OCTOBER 4, 2013
Al Wash holds trophy that goes to the winner in Saturday’s game. Will it be Grambling or Prairie View?
Photo - Becky Lewis
State Fair Classic !
OCTOBER 4, 2013
Voters reminded that Photo ID is required Dallas County Elections Administrator, Toni PippinsPoole, CERA, CCPA, reminds voters that photo identification will now be required for voting in person. “In Dallas we are working to make sure our voters understand the new ID requirements and have all the information they need to cast their ballots," said Pippins-Poole. A voter will be required to show one of the following forms of photo identification at the polling location before the voter will be permitted to cast a vote: ! Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) ! Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS (EIC)
! Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS ! Texas Concealed Handgun License issued by DPS ! United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph ! United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph ! United States Passport With the exception of the U.S. Citizenship Certificate, the identification must be current or have expired no more than 60 days before being presented at the polling place. This photo ID requirement is for voters casting a ballot in
person, not by mail. Voters age 65 and older may vote by mail.: Election officials are encouraging voters to update their voter registrations to reflect the names on their IDs. Voters may use IDs that do not exactly match the name on their Voter Registration Certificate if the names are substantially similar but will have to sign an affidavit stating they are the same person. Voters may look up their registration at http:// votetexas.gov/register-to-vote/ and if their name is not an exact match they can also update their voter registration online at that time. "By preparing now, voters can help make sure voting goes
smoothly when it comes time for the election," said Pippins-Poole. To check and update their registrations, voters can visit http://votetexas.gov/register-tovote/, or contact Dallas County Elections Department directly at www.DallasCountyVotes.org or 214-819-6300 for more information. For more information about photo ID requirements including exemptions, visit w w w . Vo t e T e x a s . g o v o r www.dallascountyvotes.org. For more information on the requirements, exemptions, and the process for obtaining an Election Identification Certificate if you do not have another form of identification can be found at www.DPS.Texas.gov/ DriverLicense/electionID.htm.
October 4, 2013
OCTOBER 4, 2013
Message to the People...
On the right side of history...
Cheryl Smith
Bishop Joe Simon 9
Mrs. Willie Mae Kirk was known respected and revered in Austin, Texas and across the state. She was a whole lot more than the mother of former Texas Secretary of State, Dallas Mayor and U.S. Ambassador Ron Kirk and his siblings. Mrs. Kirk was an activist, a woman of substance who was recognized for advancing education, civil rights and equality. I remember how she was adept at dealing with the media and anyone else who crossed her path. A member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Mrs. Kirk’s life was eloquently summed up by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who said, “Willie Mae Kirk was endearing to all women for what she stood for, her courage, her grace and her charity. She was a mentor to those that came after her in the state of Texas. But more importantly, Mrs. Kirk made a difference to her family and friends. She recognized that America was better when it invested and believed in all of its people. Mrs. Kirk’s passing is a loss for the state of Texas but her service should be a roadmap for all people who wish to make a difference in the lives of all Americans.” Oftentimes the media is focused more on sounding the trumpets for men. We must always sound the trumpets for the women in our communities, like Mrs. Kirk, who in addition to being a wife and mother, did so much to make this world a better place for all!
One on One 14
I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011
Mrs. Willie Mae Kirk 1921- 1913
IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IM ESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com. PAGE 3
OCTOBER 4, 2013
Sen. Davis announces run for Texas governor today because we believe it’s time to give a$ Texans a voice in their future and a place in Texas’s future.  Every Texan has their own story about what Texas means to them. Our stories are as dierent and diverse as we are, but they have a common theme: Texas is a place where we aim high and take big risks. From the wildcatters who built the oil and gas industry, to the innovators who make our computer chips sma$er, faster, and cheaper,  to the ranchers and farmers who provide for our families and our nation, we’re builders and doers, leaders and dreamers. We love Texas, not only for how good it is but for how great we know it can be. We’re here because we want to see the veterans who risked their lives protecting ours get the support they need when they return to Texas. We’re here because we want to fight for Texas jobs and help Texas companies grow. We’re here because we want every child, no matter where they start in Texas to receive a world-class education to take them anywhere they want to go, so that
Remarks by Senator Wendy Davis Wiley G. Thomas Coliseum, Fort Worth, Texas October 3, 2013
We’re here today because we care about Texas. We’re here today because we care about Texans.  And we’re here
success and opportunity is within reach of every single Texan and no one in this great state is ever forced to dream sma$er instead of bi)er. That’s something Texans are wi$ing to fight for.  It’s something we’ve fought for together. Just two short years ago failed leaders set out to strip over $5 bi$ion ,om our already underfunded public schools.  But they were wrong. So I took to the Senate floor determined to block the bi$ the only way I could—by filibustering.  This bought enough time for educators and parents to come to the Capitol in a special session during summer break and make their voices heard.  And though the cuts weren’t immediately restored, those voices grew and grew until they could no longer be ignored and we were able to undo over $3 bi$ion of that damage—and give the next generation a chance at success. Texas deserves a leader who understands that making education a priority creates good jobs and keeps Texas on top.  Texas deserves a leader who wi$ fight this fight for the future of Texas. And for me, that fight is personal.
I have my own Texas story. Thirtytwo years ago, I received my high school diploma in this very spot.  At the time, I had no idea what my future held.  I dreamt of a road that could lead to co$ege, but a/er a while, it looked like life had washed that road out. By the time I was nineteen, I was already on my way to divorce, living in a tiny trailer with my daughter, Amber.  I was barely making ends meet.  And sometimes, they didn’t.  It wasn’t uncommon for me to come home to my power shut o or my phone disconnected. A lot of people in our state today can te$ similar stories.  It wasn’t the life I’d imagined.  And it definitely wasn’t what I wanted for Amber. When I listened to my heart, I knew that things had to change. Then one day, one of my coworkers le/ a brochure on my desk for Tarrant County Community Co$ege. I’d thought that my educational journey had come to an end.  But that day, I discovered co$ege was in my reach. As I read about the classes they oered before and a/er See Davis for Governor, page 10
COMMUNITY DAY IN THE HILLS HEALTH FAIR & WALK-A-THON Saturday, October 5, 2013 WALK-ÂA-ÂTHON 9:15 Â a.m. Â -Â Â 10:00 Â a.m. Â HEALTH FAIR 10:00 Â a.m. Â -Â Â 2:00 Â p.m. Â
Activities  for  Children  &  Youth  Including:   9ROOH\EDOO Ć&#x2019; )DFH 3DLQWLQJ Ć&#x2019; 3-Âon- %DVNHWEDOO Ć&#x2019;  Movie  Time Â
OCTOBER 4, 2013
JOHNSON: LUPUS - The Sinus War By Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson
Each day approximately 1.5 million Americans engage in a battle with their own bodies due to Lupus. Often times this internal conflict is unknown to their families and friends. Even though the disease can strike men and women of all ages, 90 percent of its victims are female. What is even more alarming is that it affects minority women two to three times as much as white women. A recent survey revealed that nearly three-fourths of all Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 have never heard of this disease, and ironically those who fall in that age bracket are at the highest risk. We must build awareness about this chronic condition and simultaneously work to increase funding for research to improve the diagnosis of this disease that disproportionally affects
minorities and women in the prime of four years and three doctors to receive their lives. an accurate diagnosis. The disease is Researchers have yet to Lupus-- an unpredictable discover the cause of and misunderstood Lupus and while it does disease in which the appear in certain immune system is out of families, no gene or balance, causing damage gene group has been to any organ system in proven to cause this the body. Lupus can debilitating disease. affect any or all organs in Treatment for lupus can the body including the be very expensive skin, lungs, heart, joints, because of its multikidneys, and brain. faceted nature. Common symptoms Annually, lupus costs Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson include joint pain, skin our nation about rashes, overwhelming $31.4 billion. The fatigue and fevers that last for days or annual cost for treatment for an weeks. individual with lupus is an estimated Currently, there is no procedure $20,000. The cost to treat an that determines whether or not a individual with lupus nephritis, kidney patient has lupus, and the disease inflammation caused by lupus, could often imitates other illnesses making be as high as $62,000 per year. it challenging to diagnose. On average, Ultimately, extensive research is it takes a person with lupus three to needed to better understand this
disease and to discover effective treatments. But without sufficient funding, research into the cause of lupus and the discovery of new treatments will be delayed. Currently, there is only one FDA approved drug to treat Lupus, but due to the vastness of the disease one drug cannot treat every case. I am astutely aware of our current economic conditions, but we cannot afford to make drastic cuts to funding for agencies like the National Institutes of Health that conduct valuable research leading to cures for diseases like Lupus. I have recently joined the Congressional Lupus Caucus, established so that members of Congress can help increase awareness of Lupus and advance vital research. It is my hope that my colleagues and I can work together to find solutions to help facilitate scientific efforts to find a cure for this debilitating disease.
MALVEAUX: Republicans’ venom aimed at Obama I am sick of the budgetary brinkmanship that plagues our government. Every few months there is some crisis or another that has the House of Representatives and the White House at loggerheads. This time, Republicans in Congress want to defund Obamacare as part of the budget that must be passed and say they are willing to let government close to meet their goal. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid says that Republicans are holding a gun to the American people’s heads and he isn’t lying. It doesn’t stop on October 1. The back-and-forth exists because Congress has not passed a budget the way it normally does since 2009. Now, government operates through a series of continuing resolutions that make it difficult for federal departments to know how much they have to spend. And if Congress passes an agreement to keep government open, it will only keep it open through November or December 15, depending on which version (House or Senate) of the law passes. Another upcoming deadline is the October 17 deadline to raise the debt ceiling or further imperil our once-solid credit rating. In each instance, Republicans have another opportunity to crow about their fiscal mindedness and argue about Obamacare. But, as Harry Reid has said, Obamacare is the law of the land. It PAGE 5
The Last Word by Dr. Julianne Malveaux
takes effect October 1, government shutdown or not. The Republican House may despise Obamacare and they may change some provisions of it, but they can’t stop it now. Indeed, Republicans are gearing up for the debt ceiling debate, which is another opportunity for brinksmanship. If they remove the Affordable Care Act from negotiations, it will surely resurface when the debt ceiling is discussed. We can spend the rest of this year, and part of next, with this budgetary brinkmanship, all driven by the fact that many Republicans simply cannot stand the notion of the Affordable Care Act. Actually, it’s not just about the Affordable Care Act, it is about President Obama and Republican resistance to anything he proposes. Their attitudes go beyond partisanship to venomous distaste. You’d have to go back to the nineteenth century to find members of Congress so rude as to holler out “you lie” as a President spoke, assertions that
that thing would happen “over my dead body” are far more common. It has always amused me when people so quickly offer their dead bodies up for discussion, as if they so lightly value their living bodies that they’d offer their dead one in the name of public policy. Just recently, Rand Paul said the federal government would bail out Detroit over his dead body, and years ago Dick Armey (R-TX) said the minimum wage would pass over his. Last I heard the minimum wage rose and Armey is still living, though no longer in Congress. If the government does shut down, “nonessential” employees will not be paid. The bumbling Congress, however, will continue to be compensated for the little they do. Many Congressional representatives don’t care because they don’t need the money. A large percentage of our “lawmakers” are millionaires.
Last time there was a government shutdown, people were paid retroactively. This time, back pay is unlikely. With so many government employees experiencing pay cuts because of furloughs, an additional pay cut is onerous. Congress seems unconcerned with the plight of the average government worker. The only good news in this mess is that the American people aren’t stupid. Most of them blame gridlock on House Republicans. The last time government shut down in 1995-96 (when two shut downs lasted a combined 26 days), the people responded by giving President Bill Clinton a second term nine months later. Clinton defeated rival Bob Dole in part because of Dole’s leadership in the government shutdown. With 2014 mid-term elections imminent, Republicans should be worried. When President Obama spoke at the Congressional Black Caucus dinner in late September, he asked people to gear up their activism for the 2014 elections. If the House of Representatives looked more like the Senate (or if more Republicans had good sense), perhaps we could avoid this constant budgetary brinkmanship that has plagued us for the past four years. Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.based economist and writer. She is President Emerita of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, N.C. !
OCTOBER 4, 2013
AARP and Black Enterprise launch Small Business University AARP, one of the world's largest member organizations with more than 37 million members and Black Enterprise, the leading small business resource for African Americans, announced the launch of the Black Enterprise Small Business University. The fourweek, online video course will offer expert advice to entrepreneurs looking to start and grow profitable small businesses. Pre-registration for the Black Enterprise Small Business University began on Monday, September 23 at http:// www.blackenterprise.com/sbu. Kicking off on Monday, October 7 with "Crowdfunding and the Future of Small Business," Small Business University, sponsored by AARP, aims to assist entrepreneurs in three different stages of business development: the aspiring start-up, the part-time entrepreneur, and those with an already established enterprise. "Many Americans dream of owning their own business, sometimes as a second or third career, and using their creative talents to do productive work that also helps them gain economic stability," said Edna KaneWilliams, AARP Vice President, Multicultural Markets and Engagement. "AARP looks forwards to collaborating with Black Enterprise to provide valuable resources and information that will help strengthen small businesses and encourage more entrepreneurs to reimagine their careers." The Black Enterprise Small Business University will consist of three original video tutorials per
week featuring a team of rotating business, marketing, branding and technology allstars including 'SmallBizLady' Melinda Emerson; Vanguarde Consulting Alfred Edmond, Jr. Group CEO Derrick Webster; Ramon Ray, Regional Development Director for InfusionSoft and Editor of Smallbiztechnology.com; and Alfred Edmond Jr., SVP/ Multimedia Editor at Large of Black Enterprise. In addition, Small Business University experts and the Black Enterprise editorial team will be available via Twitter chats to connect directly with participants, answer questions and provide additional resources. "Over the past five years, Small Business University has become one of our most popular multimedia offerings at BlackEnterprise.com," says Edmond, who produced the first series of Black Enterprise SBU videos in 2009 as Editor-in-Chief of BlackEnterprise.com. "Partnering with AARP to help new and aspiring entrepreneurs, including those who are pursuing business ownership as a new chapter of their work lives after a career of working for employers other than themselves, is a major opportunity for us to promote both entrepreneurial and financial success."
The week-by-week schedule for the Black Enterprise Small Business University sponsored by AARP is as follows: Melinda Emerson, acclaimed author, speaker, Small Business Coach (SucceedAsYourOwnBoss.com) and CEO of Quintessence Multimedia will discuss aspects of opening a business and what many would call the most important: finding a lawyer, choosing an accountant and finding alternate sources of funding.
Ramon Ray, Regional Development Director for InfusionSoft and Editor and Technology Evangelist of Smallbiztechnology.com, will provide tips on how businesses can effectively interact with their customers online and how businesses can develop a web presence that's attractive and easy to navigate. Monday, October 21: From Start to Finish: Your First Website Tuesday, October 22: How to Get Your Email Marketing Noticed Wednesday, October 23: The ABCs of Customer Relationships
Alfred Edmond Jr., SVP/ Multimedia Editor-at-Large of Black Enterprise, will discuss how to manage cash accounts and the Monday, October 7: positive and negative impact that Crowdfunding and the Future of social media can have on a Small Business business. Tuesday, October 8: What to Look Monday, October 28: Cash for When Hiring a Lawyer flow Management: Keeping an Eye Wednesday, October 9: Picking an on Your Bottom Line Accountant That's Right for Your Tuesday, October 29: Creating and Business. Maintaining a Social Media Derrick Webster, President Presence for Your Business and CEO of Vanguarde Consulting Wednesday, October 30: Social Group, will discuss competitors in Media Dos and Don'ts for Your the marketplace and how to Business establish competitive pricing for a To register for the Small product or service. This session Business University and for will also explore the best online additional information, tools and networks for promoting a small resources about small business business. success, visit Monday, October 14: How to www.blackenterprise.com/sbu and Properly Assess and Compete www.aarp.org/blackcommunity. With Your Competition Follow us on Twitter Tuesday, October 15: How to @BlackEnterprise and Determine Your Price point and @AARPBlackCom and join the Market Value conversation using Hashtag Wednesday, October 16: How to #SmallBizU. Decide What Online Networks are Best for Your Business
Speak out against domestic violence! PAGE 6
OCTOBER 4, 2013
Ron Washington should be rewarded For the first time in four years, the Rangers won’t be taking part in the American League playoffs. But don’t blame Rangers’ manager Ron Washington for that failure.
those occasions, but somehow had the same expectations going into the season.
“So, they never replaced any of the power that they lost. On top of that, they also lost the one big power bat they had in Nelson Cruz for the last As a matter of 50 games. But they still Roger B. Brown fact, this may well somehow managed to have been Wash’s win more than 90 best performance during his sevengames to force a one-game do-oryear tenure as the Rangers’ boss. die situation against Tampa Bay. Needless to say, I think Ron did an Considering what he had to outstanding job when work with and what he had to you look at all of the overcome this season, it was a factors.’’ remarkable feat that his team won more than 90 games, and forced a one-game playoff with the Tampa Bay Rays for the last wild card spot. Indeed. If there is any blame to go around for this season, it should start and end with general manager Jon Daniels. He did very little in the off-season despite losing three main cogs – Josh Hamilton, Michael Young and Mike Napoli – from the offense. And he did nothing to fortify a pitching staff that had no ace to start the season. “Considering what he had to work with before the season even started, I thought this team would be the second or third best team… in their own division (the American League West),’’ said Hall of Famer Joe Morgan. “They needed an ace, despite the fact that Yu Darvish was around. And they also needed a thumper in the middle of the lineup. They failed on both of
Carter to issue challenge at DBCC’s Banquet The Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce (DBCC), the nation’s oldest Black chamber of commerce, will feature Coach Ken Carter, famously portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson in the film “Coach Carter,” as the keynote speaker at its 87th Annual Awards Banquet on Friday, October 11, 2013. The life story of Coach Ken Carter has one central theme: winning on the PAGE 7
The Rangers only got two starts from opening-day pitcher Matt Harrison. Colby Lewis, the projected No. 3 man in the pitching rotation, never threw a single pitch for the major league club. On top of that, the rest of the staff was besieged with injuries, which forced Wash to go along with three rookie pitchers in the rotation at times.
“You just have to make due with what you got. We just kept on fighting and battling no matter what the situation. As long as we took the right mental approach and the right attitude, we felt like we could keep things moving in a positive direction.’’ That he did. Even the moves that Daniels made at the trade deadline to bring in veteran pitcher Matt Garza and right fielder Alex Rios, proved to only be marginal at best. Once again, there was no ‘wow’ move made. Despite that fact, the Rangers kept plugging along because their manager refused to let them give up on the season that sometimes appeared to be a lost cause.
And now that it has concluded, Wash should be rewarded with a three-year extension. It’s absolutely incredible that Ron Washington Wash is entering the last year of his contract with the Rangers. “I never complain about what During the season, Wash we don’t have,’’ Wash said. ”I just became the all-time winningest have to go out there and make it manager in franchise history. And happen with the guys that are let us not forget that he has taken ready to go. Injuries are a part of them to two World Series. As a the game, so there is no use matter of fact, the Rangers had complaining about them. We never even won a playoff series didn’t let that become an excuse before Wash’s arrival. And in each for what we couldn’t do.” of his first six seasons, they court and in life requires with the same standards he more than just the average. instilled in the Richmond In 1999, basketball coach t e a m : a c c o u n t a b i l i t y, Ken Carter made history at integrity, teamwork and California’s Richmond leadership. High School by locking his “The messages Coach undefeated team out of the Carter used to motivate his gym for failing to honor team then reflect the their player contracts and principles of the Chamber academic requirements. and its members,” said Within two years, he Wilton Munnings, DBCC s i n g l e - h a n d e d l y Ken Carter president and CEO. transformed the school and “Business growth and the team, motivating his entrepreneurship are a players to pursue community effort, and as we excellence both on and off the court. celebrate our annual event, we must be In his featured presentation, Mr. Carter drawn ever more together.” will challenge the Chamber to strive As a speaker, Carter brings conviction beyond the average to true greatness to the stage with powerful !
increased their victory total from the previous season, which was the first time that had occurred in MLB since the mid-70s. Meanwhile, just this week, other less successful managers such as Ron Gardenhire and Terry Collins have been awarded extensions. Despite three consecutive seasons of 95 of more losses, Gardenhire was given a twoyear extension by Minnesota, and Collins got two more years from the New York Mets despite not having a winning season there in three years. And on top of that, Wash is the second lowest-paid manager in Major League Baseball (Houston’s Bo Porter is at the bottom). Does this sound like a man who should be begging to keep his job? No way…no how! ”We battled and fought through the season,’’ Wash said. “We went out there and scratched and clawed for everything we got. We just came up a little short in the end. I’m proud of the way this team played baseball this season. I never gave up on them and I thought we had a chance to the end.’’ Now it’s time for the Rangers to do the right thing and give Wash a new deal so that he can continue to go about the task of one day bringing a championship team to Arlington. Maybe, Daniels can at least get that right after all of his other failures this season.
presentations, and as founder and chairman of the Coach Ken Carter Foundation, he also works to provide education, training, and mentoring programs for minority youth. Carter has been honored with numerous awards, including Harvard Club’s Distinguished Secondary Educator Award, NAACP’s Impact Citizen of the Year Award and several coaching and education awards. The DBCC 87th Annual Awards Banquet will take place on Friday, October 11, 2013 at 7 p.m. at the Dallas Convention Center, Ballroom A (650 South Griffin Street, Dallas, TX).
OCTOBER 4, 2013
Hollow – The Gent’s Place provided each cut guest with ainvigorating 5-Course Grooming experience package valued at $55. Preston The package includes professional consultation, & style, shampoo & condition, steamed towel, scalp massage and is finished with a face refresher. www.thegentsplace.com C o n v e guest r s awith t iao$50ngift s Main & Sides : A Personal Chef Service – Award winning Chef Shaun Collins gifted each certificate towardsChef gourmet delivery meal solutions. Using fresh, all natural and organic ingredients, Collinsin-home creates or tailor madestyle meals to fit a client’sabout lifestyle. www.mainandsides.com Best Legacyof–Scrapbooks. for the celebrity all of us,and Best of Legacy eachclippings guest with a $400the certificate togift. create the “RollsofRoyce” Theyin research collect all of gifted your press to create ultimate www. bestoflegacy.com Billy Jealousyappearance – provided of their Codeincluded Face Moisturizer containing aloe & green tea to hydrate and minimize fineCombination lines. Theyremoves also theircells LiquidSand Facialwww.billyjealousy.com Cleanser whichskin gently dead skin to revealExfoliating fresh new skin. Green & Black’s Spiced Chili – Not another chocolate bar, this chocolate bar features pinkallpeppercorns juniper berries to enhance thejust fruity notes chili of chili while other spices provide subtle warmth, leading up and to a touch of heat. www.greenandblacks.com/us the behest of Mayor Mike Tourneau – gifted each guest with a $250 gift certificate towards the purchaseAt of his or her next timepiece. www. Rawlings, county commissioner Elba tourneau.com Garcia and council member Dwaine For more information on any of these products or services, please contact h@hasevents.com. the City of Dallas will host ABOUT THE JOE Caraway, AVEZZANO MEMORIAL GOLF CLASSIC four panel discussions about race. TheDallas Joe Avezzano Memorial Golf Classic honors the memory of “Coach Joe”, a very successful 12-year coach with the Cowboys during the Super Bowl era of the 90’s. The tournament played in Scramble with 4-person teams TheTroy first Aikman these Foundation, discussions kicked includes celebrity player Proceedschildren from the benefit the a nonprofitone founded in 1992 toper giveteam. hospitalized thetournament toas learn, imagine andofdream through high-tech interacting play centers –ability known Zones –off constructed in children’s Saturday September 21,hospitals. 2013 at the Dallas City ABOUT Performance Hall, HAS EVENTS HAS Events is a luxury experiential marketing and event firm focused on creating emotional connections and brand 2520 Flora St, at 10 a.m. While later activation experiences. HAS Events specializes in event planning & management, marketing consulting andservices. gift bag panels will focuscreation on topics like
youth and business leadership, this first one dealt with the media, and local journalists were on the panel: Crystal Ayala, anchor for Univision Dallas; Mollie Finch Belt of the Dallas Examiner; Gerald Britt of CitySquare; Bob Ray Sanders from the Fort Worth Star- Telegram; and Robert Wilonsky of The Dallas Morning News. The panels all lead up to next year’s Facing Race conference, which has previously taken place in Baltimore and San Francisco, and in 2014 will be in Dallas. The event was free and open to the public.
State Fair Classic Press Conference Grambling State University v Prairie View A&M Sat., October 5 at 4:30pm Cotton Bowl Dallas
Photos by Becky Lewis PAGE 8
Single Mom Chronicles By Tonya English
I don’t want my child to be gay! Dear SMC My daughter told me that her best friend has decided to be gay. This
13-year-old-baby, who has been friends with my daughter for most of their lives, has made a conscious decision to be attracted to other girls. Not only is my daughter confused but so am I. I really am not comfortable with my daughter being friends with her anymore. I don’t want her spending the night and I really don’t like them being alone. I want to believe that my daughter wouldn’t be influenced by this, but I’m just not sure of that. I also don’t want to send my daughter the wrong impression about what type of person I am. I need some help. I want my girl to stay a girl
Dear I want my girl to stay a girl Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’m sure everyone was a little taken aback by the young lady’s announcement. It is surprising when a 13-year-old makes a decision about what gender they’d like to have a sexual relationship with. Especially when we’re hoping that they aren’t engaging in any sexual activity with ANYONE. Your job as a mother of a teenager is to educate, inform and protect. You have to make sure that your daughter has all the information needed to make educated decisions about her friends and her life. There
PLEASE EMAIL: MISTERANDPETEDALLAS@GMAIL.COM TO REGISTER TO WIN TICKETS! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. This invite is non-transferable and has no cash value. Each e-mail admits two. Please arrive 30 minutes early as seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis and NOT guaranteed by your RSVP. Attendance/access granted at our sole discretion. This film is rated R for language, some drug use and sexual content.
are situations that a 13 year old can’t possibly determine is not in their best interest. That’s when you’re protection comes in. But remember to communicate openly and honestly with your daughter because you can’t possibly be with her when all difficult situations arrive. It’s better to talk now than to regret later. Send your letters to letters@singlemomchronicles.com Tonya English is an entrepreneur, writer, motivational speaker and the founder of Single Mom Chronicles. She resides in the Dallas metroplex and is the single mom of two teenage girls.
Bishop Joe Simon addresses Dallas Clergy on foreclosures By Cheryl Smith Texas Metro News
Bishop Joe Simon
OCTOBER 4, 2013
You know him from his crooning days as the Grammy Award winning R&Bartist Joe Simon, but today he’s Bishop Joe Simon, and when he arrived in Dallas earlier this week, it was to meet with pastors about foreclosed properties. At the meeting, at Faith Memorial Church, 1900 South Ewing Avenue, Bishop Simon and host pastor Bishop L.L. Jefferson met with representatives from Wells-Fargo and Bank of America, who have agreed to release foreclosed properties on their books to area nonprofit organizations. “It’s time that Bank of America and Wells Fargo realize that the mistakes they made hurt the community,” said Bishop Simon, during an exclusive interview on Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio. “It’s wonderful that Bank of America and Wells Fargo are partnering with us and we have this program that is moving across America.” The program is being launched in Dallas and Bishop Simon says he is urging Dallas area ministers, regardless of denomination, to learn how they can get involved. "I'm very elated and consider it an honor to bring our Outreach Program to the Dallas area and we are asking all ministers to take part in this, so that we can help those who are truly in need." Acknowledging the devastation that the foreclosure crisis has caused, the bishop said
pastors will have an opportunity to help their communities by sharing the information. Bishop L.L. Jefferson said he was thrilled to be hosting the meeting. "It's not often we have the opportunity to get help from someone like Bishop Joe Simon.” Bishop Simon is the senior vice president of The Mission Consortium of Churches, International (MCCI) in Chattanooga, TN. It was in the 1950s that he got his start singing, moving on to the Apollo and enjoying a successful career in the industry. He won a Grammy for his song, “The Choking Kind” and is known for other hits like: “Drowning in the Sea of Love,” "Theme From Cleopatra Jones," “Power of Love,” and "Your Time To Cry." The Bishop preached his first sermon as a minister to an audience of 4,500 in Alexandria, Louisiana on Saturday, August 6, 1988. Born in Louisiana, it seemed only appropriate to return for the momentous occasion. In addition to his works with World Conference of Mayors and National Conference of Black Mayors, Bishop Simon also supported the Obama for President Campaign. Encouraging support of programs and organizations like Rainbow PUSH and MCCI, he said he believes that pastors have a responsibility to give “our people more than the Bible” and to deal with issues in the community. “Bank of America and Wells Fargo say they are partnering with us and we need to make sure they do what they say they are going to do,” he said. “And pastors have to be responsible for gathering this information and sharing with their flocks so that they can benefit. “We chose Dallas as the model. For further information, call toll free (877)-805-8447 or visit www.bishopjoesimonministries.org You can log on to www.texasmetronews.com to hear part of the program.
OCTOBER 4, 2013
Krimson and Klover Epic Block Party! Krimson and Klover; a Women’s Clothing Boutique will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the founding of the company. On October 23rd, at the store, located in a quaint Victorian style house on the corner of Cole and Bowen in Uptown, Krimson and Klover owner Lindsey Harrison will mark this important milestone by throwing an Epic Block Party. Over 40 different local and national companies will help celebrate by participating as sponsors, vendors, and/or swag bag contributors. “It was very important to me to have the community involved in this event. I love local business and young entrepreneurs. It’s hard
enough on a day-to-day basis to run a small business. If we help each other out, then there is a great chance we can do incredible things together,” said Krimson owner Lindsey Harrison. “It’s not just about selling clothes to me, it is about making long lasting relationships within my city and celebrating small and large successes on a daily basis. “I love to hear about the lives of my customers! Each time they come in, we catch up from the last time we played dress up. I really try to empower these young women to do exactly what they want in life. Work hard and more importantly, work smart. And lastly....BE KIND. Always give
more than you should and never take as much as you think you need.” At this Epic Block Party, you can expect a huge turnout! The scene is as follows....October 23rd, 7:00pm – the weather is perfect for an outdoor get together. Location: Krimson and Klover (3111 Cole Avenue). Food trucks are participating, black SUV’s showing up in drones thanks to Uber, new fall fashion lines and local businesses selling items/ memberships/services are lined up all along the driveway towards the back. When you get to the back, the beverages are flowing thanks to Absolut, Avion, Red Bull, and
Nectar Girl Margaritas - with giant sized Jenga, Twister, Corn Hole, Ping Pong and more. You will also have DJ Andre blasting music and the sight of flashes as the photo booth brought to you by Levi H Photography is in full swing. Inside you will find a frenzy of activity with people that are lined up for swag bags and a big birthday cake! (The first 100 people to spend $75 receive a swag bag). All during this, a silent auction will be held and volunteers walking around selling raffle tickets to help support The Wilkinson Center.
Davis for Governor, continued from page 4 work—classes that I could afford — because the Texas I came up in helped make it possible. I realized that I’d found the path I was looking for, a path to a better life for me and for my young family. It wasn’t going to be easy – I’d keep working at a doctor’s office, keep waiting tables at night – but in my Texas it was possible. With a heart fu$ of love for Amber, I took my first steps toward a better life for us. That was the beginning of the journey that has brought me back here with you today. I’m not sharing my story because it’s unique or special. I’m sharing it precisely because it isn’t. My whole life, I’ve seen Texans create better tomorrows for themselves and their families. But I worry that the journey I made is a lot harder and steeper for young Texans today. Co$ege is more expensive, the choices for working families are fewer, and far too many young people yearning to continue their own educational journeys are turned down for grants and loans because state leaders have turned a deaf ear to them and blocked their paths. That’s not what Texas is about. We a$ know that -- because we know that Texas is more than a state. Texas has always been a promise. The promise that where you start has nothing to do with how far you can go. In Austin today, our current leadership thinks promises are just something you make to the people who write big checks. But the promise I’m talking about is bi)er than that. It’s the promise of a better tomorrow for everyone. Texas deserves a leader who wi$ protect this PAGE 10
promise. Texas deserves a leader who wi$ keep it. Thirty-two years ago, I walked across this stage,the granddaughter of farmers ,om Muleshoe, Texas who could only afford to rent the land they farmed. I had no real idea what the future looked like. Today, I see it pretty clearly. It’s looking right at me. It’s you. It’s a$ of you. And a$ of you deserve to have your voices heard. Because our future is brightest when it’s lit by everyone’s star. And that’s why, today, I’m proud to announce my candidacy to be the 48th governor of the great state of Texas. We're a$ here because we love Texas -- not just how good it is, but because we know how great it can be. We're Texans, and we believe that good is never good enough. Texans don’t want to sit back and watch Austin turn into Washington, D.C. State leaders in power keep forcing people to opposite corners to prepare for a fight instead of coming together to get things done. For too many Texans, that just doesn’t work. It’s not the honest, accountable leadership that Texans deserve. Texans deserve better than failed leaders who dole out favors to ,iends and cronies behind closed doors. Texas has waited too long for a governor who knows that quid pro quo shouldn’t be the status quo. It’s time for a governor who believes that you don’t have to buy a place in Texas’ future. It’s time for a governor who believes that the future of Texas belongs to a$ of us. It’s time for a
leader who wi$ put Texans first. That’s the kind of leader I’ve tried to be. I got my start on the Fort Worth City Council. I didn’t have a partisan affiliation by my name, and I didn’t govern with one either. When I meet folks who want the same thing but disagree about how to get there, I invite them to sit down at the table and hash out a solution working together with respect and an open mind. Real leaders know that our problems deserve real solutions. That’s the approach I brought to Austin. And that’s what I’$ do as your next governor. If you want a governor who wi$ speak for everyone, then every Texan needs to be part of getting that governor elected. It’s quite simple rea$y, the Texas we need —needs you. I need you. I’m asking for your support. I’m asking for your help. I’m asking for your prayers. In the months ahead, I’$ be asking for your vote. But mostly I’m asking you to dream of a$ that we can accomplish together. I’m asking you to believe that the best of Texas is yet to come. This is a campaign not just for governor, but for the very future of our state. Thirty two years ago, right here in this room, I started my own journey. Today, we start a new journey – together. It’s a journey that won’t end on Election Day and it won’t end in Austin. As long as we can make our great state even greater, we wi$ keep going. Until the families who are burning the candle at both end can fina$y make ends meet, we wi$ keep going. Until the !
amazing health care advances being pioneered in this state reach everyone who needs them, we wi$ keep going. Until every child ,om Longview to Lubbock to McA$en to Mesquite makes it to a stage like this, and gets their diploma, and knows that nothing wi$ wash out the road to their future dreams, we wi$ keep going. Until the corridors of power are the corridors of the people, until problem-solving trumps partisanship, until our state is “a lot less lone and a lot more star,” we wi$ keep going. As long as we can make this great state even greater, we wi$ keep going. Because with the right kind of leadership, the great state of Texas wi$ keep its sacred promise that where you start has nothing to do with how far you can go. God bless you a$. God bless Texas. ^^^^^^^^ About Sen. Davis Occupation: Attorney, Business Owner Education: Texas Christian University, Harvard Law School Legislative Experience: Senate Member, 2009 - Present Hometown: Fort Worth Party: Democrat Wendy Davis has been called "courageous," "articulate and gutsy" and "inspiring" by the Fort Worth Star Telegram, which also described her as a legislator who "will stand up and fight." After graduating with honors from Harvard Law, Wendy became a practicing attorney in Fort Worth and served nine years on the Fort Wendy was elected to the Texas Senate in 2008. !
SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING One thing is very clear to me these days. Faith is constantly under attack and if one is not careful, faith can be lost just because you’re too tired to fight or your grief is too deep to let go and let God. Life has a way of making you think that some things are just not worth the trouble. One answer, if not the answer, to life’s intensity is to simply quit. After all, you can quit your job. You can end a relationship. You can make yourself scarce and remove yourself from those people and circumstances that remind you of bad memories and unpleasant experiences. Where faith is involved, I just believe there is a concrete answer when it is under attack. It’s called work.By work I mean in the name of the Lord. How often have you been able to get yourself out of your pit because you helped someone get out of theirs? Let me put it this way. How often have you been able to be genuinely thankful for what you have because God has shown you that it could be so much worse? Like I said, faith under attack can move you to dark places that you rightfully or righteously don’t need to be. When does it kick in for you that now is the time and now is the test? Now is when that specific temptation shows up to challenge your faith. This is it. There are no road maps or signs that say Faith Test Ahead. More often than not, I’ve already run faith’s red light or stop sign before I know it. Perhaps I should take some solace in the fact that I at least had a chance to actually demonstrate my faith yesterday, or two weeks ago, or maybe just a few minutes ago. That should let me know I’m still salvageable. But it doesn’t make me feel any better knowing I could have handled a particular situation better than I did. I still botched the opportunity to practice what I preach, to talk the talk and walk the walk. At the end of the day, any day, a recap will show dozens of chances to forgive, witness, profess, help and serve. At the end of any day, a recap will show that I’ve run stop sign after stop sign and blown through any number of red lights. But thankfully, God provides each and every one of us with so much more than a second chance. For me I know it’s all about another chance. God gives you another crack at it because you’re still alive and the opportunities to serve didn’t stop with yesterday’s failed chances or missed opportunities. If you missed this morning, don’t worry there’s another one coming this afternoon. This faith struggle thing is remedied by what we do next, based on our knowledge that we can always do more. We can all be better. Real faith mandates a change in how we do things, how we say things, how we view life. You can’t do things the same way with the same people, once you’ve accepted Christ. You may make some of the same mistakes, but you recognize them as merely opportunities to use your faith to get through whatever is attacking you at that moment. “So watch yourself. If you brother sins, rebuke him and if he repents forgive him. If he sins seven times in a day and seven times comes back to you and says ‘I repent,’ forgive him.” Luke 17: 3-5. I do not have to tell you how hard that is. However, I’m just trying to point out that a dutiful response to the turmoil you’re going through is to open your eyes and see how easy it is to help others get through theirs. It’s tricky but also simple to understand. We know the rules. The rules are etched in the Word. We know when we break them and know we cannot, or should not disregard what we know as truth. You know the drill. We walk by faith and not by sight. The deed is the thing. The intent should be to act on your faith. Forgive and thus, serve. I can’t think of a better way spread the Word. Remember it’s not the stop sign or red light you run through that is the issue. It’s the one you see clearly that makes the difference. The more you see, the more you stop. The more you stop, the more you serve. It’s the work stupid. Duh!!!! PAGE 11
OCTOBER 4, 2013
500 POSITIONS AVAILABLE AT URBAN LEAGUE JOB FAIR Are you self -motivated, team oriented and flexible? Employers have 500 positions available at their upcoming job fair on Saturday, October 4, 2013 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Urban League Headquarters, 4315 S. Lancaster Road, Dallas, Texas 75216. The following companies have positions available: Aegis – Call Center positions Safelink – Sales positions Green Mountain Energy – Sales positions DART – Various positions Candidates must dress professionally and bring resumes. There is limited seating so come early. Call (214) 915-4696 for additional information.
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2013 HBCU Homecoming Dates Alabama A&M University Mississippi Valley State University 10/05/2013 1:00 PM (Huntsville, AL) Alabama State University Stillman College 11/28/2013 1:00 PM (Montgomery, AL) Albany State University Morehouse College 10/19/2013 2:00 PM (Albany, GA) Alcorn State University Warner University 10/05/2013 2:00 PM (Lorman, MS) Benedict College Clark Atlanta University 10/19/2013 2:00 PM (Columbia, SC) Bethune Cookman University South Carolina State University 10/26/2013 4:00 PM (Daytona Beach, FL) Bowie State University Chowan University 10/12/2013 1:00 PM (Bowie, MD) Central State University Miles College 10/12/2013 TBA (Wilberforce, OH) Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Millersville University 10/19/2013 1:00 PM (Cheyney, PA) Clark Atlanta University Albany State University 10/26/2013 2:00 PM (Atlanta, GA) Concordia College v Ave Maria University 10/05/2013 12:00 PM (Selma, AL) Delaware State University Norfolk State University 10/12/2013 2:00 PM (Dover, DE) Elizabeth City State University Lincoln University -Pennsylvania 10/19/2013 1:30 PM (Elizabeth City, NC) Fayetteville State University Saint Augustines College 10/26/2013 2:00 PM (Fayetteville, NC) Florida A&M University Howard University 10/19/2013 2:00 PM (Tallahassee, FL) Florida Memorial University College of the Bahamas 02/08/2014 6:30 PM Florida Memorial University Fort Valley State University Concordia College 10/26/2013 2:00 PM (Fort Valley, GA) PAGE 12
OCTOBER 4, 2013
Grambling State University Mississippi Valley State University 11/02/2013 2:00 PM (Grambling, LA)
Prairie View A&M University Mississippi Valley State University 10/19/2013 2:00 PM (Prairie View, TX)
Hampton University North Carolina A&T State University 10/12/2013 2:00 PM (Hampton, VA)
Saint Augustines College Livingstone College 10/12/2013 2:00 PM (Raleigh, NC)
Howard University Morgan State University 10/26/2013 1:00 PM (Washington, DC)
Savannah State University North Carolina Central University 10/26/2013 2:00 PM (Savannah, GA)
Jackson State University Grambling State University 10/19/2013 2:00 PM (Jackson, MS)
Shaw University Livingstone College 10/19/2013 1:00 PM (Durham, NC)
Johnson C. Smith University Shaw University 10/26/2013 1:00 PM (Charlotte, NC)
South Carolina State University Florida A&M University 11/09/2013 1:30 PM (Orangeburg, SC)
Kentucky State University Fort Valley State University 10/12/2013 1:30 PM (Frankfort, KY)
Southern University and A&M College Alcorn State University 10/26/2013 5:30 PM (Baton Rouge, LA)
Lane College Central State University 10/19/2013 2:00 PM
Stillman College Benedict College 10/12/2013 6:00 PM (Tuscaloosa, AL)
(Jackson, TN)
Langston University Texas College 10/19/2013 2:00 PM (Langston, OK)
Tennessee State University Eastern Illinois University 10/26/2013 TBA (Nashville, TN)
Lincoln University -Missouri Emporia State University 10/05/2013 2:00 PM (Jefferson City, MO)
Texas College Bacone College 10/26/2013 2:00 PM Bulldog Stadium (Chapel Hill, TX)
Lincoln University -Pennsylvania Virginia State University 10/26/2013 2:00 PM (Lincoln University, PA)
Texas Southern University Alcorn State University 10/19/2013 2:00 PM (Houston, TX)
Livingstone College Fayetteville State University 11/02/2013 1:30 PM (Salisbury, NC)
Tuskegee University v 11/02/2013 TBA
Miles College Kentucky State University 10/19/2013 4:00 PM (Fairfiled, AL) Mississippi Valley State University University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff 10/26/2013 1:00 PM (Itta Bena, MS) Morehouse College Benedict College 10/26/2013 2:00 PM (Atlanta, GA) Morgan State University v Florida A&M University 10/05/2013 1:00 PM (Baltimore, MD) Norfolk State University v Florida A&M University 11/02/2013 2:00 PM (Norfolk, VA) North Carolina A&T State University Virginia University of Lynchburg 11/02/2013 1:00 PM (Greensboro, NC) North Carolina Central University Morgan State University 10/19/2013 2:00 PM (Durham, NC)
Central State University (Tuskegee, AL)
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Southern University and A&M College 10/19/2013 2:30 PM (Pine Bluff, AR) Virginia State University Bowie State University 10/19/2013 2:00 PM (Ettrick, VA) Virginia Union University Chowan University 10/19/2013 1:00 PM (Richmond, VA) Virginia University of Lynchburg Livingstone College 11/09/2013 1:00 PM (Lynchburg, VA) West Virginia State University Urbana University 10/05/2013 1:30 PM (Institute, WV) Winston-Salem State University Johnson C. Smith University 10/12/2013 1:30 PM (Winston-Salem, NC) - See more at: http://www.hbcuconnect.com/ homecoming/#sthash.Iz68UQ7F.dpuf !
amille Bradfield
One on One with Robert C. Riley I recently sat down with super handsome and charming actor, Robert Christopher Riley, star of VH1’s series, Hit The Floor. A native of Brooklyn, New York, Riley studied theatre at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and co-wrote the play, “Untold Truths: Why We Always Sit Together” with his professor and mentor , Kashi Johnson, before performing in numerous other stage productions (including stints on Broadway), television shows and movies. Here’s an excerpt from that interview. JB: How old were you the first time you acted on stage? Were you bitten by the acting bug. RCR: No, I think I played the woodsman in Red Riding Hood in first grade, but after that I took a hiatus until college. JB: Oh ok. RCR: Yeah, I had no thoughts of acting at all until I was in college and it wasn’t until my sophomore or junior year that I started to take it seriously. But the first time I stepped on stage professionally was actually in my senior year in 2002. I did Untold Truths with Kashi Johnson, the play that I wrote with her. That was technically the first professional performance I ever did. JB: Okay, so quick question…when you went to college did you have another career path in mind?
I’m telling it and the audience members are hearing it or witnessing it or being a part of it if they’re asked to. JB: Right. RCR: And also you know after a play, two hours, we’ve all been in the same theater, or going through whatever it is we’ve been going through be it comedy or drama. And afterwards I see you right outside and you let me know how it felt and how you enjoyed it, whether you did or not, and I get a pretty good gauge personally on how you felt about the performance. Whereas in a film or television series, you know, I film it six months in advance, one year in advance, two years in advance for really large projects sometimes, and then maybe you’ll see me on the street, maybe you’ll look me up on Twitter or whatever it is, and let me know you enjoyed the work, and trust me I appreciate that more than you can possibly imagine, but it is a little different than us having just gone through it together. In theater, the audience is there and they play an integral part in every show, every performance. The difference from performance to performance of the exact same material with the exact same people, obviously everybody brings something different everyday, but a large part has to do with the audience that’s there. So those are the differences but I love them both. If I can work in all of them until I’m too old to do it, that’s the goal. JB: Great! I want to know who some of your favorite actors are? RCR: I just met one last night. JB: Oh who was that? Who, who, who? RCR: I did a guest star on NBC’s new show, Ironside that comes out in October… JB: Yes
RCR: Oh yeah, I went to college to be an accountant. RCR: And it’s Blair Underwood’s series. JB: Oh wow! JB: Oh wow! RCR: Math was my favorite and strongest subject, so I figured if I crunched numbers for a living I’d be fine. I soon found out that that was really boring… JB: Yes. RCR: And apparently, given what I do now, I needed to use my creative abilities, so um, yeah. No accounting for me. JB: Okay, well, we are certainly glad that you chose the path that you did, as we are enjoying watching you live out your dream and perfect your craft.
RCR: So, I got a chance to meet him. I’ve been a fan since SET IT OFF and I’ve got a little bracelet that says, “What would Blair Underwood do” that was given to me as a gag gift five years ago. JB: Very cool. RCR: It was fun to meet him and show him that and we have friends in common in the business, so he knew of it before I met him, but that was nice. He was very complimentary. He’s very humble, extremely talented and it was nice to actually meet him in person and work with him.
RCR: I appreciate that. JB: Let me ask you, um, I noticed in your background obviously you started in theater and since then have done both television and film, and of course your hit series, “Hit The Floor,” is there one format that you favor? I know theater is where you cut your teeth. Do you have a preference of stage vs. TV vs. film? RCR: I love them all for very different reasons. At the end of the day, I am telling a story in every format, but with the theater there is something very pure about us all taking the exact same time simultaneously to share this story, whereas
JB: How cool is that to not only meet but work with someone who you admire. Are there others in the industry? RCR: Oh yeah. I’ve been fortunate. I got a chance to work with James Earl Jones when I was in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof in 2008. And then Phylicia Rashad. I grew up in the 80’s, so, I grew up watching Mrs. Huxtable like everybody else. And as I became an actor, realizing what a great actress she was. The same with James Earl Jones. You grow up and he’s the voice of Darth Vader and Mufasa, then you get to work with him on stage and it’s a whole different story. JB: Right.
RCR: What is your take on roles that are available to African American actors today? From the actor’s perspective do you feel like we’ve come a long way in terms of breaking out of the stereotypical roles of the past? Do you think we still have a long way to go? What’s your take on that?
OCTOBER 4, 2013
JB: There you go. RCR: And it will be a Caribbean restaurant, just so you know. JB: Yes, you have Caribbean roots, correct?
RCR: I think it’s obvious that we have a ways a go with regards to the type of roles that Black men get in television and film. There has been a lot of progress made. You know, we put a Black president on television before there was one in the White House.
RCR: Yes, my mother’s from Trinidad, and my father’s from Barbados. I was raised by my mom and grandma. I have the Coat of Arms of Trinidad and Tobago tattooed on my back.
JB: Right, right. And on film.
JB: Very cool.
RCR: Yeah, you know, so those things can’t be swept under the rug. A lot of people don’t remember that or pay attention to that. Television isn’t necessarily a direct reflection of the demographics of society. I don’t think it ever has been. I know we would like it to be with more characters of every ethnicity, more characters of the GLBT community. We’d like to see that happen. I think that it’s happening. It’s a change that is perhaps slower than some others. But at the same time, change is change, and once something is no longer what it was originally, it should be celebrated.
RCR: Terrence, awesome! Love that guy. I think he understands the platform that he has being a high-profile athlete and a Black man. It seems as though he carries himself with the respect and dignity that that platform deserves. As an entertainment professional I feel the same way. You are a role model whether you like it or not.
JB: Right, right.
RCR: That’s true. Don’t have to make it up. She’s smiling right now.
RCR: That doesn’t mean that you rest on your laurels and say, okay everything’s fine. So there’s work to be done. My show is helmed by three African-American women, and then you’ve got myself and McKinley Freeman as two African-American men. So that’s a brand new scripted show on a large cable network that has five African Americans.
JB: What do you do when you’re not working? I don’t know when you’re NOT working. It seems like you’re pretty busy. RCR: Thankfully I’ve been pretty busy. When I’m not working, I’m trying to put a smile on my girlfriend’s face. JB: Good answer!
JB: Aw, good deal. I love it! JB: Imagine you‘re the host of the last supper of actors and you can pick any three actors dead or alive to be your dinner guests and you can talk about anything with them. Nothing is off the table. Who would you pick and why?
JB: Do you still do a lot of writing? RCR: I do write. I write a lot of poetry. I’m writing some music. I just finished a short film screenplay not too long ago. I have a half-hour sitcom pilot in the can that I’m every now and then going back and tweaking. I am focusing on the acting side of things and bringing everything else along with it, but there will be some Rob Riley written productions and produced by and directed by credits in the near future, don’t you worry. JB: Okay.
RCR: I would pick Sidney Poitier first. Aside from Paul Robeson, he’s like the original gangster. He’s the godfather of all of this. I would definitely pick him and then I would pick…I would have to pick Denzel Washington just because there’s no one bigger than him right now for Black men. I think I’ve seen every film he’s been in, many of them, many, many, many times. And then I’d have to get Don Cheadle, because Don Cheadle is just…I think he’s the gold standard for versatility and I think that’s being put on display now with House Of Lies, obviously you don’t have to go back very far, with HOTEL RWANDA, and things like AVENGERS, that big budget stuff. And all of his stellar work in theater.
JB: Your character Terrence Wall…I’m curious to know are there any similarities between the real Rob Riley and Terrence?
JB: What other projects are you currently working on outside of Hit The Floor?
RCR: I get this question at least once an interview. (laughing)
RCR: Like I mentioned, NBC’s Ironside. I just did a guest star on that. There are some other things that I cannot talk about as of yet.
JB: I bet you do.
JB: Okay.
RCR: There are many similarities between myself and Terrence Wall, from what you’ve seen of Terrence Wall, yes. We don’t know where the story is going to go. Obviously, at the end of Season 1, there were some revelations involving Jelena and we don’t know what’s going to happen with his relationship with Derek or the coach for that matter or ownership. But we have seen so far of the great Terrence Wall, we’re both distinguished gentleman, we carry ourselves with respect, we come off as intelligent, we are, well Terrence broke up with Jelena, but prior to that, we both loved our girlfriends very much. I have not bought my girlfriend a restaurant yet. I’m working on it. A couple more seasons of Hit The Floor, a big movie, maybe I can make that happen.
RCR: Working on a little music. The screenplay that I have for the short film. I was trying to produce it by the end of the year, but we’ll see how time/ schedules work out. There’s a movie I was in called FRANNY, directed by Ash Christian, that was celebrated at Sundance a couple of years ago. A great young director. That’s in post-production, so that should be out soon. I’m doing some voiceovers for Verizon and the NFL right now. That’s about it. Playing my guitar. Focusing a lot on my music in my spare time. I may try to put some out before the end of the year. We only have a couple months before Hit The Floor comes back into production so I’m trying to see what I can do in the meantime.
OCTOBER 4, 2013
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Hole #17 Hole in One Contest ² Sponsored by Golf Galaxy - $500 gift card
Family Health Center ² South Grand Prairie, will sponsor the 18th hole, Dr. Beadle, Dr. Santone and Dr. Sims, family practice physicians at Methodist as well as the first aid station
DJ Service - All CD’s - $15.00 New Releases Open Mon. thru Sat. 3415 Stonewall St. Greenville, Texas
&Žƌƚ tŽƌƚŚ DĂŐĂnjŝŶĞ
HOOTERS Calendar Girls 11:30am-3:30pm
Pay tribute to your loved one! Call
WůĞĂƐĞ Z^sW ďLJ &ƌŝĚĂLJ͕ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϭϴ sĂůĞƚ WĂƌŬŝŶŐ ǀĂŝůĂďůĞ
amille Bradfield
Get out of debt! Invest in your future! Stop living paycheck to paycheck Clsgrant@aol.com
In our library Bold And Fierce: A Mindset Of Overcoming Barriers To Fulfill Your Dreams
Irving, TX, - Women are born nurturers; while that’s a good thing, it should not mean that by taking care of everyone else they have to forget their own dreams and ambitions. Bridgette Reed is an empowering speaker, passionate writer, visionary, innovator, teacher, and president and CEO of The Bold & Fierce Foundation, and this spiritual powerhouse knows just how to empower
women to be all that God created them to be as women of purpose and passion. She is the driving force behind The Renovation Project Bible Series for Women; an inspiring online Bible study that promises to renew, refresh and renovate. Women are invited to join the interactive Bible series beginning September 27, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., by accessing Bridgette’s website at: www.boldandfierce.com. Wise and worldly beyond her years, Reed is on a mission to inspire and encourage women to overcome adversity and let nothing stand in the way of achieving their goals. The purpose of The Bold & Fierce Foundation is to help adults and young women understand their value so they can reach their true potential. This global enterprise specializes in delivering practical
purpose-driven messages to religious organizations, educational institutions, women, young professionals and adolescents through writing and speaking. What a breath of fresh air to see such a positive role model for young women in our celebritydriven, pop-culture society today! Bridgette Reed’s compelling book, Bold, Fierce and Transformed: The Process of LifeChanging Transformation (Xulon Press), is a powerful tool to help women recognize obstacles but be daring enough to move forward in spite of them. Sold nationally and internationally, this life-changing book takes readers on a transformational journey – challenging them to reach beyond their comfort zone and venture into a land of personal growth; much like a guide that gets them where they need to be.
OCTOBER 4, 2013
This inspiring and motivating book will challenge you to your core to be bold, be fierce, be transformed! In her own life, Bridgette Reed always looks beyond the barriers in her mind to reach her full potential. She did this in 2008 when she completed her first women’s triathlon. She also did it when she wanted to get into acting - and then actually appeared in a movie with Oscar winner Hillary Swank! Her life-changing book Bold Fierce & Transformed has been featured on FOX Good Day in Atlanta and on ABC Good Morning in Dallas. She resides in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with husband Jermel where they share a variety of hobbies and interests and enjoy relaxing with friends and family. For more information on Bridgette, her book, and the impressive work she does, visit: www.boldandfierce.com.
Get out of debt! Invest in your future! Stop living paycheck to paycheck
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can be called lots of things.
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OCTOBER 4, 2013
Dear Doris:
Ask Gwendolyn Baines
My cousin had a baby by my fiance' Dear Gwendolyn: I have been going with a man for 16 years. We have been engaged for the past two years this month. We have no children. This is my problem: He recently told me that my cousin's 10 year old son is his. I cried and insisted on a DNA test. Guess what? It's true. He told me that he has been going with my cousin for the past 11 years all the time he was involved with me. Oh by the way, we have lived together for the past 15 years. Yes, it took 14 years for him to propose marriage. I have been happy with him. I have worked the entire time in a high paying career. Because of the recent discovery should I give him up?
Let me tell you this: Time moves rapidly and does not stand still for anyone. I want you to search the laws for your state regarding ‘common law' marriage. However, if your fiancé has nothing then sorry lady, you will get nothing. I congratulate you for having a good career. At least you have not been a kept woman. If you leave him, you can financially survive and believe me, you do need to leave him. Do not focus on the years gone by. Focus now on going forward with your life finding happiness within yourself. I know to understand your cousin's affair with your man is hurtful. But maybe she and your fiancé are compatible - you know...having a lack of principles. Not only will you need to part from your fiancé, but also put distance between you and your cousin. Sometimes with family you have to step back, go around, go under, or go over the bridge of unfaithfulness and wrongdoings. (copyright © 2011 by Gwendolyn L. Baines)
Gwendolyn Baines is a nationally renown author and lecturer, who in the last few years has added "syndicated advice columnist" to her lengthy credentials list. With her nationally syndicated advice column, she is now exposed to 15 million readers per week. The "Ask Gwendolyn Baines" advice column is distributed by the National Newspaper Publishers' Association (NNPA)-Washington, D.C.
For more information, Deborah Long Chambers, Certified Aromatherapist CEO, Designs for Living Comfortably www.livingcomfortably.com
Something Natural with Deborah Long Chambers HOUSTON – The University of Houston has created an interdisciplinary minor in energy and sustainability designed for students who are pursuing a wide range of majors but want to understand the key issues in the world of energy. The new minor is part of UH’s strategic
OCTOBER 4, 2013
VALDER BEEBE SHOW THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW I Don’t Talk About the Stars -- “I Interview the World’s Most Fascinating Celebrities”
Daily The Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW is broadcast globa$y and syndicated nationa$y. Broadcasting daily at Noon on KKVIRADIO.com, ValderBeebeShow.com, OPNTVNetwork.com and affiliates. Our brand features interviews with today’s stars who are the “World’s Most Fascinating Celebrities.” h today’s stars who are the “World’s Most Fascinating Celebrities.”
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blog talkradio www.blogtalkradio.com
Aromatherapy That Works! PAGE 17
How Sweet the
OCTOBER 4, 2013
How Sweet the Sound, a Verizon experience, is a nationwide search for the best gospel choir in America. The goal of the program is to celebrate music and create a lasting impact on churches and communities across the country. A pilot program was held in Memphis, TN on October 6, 2007. The success of this event drove the expansion of How Sweet the Sound which is now in its 6th year. Any Community Choir, College Choir or Choir that is affiliated with a church or religious organization in the forty-eight (48) continental United States or the District of Columbia (excluding Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, and other U.S. territories and possessions), can participate. The regional competition was held in Dallas and first place went to St. John Church. Photos by Jeremiah Johnson Sr.- Š XcellencePhoto.com
Mark your calendar October 4 October 4 is Pink Friday in Duncanville. Methodist Charlton Women’s Imaging will sell t-shirts and share information on breast cancer awareness and mammograms at an event hosted by Personalized Communications, 205 E. Center in Duncanville from 2 to 4 p.m. Passers-by will receive pink cupcakes and leave messages of encouragement for cancer survivors.
Candidates must dress professionally and bring resumes. There is limited seating so come early. Call (214) 915-4696 for additional information.
for $5, October 9 and 17 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in front of the Methodist Charlton cafeteria.
October 10
October 5
Networking BIG at the Dallas Cowboy’s Stadium (now AT&T Stadium) 6pm. only $10 Also, come hear about the launching of the Run’s Women’s Conference 2014 happening in 8 cities-first one-at the Dallas Cowboy’s Stadium You don’t want to miss this one! Get your tickets at www.runconference.org or contact Cassandra Bradford at (800) 718-2425 ext. 704. ****** 2013 C. E. A. S. E. Annual Support-Staff Conference October 10 -12, 2013 at the Embassy Suites in Grapevine, TX. For details, visit: adsupportgroup.com
October 10-13
October 4-5 MCM Grande Hotel and Bank of Desoto will host the Ninth Annual “Living Ribbon” Friday, October 4th, 5pm at the MCM Grande Hotel. Saturday, October 5th at 2:15, we will celebrate the annual Fashion Show & Tea at the City of Desoto, in the Bluebonnet Rooms. Show Stopper tables of 8 are 300.00, Eye Catcher tables of 8 are 250.00, and individual tickets are 30.00. For inquiries or questions, please call Patricia Coleman at (972) 780 7777. Proceeds will benefit Brighter Tomorrows and The American Cancer Society. Vendor space is available for 100.00 Journey of a Lady UNT-Dallas 10:00am - 12:00pm Teen Ladies ages 13 - 19 Non-Journey Members $10 Contact Journey if you need business attire at 214.233.5922 or info@journeyofayounglady.com. Budweiser and the City of Kemah Present Kemah Oktoberfest City Parking Lot -- Harris Ave. between 6th & 7th Streets Kemah, TX 77565 Fri & Sat: Noon - 11PM Sun: Noon - 6PM Admission $8 for adults, children 12 and under free. ******** Dallas Heritage Village invites the community to a weekend of art and activities at “Brush with History: Following Frank Reaugh,” 1515 S. Harwood, Dallas, TX 75215. The event will honor Dallas artist Frank Reaugh (1860-1945), the dean of plein air painting. 500 POSITIONS AVAILABLE AT URBAN LEAGUE JOB FAIR Are you self -motivated, team oriented and flexible? Employers have 500 positions available at their upcoming job fair on Saturday, October 4, 2013 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Urban League Headquarters, 4315 S. Lancaster Road, Dallas, Texas 75216. The following companies have positions available: Aegis – Call Center positions Safelink – Sales positions Green Mountain Energy – Sales positions DART – Various positions
National Day of Action for Immigration Reform 2:30 p.m. Riverchon Park 3505 Maple Ave. Dallas, TX 75219
Get Fit and Get the Facts! Pick up your copy of "UNTOLD: The New Orleans 9th Ward You Never Knew" Award-winning untold stories of courageous Hurricane Katrina survivors by Lynette Norris Wilkinson Where: Sister to Sister Fitness Festival and Walk Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness 8 am to 12 noon Cedar Hill Recreation Center 310 East Parkerville Road Cedar Hill, Texas 75104 Join local chefs for a special tasty treat!
Red Cat Jazz Preservation Presents The 4th Annual Red Cat Jazz Festival Beach Central Park 2102 Seawall Blvd. Galveston, TX 77550 www.RedCatJazz.com Doors open at 11:00 AM each day $10 in advance/$12 Day of Show Special 3-Day Ticket (Fri-Sun): $25 in Advance/$30 at the Door Advance tickets and more information available online at www.redcatjazz.com Festival Highlights Thur. 10/10: Jazz In Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Fri. 10/11: Jazz Golf Tournament at Moody Gardens Sat. 10/12: 50TH Anniversary celebration with Ronnie Laws Sun. 10/13: Gospel Brunch
October 11 Campaign Fundraiser State Rep. Toni Rose 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The Primebar 2520 Cedar Springs Road Dallas, Texas 75201 RSVP: 214-717-9832 State Representative Eric Johnson's 4th Annual Texas/OU Weekend Campaign Kickoff Fundraiser 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Mattito's 3011 Routh St. Dallas, TX 75201
October 8 Leadership Southwest Student Leadership Institute -- 8:30 a.m.-2:30p.m, at Dallas Baptist University. Introduction to Google+ - Oct 8 (then every 1st Tuesday) powered by The Foundry Group 5:30PM to 7:30PM 5307 East Mockingbird Lane 5th Floor, Dallas 75206 Limited to 10 participants $35 (Credited to Beginner Training Special Offer) October 9 Methodist Charlton Women’s Imaging will also raise money through a hotdog sale, which includes hotdog, chips, and drink
DBCC Annual Banquet Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet. Speaker - Coach Carter ART OF MARRIAGE AT SEA COUPLES 5-DAY WESTERN CARIBBEAN CRUISE 2014 Event to be held at the following time, date, and location: Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 9:00 AM (CDT) Port of Galveston 2702 Harborside Dr. Pier 27 Galveston, TX
Donna P. Charles
2013 OPEN LINE w Cheryl Smith
Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 19
OCTOBER 4, 2013
5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012 Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU !
OCTOBER 4, 2013
COMMUNITY CALENDAR October 12 Debra Peek-Haynes presents Heart 2 Heart “2013” Mega Church Tour Book Launch !!!! “The Beginner’s Guide To Healthy Living” 10-1pm Friendship West Baptist Church
vice president for development and capital giving for much of her tenure, which ended with her death in 2012. The first lecture, featuring bestselling author and master of historical fiction Kathleen Kent, at 7 p.m.
October 16
October 21 AN EVENING WITH STEPHEN PRIDE, BROTHER OF COUNTRY MUSIC GREAT CHARLIE PRIDE @ 7:00PM Irving Arts Center, 3333 N. MacArthur Blvd. Irving, TX Contact Box Office 972-252-2787 or visit www.irvingartscenter.com
Saluting Deborah Whitlock Peoples, Chairwoman Of the Tarrant County Democratic Party The celebration will begin At 5:00 p.m. And end at 8:00 p.m . In Downtown Fort Worth at The Worthington Renaissance Hotel, 200 Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas
The annual Volley 4A Cure Volleyball tournaments continue this year on October 12, 18, and 19. On October 12, the Duncanville High School will host the Best Southwest Middle School tournament, featuring teams from Duncanville, DeSoto, and Cedar Hill. On October 18 and 19, the tournaments will be held at Canterbury Episcopal School. The 2011 and 2012 State Champion Canterbury Lady Cougars will host the Round Rock Christian Academy, Carrollton Christian Academy, and Bishop Dunne High School teams. During the tournament, commemorative Volley 4A Cure t-shirts, bracelets, ribbons, and other items will be available for purchase. The Methodist Charlton Women's Imaging Center will provide breast cancer and early detection information. Presenting Sponsor Methodist Charlton and Founding Sponsor Texas Oncology will provide t-shirts for all Canterbury students and staff members. Uniform Sponsor UnderArmour, will provide jerseys for the teams, coaches, and officials in the tournament. ******
October 17 Champion Mei H. Miao is coming to Th3rd Thursday Champion's Luncheon on October 17th @12:00noon. Mei Miao is a VP/Business Services Officer with Branch Banking & Trust Bank (BB&T). Mei is a Breast Cancer Survivor and she will be sharing her amazing story of CELEBRATING LIFE at Edison’s Dallas, 1724 Cockrell Dallas Area Interfaith’s Healthcare Action Temple Emanu-El 800 Hillcrest Road, Dallas. Special Guests: Bishop Douglas Deshotel - Catholic Diocese of Dallas Judge Clay Jenkins - Dallas County Commissioners Court Marjorie Petty - Health and Human Services Regional Director
October 19 Sarah Brightman WHERE: Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie As the best-selling soprano of all time, Brightman has sold 30 million records, pioneered “classical crossover,” and become the only artist to sing at two Olympic Opening Ceremonies. “The Best Is Yet To Come” 6:00pm -9:30pm
October 14 Dodd Education & Support, Inc. (“DES, Inc.”), the 501c3 non-profit entity of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. -- Dallas Alumnae Chapter i7th Annual Eddye O’Neal Memorial Delta Golf Tournament at Cedar Crest Golf Course, benefiting scholarship and community service programs. Cedar Crest Golf Course,1800 Southerland Ave Dallas, TX 75203
October 15 Dallas Heritage Village announces the launch of the Nancy Farina Lecture Series, honoring Farina, a 20-year employee of Dallas Heritage Village. Farina served as PAGE 20
honored to recognize four women who are giants in our community. Those honorees are: Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, State Representative Helen Giddings, State Representative Yvonne Davis, and Attorney DeMetris Sampson. Please save the date for and support our 2013 C.C. Russeau Black and Gold Scholarship Gala. For more info, please email: jabari156@gmail.com
Matinee 3:00 pm ~ Main Show 7:00 pm It gives me great pleasure to introduce the one – the only – “RITCH MANN” Location: Irving Arts Center, Dupree Theater Advanced: Matinee $15, Main Show $20 Day of Performance: Matinee $20, Main Show $25 Irving Arts Center, 3333 N. MacArthur Blvd., Irving. Box Office 972-252–ARTS (2787) or www.irvingartscenter.com Grab your tent and sleeping bags for a night under the stars with family and friends. Although you're only minutes from home, you'll feel miles away. Enjoy a night hike, games, s'mores, a campfire, and an outdoor movie. Dinner and breakfast provided! The event runs Saturday, October 19, 3 p.m. to Sunday, October 20, 8 a.m. at Audubon Park. $30 per family of 4 and $5 for each additional person over the age of 2 with a maximum of 8 people per tent. Pre-registration required by October 16. For more information, please contact Audubon Recreation Center, 972-205-3991 or arc@garlandtx.gov. 2013 C.C. Russeau Scholarship Black and Gold Gala @ 7 PM @ the Sheraton Hotel 400 N. Olive Street Dallas, TX. Tickets are $75.00 per person or $750 per table. (This is a Black Tie event) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and the Alpha Merit Group (501c3) are
October 22 TeCo Theatrical Productions will close its 2013 speakers series with an intimate conversation with acclaimed actor, playwright, and Broadway legend Eugene Lee. Now in its second year, the series was designed to support the creative community and educate a larger constituency in appreciating the arts through quarterly events at the Bishop Arts Theatre.
Google+ Platform Training - Beginner Level (Two Part Series) Oct 22nd and 29th, powered by The Foundry Group 5:30PM to 7:30PM 5307 East Mockingbird Lane 5th Floor, Dallas 75206 Limited to 10 participants Regular price $250 per person -Limited Time offer $225 Be Trained by Experience All KEYimage Media Google+ training is conducted by Scot Duke, Director of Operations/Instruction Google+ first adaptor - Google Verified - Directly Supported by Google Manager of over 10 Google+ business pages - Co-Founder of Dallas Plussers Network DPN Business Social - Oct 23rd Business Networking Scot Duke Available for Google+ Questions Admission: $10 Donation to Cub Scout Pack 862 for US Troop Care Packages For more information about the most qualified Google+ Training Programs in Dallas or the Dallas Plussers Network, contact KEYimage Media at 469-215-7650 or info@keyimagemedia.com
October 23 Drs. Renny and Marina McLean host The International Glory Summit (IGS), a powerful, spiritual event that will be held Oct. 23 – 26, 2013, at Trinity Christian Church International in Irving, Texas. The theme is “Encountering the Supernatural.” Featured speakers include the hosts, Drs. Renny and Marina McLean, and special guests, Dr. Sheldon John, Dr. Veronica Cochran, and Dr. Phillip Chang. Intercession will be led by apostolic couple Al and Billie Deck.
October 25 Methodist Charlton Medical Center and the Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce are partnering to hold a golf tournament that will benefit both the Methodist Charlton Heart and Vascular Institute and Cedar Hill Chamber programs. The 2013 CardioShack Open will be 11 a.m. and lunch at 11:30. A shotgun start at 1 p.m. will be followed by the 19th Hole Reception and Silent Auction at 6 p.m. A variety of sponsorship packages are available, ranging from $150 to $7,500. Fees are $150 for an individual golfer and $600 for a team of four
The Golf Club of Dallas is located at 2200 W. Red Bird Lane, Dallas, TX 75232. For more information, contact the Cedar Hill Chamber office at 972-291-7817.
Garlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2013 Neighborhood Summit will give those who live and work in Garland a chance to share their ideas about what makes the city loveable
DFW/FAMU Rattler Roundup Caribbean Grill 3068 Forest Lane Dallas TX, 75234 Time: 5:00pm - 9:00 pm Donations: $5.00
Lead & Succeed 2013 Rudy Giuliani, Steve Forbes, Rick Belluzzo, Les Brown, Captain Mark Kelly, Keith Craft, Kendra Todd, Larry King, Tony Romo, Tom Hopkins Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie
November 8
4th annual Healthy Harvest Fun Walk /5K Run & Diabetes Expo Juanita Craft Recreation Center
November 14 The North Texas American Diabetes Association Sixth annual World Diabetes Day Luncheon to be held, at Lone Star Park at Grand Prairie, 1000 Lone Star Parkway, Grand Prairie, Texas.
Oct 29
Oct 26 The Carter High School Basketball Booster Club is hosting its 1st Annual Carter Legends Alumni Basketball Tournament , October 26-27, at Carter HS Gym The Carter HS Alumni Basketball Tournament is annual gathering of past basketball players from Carter. Garland Neighborhood Summit: Loving Your City 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Where: The Hyatt Place-Garland 5101 N. President George Bush Turnpike Theme: Rethink Community
OCTOBER 4, 2013
come out and meet the 18th President of Alcorn State University on Friday, November 8, 2013 at the African American Museum. Alcorn is the school of the month for the Tom Joyner Foundation and this will be a fundraiser November 9-14 Beauty Industry Champions Cruise & Educational Summit 2013! Cruise dates are November 9-14, 2013
Paul Quinn College Homecoming Activities Dr. Weldon J. Walton Awards Banquet (Thursday, November 14 @ 7p.m.) PQC honoring the one and only Dr. Weldon J. Walton Homecoming Convocation, November 15 @ 11:00 a.m. (PQC) Jessie Barbee Alumni Luncheon, November 15 @12:30 p.m. (PQC) Paul Quinn College National Alumni Meeting, November 15 @ 2:00 p.m. (PQC) Happy Hour @ the Omni Hotel (Downtown), November 15 @ 5:00 p.m. Life Member Reception @ the Omni Hotel (Downtown), November 15 @ 7:00 p.m. Paul Quinn College vs. Jarvis Christian College & Tailgating (PQC) November 16 - All Day Alumni Old School Mixer (Coaches Corner) November 16 @ 9:00 p.m. Alumni Worship Service (Smith Chapel AME Church) November 17 @ 10:00 a.m.
November 22 Dr. Marvin Sapp, whom music critics have called "...A phenomenon in Gospel music," will be the headliner of a very special evening of song and worship. The event is billed as "An Evening of Thanksgiving fundraiser Concert." It will take place on Friday, November 22nd --- at Friendship West Baptist Church in Dallas, 2020 W. Wheatland Rd.
HCDFW has been selected as the chapter to host the NAHJ regional conference. It will be held on December 6-7 at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas.
December 5 27th Annual Peacemaker Awards Dinner Dallas Peace Center's 27th Annual Peacemaker Awards Dinner Give Peace A Chance Please submit your nominations by Friday, October 11 for the following categories: Peacemaker of the Year Organization of the Year Media Person of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award Awards are presented annually to individuals and organizations in the DFW Metroplex whose work best
Support Black -owned bookstores
Texas MetroNews
Support the Black Press GARLAND
JOURNAL Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 PAGE 21
OCTOBER 4, 2013
Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to hear informative, entertaining, enlightening and thoughtprovoking commentary and news with veteran journalist Cheryl Smith on Sundays at 8a.m. and open lines with Cheryl on Mondays at 6p.m., and on Tuesdays at 6p.m., Love A Natural Me with Yvette and Amy on Wednesdays at 6p.m., Young Generation Talk with Dareia Tolbert, Dr. Buckey and Lady D on Thursdays at 6p.m., and See you at the Movies with Jamille Bradfield on Fridays at 6p.m.
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Melinda Hamilton, Co-Chair
Bishop Kenneth Spears, Co-Chair
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OCTOBER 4, 2013
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'21¡7 0,66 7+,6 23325781,7< $&7 72'$<
By Cheryl Smith - Texas Metro News
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City of Dallas Sanitation Dept.
INSIDE Speaking of People Ron Price elected to national organization post
Light rail, Trinity River road highly scrutinized in South Dallas By Patrice J. Holmes
Page 2
Studies by the University of Texas at Dallas Institute of Urban Policy, United Way and Texas A&M are taking place now to assess the quality of life in the South Dallas community before billion dollar projects involving the new DART Light Rail and the Trinity
Toll Road are brought to the area. Some construction has begun with the demolition of homes to follow later this year. At a meeting held by the three institutions, a focus group of sorts dished ideas and findings on the surveys that have told the story of the residents of South Dallas. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are measuring conditions that may vary from street to street,â&#x20AC;? said Dr.
oversee the The Field Research Team which underwent 80 hours of
Political analysts, both mainstream and Black news media and intellectuals around the country have given their grade evaluation on President Barack Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first 100 days in office, marked on April 30. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how several people from the local front graded the new president.
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
Grade: A Page 4
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am deeply impressed with the progress that President Barack Obama has made during the first 100 days of his administration. Already we are seeing evidence of the administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plan to dig our country out of recession and develop long-term, sustainable prosperity. President Obama has made two trips abroad, proving to us and to the world that he intends to repair our frayed alliances and restore our international leadership. Finally, the Obama administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s code of ethics has brought much-needed transparency and accountability to the White House. President Obama is delivering on the change that he promised.â&#x20AC;?
Mavericks surpasses Spurs in playoffs
Available at newstands in Garland, Plano, Balch Springs, Seagoville, Rowlett, Mesquite, Richardson, East and North Dallas
Page 9
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
the administration will adopt the productive, responsible approach to our nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s challenges that Americans deserve.â&#x20AC;? (The office of John Cornyn of Texas was contacted but did See 100 DAYS, page 19
Remebering Joe Hudson Jr. Page 1 0
In having the conversation about building within South Dallas, many issues arise with respect to GWENDOLYNand JONES education business in Ask The Advocate See ROAD, page 19
PROPOSITIONS 1 AND 2 Why YES means no and NO means yes Dallas is abuzz at the election issues before them on May 9 when citizens are asked to vote on the controverDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;LYTE sial & EBONY Convention Music Happenings Center Hotel that is being backed by Mayor Leppert. But what does voting â&#x20AC;&#x153;noâ&#x20AC;? and voting â&#x20AC;&#x153;yesâ&#x20AC;? mean? It is important to remember that the propositions are to amend the Dallas City Charter which, among other things, gives the MISSpower RAY to acquire city the Going Deep in Roots property fortheany public purpose. The propositions are worded to prohibit the city from acting on these before stated powers. Therefore, if a citizen would like the city to maintain those powers, they are to vote NO and vice versa. See VOTE, page 38
VALDER BEEBE That Celebrity Interview
See Sexual Assault, page 18Curry looks at the George
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See Baisden, page 6
future with President Obama
How to brand you Page 16
THE BISHOPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DAUGHTER Page 10
See Martin, page 11
INSIDE Obama wins election and makes ...
Nation elects first African
Page 6
9@AIJ@G?CF@I!!!!!!!!!!!!!KLM American president , as Barack wins handidly INSIDE PAGES: -DHHN>C?O!-BE@>PBA!!1 Lifestyle
Is gospel music dying? Management blamed for issues
Page 8
Business Food for thought Congresswoman addresses
Michael Baisden Oak Cliff Chamber Page 12
Heart disease remains high on list of illnesses Page 15
all the Find out on Marvelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lowdown mutants PG. 12 weirdest
Volume No. 55 Issue No. 44
3>?@A>B?CD>BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!; )@?AD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=
Prevent heart attacks
Movie Tidbits Pg. 12
APRIL 19, 2013
Health X-Men Origins: WOLVERINE
/:.33C+ >./->+ ,-;+ 2-0F,K1;B+ J.4+ 5.:F,/+ K-61;-+ ,-+ J.4+ .K3-+ /1+ ;.L-+,-;B+K:/+/,-+ .44.:3/+ J.4+ 41+ K;:/.3+ /,./+ /,-+ 45.;4+3-6/+K-,02>+ 51:3>+ ,.E-+ 512* /02:->+/1+.44.:3/+ ,-;B+ 06+ 21/+ 61;+ .+ 31E02F+ 6.D03CB+ November 6 5,:;5,B+ 51D* D:20/C+ .2>+ ,-;+ 6.0/,@ ' J - 2 > 1 3 C 2+ Debra Mars 912-4+ J.4+ .4* The election is over 4.:3/->+ KC+ ,-;+ 4/-L*6./,-;@+ + #,-+ .48->+ ,-;4-36+ /,-+ TXHVWLRQV WKDW PDQ\ YLFWLPV DVN :K\ we GLG WKLV now canSHU* begin 412+.5/+/,04+J.C+/1J.;>+D-\+"D+%+;-4L1240K3-\++N0>+%+ Election night coverage on >1+41D-/,02F+/1+5.:4-+/,04\++N0>+DC+5.;-/.8-;4+821J+ KKDA focuses on issues DERXW WKLV DQG LI VR ZK\ GLGQ W WKH\ GR VRPHWKLQJ WR 4/1L+0/\ #,-B+308-+41+D.2C+1/,-;+C1:2F+E05/0D4B+J.4+21/+K-* Roland S. Martin 30-E->+**+J,05,+5.:4->+51240>-;.K3-+/;.:D.+.4+/,-+E05* /0D+04+/J05-+E05/0D0G->@++ ">D0//->3C+41D-+OE05/0D4S+,.E-+30->B+L;1>:502F+.2* O%+ .D+ -21;D1:43C+ /,.286:3+ .2>+ 1/,-;+3-E-3+16+E05/0D4+02+/,-+J;12F6:33C+.55:4->B+K:/+ ,:DK3->+/,./+&"79+,.4+K-4/1J->+ /,-;-+ .;-+ 1/,-;+ 3-E-34B+ 308-+ /,./+ E05/0D+ J,1+ ;-D.024+ /,04+.D.G02F+,121;+12+D-+61;+DC+ 403-2/+ 61;+ J,./-E-;+ ;-.412+ .2>+ /,-+ 6.D03C+ .2>+ 31E->+ J1;8+ .4+ .+ 6-.;3-44+ E105-+ 02+ .>E1* 12-4+ 16+ /,-+ .61;-D-2/012->+ J,1+ 16/-2/0D-4+ >12H/+ 5./02F+ /,-+ 5;0/05.3+ 044:-4+ 6.502F+ Page 5 821J+J,./+/1+4.C+1;+>1@ E1/-;4+ 02+ /,-+ PQRP+ -3-5/012B+ K:/+ &1J+J,1+04+/,-+E05/0D\+ -4L-50.33C+.4+/,-C+;-3./-+/1+"6;05.2+ %/+ 51:3>+ K-+ .+ 2-JK1;2+ K.KC@+ + )6+ 51:;4-+ C1:+ /,028+ "D-;05.24BS+ 4.0>+ A.;/02@+ O%+ ,1L-+ /,./+/,04+51:3>2H/+K-+/,-+5.4-@+]261;/:2./-3C+/,-;-+.;-+ Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s win may /,04+,121;+4-;E-4+.4+.+3-4412+/1+.2C+ 41+ D.2C+ 5.4-4+ 16+ E-;CB+ E-;C+ C1:2F+ K.K0-4+ K-02F+ .4* C1:2F+ 1;+ E-/-;.2+ M1:;2.304/+ /,./+ face limitations
How to avoid the Swine flu Page 15
!"#$%&'()&**+**+(,-+&./012* .3+"44150./012+16+73.58+91:;2.304/4+ <&"79=+ ,.4+ .221:25->+ /,./+ ?1* 3.2>+ #@+ A.;/02B+ 2./012.33C+ 4C2>0* 5./->+ 513:D204/B+ /-3-E04012+ ,14/B+ .2>+;.>01+.2>+/-3-E04012+51DD-2* /./1;B+ 04+ /1+ ;-5-0E-+ /,-+ 1;F.20G.* Recycle this /012H4+91:;2.304/+16+/,-+I-.;+.J.;>@+ newspaper when %/+ 04+ 12-+ 16+ &"79H4+ D14/+ 51E-/* finished ->+ ,121;4+ 5-3-K;./02F+ /,-+ .551D* reading L304,D-2/4+16+K3.58+M1:;2.304/4+.2>+ City of Dallas/,14-+ J,1+ 4:LL1;/+ K3.584+ 02+ /,-+ Sanitation Dept. D->0.@+A.;/02+J.4+4-3-5/->+61;+/,-+ No. 1 serving the African American Community .J.;>+KC+&"79H4+71.;>+16+N0;-5* 12, 2008 www.DallasWeekly.com /1;4@
Michael Baisden leaves airwaves -Skip Murphy moves to slot + &./012.33C+ 4C2>05./->+ ;.>01+ L-;412.30/C+ A05,.-3+ 7.04>-2+ .2* 21:25->+.+,0./:4B+6;1D+,04+;.>01+12+ ,04+ T.5-K118+ L.F-@+ 7.04>-2B+ J,1+ 51DD.2>4+.+>.03C+.:>0-25-+16+1E-;+ 4-E-2+ D033012+ 304/-2-;4B+ 4.0>+ ,-+ 04+ :2.K3-+/1+>045:44+/,-+L.;/05:3.;4+K:/+ 51253:>->+ /,./+ .+ >-.3+ 51:3>+ 21/+ K-+ D.>-+12+D:/:.33C+.F;--.K3-+/-;D4@+ ?-51F20G->+.4+12-+16+/,-+D14/+02* Ă&#x20AC;XHQWLDO PHQ LQ UDGLR KLV 0LFKDHO %DLVGHQ 6KRZ LV RQH RI WKH WRS UDW* ->+ .6/-;2112+ >;0E-+ ;.>01+ L;1F;.D4+ ,-.;>+02+/,-+/1L+:;K.2+D.;8-/4@++ $-+ 04+ .341+ .+ (U+ /.38+ VKRZ KRVW ÂżOP PDNHU DQG !"#$
Martin named NABJ Â Journalist of the Year
training in administering the anonymous surveys. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Over three to four years there are changes in conditions and we want to know how it affects the area.â&#x20AC;?
Grade: C â&#x20AC;&#x153;In just 100 days, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen an alarming acceleration of policies that will take America down the wrong track. The administration has proposed trillions of dollars in new spending, which will result in higher taxes on Americans, while sharply raising our indebtedness to foreign creditors. On the national security front, I am very concerned about the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intention to close Guantanamo without a workable plan to relocate detainees. It is my sincere hope that, moving forward,
Choose either or
YVETTE BROOKS Your Curlfriend!
Evaluating President Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s First 100 Days
!"#$% &
Timothy Bray, director of the Institute of Urban Policy Research. He helps
The Dallas Weekly
years celebrates 56 Black of serving the Community
Why Democracy hangs in the balance
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Volume No. 56 Issue No. 18
The Long and Winding Road editorial@dallasweekly.com
FAMU Rattlers victorious
Page 13
No. 1 serving the African American Community
April 30-May 6, 2009
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NO 2 ISSUE 32 APRIL 19 2013
Say NO to any ASSAULT
New Voices
Welcome Home Ambassador Ron Kirk!
Single Mom Chronicles p.12
Digital Illustration: Joseph Shelby
Joyce Ann Brown lost Nine Years, Five Months and 24 Days of her life !
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OCTOBER 4, 2013
“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE?
POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? A guy who hits a of woman We know he has attacked members can be called lots of things. is not one of them. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,“Man”Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers
877.373.8477 3.23.13 Join the rally,
Join Mayor Mike Rawlings for The Ten Thousand Man Rally Against Domestic Abuse at 10am on March 23rd at Dallas City Hall. (DART exit at Convention Center Station.) It’s time for the men of Dallas to say, enough is enough.
39946_MOROCH_MAA_NP_Ad_BW.indd 1
2/28/13 1:41 PM
Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at
DON’T BE SILENT Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today! PAGE 24