I Messenger 35

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NO 1 ISSUE 35 MAY 11, 2012



MAY 11, 2012

Stephanie Johnson President and MOMpreneur

Mother’s Day is every day Bed Rest Concierge makes life easier for bedridden moms PAGE 1


Brought to you by Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club



609 North Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 214.740.0609








MAY 11, 2012





MAY 11, 2012

Message to the people...

I MESSENGER May 11, 2012

Dr. Joseph Lowery visits Dallas, endorses Garcia 8-9

Aretha Franklin on her movie


Maricela Moore for Judge 11

Celebration planned for Dick Gregory’s 80th birthday 19

I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, godmothers, sisters, friends, and others who take on the allimportant task of “mothering.” I try not to get caught up in all of the hype surrounding American holidays. While a holiday can bring joy into the lives of so many, it can also cause a lot of frustration, stress and ill feelings. Cheryl Smith The commercialization that is associated with holidays and “holy” days, as well as the not so holy days puts pressure on people to give, even when they can’t. Sometimes the days come when the bank account or wallet is saying “don’t even think about looking here for money.” You could be thinking about buying something to show you love and you’re thinking that your money is “kinda funny” when actually it is downright “hilarious!” So what do you do? Sure it’s nice to say “I love you,” “I appreciate you” and “thanks,” with a gift, but do you really have to do it on a designated day or can you do it whenever you so desire? I love my mother. I love my father. I love my siblings, Godparents, and other relatives. I appreciate my assistants, co-workers, doctors, and so on. Am I ungrateful and unappreciative if I don’t recognize loved ones on the days that a capitalistic society deems it appropriate? Some people act as though they “live” for those “special” days. There’s nothing more disingenuous for me about this subject than seeing someone mistreated day after day, only to watch in amazement as all the pain and suffering is totally forgotten when presented with a bouquet of flowers, some lingerie or chocolate candy. I actually laughed when my college roommate got excited over an opened bottle of rum. So he uses you as a punching bag and disrespects you on campus, and for your birthday he opens your “gift” and shamelessly satisfies his thirst before presenting it to you and you are overwhelmed over his thoughtfulness? Give me a break. I was a little ole freshman but I still had a better understanding of things than that bigtime junior. While some may wait for a “special” day to show the love, I prefer to have my public displays of affection and appreciation whenever I so desire--cherishing each day. When I think about my mother and the challenges that she faced brining me into this world, I can’t help but love and respect her. I am even thinking of having Stephanie Johnson, our cover feature this week, to head up to New Jersey and pamper my mom because I am sure back last century there wasn’t too much pampering going on--and she deserves it! I’ll show the love every day, too! Not just on the second Sunday of May, but every single day of my life. You’re fortunate if you have special people in your lives and your mom is special even if it is just because she gave birth to YOU!

IMessenger is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IMessenger is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com. PAGE 3









2012 On the Campaign Trail Texas AFT endorses Chris Turner for Texas House Turner has backing of two largest statewide educator associations

Chris Turner

ARLINGTON Former State Representative Chris Turner (D-Grand Prairie) recently announced that he has earned the endorsement of the Texas American Federation of Teachers (AFT) in the race for Texas House in the new District 101. Texas AFT is the second major educator group to throw its support to the public education advocate in as many weeks; the Texas State Teachers Association endorsed Turner last week. "Chris Turner is someone we know we can count on to stand up for Texas schoolchildren and educators," said Texas AFT President, Linda Bridges. "Chris Turner proved himself as a strong advocate for public education and an effective leader. We need to return him to the House to help undo the serious damage done by the severe education budget cuts of 2011. Chris Turner understands that to move our state forward again we all must pull together to support our schoolchildren and the dedicated teachers and school employees in our public schools." Bridges continued by saying, "Ensuring educational opportunity from preschool through college is the key to a brighter future for individual Texas families and for our state's economy as a whole. Chris Turner will be a leader in the legislature from day one in the fight to make that vision a reality." "I'm so honored to be endorsed by the Texas AFT," Turner stated. "With public education as the most pressing issue facing our state, this key endorsement is especially meaningful. I am committed to fighting alongside public school teachers to strengthen our neighborhood schools." Turner continues to lead in the HD 101 endorsement race. In addition to Texas AFT, Turner has been endorsed by the Texas State Teachers Association, the Tejano Democrats of North Texas, the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, the PAGE 4


Texas Medical Association TEXPAC, the Texas Hospital Association HOSPAC, Teamsters Local 745 DRIVE Committee, Arlington Professional Firefighters Local 1329, the Arlington Police Association, the Metroplex Democrats of Arlington, and the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas. Turner is a lifelong Democrat who has worked to elect Democrats across Texas. He and his wife Lisa lived in South Arlington for nearly a decade, and their children attended Summit High School in South Arlington. The Turners now live in south Grand Prairie. While serving in the state legislature from 2009 to 2011, Turner's priorities included reforming the insurance system to protect the interests of consumers, expanding veterans' benefits, fighting for better funding for public schools, making college more affordable, strengthening DWI laws to protect families from repeat offenders, and lowering utility rates.

MARK COOKS Watch Party On May 12th from 6:00 - 9:00pm at Mark Cooks the Best Western (922 E Hwy 67, Duncanville, TX), Mark Cooks, candidate for Duncanville City Council will be hosting a watch party for the election results.

Salazar makes case for support Over 20 years ago, the Dallas Observer had called me a precocious 23 year old and the only viable Hispanic contender for Dallas City Council. They asked the question

why was such a young upstart “the only viable Latino candidate running for the City Council?” Well the real question was why were so few Latinos Steve Salazar willing to risk all the scrutiny that is involved in public service. I did it because I had the passion. I wanted to make a positive difference in helping the working people of my neighborhood and the district. Even at a young age, I saw and felt the struggles of my community and the difficulties of all working families. I saw firsthand how difficult it was for parents to raise their kids. Working multiple jobs and endless hours just to survive and put food on the table and a roof over their heads. Those were different times, when the smallest improvements were huge developments. People were working so hard for pennies and were so appreciative of people for giving them the work. A good Education was a luxury. But if you made it and you worked really hard – then an education was possible. Education was the opening you needed to a decent standard of living and endless possibilities. With the great help of my parents, I was able to finish college from UT Arlington and received my law degree from the University of Houston. I

MAY 11, 2012

importance of getting an education and the difference it made in my life. As a City Councilman for over 14 years and now a candidate for Congress, I’ve taken all of those experiences and learned what we really need from our elected officials. We need our politicians to stop bickering amongst themselves and find a way to end the partisanship divide! We need to find ways to reach common ground, so our communities can overcome these devastating economic times and find a way to rebuild our economy, manage our long term fiscal situation, and invest in our communities again. It’s really that simple. We are facing some serious challenges and in some cases, devastating problems in our country. We need leaders who have the experience and a proven record of delivering for our communities. As a City Councilman, I’ve helped secure funding to revitalize Bishop Arts, where now there is a thriving economic and commercial hub and I was instrumental in turning 1000 acres of undeveloped land in Pinnacle Park into a retail, warehouse and residential area that has created thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in taxes for Dallas. If you know me, you know my greatest strength is that I am a man of my word. I have brought coalitions together from all communities and worked with those leaders to make sure a consensus is built and real

improvements are made.

NO EXCUSES: Get out and VOTE Early voting begins Monday, May 14, 2012

knew firsthand the






MAY 11, 2012

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MAY 11, 2012

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Come on PEOPLE! POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers.

If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers

877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at


DON’T BE SILENT Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today! PAGE 6







Happy Mother’s Day


As A Man Thinketh

Maya Angelou once said, “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.”

I‘m sure that everyone has heard this phrase taken from the Bible and found in Proverbs: chapter 23 verse 7 “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” In this scripture, the writer Solomon is pointing out something that seems to be simple on the surface. But I would say that the reference of a man’s heart here points to the real core of a human being, which is his or her mind. We often equate emotional pain and strife with being matters of the heart but not specifically assigned to a state of mental anguish. If we look carefully at our own actions we can really see what our thoughts become. We live in a time where so much information is at our finger tips that is seems that we would accomplish much greater strides than we actually have. Even with such great technology available it appears humanity is falling lower in its character. A very recent personal issue in my life caused me to really look at my thinking to see if I was getting off track from reality. What I realized may sound a bit vain however. I came to understand that the approach to life that most people have is based on a set of traditions that are not always based on truth or fact. I then began to look at the time in which we live that has produced a mind in people so selfish that it often gives the appearance of every man for himself. That would not be so bad if every man and woman were trying to do right by themselves. In other words if we really cared for our lives in a way that showed the giver of life that we were appreciative of this awesome gift of life we would think totally different and therefore act totally different. We can think very little of ourselves and accomplish little to nothing or begin to increase the quality of what we think and be a part of the change that is coming to this world whether we change ourselves or not! Aaron Hopkins I MESSENGER wants you to SPEAK YOUR MIND! Is there something on your mind? Is there something we should be thinking about? Your thoughts are welcomed at I Messenger! We would love to hear from you. Send your thoughts to us at www.myimessenger.com along with your photo, a contact number and a brief bio. Submissions should not exceed 300 words. PAGE 7


MAY 11, 2012

A mother’s love, like a hurricane, is mysterious, overwhelming, and powerful beyond comprehension. Whatever our role in this Urban League Movement, however we are serving the cause, we all need to pause for a moment of gratitude on Mother’s Day. Our mothers soothed us, nurtured us, made sure we ate our vegetables and did our homework.

We are shaped not just by the mothers who raised us, but the other mothers we have encountered along the way – teachers, mentors, friends. The Urban League Movement, too, was shaped by many mothers, from co-founder Ruth Standish Baldwin to Mollie Moon, first president of the Urban League Guild. Mother’s Day is a time to honor our Mothers for their love and strength. Perhaps we also can use the occasion to harness our own “hurricane power” as we rededicate ourselves to empowering communities and changing lives.

Marc Morial President National Urban League They can be our sharpest critics and our biggest fans.

Thank you, to all our mothers, and God bless you.

Dallas LGBT Community and Allies rally against passage of North Carolina Anti- Marriage Amendment Members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community and their allies rallied in Dallas to protest the passage of Amendment 1 in North Carolina. Amendment 1 is a measure permanently banning same-sex marriage that could result in the removal of protective orders from domestic violence victims and removal of children from their parents' insurance policies. North Carolina has become the final southern state, and the 31st state to pass a defense of marriage amendment. North Carolina has had a law banning same-sex marriages for over 16 years. "Again religious fundamentals and conservatives have enshrined discrimination, bias, and inequality into a state constitution," said Eric Reece, board member of the Dallas

Peace Center. "We must understand that opposition to same-sex marriage is only one part of a much broader pro-marriage, and "family values" agenda that includes abstinence-only education (which is funded by federal dollars), stringent divorce laws, the renewed and strategic attack on reproductive freedom, and the ongoing assault of the social safety net of this country," Reece said. Reece said the Dallas Peace Center will redouble its efforts to build alliances across issues and constituencies and reject the notion that same-sex marriage should divide otherwise like-minded communities. "We want to strengthen the stability and security of diverse households and families, whether they are families comprised of single parent households, elders who choose to live together as each other's caregivers,

children being raised in multiple households or by unmarried parents, adult children living and caring for their parents, or elders who are the primary caregivers of their grandchildren or other relatives. These diverse families and households, and many others, should have the same privileges legally and economically as traditional-nuclear households. All families matter," he said. Organizers of the rally want the Democratic National Committee to move the scheduled 2012 Democratic National Convention out of Charlotte, NC and to officially add Marriage Equality and Full Federal Equality for LGBT Americans to the Party Platform. Participants also praised President Barack Obama’s stance on same-sex marriages.

Conyers: President Obama’s support for Gay Marriage a Courageous Stand

–House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) applauded President Obama’s support for marriage equality for same-sex couples. Ranking Member Conyers is an original cosponsor of H.R. 1116, the “Respect for Marriage Act” which would repeal the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA). (WASHINGTON)

As Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee during the 104th Congress, Representative Conyers opposed DOMA in 1996. “I commend President Obama for his support of marriage equality. The right to choose whom to marry is not just a !

civil right, but a fundamental human right. That is why I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 and support its repeal today. And it is why I strongly support President Obama taking a stand on this important moral issue. President Obama and Vice President Biden have taken courageous, sound, and appropriate positions supporting equal rights for all Americans.”





MAY 11, 2012

West to East Civil Rights icon endorses Domingo Garcia for Congress

Sen. Royce West (D-TX), Domingo Garcia, Dr. Joseph Lowery, political strategist Donna Brazile and Peter Johnson in Dallas. Photos: Don Robinson

Dr. Joseph Lowery with Peter Johnson and Domingo Garcia in Fort Worth Dr. Lowery talks to media in Dallas.

Stressing the importance of having strong leadership; civil rights icon Rev. Joseph Lowery praised the work of President Barack Obama as he urged voters to support former Dallas City Council member and state rep. Domingo Garcia in his bid to become the U.S. Congressman for the newly created District 33 which covers parts of Dallas, Collin and Tarrant County. Dr. Lowery spoke in Fort Worth and Dallas, addressing Mr. Garcia's campaign within the context of the Civil and Human Rights Movement. Dr. Lowery’s wife of 62 years, Evelyn, and his grandson, Blake accompanied the veteran civil PAGE 8


rights leader who gave the benediction at the inauguration of President Obama. Speaking to a standing-room only crowd at St. Martin’s Place in Dallas on Friday, Rev. Lowery talked about the struggle for equality and civil rights and how for decades he has known Mr. Garcia. “I am proud to offer my support to Domingo and I urge you to send him to Washington to help President Obama,” said Rev. Lowery. It was a youthful and spirited Dr. Lowery who addressed the Dallas audience today, after speaking in Fort Worth yesterday and attending a dinner where political strategist Donna

Brazile was the keynote speaker and judges were honored. With almost a dozen candidates, this hotly contested race is pitting veteran politicians, newbies and community activists. According to Dr. Lowery, Mr. Garcia is best prepared to hit the ground running in the nation’s Capitol. Dr. Lowery is referred to as the “dean of the civil rights movement.” He helped to form the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and served as the organization’s first vice president. I Messenger !





MAY 11, 2012

Scenes from Luncheon with Dr. Joseph Lowery at St. Martin’s Place - Dallas








DIVA Watch

The Queen of Soul announces new possible pick to play her (New York, NY - - Multiple GRAMMY® Award-winner Aretha Franklin sees Audra McDonald as a strong contender to play the Queen of Soul in an upcoming film. During a recent visit to New York City, Franklin attended Broadway's Porgy and Bess. It was Franklin's first time seeing McDonald's on the Great White Way. She was very impressed with her performance and expressed an interest in her for the role. Audra McDonald is an award-winning television and stage actor who has won four Tony® awards and two Emmy awards. McDonald has starred in ABC's Private Practice, and in Broadway musicals such as A Raisin in the Sun, Ragtime, Carousel and Master Class. A classical trained singer, she has performed in concerts with the New York Philharmonic and many others. Ms. Franklin is continuing discussions with Hollywood executives and hopes to wrap up negotiations on the film in the coming months. She is not currently in negotiations with McDonald for the starring role in a bio-pic about Franklin. Last month, Ms. Franklin celebrated her 70th birthday at a dinner party in New York. She recently received TV Land's Music Icon Award.

Aretha Franklin

MAY 11, 2012

Parties with Charm hosts MotherDaughter Pampered Princess Fair! On Saturday May 19, 2012 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. “Parties with Charm will play host to a free mother & daughter Pampered Princess Fair at 621 N. Hampton Rd. Desoto, TX 75115. This event will include massages, free makeover for mom and a princess makeover for her daughter. In addition, there will be vendor shopping made available, line dancing, and sweet treats. Parties with Charm is owned and operated by a young woman who has dedicated herself to teaching young girls how what womanhood entails. Sonya Cross has a passion for restoring the lost art of charm and etiquette that used to be a staple in America. Her idea is not new, it’s just the only time we’ve seen it in our area. Her business includes Tea Parties, father and daughter events and summer programs that will enrich the self-esteem and confidence of young girls and their families. Sonya is a certified etiquette trainer and has applied that knowledge to her personal knowledge of what is needed in the larger community. The event will offer professional advice on hair & skin care (great for teens), health & fitness, a special visit from Princess Tiana from Princess And The Frog (impersonator), prizes and much, much more. Parties with Charm has had great success in its past mother & daughter events and their customers have expressed how much they truly enjoyed a venue that promotes wholeness and a chance to bond with their children. This fair is a celebration of a Mother & Daughters and a chance for you to spend quality time in parenting. For more information, please call Parties With Charm at 972-274-3446. This event is for queens and their princesses (grandmother, aunt and sister) from ages 4-104!!

Annual Basketball and Life Skills Enrichment Camp June 4-8, 2012 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Faith Bible Church Gymnasium 1437 W Pleasant Run Rd Desoto, TX Boys & Girls - Grades 3-8 Cost: $85 Pre-Registration/ $100 On-Site Registration (after May 18th) (Includes daily instructional lessons, motivational speakers, camp t-shirt, lunch, admission to Heads Up! Celebrity Game The Heads Up! Foundation ! PO Box 763767 Dallas, Texas 75376 www.theheadsupfoundation.org ! call 214.339.1400








MAY 11, 2012

Maricela Moore touts experience, fairness and supporters During an almost hour-long interview recently on Blog Talk Radio, judicial candidate Maricela Moore touted her experience and commitment and during commercial breaks seized the opportunity to visit with potential voters who gathered at Harwood 609 Restaurant for the live broadcast. Atty. Moore says she has done something that no other candidate in the race for Judge in 162nd District Court -she has built a coalition. She says this is about experience and she is ready to serve. “The 162nd Court covers all of Dallas County,” she pointed out. “Cases heard there are multi-million dollar cases, cases about discrimination and retaliation. “It’s important that voters take a look at what kind of qualifications candidates have!”

Citing her board certifications in labor and employment law, Atty. Moore said she has written extensive briefs and she is no stranger to the the cases that she will be hearing in the court, if elected. For her, she said, this is the “next step to being being a public servant,” after years at a large law firm before opening her own. “I have represented teachers and women who have been discriminated against, and I am a partner in a woman-owned law firm,” she continued. “It is imperative that we have judges who have proven that they

are successful lawyers. We need judges who can say they have litigated in the court systems where they want to serve on the bench. I have opponents who have no idea what is needed to get those cases moving.” As voters prepare to go to the polls, early voting begins on May 14, candidate Moore says she will be a judge who “judges fairly, is knowledgeable of the law, treats everyone with respect regardless o f t h e i n d i v i d u a l ’s p a r t i c u l a r circumstances and she will treat the process with respect.”

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Partner, Farrow-Gillespie & Heath LLP (2011-present) Solo Practitioner, Siewczynski Law Firm PLLC (formerly known as Ramirez Siewczynski Law Firm PLLC) (2008-2010) Associate, Baker & McKenzie LLP (2004-2008) Associate, Cowles & Thompson PC (2001-2003) Law Intern, Texas Supreme Court (2001) Law Intern, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (2000) CERTIFICATIONS Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization EDUCATION Law Degree, George Washington University Law School Bachelor’s Degree, Boston College Carroll School of Management, Magna Cum Laude PROFESSIONAL & COMMUNITY SERVICE

Married and the mother of two children, Atty. Moore said she has total family support, even from her mother, a former elected official, who has been helping her campaign. She urged voters to come to the polls with information that will help them choose the best candidate and they can find out more about her at www.maricelamooreforjudge.com and to look at the wide cross-section of supporters she has accumulated and read her message, “I ask for your support as I campaign for the 162nd Civil District Court. As the next Judge of this court, my goal will be to earn the same solid reputation as the current Judge, Judge Lorraine Raggio, who will retire at the end of this term.” I Messenger

Serves as a Court-Appointed Guardian Ad Litem in cases when the minors and/ or families speak only Spanish Frequently serves as a Court-Appointed Mediator in cases when the parties speak only Spanish Dallas County Schools, Board of Trustees (2010-present) Mexican American Bar Association of Texas, President (2010-present) Dallas Hispanic Bar Association Scholarship Foundation, President (2008-2010) Dallas Hispanic Bar Association, Director (2008); President (2007); PresidentElect (2006); Secretary (2005) College of the State Bar of Texas, Member (2011) State Bar of Texas Law Focused Education Committee, Member (2008-2011) Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas, Board of Directors (2009-2010) Dallas Bar Association, Board of Directors (2009-2010) Texas Bar Foundation, Fellow (2007-present) Dallas Bar Foundation, Fellow (2007-present) more on website


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MAY 11, 2012

A Mother’s Love extends to mothers around the world By Cheryl Smith I MESSENGER

When Detroit native Stephanie Johnson gave birth to Harlow, she also gave birth to an idea that is making life much easier for expectant mothers. Too often, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop, but not with Stephanie. Instead of pouting and brooding during months of bed rest as she prepared to deliver her first child, Stephanie was thinking of ways to help others who are faced with complications during pregnancy. Although she was bedridden, Stephanie had something that many expectant mothers don’t have -- a supportive family. “I had a loving family that included my husband, great in-laws, and the most fabulous girlfriends who catered to me, pampered me and comforted me through my daughter’s arrival,” she recalled. “Everyone went above and beyond to help me.” Knowing that everyone won’t have that strong support base, ideas started formulated in Stephanie’s head. So, in 2011, not only did Harlow make an entrance. Bed Rest Concierge was birthed too! During a recent interview, Stephanie, pointed out that one in five pregnancies require that expectant mothers are assigned to bed rest. But the world doesn’t stop. These mothers-tobe have things to do. Enter Bed Rest Concierge. “We cater to resting mothers,” said Stephanie. “We will do your personal shopping, run errands, organize your calendar, design your nursery. We are there to make you comfortable and give you peace of mind.” That peace of mind can make everyone happier, including the little bun or buns in the oven. Although Bed Rest Concierge is in its infancy stages, Stephanie has already caught the attention of mothers across the metroplex and around the world. She’s constantly reading and researching, finding the latest information about mothering, birthing, babies. Stephanie is a walking encyclopedia of information that is beneficial to not only expectant mothers, but anyone concerned about motherhood, healthy living and building a strong or stronger family. She’s committed to providing quality, personal service and it helps that she greets you with a smile and appears so cool under pressure. PAGE 12







“It is my passion to empower Resting Mommies by showing compassion, providing support and delivering the personalized services they need to make it through the pregnancy journey.” Stephanie Johnson – Owner & President, Bed Rest Concierge

Stephanie and husband, Greg at ribbon cutting in Frisco, TX.

Anyone who has ever planned a baby shower or been in a delivery room, knows how stressful the situation can be. It helps to have someone like Stephanie-cool, composed, efficient and caring. Whether its on Facebook or other social media networks, or on her website at www.bedrestconcierge.net, she provides a wealth of knowledge for expectant mothers and those who love them. “I want to be the industry leader,” she acknowledged. “ I have created a micro niche and nobody is doing what I do. Sure people can provide a service, but Bed Rest Concierge is about more than that. When you are there to really help someone, it shows.” Listening to Stephanie passionately discuss her services and the importance of motherhood, it’s easy to start thinking about others who would benefit from her services. “Sure I’ve had calls from people who need some help and I always respond and service their needs too,” she said, adding that family is very important.

In addition to little Harlow, she and her husband have two daughter who appear to like taking care of their little sister’s needs too. Stressing her commitment to the growth of Bed Rest Concierge, is optimistic about the future of “DFW's Premier Maternity Service.” Her clients are often the expectant mothers, but don’t think for a moment that fathers and other loved ones aren’t embracing the concept. Sure when you’re picking out a gift for the baby shower, you’re thinking practicality. Or you may be having thoughts about functionality or just getting something pretty or in line with your purse strings. Most mothers today would probably enjoy having a concierge from Bed Rest Concierge at their beck and call, taking care of some of those mundane and sometimes seemingly overwhelming tasks that add stress to the lives of the calmest moms-to-be. Stephanie is just a phone call away and so is peace-of-mind!

You can vote for Stephanie for Babble’s Top 50 Mompreneurs, 2011 They cook, they clean and, between naptimes, they run kickass companies. For those who run their own mom-centric firms, the responsibilities of motherhood are only half the battle. Babble is running our first ever salute to the top 50 mompreneurs who pull allnighters, suffer enormous financial set-backs, and balance business and baby every day to make their entrepreneurial dreams come true.

Vote for Stephanie Johnson http://www.babble.com/mom/work-family/best-moms-entrepreneurship-how-to-start-abusiness-with-baby-nominate/index.aspx PAGE 13


MAY 11, 2012

CLIENT TESTIMONIALS I was relieved when I found Bed Rest Concierge “I was relieved when I found Bed Rest Concierge. After meeting Stephanie and being introduced to our Lifestyle Manager Tracy, I knew that my wife would be in excellent hands. They went above and beyond for my wife, they not only fulfilled the requested services but also checked in on her just because. It’s the personal attention and real sense of caring that put me most at ease. I knew that I could travel for work and not have to worry about my wife being alone. There is really no price tag for peace of mind, and that’s exactly what Bed Rest Concierge gave to us.” - Jon F.

The level of personal care and compassion that she embodies is amazing “I can’t thank Stephanie enough. I was sailing along in my pregnancy then boom, bed rest. I had no idea such a wonderful service existed until my Doctor referred me to Bed Rest Concierge. I was on bed rest 6 full weeks and I accomplished more in those 6 weeks with Stephanie and her team then I had for the first 15. The level of personal care and compassion that she embodies is amazing. I am so glad that I was able to work with Bed Rest Concierge. I felt that they truly cared and wanted the best for me, and I’m just so thankful.” – Angela Lawson

My nursery is magical and it’s more than I could have ever dreamed of “Stephanie paid attention to everything that I wanted to create for the twins nursery. I was dealing with bed rest in my last trimester and couldn’t physically complete the nursery. Stephanie’s attention to detail and eye for colors and patterns was just the best. She listened to everything that I wanted and then brought it to life. When I was able to get up and see what Bed Rest Concierge designed, I was so overcome it was like I did it myself!” -Eraca

Great gift and saved me lots of time “I was given a gift certificate for Bed Rest Concierge at my baby shower. I used it to purchase the hospital preparation package. Stephanie and her team packed the bags for the baby and me and instructed us on car seat installation. It was a really great gift and saved me lots of time! I now recommend this service to all of my pregnant friends!” – Leslie Smith

www.bedrestconcierge.net !





EDUCATION NOTES FAMU reschedules homecoming

Ages vary, based on course content. Listings and online registration are available at www.BrookhavenCollege.edu/ YouthCamps. Have a question? Call (972) 860-4600 or send an e-mail to bhcWCE@dcccd.edu. Brookhaven College is located at 3939 Valley View Lane in Farmers Branch.

Cedar Valley College

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -Florida A& ;M University (FAMU) has pushed its Homecoming back to November 10, 2012, to ensure that alumni and other supporters will be able to secure hotel accommodations as the University celebrates its 125th Anniversary. "With this being the historic 125th anniversary of Florida A&M University, we wanted to allow as many people the opportunity to enjoy the weekend of activities as possible," said Derek Horne, director of athletics at FAMU. Because there is another major event in Tallahassee on the original date set for Homecoming, access to accommodations and other resources were hampered on Oct. 13. "We have been in discussion with alumni leadership on this matter and the University and the Department of Athletics have both agreed to this solution," said Mr. Horne. "FAMU is committed to serving the needs of the university, alumni and community, and this change helps to make this possible." This year, FAMU will celebrate its 125th Anniversary during Homecoming 2012 and will honor 125 Outstanding Alumni during the President's Gala scheduled for Friday, November 9, 2012 at 7 p.m. at the Lawson Center. In addition, the Homecoming Convocation is scheduled for Friday, November 9, 2012 at 10:10 a.m. For more information about the 125th Anniversary activities or ticket sales for Homecoming, log onto www.famu.edu.

Summer camps at DCCCD When the bell rings to signal the end of classes for kids across Dallas County this spring, that bell also reminds parents it's time to find ways to keep their children busy during the hot summer months. Several campuses of the Dallas County Community College District offer perfect solutions to those summertime needs for camp, classes and fun.

Brookhaven College Summer camp at Brookhaven College courses are designed to meet the needs of children ages 5 to 17. Offerings include classes in animation, cooking and culinary arts, creative writing, drawing and sculpture, fashion design, junior entrepreneurship, music (vocal and instrumental), personal enrichment, photography, science, self-defense, theater and acting, and visual communications. PAGE 14


Learning doesn't stop because it's summertime at Cedar Valley College. CVC's "Fun While Learning" program offers classes in art, cooking, dance, theater, mathematics, technology and business ownership in June and July. June courses for children ages 7 to 12 include art, dance and theater, held Monday through Thursday from June 4-28; cooking will be held on Saturdays from June 9-30. Times vary, based on the course. CVC Fun While Learning courses for older students include Algebra I for grades 7, 8 and 9 on weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon, July 9-20, or Algebra II for grades 9, 10 and 11 on weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon, July 23 to Aug. 3. Two four-week technology camps will give older students, ages 14 to 17, hands-on experience working with projects on biodiesel race cars (Hot Bio Bots) or rockets (Aero Hot Rocs). The camps are scheduled from July 9 to Aug. 3 on weekdays from 8 a.m. to noon or from 1 to 5 p.m. during those same dates. Young business-minded students ages 12 to 16 can sign up to learn how they can run their own businesses. Classes are scheduled Monday through Thursday, plus Saturday, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. from June 18-22. Spaces are limited for all camps. For information, cost and registration, call (972) 860-2995. Cedar Valley College is located at 3030 N. Dallas Ave. in Lancaster.

Eastfield College Children can be Olympic swimmers, rock stars or famous actors and artists -with help from Eastfield College this summer. Group classes in guitar are available for beginners and up'\; private instruction also will be offered. Group classes start June 4 and meet in the evening; private classes meet at various times. EFC's Arts and Drama Camp for children ages 5 to 12 will be offered July 9-13. Students can choose from a half-day of arts, a half-day of drama or both, all taught by EFC faculty members. Youngsters can learn to tickle the ivories during Eastfield's annual Piano Festival, June 18-23. Group classes start June 4 for ages 7 and up; students with all levels of experience are invited to enroll. Summer swimming classes for ages 6 months and older are available, too, and the course is approved by the American Red Cross. For detailed schedules and costs, call (972) 860-7113 or visit www.eastfieldcollege.edu. Eastfield College is located at 3737 Motley Dr. in Mesquite.

North Lake College The North Lake College Kids Camp, scheduled Monday through Friday, June 4-29, runs from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for youngsters ages 6 to 12. Camp classes include "Fun, Wacky Sports and Games"; "Make Your Own Video"; "Tricks with Math"; "Crazy/Fun with Science"; and "Awesome Art Projects." The cost is $150.

For more information or registration, call the NLC continuing education office at (972) 273-3360 or visit www.northlakecollege.edu. North Lake College is located at 5001 N. MacArthur Blvd. in Irving.

Richland College For the technology-minded student, Richland College offers two summer camps this year: Robots-4-U and the 2012 STEM Camp (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Robots-4-U, for students ages 7-17, is held weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Three sessions are available: June 4-8, July 9-13 and Aug. 13-17; the cost is $299 for the one-week camp. The Robots-4-U camps provide hands-on learning and daily robotic challenges, including dynamic art. Campers will have fun as they learn about basic programming, robotics and science. For information, call (972) 782-2503 or visit www.ROBOTS-4U.com. Richland's STEM Camp is offered to students ages 14-17 who are interested in STEM career paths; participants must be U.S. citizens or documented residents. Two sessions are offered: Camp A, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., June 13-26; or Camp B, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., July 11-24. Early registration is $275 (by May 15 for Camp A and by June 18 for Camp B); after those dates, registration is $300 for either session. Enrollment is limited to 80 students per session. The purpose of Richland's STEM Camp is to provide students with an introduction to the variety of careers and occupations in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. During each two-week camp, participants will explore career options such as aerospace engineering, computer science engineering, manufacturing technology, engineering technology, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, web design and multimedia, and CAD/CAM manufacturing. For more information or registration, contact either Teresa Lynd at (972) 238-3797 or tlynd@dcccd.edu; or Jocyln Hanson at (214) 890-3849 or josshanson@dcccd.edu. Richland College is located at 12800 Abrams Rd. in Dallas.

DCCCD Partners with DMA for May Arts and Letters Live As the 21st season of Arts and Letters Live moves toward its conclusion in June, the Dallas Museum of Art and the Dallas County Community College District – a community partner – celebrate the works of authors who amuse, mystify and delight readers. The month kicks off with Texas Bound III: Friday Night Lights, featuring actors Brad Leland and Steven Walters reading T.C. Boyle’s 56-0 and Sarah Vowell’s Music Lessons, respectively, on Mon., May 7, in Horchow Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Leland, whose film and television credits include Dallas, In the Heat of the Night, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Born on the Fourth of July, continues to produce shows and events in Texas as the owner of Turnkey Productions. He played Buddy Garrity in the film Friday Night Lights and in the series for five seasons. Walters is a member of the Brierley Resident Acting Company at the Dallas Theater Center and also is co-founder of Second Thought Theatre. His theatrical !

MAY 11, 2012

credits at the DTC include Henry IV, The Beauty Plays and The Good Negro. He has garnered many other local theatrical credits, and he was featured in television programs that include Chase, My Generation, Trauma and Prison Break. He played Glenn Reed on Friday Night Lights. Other May presentations are: - Tues., May 15, 7:30 p.m., Horchow Auditorium – John Irving – Distinguished fiction writer John Irving moves comfortably from one realm to another in his work, going from romance to fairy tales to thrillers. His first bestseller, The World According to Garp, won the National Book Award and was made into a film starring Robin Williams. Irving’s other bestsellers include A Prayer for Owen Meany, A Son of the Circus, A Widow for One Year and The Cider House Rules (he won an Academy Award in 2000 for its screenplay adaptation). The author will participate in a moderated onstage conversation to share insights about his creative process, the body of his work and his newest novel, In One Person. - Fri., May 18, 7 p.m., Horchow Auditorium – Ben Fountain and Alexander Maksik – During an evening featuring “Fresh Ink,” Ben Fountain will discuss his new novel, Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, a satire about a reluctant Iraq War hero who finds himself the guest of honor at a Dallas Cowboys football game. Fountain’s story collection, Brief Encounters with Che Guevara, received a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers Award. Alexander Maksik’s novel, You Deserve Nothing, was featured in Publishers Weekly as one of 10 promising debuts. Set in Paris at an international high school, the book tells a gripping story of power, idealism and morality. - Sun., May 20, 7:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church of Dallas – Alan Lightman – Crossing the intersection of art and science, Alan Lightman’s work bridges the gap between two similar – yet different – worlds. A theoretical physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, Lightman is an awardwinning novelist. His bestseller, Einstein’s Dreams, envisions a series of fables that Einstein might have dreamed while he was putting the final touches on his theory of relativity. His forthcoming novel, Mr. g, is the story of creation, narrated by God; it celebrates the tragic and joyous nature of existence on a grand scale. Prices vary by event; for tickets, register online at www.tickets.da!asmuseumofart.org.









MAY 11, 2012




MAY 11, 2012


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A Healthy You Fun and Fitness -- Pink Shoes Walk For Hope(TM) initiative raises awareness for women's health, wellness and overall well-being -

reverse the lasting negative effects of poverty, joblessness, homelessness and food insecurity in America.

Hoops and Heels Cancer Awareness and Research Fundraiser/ silent auction

MAY 11, 2012

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Varnette P. Honeywood (1950-2010)

Deborrah Gilbert, founder and president of Fancy Feet Network

Fancy Feet Network recently launched the Pink Shoes Walk For Hope(TM) campaign to inspire the next generation of girls, teens and women through fun walk events, health, nutrition and overall wellbeing. "I'm intrigued by the link between women, wellness and our designer shoes. Every woman brings a unique fashion statement and life experience to her wardrobe. "Buying a pretty pair of shoes is a way of expressing stylish attitudes and purchasing power," said Deborrah "Dee" Gilbert, mom, entrepreneur, and avid shoe collector. She continues, "Women are key decision-makers and it's rewarding to exercise economic power, spend discretionary income and stimulate local economies. We're also focused on solutions to issues affecting our families, homes and businesses; especially the critical needs of vulnerable women, women veterans, children and the elderly. Sexy high heels are only one side of the story. We're more than sandals, slippers and pumps. We live, learn, earn and give back." The Pink Shoes Walk For Hope (TM) initiative energizes women of all ages, faith and passions, to set goals, get fit, feel good and have fun while fulfilling her hopes and dreams, impacting her community and connecting to causes she cares about. Themed wellness celebrations bring people together, face-to-face, to raise funds, friends and awareness for change and all things well - one step at a time. Walk events and expos give women opportunities to connect to arts & culture, entertainment, giveaways, exhibitors, food & fitness experts, break-out sessions, fun zones and more. Showcases include the education cafĂŠ exhibit which is designed to connect educational excellence and school supplies to children and families in need. The school box kits are just one way to help teachers and other educators PAGE 17


The LA Sparks and the Varnette P. Honeywood Foundation presents the Hoops and Heels fundraiser for reproductive cancer. The June 24th game will be preceded by a mixer and a silent auction of artwork by the famous artist Varnette P. Honeywood. Illustrious artist from The Cosby Show, Amen, 227, various other televisions and movies as well as creator of the cartoon Little Bill, Varnette P. Honeywood, revolutionized Black Art. Her artwork depicted a positive image for AfricanAmerican families and was seen on television, movies and books covers across the globe. Her family started the nonprofit organization, Varnette P. Honeywood Foundation, which has two goals. The foundation will provide artistic scholarships and art supplies for high school and college students, as well as host a variety of art fairs and workshops in the community. The second goal was important to Varnette and that is to help eradicate reproductive cancer, as that is what took her life. Varnette P. Honeywood Foundation will provide funding to various hospitals and laboratories that are conducting research for reproductive cancers, and organize different clinics, workshops and health fairs throughout the community. The foundation will offer cancer awareness through education on risk factors and prevention, as well as afford complimentary therapies regarding reproductive cancers to people conflicted by this devastating epidemic. The Los Angeles Sparks have teamed up with the Varnette P. Honeywood Foundation for a fundraiser: Hoops and Heels/Silent Auction. On June 24, 2012, the Los Angeles Sparks will play the San Antonio Silver Stars which is preceded by a silent auction of two of Varnette P. Honeywood's beautiful artworks. The silent auction is a mixer and exhibit that will begin at 3:30 PM in the Staple Center Suites. The WNBA game will begin at 5:30 PM. Tickets are available through www.ticketmaster.com, LA Sparks vs. SA Silver Stars game, promocode:honeywood. Or call Aminah Mills at 213-929-1304 or Tiffany Allen at 323-532-2ART



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It’s your business Johnson Products CEO, Eric Brown, named Executive Chair New York, NY – Johnson Products Company, Inc. (JPC) announced that its CEO, Eric Brown, will become Executive Chair as the company restructures and prepares itself for future growth. In his new role, Mr. Brown will be Eric Brown actively involved with JPC as well as focused on strategic initiatives and potential acquisitions. “During my tenure as CEO of Johnson Products Company, I have been extremely proud of all that we have accomplished since acquiring the company in 2009,” stated Eric Brown. “As we prepare for the future, my new role as Executive Chair will now allow me to focus on important strategic initiatives that will make JPC stronger.” In March 2009, Mr. Brown led the successful acquisition of Johnson Products Company from Procter and Gamble with the combined investments of RC Fontis, St. Cloud Capital and Plus Factor, LLC. At that time, the strategic direction for JPC was to strengthen the company’s signature brands, Ultra Sheen® and Gentle Treatment®, in the U.S. and around the world. Within the first 18 months after the acquisition, JPC saw 20% growth in revenues under Mr. Brown’s leadership. Replacing Mr. Brown as CEO will be Gabrielle Greene. Ms. Greene has been a professional in the financial services industry for over 25 years. Ms. Greene received her B.A. from Princeton University and her M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and J.D. from Harvard Law School. She serves on several corporate boards including Whole Foods (NASDAQ: WFM) and Stage Stores (NYSE: SSI). Renee Cottrell-Brown will remain in her current role as Chief Marketing Officer.

Whoʼs Who in Black Dallas Columbus, Ohio – Who’s Who Publishing Company is proud to announce that they will be celebrating the achievements of African Americans in the metropolitan Dallas area with the composition of the inaugural edition of Who’s Who in Black Dallas®. Scheduled to be released later this year, this publication will be one of more than 26 books that recognize and highlight the achievements of African Americans in various cities across the United States. Joining the celebration for the inaugural edition will be radio host Tom Joyner, host of the Tom Joyner Morning Show and founder of the Tom Joyner Foundation. Joyner, who is known as “The Fly Jock” and “The Hardest Working Man in Radio,” will pen the introduction to this historical first edition. “I’m honored to have been asked to participate in the historic collectable edition of Who’s Who in Black Dallas®. I have spent the majority of my radio career working and living in Dallas and I’m always glad to be part of something that celebrates the achievements of African Americans.” PAGE 18


As a historically strong voice for change, Joyner has been instrumental in being a forerunner in transforming society, fighting for civil rights and giving a voice to the people. With a charismatic personality and genuine desire to help people, he hits the airwaves with humor and vitality, raising awareness and setting the tone for change. “We are excited to launch the inaugural edition of Who’s Who in Black Dallas® and are equally excited to have Tom Joyner penning the introduction for this historic edition,” says Hiram Jackson, CEO of Real Times Media. “His impact on the progression of the African American community goes hand in hand with the commitment and vision of Who’s Who Publishing.” Also joining the team for the inaugural edition will be Bernard Walker of The Reno Group, LLC, as the newly appointed associate publisher. Known as a professional in supply management, Walker is committed to improving business processes. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in international relations from the University of Southern California, a Master of Business Administration in operations and technology management from the Anderson School at UCLA and a Master of Arts in urban and regional planning from the School of Public Policy at UCLA. Who’s Who Publishing Company highlights the achievements of African Americans and other minority groups across the country through its brand of Who’s Who publications and signature events. Who’s Who Publishing Company is a subsidiary of Real Times Media, one of the leading sources of African-American related news, entertainment and lifestyle information.

NABJ condemns columnist for racially insensitive reference WASHINGTON, DC -- Known for its provocative headlines, the New York Post has botched another attempt to gain attention with journalism that lacks taste and class. The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) condemns sports columnist Phil Mushnick and Post editors for printing racially insensitive references regarding music mogul and New Jersey Nets minority owner Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter in a column. "It does not surprise me that the writer and editors in question lack the journalistic chops to eloquently make a point about JayZ's influence in the Nets franchise," said NABJ President Gregory Lee, who also is senior assistant sports editor at the Boston Globe. "Mr. Mushnick's crusade against the gang mentality in sports has taken a wrong turn in this piece of lazy journalism. This commentary does not follow the principles of our craft." NABJ Sports Task Force chair Marc J. Spears adds: "It's embarrassing and unfortunate that the use of the n-word and other derogatory terms have been a staple in lyrics throughout the history of hip-hop. But two wrongs don't make a right. I find it appalling that a newspaper would be comfortable allowing such a demeaning word in its publication and that its editors did not use better judgment in supervising a columnist with a disappointing and misguided mentality." In 2009, NABJ condemned the newspaper for depicting the nation's first African American Commander in Chief as a dead chimpanzee. "The language used in today's New York Post column, titled 'Nets on Jay-Z track,' was disgusting and completely out of line," New

York Association of Black Journalists President Michael J. Feeney said. "Columnist Phil Mushnick and the editors who allowed his offensive language to be published should be ashamed of themselves. We demand an explanation and an apology from Mushnick and Post management, and we want to be assured this vile word will never appear in this publication again."

CAAPCO Social Upgrade As a follow-up to last month's YPD Social Upgrade at Private Social, this month's Social Upgrade takes place at Top Golf Dallas at 8787 Park Lane Blvd. in Dallas on May 18 at 6:30p.m.. The Social Upgrade is more than an event. It is a concept developed by CAAPCO's Young Professionals Division. The Social Upgrade is a series of programs and events; some social, some business, some networking, some educational, some charitable or philanthropic and some just unusual. This month's event is one of many more to come. The philosophy behind the Social Upgrade is that YPD will find a way to reach you, to help enrich your personal and business life in DFW. Feel free to come out and swing the golf clubs, or to learn from the golf pro. If you don't care to swing the clubs, you'll enjoy mingling with others, while enjoying hors d'oeuvres, entertainment and cash bars. For more information, contact Dessie Brown at 214-801-7088 or Terrence Maiden at 214-405-7056. Or, email us at YPD@caapco.org

BET TV exec Lea Walker takes career to new heights As a busy television executive, Lea Walker knows the demands of a grueling career. A current Director of Production for Original Programming at BET, Walker can boast not only having worked on a roster of hit shows including "Sunday Best," "Tiny & Toya," and "American Gangster," but also having interacted with a slew of fabulous talent like

MAY 11, 2012

but also her sense of body confidence and power. "My scars became a symbol of how my body had failed me. While stuck in bed I came to the conclusion that maybe I needed to finally slow down and just do something for me. My friend suggested a pole dance class. I figured it looked fun so what the heck," reveals Walker. Walker discovered that pole dance/fitness not only was great fun, but it restored her sense of 'self.' In addition, the exercise and movement led to her back pain subsiding and she was able to avoid additional operations. From pole dancing she moved on to aerial yoga. Aerial yoga makes use of hammocks, that provide aerial suspension for a total body workout incorporating the techniques of yoga, core conditioning, strength training, Pilates and more. Centered, confident and reconnected to her feminine side, Walker wanted to share her new found empowerment and Aeriform Arts was born ! Walker's Aeriform Arts, located in the art district of North Hollywood, CA is a fitness studio that welcomes every "body" to come and work out while having fun. The beautiful mirrored space is home to eleven aerial yoga hammocks, a lyra, hanging silks and five brass dance poles. Many of the classes are co-ed and Walker offers an intimate setting for a wide range of exercise course work including aerial yoga, yoga, pole, Pilates, stretching, classic burlesque, BUTI ™ and aerial fit, which incorporates pole, beam, barre, hammock, silks and lyra ! She has also assembled a roster of some of Los Angeles' best fitness instructors including Leigh Acosta, specializing in pole, lyra and aerial fit; Amber Porter for aerial fit; Jennifer Kim for pole; Kristina Serna for BUTI ™ and Saharah Ali for aerial yoga. Still working as a busy television executive, Walker finds that running the studio, along with a steady diet of classes, serves to now keep her lifestyle more balanced and focused. "There is something about hanging out, upside down and in mid-air that is just so liberating," adds Walker. "You really forget about the rest of the world and tune into a deep sense of the present moment and self. And it is truly a feat that anyone and everyone can conquer. I was suffering from back pain and health issues so I am a living testimony. I really just want to share this sense of freedom with everyone I can. Aeriform Arts is a safe haven where you can

Lea Walker at Aeriform Arts

John Salley, Damien Wayans, Ryan Seacrest, Snoop Dogg, and Janet Jackson. But all that glitters is not gold, and even with a her dream job, some part of Walker knew something was missing. When the demands of her busy lifestyle took a toll on her health, the busy career maven found herself in the emergency room. Back and reproductive issues were revealed and the ensuing surgeries left her bedridden for weeks. Walker discovered that the surgery not only stripped her of her physical strength !

learn to let go and let your spirit fly !" Aeriform Arts is located at 5625 Lankershim Blvd. in North Hollywood, CA. Take flight at Aeriform Arts at http://aeriformarts.com/ or by calling 818-980-AERI (2374). Photo Credits: http://www.BoogieSecrets.com

Send your business news to editor@myimessenger.com !




MAY 11, 2012

SAVE THE DATE Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon Weekend

Dick Gregory’s 80th Birthday Celebration June 29, 2012 Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club 609 North Harwood, Dallas, TX June 30, 2012 18th Annual Cheryl Smith’s Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon --USA Bowl , Dallas, TX

www.dontbelievethehype.org For sponsorship and ticket information 972-572-0088 PAGE 19







In our library Reviewed by Cheryl Smith The Pan-African Connection Bookstore Art Gallery and Resource Center 828 Fourth Ave., Dallas Texas, (New Location Across From Fair Park Music Hall) 214-943-8262/ panafric@airmail.net 'May is African Liberation Month' Recommended books

S a t u r d a y Ma y 1 2 , 3 p . m . Perfect Mother's Day Gift Candle Making Workshop L e a r n h o w to m a ke y o u r o w n candles! All materials will be provided. Benefits include: Saving money by not purchasing retail candles. Having the ability to sell the candles that you make and increase your income. Experiencing quality, eco-friendly handmade candles. Gaining the ability to design them according to your desire. The Instructor, Ericka has been creating candles for nine years and has taught over 100 people since 2009. She gives easy step by step instructions, such as how to create your own wick and increase your candle making burn time. Come and learn a peaceful, rewarding and artistic craft. Cost: $35.00 CALL to RSVP 678-358-1407

Sunday May 13, 3 p.m. Children and Adults Every Sunday (Outdoors) African Drum Class * 3.p.m.- 4p.m. African Dance Class * 4 p.m.- 5 p.m. These engaging sessions in West African Drumming include: African history, dr umming technique, teaching of traditional rhythms and their backgrounds. Students will have the opportunity to understand the connection between music and community, responsibility, healing, and heightened awareness. Proficient students are welcome to stay and play for the dance class! *******

Support Black -owned bookstores

Wednesday May 16, 6:30 p.m. Umoja Yoga - Umoja Means Unity in Swahili. Yoga is the Union of Body, Mind and Spirit through building a Practice.

postures, linking breathe with movement. This produces an intense internal heat and a purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs, releasing stress and tension. The result: Improved circulation, a light and strong body, increased flexibility, high energy to carry you throughout with a peaceful, calm and relaxed mind. All levels are welcome, Beginners encouraged. ********* Please bring a mat or come with some extra $ to purchase one from us… something that you will use for years to come. Wear comfortable loose clothing. ******** Yoga Instructor Bio: Foi M.: I came to explore more on Yoga as a weight loss technique after I had practically tried everything on my journey to get back to being healthy and have been practicing for over 5 years. After finding that that the benefits of yoga ran more than just physical, I signed up for teacher training. I am a Certified RYT 200. I am also CPR/ First Aid trained and certified. I currently teach at various areas across DFW. Fo r a n y i n q u i r i e s , e m a i l u s a t UmojaYoga@Live.Com Fi n d Us on FB: https:// www.facebook.com/pages/Umoja-YogaHealth-and-Wellness/

We invite you to join Us, Umoja Yoga Health and Wellness C o m e In c r e a s e S t r e n g t h & Flexibility, Be More Mindful, Relax and Be at Peace. ****** Class Schedule: Wednesdays: Yoga: 6.30 – 7.30 p.m. Rates: First Class Introductory Rate: $ 5 / Drop-in rate: $ 10 ******* Class Description: This is a strengthening, relaxing yoga class and great way to close the day! It is a method of synchronizing progressive series of

Saturday May 19, 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Reflections of Africa By Mama-TA Presents Community Sewing Class All Ages Welcome! ********* Overview of sewing, including tools, use of machine, use of flat pattern, fabric selections and fit of garment. Choosing design and garment construction. Materials needed: Own sewing machine, thread, cloth (fabric) scissors, tape measure, straight pins w/cushion, and pattern if desired or idea of what design you want to sew.

Yoga Class at Pan-African Connection Bookstore

Support the Black Press

Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box 860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 PAGE 20

This exciting journey through African D a n ce i n c l u d e s w a r m - u p e x e r c i s e s , explanation and history of traditional dances, and teaching of the dances. Occasionally, we will host special classes taught by teachers from Africa (Guinea, Senegal, Ivory Coast, etc) and the African Diaspora (Caribbean, Haiti, Brazil, etc) Dance class is accompanied by live African drumming! ***** Proceeds from this class will support the Pan-African Connection. Class rate is $10 for adults, and free for youth under 18. Class is organized by members of "Bandan Koro African Dance and Drum Ensemble". Call 832-689-9969 or email tonybrowne@hotmail.com or visit dallasafricandance.com for questions.

MAY 11, 2012







Boys to Men/Girls to Women


“If it is to be it’s up to us” Doubletree Hotel Central Expressway and Northwest Hwy Dallas, Texas


Mistress of Ceremonies: DeDe McGuire K104fm

• • •

Keynote Speaker: Steve Pickett CBS TV Ch. 11

• • •

$50.00 per seat Reserve your seats today at: www.theburchfoundation.net call 214-598-3034 / 214-641-9119

• • •

Judge Jeannie Howard, Dallas County Courts Brent Taylor, Teamster Local Union 745 David Brown, Dallas Police Chief Kurt Powell, Sam’s Club Cheryl Smith, Publisher/Radio Commentator Dr. Timothy Brown, New El Bethel Baptist Church Pastor Dr. Lisa Holley, Anthologist Alex Woodley, First Convenience Bank Ten High School Seniors from Carter, Cedar Hill, Lincoln, Mesquite, Duncanville, Lancaster, DeSoto, Plano East and WW Samuel , A+ Academy


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2012 Black Tie Gala Saturday, May 19, 7pm

MAY 11, 2012

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Dick Gregory’s 80th Birthday



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Celebration June 29, 2012 Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club




The Burch Foundation Wednesday, May 2, 2012

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Are you detailoriented, creative, and interested in a career in journalism? Here’s an opportunity for you to work with awardwinning journalists as you learn convergence: radio, television, newspaper, magazine and online journalism. Send your resume to Dfwabj@gmail.com

Welcome to TBANN TBANN - Timely. Trusted. True. The Black American News Network I started TBANN because I felt in my heart that there were more stories to be told about black America. For far too long have our stories been either ignored or treated as a sidebar. TBANN is here to change all of that. TBANN will focus on news and issues that affect black Americans. All of black America. Rich or poor, famous or blue collar, natural or permed, dark skin, light skin or whatever makes us unique - we all have one thing in common.

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We are black America!

I need you to help TBANN change the face of black news in America and across the world.




• Where ever you are, tell someone about tbann.com. Even if you're not next to a computer, tell them anyway, our mobile website is awesome. • Last but certainly not least - PRAY FOR US! I want to positively impact peoples lives through



Mark your calendar May 11 former US Housing and Urban Development Secretary and San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros being the keynote speaker at the annual luncheon of the Greater Dallas Planning Council luncheon tomorrow at 11:30 am. The luncheon will be held at the Omni Hotel. May 12 IMAJ performs 7:30pm (Arriving early is recommended.) Age limit: All Ages Tickets: $10 each.....Purchasing tickets early is also recommended as IMAJ has been selling out all over DFW, including House of Blues. Wales Manor Vineyard & Winery 4488 County Road 408, McKinney, TX 75071

putting some extras on the table, like: Smoked Ham, Meatballs, Baked Penne Pasta, Assorted Muffins, Smoked Sausage, Pinto beans, Pancakes, Stuffing with Cranberry sauce, plus our usual assortment of Buttons' Brunch Buffet items. As usual, mimosas are included with the buffet. And to accommodate all of you early birds, we're opening an hour early (10:00AM) just for you! May 15 The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, in partnership with the Fort Worth Human Relations Commission, is pleased to announce that it will host the national traveling exhibition “Freedom Riders,” which looks at six months in 1961 when more than 400 courageous Americans — old and young, black and white, men and women, Northern and Southern — risked their lives to challenge segregated facilities in the South. The exhibition, on display May 15 – June 15, is a companion to the 2011 PBS broadcast of the AMERICAN EXPERIENCE film Freedom Riders, directed by Stanley Nelson.


May 17

State Senator Royce West (District 23) Eggs & Issues on Education Come out for a lively discussion. It won't be "business as usual" because the dialogue will include questions that you want to ask about what is happening in your district's classrooms.

Florida A&M University National Alumni Association (FAMU-NAA) 2012 National Alumni Convention May 17-20, in Charlotte, NC. The theme for this event is "Renew the FAMU in You”. For more info visit http://www.famualumniconvention.com May 18

Presenters Robert Scott, Texas Commissioner of Education Mavis Knight , State Board of Education Trustee Taylor D. August, Regional Director, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights Panelists Cedar Hill ISD Superintendent - Horace Williams Dallas ISD Interim Superintendent - Alan King DeSoto ISD Superintendent - Dr. David Harris Duncanville ISD Superintendent - Dr. Alfred Ray Grand Prairie ISD Representative – Ricky Mitchell Lancaster ISD Superintendent - Dr. Michael McFarland Mesquite ISD Superintendent - Dr. Linda Henrie 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. at Methodist Charlton Medical Center - Auditorium 3500 West Wheatland Road, Dallas, Texas 75237 Breakfast can be purchased for $5 in cafeteria Parking is available in lot off Wheatland Rd. in front of hospital. Call 214-467-0123 for questions. ************* Dallas Convoy of Hope 2012 is expecting to serve over 10,000 people with food, community and health services, shoes, job fair, hair cuts and much more absolutely FREE at Fair Park ********** Well Child Forum 9am - 12 Noon Where: Homewood Suites by Hilton – Dallas Market Center, 2747 North Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas 75202 214.819.9700 (phone) or 214.819.9701 (fax) Free Onsite Childcare ******************

Workshop fee: $45 (This workshop has been underwritten which makes it possible to charge a slightly reduced rate from the regular $50 fee. Bring a friend and get an additional $5 discount.) ________ DFW Metroplex Chapter of Tennessee State University Alumni Annual Scholarship Luncheon & Silent Auction Saturday*May 19, 2012*11:30 a.m. Radisson Mockingbird Station Hotel 6060 N. Central Expressway Dr. Portia Holmes Shields, president of the university will join us as we celebrate 100 years of excellence, resilience and unity from 1912-2012. Donation: $40 advance; $50 at the door Food...Champagne...Raffles...Silent Auction For tickets: Call Mary Boyd at (972) 578-1406 ********* Senior Center Fundraiser 4:00-8:00 pm, Admission: $5.00 Proceeds Benefit Senior Citizens (silent auction donations are being accepted-) Location: 2910 Balch Springs Road Balch Springs, Texas 75180 To purchase tickets or To donate an auction item, CALL 972.286.9317 **************

Urban League of Greater Dallas Young Professionals (ULGDYP) presents A Toast to Dallas! Appreciating our History, Building our Future Wine Pairing and Fundraising Dinner 6pm, Cocktail Attire Tower Club Dallas, Pegasus Ballroom

TeCo Summer Cultural Enrichment Camp Recognized In D-Family Magazine 2011 Guide To The Best OPEN HOUSE, 12N - 2PM Campers study music, dance, theater, and visual arts with master teaching artists Breakfast, lunch and snacks served ~Very Limited Space Available~ or call 214-048-0716 for more info

************ May 18, 2012 The YPD Social Upgrade The Mingle at Top Golf

May 19 Volunteer Day at the TXU Energy Urban Tree Farm & Education Center at Richland College. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 12800 Abrams Road, Dallas, TX 75243. This is our last volunteer work day until the fall when it cools down. ********** Young Men Survive Concert it’s going to be a blast@ 7:00pm 11440 Ferguson Rd. Dallas, TX 75228 Door Admission just $5:00 10 and under FREE ********* Dallas Alumni Chapter Southern University Bayou Bash African American Museum lawn 6 pm

Join Bed Rest Concierge at the Child Baby Fair Stonebriar Mall, Frisco *************** Sunday, May 13 MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH 10AM - 4PM Buttons $25 a person If you're reading this and haven't planned diddly squat for your mother this Sunday, there's a good chance you might be in trouble! Don't worry, Buttons has your back. We still have Mother's Day Brunch reservations available and this time we're PAGE 22

MAY 11, 2012


**************** "What I want you to know . . . " Introduction to Memoir Writing 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. St. Philips School & Community Center 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Dallas, TX This fun and thought-provoking workshop will help you turn your memories and special moments into precious family heirlooms. You will learn how to become gatekeepers of your unique histories and storytellers of your own lives. What you walk away with just might be the beginning of your book

************* Home Chapter Crawfish Boil E.N. Mayberry Dining Hall lawn (Southern University - Baton Rouge 2 pm For more information, contact the Home Chapter at 225.413.1582 !





May 20

MAY MAY11, 11,2012 2012

June 9

Dr. Patricia Russell-McCloud, Women's Day speaker for St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church. May 26 Chi Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in conjunction with Pearls of Service, Inc. will host the Pearls & Ivy Debutante Ball


May 27 The Star of Deep Beginnings: The Genesis of African Science and Technology by Charles S. Finch III, M.D. is the next book to be reviewed by The Third Eye in conjunction with the South Dallas Cultural Center (SDCC) at 3:00 PM at the South Dallas Cultural Center May 31 Duncanville High School’s 2012 Commencement Ceremony will be held at the Dallas Convention Center beginning at 7:30 pm. June 1 8th Annual Par for The Course Golf Tournament at the Lakes Course at Firewheel Golf Club and to a gourmet dinner featuring live music and three gourmet chefs at the Spring Creek Church in Garland on Friday, June 1, 2012. Funds from these two events will go to support the New Beginning Center’s shelter, educational programs, and transitional housing. For more information or to sign up your team or purchase tickets go to www.newbeginningcenter.org or e-mail development@newbeginningcenter.org

Real Men Cook at Gilley’s

“Fit 4 the King!” Day June 09, 2012. “Fit 4 the King!” is a collaborative event between the Martin Luther King, Jr. Family Clinic and the Ron Springs “Gift for Life Foundation.” It is a day of health and fun for the entire family and community.

DCCCD also will serve as one of several co-sponsors for the second annual BooksmART Festival onSat., June 9, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The free, one-day BooksmART Festival will offer families and children of all ages a chance to celebrate literature and the arts. The day will feature authors, artists, illustrators, workshops, music, gallery tours, story time, games and other activities at the Dallas Museum of Art. For details, visit http://DallasMuseumofArt.org/ALL. June 10 The Richard M. Brodsky Foundation will be sponsoring its 5th annual 5K AIDS Cancer Run Walk on 8 AM, Cedar Creek Park, Seaford, Long Island. ***** The Honorable Olly Neal will be the keynote speaker at My Very Own Book’s third annual dinner, to be held at the Eisemann Center in Richardson June 16 LARFELL 4th ANNUAL ALL WHITE YACHT TICKETS for @ LAKE LEWISVILLE 8pm-1am & the AFTER PARTY(TBA). ONLY a 100 tickets will be sold so get yours now make a appointment now between 1pm-4pm today 214-994-3968 June 17

June 22 2012 Oak Cliff Chamber Gala OAK CLIFF ROCKS! At the SHERATON HOTEL With Honorary Chair MAYOR MIKE RAWLINGS Live Band ~ Auction ~ Raffle Go to www.gala.oakcliffchamber.org.

SAVE THE DATE Dick Gregory’s

80th Birthday Celebration June 29, 2012 Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club

NEW TIME! Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com at 6p.m. Monday, May 14

Tuesday, May 15

Join Cheryl and Lady T Join Cheryl, and Lady T • Black Economic History • Black Economic History Fact of the Day Fact of the Day • Gabrielle Greene, the new CEO of JPC

Wednesday, May 16

Thursday, May 17

Friday, May 18

Join Cheryl and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day • LIVE from Harwood 609

Join Cheryl and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day •

Join Cheryl and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day •


Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 23







MAY 11, 2012

Sunday, at 8:00a.m., turn on your computer & log on to Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to listen to Remember:


And don’t forget fitness guru Jay, sports guy Andrew and an inspiring word from Father JeMonde Taylor

Cheryl Smith and her guests: Jay and his family are going to Atlanta to tape, hopefully 5 episodes of Family Feud. SO we put Jay through a test because every answer is NOT a P. Charles Donna “good answer!” 5/20/1958 There’s also the election update, remembering3/23/2012 Ron Springs and more. And yes, HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY! Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU






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