I Messenger 2-13

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DECEMBER 7, 2012

NO 2 ISSUE 13 DECEMBER 7, 2012









DECEMBER 7, 2012









Message to the People...

INSIDE I MESSENGER December 7, 2012


Julianne Malveaux 6

Ask Gwen 10

Cover photo by John Posey

I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011 IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IM ESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com. PAGE 3

DECEMBER 7, 2012


It’s almost that time again! The Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists is accepting applications for its annual urban journalism workshop. The intense program, held January -May is a must for aspiring journalists, writers, broadcasters and communications professionals. I am reaching out once again to encourage readers to direct young people they know to visit www.dfwabj.org and apply for the Urban Journalism Workshop. The 12-week program is designed for aspiring journalists but I assure you that whatever field is chosen, having excellent communication skills will be an asset. It has been over two decades since Rochelle Riley, who was an editor at The Dallas Morning News, organized the Urban Journalism Workshop for the Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Communicators at Lincoln Cheryl Smith Humanities and Communications Magnet, 2827 S. Hatcher Street. Rochelle was carrying on the tradition of the likes of George E. Curry and Gerald Boyd and the other visionaries who see the relevance and benefits of such a program. Over the years, the workshop participants have traveled to Arkansas, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Houston, San Antonio. New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Austin, Langston, Montgomery, and to several national conventions in Seattle, Orlando, Milwaukee, DC, Speakers from across the metroplex have spoken at the workshop, but the students have also had guests like film maker Haile Gerima, former NABJ President Will Sutton, Sonja Sanchez, Dick Gregory, Tavis Smiley, Susan Taylor and regular, George E. Curry, who conducts Basic Training for our students and professionals! At the end of the program, the students will have produced television and radio broadcasts, and a newspaper. They will have shaken the hands of some of the most influential people in this area and it won’t cost them a thing except their participation. Share this information with students, teachers, preachers, community activists and anyone else you know who might spread the word about this opportunity to experience this boot-camp type program that will surely sharpen any participant’s communication skills. I like to tell students that one day they will do great things and someone will come up to them and stick a microphone in their face and ask about those great things. Through the DFW-ABJ Urban Journalism Workshop, the first word out of their mouths won’t be “uh.” Check out the website and if you have any questions, give me a call. The program is free and open to high school and college students, but we do make exceptions! *** The World Wide Web has its critics and champions. One thing for sure is that the internet is the great equalizer when it comes to dealing with a Federal Communications Commission that does not hold broadcast entities to a higher standard that is in the best interest of listeners and viewers. There was a time when the FCC demanded more public affairs programming and broadcast companies had to show a sincere effort to provide service to their listeners. Today, it’s a different story. If you’re looking for thought-provoking, informative, enlightening and entertaining talk radio, thanks to the internet, you can tune into excellent quality programming, like Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, where you can listen on line, on your Smartphone or by calling in on your home phone to 646-200-0459. The week begins with me, joined by sports guy Andrew Whigham on Sundays at 8a.m. Then there’s “EDUCATION-The Good, The Bad, and The Hopeful” with retired educator of 30 plus years Debra Brown Sturns on Mondays at 6p.m., aromatherapist Deborah Long Chambers on Tuesdays at 6p.m., Love A Natural Me with Yvette and Amy on Wednesdays at 6p.m., Young Generation Talk with Dareia Tolbert and Markel Slocumb on Thursdays at 6p.m., and See You at the Movies - with Jamille Bradfield on Fridays at 6p.m. Note: This Friday Jamille will be discussing the many movies that Denzel Washington acted in. On Saturday at noon, catch us at KwanzaaFest and back again Sunday at 8.am. *** Hope to see you this weekend in KwanzaaFest at the Automobile Building in Fair Park. Also stop by Southwest Center Mall to the Community Marketplace sponsored by the Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. *** Farewell to Jokae’s African American Books. It’s a sad commentary that we don’t support our own!







Women show support for Ambassador Rice Washington, DC - A diverse group of women leaders and organizations have joined forces with the Black Women’s Roundtable (BWR) to launch a campaign to express their unequivocal support of United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice and to encourage senate and congressional leaders to treat the esteemed public servant with respect. In addition to signing on to an open letter to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, nearly 100 women from across the country are promoting an online petition in support of Ambassador Rice via personal and organizational networks as well as online social media. The letter sent to Senate intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and committee ranking member Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) said Ambassador Rice has been a role model to all women. “She has excelled throughout her career both in the public and private sector.



Her commitment to international peace and the equality of all people should be heralded, not summarily dismissed for political gain and expedience. Hence, we urge all U. S. Senators to afford Ambassador Rice the proper respect appropriate for any other Cabinet-level member of a sitting Administration.” The letter continues, “We feel it necessary to remind the Senate of Ambassador Rice’s impeccable credentials because of the failure of some to respect her role as the United States Ambassador and leader in foreign policy. While some members of the Senate have pushed back on their rush to judgment in the press regarding Ambassador Rice’s prepared remarks on the attack in Benghazi, we feel that the public integrity and reputation of this brilliant woman, who serves our country with great dignity, has been unfairly and unnecessarily attacked.” The Black Women’s Roundtable comprises an intergenerational membership of Black women civic leaders of international, national, regional and state-based organizations and institutions that works collectively to advance policies and strategic initiatives that help to improve the lives of underserved women and girls.

DECEMBER 7, 2012

CHERYL’S WORLD Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to hear informative, entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking commentary and news with veteran journalist Cheryl Smith on Sundays at 8a.m. and “EDUCATING-The Good, The Bad, and The Hopeful” with Debra Brown Sturns on Mondays at 6p.m., aromatherapist Deborah Long Chambers on Tuesdays at 6p.m., Love A Natural Me with Yvette and Amy on Wednesdays at 6p.m., Young Generation Talk with Dareia Tolbert and Markel Slocumb on Thursdays at 6p.m., and See you at the Movies - with Jamille Bradfield on Fridays at 6p.m.






It Has Begun! Legendary multi-platinum country artist Collin Raye tells everyone everywhere he goes, “Imaj is country’s next big star!” What makes Imaj such an amazing anomaly is that her mission has always been simply, “Peace & Love” — a movement that has been advocated since The Beatles, Johnny Cash, Janis Joplin and Michael Jackson…then along came Imaj to continue the Peace Movement. What makes this so great is that Team Imaj has begun to expand her mission to not only spread world peace but to spread the awareness of Imaj and make the world a better place. You’ve heard the Breaking News: “IMAJ: Self-Titled Debut Album Set To Release This Summer/Fall!” We can’t



DECEMBER 7, 2012

wait for the release! And now…we’re joining hands nationwide. Join us at “Team Imaj” her official street team! All you have to do is: 1. Click “Join Group” here http://www.facebook.com/groups/ 352164268186566/ 2. And register here: http://imaj.wufoo.com/forms/z7x3x5/ When you’re done please share the group on Facebook and be ready to have some fun!!! For those sharing on Twitter: Please Tweet the following: #TeamImaj: IT HAS BEGUN. http://bit.ly/M4btHz (Please Re-







Holiday scams By Dr. Julianne Malveaux When I think of Thanksgiving Day, I think of family, gathered around a table that groans with turkey and dressing, green beans and candied yams, mac and cheese or whipped potatoes, and lots of other goodies. I look forward to seeing folks I haven’t seen in awhile, savor the food and fellowship, bring in the late evening over coffee and pie. Nobody is rushing out to go shopping - most people save that for the Friday after Thanksgiving, often called: Black Friday, because many stores find themselves in the black after the profligate shopping that day. There have been tragedies associated with Black Friday shopping. A few years back a Walmart employee was trampled to death by a crowd way too eager to get to the consumer goods. There have also been fights, altercations, bruises, and cuts as customers have vied for some of the scarce goods available or for crazy deals (often only for the first 200 people). Lines often snake around stores as people wait for a chance for a bargain. Now Walmart has upped the ante. Last year they opened at 10 p.m. and this year they will open at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Just when folks settle down from their meal and start swapping lies, someone is going to have to get up and rush to work so they can serve those consumers who want to shop on Thanksgiving Day.

Many of those who will work do so out of desperation. Many Walmart employees don’t have a full forty-hour shift; some find their hours adjusted each week. Thanksgiving work will augment scarce incomes. Just this week, I talked with a couple whose joint income at Walmart is $26,000 a year, partly because neither has a full week’s schedule. There are those who say, “well, why do they work there than”, suggesting that there are easy alternatives. But Walmart is one of our nation’s largest employers, and they often set the tone for similar stores like Best Buy, Sears and others. With Walmart opening at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving, their competitors will follow because they don’t want to lose momentum to Walmart. This is why some Walmart employees are protesting the way that Walmart treats its employees. They want to inform the public of illegal actions that Walmart has taken against its employees, and have initiated a series of protests, including strikes, rallies, an online campaign, and other actions. Their organization, Making Change at Walmart says that Walmart can help revive our economy if they will simply offer workers fullweek schedules and fair pay. Barbara Ehrenreich captured the ways that people are forced to work at a store very much like

Income inequality grows in U.S. BY GEORGE E. CURRY The threat of an impending fiscal cliff has sparked intense conversations about whether upper income citizens are paying their fair share of taxes. But equally important – and perhaps more important in the long term – is the issue of income inequality. A new report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Economic Policy Institute, two Washington-based think tanks, documents the growing gap between rich and poor as well as the rich and middle-class families. That pattern holds true both nationally and at the state level. The report, titled, Pulling Apart: A State-by-State Analysis of Income Trends, found: “Over the past three business cycles prior to 2007, the incomes of the country’s highestincome households climbed substantially, while middle- and lower-income households saw only modest increases. “During the recession of 2007 through 2009, households at all income levels, including the wealthiest, saw declines in real income due to widespread job losses and the loss of realized capital gains. But the incomes of the richest households have begun to grow again while the incomes of those at the bottom and middle continue to stagnate and wide gaps remain between high-income households and poor and middle-income households saw only modest increases.” The poorest fifth of households in the U.S. had an average income of $20,510. The top fifth had eight times as much – $164,490. “On average incomes fell by close to 6 percent among the bottom fifth of households between the late 1990s and the mid-2000s, while rising 8.6 percent among the top fifth,” the report found. “Incomes grew even faster –14 percent – among the top 5 percent of households. A similar gap existed been top earners and middle-class households. “On average, incomes grew by just 1.2 percent among the middle fifth of

households between the late 1990s and the mid-2000s, well below the 8.6 percent gain among the top fifth,” the report stated. “Income disparities between the top and middle fifths increased significantly in 36 states and declined significantly in only one state (New Hampshire.)” The report contains charts that show how income equality plays out at the state level. The state with the largest household income gap was New Mexico, where the bottom fifth averaged $16,319 annually and the top fifth of households earned $161,162, a top-tobottom ratio of 9.9. New Mexico was followed, in order, by Arizona, California, Georgia, New York, Louisiana, Texas, Massachusetts, Illinois and Mississippi. New Mexico also had the greatest gap between the middle fifth of households ($51,136) and top fifth ($161,162), a ratio of 3.2. New Mexico was followed, in order, by California, Georgia, Mississippi, A r i z o n a , N e w Yo r k , Te x a s , Oklahoma, Tennessee and Louisiana. Those gaps were even larger when poor and middle-class households were compared with the top 5 percent of all earners. For example, the income of the top 5 percent of households was 13.3 times the average income of the bottom fifth. The ratio was more than 15 times that in Arizona, New Mexico, California, Georgia and New York. According to the report, the major reason for the growing economic disparity has been the stagnant wages for workers in the low and middleincome brackets while wages of the highest paid employees have grown significantly. “The erosion weakness of wage growth for workers at the bottom and middle of the income scale reflects a variety of factors,” the report noted. “Over the last 30 years, the nation has seen increasingly long periods of high unemployment, more intense competition from foreign firms, a shift in the mix of jobs from manufacturing to services, and advances in technology that have changed jobs. The share of workers in unions also fell significantly.

“At the same time, the share of the workforce made up of households headed by women – which tend to have lower incomes – has increased. Government policies such as the failure to maintain the real value of the minimum wage and to adequately fund supports for low-wage workers as well as changes to the tax code that favored the wealthy have also contributed to growing wage inequality.” Authors of the report made the following recommendations for narrowing the inequality gap: · Raise and index the minimum wage; · Improve and extend unemployment insurance; · Make state tax systems more progressive by weighing he impact of sales tax and user fees on low-income families and · Strengthening the safety net. “The consequences of growing income inequality reach beyond individual families,” the report stated. “For instance, in order to compete in the future economy, states and the nation as a whole need a highlyskilled workforce. But research shows that children from poor families don’t perform as well in school and are likely to be less-prepared for the jobs of the future. Moreover, as income gaps widen, wealthy households become increasingly isolated from poor and middle-income communities. This hurts the nation’s sense of community and shared interests, for example, undermining support for public schools and other building blocks of economic growth.” George E. Curry, former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine, is editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service (NNPA). He is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. Curry can be reached through his Web site, www.georgecurry.com. You can also follow him at www.twitter.com/ currygeorge.

I MESSENGER wants you to SPEAK YOUR MIND! Is there something on your mind? Is there something we should be thinking about? Your thoughts are welcomed on the opinion pages of I MESSENGER! We would love to hear from you. Send your thoughts to us at www.myimessenger.com along with your photo, a contact number and a brief bio. Submissions should not exceed 300 words. The opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of I MESSENGER.

Every manuntil hasa adesignated right to month his own opinion. Every race has a right Don’t wait to its own to go action; to the doctor-therefore let no man persuade you against your Cancer, hypertension, blood clots, kidney disease and will, let no other race influence you against your own. other ills are not paying attention to a calendar and neither should you!

Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Malveaux, continued on page 10 PAGE 6


DECEMBER 7, 2012






DECEMBER 7, 2012

What real men are made of... When recalling great coaches of the past, like Eddie Robinson, A.S. “Jake” Gaither or Robert Lester, in addition to winning championships, they each have something in common with Coach Robert Hughes -- they taught life lessons and helped build character in the young men who were fortunate to play on their teams.

Fame, including the Texas Southern University, National High School, the Texas Sports, the Texas High School Coaches Association and the Southwestern Athletic Conference Hall of Fame; and there’s a basketball classic that bears his name.

They were coaches who overcame numerous and seemingly insurmountable obstacles for those young men -- and their families.

"I watched him long ago, on those cold nights when there was no one to take his players home to those long-away places -- many outside the city limits -- and he'd safely deliver them one by one,” recalled Mr. Sanders.

Mr. Sanders has followed the Coach’s impressive career.

This week Coach Hughes was the center of attention and rightfully so. It was also very appropriate that a veteran journalist, someone who is just as revered in his own arena, Bob Ray Sanders was on hand to pay tribute. “I've known Robert Hughes since his winning days at I. M. Terrell High School, and I'm reminded that the Fort Worth Star-Telegram -- the newspaper to which I've devoted so many years -- did not recognize him or the school in those days,” said Mr. Sanders, who hails from Fort Worth and is an Associate Editor and Senior Columnist at the StarTelegram. “When Terrell won the State Basketball Championships in 1963 and 1965 (in the old Prairie View Interscholastic League), the Star-Telegram only carried a twoparagraph story about the ‘Negro school.’” Almost four decades later, pointed out Mr. Sanders, editors displayed journalistic excellence and, “In 2003, the newspaper would devote pages leading up to (and after) Hughes was declared the winningest boys' basketball coach in the history of the country with more than 1,275 victories.” December 7, 2012 was declared Robert Hughes Day at Fort Worth’s Dunbar High School and a celebration was the talk of PAGE 7


"I watched him as he endured the envy of many of the football coaches at his schools who thought that he was 'stealing' all of the best athletes for his basketball team.

Coach Robert Hughes Photo by John Posey

organizers for months. Students, staff and faculty members wore Hughes t’ shirts and according to Melissa Harden, the excitement surrounding the day was high as Texas Crime Prevention and the Dunbar class of 1975 planned for the day. “We are honoring Coach Hughes because of his contributions to the school, the community and the whole State of Texas,” said Ms. Harden. “We have a great program planned for a great man.” Mr. Sanders said he was honored to participate on the program. “I have watched this man for decades -- long before he knew that I existed,” he explained.

“I watched him long before the Fort Worth school district, the city of Fort Worth and many of his 'supervisors' over the years acknowledged his ability and his heart, never mind his genius.” According to Ms. Harden, Coach Hughes, an alum of Texas Southern University played for the Boston Celtics before coaching at Fort Worth’s I.M. Terrell ( an allblack high school) until segregation ended and the school was shut down. He then moved to Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School where he coached from 1973-2005, putting the Wildcats in the history books. The Oklahoma native has been inducted into several Halls of !

"I watched this man as administrators and athletic directors were brought in with the primary purpose of putting Hughes in his place, getting him in line or simply getting him period . . . .” Fortunately no one was ever able to “get” the Coach. Still vibrant today, Coach Hughes, who won five state basketball titles, still exudes strength, wisdom and uncompromising faith. "I watched as he persevered, guiding his young men to success on the court and to graduation and into manhood,” added Mr. Sanders. “ I've always called Hughes an authentic American hero, not just in the place he called "Stop Six, Texas" or greater Fort Worth or any other physical location. He is a hero in the hearts of every kid he touched along his incredible journey. “You see, Robert Hughes didn't just coach basketball. He coached life.” CLS !





Congresswoman Johnson on the Observance of Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Virginia, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Dorie Miller was responsible for school holiday, clothes and Fair Park Automobile dragging his ship's wounded household items. Last year Building, 1010 First commander out of the line of fire. over 8,000 children stood Avenue, Dallas TX 75215 Once his captain was safe, he in long lines overnight for manned a machine gun on the the Saturday morning DONATIONS & ship's deck. Dorie Miller event. This year over VOLUNTEERS: continued to serve his country in 10,000 children are Washington, DC – Those individuals, the Navy during World War II. expected to pre-register for Congresswoman Eddie Bernice organizations or However, in 1943, he and 654 toys and over 5,000 Johnson released the following corporations interested in shipmates were killed in the line families to receive statement, commemorating the providing a toy, bicycle or groceries and other items. 71st anniversary of the attack on of duty when the Japanese sank financial donation or the USS Liscome Bay near the Pearl Harbor: Dallas Mayor Mike interested in volunteering, Gilbert Islands. As we honor the Rawlings is set to make an should visit the event devotion, dedication, and appearance in the big red “On this day, we honor and website at sacrifice of all who served at suit as Santa Claus for the www.christmasatfairpark.c remember those who served our Pearl Harbor, I can think of no children this year. country at the Pearl Harbor naval better commemoration than to om or call the Foundation Individuals, organizations office at 214.741.4990. base on December 7, 1941. The finally recognize the brave acts of and corporations are bravery shown that day by our Dorie Miller. I have introduced encouraged to support the men in uniform will never be legislation that would begin to FOR MORE community with toys and forgotten. We are thankful for cure this injustice. The bill would INFORMATION: donations or to volunteer as those who made the ultimate waive the time limitation For more information on a holiday helper at the sacrifice that day, and their specified in current law for the the 14th Annual Christmas dedication to the protection of event. awarding of military decorations In The Park event, please this country will always be in our in order to allow the posthumous log on to hearts. award of the Congressional WHEN & WHERE: www.christmasinthepark.co One of those heroes was Dorie Medal of Honor to Dorie Miller Saturday, December 15, m or call the S.M. Wright Miller, an African American mess for his heroic actions during 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Foundation at attendant aboard the USS West World War II. 214.741.4990.

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings To Suit Up As Santa Claus For The Children WHAT: The S.M. Wright Foundation will host Christmas In The Park for Dallas residents in the South Dallas-Fair Park community. Each year the S.M. Wright Foundation hosts the annual community event to ensure disenfranchised families and children in the community have some joy during the holiday season. Each family attending receives a hot meal, groceries to feed their family over the two-week


DECEMBER 7, 2012







I want your blood, No we need it! “I want your Blood!!! No, we need your blood!” No, this isn’t the beginning of a Twilight movie, but the cry for help from many in need! The American Red Cross and 1425 Properties are teaming together in Lancaster, TX on December 11th to give the community of Lancaster a chance to give back!! The American Red Cross always needs your help in saving a life, but this holiday season is even more crucial! We have had more devastating storms this year than one can fathom--namely Hurricane Sandy and Isaac and even a little closer to home--Lancaster’s April 2012 tornado. Well, Lancaster, TX is no stranger to natural disaster and need. In 1994 a

tornado of F4 intensity ripped through Lancaster, killing three people, devastating the historic town square, and damaging or completely destroying 250 homes in the area. But more recently, in April 2012, devastating tornados consisting of seventeen twisters terrorized residents and destroyed nearly 350 residences. The strongest was an EF3, bringing 150 mile per hour winds along with it. There were only minor injuries and no loss of life.

Bottom line--in a disaster, blood is lost; blood is needed ; because blood is a lifeline. WE NEED YOU!!! Ask not what your country (or city or community) can do for you, but what can you do to help save lives. Come on out to 1425 Properties (aka the Regions Bank Building) at 1425 N. Dallas Ave, Lancaster, TX 75134 on Monday, December 10th, from 10 a.m. to 3p.m .for this opportunity to donate blood and save lives.





The first 30 people will get an awesome grab bag. We will also give the business community a chance to tour the lovely property and a chance to network with others during the last 2 hours, 1-3p.m. Businesses can also help by allowing their employees extra time to give during lunch, giving incentives to employees that donate, and donating to our goodie bags. Regions Bank, Maid 2 Serve U, 1425 Properties and In The Door Advertising are on board. You can donate to the goodie bag by emailing katina@inthedooradvertising.org and indicate if you would like to bring by goodies/promotion items for the bag or donate $25 towards goodies to go in the bag. The deadline is Monday, December 10th at 5pm. to donate towards the bags. SIGN UP NOW: Visit www.redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) for more information on how to volunteer or donate. Use the code “Regions” or the zip code 75134 to register for this event specifically. There will be a few vendors there spreading holiday cheer and providing you with “last minute gifts” to purchase (only 14 days til Christmas). UPDATE on 2012 Lancaster’s Tornadoes Many are still living in hotels and with family as their houses are being rebuilt. Equally, many have moved on--especially renters.

DECEMBER 7, 2012

Progress can be seen with the nice new fences and moving vans appearing every weekend. UPDATE on Hurricane Sandy and The Red Cross “During this first month (December), the Red Cross has provided emergency relief to many people affected by Superstorm Sandy. But there is still much work to be done, and we will continue to provide help and hope for weeks and months to come,” said Gail McGovern, president and CEO of the American Red Cross. “This is our biggest U.S. disaster response in more than five years, and we are incredibly grateful for the generous support across the country that has enabled us to help the survivors of this storm.” Hurricane Sandy was a major storm that impacted an area the size of Europe. The Red Cross mobilized more than 14,400 trained disaster workers to date – 90 percent of them volunteers - to help people affected by the storm. Today, nearly 3,000 workers are still on the job, providing food, water, shelter and relief supplies. The Red Cross has also deployed more than 300 of its emergency response vehicles and is also utilizing rental cars, trucks and other vehicles to help. (Source American Red CrossWashington)

Bianca Jackson, Genesis Women’s Shelter; Jan Langbein, Genesis Women’s Shelter: and








Ask Gwen I am way too pretty to be cheated on! Dear Gwendolyn: I was dating a man who recently cheated on me. Well, I don’t know if he was cheating, but I was told he is dating another woman. I made it my business to see her. I don’t know how he could choose her and drop me. She’s fat and looks stinky. I was also told that this other woman is intimidated by me because I’m pretty. Well, it goes beyond pretty—I’m extremely pretty. Gwendolyn, I can understand men mistreating plain old ugly women, but not one of beauty. I don’t want him back because with my looks I

can get any man I want. What do you think?— Beth Dear Beth: You are in the wrong century. Men no longer look for beauty but they will use a beautiful lady as a play toy. Their actions make a good looking woman feel like a piece of gold with diamonds stuck to her skin. This behavior does indeed confuse a woman. Let me tell you this: You need to take another look into your mirror. In fact, go out and purchase another mirror. The one you have is not reflecting a true image of your looks. You need to realize that pretty women get tons of dates, but the plain looking woman gets the good husband. Think about it. Men like a smart woman with a brain. They can deal physically with a pretty woman until she opens her mouth and starts talking —then all the dumbness comes out. Gwendolyn Baines is an author, lecturer and syndicated advice columnist. The “Ask Gwendolyn Baines” advice column is distributed by the National Newspaper Publishers’ Association. (NNPA)-Washington, D.C.

FAITH FITNESS IS BACK! PLEASE JOIN FRIENDSHIP-WEST AS WE PRESENT Basic Fitness Class for Senior Adults Every Monday & Wednesday 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Located in the Banquet Area SWING CLASSES at the Wild Wild West! Every Tuesday & Thursday Evening 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. FWBC Banquet Area WALKING GROUP SATURDAY MORNINGS TIME: 8:00 A.M. | Location: FWBC Zumba TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM AT FWBC BOOT CAMP FITNESS EVERY 2nd & 4th SATURDAY MORNINGS - TIME 7:00 A.M. All classes are free of charge No experience necessary Adults of all ages and skill levels are welcome For more information please contact sports@friendshipwest.org or (214) 861-0457 PAGE 10


DECEMBER 7, 2012

Malveaux, Walmart in her book, Nickeled and Dimed. She wrote about the workers who were forced to work “off the clock”, after they had punched out, or before they punched in. She wrote about the low pay. And she wrote about those supervisors who had made a deal with the devil - implementing unfair policies for their own survival. When Walmart employees speak out there is retaliation. They are fired, or their hours are cut back. They very swiftly get the message that speaking out will be punished. Too many silently seethe at unfair policies; too dependent on the little pay they get to raise their voices. This is why the Making Change at Walmart campaign is so important. It challenges the notion that economic growth is dependent on the exploitation of workers, and suggests, instead, that paying people a living wage is a way to grow a stable and secure workforce. Walmart is not the only company that prefers to pay its workers on a part-time basis. Many fast-food operations do the same thing, varying hours each week so !

continued from page 6 that workers have no way of knowing when they will work. This means they have difficulty arranging for childcare with these variable hours. Of course, that this does not concern their employers. They are more interested in their bottom line, profits. Many who are aware of the labor exploitation at Walmart say that their prices and deals are unbeatable, and with their money tight they have no choice but to seek the best bargains they can find. Yet the price of the great deals is exploitation of another worker. The action to inform Walmart customers about Walmart’s unfair pay and illegal actions allows people who shop on Thanksgiving Day and on other days to make informed decisions about their shopping. One of the ways consumers can make a statement is to stay home on Thanksgiving Day, enjoying family, giving thanks, and postponing shopping. Dr. Julianne Malveaux is a noted economist and president emerita of Bennett College for Women. !




DECEMBER 7, 2012


WALGREENS DELIVERS Billions of grant dollars are given awayYOUR each PRESCRIPTIONS year to individuals and businesses FREE!!! by Foundations, Non-Profit organizations, Private Corporations and individuals. Are you tired of trying to find relatives, or To learn how to get your share of the billions of grant dollars awarded every friends to pick up your medication for you...? year go to: Constantly depending on different people with your money to bring your prescription back to • College funding you???? the Walgreen's store NOW and let them • Paying off existingCall student loan debt in getting your know you are interested medication delivered to you.

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You can set up payments for your prescription with...

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• Church funding & Three building expansion locations to serve you: • Paying off judgments ! • •

5001 Ross Ave. Dallas, Texas 75206 (214) 370-8747 ! 1104 S. Westmoreland Eliminate Bankruptcies (Chapters: 7,8.11 & 13)Dallas, Texas 75211 (214) 467-3540 ! 2045 Broadway Garland Texas Any legal financial need…75041 (972) 864-1608

Anyone can receive a grant if you know the secret to applying and how to access the grant providers. If you are interested in receiving a grant, let me show you how. Send an email to: clsgrant1@aol.com PAGE 11







Something Natural

DECEMBER 7, 2012

Dallas' newest restaurant & dinner club!


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ALL ABOUT BUSINESS NeilMed donates 200,000 of its flagship products Sinus Rinse™ and NasoGel® to U.S. Troops

Santa Rosa, California, USA--NeilMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc., President Nina Mehta has announced that NeilMed is donating $2 million worth (200,000 units) of its all natural, over-the-counter Sinus RinseTM and NasoGelR products to U.S. troops serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other locations in the Middle East. Ms. Mehta said NeilMed products will help servicemen and women serving in dry, dusty areas to soothe and hydrate their dry and irritated nasal passages in a drug free manner. “These troops are putting their lives on the line for our safety and for our nation” Ms. Mehta said. “We at NeilMed are happy to have a way to help them and to express our appreciation for their service.” NeilMed has teamed up with the University of North Carolina’s Department of Otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat) and the American Rhinologic Society (ARS) to ship 100,000 units of its Sinus RinseTM Kit and 100,000 units of NasoGelR Spray for Dry Noses to the troops. PAGE 13


NeilMed’s donation was initiated by University of North Carolina nurse Katie Sams. Her husband, Alex, was suffering from nasal congestion and irritation while serving as a U.S. Army Specialist in the Helmand province of Afghanistan. Sams asked Dr. Brent Senior, UNC Professor of Otolaryngology and Chief of the Division of Rhinology, Allergy, and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, about sending NeilMed Sinus RinseTM samples to her husband and his fellow soldiers. Dr. Brent contacted NeilMed Founder & CEO Ketan Mehta, M.D., at NeilMed, and together they arranged for NeilMed’s donation. NeilMed is shipping its products directly to the troops from its manufacturing plant in Santa Rosa, California. “Using Sinus RinseTM is one of the proven ways to naturally and effectively treat rhinitis and sinusitis in patients” Dr. Senior said. “For the guys serving in the military who are exposed to particulate matter in sand and whose nasal passages are often dry. Sinus RinseTM and NasoGelR are perfect options for keeping their noses clean, moist and clear and keeping themselves healthy so they are able to work to the best of their ability without any of the side effects of drugs.” NeilMed is the largest manufacturer and supplier of overthe-counter large volume saline nasal irrigation systems in the world. Its products, which are used to treat nasal mucus, colds, allergies, postnasal drip and nasal dryness, are sold by supermarkets, drug stores, big box clubs, and general merchandisers throughout the U.S. They are also available worldwide in several countries on all continents. Nina Mehta said, "NeilMed is happy to donate its products to people and organizations in need. We are fortunate to have achieved success and it gives us great satisfaction and a sense of pride to be able to help others. “We will do same for the fire fighters as they get lots of smoke and fume exposure." Dr. Mehta announced that anyone who has relatives or friends in the armed forces or fire departments, please free to contact the company and NeilMed will be happy to ship out the products for use by active military and active fire fighters.

Balcony Club celebrates TwentyFifth Anniversary More than two decades ago, Dallas resident Tommy Stanco, an avid gourmet cook and former professional children's entertainer, combined his love of hospitality and music to create an aura that would transform Lakewood’s Balcony Club from a simple piano bar to a haven for live music and Texassized camaraderie featuring as many as 70 bands each month. Stanco – who went to work at The Balcony Club as a bartender on Valentine’s Day 1990 and bought the place from original owners Burke and Jo Barr – has been its sole owner for over twenty years. Recently, he added his own band to the roster of regulars on the club's calendar. While several live music venues in the area have closed recently, The Balcony Club is still going strong. This month, the tiny venue with the big following celebrates its twentyfifth year in business with nightly drink specials; an official celebration is slated for December 13. From reggae to American roots music and R & B, Stanco and longtime manager Todd Buckley offer something for everyone, although the emphasis is on jazz. Happy hour entertainment begins at 5 p.m. nightly, and the late-night jazz bands often play until 2 a.m. The club, which sits atop the iconic Lakewood Theater, has become something of an icon itself. It’s weathered hail storms, theater closings – once, for as long as three years – economic challenges and changing times in which live music has been overtaken by DJ’s, karaoke and a loud, frenetic club du jour mentality. In 2010, Esquire Magazine named The Balcony Club to its list of Best Bars in America, on a short list of “best bars to take a woman.” It’s not so easy to find a place where one can bring a date, listen to music and carry on a conversation. Coincidentally, the Lakewood neighborhood of Dallas is on the upswing. Re-gentrification in the area has produced the arrival of a brand spanking new Mi Cocina directly next door to the club, valet parking and all.


DECEMBER 7, 2012

The Balcony Club serves no food, but many nearby restaurants will deliver. The Balcony Club’s crowd is a study in harmonious contrast. Outof-town visitors and tuxedo-clad Highland Park kids fresh from a wedding reception mingle with regulars on the patio or at the bar. If you hang out at the Balcony Club long enough, you’ll run into dozens of people you know. Stanco, whose grandfather played drums in Tom Mix’s Wild West Show, is dedicated to providing entertainment that spans genres and engages multiple generations. He credits the club’s longevity to a collaborative effort of teamwork and says, “Over the years, so many friends and strangers have stepped in to help. The Balcony Club is really bigger than all of us, and we’re grateful to still be here.”

The Balcony Club 1825 Abrams Parkway Dallas, TX 75214 (214) 826-8104 www.balconyclubdallas.com

ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS! TIME IS RUNNING OUT If you had a foreclosure between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2010 you may be eligible for an Independent Foreclosure Review. Call the Urban League of Greater Dallas Headquarters NOW if 1. Your property was sold due to a foreclosure 2. Your mortgage loan was referred into the foreclosure process but removed when payments were brought up to date or borrower entered a payment plan or modification program 3. Mortgage loan was referred into the foreclosure process, but home was sold or borrower participated in short sale or chose deed in lieu of foreclosure 4. Mortgage loan was referred into foreclosure process and remains delinquent but foreclosure sale has not yet taken place

CALL (214) 915-4638 OR (214) 915-4639 !




DECEMBER 7, 2012

Carey addresses NBCSL Youth Congress LAMONT CAREY was the keynote speaker at the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL) "Youth Congress Day" Luncheon and during the luncheon, received the NBCSL 2012 "Visionary Award."


The I MESSENGER Family gives thanks and extends heartfelt wishes for the best for each and everyone. And remember that for this short time we are on this earth, we can do so much to make this world a better place.

Educator and Host of TV One's Save My Son, Dr. Steve Perry and Dr. Chuck Williams with Washington Watch’s Roland Martin

Topics include: the importance of diversity for the GOP; the unemployment report; the new agenda for Black America; the fiscal cliff debate; gun violence among black men; and the life and career of the late Mervyn M. Dymally Educator and Host of TV One's Save My Son, Dr. Steve Perry; Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis; former Republican Congressman and Chairman of the J.C. Watts Companies, J.C. Watts; President and Executive Director of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Barbara Arnwine and Director of the Center for the Prevention of School Age Violence at Drexel University, Dr. Chuck Williams are guests on this PAGE 14


week's Washington Watch with Roland Martin airing on TV One, December 9, 2012. The journalist/commentator panelist includes: Executive Director and General Counsel for the Congressional Black Caucus, Angela Rye; CoFounder and CEO of the J.C. Watts Companies, Elroy Sailor; Washington Editor at Large for The Atlantic, Steve Clemmons; and Political Commentator and Host of The Right Side with Armstrong Williams, Armstrong Williams. Topics explored during the hour include: the importance of diversity for the GOP and steps they must take to become more inclusive; the encouraging unemployment report; the Black Agenda; the continued fiscal cliff debate; shocking truths about gun violence among black men and Martin reflects on the life and career of the late Mervyn M. Dymally. !





DECEMBER 7, 2012

Mark your calendar

Workshop facilitator: Linda Jones, writer, author of "It's Only Temporary: A Journal for Surviving Loved Ones." Grief Recovery Method certification.

December 8

Friday, December 14 7:00-8:00 pm Christmas Tree Lighting & Open House Balch Springs Recreation Center 4372 Shepherd Ln, Balch Springs, TX 75180 Reception and Holiday Music Friday, December 14, 6:30-7:30 pm Santa Workshop at C.P. Preparatory School 603 S. Bryan-Belt Line, Mesquite, TX 75149 Special activities, craft making, music making for the entire family

Christmas Toy Drive Sponsored by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Benefitting Single Moms Come enjoy a hot breakfast, and great entertainment during our second annual a toy! 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Luby's Restaurant 926 E. Highway 67 in Duncanville, TX 75137

December 15

Love & Laughter Holiday Jam Presented by Black Elite Entertainment It's that time again! The 2012 Community Market Festival sponsored by the Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will be held on Saturday, December 8th at Southwest Center Mall from 11:00am to 4:00pm. The attached vendor invitation letter has specific details regarding the event and the online registration link. The deadline to register is November 17, 2012. For information regarding vendor participation, please contact Sylvia Hamilton via email at shami59055@tx.rr.com.

December 10

For more information on the 14th Annual Christmas In The Park event, log on to www.christmasinthepark.com or call the S.M. Wright Foundation at 214.741.4990.

Saturday, December 8,

Christmas Melodies - Christmas Parade & Festival STILL ACCEPTING VENDORS & PARADE ENTRIES 972-557-6090 Balch Springs Recreation Center, 4372 Shepherd Ln, Balch Springs, TX Noon-3:00 pm Holiday music, crafts, vendors, food, parade

December 11

December 20

DeSoto ISD is accepting applications from December 3-21 for open enrollment transfers for the spring semester and is hosting an Open Enrollment Open House on Tuesday, December 11 from 6:00pm until 8:00 p.m. at DeSoto High School to share more information about the district and the application process. Private, charter, other public ISD students in the area are invited to attend the event. The number of openings for open enrollment students is limited and will be determined by DeSoto ISD administration based upon campus and grade-level capacity.

Balch Springs Chamber of Commerce Customer Appreciation Mixer Catering provided by La Iguana Taqueria La Quinta Inn 12875 Seagoville Rd Balch Springs TX 75180 6:00pm-7:30pm

December 28

****** Writing through Grief at the Center for Spiritual Living, Dallas 8am-Noon AMBUCS Pancake Breakfast Evans Senior Center, 1116 Hillcrest St, Mesquite, TX 75149 Enjoy holiday music - The MistleTones Choir, Special Guests & Soloists

December 9 Diva Darlings, an all-natural pageant designed to build selfesteem, character and talent in girls ages three to twelveyears, will be held on Sunday, December 9, 2012 at the Plaza Theater in Garland.



7 - 10 p.m. *** Address: 4801 Spring Valley Rd. Ste 115, Dallas (directions) *** Learn to use writing as a vehicle to work through grief caused by death and other losses. This sensitively-delivered workshop will explore journaling techniques, mood monitoring, music meditation, affirmations & poetic approaches. Workshop fee - $40 (includes grief journal - "It's Only Temporary . . . ") Email or call to reserve a space - 214-803-3920 ***

Verizon Theatre Grand Prairie 8:00pm KEM & Rickey Smiley

January 1, 2013 Featuring: Avery Sunshine, Melanie Camacho, & Junior 2013 Heart of Dallas Bowl Game: Purdue Boilermakers vs. Oklahoma State Cowboys Jan. 1, 2013 11:00 a.m. Cotton Bowl Stadium: 3750 The Midway Dallas, TX 75210 The Heart of Dallas Bowl presented by PlainsCapital Bank will kick off at Cotton Bowl Stadium on Jan. 1, 2013, at 11 a.m. The !





Purdue Boilermakers will face off against the Oklahoma State Cowboys and be broadcast live on ESPNU-TV. Net profits from the event will benefit charities serving the homeless population in Dallas. For tickets and more information, visit theheartofdallasbowl.com, find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter at @WeHeartDallas. Contact Number: 214-774-1370 email: tickets@theheartofdallas.org http://www.theheartofdallasbowl.com SAVE THE DATE: BET VINDICATION featuring JOYCE ANN BROWN 1.23.2013 hosted by MORRIS CHESTNUT http://www.bet.com/shows/vindicated/morris-chestnut.html

Jan. 6th, 2013 Enjoy Inspired Spoken word * World Class Clean Comedy* Live Entertainment*

Singing* Dinner Buffet a special musical performance from BET's SUNDAY BEST show (Andrea Helms) & Much More....Including JUST added "Yarbrough & People's" live performance of there brand new Gospel single entitled "I'm In" November 9-14 Beauty Industry Champions Cruise & Educational Summit 2013! Cruise dates are November 9-14, 2013


Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. presents

DECEMBER 7, 2012

Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce 2013 Event Schedule

29th Annual Quest For Success Awards Luncheon Monday, February 4, 2013 @ 12:00 noon Dallas Convention CenterBallroom A 16th Annual Excellence In Education Scholarship Luncheon Friday, April 5, 2013 @ 12:00 noon Dallas Convention CenterBallroom A

Community Market Festival

Saturday, December 8, 2012 11:00 AM ± 4:00 PM Southwest Center Mall 3662 West Camp Wisdom Road Dallas, Texas 75237

24th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament Monday, June 10, 2013 @7:30 a.m. (shotgun) Thorntree Country Club, DeSoto, TX. 87th Annual Awards Banquet Friday, October 11, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m. Dallas Convention CenterBallroom A

National Capital Area Cowboys & Cowgirls 7 Springs Mountain Ski Resort, Champion PA Ȃ ʹͶͲǦͶ͸ͳǦͳ͹͸Ͳ Ǧ ǡ ʹͲʹǦͶͻ͹Ǧ͹ͺ͵Ͳ ǡ ͵ͲͳǦ͸ͶʹǦͻ͹ͳͲ

2 Per Room $573 (pp) 3 Per Room $473 (pp) 4 Per Room $423 (pp) Child (6-11yrs) $220 (Slope Side Rooms Additional Fee)

Children Welcome w/limited Parlor Room Access! $100 Non-­Refundable Deposit Required Call About Non-­Transportation Prices

Apparel | Greeting Cards | Jewelry| Handmade Ceramics | Candles | Cosmetics &DMXQ DQG &UHROH &XLVLQH _ +RPHPDGH 'HVVHUWV DQG PRUH«

Bus Departs: Greenbelt Metro Park & Ride (Greenbelt, MD) Thursday, January 24th , 2013 @ 10AM Bus Returns: Sunday, January 27th, 2013 approximately 6PM

Visit us at http://www.ncacowboy.com


Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com at 6p.m. Monday, December 3


Tuesday, December 4


Wednesday, December 5


Thursday, December 6



Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 16



Donna P. Charles 5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012 Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU !








DECEMBER 7, 2012




In our library Sisters In Faith Bible: A New Journey Through The Good Book For AfricanAmerican Women NASHVILLE, Tenn.-- Thomas Nelson, a world leading Christian publisher, is preparing to release a new Bible that will provide AfricanAmerican women with an inspiring new tool to help bring their Sunday morning experience into their everyday lives. The Sisters in Faith Holy Bible: Encouraging and Empowering African-American Women with God's Truth ($39.99, ISBN 9781401675158) is expected to address the concerns of today's Christian women who are seeking God's wisdom and guidance in every area of their busy and complex lives. The Bible will be available everywhere January 1, 2013. This beautifully designed Bible will have a unique African-American perspective, thanks to executive editors Michele Clark Jenkins and Stephanie Perry Moore. Michele and Stephanie are the cofounders of Sisters in Faith, an entity established to create meaningful products that encourage and empower African-American women with God's truth. "African-American women have a different history and a different presence from any other demographic," said Jenkins. "Their history is characterized by strength in the face of instability; making a-way out of no-way and self-definition in the face of a lost identity. Most are looking to cut a new path. The Sisters in Faith Bible is designed to speak directly to the specific needs of this group of women." "African-American women have long suffered and long loved the Lord in such a way that being Support Black -owned bookstores

DECEMBER 7, 2012

Christian and being an AfricanAmerican woman is synonymous," adds Moore. "But very few Christian products reveal the AfricanAmerican woman's voice to the body of Christ and almost none have been created to speak directly to her in a way that relates to her life and her struggle." Jenkins is the Senior Director of the Public Policy Consulting Group for Griffin & Strong, P.C. and also specializes in entertainment contracts and business development. She is the author of numerous faith-based books and co-editor of several Bible projects. Moore has also served as co-editor for several Bible projects and is the author of over 50 young adult, inspirational fiction books and four adult titles. Together, they have gathered 12 women to contribute to this project. Joann Rosario Condrey, a recording artist, worship leader and ordained evangelist; Helen Delaney, co-pastor at Liberty Church in Marietta, Georgia; Vanessa Davis Griggs, a motivational speaker and author of more than 13 novels; Keren Heath, a writer, entrepreneur and worship leader; TiffaniMiShelle Johnson, a poet, actor, screenwriter and director; Jennifer Keitt, author, host of Today's Black Woman radio show, and founder of Zakar magazine and the Jennifer Keitt Life Institute for Women; Jamell Meeks, Director of Women's Ministries for the Salem Baptist Church of Chicago; Brenda Noel, an award-winning freelance publishing professional and partner in ECHO Creative Media; Dawn Sherill, M. Div., co-founder and partner in ECHO Creative Media; Kim Cash Tate, an author, attorney and co-founder of the nonprofit ministry, Colored in Christ; Karen Waddles, Assistant to the Publisher of Moody Publishers, the publishing arm of Moody Bible Institute; and Lakeba Hibbler Williams, a licensed counselor, speaker, trainer, and educator.

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Texas MetroNews



Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box 860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 PAGE 18







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2012 Dallas Cowboys(NFC East) Date

012#3#.4/567! !








Wednesday 09/05/12

at New York Giants MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ

Sunday 09/16/12

at Seattle Seahawks Loss CenturyLink Field, Seattle, WA

Sunday 09/23/12

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX


Monday 10/01/12

Chicago Bears Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX




Sunday 10/07/12 Sunday 10/14/12

3 or

DECEMBER 7, 2012



at Baltimore Ravens Loss M&T Bank Stadium, Baltimore, MD

Sunday 10/21/12

at Carolina Panthers Bank of America Stadium, Charlotte, NC


Sunday 10/28/12

New York Giants Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX


Sunday 11/04/12

at Atlanta Falcons Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA


Sunday 11/11/12

at Philadelphia Eagles Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, PA


Sunday 11/18/12

Cleveland Browns Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX


Thursday 11/22/12

Washington Redskins Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX


Sunday 12/02/12

Philadelphia Eagles Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX


Sunday 12/09/12

at Cincinnati Bengals Paul Brown Stadium, Cincinnati, OH

1:00 p.m. ET FOX

Sunday 12/16/12

Pittsburgh Steelers Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX

4:25 p.m. ET CBS

Sunday 12/23/12

New Orleans Saints Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, TX

1:00 p.m. ET FOX

Sunday 12/30/12

at Washington Redskins FedEx Field, Landover, MD

1:00 p.m. ET FOX

Note: Game times for weeks 11-17 are subject to change








DECEMBER 7, 2012

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers

877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at


DON’T BE SILENT Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today! PAGE 20





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