I Messenger 34

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NO 1 ISSUE 34 MAY 4, 2012



MAY 4, 2012

End violence against women





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MAY 4, 2012





Message to the people... Buffoonery Over Activism: That is the issue radio man Michael Baisden is currently addressing

Elena Washington discusses safety

This is the message from Mr. Baisden after he learned of a format change at the station where his show aired:


DeSoto ISD Superintendent Announces college and career academies 16

In Memoriam 17

I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011 IMessenger is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IMessenger is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com. PAGE 3

MAY 4, 2012


Do we really prefer music and jokes over content? After I received the devastating news that 98.7 Kiss FM in New York was taking my show off and going to an all-sports format, I thought to myself: who is going to sound the alarm in New York when the next Jena 6 happens--or Trayvon Martin--or Cheryl Smith Presidential election? And who’s going to promote mentoring to save our children, and talk about domestic violence, and child molestation? When you come up with a radio personality’s name who can be trusted to consistently and passionately address these issues on mainstream FM radio, please let me know. I don’t know about you, but I think we’re going down a dangerous path as African Americans, and as Americans in general, when we allow our voices to be silenced on FM radio while personalities like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others continue to spew racist, divisive, and sexist language over hundreds of radio stations across the country. The public cannot be expected to act if they don’t know there is an emergency, they cannot march if they don’t know whose rights have been violated, and they cannot fight if they have been put to sleep by buffoonery and the repetitive recycling of what is often bad music. Now, let me be clear, I have no problem with a radio station turning a profit; this is the advertising business after all. Our sponsors buy commercial time based on the ratings, but The Michael Baisden Show was the highest-rated afternoon urban adult program in New York at the time of this change. That’s a fact! And the show has been competitive in every book...or winning its time slot ever since I arrived at the station in 2003. How then do you explain every other show being moved to WBLS except this one? Is it personal or is there something more disturbing going on, a conscious effort to dumb down and silence any voice that uplifts and informs “The People?” I have no desire to be the sore loser in this. If people prefer one programming to another, then you accept the outcome and keep it moving. But in these times of Republican policies that rob us of our voting rights and the legal system that is locking up more people of color than ever before, we cannot afford to have jokes and slow jams be at the center of our information outlets. Isn’t it funny that during one of the most critical times in our nation’s history, there are fewer African-American AM and FM shows giving information than ever before? What’s really going on, and more importantly, what can we do about it? Well, believe it or not, “The People” do have the power! ... “I’M NOT GOING AWAY WITHOUT A FIGHT!”Call right now and share this with your friends: (212) 447-1000. And email at: info@WBLS.com and include your age. # I applaud Mr. Baisden on his efforts and hope that he gets support from his listeners. He has used the airwaves to inform, empower and entertain. Businesses flourished from the mention of their name on his popular show and authors have sold truck loads of books. Guests with strong messages shared the airwaves and issues were addressed. There were fun times, too. Unfortunately, many businesses that benefited from Mr. Baisden’s support did not reciprocate by purchasing airtime. I am not saying that those purchases would have kept the station from a format change, but they would have made management give more consideration to Mr. Baisden, his listeners and the issues. Over the past two decades there has been a dwindling of public affairs programming targeting African Americans. The Federal Communications Commission has let radio and television stations off the hook and consequently there continues to be a dwindling of quality programming. While other stations have flourished and talk show hosts boast multi-million dollar contracts and book deals, African Americans who are attempting to educate, inform and spread a message of empowerment find themselves at the mercy of a constituency that has yet to realize the full impact of picking up a pen, getting on the phone, wisely spending their dollars and holding folks accountable. Frederick Douglass said, “Power concedes nothing without demand. It never has and it never will.” When Mr. Baisden’s show left the airwaves in the Dallas-Fort Worth market, I immediately felt a void and I let station management know how I felt about the absence of Mr. Baisden and his co-host, talented comedian George Willborn. I was so excited when Radio One first came into this market and I just knew that other stations would rise to the challenge and produce more empowering programming. The silence about the way the airwaves have shifted is deafening, as it is with calling attention to the assault on women that you will read about further in this issue. I grew up listening to WBLS and as I have moved around the country, I have looked to Black radio to hear a voice that I rarely hear anywhere else. Mr. Baisden isn’t the only one feeling the brunt of this enormous sting and assault. Luckily we have the great equalizer. I’m talking about the internet. Now all we have to do is recondition ourselves to take advantage of the opportunities offered. Sure everyone does not have a computer. We must be creative and places like Blog Talk Radio.com offer an opportunity for you to listen on the phone, as does media mogul Tom Joyner with his phone app. At this time in our lives, silence is not golden. Silence is deafening, destructive and disingenuous.

Cheryl !






2012 On the Campaign Trail New Voter ID Card

Dear Friends, As you likely know, in the past several months there has been a contentious fight to keep Texas from passing and implementing the new “Voter ID Card” laws. The U.S. Dept. of Justice is still currently reviewing the legality of these proposed Voter ID laws. Due to this review, no new voting standards will be in effect for the May 29, 2012 Primary Rep. Johnson elections in Texas. As long as you have remained a resident in the county and have not moved since you last registered to vote, you are still registered to vote. Due to the litigation around congressional redistricting & the voter id laws new voter certificates are being mailed as of April 25, 2012. I strongly believe that the right to vote is one of our most precious rights in America. I have fought to protect those rights from being infringed upon for all people. My office has received a lot of inquires from residents about the status of the new voting laws and their own personal voting status. Dallas County has developed a website and hotline for any citizen to call to get the details on their voter registration status. Go to the website (www.dalcoelections.org/) or call the Dallas County Elections Office at 214-637-7937. Please help keep your fellow Texans informed by sharing this information with your neighbors, co-workers, family, and friends. It is an honor to serve the 30th Congressional District of Texas. Sincerely, Eddie Bernice Johnson

Washington enters race for the 30th District “I have always served my country.”

When speaking of public office, Mr. Washington defines elected service as “service to the people who chose you for the job, not your own personal or political agendas. I am very familiar with service. I have over two decades of it invested in this country and I would not have chosen any other path to where I am today. The extent of my service was and would remain to be to every citizen of the district and this great nation…every citizen.” He recently retired from Travis Washington the United States Air Force and views this r un for the 30th district seat a s an extension of his service to the country. M r. Wa s h i n g t o n , a m o d e r a t e , i s uncontested in the primary election on the Republican ticket and hopes his message will resonate with the voters of the 30th district. “My main focus is on the economy PAGE 4


and fiscal policy. People need jobs and with all due respect, I don’t see any difference among the others on the ticket in that regard,” says Mr. Washington. Last assigned to the Pentagon in D.C., where he worked as an action officer on the Air Staff and the Defense Intelligence Agency, Mr. Washington has a degree in Business Administration from Dallas Baptist University and a Master of Science in Military Operational Art from the Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. He is a native Texan and resides in Dallas, Texas with his wife Aynur Washington, and stepson Berkin Parlakay.

The Carter Future Leaders Program wants you! The Carter Future Leaders Program is

a competitive paid summer internship program that pairs high school and collegeaged students with leading local businesses in the student's prospective career path. Interns will participate in weekend enrichment workshops led by Representative Carter and other local professionals. More than a dozen North Texas businesses have agreed to participate in the program, including University of Texas at Dallas, Methodist Richardson Medical C e n t e r, K r a f t Fo o d s , R i c h a r d s o n Independent School District, and North Dallas Bank and Trust, among others. The student application process is now underway.: May 15th: Internship applications due May 19th: Interviews with Carter Future Leaders student candidates May 21st: Accepted applicants are notified June 7th: Carter Future Leaders orientation June 11th: First day of Carter Future Leaders internship program If you are a student and would like to apply to the CFL Program, or if you know someone who would like to apply, it is not too late! Please download the application and email it to Stefani.carter@state.house.tx.us I look forward to hearing from you! Stefani Carter

MAY 4, 2012

The latest attack on women is over the Violence Against Women Act. The la st time this program wa s reauthorized, it passed nearly unanimously I need your help .... If through the House and Senate — but y o u l i v e i n D a l l a s incredibly, the all-male Republican block on Independent School the Senate Judiciary Committee voted Board District 9 (South down the bill. That's right: Republicans are now Dallas, Parts of East Dallas, Parts of Down- standing in the way of reauthorizing an incredibly popular and successful program town, Parts of Pleasthat has reduced domestic violence rates by ant Grove and Buckner 58% since it was first passed in 1994. Te r r a c e ) o r have Tell Republican leadership to stop relatives and friends Damarcus Offord who live in the district, playing politics with women's lives and pass please vote for, or ask the Violence Against Women Act now! Voting to defund Planned Parenthood, them to vote for r e d e f i n e r a p e , a n d b l o c k a c c e s s to Damarcus Offord. E a r l y v o t i n g s t a r t- contraception has not been enough for ed April 30 and will end anti-woman members of Congress — they now want to block funding for victims of May 8. Election day is domestic violence. May 12. Thank you for Although Republicans in the House your support, and blocked the first attempt to reauthorize for caring about the education of the children this important program, a victory in the i n D I S D. T h e b o a r d Senate would put more pressure on the Joyce Foreman voted to close 11 schools House to pass the legislation. Every female Senator — including 5 and 11 will be closed in this district: James Fannin Elementary, H.S. Republicans — supports this important act. And yet the bill only has 58 coThompson Elementary, Julia C. Frazier sponsors, two votes shy of the 60 votes Elementary, City Park Elementary, Phyllis needed to defeat a promised Republican W h e a t l e y E l e m e n t a r y a n d Pe a r l C . filibuster. Even as their party continues to Anderson Middle School. Damarcus Offord is our man. If he lead attacks on women, Republican leadership should honor the wishes of the can't do it, nobody else can! Your sister in the struggle women in their own caucus and call off the Joyce Foreman filibuster. Tell Republican leadership to stop playing politics with women's lives and pass the Violence Against Women Act now! Morning News here to automatically sign the endorses Veasey Click petition. Blocking funding for victims of The Da!as Morning News domestic violence is low, even for this endorsed Marc Veasey in Republican Congress. the race for the new Texas With enough pressure f rom the Congressional District grassroots and the all of women in the Rep. Veasey 3 3 . Re p . Ma r c Ve a s e y : Senate Republican caucus co-sponsoring "This endorsement speaks volumes, it the bill, we can stop the filibuster and pass serves as a clear signal that I am the best reauthorization of the Violence Against person to represent the interests of every Women Act. person from every corner of this district. I Tell Republican leadership to stop a m h u m b l e d t o h a v e T h e Da l l a s playing politics with women's lives and pass Mor ning News re ward me with their the Violence Against Women Act now! e n d o r s e m e n t f o r m y w o r k to b u i l d Sign the petition: coalitions that bridge demographic and h t t p : / / a c t . c r e d o a c t i o n . c o m / r / ? geographic interests and I look forward r=5542989&id=37670-3646375-LPG70lx&t=10 to continuing that work in Washington." Thank you for standing up for women. Ali Rozell, Campaign Manager Violence Against Women Act CREDO Action from Working Assets

Plea from a voter for Damarcus Offord

CREDO Action from Working Assets






MAY 4, 2012

SPECIAL EDITION -- Secrecy surrounding sexual assault By Shawn Ewing Special to I Messenger

Pleasure for a victim can bring confusion to them about a rape. When private parts of an individual responds Shawn Ewing to pleasure as it was created to do, matured to do or when a male is raped but does not understand why he had an erection when he did not want to have sex with his rapist, whether they were male or female, it is simply confusing.

The body will do what it was designed to do regardless of the situation it is in. This brings about a confusing message in the mind of the victim. So the mental and physical are warring against the other and this makes it difficult for the victim to sort through the events that led up to the rape. A victim and society must understand that an erect penis or a self-lubricated vagina can be stimulated by a deviant arousal pattern or because the rapist wants sex. So a rapist will violate anyone’s right to fulfill their own sexual desire. A rapist will trick, manipulate or harm an individual to gain access to

their victim’s body for sex; they feel it is alright in some cases because of the music they listen to and the criminal secrets that they have known about others. Victims also keep secrets because they do not know what to say about rape. How is one to give details about rape to their family and friends when they (including the victim) have ridiculed the stories of others before and have kept secrets to cover for rapists in their own families and circle of friends? Some victims will be blamed themselves for the actions of another in their family because they feel they must have done something to make the rapist talk sexual or behave in a sexual way with them.

There has not been enough support in our families and culture community that have provided an educational balance on healthy sexuality and criminal sexual behavior. However there have been plenty of small talk and immature talk on sex and the pleasure of it. But if a victim is raped, no matter how difficult the situation the victim needs to know two things: 1.) if they are raped, it is not their fault and 2.) help available to assist them after a rape! Report, report, report! Shawn Ewing is a speaker and Trainer on issues of Sexual Misconduct She can be reached at (817) 405-9355

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MAY 4, 2012

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Come on PEOPLE! POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers.

If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers

877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at


DON’T BE SILENT Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today! PAGE 6








SILENCE KILLS It was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who said, “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” There can no longer be silence when a wrong has been committed. Sure there have been antisnitching campaigns and attacks waged against any courageous person who steps up and speaks out about a crime. Still someone has to stand up and speak out. No one wants to hear that you “didn’t want to get involved.” If you end up the victim, you’ll be wishing that someone would “get involved.” Now several crimes have been committed in North Texas. Of particular interest is the serial rapist targeting sorority members. According to police, three women were raped and another assaulted. It was determined that the same man attacked all four women. Police also found common denominators in the assaulted, including: they were all African American, they were all in their mid 50s to mid 60s, the attacks happened during the same time frame, and they were all members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. U.S. Rep Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), expressed outrage upon hearing about the attacks and the lack of an arrest. “This situation is very frustrating,” she said. “Anywhere there‘s violence against women, more awareness is needed. I have been introducing legislation and will continue to address the issue.” She continued, “When it relates to us, we have to step out and take responsibility and make sure the word gets out. When one of us is attacked, all of us have a responsibility to do something.” As long as headlines continue to scream about the violent acts perpetrated against women and children, someone has to speak out and give voice to these voiceless survivors because to remain silent further victimizes them. It is important to support legislation related to such assaults. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was the first major law to help government agencies and victim advocates work together to fight domestic violence, sexual assault, and other types of violence against women. It created new punishments for certain crimes and started programs to prevent violence and help victims. It’s time out for picking or choosing when and where to speak out against wrongdoings. Don’t concentrate on who is being victimized. Instead concentrate on the victimization and do the right thing. Police have said the man assaulting the women is “a heavy set black man in his late 30s to mid 40s, between 5 feet 7 inches and 6 feet tall, 275 to 300 pounds and he has a trimmed beard, a short haircut and possibly a receding hairline.” Word on the street is that someone knows who this rapist is. Crime Stoppers has offered a $5,000 reward. Some feel that a larger reward might loosen a tongue or two. It would be great if something could prick somebody’s conscience. It’s time to step up! NOW!



MAY 4, 2012

Stop the Violence Against Women

By Dr. Julianne Malveaux Reprinted from NNPA 2011 The Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter of D e l t a S i g m a T h e t a S o r o r i t y, Incorporated held its annual Sisterhood Luncheon last Saturday, and I was privileged and honored to be the keynote speaker. A cloud hovered over the luncheon, though, and the media was there to talk about it. Four Delta women have been raped in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in the last year by a serial rapist who appears to be targeting women in their 50s and 60s. The rapes have caused such alarm that the national President of our sorority, Cynthia Butler McIntyre, has issued an alert, suggesting caution in displaying Delta identification on automobiles, and in wearing identifying t-shirts and sweaters. Every two minutes, someone is sexually assaulted. More than 200,000 people, mostly women, are sexually assaulted each year. But only one in sixteen rapists will spend even a moment in jail - more than 60 percent of all rapes are not reported to the police. Most rapes occur within a mile of a victim's home, or in her home, and almost two-thirds of all rapes are committed by someone the victim actually knows. Nearly 80 percent of all rapes are perpetrated on women under 30, so the Delta rapes are unusual in many respects. Still, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority has the opportunity to turn the pain of these rapes into an empowering moment by organizing to stop the violence against women. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was authored by VicePresident Joe Biden when he was the senator from Delaware. It became law in 1994, and was reauthorized in 2000

and 2005. It is up for reauthorization again this year, and while it should face no trouble in Congress, who knows with this Congress? While there should be no resistance to this reauthorization, it is important for women to remind their congressional representatives that this critical legislation must be reauthorized. Additionally, there is a federal agency that focuses on implementing VAWA by providing resources to organizations dedicated to preventing violence against women. The Office o n Vi o l e n c e a g a i n s t Wo m e n (ww.ovw.usdoj.gov) is part of the Department of Justice. Earlier this fall, they held a meeting of university chancellors and presidents to talk about campus safety and violence against women, since college-aged young people are more likely to be victims of such violence than others are. The office urges people needing assistance to reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE or the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656HOPE. Although we are well into the twenty-first century, we still treat the crime of rape with nineteenth century sensibilities. Many women lack the courage that the Guinean victim of f o r m e r Wo r l d B a n k P r e s i d e n t Dominique Strauss-Kahn (also known as DSK) showed. Yet her treatment is a cautionary tale about why so many victims are silent. After Naffissatou Diallo spoke up, we learned all her business - that she cleaned rooms for $25 an hour in New York, that she had an acquaintance or fiancé who may have been involved in drugs and was incarcerated in Arizona, that she may have lied on her !

immigration application, and that she may have earned income that she did not report. Before it was all said and done, charges were dropped. Then DSK fled back to France where he spoke of an "inappropriate relationship" with Diallo. Give me a break! When does spilling your semen on someone you do not know constitute a relationship? I digress. The point is that many women don't speak out because they don't want to be dragged through the media mud of scrutiny into their past lives. Even a prostitute can be raped, but the prostitute wouldn't likely get a fair trail, especially if her abuser were rich and powerful. The victim's character is still placed on trial, and that shouldn't be the case. And yet, how many women judge victims of rape with the same harsh scrutiny that others have. What was she wearing? Was she asking for it? Was it just miscommunication? VAWA does not address many of these questions, and perhaps it cannot. We have to change the culture so that rape is so repugnant an act that most people will not consider it as an option, that penalties are so harsh that people can be thrown under the jail for such crimes. Four members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority were violated in the DallasFort Worth area, and more than 200,000 people are violated in our nation each year. Delta can use the pain of these rapes to lead the nation in drawing a line in the sand. Enough is enough. It is time to stop the violence against women. Dr. Julianne Malveaux is President of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, NC and the Founder & Thought Leader of Last Word Productions, Inc.





MAY 4, 2012

Why hasn’t Pookie, a black serial rapist, gotten Trayvon Martin type of attention? By Thomas Muhammad Special to I Messenger

Don’t get me wrong. This headline may infer somet h i n g t h a t ’s Thomas Muhammad sure to jack with some nerves. After all, none of Pookie’s victims to date have been killed during his many rape assaults. Not physically anyway. So any attempt to elevate Pookie’s crimes with the horrible senseless death of our little brother Trayvon Martin is going to rub some black folk a bit raw. But Pookie’s victims, who were all black, lost something very dear just the same. Psychologists tell us that after a rape, women lose their innocence and sense of security and remain traumatized long after the experience. Life adjustments leave them walking in fear for the duration of their lives regardless of how some seem to have pleasant outward appearances. They are just simply coping. And that is just as extremely tragic. Like walking dead. Allow me to be the first to state that once Pookie’s caught, tried and convicted, castration should be part of sentencing for him. For those of you who are new to the Pookie story it’s about a black, burlylooking dude, so named Pookie by the

Pookie the serial rapist

Confessed murderer George Zimmerman

popular journalist and radio Talk Show Host, Cheryl Smith. Cheryl has been on a self-appointed crusade to catch this cowardly chump. And if you’re a Delta Sigma Theta alumna you mos def want to know that he still remains at large. Crime Stoppers offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to his arrest and indictment, but so far this evil chump remains at large and has eluded police in several North Texas cities including Dallas, since early 2011. Police released surveillance video of him to the public in June 2011, but didn't release the full information connecting him to the Delta sorority until late

October 2011, following sexual assaults of two more Delta members. That brought the total number of black sisters this sorry Negro assaulted to four. Many within the African American community believe Pookie has been largely ignored because of the race of the sorority. I count myself among those who believe this point. Trayvon deserves all the national attention his case has received, but for these innocent black sisters the justice system has dragged on too damn slow. It was February 26, 2012 when Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old Florida high school student was found shot and

killed in Sanford-- a community north of Orlando, Florida. Several eyewitnesses reported to police that they heard a scuffle, a cry for help, and finally a gunshot. Then according to police reports, George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, was found armed with a handgun standing over Trayvon who had a bloody nose and a wound in the back of his head and at the time was unresponsive, then pronounced dead at the scene. Trayvon had no weapons on him -only a pack of Skittles and a bottle of iced tea. Zimmerman told Sanford police he killed Trayvon in self defense and taking him at his word the police did not arrest him, nor administer a drug or alcohol test on him -- which is standard procedure. Trayvon Martin’s family demanded that police release the 911 tapes or make an arrest nearly one month after Martin was killed. That demand was made on March 9. It was following the tapes release that the story first hit the media and within a few hours it was the lead national story for several weeks. This walking sex predator Pookie should receive the same damned attention. Hey Spike Lee, here’s an address I bet you won’t get in trouble for tweeting (just make sure it’s the right one), please Bro get to it! Until then, the struggle continues… Thomas Muhammad is the President of the Dallas Chapter of National Black United Front.

Lessons well taught - be cautious and vocal By Elena Washington Special to I Messenger

I was of course devastated to hear about the serial rapist that continues to be at large. The fact that the media has been fairly mum on details doesn’t help. Elena Washington I don’t remember any specific talk about “being safe” as a young girl. I just know that for as long as I can remember, my mother stressed the fact that no one was above harming me. Unfortunately, so many sexual abuse and rape cases occur between individuals who know each other. PAGE 8


It is all too common to hear about a friend, cousin, or teacher who has taken advantage of a person who trusted their relationship. My mother was very vocal with me about what were inappropriate conversations and physical interactions to have with another human being. I stress the term “human being” because as we know, sexual abuse, assault, and rape are not unique to opposite sex relationships. I was never to spend the night at an individual’s house who my mom hadn’t met, and I have grown to realize the safety measure that was intended to be. I believe these measures must be taken in the home first. I remember having conversations in school about not talking to strangers and being leery of certain interactions, but nothing was more honest and open than hearing the same warnings from my mother.

We a s a c o m m u n i t y m u s t acknowledge all facets of sexual victimization, and encourage people to speak up the moment they feel uncomfortable with any aspect of a relationship.

Think of things like having a “safe buddy” that is someone who you can call to stay on the phone with you while you are walking to your car alone at night, or having 911 dialed and ready if necessary. I don’t believe in living in a state of

I don’t remember any specific talk about “being safe” as a young girl. I just know that for as long as I can remember, my mother stressed the fact that no one was above harming me. I am also a huge advocate for women engaging in self-defense classes; not only because they teach you how to physically defend yourself, but a lot of classes also teach you warning signs of a situation that could potentially be dangerous. !

fear, but I most certainly believe in being cautious, mindful, and realistic about situations that have the potential to turn into something dangerous. Elena Washington is a life-long Dallas resident and an executive at The Dallas Weekly.





MAY 4, 2012

Churches, community urged to be more outspoken regarding serial rapist attacking sorority By Donald Lee Special to I Messenger

Dr. Cheryl Ensley, a local member of Delta Sigma Theta sorority and head principal at DeSoto High School, said that while she doesn't want to give too much publicity to a Dallas/Fort Donald Lee Worth-area serial rapist, it is imperative that awareness campaigns stay prevalent --- at least until the rapist, who remains at large, is caught and brought to justice. "I definitely don't want to see (public awareness) die down until the perpetrator is caught," said Ensley, who also has four sisters who are members of the sorority organization. Asked whether she thought the community, in general, and area churches, in particular, are doing enough to raise awareness of the crimes that have gone on since 2010, when the first woman from the sorority group was raped, Ensley said: "The issue has sort of

died down in the local churches, as far as I know, but it is definitely in the hands of the local law enforcement." Ensley's message to area churches and the community is simple: "Keep the awareness going ... be vigilant in making sure that everything else is taken care

My appeal to pastors: Please, if you haven't yet, remind your congregations that this area rapist is still on the loose. Remind the women to not let their guard down. of" in terms of taking measures to improve womens' safety. There have been three rapes and one rape attempt involving women who are members of Delta Sigma Theta, with the first incident occurring in November of 2010. The most recent crime happened this past October. Authorities have noticed a pattern in these crimes committed. All of the women are members of the sorority, and all of them are in their

First Lady Hollingshed wants violence to end

Tanesha Hollingshed Ta n e s h a H o l l i n g s h e d k n o w s firsthand the horrors of domestic violence. Actually, she and her husband, the Rev. Kenneth L. Hollingshed of Dallas’ North Park Christian Methodist Episcopal Church have been vocal about their personal experiences in hopes of helping others talk about theirs. “My husband and I come from abusive households,” said Ms. Hollingshed, during an interview. “This is a deep subject and we have to deal with those things that make us uncomfortable so that we can move forward.” Honored in 2006 by The Family Place, she is one of a distinguished PAGE 9


mid-50s to mid-60s. The rapist also reportedly has broken into these women's homes between the hours of 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. The rapes have occurred in Plano, Coppell and Corinth. As Ensley stated, there should be

group of “First Ladies Against Violence.” She says she is committed to the cause and ending the “madness” that leads to and is associated with domestic violence. “My husband and I have an outreach ministry and we have made a commitment to The Family Place. Known as the largest family violence service provider in the Dallas area, The Family Place is a haven for victims of domestic abuse. Each year at the North Park CME Church & Hallelujah House Outreach Ministry Center the Domestic Violence Conference, “No Greater Love” - A celebration of healing: Mind, Body and Spirit, is held in February. Ms. Hollingshed said the conference is held the same time every year because “a lot of victims were going back to their abusers around Valentine’s Day.” Stressing the need for counseling, she said it is also important to be transparent, “to talk about domestic violence,” so that victims won’t feel alone. During the conference, she said, the emphasis is placed on the impact domestic violence is having on today’s youth. Her son tells her of the physical fights between males and females at his high school and she was shocked. “Hopefully we can end this madness.”

continued awareness campaigns throughout the DFW metroplex. This shouldn't be anything that we as a community get lax about. Just because there hasn't been a reported rape or attempted rape in this pattern since October, that doesn't mean that the rapist has decided to stop this madness. And no woman should let her guard down because she's not a member of Delta Sigma Theta or she isn't in the age

range that the attacker has previously targeted. Moreover, area churches should lead the charge in speaking out against these atrocious acts. Organized vigils and planned rallies are ways that churches can become more vigilant in the community. My appeal to pastors: Please, if you haven't yet, remind your congregations that this area rapist is still on the loose. Remind the women to not let their guard down. And by all means, stay tuned in to the news. Keep abreast of latest developments. Don't disregard matters outside of your church. "Some churches are so busy with the operations and issues concerning their own churches that they fail to see the importance of focusing on issues affecting the surrounding community," said Dr. Aimee Colbert, a faith-based counselor in Fort Worth. Heightened awareness will improve these women's safety. Donald Lee, a local pastor and free-lance journalist. He is a former reporter for The Dallas Weekly.

Forum a response to serial rapes

Washington, DC – (Wednesday, January 25, 2012) – Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson hosted a Roundtable Discussion to address violence against women and children in Dallas over the past weekend. The forum was planned as a response to recent events in which several members of the sorority Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. were assaulted in the Dallas area. Journalist Cheryl Smith served as the moderator. Congresswoman Johnson used this opportunity to promote awareness about the recent attacks and to mobilize the community to end violence against women and children. “I’ve always been committed to the advancement of women and children. If we don’t provide a safe and secure environment for our children, then we run the risk of perpetuating the cycle of violence. We must empower women to lead and protect their communities,” said Congresswoman Johnson. Mayor Mike Rawlings, District Attorney Craig Watkins, and Dallas Police Chief David Brown attended the event and emphasized how community support to end violence against women is critical for the Dallas community. Additional guests included Mrs. Serita Jakes of The Potter’s House and representatives from the Dallas Police Department. Members from the Texas Council on Family Violence and the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault were on hand to provide background on the impact of state policy on these issues. !





MAY 4, 2012

Richelle Carey Award-winning journalist is an

ADVOCATE for women and girls Journalist. Advocate. Friend. Voice. By Cheryl Smith Women and girls around the world who are dealing with any type of abuse have a real friend in veteran journalist Richelle Carey. Her website says it all: “Empowering women and girls to speak up.” A native of Houston, Texas, this Baylor University graduate who also attended Smith College is speaking up and out about violence against females. Sure, she acknowledges that there are cases where males are being abused and that would be a great cause for someone to embrace. Ms. Carey, however, says she is clear about the cause she chose to champion and that is where she will focus her attention and resources. Sometimes when a person embraces a cause, they have personal experience or they are close to someone who is impacted. Ms. Carey neither grew up in a home plagued by domestic violence, nor has she been the victim of a rape or other violent assault. But that does not stop her from caring and using her platform to call attention to the many silent voices who, for numerous reasons, will never share their stories. Kathy Ireland Currently serving as a weekday anchor for HLN, Ms. Carey also hosts "What Matters," weekly segments on HLN and CNN. On “What Matters,” she is able to “spotlight the top issues and concerns facing the African American community.”

If anyone thinks domestic violence and sexual abuse are not two issues that are of concern and interest African American communities, they are sadly mistaken. “I’m an advocate for teen girls and women,” she said during a recent interview. “We need to call attention to the pain and suffering that is occurring. We need to say it’s not okay to abuse us.” When she’s not working, the popular speaker is involved as a board member of the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta. Then there’s also the organization, Men Stopping Violence, where she is making a difference. As the vice president of

explained, adding that the men are encouraged to hold other men accountable. Ms. Carey believes that it is important for men to tell the men they come into contact that it is unacceptable to hit, rape or mistreat women verbally, emotionally or physically. Not speaking out only exacerbates a situation and Ms. Carey acknowledged that many people don’t like to discuss violence against women. According to Ms. Carey, some people seem to be almost acceptable of violence against women-that it is considered normal. “We have to be there for victims of assault and say its not acceptable,” said Ms. Carey. “We have to speak out because the more we talk about it, the more people will realize that it is unacceptable to abuse women and girls.” And she has strong words for anyone who tries to “blame the victim.” That’s exactly what happened to U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore (DWIs), who Ms. Carey blogs about on her site: “Rape is one of the least reported crimes because victims fear they won’t be believed , just don’t want to relive it, or feel shame even though it is not their fault. That makes what Congresswoman Gwen Moore did on the floor of the House of Representatives all the more powerful. In a push for the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, she spoke of a lifetime of abuse and sexual assault she suffered, beginning in her childhood.”

Women who inspired Richelle Carey



Hon. Barbara Jordan

Rene Syler

the board, Ms. Carey is very active, even sitting in on sessions with men. “A lot of what we do is about working with men who have never been abusers,” she






MAY 4, 2012

Using her voice to empower women and chil"en An interview with the congresswoman sheds light on a lifetime plagued by sexual assaults and abusive relationships. “It is not the woman’s fault that she is raped,” she said. “When people talk about what the victim was wearing or how she was acting they are missing the point. No matter what was going on, it’s not okay to rape or abuse women.” Still, she continued, people will make comments that are insensitive and end up placing the blame on everyone but the person committing the violent act. The men need to bear the shame, don’t put it on the women, says Ms. Carey. On her website, at www.richellecarey.com, she explains why she is so passionate about the subject of violence against women: What drew me to this work was the reaction of some to singer Chris Brown’s assault on his superstar girlfriend Rhianna. I was so troubled by the dialogue around it. Some asking, “what did she do to make him so mad?” or others saying, “they were just fighting.” I was especially troubled and saddened by young men and women who believed this. If young men and women believed that battered picture of Rhianna was just the result of acceptable “fighting” and not abuse…I felt their lives were in danger.

It was then, that I knew I had to do more than just show up and emcee events. It was time to get to work preventing violence against women and girls. Below is information I believe you will find useful in creating safe communities for women and girls where you are. Some of it is challenging. Changing the way we think isn’t easy. Ms. Carey added that she is committed to using her voice and platform to empower girls and women. Inspired by women like super model Kathy Ireland, late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan (D-

“The men need to bear the shame. Don’t put it on the women.” TX) and journalist and author Rene Syler; Ms. Carey is passionate about her desire to empower women. Prior to landing in Atlanta, Ms. Carey’s career had her working at news stations in Houston, Waco and Tyler Texas, Las Vegas and St. Louis.



Men Stopping Violence is a group that works to build safe communities for women and girls by asking men to hold each other accountable. During my time as a member of the board of MSV, I’ve been so impressed with the focus on prevention. Tragically, there will always be a need for domestic violence shelters if we don’t prevent the abuse. We can all play a role in that. The recommendations below are targeted to men, but we can all learn something from this brief list.




As a child, she learned about the importance of “giving back,” from her mother who worked as a nurse in low-income Houston neighborhoods. The thought that back in her home state of Texas there’s a man stalking members of one sorority and raping and assaulting the members did not sit well with Ms. Carey. “He needs to be caught,” she said while discussing the serial rapist who is still at large, despite being featured on the show America’s Most Wanted and the announcement that Crime Stoppers put up a $5,000 reward. Ms. Carey said she is plans to follow up on the story of the serial rapist and see what she can do to keep attention focused on the cases and others like the Texas serial rapist, where the perpetrator is still on the streets, able to continue assaulting women. She shares the depth of her commitment to empowering females and being a voice for the voiceless on her website: “I feel we have a responsibility to each other – especially to young women – to speak up about critical issues we face…domestic violence, sexualization of girls in the media, sexism, victim blaming and so many other topics. I say ‘we’ because even if you haven’t personally experienced any of these, someone you know has.”

Be an ally to women. Standing with women doesn’t mean we betray men. It means we respect women. Being an ally can mean showing up in your community to say that violence against women is wrong. In addition, we must hold men we know accountable. Don’t fund sexism/pornography. Pornography is estimated to be over a 10 billion dollar-a-year business that is bigger than the NFL, NBA, and MLB combined. Women in pornography are viewed as objects that exist only for male sexual gratification. They are not seen as human beings with a spirit, feelings, thoughts, or a soul. Pornography rationalizes violence against women as part of a healthy sexual relationship. Mentor and teach young boys. Boys watch what we do more than they listen to what we say. Demonstrate respect for women by walking the walk rather than just talking the talk. www.richellecarey.com

* The following recommendations come from Men Stopping Violence. 1. Approach preventing violence against women as a man’s responsibility. Male violence against women will stop when men decide to stop it. Men need to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem. 2. Don’t look the other way. How would you feel if a man slapped your sister (or another woman you cared about) and a man standing nearby looked the other way? If we witness violence and do nothing, then we are supporting violence against women. PAGE 11


For many years, violence against women has been seen as a “women’s issue” but is a human issue. The question is, “Why would men want to get involved in ending violence against women?” The answer is, “because they have daughters.” Men have daughters, sisters, friends, mothers, co-workers and other women in their lives who men want to be safe but they do not have the skills or tools to help create that safety. MSV !





Street Safe is investment worthy of consideration Some people need or want media coverage and some people don’t. While he may not be craving attention, everyone needs to know about Pookie. He needs to be put on blast. When last seen, Pookie had a trimmed beard, short haircut and possibly a receding hairline. He is described as a heavy-set black male in his late 30s to mid 40s, between 5 feet 7 inches and 6 feet tall, and weighing 275 to 300 pounds. Sure, he sounds like a lot of people you know. The only difference is Pookie has a serious problem. He is raping women and according to police reports, members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. have become his victims, and this is no coincidence. Pookie has been called a “serial rapist” because he has been responsible for at least four “known” assaults of Delta women in their mid 50s to mid 60s. These women were in their North Texas homes in Plano, Corinth and Coppell communities and the assaults occurred between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m., with the last reported one as recent as Oct. 14, 2012. While police officials are continuing with their investigations, some women are taking matters into their own hands. In an email from one woman, she said she and her friends are now legally able to carry concealed handguns. They confirmed that their actions were in response to Pookie’s assaults. A caller to KKDA-AM said that every woman should carry a gun, keep it under their pillows, and be ready to take Pookie, or any perpetrator out. Now, I have been thinking of alternatives--with the intent of achieving the same goal as my gun-toting comrades. Another woman’s email encouraged me to take my car keys to bed and should I hear an intruder, immediately hit the panic button. The noise, which could go on for a while, might send the culprit running. I was considering all options when Pepe Miller came into my life. Pepe heard about Pookie and when she contacted me about Street Safe, I was all ears. Street Safe is a mobile security system that can be accessed on “Smartphones.” If you have a phone that has internet access you can have a mobile security system that connects you to a live professional safety advisor--so you’re never alone! “We want women to feel they have the confidence to walk without fear,” said Ms. Miller, who was closely monitoring coverage of Pookie’s exploits. “There is a live call center that is staffed 24-7. There’s the ‘walk with me’ where a safety advisor pinpoints your exact location and stays with you until you get to your destination safely and should something happen, they will call 9-1-1. “There’s also the silent alarm, red slide that activates a silent alarm if you are in a situation and you can’t talk, if you slide the button, they will call 9-1-1.” Street Safe co-founder Anurang Bhargava makes a strong case for utilizing the program. Just knowing that the center is staffed by active police officers, many trained in trauma and crisis management, as well as working with rape victims, provides a level of comfort. According to Mr. Bhargava, Street Safe was the brainchild of an employee who brought up the idea after walking alone and feeling creepy because she said “no one was around.” “Our idea was to prevent something from happening,” he said. “We have a pretty well trained staff and we’re able to save time, which is very critical in preventing a crime. We would rather catch them in the act than after they have committed a crime.” You can find out more about Street Safe by logging on to www.streetsafe.com. If you’re interested in more information, or if you’d like to sign up for yourself or someone special; don’t forget to use the promotional code BESAFE, for a special discount and you can also sign up for a family plan. Ms. Miller highly recommends the program for college students and with a rape occurring every 21 hours on college campuses, as well as remembering my days on campus, I have to agree. In the case of Pookie, thanks to public outcry, a reward has been offered by Crime Stoppers. A $5,000 reward is on the table and hopefully someone will ensure that Pookie is quickly apprehended and properly taken care of. In the meantime, we have to be smart and we have to be vocal. And if someone asks you to be silent, ask them what would they do if they were Pookie’s victim? Cheryl Smith - Reprinted - I Messenger PAGE 12


MAY 4, 2012

Rohadfox continues efforts to support children and women

Joy Rohadfox ATLANTA,

-- Atlanta-based Rohadfox Construction Control Services Corporation (http://www.rccsc.net) (RCCSC), one of the oldest minority Construction and Program Management firms in the United States, teams up with organizations to support children and women. As a supporter for Gospel Goes to Hollywood Awards Luncheon (GGTH), hosted by actress Wendy Raquel Robinson and comedian Jonathan Slocumb, who stepped in for actor Terry Crews, honoring actress Loretta Devine, director Bill Duke and producer Curtis King, the event was hailed as a resounding success bringing the entertainment and corporate worlds together for a great cause. "My mother taught me at an early age, 'To whom much is given, much is required,'" said RCCSC President and CEO Joy Rohadfox. "Today, I consider it my civic duty both personally and corporately to touch the lives of those in need by supporting a worthy cause as the Helping Hands Foundation." Ms. Rohadfox - a 30-something successful businesswoman in a male-dominated field - makes it her duty to support organizations that help children. "I am very passionate about helping children grow into mature adults by teaching them values and encamping them around positive behaviors," she said. She's also on the board of the YMCA of Metro Atlanta. "When I was asked to serve on their board, I had no reservations even with the responsibilities and time commitments that serving on this board would require. The 'Y' strengthens communities by giving children a place to develop into mature adults." Last year Ms. Rohadfox raised and donated approximately $10K to assist children in attending the "Y" program. A diverse and professional individual, who proves to be extremely versatile, Ms. Rohadfox is an expert on many levels that affords her the ability to succeed in various areas. Her broad background in marketing and the administration of construction projects provides her with the ability to successfully assemble and direct team efforts specifically tailored to meet the requirements of any given project. In addition, her management activities, for development projects, allow her to handle the functional considerations of a facility, simultaneously emphasizing on the project's economic feasibility. !





Jazz Bassist Russel Blake partners with National Domestic Violence Registry - When Russel Blake creates, he taps deep into his inner most God source. It is evidenced by music the renowned music producer and jazz bassist has gifted the planet with, including three CD's and over 432 compositions within his repertoire encompassing classical, Spanish classical, traditional jazz, Brazilian, opera, Latin and blues music idioms. It rings apparent in the eloquence he embodies as an author penning "Proverbs 31: The Virtuous Black Woman Vol. 1," where he communicates the precious and priceless value of all women. His God space shines clear when he speaks, captivating crowds with a wealth of musical knowledge, spiritual resolve and his genuine love for humanity. Russel Blake is indeed the reflection of a man who embodies reverence and grace and the vision is inspiring. His recently announced partnership with the National Domestic Violence Registry (NDVR) echoes his continued commitment to service, expanding his parameters as a jazz musician, utilizing his talents as a vehicle to help heal the world. As a partner, the musician/producer/author/speaker has positioned himself to enhance the plight of abused women, and women at large, by bringing much need attention to NDVR as a resourceful remedial aid. The National Domestic Violence Registry works to gather and house the conviction records of offenders, both men and women, who have been found guilty of domestic violence and domestic violence related offenses and provides this information, free of charge, to the general public. A woman can now easily look up the name of a paramour and find out if he has a history of abuse in his past, potentially avoiding explosive circumstances. "I have always recognized women as a most significant pillar of society. The proliferation of any negative portrayals in music, films or books that both sexually objectifies and perpetuates escalating violence against women, only hinders her perceived rise and deserved progression. My music and books are an ongoing tribute to her existence and her greatness. I offer them as a healing balm," cites Mr. Blake.


Los Angeles



MAY 4, 2012

The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) Here are other resources for help and information:

Russel Blake

"I can think of no entity of whom I am both humbled and most proud to vigorously assert my name in endorsement than the National Domestic Violence Registry. NDVR is a preventive cure to the pervasive cancer of domestic violence in our society," adds Mr. Blake in an official endorsement statement. As a musician, Mr. Blake proudly continues the musical legacy of his father, Latin musical great Alexander Blake, and his brother, world renowned jazz bassist, Alex Blake. At the foundation of all his artistry lies his impeccable composition, theoretical and musical arrangement skills; all of which are self-taught. !


Women's Resource Center to End Domestic Violence


National Network to End Domestic Violence


Rape Abuse and Incest National Network


National Sexual Violence Resource Center





MAY 4, 2012

Startling statistics... 4 of 5 Texas sexual assault victims know their attacker Only 10% of reported rapists spend time in prison

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, of the 19,007 reported sexual assault cases in 2010, approximately 83% of victims knew their attacker. Of those 83%, it’s reported that 40% of the offenders are related to the victim. This number is significantly higher than the national average of 73% knowing their attacker, as reported by the U.S. Department of Justice’ 2005 National Crime Victimization Study. This may not indicate an issue in Texas, however, as national standards for reporting sexual assaults are considered too narrow by some, as compared to state definitions. Until recently, the federal definition of rape was “the carnal knowledge of a female, forcibly and against her will.” This did not include toward men, anal or oral penetration or insertion of objects other than body parts. Perhaps most shocking is the fact that the former verbiage neglected to include victims who lacked the ability to express consent, such as those who were drugged or intoxicated. Many states, recognizing the weakness in the old system, adopt a broader interpretation, allowing victims to seek justice for crimes outside the federal definition. Still, the data that has been reported on rape’s prevalence in the United States is based largely on the old definition, and local authorities agree it left a large amount of rape cases unmentioned. What is perhaps most chocking is that the prevalence and punishment of rape and sexual assault, both on state and federal levels, is much lower than the actual occurrence of the crime. According to the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network, 54% of rapes are never reported, meaning that over half of rapists in the United States are never charged for the crime. And of the few who are charged, less than 10% actually spend time in prison. With recent Texas legislation that empowers victims to take action, it is almost certain that the statistics will improve. 2010 CRIME IN TEXAS






Offense information in the sexual assault data collection program is collected according to Texas Penal codes. Complete offense definitions are available in the appendix to this publication. Offense information is collected on six sexual assault categories: Continuous Sexual Abuse of Young Child, Indecency with a Child by Contact, Indecency with a Child by Exposure, Sexual Assault, Aggravated Sexual Assault and Sexual Peformance by a Child.

Residences and homes were the most frequently occurring locations of sexual assaults during 2010, and Other/Unknown was the second most common location.

% 0.6



Commercial/Office Building


Construction Site


Convenience Store


Drug Store/Dr’s Office/Hospital




Government/Public Building










Parking Lot/Garage





The most common weapon involved in sexual assault cases was physical force through the use of personal weapons, which accounts for 93 percent of the incidents.







Continuous Sexual Abuse of Young Child


Indecency with a Child by Contact


Indecency with a Child by Exposure


Sexual Assault


Aggravated Sexual Assault


Sexual Performance by a Child


Sexual Assault Victims by Age offenders by race finds that 96 percent of the White offenders were male, 97 percent of the Black offenders were male, 100 percent of the American Indian or Alaskan Native offenders were male, and 98 percent of the Asian or Pacific Islander offenders were male.

Under the Influence Included in the sexual assault data collection is whether or not the offender is under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the incident. In 83% if the incidents, it was reported that neither drugs or alcohol were involved. Alcohol was involved in 13% of the incidents and drugs were involved in 4% if the reported incidents.

Under the Influence

Sexual Assault Weapons






Blunt Object






Knife/ Cutting Instrument







Sexual Assault Offenders by Age

Incidents of sexual assault in 2010 involved 20,131 victims. Of the victims whose sex was known, 12 percent were male and 88 percent were female. The age group with the highest number of victims was the 10-to-14 year-old bracket. Of the victims whose ethnicity was known, 43 percent were Hispanic and 57 percent were not Hispanic. For the victims whose race was known, 82 percent were listed as White, 17 percent were Black, and 1 percent were American Indian or Alaskan Native and Asian or Pacific Islander. Of the White victims, 87 percent were female, 89 percent of the Black victims were female, 83 percent of the American Indian or Alaskan Native victims were female and 95 percent of the Asian or Pacific Islander victims were female.

Sexual Assault Locations Bar/Night Club

Sexual Assault Offenses




Of these six offenses, Sexual Assault accounted for 44 percent of all offenses reported.


In 2010, 20,379 offenders were involved in incidents of sexual assault. Of the offenders whose sex was known, 96 percent were male and 4 percent were female. The age group showing the highest number of offenders was the 15-to-19 yearold bracket. Of the offenders whose ethnicity was known, 45 percent were Hispanic and 55 percent were not Hispanic. Of the offenders whose race was known, 77 percent were White, 22 percent were Black, and 1 percent were American Indian or Alaskan Native and Asian or Pacific Islander. An examination of


! 53






MAY 4, 2012

Giselle Phelps broke the story about the No. Texas serial rapist I like having my freedom, Someone knows “Pookie.” When my cousin, Topsy, feeling safe, going where I That’s the name I give him, called me early one Journalist Giselle Phelps want and when I want, so I among others. We need to morning, I answered the said that the recent rapes of was very upset upon hearing flush Pookie out. phone slowly, dreading the members of DST has made that a serial rapist was on According to police unknown. You see, my this 99-year-old organizathe prowl and targeting statements, Pookie is “a Aunt Caroline, Topsy’s tion a household name members of my sorority. heavy set black man in his mother, is 95-years-old because folks who never I also began to delve into late 30′s to mid 40′s, between and I didn’t know what to knew about the sorority are the number of rapes in the 5 feet 7 inches and 6 feet tall, expect. Thankfully Aunt tuning in to the story. area. The four reported 275 to 300 pounds and he has Caroline is alive and well A sad thought when you cases were in Plano, Corinth a trimmed beard, a short and keeping my family consider that this organizaand Coppell, but who haircut and possibly a members on their toes in tion has been on the Giselle Phelps knows where the next Delta President Cynthia M.A. receding hairline.” Plant City, FL. Topsy was Butler McIntyre forefront, addressing issues and assault will be? The rapist Dallas County Commiscalling to see if I was okay. She effecting change for almost a attacked four Delta sioner John Wiley Price wanted me to take precautions. Her century. women, but who knows who will be the suggested that DST take the lead and call was one of many, along with emails The CW33 reporter broke the story on next victim? Police have said he could offer a reward for anyone who steps and text messages; and not just from June 1, but it was months later before look for another target. forward with information to help Deltas and family members. the assaults of four DST members apprehend the rapist. Too often we sit became national, and yes now, around waiting for others to do international news. something, he said. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., national “In June, they weren’t saying it was a We can’t sit quietly by and let this serial rapist,” said Ms. Phelps, adding president, Cynthia M.A. Butler McIntyre, said in story die down. A day should not go by that she has been appealing to viewers w i t h o u t s e e i n g P o o k i e ’s f a c e a statement, “To think that our members are being to share any information they have everywhere. This behavior by Pookie is about the crimes or the “alleged” rapist, unacceptable and can’t go unchecked. targeted is disturbing and extremely disheartening.” who appears in tapes released by a local He must be apprehended and punished police department and appears to have immediately. personal information about members. Somebody knows who he is and they Each time that a woman would tell me Ms. Phelps, along with other As the centennial of DST approaches, need to step up. to be safe, I would tell her to take care journalists, is asking members of DST and as members get ready for the big Lift your voices immediately and call too. to share their thoughts with the media. celebration in 2013; I have talked to for justice. Pookie is the enemy. Delta national president, Cynthia M.A. Even some journalists have expressed sorority members who are walking Butler McIntyre, said in a statement, frustration as they attempt to give this around concerned about their wellCall Crime Stoppers at “To think that our members are being story the “same coverage that sororities being, because according to police and targeted is disturbing and extremely like Tri Delta and Chi Omega would media reports; this nearly 300-pound disheartening.” receive if it were their sororities.” rapist is targeting their sisters. There is a reward for $5,000 By Cheryl Smith - Reprinted



Boys to Men/Girls to Women 2012 Black Tie Gala “If it is to be it’s up to us” Saturday, May 19, 7pm Doubletree Hotel Central Expressway and Northwest Hwy Dallas, Texas


Mistress of Ceremonies: DeDe McGuire K104fm Whatever role it may be we all play a role in the development of our children because they are our future. An opportunity has presented itself for Ms. Amira Johnson to attend the People to People Organization on a European Odyssey Trip in June for 20 days. She has been nominated by a teacher to attend this organization. Just a little background on Ms. Johnson. She is a Jr. at Duncanville High School, Duncanville, TX., she ranks 130 out of 896 kids, 1st chair in Honors Band, NHS (National Honor Society) and recently inducted into the NTHS (National Technical Honor Society), member of the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, all classes Pre AP (Advanced courses to prepare her for college), has over 160 hours of community service, Fashion & Jewelry Designer and also an author of a book on her childhood that will be published before she graduates. We are asking for your assistance in seeing that she goes on this trip which is costing $6500. This is a chance of a life time to participate in this program. This organization will mold and shape Ms. Johnson into the young lady of tomorrow. We are asking for your support and donations in getting Ms. Amira Johnson on this European Odyssey. All proceeds go to the tuition, food and accommodations of the trip. Contact Cheryl at penonfire@aol.com to donate.

• • •

Keynote Speaker: Steve Pickett CBS TV Ch. 11

• • • • •

$50.00 per seat Reserve your seats today at: www.theburchfoundation.net call 214-598-3034 / 214-641-9119

Judge Jeannie Howard, Dallas County Courts Brent Taylor, Teamster Local Union 745 David Brown, Dallas Police Chief Kurt Powell, Sam’s Club Cheryl Smith, Publisher/Radio Commentator Dr. Timothy Brown, New El Bethel Baptist Church Pastor Dr. Lisa Holley, Anthologist Alex Woodley, First Convenience Bank Ten High School Seniors from Carter, Cedar Hill, Lincoln, Mesquite, Duncanville, Lancaster, DeSoto, Plano East and WW Samuel , A+ Academy

The Burch Foundation



Wednesday, May 2, 2012







DeSoto ISD on the move

earn college credit and explore career choices while enjoying the traditional high school experiences. Students can choose from one of five College and Career Academies at DeSoto High School:

When the DeSoto ISD Board of Trustees · Arts and Performance unanimously hired Dr. Academy David Harris as the · Business and new superintendent; the Technology Academy · Classical Studies ordained minister said Academy he was proud to serve. Dr. David C. Harris · Health and Science Some exciting Academy things are on the horizon in the · Professional Studies Academy southern Dallas County district and Dr. Harris seems poised and ready to Open Enrollment Packets can be build on the successes. picked up at the Grand Opening or “I am committed and our Open House tours, or at the DeSoto leadership team will do everything ISD Student Support Services office, that we can to ensure that our legacy 200 E. Belt Line Road. The Open does not fall short,” he said during a House tours will be on May 7 and recent interview. “Every generation May 10, 6-8p.m. at DeSoto High has an obligation to future School, 600 Eagle Drive, DeSoto generations. We have an obligation 75115. to teach our children.” While he is enthusiastic about Dr. Harris began Monday, April the future of DeSoto ISD, Dr. Harris 2, 2012 and he immediately began admitted there are challenges, moving forward, getting to know the especially when you take into schools, students, staffs and consideration state budget cuts. community. Still he wants to focus on another There won’t be much of a aspect, like parent and community summer vacation either. involvement. Running a school district is a “I want to talk about community year-round business, he and parent engagement and keeping acknowledged, adding that there will our children focused,” he explained. probably be a week off, but that’s it. “I am encouraging parents to stay “There is so much to do, so engaged, volunteer and mentor. We much to plan that you have to want retired parents involved always be working,” he explained. because they need to come out and As the year rapidly comes to an support. Our students deserve the end, he says he has a goal of support.” infusing more technology into the Touting an impressive resume, classroom and he expects everyone D r. Harris attended Lamar to embrace that concept. University, received a master’s On May 5, the District will also degree in education and doctoral have the grand opening and ribbon degree in education administration cutting of its college and career from Prairie View A&M and Texas academies at 10:00a.m. A&M Universities, respectively. According to Dr. Harris, the In addition to several years as a academies are “nothing like what teacher and coach, before moving up people have seen before.” to principal, Dr. Harris holds a Noting that the four years of number of certifications, including high school go by in “the blink of an ones in generic and secondary eye,” Dr. Harris said the academies special education, secondary provide a different experience for education, physical education, students that will better prepare sociology and health education, them for the future. They will also principal and superintendent gain college credits. certification as well as midOn the District’s website, it management. notes that the DeSoto High School His contract with the District is College and Career Academies offer for three years. EVERY student the opportunity to

DHS Journalism students receive recognition Several Duncanville High School journalists are already on their way to rewarding careers. Allie Peregory recently qualified for the 5A State UIL Academic PAGE 16


Journalism Meet, after bringing home Second and Fourth Place wins in Feature Writing and News Writing categories of preliminary contests. She will represent DHS on May 21 in the State Meet and is looking to bring home the gold. Journalism student Ariana Canchola was also recently named the Best High School Photographer by The Da!as

Morning News. In a regional contest, her work was selected over nearly 150 other entries in the photography categories. She received a $100 gift card for her Sweepstakes Award. In addition, Chrystal Rhone was selected as a runner-up in the photo contest and Taylor Harris was selected as a runner-up in the Sports Writing category. Congratulations are also in order for students placing in the annual Texas Press Women Association contest: Romeeka Siddiqui – First Place, Opinion Writing and Feature Photo (will advance to national competition) Maria Sifuentes – First Place, Sports Writing (will advance to national competition); Honorable Mention, Feature Writing; Third Place (tie), Sports Photography Allie Peregory – Second Place, Opinion Writing; Third Place, Feature Writing and Sports Writing Tricia Virtue – Second Place, Sports Photography Ana Monzon – Second and Third Place, Feature Photo Tatiana Marceleno – Third Place, News Writing; Third Place (tie), Opinion Writing Lisette Lopez – Third Place (tie), Opinion Writing Chrystal Rhone – Third Place (tie), Sports Photography Tijhan Anderson – Third Place, Review Writing Taylor Harris - Honorable Mention, Sports Writing Julio Munoz - Honorable Mention, Review Writing

Eastfield to Hold 41st Annual Commencement (Mesquite, TX) – Eastfield College will hold its 41st annual commencement exercise at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 10, in the Mesquite Convention Center and Exhibit Hall. A cohort of 47 students from Lake vie w Centennial High School’s (Garland Independent School District) Dual Credit program will be amongst the approximately 300 students walking the stage at the evening’s ceremony. They will be receiving their associate degrees in addition to receiving a high school diploma later in June. This is the first group from LCHS graduating from Eastfield’s dual credit program. Eastfield’s commencement speaker will be Dr. Wright L. Lassiter, Jr., Dallas County Community College District Chancellor. The Outstanding Alumnus Message will be given by Mike Maberry, who received his associate degree in 1973; Maberry is the Assistant Director of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii in Pukalani, Hawaii.

has attracted the attention of state and federal educators. "In this school, it is cool to be smart," said John White, deputy assistant secretary for Rural Outreach with the U.S. Department of Education. "You are a step ahead of many students." White visited Collegiate in September 2011. Students attending Collegiate High School begin taking college classes in the ninth grade. College professors come to the Collegiate High School campus to teach freshmen and sophomores while juniors and seniors attend classes on the Cedar Valley College Campus. "I am extremely proud of the Cedar Hill Collegiate High School senior class and their accomplishments," said Principal Usamah Rodgers. "The school's success is the combined effort of the entire school community. The Collegiate students and staff have worked hard to maintain an Exemplary rating with the Texas Education Agency since the school opened in 2008 and the anticipated graduation rate for the inaugural class of Cedar Hill Collegiate High School is 100 percent." Collegiate students are extremely active in clubs and organizations at Cedar Valley College. Twenty seniors hold leadership positions in CVC organizations. Four Collegiate students are officers in the CVC Student Government Association, including Shunkecia Lewis, 18, a firstgeneration college student and CVC student body president. Shunkecia plans to transfer to Sam Houston University in the fall as a junior to work on a degree in public relations. Shunkecia was also crowned Ms. CVC along with fellow graduating senior Taqi Mustafaa, 16, who

CH Collegiate HS achieves 100% graduation rate

Cedar Valley College SGA officers Abigail Torres-Rico, Parliamentarian; Bhavik Patel, Vice-President of Communications; and Jessica Wilson, Secretary.

Cedar Hill, TX. - The majority of the first class of seniors at Cedar Hill Collegiate High School will graduate twice at the end of the school year. O n Ma y 1 0, 2 0 1 2 , 8 4 o u t o f 8 7 Collegiate students will participate in the Cedar Valley College Commencement Ceremony. Fifty-one members of the senior class will receive their associate degree from Cedar Valley College. The remaining students get to participate in the Cedar Valley College commencement ceremony because they are within 12 hours of earning a degree.The commencement ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. at the Inspiring Body of Christ Church, 7710 S. Westmoreland Road in Dallas. Then, on June 2, 2012, the entire senior class of 87 students will participate in the Cedar Hill Collegiate High School Inaugural Graduation. The high school graduation will be at 10:30 a.m. in the Dallas Convention Center Complex Naomi Bruton Theater, 650 South Griffin St. in Dallas. The Early College High School format implemented at Collegiate High School


MAY 4, 2012

won the Mr. CVC title. James White, 18, is president of the Lewis photo by Ramona Logan Latin American Student Organization at Cedar Valley College. He is also the first in his family to go to college. "I think it's great that I will have 67 free college hours when I graduate from high school," Mr. White said. "My family is relieved that they saved that part of my college expense." White plans to transfer this fall to Texas State University in San Marcos to major in pharmacy and minor in business. Collegiate students hold officer positions in Phi Theta Kappa - The National Honor Society for two-year col leges, the Literacy Club, Health Professionals, Women of Divinity and Soulful Dreams, an organization that showcases the artistic talents of students. Shunkecia Lewis, President Cedar Valley College Student Government Association






A Healthy You Sen. Ellis speaks on Womenʼs Health Program

Margaret "Bunny" Pleasants January 3, 1933 - April 2012 Dr. Linda Amerson

Dr. Linda Amerson’s Hair, Scalp, and Skin Therapeutics Essentials, Senator Rodney LLC/ Executive Director. Ellis (D-Houston) has released a The Pink Awards were presented statement regard-ing the injunction in April, by Perfected Magazine. granted to Texas Planned Parent-hood “I have a passion to help against the Texas Health and Human consumers and professionals. I am Services Commission’s plans for the blessed to be a blessing to others,” Women’s Health Program. said Dr. Amerson. “I am very pleased that Judge Doctor, educator, columnist, Yeakel made the right choice to stop radio and television personality and HHSC’s reckless attempts to weaken international lecturer, all these things the Texas Women’s Health Program. describe Dr. Linda Amerson, a doctor It is a very important first step in this of Trichology and world-renowned effort and I hope it forces the Texas expert on hair and scalp disorders. In leadership to stop their damaging and addition, she is the manufacturer of dangerous attack on women’s health. Dr. Amerson's ™ Hair, Scalp and Skin “Over the past several months, Therapeutic Essentials, LLC. To w e ' v e w i t n e s s e d a r a p i d a n d continue growing her product line, she comprehensive assault on women's has added Dr. Amerson's Educational health in Texas and across the US. CD & DVD Series and Leather We've moved well beyond the issue of Accessories. choice into issues that most Americans believed were settled decades ago and are focusing time, effort and money fighting these How healthy is your battles while ignoring the needs of County? millions of Texans. Policymakers in Texas and all across the nation are pushing legislation to enact laws that More than 3,000 counties and the infringe on the rights and health of District of Columbia can compare women. how healthy their residents are and “Sadly, over the past year Texas how long they will live with the has enacted drastic measures to limit 2012 County Health Rankings, which women's ability to access health care, w a s r e c e n t l y r e l e a s e d b y t h e from intrusive, unnecessary trans- RobertWood Johnson Foundation and vaginal sonogram legislation, to t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Wi s c o n s i n cutting and eliminating cost-effective Population Health Institute. programs which provide basic Now in its third year, preventative services for hundreds of the Rankings are an annual check-up thousands of Texas women. The that highlights the healthiest and least effort to de-fund Planned Parenthood healthy counties in every state. In and to essentially eliminate the addition, the report focuses on the Women’s Health Program is yet following: another part of this fight. Issues that influence health “The same people who cut $5 outside of the doctor’s office billion from our schools, another $5 Critical factors such as education b i l l i o n f r o m h e a l t h c a r e a n d rates, income levels, and access to underfunded Medicaid by another $5 healthy foods and medical care, in billion - when we had nearly $10 influencing how long and how well billion in our savings account - now people live are willing to sacrifice millions in Community leaders are federal funding and preventive health increasingly using the information to care for more than 100,000 low- help them identify challenges and take income Texas women. action in a variety of ways to improve "Texas can do better. We need to the health of residents in their take the politics and heated rhetoric community. out of these discussions and focus on After all, it's hard to live a what matters: improving the health of healthy life if you live in an unhealthy women and families in Texas. Cutting place. essential services and implementing Out of 254 counties in Texas rules that limit access to providers State, Collin is the healthiest and simply is not the way to do it. Marion is the unhealthiest; Dallas “Judge Yeakel made the right ranks 51.Please find the full national decision today. As this case weaves press release attached for more its way through the court system, we information. can only hope that the system will New to the program this year, is continue to stand by Texas women a no-strings attached $25,000 cash and against these ideological assaults prize, which will be awarded to six on women’s health.” communities. The Roadmaps to Health Prize recognizes and honors the efforts and 2012 Pink Awards accomplishments of U.S. communities working at the forefront of honors Dr. Linda population health improvements. Any community within the United States Amerson can apply. Sen. Rodney Ellis

( Ho u s t o n , Te x a s ) - -

Pink Award recipient is the woman whose influence, integrity, longevity, expertise and excellence is unmatched and she has exhibited five or more years of experience in her are a of expertise. PAGE 17


May is Lupus Awareness Month

Margaret "Bunny" Pleasants was born in Jacksonville, Florida on January 3, 1933. She was the oldest of two daughters of the late Henry Lee Bracy and Maudean Thomas Bracy. She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior at an early age, while attending the Bethel Baptist Institutional Church,where her late great great grandfather the late Richard Frasier was a founding member. She loved being involved in church activities and sang in the c h u r c h c h o i r. She also began taking piano lessons at an early age and became very accomplished at m a s t e r i n g classical compositions as well as church hymns. She began her education at Oakland Elementary, Boylan Haven Elementary, and later attended Matthew W. Gilbert, Jr. High School. Bunny was always active in school activities. While attending Matthew W. Gilbert, she became a majorette and participated in parades with the school band. She later attended the original Stanton High School where she was voted "Most Popular" during her senior year. Upon completing her studies at Stanton High in 1951, Bunny continued her education attending college at Florida A&M University (FAMU). She majored in Sociology with a minor in History. She enjoyed the talents of the famed FAMU Marching 100 Band under the direction of William P. Foster. It was through the FAMU Marching Band that she would meet and fall in love with the late, Edwin A. "Tex" Pleasants, who was attending the university on a music scholarship. The two were married on December 18, 1955. The marriage produced two lovely daughters, Petre Maudeane and Angela Elaine. Bunny always knew she would become a teacher and it was her delight to inspire her students. Of her teaching positions, she taught at Bryant Academy and later at Jack Yates, in Houston, Texas in 1963, while her family was relocating to the west coast. In July of 1964, her family would relocate to Los Angeles, California. While in Los Angeles, she became involved in a social club called the Regalettes, founded by the late Gertrude Gibson. This club was very involved in community events and fundraisers. She was also a member of the Los Angeles Chapter of the FAMU Alumni. Bunny joined additional social clubs in 1970. She became involved in a new social organization call, "The Coasters". The group was founded by famed Vaudeville jazz harpist, Olivette Miller. In 1972-73, she became a member of another social/ community organization called, "The Renegades". She was a charter member of the club serving at least two terms as Chairperson, and would remain with the organization for over 25 years. During the 1980's, Bunny was involved in an organization founded by one of her dearest friends and fellow FAMU alum, Dorothy "Dot" Thompson called, "Special People Into Community Endeavors" (SPICE). Bunny started her L.A. teaching career with substitute positions with the Los Angeles Unified School District. In 1967, she took a long-term assignment at Jordan High School in Los Angeles. After her assignment was complete, she immediately landed a permanent position at Roosevelt Junior High

MAY 4, 2012

School in Compton, California. While at Roosevelt, she taught Special Education. She remained at Roosevelt until 1970 academic year, and was then transferred to Whaley Middle School where she would remain until her retirement. While at Whaley Middle School, she took great joy with her students in planning school activities, she was soon appointed as a Resource Instructor. She remained a Resource Instructor for approximately two years. During this time Bunny formed the Human Relations Club (HRC), which was born out of the multi-cultural club she had also formed. The club would have cultural events for the entire student body. She was also the advisor of the graduation ceremonies. Bunny loved sports and staying active. She was an avid bowler and yoga enthusiast. In 1984 while singing with the Holman United Methodist Choir, she was asked and participated in the opening ceremonies of the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games. Because of her love for singing in the church choir, she was also active with another choral group called, the Episcopal Chorale. The chorale would give concerts around the city, and engaged patrons with old Negro Spirituals and gospel music. Due to the chorale's success, an album was produced that Bunny took great joy in participating on. Bunny obtained a Master's degree in Education, from the University of LaVerne prior to her retirement in 1995. It was also in this same year that she would become a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha SororityTheta Alpha Omega chapter. In addition, she was appointed to the Top Ladies of Distinction. Traveling was always Bunny's favorite pastime. Her greatest adventure was to Cairo, Egypt. She was also a "fashionista", who loved wearing designer clothes, interior decorating and entertaining in her home. Bunny eventually relocated to Dallas, TX with her eldest daughter. While living in Dallas, Bunny joined the "Chorale" choir at St. Luke "Community" United Methodist Church, where she sang Black spirituals. She was also an active senior, at Concord Baptist Church in Dallas, TX. Bunny is survived by her daughters, Petre PleasantsWhite (son-in-law Dawrence L. White, II), Angela E. Pleasants; granddaughters, Isa Olivia and Lauren Irene White; sister, Trixie Bracy Andrews; brother-inlaw, John W. Andrews and a host of other relatives and friends. She also leaves her ever dedicated and loving caregivers, Ms. Bertha Small, Juanita Salas, and Rena Daniels.

Connie Davis Rosborough

Services were held for long-time business woman, philanthropist and community supporter Connie Davis Rosborough on Saturday, April 28, 2012.

Donna P. Charles 5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012 Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU !






Star Jones National Spokesperson

National Association of Professional Women invites professional women and entrepreneurs to register FREE at www.BusinessWomen.org The National Association of Professional Women (NAPW) is an exclusive network for professional women to interact, exchange ideas, educate, and empower. NAPW members enjoy a wealth of resources, benefits, and services dedicated to enhancing their lives and promoting their businesses and careers. NAPW provides seminars, podcasts, webinars, keynote speakers, and educational tools, fostering critical skills that enable our members to achieve personal and career success. Through their wide-reaching network, members discover new opportunities to connect, grow, learn, and inspire. We provide an exclusive online platform to showcase their businesses and gain exposure for professional endeavors. NAPW also supports and endorses a diverse syndicate of charities and nonprofit organizations focused on women's issues and child wellness. The organization's mission is to provide the most advanced forum for members to connect with like-minded professional women to develop innovative business and social relationships. They continuously offer their members the resources and benefits necessary to foster professional and personal success. For more details and/or to register FREE, visit www.BusinessWomen.orgBuffoonery Over Activism: Do we really prefer music and jokes over content?

Massage Envy sponsors team for Bike MS: Sam's Club Ride Focus and courage of Frisco cyclist energizes Massage Envy owner Dallas Fort Worth, TX -- Massage Envy DFW will sponsor a cycling team for the Bike MS: Sam's Club 2012 Ride. PAGE 18


Brendan McBratney, owner of Massage Envy's Craig Ranch & Stonebriar clinics and the Frisco North Spa, has sponsored Riders Against MS as the Massage Envy team for the past four years. Rodney Moffitt, a resident of Frisco, was diagnosed with MS seven years ago and is the founder of Riders Against MS. Moffitt sums up his attitude: "Don't let MS control your life, but take control of your MS through your exercise or things you want to do, and do it as long as you can. I know someday I might be in a wheelchair, but until that day comes, I'm going to ride." "Rodney's focus and courage energizes me, the riders and everyone at Massage Envy," Mr. McBratney said. The Massage Envy team is aiming to raise more than $15,000 this year. Scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, May 5-6, 2012, the 150+-mile fundraiser benefits the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Lone Star Chapter. The ride begins at 7 a.m. Saturday at Frisco's Dr. Pepper Ballpark. After an overnight pit stop at Texas Motor Speedway, cyclists will loop back on Sunday for a new raceway finish. An estimated 3,000 riders are expected to take part. The ride is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The Massage Envy tent at Texas Motor Speedway will be a gathering place for riders after they bike 85 miles Saturday. Massage Envy therapists will provide massages to Massage Envy team members and other cyclists in preparation for Sunday's ride. The riders are extremely grateful for the massage to help recover from the first day's ride as it helps tremendously preparing for day two. Massage Envy is the leading provider of massage therapy in the U.S. Massage Envy's sports massage therapy is geared toward athletes of every kind, from world-class professionals to weekend joggers to cyclists. Licensed massage therapists focus on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements. Aspects of sports massage therapy are gaining popularity as useful components in a balanced training regimen. Sports massage therapy can be used as a means to enhance pre-event preparation and reduce recovery time for maximum performance during training or after an event. Athletes have discovered that specially designed sports massage promotes flexibility, reduces fatigue, improves endurance, helps prevent injuries and prepares their body and mind for optimal performance. One of the key benefits of Massage Envy's sports massage therapy compared to other modalities is its ability to target muscle-tendon junctions. A 2010 study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that even a 30-second massage improved hip-flexor range of motion. Another study conducted by Margaret Jones, Ph.D. of the American College of Sports Medicine, demonstrated a notable trend toward decreased muscle soreness in the athletes who received massages either before or after exercise. Signup continues until the day of the race. Some 2,856 riders took part last year. Connect on Facebook (Bike MS: Sam's Club R i d e ) a n d h t t p s : / / t w i t t e r. c o m / # ! / BikeMS_DFW (BikeMS_DFW).

of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB®), the oldest African American trade association of real estate business owners and professionals in the country, have positioned themselves with members of Congress, minority businesses, and granting agencies like the Salvation Army, to face these challenges head-on. It was an opportunity to learn more about challenges and solutions, inclusive of a Congressional perspective, at NAREB®'s "State of Housing in Black America Issues Forum" (SHIBA) held on Wednesday, May 2, 2012, at Howard University. The Forum featured interactive panel discussions with industry professionals and experts, and local and national political and community leaders, who provided an indepth analysis of research data, along with possible solutions, as it relates to foreclosure mitigation, neighborhood blight and disaster

MAY 4, 2012

recovery, including the groundbreaking $1.8 billion Homeowner's Assurance Program (HAP)."NAREB® has seen the impact of Congress, especially the members of the Congressional Black Caucus, on homeownership solutions in the past," says NAREB® President, Julius Cartwright. "We recognize the importance of providing Congress with accurate and detailed information and recommendations on how to improve housing conditions in not only low and moderate income neighborhoods, but the surrounding communities as well. The mortgage fall-out has required federal intervention and private sector participation and capital, but many solutions have not been effective enough - – especially in minority communities. It is integral to NAREB®'s efforts, and in the best interest of our nation, that all of us work together on this."


You VOTE every time you tune into WBLS. If their ratings go up you will never hear this show on New York again! But if their ratings go down substantially we have a great chance of getting back on the air. Sign our petition and turn off your radio! YOUR VOICE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS! If you want to contact WBLS to respectfully voice your outrage and disappointment contact the radio station. This is an election year! The Jena 6 March and the Trayvon Martin Case has shown us the importance of us all being together! Call 212.447.1000 and Use the link below to sign the petition: https://www.change.org/petitions/wbls-put-the-michael-baisden-show-on

NAREB® State Of Housing In Black America Issues Forum highlights Congressional Perspective On Foreclosure And Housing Crises WASHINGTON,DC -The foreclosure, neighborhood blight and natural disaster crises are having a disproportionate impact on minority communities, and minorityowned real estate businesses across the nation. As a result, the National Association !





MAY 4, 2012

Citizens rally to change name of Division to Martin Luther King Arlington City Councilman Robert Rivera speaks in favor of changing Division to Martin Luther King

Dr. Marvin Dulaney speaks

The Arlington NAACP, on April 28, 2012, joined by area NAACP branches, state and national officials, community organization representatives, members of the clergy, students, elected officials, business owners rallied in support of changing the name of Division Street in Arlington in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Kofi Taharka, Chairman National Black United Front (NBUF), Silk Littlejohn Gamble, President Arlington NAACP, Durmerick Ross, Gary Bledsoe, State President NAACP

Kofi Taharka, Chairman NBUF and Thomas Muhammad, Chairman NBUF-Dallas Chapter

SAVE THE Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon Weekend DATE Dick Gregory’s 80th Birthday Celebration June 29, 2012 Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club 609 North Harwood, Dallas, TX

June 30, 2012 18th Annual Cheryl Smith’s Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon --USA Bowl , Dallas, TX For sponsorship and ticket information 972-572-0088 PAGE 19







In our library Reviewed by Cheryl Smith

How to Draw Noir Comics

Readers will marvel at the character of the author’s illustrations. Mr. Martinbrough’s writing style is conversational and readers will feel as though he is talking specifically to them, giving a personal one on one lesson.

The Office Girls

The Art and Technique of Visual Storytelling By Shawn Martinbrough How to Draw Noir Comics is a good how-to book, not just for aspiring artists, but for anyone interested in learning how to set a mood, design characters and locations, among other things. It also serves as an excellent guide for layout and design artists, especially those interested in

By Sylvester Stephens

sharpening their page layout and cover design skills. Au t h o r S h a w n Ma r t i n b r o u g h’s illustrations have appeared in several comic books and national magazines, displaying his eclectic style and skillful use of the color, Black. Mr. Martinbrough is more than an artist/illustrator. In addition to several samples of his illustrations, How to Draw Noir Comics features The Truce, a graphic novel that is both intriguing and easy to follow. The novice will put this book down, ready to pick up the materials, or as the author says, the tools, and create a masterpiece. How To Draw is easy to read and the illustrations make it an attractive and interesting book. Mr. Martinbrough said, “If I succeed in creating a mood, drama, or a feeling of motion in just one panel, then I am one step closer to understanding the world around me.” Clearly Mr. Martinbrough has that understanding because not only does How to Draw achieve those goals, it is also inspiring because the author makes drawing fun and easy for the beginning artist and even those who don’t have a clue about what they could do with pencils and an artboard.

The title will have you thinking that a woman had to have written this novel about interoffice drama. Not the case at all. Mr. Stephens weaves this story using his lead character, Michael Forrester. Michael is a writer who finds himself receiving a pink slip. He’s not happy and he is out for revenge. He goes to work in an office full of women. While he befriends some and manages to be a confidante to others, of course he couldn’t refrain from getting involved sexually. Now can he really keep his clandestine affairs away from everyone else in the office, or will they find out and make him pay?

Support Black -owned bookstores

This Fire Down in My Soul By J.D. Mason For the life of me, and the readers of This Fire Down in my Soul, it is hard to understand how Elise thought she had found a good man in Jay. No matter how hard working and good looking he was, Jay was married and that should have nullified any future for the two.

But greedy Jay wanted to have his family back at home and Elise in one of the towns he passed through as a truck driver. For all Elise k n e w, he co u l d h a v e had another family in every town. Sure Elise seemed gullible. Once she mustered up enough nerve to call Jay out and ask him to do the right thing he always managed to sweet talk her, give her good loving and move on until his next truck run. Elise tells Hope Filled Christian Center Church’s First Lady Faylene Watkins about her dilemma. First Lady Watkins tries to give Elise, who is a member of the choir, sound advice. Then there’s Renee, the singles ministry leader, who becomes involved with her client’s husband. She knows she is wrong and she also seeks counseling from the First Lady. Still that doesn’t save her from a “beat down.” And some will feel she deserved it, although others will feel as though all the women have been manipulated by men. And Tess has been the faithful wife, despite her husband’s philandering ways. Now that the children are grown and out of the house, she wants someone to pay attention to her—to show her some love. All of these women are in need. But guess what? So is First Lady Watkins! So who helps the counselor? Author J.D. Mason is back with yet another page turner. Find out how these ladies deal with their issues and if they will remain victims.

Support the Black Press

Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box 860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 PAGE 20

So much happens as Michael tries to work his plan. Clearly he thinks his intellect is far superior than that of his female counterparts. Little did he know, however, that he would fall in love with one of his coworkers. It wasn’t one of those situations that he planned for, nor did he see it coming. The author says that The Office Girls is based on true events and actual people, “however the names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.” Join Michael, the former professional athlete, in the office with Lisa, Tazzy, Darsha, Valerie, Wanda, Pam, Cynthia and M s . Vi r g i n i a . Wa t c h h o w M i c h a e l manipulates the ladies, getting them to reveal their pasts, as well as their innermost thoughts. Clearly the super-intelligent Michael thinks he has so much going for him that he underestimates his co-workers. Can The Office Girls have a happy ending with so much deceit? Will Michael be able to achieve his goal? Even more important, will he learn that revenge is not necessarily a good thing? All of those questions will be answered, but not without some drama. Curl up with The Office Girls and glean insight into the inner workings and office politics.

MAY 4, 2012







MAY 4, 2012

Urban League Garland receives award



Dick Gregory’s 80th Birthday Celebration June 29, 2012 Harwood 609 Restaurant

Are you detailoriented, creative, and interested in a career in journalism? Here’s an opportunity for you to work with awardwinning journalists as you learn convergence: radio, television, newspaper, magazine and online journalism.

Send your resume to Dfwabj@gmail.com

The Urban League Community Service Center in Garland was recognized by the Garland Fair Housing Services for having worked to impact the social and community fabric while ensuring adherence to Fair Housing laws. The award was presented to Rashidah Madyum, Center Manager by Garland Mayor Ron Jones at the 15th Anniversary Celebration of Garland Fair Housing Services Luncheon at the Patty GranvilleArts Center in Garland..

Annual Basketball and Life Skills Enrichment Camp June 4-8, 2012 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Faith Bible Church Gymnasium 1437 W Pleasant Run Rd Desoto, TX Boys & Girls - Grades 3-8 Cost: $85 Pre-Registration/ $100 On-Site Registration (after May 18th) (Includes daily instructional lessons, motivational speakers, camp t-shirt, lunch, admission to Heads Up! Celebrity Game The Heads Up! Foundation ! PO Box 763767 Dallas, Texas 75376 www.theheadsupfoundation.org ! call 214.339.1400

Welcome to TBANN TBANN - Timely. Trusted. True. The Black American News Network I started TBANN because I felt in my heart that there were more stories to be told about black America. For far too long have our stories been either ignored or treated as a sidebar. TBANN is here to change all of that. TBANN will focus on news and issues that affect black Americans. All of black America. Rich or poor, famous or blue collar, natural or permed, dark skin, light skin or whatever makes us unique - we all have one thing in common.

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Mark your calendar May 4 Southern Bible Institute will celebrate its 85th anniversary with a gala banquet at the Hilton Anatole Hotel, 2201 Stemmons Freeway in Dallas, Texas. The black tie affair begins at 7 p.m. in the Chantilly Ballroom. PastorTony Evans is the keynote speaker

TX 75080. Admission and parking are free. Full details are available at www.cottonwoodartfestival.com or 972-744-4581.

Homebuyer Workshop 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Urban League of Greater Dallas Headquarters 4315 S. Lancaster Road Dallas, TX 75216

City of Balch Springs Cinco de Mayo Festival 11am-3pm at the Civic Center 27th Annual Adolescent and Ladies Symposium at Church of Christ on Greenville Avenue, 1013 South Greenville Ave, Richardson, TX 75081 - 8a-1:30 pm

Paul Quinn College 2012 Baccalaureate with Bishop Vashti McKenzie as the speaker at 10:00 am Commencement is Saturday at 11a.m.

MAY 4, 2012

May 15 The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, in partnership with the Fort Worth Human Relations Commission, is pleased to announce that it will host the national traveling exhibition “Freedom Riders,” which looks at six months in 1961 when more than 400 courageous Americans — old and young, black and white, men and women, Northern and Southern — risked their lives to challenge segregated facilities in the South. May 17 Florida A&M University National Alumni Association (FAMU-NAA) 2012 National Alumni Convention May 17-20, in Charlotte, NC. The theme for this event is "Renew the FAMU in You”. For more info visit http://www.famualumniconvention.com ***** Homebuyer Club Meeting (Sponsored by Capital One) 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Urban League of Greater Dallas Headquarters 4315 S. Lancaster Road Dallas, TX 75216

May 5

DeSoto High School College and Career Academies Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Saturday, May 5 from 10 a.m. to noon DHS – 600 Eagle Drive, DeSoto 75115 Open to the public; free tours and snacks; visit with students, staff and partners! Two Open Houses are also being held on Monday, May 7 and Thursday, May 10 from 6-8 p.m. for all interested parents and families! DeSoto High School College and Career Academies offer EVERY student the opportunity to earn college credit and explore career choices while enjoying the traditional high school experiences. Students can choose from one of five College and Career Academies at DeSoto High School: · Arts and Performance Academy · Business and Technology Academy

***** The Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce (DBCC) monthly Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. and will be held at Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in the Multi-Purpose Center, 7550 South Hampton Road, Dallas, Texas 75232. Note the meeting will start promptly at 6:30 p.m. and conclude at 7:00 p.m. Subsequent to the scheduled Board meeting, the DBCC Government and Public Affairs Committee will host a Candidate Forum from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. regarding Democratic Primary Candidates for the U.S. Congressional District 30 and State Representative District 110. If you have any questions regarding the Candidate Forum, please contact Malcolm S. Robinson, Interim Chair of the DBCC Government and Public Affairs Committee at (214) 941-0717. May 18

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Hyatt Regency Dallas - Landmark Ballroom 300 Reunion Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75207 5:30 p.m. Sponsors VIP Reception 6:30 p.m. Dinner and Program May 12

Show times at Verizon in Grand Prairie: Thursday & Friday, May 10 & 11 – 800pm Saturday, May 12 – 300pm and 800pm Sunday, May 13 – 300pm and 730pm

Cottonwood Art Festival is the premier fine arts event in North Texas. The festival has extended its hours and is set for 10 AM -- 8 PM Saturday and 10 AM - 6 PM Sunday, May 5-6, 2012, at Cottonwood Park, 1321 W. Beltline Rd., in Richardson, PAGE 22

May 8 second meeting of the Duncanville Parent Network, to be held on Tuesday, May 8 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm at Reed Middle School (530 E. Freeman). Parents will hear from Duncanville ISD physical therapists, occupational and speech therapists, and behavioral specialists. There will also be opportunities for questions and answers. Refreshments will be provided, and childcare will be available on-site with a reservation request. Email duncanvillepn2011@hotmail.com for more information and to reserve childcare.


Urban League of Greater Dallas Young Professionals (ULGDYP) presents A Toast to Dallas! Appreciating our History, Building our Future Wine Pairing and Fundraising Dinner 6pm, Cocktail Attire Tower Club Dallas, Pegasus Ballroom May 19 Volunteer Day at the TXU Energy Urban Tree Farm & Education Center at Richland College. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 12800 Abrams Road, Dallas, TX 75243. This is our last volunteer work day until the fall when it cools down. **** Young Men Survive Concert it’s going to be a blast@ 7:00pm 11440 Ferguson Rd. Dallas, TX 75228 Door Admission just $5:00 10 and under FREE

IMAJ performs 7:30pm (Arriving early is recommended.) Tickets: $10 each.....Purchasing tickets early is also recommended as IMAJ has been selling out all over DFW, including House of Blues. Wales Manor Vineyard & Winery 4488 County Road 408, McKinney, TX 75071

******* Homebuyer Workshop (Sponsored by Wells Fargo) 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Urban League of Greater Dallas Headquarters 4315 S. Lancaster Road Dallas, TX 75216

Dallas Convoy of Hope 2012 is expecting to serve over 10,000 people with food, community and health services, shoes, job fair, hair cuts and much more absolutely FREE at Fair Park

***** Dallas Alumni Chapter Southern University Bayou Bash African American Museum lawn 6 pm






Tarrant College SBDC 10:00am-12:00p 1150 South Freeway, Suite 229, Fort Worth, Texas 76104 Call to Register TODAY:817.871.6028 May 27

************** TeCo Summer Cultural Enrichment Camp OPEN HOUSE, 12N - 2PM Campers study music, dance, theater, and visual arts with master teaching artists -- Breakfast, lunch and snacks served ~Very Limited Space Available~ or call 214-048-0716 for info

The Star of Deep Beginnings: The Genesis of African Science and Technology by Charles S. Finch III, M.D. is the next book to be reviewed by The Third Eye in conjunction with the South Dallas Cultural Center (SDCC) at 3:00 PM at South Dallas Cultural Center May 31

************* Home Chapter Crawfish Boil E.N. Mayberry Dining Hall lawn (Southern University - Baton Rouge 2 pm For more information, contact the Home Chapter at 225.413.1582

Duncanville High School’s 2012 Commencement Ceremony will be held at the Dallas Convention Center beginning at 7:30 pm.

May 26

SAVE THE DATE Dick Gregory’s

Chi Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in conjunction with Pearls of Service, Inc. host the Pearls & Ivy Debutante Ball

Senior Center Fundraiser 4:00-8:00 pm, Admission: $5.00


********** HR for Small Business A crash course covering key issues, basic laws and best practices. This workshop will swiftly get you up to speed on all aspects of HR from legal and compliance issues, to hiring and firing, benefits administration, records keeping and more. An HR primer on FLSA, EEO, FMLA and I-9.

Birthday Celebration June 29, 2012 Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club

NEW TIME! Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com at 6p.m. Monday, May 7

Tuesday, May 8

Join Cheryl and Lady T • Black Economic History Join Cheryl, and Lady T Fact of the Day • Black Economic History • L I V E f r o m Fact of the Day Harwood 609 • with candidate Maricela Moore

Wednesday, May 9

Thursday, May 10

Friday, May 11

Join Cheryl and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day • LIVE from Harwood 609 • Campaign 2012

Join Cheryl and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day • Terry Croxton

Join Cheryl and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day


Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 23


MAY 4,4,2012 MAY 2012






MAY 4, 2012

Sunday, at 8:00a.m., turn on your computer & log on to Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to listen to And don’t forget fitness guru Jay, sports guy Andrew and an inspiring word from Father JeMonde Taylor



Cheryl Smith and her guest:

Donna P. Charles 5/20/1958 3/23/2012

Hollywood Casting Director Tracy “Twinkie” Byrd



Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU




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