NO 1 ISSUE 25 MARCH 2, 2012
#1 Bennett Belle Dr. Julianne Malveaux led with distinction
Brought to you by Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club
609 North Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 214.740.0609
MARCH 2 , 2012
“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Come on PEOPLE! POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care?
We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers
877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at www.streetsafe.peopleguard.com PAGE 2
MARCH 2 , 2012
Message to the people...
JCC Board of Trustees Appoints Dr. Lester C. Newman as the 12th President of Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas
During the Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists Urban Journalism Workshop, I challenged the high school and college students to think about their future, while living in the moment.
The Jarvis Christian College Board of Trustees has unanimously selected Dr. Lester C. Newman to serve as the 12th President of Jarvis Christian College, in Hawkins, Texas; with this presidential selection, along with Dr. Newman¶s proven track-record, it will enable us to achieve academic excellence and student success. Dr. Newman will begin his position as President on April 2, 2012.
March 2, 2012
Dr. Newman currently serves as the Executive Assistant to the President and Director of Administrative Management Programs at Wiley College, a historically Black College, in Marshall, Texas. In his current role, Dr. Newman serves DV D PHPEHU RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW¶V &DELQHW DQG the Vice 3UHVLGHQW¶V &RXQFLO
Dr. Newman brings extensive experience in higher education administration and academics to the campus. Prior to his work at Wiley College, he served as the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Associate Vice President for Development at Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee; served as a consultant for higher education; President and Professor of Political Science at Mississippi Valley State University, Itta Bena, Mississippi, for nine years; Vice President for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Political Science, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, North Carolina. In his career, he also served as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor; Dean of Arts and Sciences and Associate Professor; and Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Institutional Self-Study.
Newman named president of Jar vis Christian College
I told them to think about what they wanted people to think about them and how they wanted to live their lives.
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“Don’t tell me that you don’t care what people think about you because at some point you have to be concerned and you have to care,” I admonished.
Dr. Newman received his Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and his Master's degree and Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science from Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia.
It’s important to live in the moment or you’ll always have regrets, I told them as I shared how one summer while visiting college friends in Fort Cheryl Smith Lauderdale, I had a revelation. We were looking at pictures from our college years, about eight years prior and I said to Tony, “Man, I had buns and abs of steel. Why didn’t you tell me that I had it going on like that? ” His wife, Thelma, laughed and said, “We all did!”
Dr. Newman has received a host of honors, awards and recognitions; he has over fifty noted, presentations and publications accompanied by over twenty-one professional memberships in highly esteemed associations, institutes, consortiums and organizations in higher education. Dr. Newman and his wife Gloria are the proud parents and grandparents of three children and seven grandchildren.
The Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students welcome Dr. Lester C. Newman and his wife Gloria to the Jarvis Christian College Family.
Dr. Dorothy I. Height among guests at Malveaux’s Inauguration
I decided that day that I would live life in the moment--that I would recognize the good and beauty of life and myself instead of always looking back and realizing what was then and no longer is. So everyday, I tell myself, “I’ve got it going on!” Too often we live in the past, not enjoying the beauty of the moment.
There’s no time for “If I coulda, woulda, shoulda. Living in the past is for those who have no desire to experience the future. It’s time to give a little thanks. In the words of that 1970s hit by William DeVaughn, “Be thankful for what you got.” Recognizing his worth, crooner Barry White sang, “I’ve got so much to give.”
Richmond Punch - Dallas‘ best!
I hoped by participating in the exercise, the workshop students would focus on realizing their worth and determining what is really important--while also charting their future. I told them to email their thoughts to me and let’s discuss later. There was no need for them to feel obligated to be everything to everyone, nor was it necessary to live someone else’s dream. Equally important, they need not feel like failures if they decided to take a different path. After all, life is about change and as long as you have a pulse, there’s hope.
Too often folks are ostracized because they make changes. Just think about how many college students changed their majors. Some were criticized and ridiculed. How about supporting the decision?
Isaiah Washington’s book reviewed
There’s going to come a time when we all realize that we have been majoring in the minors. Things that we spent an inordinate amount of time on will seem so insignificant in the coming years. We won’t remember the names of people we thought we couldn’t live a day without seeing.
I remember a high school friend. I was ready every morning to run downstairs to meet up with her to continue the walk to school. We were in homeroom together at East Orange High School and we went to several classes together. We were on the newspaper, yearbook and softball team so we were in constant meetings or practices. We also ate lunch and walked home from school together. I would rush upstairs to do my homework or chores so that I would be free to talk on the phone by the time she reached home and called. I haven’t seen or talked to her since the summer after graduation.
I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011
When I was 16 and 17, no one could have told me that the two of us wouldn’t be friends forever, that we wouldn’t see each other every summer, be in each other’s wedding, and be Godmothers to one another’s children. Something happened though. LIFE!
IMessenger is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius N j a w e a n d T h e M e s s e n g e r, a n independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IMessenger is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to cheryl@cherylsmithonline.com.
And that’s perfectly okay. I enjoyed the time I had with my friend of yesteryear. I also have friends I enjoy today. A character in bestselling author Frances Ray’s latest book, “A Seductive Kiss,” said, “My grandfather always said a lot of people miss tomorrow by looking back at yesterday.” One friend gave me a magnet that echoes that same poignant message: “Don’t let your yesterdays use up your todays.” Do you have it going on?
Cheryl !
MARCH 2 , 2012
Bill introduced to fight street crime in budget-strapped communities across the country ( WA S H I N G T O N ) – H o u s e
Judiciar y Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (DMich.), Rep. Hansen Clarke (DMich.), Rep. Gar y Peters (DMich.), Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security Subcommittee Ranking Member Bobby Scott (DVa.), Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee (DTexas), Rep. Maxine Waters (DCalif.), Rep. Steve Cohen (DTenn.), Rep. Hank Johnson (DGa.), and Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) have introduced H.R. 4098, the “Shield Our Streets Act.” As a result of state cuts, local governments face dwindling law enforcement budgets and police department resources are being stretched thin in order to make up the difference. The Shield Our Streets Acts creates additional law enforcement funding grants to help police agencies and local governments continue the fight against crime areas across the United States in spite of these budget cuts. “As Ranking Member, I urge the House Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on this critical legislation,” said Rep. Conyers. “Our local law enforcement agencies and local governments face tighter budgets, so Congress must redouble its efforts to help them protect our communities from crime. Police officers are on the front lines in the fight against crime, and we need to do even more to ensure local law enforcement a gencies are sufficiently staffed with officers and sheriffs. Local governments also need the funding and flexibility to pay for crime fighting equipment and programs which they identify as priority needs. For instance in my district, the City of Highland Park needs assistance in paying for street lights that will deter criminal activity on its streets.” “We need to keep our streets safe to protect our children and our communities and to keep businesses and jobs in our cities,” said Rep. Clarke. “This bill will greatly improve the ability of cities like Detroit to fight and prevent crime, which will strengthen our nation as a whole.”
Rep. John Conyers
Rep. Hansen Clarke
“Providing federal funding for making sure our communities have high need areas to create and t h e r e s o u r ce s a n d m a n p o we r protect jobs for police officers is needed to keep our neighborhoods c o m m o n s e n s e ” s a i d Re p . safe. I will continue to work with Peters. “I'm strongly backing this law enforcement agencies to ensure legislation to support our brave that urban areas, such as Houston, officers and make meaningful get the necessary funds needed to investments in safeguarding our secure our communities” “Due to California’s budgetary communities.” constraints, the ‘Shield Our Streets “Research has shown that more police on the beat means less crime Act’ will go a long way towards along with less costs and more ensuring that Los Angeles has vibrate, productive communities,” additional federal resources to hire said Rep Scott. “For anyone the law enforcement professionals interested in seeing the proof of we need to keep our streets safe,” this, I refer them to the recently said Rep. Waters. “More cops on the beat means released book by noted less crime on the street,” said Rep. criminologist Frank Zimring, entitled ‘The City that Became Cohen. “Public safety helps Safe,’ which details how increased ensure our children and communinumbers of police on the beat ties can grow and prosper in a contributed to New York City productive way that will increase reducing crime by 80% over the l i v i n g s t a n d a r d s i n o u r n e i g h b o r h o o d s . O u r p o l i ce last two decades.” “This bill provides local Thanks for supporting Cheatham and Associates Corp in 2011! communities with the monetar y resources that they need to keep our streets safe,” said Rep. Jackson Lee. a long-time sponsor of UNCF CHEATHAM “The Shield Police & ASSOCIATES hiring program will UNCF CORP enable local governments to hire, train and retain additional Check out our new and improved site: police officers to combat crime. It - Gift Book - Related ideas UNCF gives me a great - Featured Products - Price Guide sense of pleasure - BIC Pens - Promotion Connection and accomplishment - Magnets - Easy product color selection to know that - Calendars - Order our catalog taxpayers’ dollars are $1000 Drawing - New and trendy being used for the important task of
Celebrating the rich heritage of African people--And not just in February! PAGE 4
officers risk their lives to protect our families and our neighborhoods. The Shield Our S t r e e t s Ac t w o u l d p r o v i d e Memphis and other communities across the country struggling with crime the chance to hire more police officers and give them the necessary tools to combat crime and ensure public safety.” “During another difficult budget year at home, I want to ensure public safety officials in the district have the resources they need to protect citizens,” said Rep. Johnson. “I'm proud to stand with law enforcement officers who are on the front lines keeping our community safe.” “Ma n y o f o u r l o c a l l a w enforcement agencies are strapped for cash because budget constraints have made it difficult to hire and retain police officers” said Rep. Chu. “As a result, they are struggling to ke e p our co m m u n i t i e s we l l - p r o te c te d . This bill addresses that issue by providing access to critical funds that will not only help our local police departments hire and retain more officers, but also invest in public safety programs. We must ensure that law enforcement have all the tools necessary to stop crime and violence and keep our streets safe. Shield our Streets is a step in the right direction for meeting that goal.”
Keith Cheatham
MARCH 2 , 2012
Octavia Spencer wins Best Supporting Actress Oscar
“I’m just going to live in this moment because it’s Don’t act surprised. never happened before If you are 18 years or older, just get in the mindset that every year of your entire life is and Lord knows it may an election year! never happen again.” That’s right, there will be an election of some type and you need to be armed with your voter registration card. Then you must also be armed with a mentality that says that you must empower people to handle your business--and the way you do that is by voting. Now by voting you are not abdicating your responsibility. Actually, you are understanding that there are people who need to be in positions to effect change and you are responsible for putting them into those positions. Now what you don’t want to happen is that good people who really care begin opting out of public service because of all the trappings. They need war chests, and many of the people they help will not donate to their campaigns. That is always a sore spot because you have folks who have sizable war chests and their desire to be elected officials has nothing to do with serving the people, while those with a heart of service can’t afford to run for office or hold an office that does not have a salary. Then you have the public scrutiny. Sure you expect those elected to serve to have an understanding of ethics and inappropriate behavior. But what about all the attacks and character assassinations that elected officials and their families are subjected to? What does First Lady Michelle Obama’s shape have to do with public policy? When an elected official speaks out about legislation related to an issue, such as drunk driving, then it is safe to say that should any of his/her family get arrested for drunk driving; well, that issue is newsworthy. It’s safe to say that there probably won’t be any legislation on the horizon about having a gorgeous, physically fit body to go with a dynamic mind. Still, Mrs. Obama has been the subject of intense discussions that do nothing to make this world a better place. It has been said that the media are responsible for building folk up so that when they fall, the headlines are larger and more sensational. Well, the media, and busybody folks only do what they are allowed to do. You let the public assaults go without challenge and they will continue. You speak out and those who are in positions to do so will take notice. It’s the same with elected officials. Vote, provide financial support, share your ideas and thoughts. It’s called a democracy. It’s called accountability, on both sides. PAGE 5
Octavia Spencer 2012 Academy Award -Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Octavia Spencer brought the gilded audience at Hollywood’s Kodak Theater to its feet Sunday night as she tearfully accepted the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Supporting role for her portrayal of Minny Jackson, a proud, outspoken maid in the Oscarnominated movie, “The Help.” Ms. Spencer, whose break-out role in “The Help,” comes after years of mostly small parts in dozens of films, was overwhelmed with gratitude for the honor and thanked Steven Spielberg, her home state of Alabama and her fellow cast members, including Viola Davis who was nominated for Best Actress. Spencer becomes only the 13th African American to win an acting Oscar in the 84-year history of the Academy Awards and just the sixth
TO BE EQUAL by Marc H. Morial President and CEO National Urban League
Black woman since Hattie McDaniel took home the Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 1940 for her role in “Gone with the Wind.” We congratulate Octavia Spencer for her achievement. Her performance in “The Help” sheds new light on what life was like for Black women domestics in the South during the dawning days of the 1960s civil rights movement. The dignity and strength of the characters she and Viola Davis portray give new perspective to the unique struggles of African American women, and demonstrate the overwhelming power of faith, community and sisterhood. We are also encouraged by the
Academy Award winning success of previous Black women actors, including Hattie McDaniel, Halle Berry, Mo’Nique, Jennifer Hudson, and Whoopi Goldberg, who have broken the Oscar color and gender barriers. But, this small sorority of Black women Oscar winners makes it clear that Hollywood has a long way to go in diversifying the content of its storylines as well as the color of its characters, especially for African American women. It might help if the Academy diversified its own ranks. More than 90 percent of its members are white, more than 75 percent are male. While there have been several movies in recent years like “Red Tails,” “Hotel Rwanda,” “Malcolm X” “Glory” and “Invictus” (about the life of Nelson Mandela), that cast black men in heroic roles, there have been few films about black women heroines. USA Today film critic, Bill Goodykoontz, pointed out in a recent column that, “People of color too often find !
only narrow aspects of their lives and history represented in mainstream film, if represented at all.” James Braxton Peterson, director of Africana studies at Lehigh University added, “While we must applaud the outstanding performances by Ms. Davis and Ms. Spencer, we cannot ignore the fact that once again African Americans are being recognized in Hollywood for playing limited… roles.” This fact was not lost on Octavia Spencer who remarked after accepting her award, “I hope it’s the hallmark of more for young, aspiring actresses of color, and by color, I don’t mean just African American. I mean Indian, Native American, Latin American, Asian American. I hope that in some way I can be some sort of beacon of hope…” We applaud Ms. Spencer for her Academy Award and we echo her desire that Hollywood create more quality roles for deserving Black actors and actresses.
MARCH 2 , 2012
Martin to anchor special web edition of Washington Watch WASHINGTON, D.C. - On Tuesday, Washington Watch. March 6, TV One Cable Network's chief "We want to be able to weigh in on the political editor Roland S. Martin will election results by offering a unique host a special Super Tuesday edition of perspective that will not be heard on any his news other cable news or show,Washington Watch broadcast channel. By with Roland Martin, from having a live audience Howard University' of nearly 300 Howard School of Business University students, we Theatre, 2600 Sixth will also be engaging a Street, broadcasting live significant part of the on the web from 8 p.m. to electorate." 11 p.m. EST. This event is In addition to a free and open to the number of regular public. Seating is limited. contributors of TV This three-hour live web broadcast will One's Washington Watch, which airs be held in conjunction with Super Sundays at 11 am EST, members of the Tuesday, when votes in states nationwide Howard's College Democrats and go to the polls to cast their ballots for the College Republicans will be a part of the GOP contenders for president. broadcast. Martin says the web broadcast is to NewsOne.com's Chief Content Officer, offer the Black perspective on an Smokey Fontaine, and his team will be important night, and allow African on-site to provide instant feedback for Americans to be able to weigh in on the what is being discussed in the social election results. media world. "There is considerable interest among Ustream.tv, the world's leading live African Americans in this election year, interactive broadcast platform, will just as it was in 2008," said Martin, who stream the content to users worldwide, Appoints C. Newman as the 12thweb President is JCC also Board host of andTrustees managing editor Dr. of Lester and the Washington Watch special of Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas
will be carried on www.tvoneonline.com; w w w . n e w s o n e . c o m ; www.rolandsmartin.com;www.rolandma rtinreports.com; and affiliated Howard University websites. In addition, students from Howard's John H. Johnson School of Communications will be a part of the production crew for this live web special edition of Washington Watch. Along with providing commentary and election results, Martin and his panel will delve into topics such as voter suppression and African Americans and the GOP. Confirmed guests include Joe Madison, Sirius/XM Satellite Radio show host; Rich Galen, conservative commentator and former press secretary for Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich; Jeff Johnson, TheGrio.com correspondent; Dr. Christ Metzler, Georgetown University professor; Sophia Nelson, analyst and author "Black Woman Redefined" and Deborah S i m m o n s , Wa s h i n g t o n T i m e s correspondent. Also, comedian Huggy Lowdown, heard daily on The Tom Joyner Morning Show, will also provide political comedy
for the broadcast, offering his hilarious take on the GOP candidates and President Barack Obama. "Our aim is to cover the serious political issues facing the country, but also provide a bit of levity," said Martin. "I'm thankful that Howard President Sidney Ribeau and the Bison family have embraced this concept, and we hope folks nationwide will tune in for a different and much needed perspective on the GOP primary battle." Hosted by TV One chief political editor Roland Martin, TV One's hour-long weekly public affairs series Washington Watch with Roland Martin focuses on issues of importance to African Americans, through interviews with officials from the Administration, Congress and other policymakers who represent black communities, as well as discussions with journalists and commentators, and a wide range of policy experts. Washington Watch with Roland Martin also explores a wide range of timely and relevant topics including history, books, music, films, technology and black culture.
JCC Board appoints Newman
The Jarvis Christian College Board of Trustees has unanimously selected Dr. Lester C. Newman to serve as the 12th President of Jarvis Christian College, in Hawkins, Texas; with this presidential selection, along Dr. Newman¶s track-record, enable to us his to achieve Thewith Jarvis Christianproven College Board it will Prior work academic at Wileyexcellence College,and student success. Dr. Newman will begin his position as President on April 2, 2012.
of Trustees has unanimously selected he served as the Vice President for Dr.Dr.Lester Newman as theAssistant Academic Affairsandand Associate Vice NewmanC.currently servestoasserve the Executive to the President Director of Administrative Management Programs Wiley College, a historically Black College, Marshall, Texas. at In hisLane current 12th President of atJarvis Christian President for inDevelopment role, Dr. Newman serves DV D PHPEHU RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW¶V &DELQHW DQG the Vice 3UHVLGHQW¶V &RXQFLO College, Jackson, Tennessee; served as a consultant for higher education; Dr. Newman brings extensive experience in higher President and Professor of Political education administration and academics to the campus. Science Mississippi Prior to his workatat Wiley College, heValley served as State the Vice University, Itta Bena, President for Academic AffairsMississippi, and Associate for Vice nine years; Vice President Academic President for Development at Lanefor College, Jackson, Tennessee; a consultant for higher education; Affairsserved andas Associate Professor of President and Professor of Political Science Political Science, Johnson C.at Mississippi Smith Valley State University, Itta Bena, Mississippi, for nine University, Charlotte, North Carolina. years; Vice President for Academic Affairs and Associate In his career, he also served as Vice Professor of Political Science, Johnson C. Smith President for North Academic and he University, Charlotte, Carolina.Affairs In his career, Dean of Arts and Sciences alsoProfessor; served as Vice President for Academic Affairs and and Associate Professor; and and Assistant Professor; Dean of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor; and Assistant and Associate Professor and Professor Associate DirectorDirector of of Institutional Self-Study. Institutional Self-Study. D r. N e w m a n r e c e i v e d h i s !"#$%&'(&"$)&*+,-$ Dr. Newman received his Bachelor's degree in Political Dr. Lester Newman Bachelor's degree University, in PoliticalBaton Science !"#$%&#'() Science from Southern Rouge, President from Southern University, Louisiana, and his Master's degree and Baton Doctor of .,"/0'$12"0'(0,-$1344&5&$ Jarvis Christian College Philosophy Scienceand from Atlanta University, Rouge,in Political Louisiana, his Master's Atlanta, Georgia. degree and Doctor of Philosophy in College, in Hawkins, Texas; with this P o l i t i c a l S c i e n c e f r o m A t l a n t a Dr. Newman selection, has receivedalong a host with of honors, and recognitions; he has over fifty noted, presidential Dr. awards University, Atlanta, Georgia. presentationsproven and publications accompanied by over twenty-one professional memberships in highly Newman’s track-record, it will Dr. Newman has received a host of esteemed associations, institutes, consortiums and organizations in higher education. enable us to achieve academic honors, awards and recognitions; he has excellence and student success. Dr. over and fifty noted, ofpresentations Dr. Newman and his wife Gloria are the proud parents grandparents three children andand seven Newman will grandchildren. begin his position as publications accompanied by over President on April 2, 2012. twenty-one professional memberships Newman currently serves Faculty, as the Staff TheDr. Board of Trustees, Administration, Students esteemed welcome Dr. Lester C. Newman and in and highly associations, his wife Gloria to the Jarvis Christian College Family. Executive Assistant to the President and institutes, consortiums and Director of Administrative Management organizations in higher education. P r o g r a m s a t Wi l e y C o l l e g e , a Dr. Newman and his wife Gloria historically Black College, in Marshall, are the proud parents and grandparents Texas. In his current role, Dr. Newman o f t h r e e c h i l d r e n a n d s e v e n serves as a member of the President’s grandchildren. Cabinet and the Vice President’s The Board of Trustees, Council. Administration, Faculty, Staff and Dr. Newman brings extensive Students welcome Dr. Lester C. experience in higher education Newman and his wife Gloria to the administration and academics to the Jarvis Christian College Family. campus. PAGE 6
MARCH 2 , 2012
One Subway closes, other could be saved, MAYBE Natalie and Travis Brown are the last of the Black Subway franchisees in Dallas, Texas. Their store located at 2207 E. Ledbetter was closed on February 29 and the Grand Store, located at 2100 Grand Avenue, is expected to close soon. The Browns have asked for an extension to deal with some issues. Texas State Sen. Royce West and others have expressed support and the Browns
are working to ensure that they meet all guidelines for operating a Subway franchise. According to Mrs. Brown, sales have picked up, especially with the $5 sandwich promotion. Call 817-795-4866 & 972-644-3986 in support of Subways on Ledbetter and Grand. Acknowledging that Subway has guidelines that each franchisee must
adhere to, Ms. Brown says the numerous issues that result from operating in a high-crime area has made it difficult to comply; however she does believe that if provided an extension, they can turn things around, make the necessary improvements and turn a profit. “One store was closed for an entire month because of a robbery and vandalism,” she explained. “Resources that could have gone toward improving
on the business instead went to repair and replace equipment, items and product. “We need people coming in the stores, but not through the roof.” The Browns have had several breakins, acts of vandalism and robberies since they opened up in 2000. Add those additional costs to standard operating costs, and you can see why the Browns need some support.
Don't count the days, make the days count.
Muhammad Ali
-FORECLOSURESAttention all residents who have had foreclosures between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2010 – you may be eligible for an independent foreclosure review. The Urban League of Greater Dallas is taking calls NOW for any eligible homeowner or previous homeowner who may have had any of the following: ·Your property was sold due to a foreclosure ·Your mortgage loan referred into foreclosure process but removed when payments were brought up to date or borrower entered a payment plan or modification program · Mortgage loan referred into the foreclosure process, but home sold or borrower participated in short sale or chose deed in lieu of foreclosure · Mortgage loan referred into foreclosure process and remains delinquent but foreclosure sale has not yet taken place CALL the Urban League of Greater Dallas Headquarters at (214) 915-4638 or (214) 915-4639. PAGE 7
MARCH 2 , 2012
Male Mentoring Program launched by former pro athlete
Learn to love! If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning 'Good morning' at total strangers. Maya Angelou
The Heads Up! Foundation is continuing its efforts to enhance the lives of young men by launching the Protege Project. Protege Project is a high quality mentoring program for young males age 10-14, that promises to provide an ongoing educational, social and life skill development process. The program is designed to help young males to reach their full potential toward transitioning to early manhood. "Since many young boys lack positive role models, we will expose our proteges to healthy images of manhood and other avenues to success in life other than the 'societal norms' that surround them," said Jabari Johnson, former pro athlete and Founder/President of The Heads Up! Foundation.
A graduate of David W. Carter High School, Mr. Johnson has a long history with working in the community to benefit area youth. Upon completion of the program, the participants should have a better understanding of the importance of positive thinking, responsible personal conduct, respect for self and others, educational achievement and cultural enrichment. "I believe one of the most vital components to a young person's life is exposure and by establishing a 'village' of qualified mentors and community leaders, we are able to provide our protégés with early exposure to various avenues of success in life and provide them a road map to reach their destination,” said Mr. Johnson. The design of the curriculum will include a series of sessions that take place throughout the school year. During these sessions, volunteer mentors, tutors, and presenters share their knowledge and experience with the young men on life skills projects, engage them in leadership development activities, and accompany them on a variety of educational group field trips. For registration, volunteer or sponsorship opportunities, call 214.339.1400.
Share I Messenger with your friends! PAGE 8
MARCH 2 , 2012
Alpha Phi Alpha members mentor to area youth Projected is hosted by the Brothers of the Xi Tau Lambda (North Dallas) Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc and the March of Dimes North Texas Division. This collaborative project is designed to provide education, motivation and skillbuilding on issues of responsibility, relationships, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases for young males ages 12-15 years. Designed to provide young men with current and accurate information about teen pregnancy prevention, Project Alpha consists of a series of workshops and informational sessions conducted by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity brothers. The three goals of Project Alpha programs are: Sharing Knowledge by combating ignorance and fear with factual information. Changing Attitudes by providing motivation toward positive changes in sexual behavior. Providing Skills by creating a sense of empowerment and selfesteem.
MARCH 2 , 2012
Bennett Co!ege for Women to get new president
Malveaux reigned supreme during tenure By Cheryl Smith I Messenger
When Julianne Malveaux and I met over two decades ago, I knew immediately that she had it going on. Sure I had heard that she was smart. Actually she had to be with that PH.D. In economics from MIT. She was also a formidable guest on numerous shows where she was quick with facts and her opinion, and even quicker setting the record straight should someone have the misfortune of not having their facts together. A columnist with USA Today, she arrived in Dallas to speak at the annual scholarship banquet for the Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists. In existence for a little more than 10 years, the Association’s members were ecstatic because not only were we awarding almost $40,000 in scholarships to aspiring journalists--we had also snagged one of the most dynamic speakers and thinkers of our time and we had a full house. Over the years our relationship has grown considerably, so she wasn’t surprised when I showed up to serve as part of her honor guard for her inauguration as the 15th President of Bennett College for Women. Immediately I could see why she chose to come to Greensboro, NC. The campus is beautiful and the spirit on campus was so uplifting and empowering. It was impressive to observe the pride displayed by the young ladies as they proudly introduced themselves as Bennett Belles. Unbeknownst to me, they said they were they original “sisters” to the men of Morehouse College; although I’ve always thought that Atlanta’s Spelman College held that distinction. I now know otherwise! I toured the campus alone and at times incognito because I wanted to get an idea of what it was like to be on the campus without fanfare and what type of environment Dr. Malveaux was about to make her home for at least the duration of her five year contract. Eating in the school’s cafeteria was a great experience as I enjoyed excellent cuisine and the company of the Omicron Delta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The members appeared excited at the prospect of having the high-profile Soror Malveaux in charge. Previous Deltas who held the esteemed post include Dr. Gloria Randle Scott and Dr. Johnetta Cole. Now to say that cafeteria food was great may be a stretch for some but I can’t see Bennett students complaining about the cafeteria food because it was great and the atmosphere was warm and like sitting at home with the family. I went from station to station sampling some really good food. PAGE 10
Then before hooking back up with my campus guide, I visited the Mass Communications department and talked with the students and professors about the program, opportunities for communications students, and the National Association of Black Journalists efforts on behalf of students. To say I was impressed with the students would be an understatement. I felt like singing “I’m every woman” as I walked around the campus. It was also nice to meet many of the professors who seemed committed to academic excellence. I really felt, however, that the students, faculty and staff really didn’t understand what they were getting in Dr. Malveaux. The sister is bad! After the weekend of inauguration activities, I am sure they had more of an appreciation for their new president. There was a who’s who of alumni, friends and dignitaries in attendance, including: Rev. Marcia Dyson, Dr. Maya Angelou, Susan L. Taylor and her husband Kephra, journalist Suzanne Malveaux, Dr. Dorothy Irene Height, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Drs. Cole and Scott, The Temptations and former national Delta Sigma Theta officer Delores Sennette. It was interesting watching Dr. Malveaux step into the role as president. Always one for speaking her mind and taking control of situations, at times it was amusing as I observed her in a presidential role. She was excited at the prospect of charting the future of this historic institution where primarily lack women, many first-generation college students, were encouraged to aspire for greatness. !
She had ambitious plans for the school and the students. Everyone was going to be challenged to excel at a higher level and no one would receive a pass. Dr. Malveaux was committed totally to her new role and while she would continue to write, provide social and economic commentary and deliver thought-provoking speeches across the country and abroad; who also utilized her resources to bring more acclaim and increase the profile and financial base of Bennett College. During her tenure at Bennett, Dr. Malveaux worked tirelessly for the benefit of the institution. The school’s campus always had someone exciting on campus, like journalists Soledad O’Brien, Rochelle Riley and Byron Pitts, Rev. Frederick D. Haynes III, actress Victoria Rowell, and author Terry McMillan. E v e r y w h e r e s h e w e n t , D r. Malveaux told the story about Bennett College, founded in 1873. Since 2007, she has been the school’s biggest cheerleader telling the world about the small, private historically Black institution and her efforts included s tr es s in g th e imp o r tan ce o f an international focus and encouraging the students to think globally. Dr. Malveaux’s decision, this month, to leave Bennett was not made without careful thought and analysis, which is what she does all the time. That she stayed at Bennett for five years was a shock to many, especially after Sen. Barack Obama became president. Surely, some thought, the president would want her great mind in his cabinet; but they also know her for !
being a woman of her word --honoring her commitments. Admitting that five years is the longest time she has held a job, Dr. Malveaux talked about her commitment to HBCUs and Bennett as she announced her resignation, that will be effective May 6, 2012. “Leading Bennett College has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. In my five years at the college, we have embraced Bennett’s historic commitment to create an oasis where women are educated, celebrated, and transformed into 21st century leaders and global thinkers,” she said. “As I reflect on my accomplishments and of the college’s growth and transformation during my tenure, I realize that it is time for Bennett, and for me, to embark on a new chapter.”
Scenes from Dr. Malveaux’s Inauguration
MARCH 2 , 2012
According to Charles Barrentine, chair of the Board of Trustees, “the college has been enhanced by having Dr. Malveaux as our leader.” Citing the reaffirmation of Bennett’s Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation through 2014 and the completion of “an ambitious $21 million capital improvements program,” Mr. Barrentine announced that Dr. Malveaux would be named President Emerita of Bennett College at the May 6 Commencement. It will be interesting to see where Dr. Malveaux goes following the commencement. Usually she takes a little time for R&R. After that, the sky’s the limit. Whatever she does, or wherever she goes, you can be sure that she will be making headlines. She might even pen a part two to her award winning bestseller, Surviving and Thriving: 365 Facts in Black Economic History. Ingrid Saunders Jones of Coca Cola
Cora M. Barry with Dr. Malveaux
The Temptations with Dr. Malveaux at Inauguration Gala
Former Delta Sigma Theta National officer Delores Sennette
Rev. Marcia Dyson
Keynote Speaker Susan L. Taylor with other dignitaries
Future Bennett Belles
Malveaux Family and The Temptations
Cheryl Smith with Dr. Malveaux at Inauguration Gala PAGE 11
Susan L. Taylor and Kephra Burns
Suzanne Malveaux and WIll Sennette !
MARCH 2 , 2012
Richmond Punch:
A Dallas Virtuoso By Cheryl Smith - I Messenger Richmond Punch has joined a long list of talented Dallas natives making a name for themselves nationwide. An accomplished violinist, Richmond attended DISD schools and he is a graduate of the prestigious Juilliard. Growing up, he was called a nerd and told he was different. He was the child on the school bus who was picked on and the taunts and bul l ying continued a s he walked the rest of the way home from the bus stop. The behavior of his peers then probably has a lot to do with the way Mr. Punch spends his spare time today, uplifting youth and sharing his love of music. During a recent interview, he recalled his first days of school. “When I was five years old, my mom had it made up in her mind that she wanted her children to go to a good school,” he said. “I was bussed to have one of the best educations and at one of the schools, I was introduced to the violin.” Ta l k a b o u t a d i f f e r e n t experience. The violin definitely took getting used to and it opened up an entirely different world. “At first my mom didn’t know how to take it (the violin),” he said. “She actually sent it back, but my teacher said, it would be ‘good for your child.’” Years passed as he continued to develop his skills, paving the way for his participation in the Juilliard Experience Program, where people of color have an opportunity to visit the school. PAGE 12
“You get the New York and the Juilliard experience,” he recalled, a d d i n g t h a t Ne w Yo r k w a s challenging for him. Growing up in Dallas, actually South Dallas, was quite different from the international hot spot called the Big Apple. “I was given a lot of opportuniities,” he continued. “It’s somet h i n g to t h i n k a b o u t a n d b e grateful for when you consider that there were kids on my block who didn’t graduate from high school and then I went on to Juilliard. My mom has always been resourceful and so I felt extremely motivated.” That motivation, along with his love of music has kept Mr. Punch playing the violin for the past 25 years and his sister, Lauren, plays the Cello. The family now has the Punch Foundation and a major function is to provide violin lessons to children ages 3-18 on Saturday mornings at the Stults Gro ve Community Church in Dallas. He’s also a mentor for Big Brothers, which he says helps him to realize his purpose. “I hope more people are inspiring children and making sure none are left behind,” he added. He’s also involved at The Potter’s House in Dallas, saying he made a commitment to be more spiritually involved at the church and he is also playing in the band. Fo c u s i n g o n h i s s p i r i t u a l growth, Mr. Punch said he felt compelled to share that he his single, “not yet married,” and that is a status that he hopes to change in the very near future.
Richmond Punch (far left) with participants of the Dallas Urban Youth Orchestra Photo courtesy of Richmond Punch
“I really need a companion, he explained. “I want to have a full life. It’s about how to live up to the person God wants me to be and there’s a possibility of meeting my mate at church.” Whomever the lucky lady is, Mr. Punch will probably spend countless hours serenading her with his violin.
In the meantime, whether it’s a party, wedding, school program, concert or even a funeral, Mr. Punch shares his gift with the world. If you’re interested in booking Richmond Punch, you can call his “momager,” Gayle Punch, at 214-823-4269. He can also be reached at www.richmondpunch.com or on FaceBook or Twitter.
in OUR library Reviewed by Cheryl Smith cheryl@cherylsmithonline.com
Testimony By Felicia Mason Author Felicia Mason takes you to church and into the lives of a popular choir that appears to be destined for success and the big time--that is if the mem-
bers don’t self-destruct! Hard to believe there’s mess in the church? Get ready!
Testimony is the story of a diverse group of choir members led by director, Roger McKenzie. Ms. Mason takes you into the lives of each of the characters as they each deal with their own issues, likes and dislikes. It’s a wonder they can work together and there are times when it is clear that they can’t. Could it be true? Are these churchgoing, bible-thumping, singing for the Lord members involved in sinful acts and harboring bad feelings about one another? If you aren’t already, you will become
a fan of Ms. Mason’s works because her characters are definitely interesting and full of surprises. A motivational speaker and newspaper editor, Ms. Mason knows how to tell a story. Her skillful development of each character will have you identifying with them and also looking to someone you know because there is clearly a resemblance. It’s no wonder that Ms. Mason is a bestselling author. Testimony is her eighth novel and she shows no signs of slowing down. The daughter of a minister, she has spent a lot of time in church and says it’s a territory that she knows well.
Keep the Faith A memoir by Faith Evans with Aliya S. King Shortly after the movie, Notorious, hit the big screen telling the story of Christopher Walker, aka Biggie, aka The Notorious B.I.G, aka Chrissypoo, aka Biggie Smalls, his wife’s memoir hit bookstores with her story. Keep the Faith is a story of the many challenges that Faith faced, long before she met the rising rap star. She was born in Florida and raised in Newark, New Jersey in a fast-paced neighborhood where she began showing her musical talents in church, performing at the young age of three. She never knew her father, but understood that he was white-especially since she overheard the comments from her relatives. Raised by a couple who she referred to as her grandparents, Faith candidly tells the story of her life, the good, the bad and yes, even the ugly! Finding what she thought was love, an unwanted pregnancy, a 3.8 grade point average, entering college, making sacrifices, fighting for her man, another pregnancy, finding her own way and starting her career are just a few of the many interesting and exciting times in Faith’s life--all before she met the man she would marry, Biggie. With the help of Aliya King, Keep the Faith is a good read. Full of information about the music industry and the people who were making a name for themselves, especially on the east coast, Keep the Faith pulls no punches. Ms. King is also from New Jersey and attended Rutgers University. In Keep the Faith, Ms. Evans writes, “It’s not easy putting your life out there
for the masses. But I’ve decided I’ll tell my own story. For Big. For my children. And for myself. “ This platinum-selling recording artist whose life did not begin or end with Biggie’s death, is an interesting read. By telling her story, she is showing that despite numerous obstacles, you can be successful.
A Man from Another Land: How Finding My Roots Changed My Life By Isaiah Washington with Lavaille Lavette
A Man from Another Land: How
MARCH 2 , 2012
Finding My Roots Changed My Life give credence to a statement by Public Enemy’s Chuck D. The prolific writer, rapper, talk show host and lecturer, Chuck said that the best gift a parent can give a child is a passport. A passport opens up the world to the holder, but it also opens up their mind and that’s exactly what happened to actor Isaiah Washington. The Houston native shares his journey in A Man from Another Land: How Finding My Roots Changed My Life. Reading about his DNA test and learning of the results, as well as obstacles he overcame to travel to the Motherland was interesting and familiar to anyone who has ever traveled overseas. It was especially interesting reading about the impact Mr. Washington’s efforts had on others. Leaving his wife and children, he traveled thousands of miles away to connect with his other family. The experience, for Mr. Washington, was rewarding and readers will glean insight into the man, the Motherland and what such a trip can do for a person’s consciousness, or lack thereof. Readers will also gain a greater appreciation for Mr. Washington as he shares his humanitarian side. While there are many who go to Africa bearing gifts and support; too often the capitalistic nature of society prevails and huge profits are made by visitors. Mr. Washington found his roots in Sierra Leone and in A Man from Another Land: How Finding My Roots Changed My Life he candidly shares his experiences. His words are invaluable as he opens up about a world that many of us will never see. And as he told a photographer, “find the beauty,” because there is plenty of beauty to show, instead of the over saturation of famine, poverty, death and destruction that has permeated our airwaves in America. Equally moving was Mr. Washington’s account of him discussing slavery with a group of Africans. “In the middle of the meeting I felt compelled t say, ‘Before I’m inducted as an honorary chief tomorrow, my greatgreat-great-great-great-grandmother days that she forgives you.’” When asked what would he have done, Mr. Washington replied, “I would have died before I sold you away.” Take this journey with Chief Gondobay Manga. You will be glad you did. Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box 860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053
Support Black -owned bookstores
Bounce TV targets African American viewers Bounce TV targets African Americans primarily between the ages of 25-54 with a programming mix of theatrical motion pictures, live sporting events, documentaries, specials, inspirational faith-based p r o g r a m s , o ff - n e t s e r i e s including Fat Albert and The Cosby Kids and Soul Train, original programming and more. Bounce TV airs 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the digital signals of local television stations. Bounce TV's movie line-up features such titles as: Jamie Foxx's 2 0 0 4 A c a d e m y Aw a r d - w i n n i n g performance as Ray Charles in Ray; Denzel Washington's Academy Awardnominated role in The Hurricane; Washington in the Civil War epic Glory; Tom Hanks' Oscar-winning performance opposite Washington in Philadelphia; Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing, Jungle Fever and Mo' Better Blues; Diana Ross in Mahogany, The Wiz as well as her classic 1972 performance as Jazz great Billie Holiday in Lady Sings The Blues; The Nutty Professor I and II, starring Eddie Murphy; Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder in Stir Crazy; Pryor in The Toy; The Academy AwardÂŽ winning Bird; the original Shaft
(1971); Sidney Poitier's classic A Raisin in the Sun and more. Live sports and events are also a part of the Bounce TV schedule and the network will be airing quarter- and semi- final action from this week's Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) basketball tournament live from Charlotte, NC. Martin Luther King III and Ambassador Andrew Young are among the Founding Group and Board of Directors for Bounce TV. Will Packer and Rob Hardy, cofounders of Rainforest Films and producers of the upcoming theatrical release Think Like a Man starring Kevin Hart, and Gabrielle Union, are members of the Bounce TV leadership team.
Local Mother of Triplets Stars in “Texas Multi Mamas� on WE TV Network A Reality TV Series that showcases Texas mothers of
twins, triplets and quadruples DALLAS – Local reality TV star and proud mother of triplets, Candace Hickey, is among the cast of the WE tv reality series, “Texas Multi Mamas.� This energetic and dramatic series captures the multifaceted lives of six Texas mothers as they face the many challenges that come with raising twins, triplets and quadruplets. Following a successful first season, a marathon of the “Texas Multi Mamas� episodes will air on Monday, March 5, 2012 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the WE tv network. “I am extremely excited to be part of a show that highlights the joys and challenges of being a mother of multiples,� said Candace Hickey, Texas Multi Mama of triplets. “It is a show that every woman will find relatable as we all have many roles and responsibilities that we have to juggle daily.� PAGE 14
The “Texas Multi Mamas� reality TV show follows the lives of six mothers of multiples providing a peek inside the exclusive world of parenting twins, triplets and quadruples. From packing lunches and preparing baths to coordinating play dates and arranging traveling, these mothers have the unique challenge of simultaneously managing two, three and four young children of the same age. Not lacking signature reality TV drama, Candace Hickey along with the other mothers let their pony tails down to explore the social scene, while also experiencing their fare amount of break-ups, make-ups, tears and fights. “Texas Multi Mamas� is an authentic and relatable reality series. It appeals to all women and successfully captures the chaos of raising multiples, along with the challenges of balancing the many roles in life such as wife, friend, and mother. Candace Hickey is a reality TV star, a dedicated wife of seven years and mother of five-year-old triplets Brooks, Reese, and Sloane.
MARCH 2, 2012
Frisco ISD student presents at national awards program Frisco ISD-TV producer/editor Alyssa Herzog of Frisco High School is one of 12 students selected from around the country to present awards at the Student Television Network (STN) Convention closing ceremony on March 24, 2012. The Student Television Network annual convention will take place March 21– 24, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas, Texas. Herzog had to audition for this honor, which included preparing and delivering a script on-camera without the use of a teleprompter. According to the Student Television Network website and contest rules, criteria for selection were “professional presentation, poise on camera, and the ability to deliver copy with a natural, comfortable presentation�. Of the 12 students selected, only two are from Texas. Herzog is a senior who currently serves on the Frisco ISD-TV news team under the direction of executive producer Eva Coleman. She plans to study Sports Media at Oklahoma State University.
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King, Jr.
MARCH 2, 2012
Celebrating Black History DAILY!
MARCH 2, 2012
Celebrating Black History DAILY!
SOUTHERN SOUL NETWORK Tune in Saturday morning 8-10a.m.
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Shane Leads Tigers to sixth straight victory
MARCH 2, 2012
Wings to Go features historic Black College memorabilia
Houston, TX-Texas Southern senior Shane Leftely (Houston, TX) had a career night at the plate when the Tigers faced Wiley College at MacGregor Park for the final game of their two game series. TSU dominated this game 19-7 as nearly every TSU player got a piece of the action. It wss an exceptional night for Leftely who got four hits on five trips to the plate with six RBIs. Texas Southern’s domination started in the bottom of the second Wiley College scored two runs in the inning where they rallied for nine eighth and three in the ninth innings, runs for a 9-2 lead. Three of those but they never posed a threat. runs were delivered in by Lefteley. Texas Southern swept the series He singled through the rights side for and extended their winning streak to his first RBI of the game. He six straight. singled to center field during his Several other Tigers had great second trip to the plate in the inning games against Wiley College. Lacy and earned two RBIs. Chris Deleon Jackson (Senatobia, MS) went three (Houston, TX) also had a two run of four for three RBIs and a home single and Sabastian Stargell’s (Pine run. DeLeon has two hits and three Bluff, AR) double up the middle also RBIs. Jeron Brown (Houston, TX) Former Grambling basketball star, Secrett Anderson, prsent a Grambling University basketball on behalf of the Grambling Lady Tigers to Travis Johnson, owner of Wings To Go, in gave TSU a run. and Cameron Logan (Natchez, MS) jersey Arlington, Texas. Photo credit: Alex Smalls, USN. The Tigers scored in each of the each had two RBIs I the game. next six innings. In the eighth, Kevin Schuba (Pasadena, TX) got the Lefteley gave his teammates their last win while DeMarion Thibodeaux Celebrating the rich heritage of African people-three runs when he hit a three-run ( Ho u s t o n , T X ) r e c o r d e d f o u r And not just in February! homer over the left field fence. strikeouts after two innings.
NO 1 ISSUE 24 25
FEBRUARY 24, MARCH 2, 2012 2012
Sports Gallery Reception Wings To Go - Arlington Local Sports legends attended the opening of the Sports Legacy Gallery at Wings To Go in Arlington, Texas. It was a packed house as everyone enjoyed the good food, fellowship and entertainment provided by D Ella and Ivan Tolbert!
Attorney Reedy Spigner of Dallas is a graduate of Southern University and Texas Southern law school. Terry Quinton is President of Q2 Communications and Gwen Wilson is Photo Credit: Mercedes Posey. a former Verizon executive. Photo: John Posey
Schnell Blanton and Cheryl Smith Photo: Denise Richardson
Terry and Tom Johnson Photo: Denise Richardson
 Anthony Criss, Head Football Coach, Arlington Sam Houston; Sports Broadcasting Legend, Roger B. Brown; KKDA Radio; Willie "Daddy" Criss, first African-American Head Football Coach at Fort Worth O.D. Wyatt; Secrett Anderson All-SWAC Basketball selection for Grambling University; and former Fort Worth Dunbar Head Coach, Robert Hughes who holds the record for the most wins by a high school boys' basketball coach. Hughes is a member of the Texas Sports Hall of Fame and the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame. Photo:Alex Smalls, Urban Sports News.
Sam Houston Head Football Coach, Anthony Criss and KKDA's Roger B. Brown. Photo: Denise Richardson
Mrs Kelley is the mother of Angelica Kelley. Angelica's picture is in the SWAC section of the gallery. She plays for Jackson State and was a member of the 2011 SWAC Volleyball Champions. She attended DeSoto High School.
The Posey Divas Photo: Denise Richardson
Secrett Anderson pose by her picture in the gallery.
Mrs. Hughes with Dallas Drifters.
Photo: Denise Richardson
Photo: Denise Richardson
Photo: John Posey
Mark your calendar March 3 STOMP WARS & Teen Summit National High School Step Competition (SMU) 6405 Boaz Lane The National Pan-Hellenic Council of Tarrant County will host the 1st Annual Greek Unity Rally. It will be held on from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Eastern Hills Elementary School in Fort Worth. "Faces Within The Mirror: Warning Signs" Awareness Conference Saturday, Mar. 3, 2012 @ 10:00AM - 2:00PM Dallas Marriott Suites Market Center 2493 N. Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75207 Sunday, Mar. 4, 2012 @ 3:00PM & 7:00PM Hilton Waco 113 S. University Parks Drive Waco, TX 76701 The Arlington Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. will host its 15th annual Beautillion, dynamically themed: “Reach for the Stars – Change the World”. The event, to be held on March 3, 2012, exemplifies the South Central Regional Theme: “AIMing for Timeless Service,” which will be showcased by the numerous scholarships provided to the African American males who represent the greater Dallas/Fort Worth community. Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins will give the keynote address and will highlight, among many things, the legacy of the Beautillion and having pride in African-American heritage and the community. Sheraton Arlington Hotel 1500 Convention Center Drive Arlington, TX 76011 Time: 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm (Event begins at 7pm) Ticket Price: $65.00 per person Representative Barbara Mallory Caraway to Host 5th Annual CareerFest/ Te e n S u m m e r J o b Fair 9:00 am-2:00 p.m. at Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla Street.
Balch Springs Urban Bazaar
Pioneer Oaks Shopping Center, 4000 Pioneer Rd, Suite 102-104, Balch Springs, Texas 75180.
March 8 Celebrating De’s 50th Birthday! Part I - THURSDAY, March 8 5:30-11pm
Ziziki's Taverna 5000 Beltline Road #300 Addison, TX Career Fair 2012- 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Location: Friendship-West Baptist Church *Registration and deadline is for vendors only* Space is limited . a prompt response is encouraged.
What: Cedar Valley College Entrepreneurial Academy When: Kick-off Event March 24, 2012 at 8:30am Five Saturdays from 8:30am – 3:30pm (March 24, March 31, April 14, April 21, and April 28)
Come out and see employers and education vendors from around the Dallas area. Employers, make your search easy and register to participate in our career fair.
Location: Cedar Valley College Student Ctr Cedar Valley College 3030 N. Dallas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75134 972.860.2948 (Direct) Time: 8:30am – 3:30pm
March 9 Part II - De’s 50th Birthday Events at the Plaza (the building is located behind the McDonald's) - corner of 303 Pioneer Pkwy and Corn Valley Swing out dancing
March 27 The Marketing Lady presents.. Speed M.I.N.G.L.E. Professional Networking Speed M.I.N.G.L.E. is nothing but - speed networking in a fast-paced, getdown to business environment. It's similar to "speed dating." Speed M.I.N.G.L.E. Networking focuses on each individual and on building professional relationships. 6:00PM to 8:00PM at McFadden's Addison 4050 Belt Line Rd, Addison, TX 75001 To register or for more information visit www.themarketinglady.com/events
March 17
2305 Oak Lane #208 (upstairs) Grand Prairie, TX 75052 9-1am $10 cover charge
March 10
Antioch’s 2012 College Fair. The fair is open to middle/high school students, parents and young adults. This fair will be held on Saturday, March 10th from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Center at 7550 S. Hampton Road, Dallas, Texas 75232 Part III - De’s 50th Birthday P A R T Y!!! - grown folk fun for sho!!! Holiday Inn DFW South Bistro One 14320 Cenre Station Dr (183/360) Trinity exit Arlington, TX 78155 Free before 10 - $5 cover charge 9-2am (daylight savings time - set your clocks forward at 3:00) Part IV - SUNDAY, March 11 De’s 50th Birthday 10:25 am service Mount Olive Baptist Church 301 West Sanford Street Arlington,78011
March 13
Wise Irish Women: A Journey of Love, Loyalty, and Friendship to Inspire the Irish Spirit brings together the voices of thirty-six women and their stories covering everything from Irish charm, Irish luck, and Irish love of family, to Irish gumption. Patricia Connorton Kagerer one of the authors, will be signing her new book at Trinity Hall Pub from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Mockingbird Station 5321 East Mockingbird Lane Dallas, TX 75206 The public is invited to this book signing and St. Patrick’s Day kick-off.
March 29 Epitome Magazine Presents: Fresh Fire Conference! The Fresh Fire Conference will be held at New Life Community Church in Frisco, TX on March 29-31, 2012 The Legacy of Giving Foundation of the Omicron Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 25th Image Award Celebration will be at 12 noon at the Hyatt Regency Dallas, featuring Buster Brown Band and Atty. DeMetris Sampson will be this year’s award recipient. FWBC Bereavement Community presents Get Right Church & Let’s Go Home 10:00 a.m. This is an educational seminar to inform the church and community about the importance of and provisions for pre-needs in the event of the death of a loved one.
March 23 How to be successful in today's job market Learn the latest in job search techniques and strategies, specifically geared to the challenges of the older job seeker. Methodist Charlton Medical Center, Auditorium Thursday, February 23, 10 - 11:30 a.m. Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Hitt Auditorium Thursday, March 8, 10 - 11:30 a.m. Grief Support Luncheon Methodist Senior Access will host a grief luncheon for patients, and families who have suffered the loss of a loved one. This group considers issues such as living with loss, and strengthening support systems. Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Weatherford Conference Room Thursday, March 23, 11:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
The Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College CUNY Presents; The Eleventh Black Writers Conference Thursday March 29 - Sunday, April 1, 2012 "The impact of migration, popular culture and the natural environment in the literature of Black Writers." Honorees include Nikki Giovanni. www.nationalblackwritersconference.org
April 19 “A Community Cooks” is back! At 6p.m. It is my hope that you will join us for our second annual fundraiser to celebrate the exciting additions and accomplishments of the newly named,We over Me Farm at Paul Quinn College. The event features some of the best chefs in the area creating amazing dishes at stations located directly on the Farm, a keynote speaker, and a live band.
April 28 Today's Sisters' Ministry For Women, Living in today's World presents The Women of Tomorrow's World HEALTH & WELLNESS EXPO 1175 Municipal Way, Grapevine Community Activity Center, Grapevine,TX General Public Cost $8 per person Hosted by: Visionary/Founder Harriet P. Harrison www.empowerwomen4greatness.net
March 24 20th anniversary of Alexis Yanceyʼs 40th birthday!
Send your calendar items to cheryl@cherylsmithonline.com
Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com weekdays at 9a.m. Monday, March 5
Tuesday, March 6
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Wednesday, March 7
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Tune in to Reporters Roundtable
Friday, March 9
Join Cheryl and Lady T Join Cheryl and Lady T Join Cheryl and Lady T Black Economic History • Black Economic History • Black Economic History • Fact of the Day Fact of the Day Fact of the Day
Soul 73 KKDA Sundays at 6a.m. 214-787-1730
Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 19
MARCH 2, 2012
7:00 P Center for Spiritual Living 4801 Spring Valley Road Ste 115 Dallas TX 75244
MARCH 2, 2012