JANUARY 27, 2012
NO 1 ISSUE 20 JANUARY 27, 2012
Was Gov. Brewer disrespectful? 5 PAGE 1
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JANUARY 27, 2012
National coalition Democrats place paid staff at UNT - Dallas and UT-Arlington speaks on State of The Promesa Fellowship program will include a Edinburg- The Texas Democratic Party has announced the second phase of their Latino engagement program training program conducted by experienced campaign the Union address known as The Promesa Project. Through this project, professionals. Fellows will then work to register voters,
Melanie L. Campbell Washington, DC - Melanie L. Campbell, president and CEO of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and convener of the Black Women's Roundtable Public Policy Network issued the following statement in response to President Obama's State of the Union Address. "President Obama eloquently delivered a State of the Union Address that provided a blueprint to restore hope and opportunity for all Americans to not only dream the American dream, but to actually achieve it. "The President told us to imagine what America could accomplish as a nation if we followed the lead of our Armed Forces and work together. He said, 'Think about the America within our reach: A country that leads the world in educating its people. An America that attracts a new generation of high-tech manufacturing and high-paying jobs. A future where we're in control of our own energy, and our security and prosperity aren't so tied to unstable parts of the world. An economy built to last, where hard work pays off, and responsibility is rewarded. "The blueprint the President offered is what we all should strive to provide for future generations. I know we can accomplish this vision because - like the President said - we have certainly done it before. "But, it takes more than the President to see this vision through. It takes all of us working together including Congress, public, private and civic sectors; and people just like you and me. "Today, I issue a challenge. Let's take a look at our own lives and think about what we can contribute to "An America Built to Last." We need to figure out how we can work together regardless of race, age, or political party to build a nation where there is equal pay for women, affordable high-speed broadband available to everyone, access to affordable healthcare for all, and education is valued as a human right for all children in our nation. "Finally, to achieve this goal Americans must return to the days when they embraced strong family values and also learn to respect each other no matter what party, race, sex or religion. "I issue this challenge because I know that a stronger America means a secure future for not just our country, but the world."
Texas Democrats seek to engage young Latinos and ask them to be our Democratic messengers to their family, friends and social networks. Research found that young Latinos, many of whom are the first in their families to attend college, are increasingly becoming the trusted sources of political information within their familial units. Another study found that young people are now getting more of their news via online sources than from television. Based on those findings, the Texas Democratic Party constructed Promesa to utilize a combination of online and grassroots techniques to recruit and engage young Latinos. In this second phase of Promesa, Texas Democrats will launch a Fellowship Program and place fellows in at least eleven campuses across Texas, including UNT-Dallas and UT-Arlington. “These campuses have a large Latino enrollment and is perfectly located to provide the opportunity to affect several local competitive races,” said TDP Deputy Executive Director Anthony Gutierrez.
recruit Latinos to the campaign, organize campus events, get out the vote and much more. All the work done by Fellows will be geared towards turning out young Latinos in the Democratic Primar y who would likely not participate otherwise. “Several races across Texas are decided by a small number of votes every cycle,” said State Representative Rafael Anchia (D-Dallas). “This project has the potential to have far-reaching electoral ramifications, including at the statewide level.” In addition to the Promesa Project, Texas Democrats will also have an item on their ballot asking Texas Democratic Primary voters whether or not they support the DREAM ACT. [1] The DREAM Act is supported by 80% of Latinos and has been widely denounced by Republicans including Mitt Romney, who has repeatedly said he would veto it if given the chance. “Texas Democrats are working hard to earn the support of Latinos,” said Gutierrez.
JANUARY 27, 2012
Silence can be deadly, says Jakes
Rep. Johnson hosts violence against women roundtable with key leaders By Cheryl Smith Cheryl@cherylsmithonline.com
Some are calling violence against women the “silent killer.” Last weekend Congresswoman Eddie Ber nice Johnson (US-TX) assembled a panel of experts to discuss violence against women and children. Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins, Chief Prosecutor Tammy Kemp, Gloria Terry of the Texas Council on Family Violence, Debra Mitchell-Ibe of the Family Place, Deputy Chief C.L. William of t h e D a l l a s Po l i c e D e p a r t m e n t , Annette Burrhus-Clay of the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault, Serita Jakes of The Potter’s House and Dr. Alina Suris of UT Southwestern, all provided invaluable information about the topic and provided resources and information to empower attendees. Also speaking on the issue was Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings and Dallas Police Chief David Brown. Held at Methodist Dallas Medical Center, the forum was an opportunity to deal with an issue that many are not comfor table talking about e ven though so many are impacted by it. According to Chief Brown, from Dallas alone, there are over 13,000 domestic calls and 4,000 arrests annually. Mayor Rawlings said, “We can not let people’s fear for their safety get in the way of their livelihood.” Pointing out that violence against women and children affects everyone, PAGE 3
he praised Rep. Johnson for focusing on the issue, saying that she was “saving lives” and “doing God’s work.” Rep. Johnson said that while she was prompted to hold the roundtable discussion because of the serial rapist who is targeting members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, she pointed out that “this issue is not just confined to the sorority. I was appalled because it (assaults) could have happened to a n y b o d y. W h e n o n e w o m a n i s attacked, all women are attacked.”
Funding is definitely one of the issues, as well as cultural issues that factor in prosecuting perpetrators of violence against women and children. I think I am going to take Mr. Watkins up on his offer to the citizens of Dallas County to find out more about what happens in his office by taking part in the Citizen’s Academy. “Come to the district attorney’s office and see what we do so you can advocate on our behalf,” he urged, adding that more resources are needed.
Now, we have a district attorney’s office that has more than its share of cases to try and criminals to prosecute. Mr. Watkins pointed out that in addition to receiving the 4,000 arrests from the city of Dallas, there are 86 other agencies throughout Dallas County and he gets those. Talk about an overload.
It was especially refreshing to hear Dep. Chief Williams talking about his family and how he has three daughters and in their household appropriate behavior between males and females was more than just a casual conversation. Equally disturbing was hearing Ms. Terrell talk about how 80,000 people !
could not stay in their homes because of domestic violence. There are so many people dealing with sexual assaults and mental and physical abuse. Many remain silent, according to experts, because they are ostracized or made to feel as though they are responsible for the attack. “ Ta l k i n g a b o u t a n a s s a u l t i t difficult,” said Ms. Mitchell-Ibe, who also pointed out that someone knows who the serial rapist is. Ms. Jakes, who is the executive director of the WoMan-to-Woman women’s ministr y at the Potter ’s House, said “we have to break the silence.” She went on to talk about the “silent killer” and how at the Potter’s House, they focus on educating, enriching and empowering the more than 16,000 women members. I agree with Ms. Jakes, who said that the clergy have to step from behind the pulpit to address issues and they also have to address those very issues from the pulpit, regardless of who is involved. Dr. Suris provided information on the victims and the perpetrators. She talked about how important it is to take off the blinders and be honest about the issues. I now have a better understanding of how to help someone who is the victim of abuse as panelists and members of the audience talked about the need to be a source of support and nto use compassion when dealing with “victims.” See SILENT on page 14 !
JANUARY 27, 2012
HOW TO RECEIVE A $100,000 FINANCIAL AID GRANT Millions of families are suffering financial hardships due to a serious down-turn in the economy. Because of this, a special grant program is now available to assist individuals and families needing financial assistance. The proceeds from the grant can be used for the following: • College funding
• Supplementing retirement
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• Paying off credit card debt
• And much more…
• Paying off a mortgage
As long as the proceeds of the grant are not used in any illegal manner, there are no restrictions on its use. For free information log on to: www.mcsgrantconsultants.com and review.
In a battle of the brains, beating the buzzer and winning points is the focus of the Dallas County Community College District’s African American Male Academic Bowl – Aiming for the Stars – on Sat., Jan. 28, 2012. Shouts of “I’ll take African-
American history for 40 points!” or “We’ll choose science for 10 points!” will ring through the halls of North Lake College until two team champions are crowned. Members of the news media are invited to this exciting event – a cross between the academic bowls of TV from 40 years ago and today’s ever-popular “Jeopardy” show – when two 4th/5th and 6th/7th grade teams representing area
elementary schools compete with pride. and beat-the-buzzer rounds!) The fun begins at 9 a.m. with When: Sat., Jan. 28, 2012; final preliminary rounds (which are not open rounds, which are open to the general to the public) in the Student Life Center public, are scheduled from 1 to 3 p.m. at North Lake College. Where: Student Life Center, North Who: 2012 “Aiming for the Stars” Lake College, 5001 N. MacArthur Blvd., Academic Bowl What: Academic bowl single-elimination tournament Mention Cheryl's World or (students, questions, scores
IMessenger to double the coupon
JANUARY 27, 2012
Day cautions against using prepaid debit cards If you’re getting excited about all the advertising about prepaid debit cards, financial guru S.E. Day has a strong message that he hopes you will pay attention to. A consumer/credit union advocate and personal finance expert, Mr. Day has an extensive background in the credit union “movement” and financial literacy and he says prepaid debit cards are bad business. Sure there are a lot of celebrities adding their names to the prepaid debit card business, still he says consider other options. Instead, he advocates for the use of credit unions because he says the benefits are numerous. Recently named as spokesperson for a billion dollar-asset, federal credit union, Mr. Day said his goal is clear. “As an advocate, my goal is to enlighten the populous on the many benefits and free debit cards offered by credit unions,” he said. “As a personal finance expert, my goal is to teach financial literacy and give sound, practical advice to the fading middle class and forgotten lower class. The author of two published books, How to Legally Steal Your Next Vehicle and The Negotiating Experience, he is currently working on his latest book, The Graceful Art of Negotiations. During a recent interview, Mr. Day talked about a time when he was not well versed on financial matters. He recalled
that as a college student credit cards were “readily available.” “We had credit card professionals on campus registering students for credit cards,” he recalled. “ I didn’t understand finances and didn’t realize what I was getting into.” Millions of college students leave school saddled in debt, not only from loans, he pointed out. “We need financial literacy,” said Mr. Day. “We need to understand that money is a tool to get what we want. Don’t covet it.” Host of the popular “The Legally Steal Show,” a weekly talk show, Mr. Day is passionate about spreading his message of financial literacy and empower-ment. Just the mention finances, empowering the black community, how finances impact the lower class and you have his full attention. While he draws the line on the use of prepaid debit cards, Mr. Day does make exceptions. “I recommend using prepaid debit cards only for traveling or for your college students,” he said, adding that you should look for ones that are free. “Credit unions and American Express have free debit cards.” If you’re traveling, you don’t have to worry about your purchase being declined, as long as you have money on the card, he explained. For parents with college students, you don’t have to worry about your child
racking up fees because they have exceeded the credit limit. “If you don’t have any money on the card, guess what, you won’t be spending.” Those who offer free debit cards, he says, make their money off the vendor. The prepaid debit cards, if you’re not careful, will end up costing you considerably. He said, “Don’t put money in prepaid debit cards,” he continued. “Learn to be a smart c o n s u m e r , especially when you consider that African American spending power will soon reach $1.2 trillion dollars. We can’t let money or credit and debit cards control us.” Since the current economic client has changed the landscape, credit cards are not as easily attainable as they were 20-30 years ago. Still, according to Mr. Day, creative ways are being instituted to insure that a
consumer-driven society continues to spend, thus the prepaid credit cards. Mr. Day’s show airs on Saturday mornings at 11:00a.m. EST on blog talk radio. “We don’t stroke your ears with music, but we do leave your brain all satisfied with a climax of solutions to issues that matter most to your wallet,” he said. You can also check out his website at www.legallystealshow.com. CLS
What do you think?
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s recent “confrontation” with President Barack Obama is causing a big stir as some call for her to apologize for being “disrespectful.” QUESTION 1: Does Gov. Brewer appear to be disrespecting President Obama? QUESTION 2: Does Gov. Brewer owe President Obama an apology? QUESTION 3: How do you feel about Gov. Brewer’s explanation that she doesn’t
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Most people know about being "Sleepless in Seattle." Wel l, I am "snowed in in Seattle!" But even six inches Hon. Cynthia McKinney of snow in Seattle don't keep me f rom becoming steamed when I read the latest news reports on the activities of the U.S. war machine: At a time when U.S.-Iran tensions are the highest I have experienced in my lifetime, Danger Room of wired.com breaks a news story on 19 January 2012 that a new United States commando special operations team is operating near Iran. Meanwhile, a columnist in Lebanon's "The Daily Star" newspaper writes that Syria increasingly looks like Libya. And at the same time, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta admits in a press conference that he believes that the annual number of sexual assaults in the U.S. military could number as high as 19,000. This is from the Administration that shamefully accused the Libyan Jahamiriya military of issuing Viagra to its soldiers and using rape as a weapon. And finally, coming hot on the heels of an Algeria-ISP report that that the Obama Administration offered to reconstitute the Libyan military, forming desert troops, special forces, and a Libyan air force, tunisiefocus.com reports reports that U.S. troops are already in Libya, in Brega, Ras Lanouf, and Sirte, in order to secure Libyan oil for western markets at a very cheap price. Further, these reports indicate that US troops are at Mitiga Air Base east of Tripoli and that NATO helicopters and war planes fly over Libyan towns, surveilling everything including parties held by Libyans (http://www.algeria-isp.com/videos/politiquelibye/201201-V1682/libye-video-voir-helicoptere-otanjanvier-2012.html) and that drones launched from a secret base in the Libyan desert surveille Libya and neighboring countries: http://www.algeria-isp.com/ actualites/politique-libye/201112-A7555/libye-une-basemilitaire-secrete-americaine-francaise-libye-katrounevideo-voir-decembre-2011.html. Last week, I reported on numerous reports that I had read indicating that U.S. troops were on the island of Malta waiting for the word to deploy to Libya. If the above reports are correct, then it would appear that that word has been given. Interestingly, the reports of U.S. troops were reported in several African, Libyan, and Russian online sites, yet there was no response from either Malta or the U.S. In fact, the Russian site za-afriku.ru as late as 19 January 2012 wrote, "The administration of the United States still has not refuted a lot of messages in various MEDIA for the transfer of 12000 troops on Malta as a preliminar y step to the further redeployment in Libya in order to control the deteriorating situation in the country." I am pleased to report that both Malta and the U.S. Embassy in Malta, while neglecting the many reports out there describing U.S. and NATO activities in Libya, felt compelled to respond to my report of this information in apparently coordinated responses. The government of Malta stated in its one line response, "The allegations are completely false." The U.S. Embassy in Malta followed suit. However, I want to stress that while the responses are welcome and appreciated, given events PAGE 6
of the recent past, it is U.S. activities in Libya that are are of utmost concern at this moment. All U.S. troops must be brought home, yet the following video was posted today of the U.S. war machine on the roll, destination unknown: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=OS-PmhhxPG4. As you watched that video, I hope you thought about the number of teachers or nurses or solar heating systems could be procured with the money wasted on this massive number of tanks, going where? Well, right now, the U.S. admittedly has special forces in Uganda, South Sudan, 9,000 troops in Kuwait, radar, and for the first time ever, U.S. troops in Israel. Drone bases across the African Continent are in Djibouti, Seychelles, Ethiopia, and Kenya. On drones, Human Rights Watch says, "CIA drone strikes have become an almost daily occurrence around the world, but little is known about who is killed and under what circumstances." Drone strikes occur in Somalia and bases are expanding to the Arabian Peninsula. Even worse, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an adjunct to the U.S. war machine, has affiliates all over the world--just ask Nicaragua and Venezuela about their experiences with the NED. Nigerian military sources have confirmed for African news outlets that US troops are scheduled to be deployed to Nigeria after AFRICOM's 2008 war game scenario that saw 20,000 U.S. troops maintaining "security" of the Niger Delta oil fields within a dissolved and anarchistic Nigeria. That war game setting was 2013. This is Plan Colombia. Does the Obama Administration plan an African Continent-wide Plan Colombia? Why such a militarization of U.S. relationships all over the world--and even here at home? Will chaos and wars (like what is happening in Libya today) be created all over Africa and the rest of Asia? La st week, I sent a video of Amnesty International admitting that the allegation of "African mercenaries" was a lie; at the time, it was the U.S. and NATO that had employed mercenaries--not only the Qataris, U.S. contractors, Italians, French, and British special forces, but also including the members of the National Transitional Council. That message also included a video of an African beaten to death by these Libyan U.S./NATO allies. That message went viral and forced a response from the authorities. Please circulate this message widely so that maybe we can get some more responses from the Administration about its policy direction. Contact the White House at www.whitehouse.gov, tell them to bring our young men and women home, keep the tanks home, and don't use them. Tell the White House that you will cast your vote for peace--to stop the drones and bring our troops home. Finally, a sad day in journalism continues. I just received word that the owner of the Atlanta Jewish Times, Andrew Adler, apologized for saying that the Israeli government ought to consider killing Barack Obama. This is outra geous. I ha ve been "deconstructed" by this very same publication, so I am doubly saddened by this kind of loose talk by someone of authority and responsibility at the Atlanta Jewish Times indicating that assassinating President Obama should be an option that remains on the table for Israel to carry out. Enuff said.
JANUARY 27, 2012
Cedar Hill students prepare for trip to Motherland - Cedar Hill Independent School District students are traveling the world as a part of the districts mission to become a world-class school district. Members of the Aviators Club at Bessie Coleman Middle School are raising funds and preparing for a trip to Kenya March 8-16, 2012. "We have adopted the mantra of "Opening Minds by Erasing Borders," said Schretta Stewart-Mays, the English/ Language Arts Department Chair at Bessie Coleman. "The Aviator Travel Club was designed as a way for Bessie Coleman students to do as the school namesake and explore the world! We want our students to become true World Class students by giving them the opportunity to visit other places and to experience the culture and language of those around them. We want to encourage our students to think globally by making the world smaller to them by actually taking them to the world!" The cost for the Kenya trip and safari is $2700.00 per person. The students are working on fundraisers to help with the cost of the students' trip. The first fundraiser is a banquet on Saturday February 18, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the Bessie Coleman cafetorium which is located at 1208 E. Pleasant Run Rd. Cedar Hill, Texas 75104 There will be musical performances by students. Tickets are $10.00 and they can be purchased in the Bessie Coleman front office. Meanwhile two Highlands Elementary School teachers are going on a mission trip to Haiti over the spring break. Jenia Newhouse and Regina Patton will be part of a group organized by Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church that will be teaching, feeding and serving about 1,000 poverty stricken children in a Haitian orphanage. They are collecting 1,400 pencils, 1,400 crayons, 40 bottles of glue and 80 pairs of scissors. "The donated supplies will go into our checked bags, our clothes will go in a carryon and backpack," said Mrs. Newhouse. "We will be teaching kids all week utilizing songs, drama, games, puppets, arts and crafts. I will be focusing on arts and crafts and could be teaching up to 300 kids at a time with the help of a translator." At least one Cedar Hill High School student has signed up for the Haiti mission trip as well. "This trip will be an authentic learning experience for the teachers," said Highlands Principal Sylvia Lewis. "They will gain personal knowledge of what it is like to be a second language learner, and they will deepen their understanding of the role that culture plays in teaching and learning." For details on where to drop off school supplies for the Haiti trip visit http://www.wix.com/teamnewhousetohaiti/1# Cedar Hill, TX.
Both Bray Elementary and Bessie Coleman Middle schools are planning trips to Washington D.C. this semester. Last fall a group of Bray students went to Costa Rico. CHISD has 8100 students and is rated as a Recognized school district by the Texas Education Agency. The Texas State Comptrollers Office awarded Cedar Hill Independent School District a 4.5 in its five-star rating system for its Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST). FAST identifies school districts that use best practices to operate efficiently, while achieving strong academic performance. The district has maintained an AA- financial bond rating from Standard and Poor's as well as Fitch Ratings for the past two years.
TV stars top the bill at upcoming Sci-Fi Expo - Fans of Dollhouse, Firefly, Angel, Stargate and Battlestar Galactica can meet some of their favorite stars from those and other shows during the upcoming Sci-Fi Expo on Feb. 11 and 12 at the new Irving Convention Center in Irving, Texas. Comic fans won’t be left out in the cold Ron Glass either with a variety of artists showing their work in Artists’ Alley. This is the third convention Dallas Comic Con’s producers have hosted at the center since it opened last spring. “We’re really happy to bring our sci-fi-themed show to this beautiful new facility,” said producer Ben Stevens. “With 300,000 square feet at our disposal, the Irving Convention Center provides room to spread out and really grow, and the fans have told us they really love our new ‘home’ as well.” Topping the Sci-Fi Expo’s guest list is Eliza Dushku, star of Dollhouse, Buffy and Angel, as well as numerous movies, including True Lies, Bring It On and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Ms. Dushku will be greeting fans and signing autographs on Saturday only, as will Adam Baldwin. Mr. Baldwin starred in the 1987 movie Full Metal Jacket, recently played “Agent John Casey” on the TV show Chuck, and was in The X-Files and Firefly series. Appearing Saturday and Sunday are three additional actors from the popular Firefly series, including Jewel Staite, also a regular on Stargate Atlantis; Sean Maher, who recently appeared in The Playboy Club TV show; and Ron Glass. Mr. Glass also appeared in Star Trek Voyager and first found fame as Det. Ron Harris in the popular 1970s sitcom, Barney Miller. Other media guests appearing both days are Alexis Cruz of the Stargate movie; James Hampton of F-Troop and Teen Wolf fame; Noah Hathaway, best known as “Boxey” on the classic Battlestar Galactica TV series; and Angie Bolling, who played Ellen in the Robocop movies. Also, stunt performer Alina Andrei, whose work includes The Office, CSI: NY and Dexter. Comic fans will find more than a dozen topnotch artists at the Sci-Fi Expo, including Eisner award-winning artist Bill Sienkiewicz of Elektra: Assassin, Fantastic Four, New Mutants and Moon Night fame. Also, Bernie Wrightson, legendary co-creator and artist of Swamp Thing; Joe Jusko, award-winning cover artist of Marvel Masterpieces trading cards, and fan favorite Mark Brooks, Marvel artist of Amazing Spider-Man. In addition to meeting the actors and artists, fans are invited to attend Q&A sessions with the guests at no additional charge. They also can peruse more than 200 exhibitors’ booths featuring comic books, movie memorabilia, old and new toys, clothing and other merchandise. For an additional fee, fans may have their photo taken with select actors by a professional photographer. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12. The Irving Convention Center, 500 W. Las Colinas Blvd., is at the intersection of SH114 and Northwest Highway in Irving, Texas.
JANUARY 27, 2012
UTA presents the Face of Africa 2012
Face of Africa USA along with Africa Connect presents the second annual Mr. Face of Africa Texas 2012 Pageant. This spectacular event will be held at the UTA Rosebud Theatre at 300 West 1st St Arlington, TX 76010 on February 18, 2012. The evening will feature a night of poetry and music with performances by Dallas artist Dewun, singer Gael Boom, local poets and African dancers. It will be an explosion of culture, fashion and performance. This much anticipated event will be like no other, featuring the most handsome African men in Texas competing not only for the title of Mr. Face of Africa Texas 2012, but to expand people’s knowledge on African culture by representing a platform of service, leadership and mentorship for the young African communities across the state of Texas. The finalists consist of men of African descendants from Texas representing various countries in Africa. The men will be judged on four categories: Walk,
Cultural Attire, Talent and Q&A. The winner will be provided with a one year modeling contract with M e n ’s B o a r d M o d e l M a n a g e m e n t , o n e complimentary roundtrip ticket to any West African destination serviced by Airk Air, a spread in Trendy Africa Magazine and so much more. Guests are encouraged to dress to impress and come ready to celebrate not only Black History Month but African History as well. Doors open at 8:00pm, show starts promptly at 9:00pm-11:00pm. Presale tickets $10 Door entry $15 To inquire about this event please visit the website: www.missfaceafrica.com Nana Osei –Nanao.mfa@gmail.com Phone. 903.689.3318
CBS 11 and TXA 21 host free video resume taping Dallas/Fort Worth – As part of CBS 11’s “Now Hiring” employment initiative, the station is hosting a free video resume taping on Wednesday, Feb. 1 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the CBS 11 and TXA 21 studios in Dallas and Fort Worth. Local job seekers are encouraged to visit the station during this time to record a one-minute video resume highlighting their skills and experience. Each individual will be provided with professional hair and/or makeup services prior to the taping if he or she desires. The videos will be posted on CBSDFW.com for prospective employers to review.
“Now Hiring” is CBS 11 and TXA 21’s ongoing effort to assist North Texas in their job hunt. The initiative includes broadcasting a “Job of the Day” opening at a local employer, regular updates on DallasFort Worth area job fairs and corporate relocations/ expansions which provide potential job opportunities, and call-in events which allow viewers to talk with employment experts. The CBS 11 and TXA 21 studios are located at 10111 North Central Expressway in Dallas and at 5233 Bridge Street in Fort Worth. Resumes will be recorded on a first-come, first-served basis as time allows.
“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. !
JANUARY 27, 2012
MAGNIFIED! Yes, there are plenty of good Black men in the world! By Cheryl Smith
During a radio broadcast last year, the discussion focused on “good Black men.” Too often Black men are vilified and ostracized. The notion that they are an “endangered species” is asinine and frustrating for me to hear. I told my cohosts that there are good Black men and I would prove it by identifying some. So, since September 1, 2011 I have been selecting men I think have it going gone --men with serious swagger. These men are intelligent, strong, sharp, fierce, competitive, charismatic, spiritual, hard, caring, handsome, smooth, creative, energetic and so much more! Without any consideration or input from anyone, I chose the men who through personal experiences or history I find to have so much going on. The first list is of men who are still with us and the second list is of men who are no longer with us. I think these are some great men and there are so many more! What do you think? Sporting News Editor-in-Chief Garry D. Howard, Fort Worth Star-Telegram Columnist Bob Ray Sanders, Min. Robert Muhammad, NFL Great Emmitt Smith, business mogul Daymond John, noted psychologist Nai’m Akbar, publisher Danny Bakewell Sr., NBA great and business mogul Earvin “Magic” Johnson, singer Charlie Wilson, journalist George E. Curry, former NAACP head and U.S. Congressman Kweisi Mfume, rapper, author Chuck D., Coach Doug Williams, businessman Charles O’Neal, comedian David A. Arnold, rapper Kool Moe Dee, businessman Jonathan Rodgers, Sports anchor Stephen A. Smith, basketball great Michael Jordan, Rev. Zan Wesley Holmes Jr., actor Billy Dee Williams, comedian and actor Chris Rock, FAMU President James Ammons, singer Nicholas Caldwell, actor/singer Leon, singer Morris Day, actor/rapper Will Smith, business mogul Sean Combs, journalist Ed Gordon, comedian/activist Dick Gregory, NBA great Allen Iverson, Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, journalist/historian Lerone Bennett, Rev. Frederick D. Haynes III, Ambassador Ron Kirk, Hon. Nelson Mandela, Rap mogul Jay Z, actor James Earl Jones, actor/director Denzel Washington, NBA star Shaquille O’Neal, actor/author Don Shield, Hon. Willie Brown, Hon. Marc Morial, CEO Oscar Joyner, Journalist Acel Moore, rapper/actor Treach, journalist Dewayne Wickham, businessman Walter Williams, Sen. Royce West, media guru/activist Tavis Smiley, journalist T.J. Holmes, artist/singer Miles Jaye, journalist Roland Martin, singer Hon. Jerry Butler, actor Sidney Poitier, actor Jeffery Wright, Muhammad Ali, entertainer/activist Harry Belafonte, businessman Comer Cottrell, actor Fred Williamson, Dr. Steve Perry, actor Malik Farrakhan, Gen. Colin Powell, Hon. Dwaine Caraway actor Jim Kelly, educator Dr. Frederick Humphrey, Doug E. Fresh, the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., Snoop, the Rev. Joseph Lowery, the Honorable President Barack Obama, actor Samuel L. Jackson, reggae artist Alpha Blondy, businessman and publisher Earl Graves, photographer Jesse Hornbuckle, actor/philanthropist Dr. Bill Cosby, journalist Brian Custer, LL Cool J, Dr. Ben Carson, Hon. John Wiley Price, Rev. Michael Eric Dyson, actor/author Hill Harper.. Entertainer Stevie Wonder, author/educator Dr. Cornel West, Publisher Jim Washington, comedian/actor Steve Harvey,and athlete/actor Jim Brown, actor/director Robert Townsend, District Attorney Craig Watkins, entertainer Smokey Robinson, Mayor Antonio Blue, journalist Steve Pickett, Singer Ron Isley, Journalist Bernard Shaw, Actor Director Melvin Van Peebles, Actor/rapper/philanthropist Ludacris, singer B.B. King, actor/director Bill Duke, Rev. Dr. Rickie Rush and journalist Byron Pitts! Singer Marvin Gaye, actor Calvin Lockhart, singer Teddy Pendergrass and Nat King Cole, comic/actor Bernie Mac, journalist Lawrence E. Young, entertainer Isaac Hayes, singer Gerald Levert, African activist and publisher Pius Njawe, attorney/media mogul Percy Sutton, Publisher extraordinaire John H. Johnson, atty. Johnnie Cochran, music great Curtis Mayfield, maestro Barry White, orator, writer and statesman Frederick Douglass, humanist Malcolm X, singer Johnnie Taylor, entertainer Lou Rawls, singer Rick James, Coach A.D. Jake Gaither, Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, Hon. Mickey Leland, entertainer Sammie Davis Jr., the Chief Rocker Frankie Crocker, Tupac Shakur, Hon. Marcus Garvey, Hon. Al Lipscomb, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, journalist Ed Bradley, Hon. Arthur E. Teele, Jr., actor/ comedian Richard Pryor, singer/songwriter Nickolas Ashford. Historian Ivan Van Sertima, musician Donny Hathaway, Hon. Adam Clayton Powell, businessman Alfred Huntsberry, Ossie Davis, actor extraordinaire Paul Robeson, journalist Vernon Jarrett, NFL Great Ron Springs, journalist Gerald Boyd, educator/inventor George Washington Carver, activist Huey Newton, educator Dr. Carter G. Woodson, NBA Great Maurice Lucas, activist Stokely Carmichael, entertainer Langston Hughes, Gospel great Pop Staples, entertainer Duke Ellington, entertainer Heavy D, Hon. Kwame Nkrumah, entertainer Miles Davis, actor Adolph Caesar, Dr. Percy Julian, musician Grover Washington Jr., activist A. Philip Randolph, activist Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner, singer Tyrone Davis, writer, journalist Paul Lawrence Dunbar, actor Paul Winfield, entertainer Ray Charles, Carl Brashear, journalist Max Robinson, musician Billy Preston, entertainer Cab Calloway, artist Ernie Barnes, Iceberg Slim, businessman Reginald Lewis, businessman Don Barden, THE MAN Joseph Smith, Sam Cooke, boxing great Joe Louis, educator Dr. Asa Hilliard, singer Levi Stubbs, activist Ben Hooks, tennis great Arthur Ashe, Hon. Ron Brown, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Gil Scott Heron, Major Robert Lawrence, Godfather James Brown, activist Medgar Evers, entertainer/philanthropist Michael Jackson, educator Dr. Booker T. Washington, scholar John Henrik Clarke, and historian/activist W.E.B. DuBois, Dr. John Hope Franklin, Dr. Benjamin E. Mays,reggae star Bob Marley, singer/producer Willie Hutch,musician Jimi Hendrix, Gen. Chappie James, singer/dancer/actor Gregory Hines, Olympiad Jesse Owens, astronomer Benjamin Banneker, activist Ralph Bunche, astronaut Ron E. McNair, Hon. Cloves Campbell, Sr., and band director Dr. William P. Foster!
See Cheryl’s Men of Swagger on next two pages
JANUARY 27, 2012
JANUARY 27, 2012
in OUR library Reviewed by Cheryl Smith cheryl@cherylsmithonline.com
Dying for Revenge By Eric Jerome Dickey Eric Jerome Dickey heard from readers and responded accordingly. He’s back with Gideon, in Dying for Revenge. A professional assassin, Gideon, is on the run, and with good reason--someone is out to murder him. Dying for Revenge is Mr. Dickey’s third book in the Gideon Series. The popular Sleeping with Strangers and Waking with Enemies challenged readers as they globetrotted with Gideon, who managed to stay one quick step ahead of those being paid to kill him. It doesn’t look like he’s slowing down and the assassins aren’t either. Whether Gideon is in London, Nashville, Tennessee or gallivanting around the Caribbean, he s always looking over his shoulder and watching his back. He’s being extra careful because he is certain of one thing, and that is that if he slips up, if he let’s his guard down, he will be a dead man. Mr. Dickey says that Gideon has only one option, and that is to run. And readers will be running with him, wondering at every turn, just as Gideon does, who should or can be trusted and who is his enemy. There is a reason Mr. Dickey is an award winning, bestselling author. He’s a skilled storyteller who manages to lure his readers into his tales, causing them to embrace his characters and internalize their issues. Gideon needs to survive. It will be interesting to see just how long he can go before death catches up to him. Or, will he finally be successful in turning the tables and putting an end to life of the person whose life goal is to end his life?
Illegal Affairs
an interesting cast of characters for this suspenseful novel that delves into the lives of law students with interesting pasts. They all gather as first year law students at a predominantly Black school. There’s Callie, the future star litigator who appears to have everything going for her. Callie befriends the devious and exceptionally beautiful but insecure Raven, who also turns out to be more of an enemy. Omar is a serious trip. He uses women and can’t seem to keep his pants on if it will benefit him in the long run. Surprisingly he is friends with Keith, a very nice and upstanding young man who has made some mistakes that seem to hamper his complete growth in other areas. Along the way they meet Brett, who gets a taste of being in the minority, which causes him to make decisions that could cost him the love of his life. The tale that Ms. Harvey weaves is a definite page turner. Her ability to develop her characters to a point where readers are thoroughly engaged is a skill that many authors attempt but ultimately are unsuccessful at achieving. Deciding which character you will embrace is sure to reveal something about each reader because Ms. Dansby has provided you characters that will appeal to your every emotion. This former journalist is a practicing attorney who has also been a college professor. She uses her knowledge of the law to add depth to Illegal Affairs. Add sex, violence, deception, theft and a number of other sins and you’ll wonder how any of the characters can have a happy ending. As if Callie, Raven, Omar, Keith and Brett are not enough; Ms. Dansby introduces other characters who help to make Illegal Affairs more than a good read.
The Nature of a Woman - Through the Eyes of A Man By Sylvester Stephens
By Shelia Dansby Harvey Author Shelia Dansby Harvey provides
Sylvester Stephens is back with The Nature of a Woman - Through the Eyes of A Man. The poet, novelist,
sportswriter and creative writing teacher gained a loyal following with Our Time Has Come and The Office Girls. He returns focusing on Dr. Johnny Forrester, who is the brother to Michael Forrester. Fans of Mr. Stephens remembers Michael as vengeful and someone with a score to settle that could end up hurting so many others, in The Office Girls. If you thought Michael has issues, enter little brother Johnny. Yes, Johnny has issues and it appears that many stem from a childhood where he was made to feel inadequate by his father and was probably babied too much by his mother. The result--a selfish , irresponsible wimp. Sounds harsh, but what is even more pleasing about The Nature of a Woman Through the Eyes of A Man is the metamorphosis of Michael from wimp to man. You’ll enjoy reading how this sickening character has to get his stuff together or die from his inability to stand up and do what is right. Many of the characters from The Office Girls are back again and they are heavily involved in the lives of the Forrester brothers, adding their input and perspectives whether they are asked to or not! Some readers may enjoy how Michael gets what he deserves and more. The talented Mr. Stephens has set the stage for a sequel. When I got to the end of The Nature of a Woman - Through the Eyes of A Man, I wanted to hunt him down and choke him. He know how to keep you coming back for more!
JANUARY 27, 2012
ultimate first lady and there is no love lost between the two as they go for what they feel is rightfully theirs. Sinners and Saints will have you laughing and shaking your head in wonderment as the two women do any and everything to help their husbands secure the post that they seem to want more than their husbands do. You might find yourself feeling sorry for the poor husbands who appear to have no control whatsoever over their conniving wives. Jasmine and Rachel’s shenanigans are out of control as they embarrass one another and ultimately themselves. And wouldn’t be just like the two authors to add more drama to the drama? Team Rachel and Team Jasmine think they have all the answers until something they never imagined happens. The authors were in Dallas recently signing books at Jokae’s African American Book Store. Charming as usual, the ladies talked about working together to create this engagingly entertaining novel. If ReShonda or Victoria had thoughts of retiring the two first ladies, they should think again because clearly readers are enjoying the chemistry between Jasmine and Rachel.
Support Black -owned book stores
Sinners and Saints By Reshonda Tate Billingsley and Victoria Christopher Murray Put two best-selling authors together, along with their creative imaginations and you get one big, blockbuster bestseller, Sinners and Saints. Kudos to ReShonda Tate Billingsley and Victoria Christopher Murray! Readers will line up on one of two sides, either Team Rachel or Team Jasmine. Whatever side, you’re on, get ready for drama magnified. Both Rachel and Jasmine are excited over the opportunity to become the
POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. If you have information, call Crime Stoppers at
877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at www.streetsafe.peopleguard.com PAGE 11
Jokae’s African American Books + 3223 W. Camp Wisdom Road Dallas, TX 75237 (214) 331-8100 Come Join Us For an Exciting Discussion & Book Signing Featuring the Following Authors: The Brighter Side of Darkness Sylvia Lucas January 28, 2012 * 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Runner’s Revelations How Running Changed My Walk Monisha I. Randolph February 4, 2012 * 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
JANUARY 27, 2012
The Family Business Carl Weber February 9, 2012 * 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. The Adventures of Zolie “Miss Chit Chat” Zi Bully Bullies Children’s Author - Sonya J. Bowser February 11, 2012 * 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Color Me Black Jeannie Eneh February 18, 2012 * 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. The Blessings & Bling How Faith& Fashion Helped Me Survive Breast Cancer Dr. Sheron C. Patterson February 18, 2012 * 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Pastor receives lifetime achievement award Pastor Kee Receives the James Cleveland Lifetime Achievement Award at the 27th Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards in Nashville (Charlotte, NC - Twenty one-time Stellar Award winner, Pastor John P. Kee received the James Cleveland Lifetime Achievement Award for his historical and significant contributions to gospel music at the 27th Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards on Saturday, January 14 at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, TN. Kirk Franklin presented the award to a tearful Pastor Kee. Pastor Kee is the recipient of 21 Stellar Awards, 27 GMWA Excellence Awards, a Trailblazer Award from President Bill Clinton, one Soul Train Music Award, two Billboard Music Awards, a Gospel Music Hall of Fame Award, seven GRAMMY® Award nominations and numerous other honors. However, The James Cleveland Lifetime Achievement Award is especially meaningful to him. "This is by far one of the greatest honors I have received to date," says Pastor Kee. "When you look at the true history of John P. Kee, this award signifies a circle of completion. It was the late Dr. James Cleveland who gave me my start in music, so to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award in his name is priceless." During the Stellar Award Weekend, Pastor Kee also participated in the Hezekiah Walker Presents Choir Fest 2012, along with Ricky Dillard, JJ Hairston, Meachum L. Clarke, Kevin Lemons, and Darrel Petties, at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, the Antioch location in Nashville. An icon in American music, Pastor Kee and the New Life Community Choir will release a new CD this spring. The new single, "Life And Favor (You Don't Know My Story,)" will be released to gospel radio this month. The single features special guest artists, including LeJuene Thompson and James Fortune. "One of the greatest assets that we have as Christians is our testimony," said Pastor Kee. In the late 1980s, Kee was crowned the Prince of Gospel, which is a title he laughs at because his middle name is Prince. Over the course of his professional career, which spans more than three decades, he has written music for Hallmark, Inc., Stephanie Mills, Jonny Lang, The Hawkins Family, Daryl Coley, Billy Preston, Dorinda Clark Cole, Joe Walsh, Rev. James Cleveland, the Florida Mass Choir, the Mississippi Mass Choir, and Vanessa Bell Armstrong, among others. His music has been featured in film and television commercials and even on Saturday Night Live. His music catalogue is said to be one of the largest in the world today by an individual publisher/writer. Although he is one of gospel music's greatest pioneers, his real passion is for clear, genuine, and aggressive street ministry. His heart's desire is to show the love and power of the Lord to the world-but especially to the inner city communities of our nation. Since its inception in 1995, Pastor Kee has been the full-time pastor of the New Life Fellowship Center. Through non-traditional outreach that transcends the four-walled structure, the church's unique approach to ministry has resulted in a rapidly growing and thriving congregation. Pastor Kee's ability to personally relate to the urban lifestyle allows him to reach those who would not typically attend church and those who are not welcomed by many assemblies.
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King, Jr.
JANUARY 27, 2012
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Silent killer, continued from page 3
Terina Smith with Rep. Johnson. campus.
We have to learn how to be good listeners and not so we can gather information and run spreading it all over town. Perpetrators need to know that the silent suering is over and law enforcement, prosecutors, agencies, organizations and advocates have joined together and they are aggressively going after them and working to protect and avoid further assaults. This issue is not going away. And while we did point out that men are victims, as well; right now we need to catch Pookie and some of these other predators who are still assaulting our communities. I am so glad people are speaking up! The 1North I MESSENGER PROMO AD_Layout 1/24/12Texas 12:46 Alliance PM Page 1held the 8 th Annual Innovative Approaches to Family Violence conference January Smith wanted to learn how to be safe on her college 12-13.
JANUARY 27, 2012
Coming up on March 10, members of the Metropolitan Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc will present a symposium, “My Cry in the Dark,� in honor of D e l t a S i g m a T h e t a ’s Na t i o n a l IMPACT of Ser vice Day to raise awareness about domestic violence against women and girls. The members were in Dallas County Commissioners Court last week where a resolution of recognition and appreciation, sponsored by C o m m . Jo h n Wi l e y Pr i c e w a s presented to members. I’m looking forward to attending and of course I will be sharing more information about the symposium in the future. To all the survivors and those working to end any type of violence against women; I pledge to never be silent.
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In Memoriam Etta James January 25, 1938 - January 20, 2012 Etta James was born Jamesetta Hawkins in Los Angeles, CA; an American singer whose style spanned a variety of music genres including blues, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, soul, gospel and jazz. Starting her career in the mid 1950s, she gained fame with hits such as "Dance With Me, Henry", "At Last", "Tell Mama", and "I'd Rather Go Blind" for which she claimed she wrote the lyrics. She faced a number of personal problems, including drug addiction, before making a musical resurgence in the late 1980s with the album The Seven Year Itch. Ms. James is regarded as having bridged the gap between rhythm and blues and rock and roll, and is the winner of six Grammys and 17 Blues Music Awards. She was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1993, the Blues Hall of Fame in 2001, and the Grammy Hall of Fame in both 1999 and 2008.[3] Rolling Stone ranked James number 22 on their list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time and number 62 on the list of the 100 Greatest Artists. She received her first professional vocal training at the age of five from James Earle Hines, musical director of the Echoes of Eden choir, at the St. Paul Baptist Church in Los Angeles.
Her debut album, At Last!, was released in late 1960 and was noted for its varied choice in music from jazz standards to blues numbers to doo-wop and rhythm and blues (R&B). The album also included James' future classic, "I Just Want to Make Love to You" and "A Sunday Kind of Love". In early 1961, Ms. James released what was to become her signature song, "At Last", which reached number two on the R&B chart and number 47 on the Billboard Hot 100. Though the song wasn't as successful as expected, it has become the most remembered version of the song. Ms. James followed that up with "Trust in Me", which also included string instruments. Later that same year, she released a second studio album, The Second Time Around. The album took the same direction as her previous album, covering many jazz and pop standards, and using strings on many of the songs spawning two hit singles, "The Fool That I Am" and "Don't Cry Baby". Ms. James started adding gospel elements in her music the following year releasing "Something's Got a Hold on Me", which peaked at number four on the R&B chart and was also a top 40 pop hit. That success was quickly followed by "Stop the Wedding", which reached number six on the R&B charts and also had gospel elements. In 1963, she had another major hit with "Pushover" and released the live album Etta James Rocks the House, which was recorded at the New Era Club in Nashville, Tennessee. After a couple PAGE 15
years scoring minor hits. After a period of isolation, Ms. James returned to recording in 1967 and reemerged with more ballsy R&B numbers thanks to her recording at the legendary Fame Studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama releasing her comeback hit "Tell Mama", which was co-written by Clarence Carter and reached number 10 R&B and number 23 pop. An album of the same name was also released that year and included her take of Otis Redding's "Security". The B-side of "Tell Mama" was "I'd Rather Go Blind", which became a blues classic in its own right and was recorded by many other artists. She wrote in her autobiography Rage To Survive that she heard the song outlined by her friend Ellington "Fugi" Jordan when she visited him in prison. According to her account, she wrote the rest of the song with Jordan, but for tax reasons gave her songwriting credit to her partner at the time, Billy Foster. Following this success, Ms. James became an on-demand concert performer though she never again reached the heyday of her earlyto-mid 1960s success. She continued to chart in the R&B Top 40 in the early 1970s with singles such as "Losers Weepers" (1970) and "I Found a Love" (1972). Though James continued to record for Chess, she was devastated by the death of Chess founder Leonard Chess in 1969. James ventured into rock and funk with the release of her selftitled album in 1973 with production from famed rock producer Gabriel Mekler, who had worked with Steppenwolf and Janis Joplin, who had admired James and had covered "Tell Mama" in concert. The album, known for its mixtures of musical styles, was nominated for a Grammy Award. The album didn't produce any major hits, neither did the follow-up, Out On the Street Again, in 1974, though like Etta James before it, the album was also critically acclaimed. James continued to record for Chess releasing two more albums in 1978, Etta Is Betta Than Evah and Deep in the Night, which saw the singer incorporating more rock-based music in her repertoire. That same year, James was the opening act for The Rolling Stones and also performed at the Montreal Jazz Festival. Following this brief success, however, she left Chess Records and didn't record for another ten years as she struggled with drug addiction and alcoholism for the better part of a decade.
Etta James performing in San Jose, California, in 2000.
In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked her #62 on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. Ms. James has performed at the top world jazz festivals in the world, such as the Montreux Jazz Festival in 1977, 1989, 1990 and 1993, performed nine times at the legendary Monterey Jazz Festival, and the San Francisco Jazz Festival five times. James also often performed at free city outdoor summer arts festivals throughout the United States. In 2008, Ms. James was portrayed by BeyoncĂŠ Knowles in the film, Cadillac Records, loosely based on the rise and fall of James' label of 18 years, Chess Records, and how label founder and producer Leonard Chess helped the career of James and other label mates, though it was noted that James was successful prior to her signing with Chess Records. In the film, Etta James' character is in constant search to seek the recognition as well as love from an infamous pool shark named Minnesota Fats, whom she believed to be her white biological father. The film also portrayed "At Last" as a huge pop hit, but the single only charted briefly when it was initially released and James had bigger hits. It also indicated that James and Chess, who were 21 years apart in age, were lovers but that was also inaccurate. In April 2009, the 71-year-old James made her final television appearance performing "At Last" during an appearance on Dancing with the Stars. In May 2009, James received the Soul/Blues Female Artist of the Year award from the Blues Foundation, the ninth time James had won the award. James carried on touring but by 2010 had to cancel concert dates to her gradually failing health after it was revealed that she was suffering from dementia and leukemia. In November 2011, James released her final album, The Dreamer, which was critically acclaimed upon its release. James announced via her manager's statement that this would be her final album. On January 8, 2012, her continuing relevance was affirmed when Avicii reached number 1 on Beatport with the song "Levels", which samples her song "Something's Got a Hold on Me". A vocal sample of James' 1962 song, "Something's Got a Hold On Me," was also sampled by rapper Flo Rida in his 2011 single, "Good Feeling." Ms. James's musical style changed during the course of her career. When beginning her recording career in the mid-50s, James was marketed as an R&B and doo wop singer. Etta James had once been considered one of the most overlooked blues and R&B musicians in American music history. It wasn't until the early 1990s when James began receiving major industry awards from the Grammys and the Blues Foundation that she began to receive wide recognition. In 2011, James was voted one of the 11 Best Singers On Earth by viewers to Btoe, the multimedia Web site founded by Colin Larkin, creator of the Encyclopedia of Popular Music. In recent years, James was seen as bridging the gap between rhythm and blues and rock and roll. James has influenced a wide variety of American musicians including Diana Ross, Christina Aguilera, Janis Joplin, Bonnie Raitt, Shemekia Copeland, and Hayley Williams of Paramoreas well as British artists The Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, Elkie Brooks, Amy Winehouse, Paloma Faith, Joss Stone and Adele. Ms. James was hospitalized in January 2010 to treat an infection caused by MRSA, a bacterium that is resistant to antibiotic treatment. During her hospitalization, her son Donto revealed that she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2008. She was diagnosed with leukemia in early 2011. On January 20, 2012, longtime friend !
JANUARY 27, 2012
and manager, Lupe De Leon, stated that James had died with her husband and sons by her side at Riverside Community Hospital in Riverside, California.
Robert Hegyes May 7, 1951 – January 26, 2012) Robert Hedges was an American actor best known for his portrayal of Juan Luis Pedro Felipo de Huevos Epstein on the 1970s American sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter. Mr. Hegyes was born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, to a Hungarian-American father, Stephen, and an Italian-American mother, Marie Dominica Cocozza. Mr. Hegyes had three siblings (Mark, Stephanie and Elizabeth). He grew up in Metuchen, New Jersey and began acting in high school in the mid-1960s. Upon graduation from Glassboro State College (now Rowan Univ.), with a B.A. in Speech/Theater & Secondary Education, Mr. Hegyes ventured into New York City to pursue a career in acting and soon became a member of a Greenwich Village children's theater group, "Theater in a Trunk", performing educational theater. Within a year of graduating from college, He was cast to co-star in the highly acclaimed Off Broadway drama, Naomi Court, starring actor Brad Davis (Midnight Express). After completing the successful Manhattan Theater Club engagement, Robert was cast by Tony Award- winning actor Len Cariou (making his directing debut) to co-star in the Broadway drama, Don't Call Back, starring Arlene Francis and Dorian Harewood. While performing on Broadway, he auditioned for television producer James Komack and was cast to star in what was to become the award-winning ABC comedy, Welcome Back, Kotter. The show lasted four seasons, from 1975-'79. At the age of 25, he became one of the show's directors. Mr. Hegyes guest starred in more than 30 episodic television shows, including Saturday Night Live, with Quentin Tarantino, NewsRadio, Diagnosis: Murder, with Dick Van Dyke, The Drew Carey Show (in an April Fools' Day episode where the character, "Oswald", was "recast" for a brief scene with Hegyes playing the role) and The Streets of San Francisco, with Michael Douglas. He also starred in the award-winning Volkswagen Passat commercial, "The Chase", for director Kinka Usher. Mr. Hegyes has starred in the following films: Honeymoon Hotel, with Jane Kaczmarek, Underground Aces, with Melanie Griffith, Bob Roberts, with Tim Robbins, The Purpose, with Mia Farrow, and Bar Hopping, with Weeds star Kevin Nealon. Mr. Hegyes became "Artist-In-Residence" at his alma mater, Rowan University, teaching screenplay writing, acting for camera and public speaking, and was a guest lecturer in the Radio/Television/Film & Theater Departments. He was an adjunct instructor at Brooks College in Long Beach, California, where he taught essay writing and public speaking. Hegyes was a California Certified Secondary Education teacher, but had worked infrequently in recent years.
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King, Jr.
JANUARY 27, 2012
Punch comes to Cheryl’s World High Impact, dynamic violinist Richmond Punch is the solo violinist featured in the Richmond Punch Jazz Quartet and The Mistura String Quartet. Mr. Punch appears on Cheryl’s World on Wednesday, February 1 at 9a.m. You can listen at http://tobtr.com/s/2696191. #BlogTalkRadio Hailing from Dallas, TX, this musical prodigy has been playing violin since he was five years old, and he is a graduate of the prestigious Juilliard School as well as worldrenown Yale University. Playing everything from classical music, jazz, hip hop, to gospel, he was the featured performer for the Potter's House Church New Years Eve 2009 celebration, playing before a crowd of more than 16,000. Richmond has let his violin do the talking before crowds from Atlanta, Anchorage, Charleston, Chicago, to Houston, New Orleans, DC, Los Angeles and New York, Seattle and San and Celebrities such as Isabell Cottrell, Molly Williams and National Council of Negro Women, T. D. Jakes, Ross Perot, Ebby Halliday, Ocho Cinco, Tony Gonzalez, Tracy McGrady, Kirk Whalum, Marvin Hamlisch, Josh Howard, Ron Washington, Nolan Ryan, Emmitt Smith, Deion Sanders, Cleveland Gary, Steven Forbes, Evander Holyfield, Morris Chestnut, DJ Biz Markie. Giving back to the community, the multi-talented Richmond serves as the Artistic Director of the Dallas Uptown Youth Orchestra, a program of the Punch Family Foundation that reaches more than 3,500 children and adults annually. Additionally, he is a lecturer on music history, black history, developing creativity in children, diversity and more through his Lecture Series. In 2008 he was a speaker at a Youth Summit of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson held at Southern Methodist University. His current CD is called: Richmond Punch Live in Concert and is available on his website. Richmond is currently working on his 2012 releases “When it is your season” and “Voyage: Vol. 1” which will be a mix of Jazz meets Hip Hop on a trip around the world. Over the past two years Richmond has played as a featured performer for the Main Street Arts Festival, Denton Jazz Festival, Houston Wine Fest, 142 Throckmorton Theatre, Houston’s Gospel Heritage Month Concert, McDonald’s Corporation, Howard University, Jarvis Christian College, Paul Quinn College, JC Penney Corporation, Sigma Pi Phi Western and Far Western Regional Boule, Boy Scouts of America Southwest Regional Gala, Big Brothers Big Sister’s National Conference Gala, Congressional Black Caucus, Department of Labor, AT&T Performing Arts Center Grand Opening, a Latino Military Appreciation Month Dinner, National Association of Negro Business Women’s and Professional Club, multiple National Pan Hellenic Council Greek chapters and performed for many conferences of various music styles, including gospel music for Bishop T.D. Jakes and film music for Steven Forbes. He also has performed for Governor Candidate Bill White’s Campaign, Congresswomen Sheila Jackson and Eddie Bernice Johnson, The National Anthem at Lone Star Park, Adam’s Morgan Festival, the 2008 and 2009 Dallas City Arts Celebration, Josh Howard Foundation, a Fashion Show for Tyson Beckford, in "Two Jazz Violinists" featuring Richmond Punch and Michael Ward, Boy Scouts of America, Inc., Galas of Big Brothers and Sisters of America & CA,WI,WA,TX,AK, Friendship West Baptist Church, Dallas County Community College District, and United Way in Dallas to name a few. Bishop T.D. Jakes calls Richmond Punch "The Baddest Violinist Around". Steven Forbes says "A job well done! Great music!", and NBC Houston news says "Soothing Music". See Richmond Punch on Facebook, Twitter, ReverbNation, and YouTube or Myspace. Booking and Interview Contact: Lauren Punch (214) 723-0737 richmond@richmondpunch.com
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Cheryl’s World! with Phyllis J. and Lady T All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and HappyNia Dance Theatre Productions, Inc. should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. Come learn and take classes in various styles of dance Martin Luther King, Jr. Now Accepting Students Contact us today to register for 2012 classes www.happyniadance.com 214.434.7851 Studio Address PAGE 16
3200 Lancaster Rd., Ste. 623 Dallas, TX 75216 !
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Mark your calendar January 27 The New Year Book Jubilee 2012 will be held from 11a-4p at the Southwest Center Mall, 3662 West Camp Wisdom Road. Hosted by Texas Literacy connection and the Dock Bookshop.
January 29 BLUSH Concert - Imaj performs in concert at the Black Academy of Arts and Letters in the Clarence Muse Theatre at 9p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster or the TBAAL box office MOCCA COSMETICS HIGH FASHION RUNWAY & HOST MODEL CALL @ 2pm WOMEN ONLY Runway Requirements: 34-24-34 or smaller; 5’8 or taller. Host Requirements: 5’7 or taller Email photos to info@demuremodel.com for consideration and details. Demure Model Management www.demuremodel.com 214.476.6452
will allow the FAMU-ly to rally our support around our beloved institution, while educating the next generation of college students, parents, educators, administrators, community leaders, etc about (1) the quality of education offered at FAMU, (2) the benefits of attending FAMU, (3) successes of graduates of FAMU, and (4) the importance of supporting FAMU. RSVP required no later than February 3, 2012. February 11 Annual Mardi Gras Ball and Scholarship Fundraiser with Special Invited Guest Dr. Norman C. Francis and Frederick Carter, National Alumni President 8 PM – 1 AM Reflections on Spring Creek, 1901 Spring Creek Pkwy Plano, TX 75074. Join us for an
extravagant evening inspired by a traditional Mardi Gras Ball,with a DJ, Dancing, Creole Inspired Cuisine Masquerade Contest for the Best Mask! Proceeds will benefit Chapterʼs Scholarship Fund which supports a DFW area student who is attending Xavier To Purchase tickets email: xualumniofdfw@yahoo.com The Urban League Guild of Greater Dallas & North Central Texas in collaboration with Harwood 609 is excited to host this Pre-Valentine's So YOU Think YOU Can SWING! Competition and Love Celebration $10 pre-sale tickets.
February 16 Jordan Blair Tribute
JANUARY 27,2012 2012 JANUARY 20, 6p - Reception 7p Program Saint Paul AME Church Rev. Juan N. Tolliver, Pastor 2420 Metropolitan Avenue Dallas, 75214 214.421.1344
February 18
UNCF presents Red Hot & Snazzy at the Hyatt Regencydowntown Dallas with Morris Day & The Time. For tickets, call 972 234-1007.
February 19
Writing through Grief workshops at the Gideon Center in Frisco 3110 Main St., (at Teel) Frisco, TX , Conducted by Linda Jones, author, creator of "It's Only Temporary-- A Journal for Surviving Loved Ones." Grief Recovery Institute certification Fee: $55 1p.m. until 5 p.m.
January 31
The Marketing Lady presents SPEED M.I.N.G.L.E. FROM 6-8P.M. At the McCormick and Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant , 307 NorthPark Center. For more info, call 972-985-5056.
February 3 28th Annual Quest For Success Awards Luncheon Registration & Reception: 11:00 a.m. Awards Luncheon & Program: 12:00 noon Dallas Convention Center --Ballroom A-(650 South Griffin Street, Dallas, Texas) AFRICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LUNCHEON HELD AT SMOKEY JOHNS BBQ, 1820 MOCKINGBIRD LANE, DALLAS TX. 75247 12 NOON - 1:00 P.M. WHEN : EVERY WEDNESDAY (EXCEPT HOLIDAYS)
February 4
The Urban Bazaar 10am to 4pm, is a familyfriendly event with over 25 vendors, artists, regional cuisine and musical entertainment indoors at the Pioneer Oaks Shopping Center in Balch Springs.. ADMISSION IS FREE. The event will be held at the Pioneer Oaks Shopping Center, 4000 Pioneer Rd, Suite 102-104, Balch Springs, Texas 75180. There is plenty of free parking. Proceeds benefit community programs of the Balch Springs Visual and Performing Arts Alliance and The Keneisha Bailey Foundation. For more info call 972-557-1555 or email info@balchspringsartsalliance.org.
February 10 The FAMU National Alumni Association Dallas Chapter will host Dr. James Ammons, the 10th President of Florida A&M University at the Dallas Black Dance Theater from 6-8 pm. This event will serve as a forum which
Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com weekdays at 9a.m. Monday, January 30 Join Cheryl, Phyllis Alphabet and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day
Tuesday, January 31
Wednesday, February 1
Thursday, February 2
Join Cheryl, Phyllis Join Cheryl, Phyllis Join Cheryl, Phyllis Alphabet and Lady T Alphabet and Lady T Alphabet and Lady T • Black Economic History • Black Economic History • Black Economic History Fact of the Day Fact of the Day Fact of the Day • Violinist Richard Punch
Friday, February 3 Join Cheryl, Phyllis Alphabet and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day • Mark Hackett of Cabot Cheese
Tune in to Reporters Roundtable on Soul 73 KKDA Sundays at 8a.m. PAGE 17
I Messenger Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011 IMessenger is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen.
JANUARY 27, 2012