NOVEMBER 30, 2012
NO 2 ISSUE 12 NOVEMBER 30, 2012
Rae Lewis-Thornton Educating about HIV/AIDS
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
Message to the People...
I MESSENGER November 30, 2012
Dorris Bogus 7
Everson Walls 8
I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011
Have you ever met someone who is never happy? Have you encountered the person who always has a frown on their face, looking as though they are in need of a colonic or an attitude adjustment. Comedian Dick Gregory says those are the people who walk around looking mad like their frowns are going to change something or intimidate someone. I guess that is the reason I like this time of year so much. Usually the “meanest” looking person will get sucked in Cheryl Smith by the cheerful music and even the Road Rage kings and queens are inclined to let you merge into traffic without speeding up to block you when the traffic is clearly at a standstill anyway. There’s also the person who lets the elevator door close in your face without even a feigned attempt at pushing the button to hold the door open-- but this time of year they usually find a way to extend that common courtesy. And there’s the person who you loan money to who just might find it in their heart to pay up -- which comes as a surprise because since the day that you lent the money they have been treating you as if you either have a contagious disease or you are a child molester who eats your victims. Yes, these can be some really nice times, despite the hard times that folks are experiencing as they try to make ends meet or remember the loved ones who won’t be around to enjoy the season. A smile can definitely make a difference this time of year. I remember visiting the nation’s capitol during the presidential inauguration almost four years ago and noticing that everyone seemed to be so nice and cordial. It felt like a kinder and gentler America, which really didn’t set the stage for some of the most vicious, disrespectful, racist attacks ever. Now as we look ahead, you have to wonder what will come of this country as there are talks of seceding. That’s definitely not a subject to smile about. For some it may even bring tears to their eyes thinking about how folks are losing their minds over the presidential election. As this year comes to a rapid end, I am excited about the future. Next year there are so many exciting things to look forward to. Yes, there’s the presidential inauguration, but before that we all must celebrate the centennial of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. On January 13, 2013. I say “we,” because members of Delta Sigma Theta have done so much to make this world a better place, for everyone! Now if you are ready to move forward, with the rest of the world of decent people, it is imperative that you leave behind the negative elements and people who keep you from being the best you that you can be. Forget the “nobody’s perfect” rhetoric. You are the only “you” that there will ever be. Do “you” right and as Kirk Franklin sings, “smile!”
IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IM ESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com. PAGE 3
First African American femaleowned TV/Film Studio and Post Production facility opens (BlackNews.com) -- Open Rivers Pictures makes history today with the launch of Open Rivers Studios, the first African American female-owned television and film studio, and postproduction facility in the state of Georgia. The focus of Open Rivers Studios is creating, developing and producing original content including; documentaries, comedy series, children's programming and sitcoms. "With aggressive growth across the digital platform, and the launch of several cable channels targeted to the African-American community, it makes great business sense to grow Open Rivers Pictures in the direction of developing more original
construction department to support our original content needs. "We're excited about launching the first studio of this caliber in Fayetteville, GA.," says Williams. "Its surrounding suburban communities are ripe with wonderful neighborhoods and settings that will work well for film, and television backdrops." The State of Georgia and city of Fayetteville are very passionate about servicing the Tammy Williams Founder/CEO of Open film community - evident in Rivers Pictures the 30% tax incentive program. Another highlight is that content within our own facility, Fayetteville, GA, is only 20 minutes from Atlanta to service these individual distribution outlets," says CEO Hartsfield International Airport and founder, Tammy Williams. making the commute effortless. In addition, Open Rivers Studios is available for leasing For more information about Open Rivers Pictures, Inc., in support of film studios, cable networks, photographers, please visit their website at www.openriverspictures.com casting, rehearsals, and or contact: production meetings. Tammy@openriverspictures.co Open Rivers Pictures has m content divisions devoted to Watch the YouTube video at TV, film, digital and home entertainment, and houses a set www.youtube.com/watch?
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
CHERYL’S WORLD Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to hear informative, entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking commentary and news with veteran journalist Cheryl Smith on Sundays at 8a.m. and “EDUCATING-The Good, The Bad, and The Hopeful” with Debra Brown Sturns on Mondays at 6p.m., aromatherapist Deborah Long Chambers on Tuesdays at 6p.m., Love A Natural Me with Yvette and Amy on Wednesdays at 6p.m., Young Generation Talk with Dareia Tolbert and Markel Slocumb on Thursdays at 6p.m., and See you at the Movies - with Jamille Bradfield on Fridays at 6p.m.
It Has Begun! Legendary multi-platinum country artist Collin Raye tells everyone everywhere he goes, “Imaj is country’s next big star!” What makes Imaj such an amazing anomaly is that her mission has always been simply, “Peace & Love” — a movement that has been advocated since The Beatles, Johnny Cash, Janis Joplin and Michael Jackson…then along came Imaj to continue the Peace Movement. What makes this so great is that Team Imaj has begun to expand her mission to not only spread world peace but to spread the awareness of Imaj and make the world a better place. You’ve heard the Breaking News: “IMAJ: Self-Titled Debut Album Set To Release This Summer/Fall!” We can’t
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
wait for the release! And now…we’re joining hands nationwide. Join us at “Team Imaj” her official street team! All you have to do is: 1. Click “Join Group” here http://www.facebook.com/groups/ 352164268186566/ 2. And register here: http://imaj.wufoo.com/forms/z7x3x5/ When you’re done please share the group on Facebook and be ready to have some fun!!! For those sharing on Twitter: Please Tweet the following: #TeamImaj: IT HAS BEGUN. http://bit.ly/M4btHz (Please Re-
Get Tested Today On December 1, CDC and partners worldwide observe World AIDS Day. The theme—“Working Together for an AIDS-Free Generation”— highlights the promise of new research and prevention efforts that help stop the spread of HIV. More than two-thirds of the estimated 34 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide are in developing countries, and nearly three-fourths of the 2.5 million new HIV infections in 2011 occurred in these countries. As a science-based public health and disease prevention agency, CDC provides support to more than 70 countries to strengthen their national HIV/ AIDS programs and build sustainable public health systems through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). CDC works side by side with Ministries of Health in these countries and with other partners to implement sustainable HIV/ AIDS interventions and to measure their effectiveness in reducing infections and deaths from HIV/AIDS. Recent scientific advances offer a historic opportunity to dramatically drive down the rate of new HIV infections and virtually eliminate infections in babies. CDC is focusing its global HIV/AIDS efforts on reducing new HIV infections using a combination of proven prevention tools: preventing mother-to-child transmission, voluntary medical male circumcision, and scaling up treatment of HIVpositive people (“treatment as prevention”). When used along with HIV testing and counseling, condoms, and other prevention tools, these interventions put us on a plausible path for eliminating new infections. Preventing mother-to-child transmission. Identifying HIV-positive pregnant women and treating them with antiretroviral drugs is very effective in eliminating new pediatric infections. CDC, through PEPFAR, helped reach more than 660,000 HIV-positive pregnant women with antiretroviral drugs in fiscal year 2011 (Oct. 2010Sept. 2011), saving the lives of approximately 200,000 babies, and reached an additional 370,000 HIV-positive pregnant women in the first half of fiscal year 2012 (through March 2012). Voluntary medical male circumcision. Medical male circumcision is a one-time intervention with a lifelong benefit. This low-cost procedure reduces the risk that women with HIV will transmit the virus to HIV-negative men by more than 60%. HIV-negative women also benefit from the lower rate of infections. CDC, through PEPFAR, helped support more than 400,000 male circumcisions in the first half of fiscal year 2012 (October 2011-March 2012). Scaling up treatment of HIV-positive people (“treatment as prevention”). Recent science (HIV Prevention Trials Network–HPTN 052 [PDF 275KB]) has shown that when people are HIVpositive, treatment with antiretroviral drugs helps prevent the transmission of HIV to others. Effective treatment of a person living with HIV reduces the risk of sexual transmission to a partner by up to 96%. As of March 2012, CDC, through PEPFAR, helped support nearly 4.5 million men, women, and children on treatment. Promising international research like that from the HIV Prevention Trials Network also supports the use of treatment as prevention in the United States, where more than 1.1 million people are living with HIV and approximately 50,000 more become infected each year. A key component of getting people into treatment is getting them tested. Testing is the only way to identify the nearly 210,000 Americans currently living with HIV who do not know they are infected —that’s almost 1 in 5 of all Americans with HIV. HIV testing and diagnosis are the first steps toward connecting people to treatment that can keep people healthy and prevent the spread of HIV to their partners. Find out your status -- get tested! PAGE 6
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
Rae Lewis-Thornton: A true AIDS advocate Educated, attractive, assertive and ambitious are just a few of the words used to describe Rae Lewis-Thornton. In 1986, during a routine blood drive visit at a Washington D.C. Red Cross, Rae received news of another word that would soon be used to describe her health and future. At the tender age of 23, Rae Lewis-Thornton was diagnosed HIV Positive. Despite her present day status of having full-blown AIDS (ACQUIRED Immunedeficiency Syndrome), Rae Lewis-Thornton leads her own unending crusade to educate and challenge young and old audiences to take control of their own bodies, futures and health. Rae uses her life as an example that AIDS is a nondiscriminatory disease. She challenges the most common myths and stereotypes surrounding who and how one can become infected with the HIV virus that most often results in AIDS and death. Featured on the cover of the December 1994 Essence magazine, as well as numerous feature stories in Ebony, Jet, Emerge, O- The Oprah Magazine, Woman's Day Magazine, Glamour, WOW, Poz, Lifelines and HIV Plus magazines, Chicago Tribune newspaper, Chicago Sun-Times newspaper, Washington Post, Dayton Daily News, to name a few. Rae has been featured on several national television documentaries, news shows, and television specials, such as Dateline, CNN, Black Entertainment Television, (BET) and the Montel Williams Show. Rae was featured on NIGHTLINE with Ted Koppel in news articles entitled, “Rae’s Story,” AIDS: The Next Wave and AIDS At Twenty Years. The Oprah Winfrey Show had her on to share her story. Rae served as a contributing editor for WBBM-TV, a CBS-owned and operated television station for an ongoing series of first person stories on living with AIDS.
She received an Emmy Award for her series. Rae uses all forms of media to convey her message. In less than a year Rae Lewis-Thornton has made her mark in Social Media. She is the recipient of the British Academy Golden Tweet Award in Public Service for 2010 and The 2011 CBS
Having served as Senator Carol Mosley Braun’s 1992 Senatorial Campaign Advance Coordinator, Illinois State Youth Coordinator for the 1988 Dukakis Presidential Campaign and National Youth Director for Jesse Jackson’s 1984 and 1988 Presidential Campaigns, Rae was forced to retire in 1993 as a result of her health. In 2009 Rae launched a line of bracelets, RLT Collection that she designs and make herself. Celebrities such as actress Sheryl Lee Ralph and Kim Coles, as well as, Judge Glenda Hatchett and Dionne Warwick wear RLT Collection. Rae Lewis Thornton's gift is to help people get passed their pain and live a healthy balanced life. For the past 19 years she's done that through speaking, press interviews, tv, radio, print and most recently in her blog. In January 2012 she expanded her work by giving people the opportunity to have her expertise one on one through life coaching RLT Inspiration. The areas of life coaching are confidence, balance and relationships. RLT Inspiration will utilize her life experience and her seminary training. She received a Master of Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary in 2003. She was licensed as minister over 12 years ago. Rae has done her PhD studies at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Rae graduated Manga Cum Laude graduate from Northeastern Illinois University. Rae is very proud to have received the 2011 Distinguished Alumnae Award from her alma-mater Northeastern as well as, deliver the 2011 Commencement Address. Rae has received literally hundreds of awards for her work in HIV/AIDS in the last 18 years. She continues to lift as she lives! Pick up her book, The Politics of Respectability.
Chicago Most Valuable Blogger in Medical, Health and Fitness. She uses Twitter effectively to continue her crusade to educate, reduce the spread of HIV, as well as to challenge stigma and shame around HIV/AIDS. She held the first HIV/AIDS Tweet-up in the US in July 2010 and is now taking her Tweet-up’s nationwide. In December 2010 Rae organized a Twitter Book Club, RLT Reads. Along with Twitter, she uses both of her Facebook pages as a daily platform to educate both on HIV/ AIDS generally and her personal struggle of living and managing HIV/ AIDS. Prior to Rae’s motivational speaking career, she was on her way to a promising political organizing career.
I MESSENGER wants you to SPEAK YOUR MIND! Is there something on your mind? Is there something we should be thinking about? Your thoughts are welcomed on the opinion pages of I MESSENGER! We would love to hear from you. Send your thoughts to us at www.myimessenger.com along with your photo, a contact number and a brief bio. Submissions should not exceed 300 words. The opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of I MESSENGER.
Every man has a right to his own opinion. Every race has a right to its own action; therefore let no man persuade you against your will, let no other race influence you against your own. Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey !
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
SLENDERIZING STYLE FOR WORKOUTS By KaMIT Sport Designer and Certified Trainer Dorris Bogus
Many people are putting off their fitness plan until the New Year...again. But why wait? I believe that now is as good a time as any for you to commit to a healthy lifestyle. If you go into the holidays with the right frame of mind, you can enjoy 'tasting' the holiday treats because you already have committed to exercising at least three times a week and eating healthy 95 percent of the time. One way to feel better about your workout routine is to wear more than old T-shirts or sweats. Many women don't want to invest in any new clothes until they lose weight, but
top with contrasting dark side panels, gives the illusion of a flatter stomach and a slimmer waistline on the sides." Also put some style in your cover-up pieces. The KaMIT Sport Classic Hoodie is versatile. The hood doubles as an accent cowl neck. This hoodie is a great cover-up before and after a workout. It looks fabulous with leggings or slacks. The roomy fit hides extra pounds. I love designing versatile, functional pieces, and built KaMIT Sport using the concept of sportswear with flair for women who want active wear that doubles as upscale, casual clothing. Many of my pieces are made with eco-friendly fabrics like organic cotton and bamboo. All of the clothing is produced in Dallas.
Dorris Bogus, founder of KaMIT Sport in Dallas, Texas, is an ACEcertified group fitness trainer. Bogus was recently named one of the 10 finalists for her active wear in the in the Texas Next Top Designer competition. The winner will be selected next year. This is the second time that Ms. Bogus has earned that honor. In 2011, Bogus' work was recognized statewide when she finished as a finalist in the Texas Next Top Designer competition.. For more help slenderizing your style, visit www.kamitsport.com
Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. presents
KaMIT Sport offers slenderizing pieces that look good when you're trying to shed those extra pounds. Our KaMIT Sport fitness and lifestyle pieces can jumpstart your workout in style. Many of the pieces in the KaMIT Sport Eco-Friendly line are 95 percent bamboo. As you exercise, bamboo clothing wicks away moisture from your body and keeps you cooler. I will use some of our pieces to show you how to slenderize your workout wardrobe. Take for instance the Eco-Friendly Carry Me yoga wrap. It can be used as an accent piece when paired with your fitness or lifestyle clothing. If you select a bright Carry Me wrap in Fuchsia or Sky, paired with dark clothing underneath, it's a great way to camouflage extra pounds while you work to lose them. Try this concept with a bright wrap you have in your closet. Toss out the T-shirts and working out in something flattering like the "Sacred Moments" top. The bottom of the top is black, and flares out, slenderizing your waist and love handles, as the fabric softly glides across your body," said Bogus. "Use this concept in buying new workout clothes, put the darker colors in the areas where you need to reduce the most weight. Another slenderizing concept is to put the darker color on the sides of your top. The KaMIT Advantage PAGE 7
Community Market Festival
Saturday, December 8, 2012 11:00 AM ± 4:00 PM Southwest Center Mall 3662 West Camp Wisdom Road Dallas, Texas 75237
amille Bradfield
Apparel | Greeting Cards | Jewelry| Handmade Ceramics | Candles | Cosmetics &DMXQ DQG &UHROH &XLVLQH _ +RPHPDGH 'HVVHUWV DQG PRUH« !
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
NFL Legend and former Dallas Cowboy opens TeCo Speaker Series TeCo Theatrical Productions, Inc. announces an exciting line up of athletes, artists, and authors as part of its acclaimed speaker series this winter, beginning with Superbowl Champion and humanitarian Everson Walls on Thursday, January 17 at 7p.m. Walls played for nine seasons with the Dallas Cowboys starting in 1981, and went on to win the Superbowl with the New York Giants in 1990. In his 14-year career, Everson was a four time Pro Bowl selection and is ranked 10th on the all-time career interceptions list. Everson Walls will share the story behind his book, A Gift for Ron: Friendship and Sacrifice On and Off the Gridiron. In February of 2007, Walls donated one of his kidneys to former Dallas Cowboy Teammate and friend, Ron Springs, who was diabetic. The pair started The Gift of Life Foundation, an organization which seeks to educate minority communities about chronic kidney disease. Contact Teresa Coleman Wash if interested in setting up an interview,
(214) 948-0716. All speaker series events are held at the Bishop Arts Theatre, 215 South Tyler Street, Dallas, TX 75208. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door, general admission seating. See below for showtimes and dates. For ticket information, call (214) 948-0716 or to purchase tickets online, visit www.tecotheater.org/ speakers.php. The series in sponsored in part by Big Thought and HumanIties Texas 2013 Speaker Series Lineup NFL Legend Everson Walls Thursday, January 17 at 7p.m. Everson Walls will discuss his book, Author of A Gift For Ron: Friendship and Sacrifice On and Off the Gridiron.
A Brave and Wonderful Thing: The Freedom Rides Friday, February 15 at 3p.m. and Saturday, February 16 at 3p.m. Historian Dr. Derek Catsam will discuss the lasting impact of the Freedom Rides on the Civil Rights movement. Feminine Images and African Art Thursday, March 21 at 7p.m. Dallas Museum of Art curator and author Dr. Rosaline Walker will share her knowledge about the Arts of Africa. The Strange Demise of Jim Crow: Houston and Desegregation Thursday, May 2 at 7p.m. Dr. Thomas Cole, the Chair of the McGovern Center for the Humanities and Ethics in
Houston, will discuss the desegregation of Houston and the life of civil rights leader Eldrewey Stearns. The Civil Rights Movement: Learning from the Past, Embracing Unity Today Thursday, June 13 at 7p.m. Author and historian Dr. W. Marvin Dulaney will discuss the lessons learned from the American Civil Rights Movement and where it’s headed today. The History of African-American Theater in Texas Thursday, August 22 at 6p.m. Eugene Lee’s 30-year career has spanned television, film, and theater as an actor, writer, and director. He’s worked alongside such actors as Denzel Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, and Oprah Winfrey. As a playwright, Lee’s plays include East Texas Hot Links, Fear Itself, and his most recent work, Lyin’ Ass, about the first Black female Texas Ranger.
“We want to ensure our citizens know whether they have HIV or any other sexually transmitted disease,” Director Zachary Thompson. “Getting tested is the first step followed by medical care.” Please join Dallas County Health and Human Services and community partners Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc Zeta, Phi Psi Zeta and Omicron Beta Zeta, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and Iota Mu Sigma, for Free HIV t BRINGING YOU ENLIGHTENING, EDUCATIONAL, EMPOWERING, INSPIRING, THOUGHT-PROVOKING INFORMATION NOVEMBER 30, 2012 as testing for syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, available December 1, 2012, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Community” United Methodist Church, 5710 East R. L. Thornton Freeway in Dallas.
Dallas County offers HIV testing
amille Bradfield
Dallas County Health and Human Services is offering free HIV testing in observance of Wo r l d A I D S D a y, Saturday, December 1, 2012. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that about 1.7 million people in the U.S. are infected with HIV, 1 in 5 do not know they are infected. In Dallas County, 14,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS and new cases of HIV/AIDS are increasing in ages 13 to 18 accounting for 3.9% of new diagnosis in 2012. As of 2010, there were 1,848 Black women living with HIV in Dallas. Black women are 71% of the
Dallas women living with HIV, but only 22% of the female population in Dallas. “We want to ensure our citizens know whether they have HIV or any other sexually transmitted disease,” said DCHHS Director Zachary Thompson. “Getting tested is the first step followed by medical care.” STANDING: Dallas County Clerk John Warren, LaShonda Worthey, Lucy Rear: Dallas County Clerk John Warren, LaShonda Worthey, Lucy Betancourt, Zachary Thompson, Felicia Barnett Felicia Barnett, Marisa Gonzales, Thomas Please join Dallas Betancourt, Zachary Thompson, Marisa Gonzales, Thomas Lewis Lewis. Front: Commissioner Mike Cantrell, Judge Clay Lewis, Commissioner County Health andFront: Commissioner Mike Cantrell, Judge Clay Lewis, Commissioner John Wiley Price John Wiley Price Human Services and community partners 2377 North Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas 75207-2710 Office ( as “Community” United Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, testing, as well Suite 503 Fax (2 Inc., Upsilon Nu Zeta, testing for syphilis, Methodist Church, 5710 P h i P s i Z e t a a n d c h l a m y d i a , a n d East R. L. Thornton Omicron Beta Zeta, Phi gonorrhea, available Freeway in Dallas. Beta Sigma Fraternity, December 1, 2012, I n c . , a n d I o t a M u from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., St. Luke Sigma, for Free HIV a t
Bianca Jackson, Genesis Women’s Shelter; Jan Langbein, Genesis Women’s Shelter: and Lyria Howland, Dallas
Ask Gwen I give my son money in exchange for good grades. Boyfriend disagrees! Dear Gwendolyn: My 14 year old son, like a lot of children, find school boring, which caused his grades to drop. A month ago, I made a promise to my son that every good grade he brings home, I will give him five dollars. Within one month’s time, he has already collected $25 from me. I’m proud of his accomplishments and I see the pride that has built up in him. However, my boyfriend is upset with me because of the way I am going about getting him to improve. Although, I believe in my heart there is nothing wrong with awarding a child. Gwendolyn, please let me know your thoughts. A Confused Mother
mother, and I truly congratulate you for taking an interest in your child.” Because your son is 14 and not 4, I believe you are on the right track. When children are very young, they can easily think that being awarded for something will forever be a way of their life - to later discover that theory to be untrue. Your boyfriend may not understand, so don’t upset yourself with his thoughts. There is something I want you to do: Take your son to dinner at an upscale restaurant. Since the beginning of daycare centers, allowing both parents to work, children have gotten the short end of the stick. I mean – not enough quality time with mom and dad. While you are dining with your son, let him know the money you are giving could become depleted. Too many knowledgeable boys and girls stop their education and are forced to work at pennies on the dollar for life. While dining show him a copy of job salaries. After he views pay differentials for school dropouts compared to
careers of higher learning, he will know that his “greatest” award will be to achieve an education. Think about it. That award can only be given to him ---from him.
Gwendolyn Baines is an author, lecturer and syndicated advice columnist. The “Ask Gwendolyn Baines” advice column is distributed by the National Newspaper Publishers’ Association. (NNPA)-Washington, D.C.
Dear Confused Mother: First of all, let me say, “You’re not confused. You are only a concerned
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
Black and No Kids Dating
Black and no kids dating has launched in numerous countries around the world as the first dating website tailored to African Americans with no children looking to date other African Americans without kids. During the registration process Black and no kids dating asks members to agree that before creating a profile that they do not have any biological, adopted, or foster children. While Black and no kids dating may not be for everyone, it does cater to an underserved niche of the African American population.
Research studies have shown that there are over 40 million Americans who currently use dating services and that 44% of the overall US population classifies themselves as single. There are a number of singles out there who want their potential mate to be child free. There are dating sites out there that cater to single parents, but what about the flipside? Black and no kids dating wants to make that a reality." Signing up for Black and no Kids dating is free but members will have to pay (Gold Membership) to communicate with other singles on the site. Black and no kids dating is Black owned and operated and can be found at www.blackandnokids.com.
WALGREENS DELIVERS YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FREE!!! Are you tired of trying to find relatives, or friends to pick up your medication for you...? Constantly depending on different people with your money to bring your prescription back to you???? Call the Walgreen's store NOW and let them know you are interested in getting your medication delivered to you.
You can set up payments for your prescription with... • •
Basic Fitness Class for Senior Adults Every Monday & Wednesday 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Located in the Banquet Area SWING CLASSES at the Wild Wild West! Every Tuesday & Thursday Evening 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. FWBC Banquet Area WALKING GROUP SATURDAY MORNINGS TIME: 8:00 A.M. | Location: FWBC Zumba TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM AT FWBC BOOT CAMP FITNESS EVERY 2nd & 4th SATURDAY MORNINGS - TIME 7:00 A.M. All classes are free of charge No experience necessary Adults of all ages and skill levels are welcome For more information please contact sports@friendshipwest.org or (214) 861-0457 PAGE 10
Credit Card, Medicare/ Medicaid Insurance (Some insurances doesn't cover entire retail price of your prescription, that will be discuss with pharmacy tech Cash on date when its delivered to you
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NOVEMBER 30, 2012
ANYONE CAN RECEIVE A GRANT GET OUT OF DEBT INIF YOU KNOW THE SECRET! EIGHT MONTHS! Billions of grant dollars are given away each year to individuals and businesses by Foundations, Non-Profit organizations, Private Corporations and individuals. To learn how to get your share of the billions of grant dollars awarded every year go to:
• College funding • Paying off existing student loan debt • Paying off credit card debt • Paying off a mortgage • Supplementing retirement • Purchasing a home • Starting a business • Church funding & building expansion • Paying off judgments • Eliminate Bankruptcies (Chapters: 7,8.11 & 13) • Any legal financial need… Anyone can receive a grant if you know the secret to applying and how to access the grant providers. If you are interested in receiving a grant, let me show you how. Send an email to: clsgrant1@aol.com PAGE 11
Something Natural
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
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NOVEMBER 30, 2012
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
Dallas-area Diva Darling Pageant shines light on selfesteem, inner beauty in young contestants
– Diva Darlings, an all-natural pageant designed to build selfesteem, character and talent in girls ages three to 12-years, will be held on Sunday, December 9, 2012 at the Plaza Theater in Garland. Participants from the North Texas area will represent their local communities for a chance to win Diva Darlings’ division titles and go on to compete at the next level. The multi-division contest was established by former Mrs. Texas United America Roslyn Baker as part of the Leading Women of America (LWA) pageant system which focuses on developing selfconfidence in women and girls so that they can live self-affirmed, victorious, inspired lives. Diva
Darling contestants showcase their talent in the Personal Introduction, Future Career, Poise and Personality and Evening Gown divisions. All participants are presented with a crown, sash and trophy and make community appearances throughout the year. “I’m on a mission to change how beauty is measured,” Ms. Baker explained. “In addition to our contestants from the various DFW-area communities, we actively pursue girls who are either in foster care or who have been adopted out of the foster care system so that we can teach them to see what real beauty looks like and then help them discover their own. The transformation we’ve
seen in many young lives is absolutely amazing.” Applications are still being accepted for the December 9th event. For more details and to register, visit www.divadarlingpageant.com. A one-time registration fee is required to participate. The Grand Prize Winner will receive a $500.00 Savings Bond and prizes. Ms. Baker is the executive director of the Leading Women of America (LWA) Pageant System and the DIVA Darlings Pageant for girls ages three to 12. The former Mrs. Texas United America is a tenured beauty industry professional with more than 25 years experience. She is a chief marketing consultant for nationally recognized ethnic haircare brands and led the development and launch of the multi-million dollar Soft and Beautiful Botanicals brand in the U.S., Brazil, Eastern Europe, and West and South Africa. Ms. Baker is a sought after beauty and style expert, speaking locally and nationally on topics related to beauty and style for women over 40 and haircare for children and multicultural hair types. Ms. Baker is changing the pageant landscape by building an elite system focusing on
developing what really matters – character and inner beauty that shines through and translates into outer beauty. LWA features divisions for older and plus-size women as well as “natural” divisions for little girls. The organization’s mission is to develop self-confidence in women and girls so that they can live selfaffirmed, victorious, inspired lives. For more information visit www.leadingwomenofamerica.com
Equatorial Guinea saluted in New York City New York City, New York – With the beautiful ambiance overlooking the East River, the United Nations played host for the Republic of Equatorial Guinea forty-fourth Anniversary marking their Independence from Spain. Diplomats from United Nations member states, Observer Status Missions and Representatives of NonGovernmental Agencies were on hand to mark this occasion. In an unprecedented accolade bestowed to The Republic of Equatorial Guinea, The City of New York’s, Borough President of Brooklyn, The Honorable Marty Markowitz and Bronx Borough President, The Honorable Ruben Diaz, Jr. proclaimed “Equatorial Guinea 44th Anniversary Day” in their respective Boroughs. The proclamations were presented to H.E. Anatolio Ndong Mba, PAGE 14
Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations for Equatorial Guinea. Borough President’s Markowitz and Diaz took pride in recognizing Equatorial Guineans that call Brooklyn and the Bronx home. His Excellency, President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo was praised for leading the fight against AIDS through preventive education, condom distribution and financing of anti retrovirals for afflicted populations. The Borough Presidents conveyed deep admiration for New York based South African Arts International, Executive Director, Victor Mooney on his current effort to row 5,000 miles in a 24’ ocean rowboat, christened “the Spirit of Malabo” from Las Palmas Canary Islands to New York’s Brooklyn Bridge for an AIDS-free generation. As President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has extended nationality to
African-Americans, Mr. Mooney called for a consulate office in New York. “With a consulate in New York, it will help accelerate the Horizon 2020 Plan”, said Mr. Mooney to the Legal Attaché of the Equatorial Guinea Mission. “The train for development in Equatorial Guinea has made a stop in America and I encourage other African-Americans to get on board”, Mooney added. The Horizon 2020 Plan, set in motion by President Obiang in 2007, has five major goals: Invest in strengthening economic growth; Strengthen the development of structured investments; Promote and strengthen the development of social policy actions; Ensure a transparent social climate; Develop the prospects for better monitoring and evaluation of poverty and living conditions of household !
Victor Mooney reads the proclamation to H.E. Anatolio Ndong Mba, Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations for Equatorial Guinea, as his wife looks on. !
December 5
*********** GSU World Famed Tiger Marching Band will be marching in the Children’s Medical Center parade this Saturday in Downtown Dallas 10 a.m. 2012 Holiday Parade Line Up Giant Inflatable Balloons · Nutcracker · Smurfette · Mr. Potato Head · Santa Elmo · Raggedy Ann & Andy · Rudolf Bands · Trinity Valley Community College Cardinal Marching Band · Hardin-Simmons University "World Famous" Cowboy Band · Grambling State University Tiger Marching Band · Bishop Lynch High School Band · Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Big "D" Band ***
December 1 Massage Envy DFW is going green -Green sponsor that is -- for the Fort Worth Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis on Saturday, December 1, 2012. Tie those jingle bells onto your sneakers and head to Chesapeake Plaza, 100 Energy Way, in downtown Fort Worth on December 1. Festivities will begin at 2 p.m. A 1-mile Reindeer Fun Run starts at 4:30 p.m., followed by the 5K at 5 p.m. **** Building wealth with James Wiggins Registration Start: 9:30am Presentation Start: 10:00am Presale Affiliates: $15.00 - Affiliate Price @ The Door: $20.00 ********* PASTOR RENEE HORNBUCKLE President Women Of Influence Inc. Senior Pastor Agape Christian Fellowship, Arlington, TX AT THE SUFFERING IN SILENCE NEW BOOK RELEASE EVENT 1-4pm The Dock Bookshop 6637 Meadowbrook Dr. Fort Worth, TX 76112 PAGE 15
Ladies Tee Time League Holiday Brunch 11am Crescent Hotel ***********
Decreasing debt and building wealth spiritually and financially. At times, you may need a little encouragement or more information to achieve the goal. To help and encourage you in the effort, I will be facilitating a Financial Empowerment Workshop on Saturday, Dec. 1st, 2012 10am - 2pm at Friendship-West. The workshop will discuss: Your Purpose - Who Are You and What are You Doing? Your Spending Plan - Road Map to Financial Freedom Your Savings - Building a Life Saver Your Security - Insuring Your Investments: Intro to Stocks, CDs, Mutual Funds If you are interested in attending, you must register to ensure the proper materials are available to assist in your learning. Cost to attend is free. You may register by clicking on the following link or copy and paste the link into your web browser: www.danychristi.eventbrite.com. If you have any questions email info@danychristi.com. Registration Start: 9:30AM - Presentation Start: 10:00AM Presale Affiliates: $15.00 - Affiliate Price @ The Door: $20.00 ** CCBCC 6th Annual Holiday Extravaganza 01 Dec 2012 5:30 PM • Cascades Event Center - The Colony, Texas The Sister Millionaire Club Women on their Way! Shop with us on Monday, December 3, 2012. 6:00 pm. LaQuinta Inn, 1419 N US Hwy 67, Cedar Hill, TX 75104 HOLIDAY BAZAAR! FREE EVENT! ****
December 4 JFS Women’s Center along with the City of Desoto, AIDS Arms and Dallas County Health and Human Services will be hosting our World AIDS Day Health Fair on December 4th. On that day, from 11 AM until 3 PM, people in the community can come and get tested for HIV, STDS and get their prostate checked for FREE! A Faithful Conversation on the Death Penalty Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Location: Grande Lounge, Paul Quinn College 3837 SIMPSON STUART ROAD DALLAS, TX 75241
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
Balch Springs Chamber of Commerce Network Luncheon series #2 Emmanuel Holloman Legal Shield Worry Less, Live More... When: Wed. Dec 5th Where: Civic Center {Chamber Location} Subject: How to Protect your Business Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm RSVP by Monday Dec 3rd Catered by Taco Mexico Members: Free Non Members: $10 at the door Balch Springs Chamber of Commerce 12400 Elam Road Balch Springs, TX 75180 972-557-0988 Office balchspringschamber.org
***** KEM will be performing at Buttons in Addison KEM will be in house to promote his new Christmas CD, What Christmas Means... Vendor Table Available ~ December 5,2012 5:00 pm-8:00pm It is centered around raising awareness for cancer, especially children with cancer. With a small group of vendors and a silent auction. Money raised will be used to purchase toys which will be donated to the Scottish Rite Hospital. Vendors can sell anything they'd like as well as distribute marketing materials. Contact: Chastity Vaughn Email:Mix_MingleBusiness@yahoo.com
December 6 ****Garland’s annual Christmas on the Square event will be held from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Downtown Garland at State and Main streets. Dallas Peace Center 26th Annual Peacemaker Awards Dinner Garland’s annual Christmas on the Square event will be held from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Dec. 6 in Downtown Garland at State and Main streets. The event will feature a variety of free activities and entertainment options in Downtown Garland, highlighted by the official tree-lighting ceremony and fireworks display.
December 7 Texas Crime Prevention and the 1975 graduating Class of Fort Worth's Dunbar High School is facilitating Robert Hughes Day on December 7, 2012, to honor and celebrate Mr. Robert Hughes, Sr., a great legend in coaching high school basketball. His dedication and contributions to coaching and teaching in the Fort Worth Independent School District for 47 years will never be forgotten! The program will be held in the school auditorium. The program will begin at 2:30 pm and will end at 3:30 pm.
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce 2013 Event Schedule
29th Annual Quest For Success Awards Luncheon Monday, February 4, 2013 @ 12:00 noon Dallas Convention CenterBallroom A
December 8 Christmas Toy Drive Sponsored by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Benefitting Single Moms
at the Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Come enjoy a hot breakfast, and great Center for Spiritual Living, Dallas presents entertainment during our second annual a toy!
16th Annual Excellence In Education Scholarship Luncheon Friday, April 5, 2013 @ 12:00 noon Dallas Convention CenterBallroom A
7 - 10 p.m. Community Market Festival *** 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Luby's Restaurant 926 E. Highway 67 in Duncanville, TX 75137
Address: 4801 Spring Valley Rd. Ste Saturday, December 8, 2012 115, Dallas Love & Laughter Holiday Jam11:00 AM ± 4:00 PM (directions) Southwest Center Mall Presented by Black Elite Entertainment 3662 West Camp Wisdom Road *** It's that time again! The 2012 Community Market Learn to use writing as a vehicle to Festival sponsored by the Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Dallas, Texas 75237 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will be held on work through grief caused by Saturday, December 8th at Southwest Center Mall death and other losses. This sensitivelyfrom 11:00am to 4:00pm. The attached vendor invitation letter has specific details regarding the delivered workshop event and the online registration link. The deadline to will explore journaling techniques, mood register is November 17, 2012. For information regarding vendor participation, please contact Sylvia monitoring, music meditation, Hamilton via email at shami59055@tx.rr.com. affirmations & poetic approaches. December 9 Workshop fee - $40 Diva Darlings, an all-natural pageant designed to build self-esteem, character and talent in girls ages (includes grief journal - "It's Only three to twelve-years, will be held on Sunday, Temporary . . . ") December 9, 2012 at the Plaza Theater in Garland. Email or call to reserve a space 214-803-3920 December 11 *** Apparel | Greeting Cards | Jewelry| Handmade Ceramics | Candles | Cosmetics
24th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament Monday, June 10, 2013 @7:30 a.m. (shotgun) Thorntree Country Club, DeSoto, TX. 87th Annual Awards Banquet Friday, October 11, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m. Dallas Convention CenterBallroom A
Workshop facilitator: Linda& Jones, Capital Area Cowboys Cowgirls writer, National author of7 Springs "It'sMountain OnlySkiTemporary: A Journal Resort, Champion PA
Ȃ ʹͶͲǦͶͳǦͳͲ for Surviving Loved Ones." Grief 2 Per Room $573 (pp) Recovery Method certification. 3 Per Room $473 (pp) Read Dallas Morning 4News article Per Room $423 (pp) about Child (6-11yrs) $220 the workshop.
Ǧ ǡ ʹͲʹǦͶͻǦͺ͵Ͳ ǡ ͵ͲͳǦͶʹǦͻͳͲ
(Slope Side Rooms Additional Fee)
Children Welcome w/limited Parlor Room Access! $100 Non-Refundable Deposit Required Call About Non-Transportation Prices Bus Departs: Greenbelt Metro Park & Ride (Greenbelt, MD) Thursday, January 24th , 2013 @ 10AM Bus Returns: Sunday, January 27th, 2013 approximately 6PM
December 28
Visit us at http://www.ncacowboy.com
Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com at 6p.m. Monday, December 3
Tuesday, December 4
Wednesday, December 5
Thursday, December 6
Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 16
Donna P. Charles 5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012 Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU !
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
In our library MEN NEED WOMEN MORE THAN WOMEN NEED MEN By Dr. Olden R. Tartt
Why do you care? Great question. Well...now you can date with more confidence, less anxiety and more enthusiasm.
This is the coupling season, so I wanted to start off with sharing the latest research on why men need to be in committed relationships and eventually marry women. Research shows that married men are 1) Wealthier 2) Healthier and 3) Happier than their single counterparts. Additionally, divorce more negatively affects men more than it does women. So, what does this mean? It's simple. MEN NEED WOMEN MORE THAN WOMEN NEED MEN. Being a man, my ego was initially hurt by this research until I thought about it. My whole world revolves around making the women in my life happy. Why? Because making the women in my life happy ironically makes me happy! In fact, my happiest moments are when I am able to take care of the QUEEN & PRINCESS in my life.
Support Black -owned bookstores
Science has proven that the key to men being happy is finding ways to consistently make the women (girlfriend, wife, daughter, mother, etc.) in their lives happy. So, during this holiday season remind yourself of your worth to your man. If you are on the dating scene, introduce yourself to men in your network and their friends. Be the SOLUTION to their future happiness! Good men (leave the other ones alone) are looking to settle down during the holidays more than any other time because the holidays remind them of their limitations. They have no one to protect, provide for or buy gifts for and that makes them feel extremely limited and unaccomplished. So ladies, date as the SOLUTION to single men's limited long-term income, health and happiness. Pick well and take your time because diamonds last forever.
Support the Black Press
Texas MetroNews
Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box 860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 PAGE 18
SALES OPPORTUNITIES Are you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in a career with a progressive company? Here’s an opportunity to put your excellent communication skills and gain numerous benefits.
2012 Dallas Cowboys(NFC East) Date
012#3#.4/567! !
Wednesday 09/05/12
at New York Giants MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
Sunday 09/16/12
at Seattle Seahawks Loss CenturyLink Field, Seattle, WA
Sunday 09/23/12
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX
Monday 10/01/12
Chicago Bears Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX
Sunday 10/07/12 Sunday 10/14/12
3 or
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
at Baltimore Ravens Loss M&T Bank Stadium, Baltimore, MD
Sunday 10/21/12
at Carolina Panthers Bank of America Stadium, Charlotte, NC
Sunday 10/28/12
New York Giants Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX
Sunday 11/04/12
at Atlanta Falcons Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA
Sunday 11/11/12
at Philadelphia Eagles Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, PA
Sunday 11/18/12
Cleveland Browns Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX
Thursday 11/22/12
Washington Redskins Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX
Sunday 12/02/12
Philadelphia Eagles Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX
8:20 p.m. ET NBC
Sunday 12/09/12
at Cincinnati Bengals Paul Brown Stadium, Cincinnati, OH
1:00 p.m. ET FOX
Sunday 12/16/12
Pittsburgh Steelers Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX
4:25 p.m. ET CBS
Sunday 12/23/12
New Orleans Saints Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX
1:00 p.m. ET FOX
Sunday 12/30/12
at Washington Redskins FedEx Field, Landover, MD
1:00 p.m. ET FOX
Note: Game times for weeks 11-17 are subject to change
NOVEMBER 30, 2012
“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers
877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at
DON’T BE SILENT Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today! PAGE 20