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APRIL 19, 2013

Joyce Ann Brown lost Nine Years, Five Months and 24 Days of her life !





APRIL 19, 2013

Message to the People...

I MESSENGER April 19, 2013


Protecting the Homeless 5

Joyce Ann Brown, is in need of our help. Joyce spent over 9 years in prison for a crime that she did not commit. She was exonerated in the late 1980s with the assistance of Centurion Ministries and 60 Minutes. But, at the time of her exoneration, Texas did not have a compensation statute. She has not received a dime for the days that Texas kept her locked up for a crime she did not commit. A bi! is pending before the Texas legislature to a!ow Joyce Ann to be eligible to seek compensation for her wrongful incarceration, just like the men who have received payment upon their release. There is a petition on change.org for the legislature to pass this bi!. Time is of the essence. The Texas legislature wi! recess soon. Please, please sign the petition!! And then forward it to a! of your #iends to get others to sign. You can access the petition at http://www.change.org/petitions/chairman-robert-duncan-senate-state-of-affairs-txsupport-bi!-number-sb110.


I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011 IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IM ESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com. PAGE 2

Since 1990, the story of Joyce Ann Brown’s wrongful incarceration has been an international one. Once she was released, after the airing of CBS’ 60 Minutes report, Ms. Brown focused on helping others who had been wrongfully convicted while also providing Cheryl Smith services for their families and those who while not innocent, needed her assistance. Dallas has continued to make headlines as inmate after inmate gained freedom and in some cases, very large cash disbursements. Ms. Brown, however, went to work and got a paycheck for her services in Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price’s office, for nearly a decade before stepping out on her own, working full-time with her organization, MASS - Mothers (Fathers) for the Advancement of Social Systems. Ironically, she works with many of the men who were compensated for their wrongful convictions. Hearing about large settlements, people began to ask Ms. Brown if she ever received anything. “Not a dime,” she replied. “Everything penny I received was because I went to work after I was released. I needed money to take care of my family.” Sen. Rodney Ellis first authored a bill to compensate innocent men and women who found themselves incarcerated. The amount was $25,000 a year and then over the years it has increased to $80,000 for each year spent, plus other benefits. The following plea went out recently in Ms. Brown’s behalf:


In her book, JOYCE ANN BROWN: Justice Denied, Ms. Brown talks candidly about her arrest, time in prison and subsequent release. Can you even imagine spending nine years, five months and 24 days in prison? What about spending that time and you are innocent of the crime? With so many cases coming to light, one can’t help but think that if some were wrongfully incarcerated, there had to be some wrongfully executed. Ms. Brown has devoted her life to helping the wrongfully convicted, the families of those imprisoned and those leaving the penitentiary and returning to society. She’s a voice for the voiceless and now she needs some voices to champion the cause that will see her receive some type of consideration for the years that were stolen from her. This is a cause worth fighting for!







APRIL 19, 2013

For Immediate Release For More Information Contact Taroue Brooks tbrooks@cjonespr.com 202-431-1119 Actor Malik Yoba Supports Book Focusing

Happy Centennial Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. National Call…..Looking For a Few Good Spiritual Women Of Faith for our Panel Spiritual Women-Of-Faith is inspirational talk biblically discriminating radio broadcast on the Valder Beebe Show. National-and-global-topics of conversations on today’s issues, social commentary with high-profile interviews. We are opening the conversations to the audience, igniting thought provoking and relevant topics that faithbased women (and men) envelope in honest and opinionated dialogue. The producers are looking for panelists to take a seat at the virtual table and share spiritual wisdom on today’s issues. The Valder Beebe Show, a new kind of spiritual talk show broadcast on KKVI FM (DFW) www.kkvidfw.com and on-line www.ValderBeebeShow.com . We are conducting a nationwide search for Spiritual Women Of Faith. You can contact producers@valderbeebeshow.com, send a mini bio and photo for contact. Valder Beebe, Media Host PAGE 3


CHERYL’S WORLD Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to hear informative, entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking commentary and news with veteran journalist Cheryl Smith on Sundays at 8a.m. and Business Sense with Katina Potts on Mondays at 6p.m., Something Natural with aromatherapist Deborah Long Chambers on Tuesdays at 6p.m., Love A Natural Me with Yvette and Amy on Wednesdays at 6p.m., Young Generation Talk with Dareia Tolbert, Dr. Buckey and Lady D on Thursdays at 6p.m., and See you at the Movies - with Jamille Bradfield on Fridays at 6p.m.






APRIL 19, 2013











Protecting the homeless By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Recently I introduced legislation in the Congress that is designed to protect homeless individuals and their families. Entitled the Homeless Accountability Act of 2013, the measure has been endorsed by the National Coalition for the Homeless, an advocacy organization that works to assist those who are experiencing homelessness. The measure was co-sponsored by twelve other members of the House of Representatives who understand that protecting the nation’s homeless population is critical. If passed by the Congress and signed into law by the President, the bill would require the reporting of violent acts against the homeless to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Such acts would be considered as severe as violence against other citizens based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national origin. It is intended to address a problem that has local and national ramifications. Contrary to widely held beliefs, the number of attacks on homeless people surpasses all other hate crimes combined. Yet, the reporting of acts of violence against the homeless is not recorded by any uniform law enforcement agency such as the U.S. Justice Department. No additional taxpayer costs will be incurred by taking the action mandated by the bill I have proposed. The homeless are not only without shelter, they are physically vulnerable and lack adequate resources as they attempt to exist on the streets of our cities and towns. I have always believed that those who are experiencing misfortune must not be forgotten, or tossed to the sidelines of existence. They must be valued, protected and given assistance. A recent survey documented nearly 37,000 individuals in Texas who were homeless on any given night. A report by the Texas Interagency Council for the Homeless found that the web of homelessness includes individuals, families, children, men, women, disabled persons, people with full-time jobs, former military service members and substance abusers. Data in Texas mirrors the numbers in other states. Currently acts of violence against homeless people are recorded by organizations that do not have the resources of the FBI. The proposed legislation would place the weight of the federal government behind the effort to collect and track data when violent acts against homeless people occur. As a civil society we must never neglect nor forget those who have experienced difficulties in their lives. They are as important as any other citizen. Their rights must be given the same protections that all of us expect in a democracy. My legislation is designed to accomplish precisely that.

Celebrating our heritage! 365 days

Unhealthy obsession with testing is behind rampant school cheating By Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. The Atlanta public school cheating scandal is but “the tip of the iceberg,” reports Bob Schaeffer, public education director of the National Center for Fair and Open Testing. A new FairTest survey reports confirmed cheating incidents in 37 states and the District of Columbia in just that last four years. It also lists 50 ways adults in public schools artificially boost test scores. When everyone cheats, you know something is wrong with the test. In fact, high-stakes testing — in which jobs and even the existence of schools depend on the results of a standardized test — is a perverse way to evaluate teachers and schools. As Isabel Nunez, associate professor at the Center for Policy Studies and Social Justice at Concordia University Chicago, writes, “Standardized testing has become monstrous” and is unsupported by the best research in the field. It’s the spearhead of an assault that is undermining public education, turning teaching from a life mission to a badly paid, insecure job, and putting children

at risk. We better step back and take another look to build, not destroy our public schools. First, we have to get real about what schools can do. A school cannot thrive as an oasis in a social desert. Even the best teacher cannot reach a student who is plagued by an untreated toothache. Schools cannot bear the blame for all the maladies of poverty, unemployment, danger and pain. Parents with jobs matter. Adequate housing with a computer in the house matters. Transportation to schools matters. Nutrition and health care matters. School distance matters. Dangerous streets matter. There is no shortcut to equal opportunity. School funding remains separate and unequal. We know how to create great public schools. We see them in the affluent suburbs across the country. But in impoverished urban and rural areas, children go without text books, without computers, without adequate facilities to exercise. Don’t blame the teachers. Often the teachers reach into their own pockets to get needed supplies for their students. There is no shortcut to highquality teachers. The countries that are succeeding respect teachers and pay them accordingly. The current policy — using highstakes testing to substitute for high pay, clear mentoring, peer review, social respect — virtually guarantees that the best teachers will not risk going to the schools that need them the most. Closing neighborhood schools has high costs. Parents must find ways to transport their children longer distances. Children must cross what often are contested gang

boundaries. Rousing parental involvement becomes even more difficult if the school is across town. At this point, testing and shutting down schools have become a way to avoid investing in the basics. Let’s start there. Make certain every child has adequate nutrition and health care. Provide every child with preschool, smaller classes in the early grades, after-school programs, and affordable training or college after high school. Engage parents in supporting their schools before the threat comes to shut them down. Afford teachers high pay and high respect to attract the best students. Save the big money wasted on high stakes tests and invest the time and the resources in children. And then focus attention on the areas most in need. Create jobs programs to put people to work doing work that needs to be done. Raise the minimum wage, make health care not just mandatory but affordable. Build affordable housing. The schools will rise as the neighborhood rises. And inevitably, they will flail as the neighborhood fails. Let’s provide every child with a fair start. There is no better return on the dollar.

The Reverend Jesse Louis Jackson, Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, is one of America’s foremost civil rights, religious and political figures. Over the past 40 years, he has played a pivotal role in virtually every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and economic and social justice.



. A guy who hits a woman can be called lots of things. “Man” is not one of them.

Every manuntil hasa adesignated right to month his own opinion. Every race has a right Don’t wait to its own to go action; to the doctor-therefore let no man persuade you against your Cancer, hypertension, blood clots, kidney disease and will, let no other race influence you against your own. other ills are not paying attention to a calendar andJoin the rally, 3.23.13 neither should you!

Join Mayor Mike Rawlings for The Ten Thousand Man Rally Against Domestic Abuse at 10am on March 23rd at Dallas City Hall. (DART exit at Convention Center Station.) It’s time for the men of Dallas to say, enough is enough.

Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey

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APRIL 19, 2013

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Faith & Philanthropy Institute hosts forum on Women Leaders

Nada Ruddock The Faith & Philanthropy Institute will host a forum in May about the glass ceiling facing women and the leadership deficit in the social sector. The Women Leading Greater Good Forum will be held 9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at the Hackberry Creek Country Club, 1901 W. Royal Lane, Irving, Texas, 75063. Women fill nearly 70 percent of staff positions in nonprofit organizations while men hold a majority of senior management positions. According to the national nonprofit strategy group Bridgespan, the nonprofit sector must attract and develop nearly 640,000 new senior management leaders to replace departing senior executive leaders by 2016. A panel of 12 women leaders from the social, business, and government sectors will discuss solutions to this glass ceiling and executive leadership deficit in the social sector. The Faith & Philanthropy Institute has named 12 Women Leading Greater Good Honorees as panel members. Dr. Beverly Mitchell-Brooks, president and CEO of the Urban League of Greater Dallas and North Central Texas, is among the panelists. "Women not only have to be visionary leaders and creative strategic planners, but they are challenged to increase their network of business associates," Dr. MitchellBrooks said. Other panelists at the forum include Trisha Cunningham, chief citizenship officer of Texas Instruments; Dr. Paula DobbWiggins, psychiatrist and adjunct professor at SMU Perkins School of Theology; Linda Perryman Evans, president and CEO of the Meadows Foundation of Texas; Hind Jarrah, PAGE 6


Dr. Beverly Mitchell Brooks cofounder and executive director of Texas Muslims Women's Foundation; Niki Nicastro McCuistion, nonprofit and business strategist; Nada J. Ruddock, director of Community Affairs at NBC 5/KXAS-TV; Dr. Claire Sahlin, chairperson of the Department of Women's Studies at Texas Woman's University; Becky Sykes, founder and past president of the Dallas Women's Foundation; Debbie Taylor, southwest regional director at Citi Community Development; Charity Wallace, director for the Women's Initiative at the George W. Bush Institute; and Michelynn Woodard, vice president of philanthropy at JCPenney. "The Women Leading Greater Good Forum is a new series of conversations hosted by the Faith & Philanthropy Institute that spotlights women on the frontlines of social change and empowers the next generation of women leaders," said Faith & Philanthropy's Founder and President, Sherrye Willis. "This forum is connecting women from all sectors of society to discuss the social challenges facing the health and well-being of our communities." For more details visit www.fpiweb.org Since 2001, the Faith & Philanthropy Institute has served as a catalyst to increase the ability of nonprofit organizations to achieve greater works and sustain their future in vulnerable communities. FPI believes women leaders are an essential element in the growth, sustainability and transformation of organizations, communities and solving social ills.

APRIL 19, 2013

Frisco ISD-TV Crew covers Nancy Lieberman Foundation Gala

for more in-depth coverage as they served as the official news team. “Nancy Lieberman is such an amazing woman who is fully committed to seeing students succeed,” said Eva Coleman, Executive Producer of Frisco ISD-

Frisco ISD-TV crewmembers were praised during a live on-air exchange between sportscasters Steve Dennis and Gina Miller for their efforts in covering the Nancy Lieberman Foundation Gala held Monday evening, April 8, 2013, at

TV. “She provides this media experience for my Audio/Video Production students, and it greatly enhances their skills as I make it a priority to find opportunities for them beyond the classroom.” It was an added bonus to hear

Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Dallas. For the second year in a row, the Frisco ISD-TV news team served as paparazzi along the Red Carpet as they interviewed and welcomed celebrities and business leaders to the event. Senior Producers Morgan Yarnik and Alex Le received VIP credentials, allowing them inside

the banter back and forth between Dennis and Miller as they spoke of the Frisco students who were after their jobs. Frisco ISD-TV crew members consist of students enrolled in Audio/Video Production and Advanced Audio/Video Production at the Frisco ISD Career & Technical Education Center.






West Nile Virus: Take Steps to Fight the Bite! Garland, Texas - - It’s never too early to take steps to control the mosquito population in your neighborhood and to combat West Nile Virus. The City of Garland Health Department has already begun trapping and testing mosquitoes for West Nile Virus. Although, tests have been negative so far, positive mosquito pools have already been found in North Texas. To report stagnant water, increased mosquito activity, or dead birds, call the Garland Health Department’s mosquito hotline at 972-205-3720. To protect yourself and your family, remember the four Ds: DRAIN standing water around the home,



Use insect repellent containing DEET, Avoid being outdoors at DUSK and DAWN when mosquitoes are most active, And DRESS to protect yourself with long sleeves and pants to reduce skin exposure In addition, make sure doors and windows are screened properly to keep mosquitoes out of your home. For more information about West Nile Virus and Garland’s mosquito control program, visit the City’s Mosquito Information web page. On April 11, 2013, the City of Richardson announced that West Nile Virus positive mosquito pools were detected within their city limits, in areas bordering the City of Garland. For more information about Richardson’s planned mosquito spraying activity, visit their West Nile Virus information page.

APRIL 19, 2013

counseling ministry serves over 60 countries in 27 languages with much needed resources that address the definitions, characteristics, causes, and solutions for some of life’s most difficult issues. Domestic violence and wife abuse have long been subjects that Hunt has taught on and has publicly spoken The Collin County Council on Family against. “It burdens me when I hear Violence (CCCFV), an initiative of the the rising statistics associated with Junior League of Collin County, will family violence,” shares Hunt. In most h o s t i t s 4 t h A n n u a l In t e r f a i t h cases, domestic and family violence Symposium, at Collin College - Preston involve years of emotional trauma, as Ridge Campus on April 25, 2013. This well as physical injuries. More than year’s symposium initiative is “A Faith often, the emotional trauma is even Com munity Response to Fami l y more severe. Exposure to family Violence: When Faith Hurts; When violence has a devastating impact on everyone involved, including children Faith Helps; When Faith Heals.” While famil y violence ha s no who are experiencing it directly. Today, boundaries specific to gender, race, or family violence occurs in Christian economics when identifying its victims, homes, just as much as any other the Center for Disease Control and home. It’s important that faith Prevention and the National Institute leaders understand the depth of this of Justice report that one in four issue, choose to stand against it, and women in the U.S. have experienced offer help and healing to victims, and violence in her lifetime by a spouse, their offenders. In addition to Hunt, numerous boyfriend, or family member. Dallas Mayor, Mike Rawlings, highly trained professionals in the brought heightened awareness to this fields of Pastoral Care and Counseling, issue by hosting a city-wide rally Psychology, Social Services and Law against domestic violence. Rawlings E n f o r c e m e n t w i l l t r a i n f a i t h challenged both key leaders and faith c o m m u n i t y l e a d e r s d u r i n g t h e communities to be better educated on symposium on how they can effectively t h e w a r n i n g s i g n s a n d i s s u e s o f impact individuals and families in their domestic violence, to take a firm stand sphere of influence. Presenters and against it, and make resources readily panelists include: Candace Winslow, available to individuals and families in Executive Director of Strategy & Discipleship at Highland Park United need of help. Jennifer Jamieson, President of the Methodist Church; Mona Abdullah Junior League of Collin County, noted Alnaeemi, Director of Texas Muslim “The CCCFV Interfaith Symposium Women’s Foundation Social Service provides a safe place to have open Programs; Dick Miller, Businessman dialogue and ask questions as leaders and Community Volunteer; Rabbi from our diverse local faith community Wolk Community Chaplain at Jewish explore this difficult subject matter. Family Service, Malkie Schick, Clinical Because people turn to their faith Social Worker at Jewish Family Service, communities in times of need, the Dr. Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner , CCCFV, is focused on providing faith Professor of Pastoral Care at Perkins communities with facts and resources School of Theology (SMU); Tonia to prepare our faith community to Cunningham, Victim Assistance and respond to family violence in a way Grants Administrator for the Frisco Po l i c e D e p a r t m e n t ; S a m a n t h a that is helpful and healing.” Wyman , Community Education Throughout the years, the CCCFV Coordinator at The Turning Point has provided training and education to Ra p e C r i s i s C e n te r ; a n d C u r t i s countless faith community leaders in Howard, J.D., Senior Legal Advisor for Collin County on topics such as the City of Plano Police Department. recognizing family violence, The Interfaith Symposium will be appropriately responding to reports of moderated by Mark Hundley, therapist, famil y violence, reaching out to suspected victims of family violence, consultant, speaker and best-selling and identifying available resources in author of “Awaken to Good Mourning”, ‘ S i m p l y t h e B e s t ” , a n d “ Fe a r ? their communities. Noted author and speaker, June Not!” He is the co-founder of The Hunt, will conclude the symposium Journey of Hope Grief Support Center with a message on domestic violence. in Plano, TX and of the McKinney Hunt, who holds a M.A. in counseling, Counseling Services in McKinney, TX. has insightfully provided biblical hope Collin College – Preston Ridge a n d p r a c t i c a l h e l p to c o u n t l e s s Campus is located at 9700 Wade individuals through her daily broadcast Boulevard, Frisco, Texas. Registration programs, Hope for the Heart and begins at 7:30 a.m. Symposium program Hope in the Night. Hope for the will be held 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Cost Heart, Hunts world-wide biblical to attend is $20 and includes a light breakfast, lunch, and materials.

Junior League of Collin County to host its 4th Annual Interfaith Symposium






Ask Gwen My Son’s Grandmother doesn’t act like a Grandma Dear Gwen:

I am engaged to get married in six months. My fiancé and I have dated for six years. Last summer we broke up and we both started dating someone else. This is the problem: For five years, his mother acted like she just adored me. During our breakup, she seems to now favor the new lady in her son’s life. However, my fiancé came back to me confessing he loves me. He says the entire time we parted his mind was on me and not the other lady. Just before our breakup I discovered I was pregnant. We have a 9-month-

APRIL 19, 2013

old baby boy. His mother has nothing to do with our son. Gwendolyn, this is the horror of it all. She is telling her son not to marry me until he knows the baby is his. I told my fiancé absolutely no to the DNA test. It’s wrong for a man to request testing. Right? Alice Dear Alice: Wrong! If men who have been married for years would request a DNA test, too many would be totally surprised when they would hear: “You are not the father.” Let me tell you this: No mother during this new age will encourage a son to marry a woman who refuses testing. Why are you refusing the test? You must have a feeling that your fiancé is not the father of your son. Don’t be afraid. If your fiancé loves you, then he will love you even if the test proves him not to be the dad. If that happens, your son’s first words would be mom, dad, but not – grandma. Gwen "Ask Gwendolyn Baines" advice column is distributed by the National Newspaper Publishers' Association (NNPA)Washington, D.C.

FAITH FITNESS IS BACK! PLEASE JOIN FRIENDSHIP-WEST AS WE PRESENT Basic Fitness Class for Senior Adults Every Monday & Wednesday 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Located in the Banquet Area SWING CLASSES at the Wild Wild West! Every Tuesday & Thursday Evening 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. FWBC Banquet Area WALKING GROUP SATURDAY MORNINGS TIME: 8:00 A.M. | Location: FWBC Zumba TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM AT FWBC BOOT CAMP FITNESS EVERY 2nd & 4th SATURDAY MORNINGS - TIME 7:00 A.M. All classes are free of charge No experience necessary Adults of all ages and skill levels are welcome For more information please contact sports@friendshipwest.org or (214) 861-0457

For more information, Deborah Long Chambers, Certified Aromatherapist CEO, Designs for Living Comfortably www.livingcomfortably.com

Something Natural with Deborah Long Chambers HOUSTON – The University of Houston has created an interdisciplinary minor in energy and sustainability designed for students who are pursuing a wide range of majors but want to understand the key issues in the world of energy. The new minor is part of UH’s strategic








APRIL 19, 2013

Mellow Mushroom - It’s in the dough By Eva D. Coleman

A parking spot was available right up f ront. I pulled in quickly and had a view through the glass doors that caused me to pause and just watch. A huge, cream-colored circle was tossed in the air. Other shapes of the same color were pulled and stretched…then tossed. After watching for several minutes, my daughters and I got out of the car and entered this psychedelic joint called Mellow Mushroom. “The dough says it all,” says owner Luis Gonzalez. It spoke volumes to me as it had me mesmerized in the parking lot. Gonzalez is a native of Mexico with no prior restaurant experience. Bringing Mellow Mushroom to Frisco, Texas was a tasteful family decision. They made frequent visits to a location in Germantown, Tennessee. “We couldn’t keep ourselves out of it…or our kids,” shared Gonzalez. After serving as CEO of a Mexican-based distribution company at an office in Memphis, Tennessee and being a corporate guy for 25 years, Gonzalez says he and his wife were looking to do something different. He does notice differences in being a restaurateur. “My weekends are Tuesday a n d We d n e s d a y i n s t e a d o f Saturday and Sunday,” he adds. While my personal favorite is t h e B u f f a l o C h i c ke n p i z z a , PAGE 9


Gonzalez says crowd favorites are the Wholly Shitake Pie, House Special, and Mighty Meaty. My girls loved the traditional

“I feel Frisco was looking for a very good quality food place with a casual atmosphere. We have it i n Me l l o w… i t ’s f u n k y a n d

pepperoni, however, we all fell in love with the dough…and the decor.

different,” says Gonzalez. Since pulling into that parking spot on opening day, October 15, 2012, I’ve returned several times !

and encourage others to check it out. “Frisco has been very nice to us, there’s plenty of repeat customers. I dare to say we now have regulars,” Gonzalez says with pleasure. The menu includes more than pizza. There are many glutenfree and vegetarian options as well. Appetizers I’ve tried have been equally pleasing. I always order the spinach and artichoke dip! More locations may be on the horizon for Gonzalez, for he has development rights for Dallas and Collin counties. Gonzalez simply wants diners to walk away with an awesome experience. “Quality of food is number one, service, to be comfortable, and appreciated,” he says.





APRIL 19, 2013

Paul Quinn launches Groundbreaking Center for Fundraising and Philanthropy philanthropic climate and which has the skills to create real and lasting change. The Center also strives to support this new crop of fundraisers in their academic and personal growth, learning and development potential. As the philanthropic field grows and diversifies, the Center will place a high priority on identifying, utilizing and understanding these rapid changes. Open communication and awareness are also high priorities. These elements are essential to keeping on top of our diversifying philanthropic climate. The Center encourages open discussions and ideasharing in order to give every student a voice and find the freshest, most groundbreaking ideas possible.

Paul Quinnʼs President Michael Sorrell speaks at The Center for Fundraising and Philanthropy launch.

Located in Dallas, Texas, Paul Quinn College recently unveiled a new link in the powerful chain of HBCUs. The Center for Fundraising and Philanthropy has been designed to support, encourage and forge new ground in its’ namesake subjects. At Paul Quinn College, you can find the Center in the Student Union Building, #202. Inside, students and leaders work together to tackle some of the most encouraging and important issues facing HBCUs…new and innovative fundraising techniques and the community impact of philanthropy. The Center is the brainchild of Dr. Marybeth Gasman and Nelson Bowman III. Both educators are highly respected in the fields of fundraising and philanthropy and co-authored two books, A Guide to Fundraising at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: PAGE 10


An All-Campus Approach and Engaging Diverse College Alumni: The Essential Guide to Fundraising.

Leak is also a Ph.D. candidate at the New York University Steinhardt School of Education.

The Center is led by the Inaugural Executive Director Halima N. Leak. Leak comes to Paul Quinn from City University of New York, where she served as Director of Alumni Relations and Development for the School of Professional Studies.

Leak shared several insights from her personal journey, her most memorable HBCU experience, sorority life, and balancing social and academic aspects of college.

She has also worked as a fundraising practitioner at New York University, Barnard College of Columbia University, and Communities in Schools of Wake County (North Carolina). Leak earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Hampton University and Master of Arts in Educational Sociology from the New York University Steinhardt School of Education where her master thesis was on “Alumni Giving and Historically Black Colleges and Universities.”

She goes on to layout some of her initial goals in her new role as executive director at the Center. Boasting the only undergraduate program in fundraising and philanthropy in the HBCU network, the Center strives to attain several broad goals through a combination of expert leadership and enthusiastic young students. Training and education are among these goals; the Center aims to create a new kind of fundraising and philanthropy professional, one which is aware of today’s changing !

Ultimately, the Center hopes to create an entire culture of fundraising and philanthropy, built on simple yet profound guiding principles of accepting change, thriving on that change and realizing the potential for increased success through an open exchange of ideas. The Center is truly one of a kind at the moment. It is the hope of those involved that it will not stay that way for long, and that this Center’s existence and results will spark similar programs across the HBCU network. Presently, being the only program of its kind, the Center presents a unique and invaluable opportunity for students interested in a fundraising or philanthropic career choice. -HBCU Lifestyle





April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Let no sexual assault go unpunished!

APRIL 19, 2013


. A guy who hits a woman can be called lots of things. “Man” is not one of them.

Join the rally,


Join Mayor Mike Rawlings for The Ten Thousand Man Rally Against Domestic Abuse at 10am on March 23rd at Dallas City Hall. (DART exit at Convention Center Station.) It’s time for the men of Dallas to say, enough is enough.

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APRIL 19, 2013

Lancaster ISD hosts 4th Annual Special Olympics Track Meet in the Best Southwest High-fives, hugs, smiles and cheers permeated the Beverly D. Humphrey Tiger Stadium as Lancaster ISD hosted its 4th Annual Special Olympics Track Meet in April. The event featured 287 students with special needs from neighboring schools including Waxahachie, Cedar Hill and Grand Prairie Independent School Districts competing alongside their peers all vying to be champions. Ruby Batiste, director of the Lancaster ISD Special Education Department, shared the impact of this event. “Watching the participants compete with confidence is life-changing. The students compete with passion and resiliency,” Batiste said. “What we perceive as their disability is no longer a factor in them becoming an accomplished athlete. Students from multiple grade levels and abilities participated in track race relay competitions throughout the day as teachers, family members, friends and other students cheered them to the finish line. The Mayor of Lancaster, the Honorable Marcus E. Knight, and Lancaster ISD Executive Director of Accountability, Dr. Lamont Smith officially opened the Olympic Games after the ceremonial running of the torch, infamous Lancaster High School Tiger March Band drum line and the parade of champions. This event is a point of pride for Lancaster ISD and was the brainchild of Eddie Bratton, Lancaster ISD Special Olympics event coordinator, Physical Education and Adaptive Play Coach. “Our journey has been a very interesting and tremendous experience,” he said. “ In 2010, our goal was just to collectively bring the community, Lancaster ISD staff and students together in their First Special Olympics. We did not know the impact that it would have on those that attended.” After the first year, momentum continued to grow and has blossomed into the area-rich event that encompasses as many neighboring districts as it can handle. Bratton continued, “We were not only able to accomplish the goals of bringing those parties together; but we exceled in allowing our students as well as surrounding districts to have an incredible experience as student athletes. Batiste agrees that this event has tremendous value and purpose. “The most valuable component of the event is students with disabilities are given the opportunity to feel valued and relevant. They are given the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of their peers and family in an environment where they are celebrated. I am truly blessed and happy to be a part of such a great event.” The Lancaster ISD Special Olympics experience is a pure display of true courage, support in every aspect of this public, family fun event centered on the Special Olympics Athlete’s Oath: “Let me win; but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.








APRIL 19, 2013

ANYONE CAN RECEIVE A GRANT IF YOU KNOW THE SECRET! Billions of grant dollars are given away each year to individuals and businesses by Foundations, Non-Profit organizations, Private Corporations and individuals. To learn how to get your share of the billions of grant dollars awarded every year go to:

• College funding • Paying off existing student loan debt • Paying off credit card debt • Paying off a mortgage • Supplementing retirement • Purchasing a home • Starting a business • Church funding & building expansion • Paying off judgments • Eliminate Bankruptcies (Chapters: 7,8.11 & 13) • Any legal financial need…

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Anyone can receive a grant if you know the secret to applying and how to access the grant providers. If you are interested in receiving a grant, let me show you how. Send an email to: clsgrant1@aol.com

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APRIL 19, 2013


amille Bradfield













APRIL 19, 2013




In our library

FREE Workshop for aspiring authors! 8th Annual Writer’s Breakthrough Workshop: Sponsored by Grace LaJoy, in partnership with The TurnAround Agenda of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, where Dr. Tony Evans is pastor. To be held on May 25, 2013 from 9:00am -1:00pm at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, 1801 W Camp Wisdom Road, Dallas, Texas, 75732. To register, RSVP by e-mailing your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER to poetry@gracelajoy.com. Registration for the workshop is FREE,

but you MUST RSVP. Vendor spots are also available. Vendors must register at www.gracelajoy.com. For more information call 816-318-1388. Do you have a Gift to Write? · Do you have a book ready for publication but, do not know where to begin? ·




Do you feel overwhelmed with the high cost of selfpublishing? Do you feel afraid to share your writing because you are unsure of the copyright law? Do you desire to make your writings available to the world? Have you been searching for something or someone to

Support Black -owned bookstores

simply lead you into the right direction? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you will benefit from the 8th Annual Writer’s Breakthrough Workshop. This comprehensive workshop will offer you the steps and instructions necessary to publish your own book! Don’t miss this opportunity! Registration is FREE! If you are an author and want to promote your book at the 8th Annual Writer’s Breakthrough Workshop, you may register as a vendor. 8th

What you will learn at the Annual Writer’s Breakthrough Workshop · How to begin writing your book ·

How to protect your writing


Steps to produce your book

APRIL 19, 2013


Steps to publish your own book


Ways to have your book printed


How to market your book


How to make your book available to the world


What other resources are available to help you to publish your own book

This is your opportunity to learn what publishing companies will not tell you. This workshop will Motivate and Encourage you to use your writing gift! Come and learn the specific steps to copyright and publish your own book from an author who has actually done it!

Texas MetroNews

Support the Black Press GARLAND

JOURNAL Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 PAGE 16







APRIL 19, 2013

Working with Kenny Jay Every day I am constantly asked the question “How do you truly make a woman happy?” I want to share with you five simple things that in my opinion will make any woman happy. Number one (consistency) -- big word with a very simple definition. Think back when you first met that special lady in your life. If you can recall everything you did on the first date that put a smile on your lady’s face, for example you probably opened the car door; you probably opened the door to a restaurant; you probably held a chair as she was sitting down; or you were engaged in the conversation and listening and by the way you responded indicated to her that you were listening, which means what she was saying was important to you. You made her smile, you made her feel that she was special and the most beautiful woman in the room. Long story short, that old saying is absolutely true -- what you did to get her is what you will need to continue to do to keep her--consistency.

I always say if you are being yourself it is the easiest thing in the world to do, however if you are putting on a front it can be the hardest thing and eventually she will see through it. There you have it making your lady happy. Fellows this is really not that hard. 1. Pay attention 2. Consistency 3. Spontaneous 4. Laugh a lot 5. Romantic!!! In closing, basically let her know DAILY how much you care and appreciate her. If NOT SHE MAY JUST CALL ME ! LOL.. Thank you for reading this and hopefully it was helpful. Remember you can follow me on Twitter @bigbabykennyj or on Facebook @ Kenny jay. And of course listen to me week day afternoons from 2pm - 7pm on Old School 94.5 And remember:

What’s my job? That’s right -- To make women happy!

Vaccinate Before You Graduate SUPPORT

Make checks payable to Dodd Education and Support and you can mail them to: Cheryl Smith, 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 or call 214-941-0110 for pickup.

www.annyasmith.com PAGE 17







APRIL 19, 2013

CHERYL’S WORLD Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to hear informative, entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking commentary and news with veteran journalist Cheryl Smith on Sundays at 8a.m. and Katina Potts on Mondays at 6p.m., aromatherapist Deborah Long Chambers on Tuesdays at 6p.m., Love A Natural Me with Yvette and Amy on Wednesdays at 6p.m., Young Generation Talk with Dareia Tolbert, Lady D, Dr. Buckey, and Markel Slocumb on Thursdays at 6p.m., and See you at the Movies - with Jamille Bradfield on Fridays at 6p.m.

Deep in the Roots, LLC A Natural Hair Salon 837 W. Pleasant Run Rd Lancaster, TX 75146

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Deep in the Roots, LLC

Men’s Loc Conference July 13,2013 [ Sponsorship Kit ] !





APRIL 19, 2013


The Dallas Youth Council, Inc. proudly presents the 4th Annual Girls’ Day event, April 27, 2013 from 9am to 3pm. Promoting healthy lifestyles that enrich the lives of girls as they foster friendships, discover values, increase physical activity, build self-esteem and connect on issues that impact girls. Workshops are lead from a community of experts and role models, aimed at providing a wide range of enjoyable opportunities for the girls to connect and discover a support net they need to hurdle the physical and emotional challenges of teen years.

When: April 27, 2013 Time: 9am – 3pm Where: University of Texas at Dallas- Richardson, TX Cost: $10.00 (registration fee) REGISTRATION IS OPEN http://girlsdaydallas.org/


If you have any clothing, household items, etc. that you need removed and would like to donate them to a cause.

Find out how you can get out of debt.





Ask for Yvette. We will take them off of your hands and leave you with a tax deductible receipt.






APRIL 19, 2013

END YOUR WORRIES ABOUT DEBT! Find out how you can get out of debt. clsgrant1@aol.com

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 honoring The Black Academy of Arts and Letters Founder and President


Saturday, April 27, 2013 Omni Dallas Hotel 555 South Lamar Street Dallas, Texas 75202 6 pm VIP Reception | 7 pm Dinner and Program 9 pm Dinner Entertainment and Dance With Special Guest


 Dr. Zan Wesley & Carrie Holmes  Cynthia Allen  Scotty Allen  Erykah Badu  Trammell S. Crow  Ruby Dee  Rev. Gregory Foster Rev. Freddie Haynes  Judge Mary Ellen Hicks  Renee Higginbotham-Brooks  Anna Maria Horsford Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson  Dr. Dogan Koc  Jack Matthews Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Pauline Medrano  Rev. Stephen Nash  Della Reese  James Spigner Dr. Tommie “Tonea” Stewart  Dr. Maxine Thornton Reese

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 Dr. Barbara Steele & Thomas Muhammad

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All Proceeds Benefit The Black Academy of Arts and Letters Youth Arts-and-Education Program The Black Academy of Arts and Letters is a 501c3 Not-for-Profit cultural arts and education institution. All sponsorships and contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.



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APRIL 19, 2013

That Celebrity Interview with Valder Beebe

“I don’t talk about the Stars -- I interview the Wo r l d ’s Most F a s c i n a t i n g Celebrities” You’ve seen their lives and journey chronicled on their top-rated reality show, Giuliana and Bill, on the Style Network. I feel that among their many entrepreneurial endeavors none have been as close to their hearts of joy as their marriage and their son, Duke, just turning six months old. Valder Beebe: What is your greatest joy about being a dad to Duke?

Bill: That is a hard question; there isn’t just one joy. I love getting up in the middle of the night, bonding with him, watching him laugh. Seeing his tooth come in. I think the greatest joy is having him fall asleep in my arms. I do not want to put him down; I just want to hold him all night. Valder Beebe: What do you love most about being Bill’s wife and Duke’s Mom? Bill: I love that question. Giuliana: What’s not for me to love about being his wife? We are husband and wife, but we are best friends first. Bill is so romantic. Sometimes I forget he is my husband; I think he is my hot, cute boyfriend. That passion is still there. Every morning he makes me the most delicious cup of coffee. As far as being Duke’s mom, Duke is about six months and I love it when he puts his arms up for me to pick him up. Ahh…this just melts my heart. Valder Beebe: Thank You, Bill & Giuliana. The Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW is broadcast globally and syndicated nationally. Broadc asting dail y on KKVIDFW.com, ValderBeebeShow.com, OPNTVNetwork.com and affiliates. Our brand features interviews with today’s stars who are the “World’s Most Fascinating Celebrities.”








Mark your calendar

event will take place on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Brookhaven College’s student services buil

April 19 DADA will present its Edith Baker Art Scholarship to a visual art student from the Dallas County Community College District at a reception on Friday, April 19, 6–8 p.m. at the Museum of Geometric and MADI Art, 3109 Carlisle St. in Dallas. Call 214-914-1099 for more information. *** AJGA Sports Brief – Under Armour® / Hunter Mahan Championship Tournament Schedule The American Junior Golf Association will return to TPC Craig Ranch for the first time since 2010 when 78 of the nation’s top junior golfers compete in the Under Armour® / Hunter Mahan Championship, April 19-21. Hunter Mahan, the 1999 Rolex Junior Player of the Year and three-time Rolex Junior All-American, has worked with Under Armour® to create one of the toughest events on the AJGA schedule. The tournament practice round will be held Friday, April 19, while tournament rounds will be played Saturday, April 20, through Sunday, April 21. First and final round tee times will run from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. off the Nos. 1 and 10 tees at TPC Craig Ranch in McKinney, Texas. Guests are welcome to attend and admission is free. For more information, visit ajga.org.

April 20

Artist frank frazier’s Birthday Celebration at Sandaga 813 exposition ave dallas tx 75226 830 pm to 12 pm by the way it’s a ROAST so come and roast the old man tell is like is it

Your Entrepreneurial Success! Time: Check in: 9:45am Program: 10:00am to 12:00pm Location: Cedar Valley Community College Building M; Room M214 3030 North Dallas Avenue, Lancaster, TX 75134 Guest Speaker: Calvin Goldern Wingstop Franchisee Grandmothers, Mothers, Daughters, Mentors, & Friends Theme: "Connecting the Dots Between the Generations" Strength, Courage, & Wisdom come experience what others can't stop talking about. 11am Speaker - Dawn Neufeld from Football Wives-- the wife of Tight end Ryan Neufeld 2013 GENERATIONAL HAT & TEA SOCIAL 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM (CDT) 650 Griffin Street Dallas, TX 75202

April 21 Comedian Michael Jr. Performing “Stand Up and Give” comedy tour. His first show is coming up on Sunday, April 21st at Buttons Supper

Club in Addison, TX. Tickets for the show can be purchased at http:// brushfire.event.info/events/MichaelJr/Tickets.aspx? Event=28663

April 22

Seventh Annual Jefferson Jackson Dinner Wednesday, April 24, 2013 5:30 p.m. Sponsor-Only VIP Reception 6:30 p.m. Dinner Hyatt Regency Dallas - Marquis Ballroom 300 Reunion Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75207 Featuring Paul Begala, former presidential advisor, political commentator and contributor to CNN, The Daily Beast, and The Huffington Post

Pastor’s Anniversary 7:00pm Shiloh Church, 4702 Saturn Road, Garland, TX 75041 Shiloh Church is celebrating its pastor, the Reverend Ronald Session and First Lady's 2nd Anniversary. This year's theme is "Called to Administrate the Work of the Lord." Special guests include the Rev. Demond P. Dawkins of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Fate, TX. For more information, call the church at 972-698-0608 or visit our website, www.shilohgarland.org. Balch Springs Chamber Business After Hours Bring your business cards, ideas and promotional items for a drawing. Time: 5:30pm-7pm 2601 Dean St. Balch Springs TX 75180

(646) 200-0459, call in to listen (469-855-3074), call to be a guest on the show ****** 28th Annual Swing Against Arthritis Golf Tournament, scheduled for Monday, April 22, at the sprawling Dallas Athletic Club, 4111 Country Club Dr, Dallas, TX . The tournament has proven to be one of the highlights of the local golf tournament season with proceeds benefitting the Arthritis Foundation, South Central Region.

April 23 Skin Specialists of Addison and Allen, a leading provider of medical, pediatric, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology services, has teamed with Brookhaven College and i93 radio to host “Spring Skin Screenings,” a health event that will feature free skin cancer screenings. This free


************* BVSTX monthly mixer, dinner at Loving Hut, 5:30 pm, 14925 Midway Road Addison, TX 75001 972-980-1840 ****** Urban League of Greater Dallas Young Professionals hosts the Annual Youth Conference at H. Grady Spruce High School in Dallas **** 2013 Dallas Walk Like MADD will start at Main Street Garden Park in Dallas. An opening ceremony will be held at 8:30 a.m., and the walk will begin at 9 a.m.

April 26

April 28

Dallas Challenge is pleased to announce its 4th Annual ART FROM THE HEART Celebrity Art Auction & Benefit, a fundraising event featuring the artwork of over 20 national and local celebrities. This chic affair will be held at 129 Leslie in the Dallas Design District on Friday, April 26, 2013 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Co-chairs for this event are Molly Nolan and Brandon DeShong. Jody Dean of KLUV 98.7 will serve as the emcee for the evening.

Shiloh Church, 4702 Saturn Road, Garland, TX 75041 Shiloh Church is celebrating its pastor, the Reverend Ronald Session and First Lady's 2nd Anniversary. This year's theme is "Called to Administrate the Work of the Lord." Special Guests are the Rev. Kedric L. McKnight of New Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Dallas, TX at the 8am worship service and the Rev. Larry Harris of New Hope Baptist Church in Terrell, TX at the 10:30am worship service. For more information, call the church at 972-698-0608 or visit our website at, www.shilohgarland.org.

April 27 Lancaster Area Chamber of Commerce "2013 Boots and Bling Awards Gala & Auction" Call the Chamber at 972.227.2579 for Tickets, Sponsorship Opportunities, and more information

April 29


Comedian SINBAD Performs at AT&T Performing Arts Center at the Winspear Opera House 8p.m.

Tune into the Business Sense with Katina Show on Cheryl's World..... Each Monday 6-8pm via phone or web www.blogtalkradio.com/cherylsmith


(646) 200-0459, call in to listen (469-855-3074), call to be a guest on the show

Congressman Marc Veasey Hosts Congress on Your Corner 10:30-12:00pm El Rio Grande 2515 W Jefferson Blvd Dallas, TX 75211 For more info, call: 214-741-1387 *********

Tune into the Business Sense with Katina Show on Cheryl's World..... Each Monday 6-8pm via phone or web www.blogtalkradio.com/cherylsmith


April 24

APRIL 19, 2013

cleanup events each year on the fourth Saturday of January, April, July and October. Residents may bring items to the IESI facility beginning at 8 a.m. on Saturday April 27. Proof of Greenville residency is required in the form of a utility bill, tax statement or driver’s license showing a Greenville address. Items that will be accepted at the event include: • Household trash • Furniture • Tires • Construction Material • Washers & Dryers • Stoves, Ovens and Cooktops • Microwaves • Computers and Monitors Items that cannot be accepted include: • Paint • Chemicals • Automotive batteries • Pesticides • Air Conditioners • Refrigerators • Freezers The Greenville-Hunt County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection is also open on Saturday, April 27, from 8 a.m. to noon. For more information, visit: www.ci.greenville.tx.us/hhw For more information, contact the City Manager’s office at 903-457-3116 or IESI at 903-450-8282.

Author Alondra Poindexter Book Signing Event TIME: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

*********** International Pastors and Leadership Conference 2013(Internet Host- Chris Howell) April 24 - 27 Dallas Convention Center 650 South Griffin Street Dallas, TX 75202

WHERE: White Rhino Coffee, 230 West Belt Line Road Cedar Hill, TX 75104 WHAT: Poindexter, a resident of Arlington, TX, will be available to sign copies of her book, In Their Shadows. Often times we are unaware that what we are doing is being observed by others, some we are acquainted with while others are total strangers. In In Their Shadows, author Alondra Poindexter shares her experiences being in the shadows of some of the most notable professional athletes in this era. She artistically paints a vivid picture of events that have occurred in her life that have involved these athletes. Alondra presents them, some Hall of Famers, as ordinary people with ordinary lives. She wrote In Their Shadows with the hope that you will be able to see that high-profile sports figures are only human, and while she was standing in their shadows, someone is standing in yours. ********** CITY-WIDE CLEANUP BEING OFFERED FOR RESIDENTS The City of Greenville and IESI will conduct a city-wide cleanup event for residents on Saturday, April 27, 2013, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the IESI facility located at 4618 Ed Rutherford Drive. Under the contract with IESI that the Greenville City Council adopted in June 2008, IESI will provide four city-wide

April 30 GIPSY KINGS returns to the AT&T Performing Arts Center’s Annette Strauss Square in the Downtown Dallas Arts District at 8 p.m. 5th Annual Pastor Appreciation Luncheon(Emcee)- Chris Howell April 30, 2013 @ Noon Methodist Charlton Medical Center 3500 W, Wheatland Road Dallas, TX 75237

May 1 Free Webinar Training: Communication is the START of Forgiveness Wednesday, May 01, 2013 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Central Time




NO 2 ISSUE 32 BRINGING YOU ENLIGHTENING, EDUCATIONAL, EMPOWERING, INSPIRING, THOUGHT-PROVOKING INFORMATION you can choose to hear the audio for this meeting either through your WHERE Wildflower! Arts & Music Festival is located at the Galatyn Park Urban DFW Southern University Bayou Bash computer speakers or by dialing the following conference call Center in Richardson, Texas. Actual festival address: 2351 Performance Drive, African American Museum information with your phone: Richardson, Texas 75082. Directions can be found at http:// www.wildflowerfestival.com/directions.html. Conference Call : Toll Number: 213-416-1560 | Attendee Access Code: 743 5649

June 8

May 18

May 2

National Day of Prayer 62nd ANNUAL NATIONAL OBSERVANCE IN U.S.A 12TH CONSECUTIVE OBSERVANCE IN CITY OF GARLAND, TEXAS May 2, 2013 – 12 NOON The Atrium in Downtown Garland, 300 N. Fifth Street


African American Museum Gala Featuring Bar-Kays Sat, May 18, 2013 from 6:00 PM to Sun, May 19, 2013 at 12:00 AM WHERE: Khmer Ballroom of the Hilton Anatole Hotel 2201 N. Stemmons Freeway Dallas TX 75207


May 3


Children’s Cancer Fund (CCF) will host its 25th Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show on Friday, May 3, 2013, at 11:30 a.m. (champagne reception and silent auction at 10 a.m.) in the Chantilly Ballroom of the Hilton Anatole, 2201 Stemmons Fwy., Dallas, Texas 75207.

May 4 2013 FORT WORTH CHAPTER SPRING EVENT: THE PVU ALUMNI KENTUCKY DERBY PARTY* @ LONE STAR PARK IN GRAND PRAIRIE *** 13th Annual Peace Conference, “A World of Women for World Peace,” which will take place at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2200 N. Pearl Street, Dallas, Texas

May 5 The III Forks Golf Classic and Auction Dinner benefiting TeamConnor Childhood Cancer Foundation is scheduled for May 5 and 6, 2013. Amy Vanderoef, host of ABC’s Good Morning Texas and former Miss Connecticut USA will be hosting the May 5th auction dinner at III Forks. The Master of Ceremonies for the event is Mark Davis. Call 972-663-7327

May 6

Elvis Tribute Artist Contest: Early Elvis & the Vegas Years SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2013 1:00-4:00 PM COWTOWN COLISEUM HISTORIC FORT WORTH STOCKYARDS 121 E EXCHANGE AVE. FORT WORTH, TX 76164 REGISTER online at stockyardsrodeo.com or in person at the Cowtown Coliseum Each entry will receive two (2) complimentary tickets to that evening’s Rodeo and two (2) complimentary tickets to Elvis at 21: Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer on exhibit May 25 – Sept. 2 at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. Finalists from each category will perform at the Rodeo that evening. A $500 prize will be given to the first place winner in each category. *participants must provide their own tracks and/or music ***** THE SHRINERS OF ZAKAT TEMPLE & DAUGTHERS OF ZAKAT COURT NO 133 DIABETES EDUCATIONAL & HEALTH SCREENING EVENTS @ P C COBB FIELDHOUSE,1702 ROBERT B. CULLUM BLVD. FROM 8:00 TIL 12PM.

* Richardson’s Wildflower! Arts & Music Festival Coming May 17-19, 2013 Wildflower! Arts & Music Festival is the City of Richardson’s awardwinning, multi-day festival (May 17-19, 2013) featuring live music, arts and crafts, children’s activities, interactive exhibits, strolling buskers and more.

Tickets can be purchased online at www.attpac.org, by phone at 214.880.0202 or in person at the AT&T Performing Arts Center Box Office at the Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora Street (Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.), or at the remote Box Office at Park Place Lexus Plano at 1025 Preston Road.

June 10 Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce 24th Annual Golf Tournament Shotgun Start: 7:30 a.m. Thorntree Country Club DeSoto, Texas


May 27

(646) 200-0459, call in to listen (469-855-3074), call to be a guest on the show

AT&T Performing Arts Center’s Winspear Opera House His tour will visit the AT&T Performing Arts Center’s Winspear Opera House in Dallas on Saturday, June 8 at 7 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.

Dallas Business Journal in honoring the Top North Texas Women in Business! There will be networking and trade show before and after the awards luncheon. Don't miss the celebration! · When: Friday, June 14, 2013, 10:00am-2:00pm Add to my calendar · Where: Irving Convention Center 500 West Las Colinas Blvd Irving TX 75039

Tune into the Business Sense with Katina Show on Cheryl's World..... Each Monday 6-8pm via phone or web www.blogtalkradio.com/cherylsmith

8th Annual Writers Breakthrough Workshop: Sponsored by Grace LaJoy, in partnership with The TurnAround Agenda of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, where Dr. Tony Evans is pastor. To be held on May 25, 2013 from 9:00am 1:00pm at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, 1801 W Camp Wisdom Road, Dallas, Texas, 75732. To register, please RSVP by e-mailing your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER to poetry@gracelajoy.com. Registration for the workshop is FREE, but you MUST RSVP. Vendor spots are also available. Vendors must register at www.gracelajoy.com. For more information call 816-318-1388.

Tune into the Business Sense with Katina Show on Cheryl's World..... Each Monday 6-8pm via phone or web www.blogtalkradio.com/cherylsmith

will be performing his signature stand-up routine at the

June 14

May 25

May 13

America’s premier comedian, Jerry Seinfeld,

May 20

(646) 200-0459, call in to listen (469-855-3074), call to be a guest on the show

Tune into the Business Sense with Katina Show on Cheryl's World..... Each Monday 6-8pm via phone or web www.blogtalkradio.com/cherylsmith (646) 200-0459, call in to listen (469-855-3074), call to be a guest on the show

Tune into the Business Sense with Katina Show on Cheryl's World..... Each Monday 6-8pm via phone or web www.blogtalkradio.com/cherylsmith (646) 200-0459, call in to listen (469-855-3074), call to be a guest on the show

June 1

The Tenors will be performing in Dallas on Friday, June 28 at 8 p.m. at the Winspear Opera House in the Downtown Dallas Arts District and is part of the Capital One Bank Bravo Series. Ticket prices range from $25 to $55 and can be purchased online at www.attpac.org, by phone at 214.880.0202, or in person at the AT&T Performing Arts Center Box office at the Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora Street (Monday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm; Sunday 11 am – 4 pm), or at the remote Box Office at Park Place Lexus Plano at 1025 Preston Road. July 6, 2013 from 1pm to 4pm Location: Community Room at Southwest Center Mall Organized By: Rita Williams Young Boys on Blast will award their first D.G. Pemberton scholarship This is an essay competition. The subject of the essay is "How to Empower, Educate and Excite Young Boys to Become Respectful and Responsible Men in Society". The essay must be typewritten and must be at least 300 words. The deadline for the essay is 10:00 pm June 2, 2013. Please send the essay to theritasuewillshow@aol.com or send it to the Community Room of Southwest Center Mall at 3662 W Camp Wisdom Rd Ste 1084, Dallas, TX 75237. Each contestant must be a current junior or senior in high school. Heading of the essay include the following: Subject of Essay First and Last Name Age and Grade Name of School Date of Essay ritasusannewill@aol.com


Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com at 6p.m. Tuesday









Donna P. Charles


Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 23

APRIL 19, 2013



5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012 Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU !




APRIL 19, 2013

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers

877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at


DON’T BE SILENT Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today! PAGE 24





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