes and high-blood pressure, and it has a direct impact on the development of CKD and end stage renal disease (ESRD). “Obesity, diabetes, high-blood pressure, family history, physical inactivity and an unbalanced diet are all risk factors to kidney disease,” said Zachary Thompson, DCHHS director. “Understand-

sugar levels, which are vital to kidney health. 2.Eat Healthy-

Zachary Thompson

ing and assessing these are risks that are fundamentally important to your overall health.” To raise public awareness of kidney disease, DCHHS and NFK is encouraging all Americans to “Heart Your Kidneys” (#heartyourkidneys) on World Kidney Day and throughout the month of March. The public awareness campaign seeks to promote the importance of kidneys so that people understand the overall function of kidneys why they are vital to sustaining life.

Take Five Steps

Cut Processed Foods - Processed foods are a significant source of sodium, nitrates and phosphates, which have been linked to cancer, heart disease and kidney disease. 3.Maintain a Healthy WeightThis can help prevent diabetes, heart disease and other conditions associatedwith Chronic Kidney Disease. 4.Reduce over the counter medicine Many over-the-counter medications, like ibuprofen or aspirin, may easeaches and pains, but may harm your kidneys. 5.Stay Well Hydrated -

Drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary beverages helps 30 minutes of regular exercise your kidneys clear sodiumand will help you control your blood other toxins from the body. pressure and lower your blood1.Stay Active–



I Messenger

MARCH 3, 2017

STAND 4 SISTERHOOD celebrates Global Sisterhood Day with United We Stand haven for women to forSaturday, March 18th marks Global Sisterage healthy, meaningful relationships with each hood Day, and entreother says Johnson, preneur Marguritte S. “I wanted people to inJohnson is leading the charge in Dallas with stantly know what we her non-profit organiare about. That’s one of Marguritte S. Johnson the reasons I changed the zation, Stand 4 Sistername to Stand 4 Sisterhood. Just hood with United We Stand! The event will feature a full day hearing the name, you know this of encouragement, empowerment, is a place where women’s rights entertainment and inspiration for will be championed. We deal with women of all ages and walks of all kinds of issues that impact life. The event will take place from girls and women from bullying, 9 am to 2pm at The Help Studios domestic violence and sex traflocated at 2435 Squire Place, Ste. ficking to homelessness and pro100, Farmers Branch, TX 75234. viding mentorship.” In 2011, Johnson awakened one The community coalition is morning to a debilitating sadness committed to uniting both girls surrounding the relocation of her and women in mentorship, uplift sister to Germany with her hus- and collaboration instead of comband who had been deployed there petition with the number 4 repas part of his military service. resenting the 4 core groups: ages While the two could communi- 8-12 are Diva Dolls, 13-19 are cate via phone and electronically, Boss Beauties, 20-39 are Godly the void became the catalyst for Girlfriends and 40+ are the Classy a movement by Johnson to unite Confidants. Each level provides mentorship women around the world in a movement of sisterhood for ev- to its younger sisters with Boss ery woman who had lost a sister Beauties serving as peer partners to distance or circumstance and to the Diva Dolls to provide a lifebuild a community of sisters with time of support and stability to whom to collaborate and connect. one another in the name of sisterThe group, originally dubbed hood. Godly Girlfriends, became a safe In celebration and recognition of


Global Sisterhood Day, join Stand 4 Sisterhood for their event United We Stand as they provide Miracle Makeovers to both women and girls who have been impacted by bullying, domestic violence, sex trafficking and/or terminal illness. Tickets are on sale now at https:// www.eventbrite.com/e/unitedwestand-sisters-symposium-shindig-tickets-31978071272. This event is FREE and open to the public. Vendor booths are available for $75. For more information, visit www.stand4sisterhood.org. To nominate an individual for the Miracle Makeover or sign up for a vendor space, email stand4sisterhood.global@gmail.com or call 817.382.0020. Lunch will be provided courtesy of Chipotle. EVENT DAY SCHEDULE 9 AM Vendor Booth Open for Shopping & Networking 10 AM Drum Circle & When Sisters Unite Talk Show 11 AM Inspiring Entertainment & UPLIFT Testimonials 12 PM UNITY Facilitators 1 PM Panel Discussion & Miracle Makeovers Revealed 2 PM Event Ends w/ Lunch & More Shopping WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM

I Messenger

MARCH 3, 2017

Dallas students to receive internships

Back row - Michael Peterson of AT&T, Jay Clingman of Chase, former Mayor Tom Leppert, Bruno Garcia (Intern Fellows alum), Mark Okada of Highland Capital Management. Front row – Mayor Mike Rawlings, Isaiah Turner (Intern Fellows alum), Gillian Breidenbach of Bank of America, Keja Johnson (Interns Fellows alum), Marcia Page of Education is Freedom, Karen Devora (Intern Fellows alum), Dallas ISD Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa PHOTO BY JAMES EDWARD

With a call for businesses and nonprofits to double down on recruitment efforts in this monumental year, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings yesterday kicked off the 10th year of the Dallas Mayor’s Intern Fellows Program with an aggressive campaign to increase the number of businesses providing eight-week paid internships to Dallas

public and charter high school students this summer. In his call to action, Mayor Rawlings asked businesses to increase the number of interns at their workplace and to recruit vendors, customers, clients and neighboring businesses. And if a company cannot sponsor an intern at their business, he said

they can underwrite an intern to work at a local nonprofit agency or be a program sponsor. He also made a plea to small businesses – who illustrate the spirit of entrepreneurship – to join the effort in hiring a teen. To sign up, go to mayorsinterns.org by March 22.

Three new schools identified to launch under transformation and innovation umbrella Three new choice schools have been identified through the Dallas Independent School District's (Dallas ISD) Office of Transformation and Innovation Public School Choice 3.0 selection process. The new choice offerings include a neighborhood school redesigning its academic model, a school piloting an innovative approach to Montessori, and a middle school that will be open to all district students. “These innovative school models will continue to move forward our goal of expanding the range of op-

tions so that all students can attend a best-fit school that taps into their interests, learning styles, and aspirations,” said Mohammed Choudhury, interim chief of Transformation and Innovation. “Access to top-notch quality programs is critical for the long-term success of the district’s Public School Choice initiative.” Felix G. Botello Elementary School will launch next school year under the personalized learning academic model, and will continue to enroll students from its traditional attendance zone without admissions require-


ments. Lorenzo De Zavala Elementary School will pilot a Montessori program, which would include implementation of Montessori best practices in primary grades to further accelerate student achievement. The new Montessori at De Zavala will be the district’s first Innovation Pilot School. Ignite Middle School, which is a name for consideration pending Board approval, will open in August 2018. While the location of the campus is to be determined, students will receive project-based learning in an environment that explores

various career fields, at their own pace. A prominent group of Dallas ISD educators led to the design of the school. These three schools were selected from a pool of 11 proposals that were submitted during the district’s most recent Public School Choice proposal selection process. Educators both locally and nationally were invited to submit their proposed school concepts. Botello, De Zavala, and Ignite will join 15 other schools under Dallas ISD’s Public School Choice initiative, bringing the district total to 18 choice schools.


I Messenger

MARCH 3, 2017


college students. For more information or to apply, log on to www. dfwabj.com


Applications must be returned to: DFW/ABJ c/o Cheryl Smith 320 South RL Thornton Freeway, Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203

The Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists (formerly the Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Communicators) will present its 28th annual Urban Journalism Workshop for high school and



MARCH 3, 2017


I Messenger


I Messenger

MARCH 3, 2017

African American Heritage Night with The Dallas Mavs

The Dallas Mavericks and American Airlines Center hosted African American Heritage Night, Saturday, February 26 with Black Letter Greek Organizations and HBCUs. Highlights of the evening included the singing of the National Anthem by the St. John Unleashed Church Choir (Grand Prairie), a special halftime performance by Ecstacy and Jalil of Whodini and the debut of new Dallas Maverick Nerlens Noel whom the Mavs traded Justin Anderson and Anderew Bogut for a

day earlier. Enjoy the sights from a fantastic night of fun, food, music, fellowship and BASKETBALL! PHOTOS BY EVA COLEMAN



I Messenger

MARCH 3, 2017

Mavs prepare for future with youthful moves

By Dorothy Gentry Sports Editor

In what to many was a surprise move, the Dallas Mavericks shocked the NBA and Mavs fans all over. Just hours before the NBA Trade Deadline the Mavs acquired Philadelphia 76ers Nerlens Noel in exchange for guard Justin Anderson, center Andrew Bogut and a 2017 protected firstround pick. The addition of 22-year-old Noel wasn’t the only surprise. The Mavs bought out Deron Williams’ contract in a move that solidifies Kevin “Yogi” Ferrell as their present and future starting point guard. Ferrell was signed by the Mavs to a multi-year contract in early February. He originally signed a 10-day contract on Jan. 28 and helped the Mavs sweep a pivotal back-to-back at San Antonio (1/29) and vs. Cleveland (1/30) in his first two games and scored a career-high 32 points (11-17 FGs, 9-11 3FGs, 1-2s FTs) and a team-high five assists at Portland (2/3). The 6-foot point guard out of Indiana became the first undrafted rookie in NBA history to score 30-plus points and also lead his team in assists. At press time Noel was a key factor in the Mavs wins against the Pelicans and the Heat and is primed to be the starting center, Coach Rick Carlisle said. “We traded for him to be our starting center,” Carlisle said. “It gives us a big guy with quickness and real athletic ability that can play well in games. It’s pretty clear that he’s going to help us.” Noel said he is happy to be in Dallas. “I’m going to work my butt off to please the fan base and it felt great to get a win in my first game in a Maverick uniform.” He continued, “We’ve got a lot of growth to go, meshing together, but I think it is going great.” Seth Curry, himself only 26 and another integral part of the Mavs movement sings Noel’s praises as well. “He’s active and

New Dallas Maverick Nerlens Noel meets the media.

all over the place. Sometimes I’ll turn and sometimes I don’t expect anyone to be there and he’s there. He’s causing a lot of havoc on the defensive end. He’s another weapon for our team.” Noel (6-11, 220) holds career averages of 10.2 points, 7.6 rebounds, 1.6 assists, 1.7 steals, 1.6 blocks and 28.3 minutes per game in 171 games (140 starts) with Philadelphia. The third-year-man out of Kentucky is averaging 8.9 points, 5.0 rebounds, 1.4 steals, 0.9 blocks and 19.4 minutes per game in 29 games (seven starts) this season. He is shooting 61.1 percent (107-of-175) from the field this year. A native of Malden, Mass., Noel was originally selected by the New Orleans Pelicans with the sixth overall pick in the 2013 NBA Draft. His rights were later traded to Philadelphia along with a future first-round pick in exchange for Jrue Holiday and Pierre Jackson. In his lone season at Kentucky (201213), Noel averaged 10.5 points, 9.5 rebounds, 1.6 assists, 2.1 steals, 4.4 blocks and 31.9 minutes per game en route to earning First Team All-SEC, SEC Defensive Player


of the Year and SEC Rookie of the Year honors. On Jan. 29, 2013, Noel set the UK single-game record with 12 blocked shots in a victory over No. 16 Ole Miss. Noel suffered a torn ACL in a game against the Florida Gators on Feb. 12, 2013, ending his 2012-13 season. Despite the injury, Noel declared for the 2013 NBA Draft following his freshman year. He missed the entire 2013-14 NBA season recovering from knee surgery. As a rookie in 2014-15, Noel averaged 9.9 points, 8.1 rebounds, 1.7 assists, 1.8 steals, 1.9 blocks and 30.8 minutes per game in 75 games (71 starts) while garnering NBA All-Rookie First Team honors. The 22-year-old Noel was the top-rated player by both ESPNU recruiting and Scout. com coming out of high school and was rated the second-best prospect by Rivals.com. He will wear No. 3 with the Mavericks. Mavs sign Cook and Bentil to 10-day contracts On Feb. 26 the Mavs signed rookie forward Ben Bentil and rookie guard Quinn Cook to 10-day contracts. Bentil (6-9, 235) was drafted by Boston in the second round (51st overall pick) of the 2016 NBA Draft. He signed with the Celtics on July 27, 2016, but was later waived by the club on Oct. 21 after appearing in three preseason games with the team. Cook (6-2, 180) went undrafted in the 2015 NBA Draft and signed as an rookie free agent with the Cleveland Cavaliers. He played in six preseason games for the Cavaliers before being waived on Oct. 24. He played the 2015-16 season with the Canton Charge of the NBA Development League and averaged 19.6 points, 5.4 assists, 3.9 rebounds and 33.8 minutes in 43 games (37 starts) on his way to being named a 2016 D-League All-Star, Third Team All NBA D-League and the 2016 D-League Rookie of the Year.


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MARCH 3, 2017

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MARCH 3, 2017

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We are looking for order pullers, loaders & unloaders for Terrell, TX. Taking applications 9:00am - 12:00pm Tuesday-Friday. Please apply in person @ Action Logistics 301 E. Apache Trail, Terrell, TX 75160

A mind is a terrible thing to waste and a wonderful thing to invest in! Thanks, UNCF



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MARCH 3, 2017


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