APRIL 21, 2017
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APRIL 21, 2017
Rev. Dr. Sheron Patterson knows that without justice, there can be no
PEACE page 7
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APRIL 21, 2017
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APRIL 21, 2017
I Messenger
APRIL 21, 2017 I Messenger March unemployment report is mixed news
By Dr. Julianne Malveaux
THE LAST WORD By Dr. Julianne Malveaux
Our 45th President has had no trouble claiming the good employment news reported for January and February of this year. In those jobs reports, released on the first Friday of the month, we saw unemployment rates of 4.8 and 4.7 percent. In both of those months, more than 200,000 jobs were created. 45 crowed that this data showed how successful his Presidency had been, even though he had barely kept his seat in the Oval Office warm, and oven though he had done nothing, from a policy perspective, to stake his claim on progress that could only have come from the economic recovery engineered by his predecessor, President Barack Obama. Now, we have the report from March, with an unemployment rate, at 4.5 percent, that is at its lowest level in a decade (since May 2007). We also have a sluggish report on job creation – with just 98,000 new jobs, less than half as many jobs that were created in each of the last two months. Is the 45th President going to claim that his actions have caused a slowing in job creation? Since he was so
quick to claim credit when the numbers looked good, what will he say now? More importantly, the low jobs creation number suggests that the economic recovery we have been experiencing is far from solid. The March number can be a mere hiccup – we did have weather challenges last month that may have slowed some job creation, and may even have been responsible for lower job growth in the retail sector. But it might also suggest that the Fed should not be so quick to raise interest rates. Despite relatively low unemployment rates, there is room for much more job creation before employers will have to compete for workers. The overall unemployment rate of 4.5 percent would be something to celebrate if it were accompanied with more job creation. It might also be something to celebrate if the Black unemployment rate were not so high – at 8 percent it is more than twice the white rate of 3.9 percent. Furthermore, when those marginally attached to the labor market, discouraged workers, and those work-
ing part time because they can’t find full time work, are included, the overall unemployment rate is 8.9 percent. Using the same methodology, this unemployment rate would be 15.8 percent for African Americans. To be sure, these numbers are a vast improvement on the numbers we saw a year ago, not to mention five years ago. But the impact of these low numbers has bypassed many workers. Too many have still not seen their pay levels increase (wage growth was around .02 percent last month), and too many still fear layoffs or job reorganizations. Equally importantly, the approach this administration has taken to federal employment and to health care have had chilling effects in the labor market. As an example, while employment has been trending up in health care, the health care sector added about 20,000 jobs a month, compared to an average monthly gain of 32,000 jobs in 2016. The baby boom isn’t getting any younger, and Americans sure aren’t getting any healthier. It is plausible that, instead, announcements about health care by this administration, and chicanery by this Congress, may have slowed health care employment when it should be rising. Except for “America First:
A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again”, and a whole lot of rhetoric, we have no specifics around this Administration’s economic plan. We do know, however, that freezing or reducing federal employment will have an impact on unemployment rates, and that cutting key departments (Health and Human Services, Labor, Interior) will have an impact on the long-term employment situation. Those who work in the social service areas (social workers, community service workers) are also rightly apprehensive about how their work will be funded and who will pay for it. This unemployment rate report may be as good as it gets if Mr. Trump has his way. President Obama did his best to create a robust economic recovery. President Trump says he inherited “a mess”. The January and February unemployment numbers disprove that assertion. The March report, however, shows that while 45 did not inherit a mess, he can make one with his draconian budget cuts and other ill-advised economic measure. Julianne Malveaux is an economist, author, and Founder of Economic Education. Her podcast, “It’s Personal with Dr. J” is available on iTunes ( Her latest book “Are We Better Off: Race, Obama and public policy is available via For more info visit
APRIL 21, 2017
I Messenger
I Messenger
APRIL 21, 2017
We must all still have hope many good things they had refused to acknowledge before. So many of our people are brilliant in what they do, but never had a fair chance to be seen in a positive light in their daily newspapers or on mainstream television or heard on major radio stations. Now, here we are after the Obama victories. He’s there every single day! The madness really swung into high gear with the Tea Par-
was dealing with real American challenges-such as military families and childhood obesity. She was out making speeches and inspiring women of all backgrounds. With people who could not stand all these positive scenes and unbelievable accomplishments, insanity set in, and instead of grinning and bearing the strides America was making, they began trying to set us back to what they called
in the past. They were tone deaf to the phrase “Where there is no justice, there Esq. will be no peace!” With a President President who truly tried National to make all levels of govCongress of Black Women ernment look like America by appointing women, The state of equality and Hispanics, Asians, gays and justice in America is shamelesbians, Democrats and Reful-especially since the elecpublicans and being totally tion of President Barack inclusive of all of us, those Obama. Unlike many of my who’d gone mad did not friends who think America understand that you cannot is going to hell in a hand put a genie back in the box. basket, and have We may be goSome make every effort to send Black people to the back of the ing through a given up thinking things will get bus, send immigrants of color back to from wherever they had rough period as better for those far as progress who’ve been mar- come, send gay people back into the closet, and force women to go on equality and ginalized for so justice, but I still back to the kitchen! long, I still have believe there are hope for a better day. ty, Michelle Bachman, Sar- “the good ole days”. Some enough good people who When Barack Obama was ah Palin, Senator Ted Cruz make every effort to send will work through their running for President of the and a whole lot of others. Black people to the back of prejudices and biases with United States, a close friend Some I didn’t mention be- the bus, send immigrants of which they were reared as told me, “Mark my word. cause they were already on color back to from wherev- they understand that those When Senator Obama is the list of what most of us er they had come, send gay of us who’ve previously elected, some people will have come to know as the people back into the closet, been left out, won’t turn go absolutely crazy, and “crazies”, such as Rush Lim- and force women to go back back. I still have hope. No after he’s re-elected, they baugh and his horrible ilk. to the kitchen! They began one can change the change will go mad!” His rationale Black women like our First talking about taking back for which we’ve worked so was that the average White Lady, Michelle Obama, had their country as though they hard. Dr. E. Faye Williams is national chair person had never had the not often been seen on the didn’t take it from the Native of the National Congress of Black opportunity to wake up evening news, except when Americans and as though Women. This article – the 13th of a 20every morning and see a they were there crying over immigrants and enslaved part series – is written in commemoof the 50th Anniversary of the brilliant Black man on tele- a son or daughter who’d people had done nothing to ration Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. The Lawyers’ Committee is vision who was the most been shot or accused of be- build this country. a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, powerful man in the world! ing involved in some kind of Many in the U.S. House of formed in 1963 at the request of PresiUnless they were wed to wrongdoing. Now, here she Representatives and the U.S. dent John F. Kennedy to enlist the pribar’s leadership and resources in FOX News and the O’Reilly, was-beautiful, smart, Mom Senate tried to block every vate combating racial discrimination and Hannity, Beck, Von Suste- in Chief, presiding over so- thing President Obama the resulting inequality of opportunirn programs, they would cial events for world leaders supported-even if they had ty – work that continues to be vital today. For more information, please visit learn so much about us- so and their first ladies. She supported the same things by
Dr. E. Faye Williams,
APRIL 21, 2017
African American Women and Police to join in forward thinking conversation
Where Do We Go From Here? Police and African American women in forward thinking conversation, is the name of a community event designed to recognize the past and move to the future. The Conversation acknowledges the broad spectrum of concerns regarding the Police and African American women and projects a narrow focus specifically on issues involving African American women and the Police. Attendees will jointly grapple with the realities/ factors of negative encounters between Police and African American women. In this setting, the two groups unite to talk to and with each other, listen and look ahead to a more positive future.
I Messenger
The Conversation will take place on Saturday, April 22, 2017 from noon- 2:30 pm., at the Black Police Officers Building, 211 Centre Street, Dallas, 75208. A light lunch will be provided. Invited guests include: Dallas Black Police Officer Association & the representatives from the Dallas Police Department. Dr. Sheron C. Patterson, the daughter of a Police officer, who is passionate about strengthening the relationship between Police and the African American Community, will facilitate The Conversation. While there is no cost, participants must register via Eventbrite. For more information, please visit www.
I Messenger
Community Calendar
APRIL 21, 2017
2017 AFRICAN CHAMBER WEEKLY LUNCHEON SPEAKERS LIST 1705 Martin Luther King Blvd, Dallas Texas, 75215
Representative Yvonne Davis to Host Legislative Town Hall Meeting April 19 MSDC- EDWIN State RepresenCRUZ tative Yvonne April 26 NTTA- ANTHONY Davis will hold COLEMAN a Legislative Town Hall meeting to discuss pending legislation May 3 EX-IM BANK- KELLY currently before the Texas House KEMP of Representatives as well as other May 10 LAW OFFICE OF community issues. GEORGE ALFONSO- GEORGE If you have any questions concernALFONSO ing the upcoming Legislative Town May 17 TO BE DETERMINED Hall Meeting, contact RepresenMay 24 TO BE DETERMINED tative Davis’ District office at (214) May 31 NO MEETING DUE TO 941-3985. MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY 10:00 AM - 12:00 P Methodist Charlton Medical Center June 7 INNOVATIVE STRATEAuditorium GIES- MARIO TREVINO 3500 W. Wheatland Rd June 14 TO BE DETERMINED Dallas, TX 75237 June 21 TO BE DETERMINED June 28 DFW AIRPORT- LILLIE Congresswoman WEST & GUY TOLIVER Johnson will host (LUNCHEON BEING HELD AT DFW AIRPORT) the U.S. Military Services “AcadeJuly 5 NO LUNCHEON DUE my Day”, where TO JULY 4TH HOLIDAY local students July 12 TO BE DETERMINED will have the July 19 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF opportunity to COMMERCE- JESSICA GORDON meet with representatives from July 26 TO BE DETERMINED the U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy to ask specific questions. The event will be held April 21 at Wilmer-Hutchins High School at 9:30 a.m. Celebrating 30 years of Williams Chicken
Powerteam International Special Gift for Attending the Dallas Small Business Expo 10AM - 1PM CLAIM YOUR FREE DIGITAL SUCCESS PACK! ($97.00) Business 3.0 Workshop ANATOLE HILTON 2201 N Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75207
April 22
Community Missionary Baptist Church of Desoto and Nova Academy, Cedar Hill, is hosting its Spring Fest/Fall Enrollment Roundup and Community Event from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The festival will be held at 820 Wintergreen Road, Cedar Hill, TX 75104.
April 23
The South Dallas Business and Pro- Fabulous Tea Party for Women of Business, 4 p.m., Hilton Garden fessional Women’s Club annual V. Alyce Foster Trailblazers Luncheon Inn, 800 North Main Street, Duncanville, TX. One of the featured at the Hilton Anatole, 12 p.m.
speakers will be Tandy Caraway of CollegeMode Academy who will discuss making debt-free college education possible. Tickets may be purchased On at www.
amongst others will sit on one stage and discuss these issues in front of some of the nation’s most prominent faith and community leaders exclusively at the 2017 International Pastors & Leadership Conference in Dallas, April 27 – April 29, 2017.
April 25
The Spring Celebration Series May 19-21, 2017 marks the close of Dallas Black Dance Theatre’s 40th Anniversary season . The series features guest artists from Ballet Austin performing a work by their Artistic Director Stephen Mills.
A reception hosted by Jarvis Christian College President, Dr. Lester C. Newman. to announce the Dallas instructional Site will be held at 5:30pm at the Southwest Center Mall Community Room, 3663 W. Camp Wisdom Road. RSVP to Sherelyn@JBJ-Management. com or call 214-565-2020
April 27
Rasheeda Speaking by Joel Drake Theta Alpha Johnson Chapter of Circle Theatre in Fort Worth Omega Psi Phi Psychological thriller, pits two Fraternity, Inc. co-workers against another, when 15th Annual one receives a promotion to Gumbo Cook-off & Festival- 6:00monitor the other. Office politics, 11:00pm fueled by racial contention, creates Lakewest YMCA a battle to control the workplace. 3737 Goldman St. - Dallas This chilling, dark comedy blends the realities of racism, superiority, and friendship to keep you on the The Vernas HELP Foundationedge of your seat until the very Woman Empowerment Prayer end. Breakfast to honor the 2017 April 27 - May 20 Previews: April 27, 28, 29 (matinee) Living Legends and Community Awardees- at Edisons 1724 CockOpening Night: April 29 rell Avenue Dallas, Texas 75215 Regional Premiere Red Carpet Reception at 8:30 to Adult language & subject matter 9:00 / Program starts at 9:a.m. to 12:p.m. Bishop T.D. Jakes has assembled This year the Honorees are the some of the nation’s most recogHonorable Eddie B. Johnson, nizable figureheads including Mari Woodlief, Sheriff Lupe White House Correspondent April Valdez, Karen Blessen, Clara Ryan, Donald Trump Spiritual Brown-Trimble, Pastor Sonjia Advisor and Chair his Evangelical Dickerson, Nisa Muhammad, Advisory Board Paula White, and Bernice Washington, Pastor Joshua DuBois, former White Joni Lamb, Dianne Rucker and House Office of Faith-based and Isabell Cottrell. Neighborhood Partnerships Director under President Barack Obama
APRIL 21, 2017
I Messenger
I Messenger
2201 Main St. Dallas TX 75201 214-760-7029
APRIL 21, 2017
I Messenger
APRIL 21, 2017
No Deposit/No Return!
QUIT PLAYIN’ By Vincent L. Hall
So who you gonna believe; me or the Dallas Morning News...Me or the only major newspaper in Dallas which never prints a word that is not spoon-fed to them by the North Dallas elite? It may sound rhetorical, but you get to vote at the ballot box. That’s because the Morning Snooze just endorsed their favorite lackey; their prized and preferred “jive-ass Negro”; Dwaine Caraway. They intimated that incumbent Carolyn King Arnold didn’t play well in the rich white folks’ sandbox. By now you want a better grasp of “No deposit/ No return”, so let me learn you some history. Back in my day it was almost impossible to find a soda pop bottle among the rubbish. Stores would give you two cents to a nickel for every bottle returned. Me and my homies kept South Dallas spotless and our pockets full of candy and marbles. That glass bottle had worth. Recycling didn’t begin with aluminum cans, which became itself an industry; bottles were sent in wooden crates back to be cleaned and refilled. The overarching concept of “No Deposit/ No Return” was
that we, as a nation had turned a corner. Aluminum was the new order and those six to 12 ounce glass bottles were gone. So why in hell would we “return Captain America’s only brown-skinned brother to the Dallas City Council? That era ended, and
constituents, that’s only half the battle. Also necessary is to find solutions among competing interests.” It became crystal clear. The “White establishment” (as Dallas Observers’ Jim Schutze references) needs Dwaine to resume his position as chief waiter and wa-
to be frank Dwaine didn’t do much with those eight embarrassing years. The Snooze quelled my curiosity in the body of their endorsement. “Among Arnold’s first actions was to say “no thanks” to the nonprofit Neighbor Up effort headed her way as part of Mayor Mike Rawlings’ GrowSouth. We agree with Caraway’s assessment that declining potential help for struggling neighborhoods makes no sense. On this and other issues — for instance, her resistance to a deck park near the Dallas Zoo, an idea Caraway supports — Arnold has difficulty making a convincing case. While it’s admirable to ask questions on behalf of
ter boy. In my opinion Dwaine represents the vilest strain of “pseudo-Tomism.” He barks and demands on the South side of Dallas and bucks and dances on the North. His stereotypical colored demeanor is great for local TV, radio and the Snooze. This endorsement also answered another question. Just as during Dwaine’s failed attempt to unseat Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, some wonder who’s funding Captain D. He probably spent more than a half million last year and appears to be spending that much or more now. Mayor Mike Rawlings; the same man whom Dwaine
once decried as the “Payday Loan King,” may be passing the collection plate again in the Park Cities and the rich enclaves who prefer Caraway’s sleight of hand in their political ponzi scheme. The Snooze stepped on his cape last year when Caraway failed to file mandatory campaign reports. “One of Caraway’s largest backers is Marshall Payne, a business partner of Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings at the private equity firm CIC Partners. Payne gave Caraway $10,000. He didn’t return a call seeking comment. “There are friends of mine that wanted to help Dwaine and I connected them together,” Rawlings said. Dwaine is waist deep in the pockets of people who don’t give a damn what happens in southern Dallas. The same “city fathers” who willingly watch Southwest Center Mall go bankrupt and flail, while lifting the Galleria and Valley View malls out of bankruptcy with about a half billion dollars in development and accoutrements. Dwaine made no deposit and deserves no return. Say no to the “Plastic bag pimp” and vote for Carolyn King Arnold! Next week: Are the Captain and Tennell (Atkins) a tag team? Vincent L. Hall is an author, activist and award-winning columnist.
I Messenger
Ask Alma:
APRIL 21, 2017
Should have never walked out on me!
Dear Alma, My wife is vicious with a capital “V!” We were married for eight by Alma Gill NNPA News Wire years and over that Columnist Alma Gill’s newsroom ex- time had two sons. She perience spans more than 25 years, including various did everything imaginroles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington able. Post. Email questions to: She lied to me, stole alwaysaskalma@gmail. com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and from me and manipTwitter @almaaskalma. ulated me. Here are a few examples. She stole money from her employer, lied to her family and said I was abusing her. She also had several affairs and called the police and tried to have me arrested under false pretenses. It was absolutely insane. Finally, she walked out on us and I raised my two boys alone. Both are young men now 21 and 23. I never remarried, just worked hard and devoted my time to my boys. Luckily my sister and my mom helped out and the boys are very well rounded and doing just fine. I can’t say that however about my ex. She continued her shenanigans and ended up in and out of jail. She just recently resurfaced and isn’t doing well. She has AIDS and is asking my son to help her out. He just finished college and is barely making it on his own. He’s determined to help his mom and, from what his brother tells me, is giving her $200 a month. You know what that means? He’s short every
month and I’m have to replenish that $200 so that he can make ends meet. Which means I’m giving the woman who took me through Hell money every month. I’m pissed and don’t think I can take it much longer. I don’t want to alienate my son, but how do I let him know he is not in a position to help his mother and that he needs to back off and let this go? Signed, What Goes Around Dear What Goes Around, Wow, that’s a tough situation you were able to maneuver. I’m sure it was heartbreaking and not what you expected when you said, “I do.” God bless you, Big Papa, for stepping up and taking care of your boys. I’m sure they are growing into fine, young men with the love and examples they learned from you. Yep, you did right. That’s why your son is helping his mother. Don’t be mad at him. He has longed for her all these years, wishing, hoping, praying she’d come back and make up for all the strife and hurt she caused. She didn’t do that. Well, as far as we know. Just because he hasn’t shared any “restin’ on my heart” information, that doesn’t mean she hasn’t expressed her sorrow and asked him for forgiveness. You’d be surprised what we can say right before death comes knocking.
He’s had a tough time. You’ve always been there for him; don’t stop now. If it’s not a hardship, keep funneling the money. God is using you to be a blessing to your ex and a blessing to your son. I know it’s hard, but there’s so much more in store for you on the other side — the other side of this difficult circumstance. He won’t have his mother long, but he’ll always have the memory of how much his father, when faced with inexcusable circumstances, was always able to rise and stand tall as the man who took the high road. Let this one silently play out. When your time comes to be parked in the tough lane, and it will come, you’ll be overwhelmed by the river of blessings that will flow. Larger than anything you could have ever imagined or prayed for. Don’t consume your thoughts about our ex, support your son, all the way to the end. He’s gonna need you and you will have provided him with a clean conscious, that he had done all he could for his mother. You will allow him to be free from regret. What a blessing. I’m so proud of you. Hey, send me your phone number. I have a few friends I wanna hook you up with. LOL. Just to chitchat over coffee. Hey now! Alma
APRIL 21, 2017
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I Messenger
APRIL 21, 2017
I Messenger
APRIL 21, 2017
Nova Academy and Community Missionary Baptist Church hold Springfest/Fall Enrollment Roundup Nova Academy and Community Missionary Baptist Church of Desoto, is hosting its Fall Enrollment Roundup/Spring Fest on April 22, 2017 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The Roundup and Spring Fest will be at Nova Academy’s newest location located at 820 Wintergreen Road, Cedar Hill, TX 75104. The Festival is Free and Open to the Public. The family friendly event includes free food, fun activities such as bounce houses, face painting, photo booth, vendors and entertainment. The Nova Academy LLC Drill Team will perform. There will be live entertainment
with special guest “5 mins Triple “D” Dance Group.” Free booth space is available. Anyone interested in securing a booth should contact, Destany Manuel at 972/2304477 or email: Donna Houston-Woods destany.manuel@ communitymbc. org. Nova Academy, Cedar Hill will be accept-
ing applications for its fall enrollment, PK-4 to 6th Grade. Nova Academy is an open-enrollment Charter School, “With a Private School Environment.” Donna Houston-Woods is Dr. Oscar D. Epps Nova Academy’s CEO. Dr. Oscar D. Epps, Sr. is the Senior Pastor of Community Missionary Baptist Church.
Verna’s H.E.L.P. Foundation WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM
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APRIL 21, 2017
college students. For more information or to apply, log on to www.
Applications must be returned to: DFW/ABJ c/o Cheryl Smith 320 South RL Thornton Freeway, Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203
The Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists (formerly the Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Communicators) will present its 28th annual Urban Journalism Workshop for high school and
APRIL 21, 2017
I Messenger
I Messenger
APRIL 21, 2017
APRIL 21, 2017
I Messenger
by Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
On Saturday, April 22, 2017, thousands of Americans, in cities all across the U.S. will gather and participate in the March for Science – an idea and movement spurred by ordinary citizens alarmed by the growing efforts to discredit scientific understanding and restrict scientific discovery – often in the name of science. I share their alarm and it is time that the public takes a stand. Now more than ever, we need to safeguard scientific integrity, stand alongside our scientific community, and fight for robust investment in scientific research and development. History tells us that bad actors will often try to undermine science to achieve ulterior motives. Such was the case with tobacco and the link to lung cancer in the previous century. As early as the 1940s, epidemiological studies linked cigarettes to the rise of the lung cancer epidemic, yet it took decades before government took definitive action on the evidence – a classic case of deny and delay. By focusing on the miniscule margins of scientific dispute, profiteers in the tobacco industry corrupted public discourse and public policy by calling into question the validity of a growing body of science linking smoking with lung cancer. The strategy worked, and the impact of deny and delay was real. Millions were dying but as late as 1960, only a third of U.S. doctors believed the case against cigarettes had been established. In many ways we are seeing that same story play out again today. Take the debate on climate change and global warming for example. Some policy makers continue to argue to wait for more ‘settled science’ to take action, ignoring the overwhelming scientific consensus
APRIL 21, 2017
on climate change. The debate on climate change is just another iteration of the same deny and delay tactic used to erase and rollback protections and policies aimed to defend our health, our environment, and our planet. When thousands of Americans take to the streets this Saturday, I am hopeful that a powerful signal will be sent to policy makers at every level of government, countries around the world, and to the children of our future that we the people stand for science, that we the people want to invest in science, and we the people want our laws and policies to reflect the best available science, not political distortions fueled by industry and ideological interests. The U.S. scientific enterprise has and continues to revolutionize the world and the ways in which we interact with it. From the advent of modern medicine, to the innovation of flight, to the invention of the microchip right down the road at Texas Instruments the very essence of science is a metaphor for progress – always evolving, always moving forward, always improving, and always asking what the next frontier is. The application of science to policy should be non-partisan and non-political, yet the luxury of staying silent is long gone. Every day, state and federal legislators are promoting laws that fly in the face of science and endanger both human life and the future of our world. Here in our nation’s capital and the White House, there are ef-
forts to cut back on research and innovation across federal agencies and to gut our environmental protections. Instead of moving forward, we are running backwards. While I intend to work tirelessly to beat back the tide of anti-science efforts in the U.S. Congress, everyday citizens must take a stand and fight to ensure that their representatives and their government continue to make policy decisions based on sound science and make investments to ensure that the U.S. continues to be the global leader in scientific research, development, and innovation. Let’s take a stand together and take part in this weekend’s March for Science here in Dallas and to take a stand for science. Moreover, our actions should not end this weekend but we should continue our efforts to protect our health and environment by participating in future elections to hold our representatives accountable.
APRIL 21, 2017
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I Messenger
APRIL 21, 2017
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I Messenger
APRIL 21, 2017
Do you know this man? Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? Will it matter when it is your sister, mother, aunt or grandmother or maybe YOU? POLICE notnot apprehended “Pookie” the serial rapist. POLICEhave have apprehended “Pookie” the serial We know he hashe attacked members of Delta Sigma rapist. We know has attacked members of Delta Theta Sorority, and there a $5,000 offered Sigma ThetaInc. Sorority, Inc.isand therereward is a $5,000 by CrimebyStoppers. reward offered Crime Stoppers.
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APRIL 21, 2017