I Messenger 51

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AUGUST 31, 2012

COMEDIAN KEITH MANNING and friends hold benefit softball game in Dallas.










AUGUST 31, 2012

LINKS award $100,000 in grants T H E L I N K S F O U N DATION, INCORPORATED AWA R D S $ 1 0 0, 0 0 0 I N GRANTS TO FOUR NONPROFITS

Margot James Copeland

-- Recipients are: Club Esteem, Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey, Legacy Media Institute and the National Dental Association -Wa shington, DC -- The Links Fo u n d a t i o n , In c o r p o r a t e d announces the awarding of grants totaling $100,000 to support four non-profit organizations that are making a significant impact in communities around the nation. Grant recipients are Club Esteem's Challenging Youth - Embracing Excellence after school program, which provides the children of Melbourne, Fla. with the skills and inspiration they need to break the

cycle of poverty and develop into healthy, productive, vision-driven adults; the Kansas City Friends of A l v i n A i l e y 's a r t s e d u c a t i o n programs, which teach youth critical life skills through dance, and make dance accessible to at-risk youth in the Kansas City metro area; Legacy Me d i a In s t i t u t e 's T h e Ro s e Mapendo Project, to produce a DVD, to share the work for peace and reconciliation of this Congolese woman who, along with her family, beginning in 1998 endured 16 months in a death camp and the murder of her husband; and the National Dental Association's NDA Health Now program, which aims to elevate the oral health and overall health status of underserved and vulnerable populations, in c o m m u n i t i e s o f c o l o r, i n t h e Chicago and Dallas areas. "We are proud to award these organizations $25,000 each, to help advance the important work they are doing in our communities," said Margot James Copeland, national president of The Links, In c o r p o r a t e d a n d T h e L i n k s Foundation, Incorporated. "With the current state of the economy, essential funding has been cut for many organizations. We are excited to alleviate some of the financial need in order for these organizations to expand and broaden the reach of their transformational programs."

Black Chambers of Commerce to meet in Austin Black chambers convene in Austin for 12th annual conference AUSTIN The Texas Association of African American Chambers of Commerce (TAAACC) will host its 12th Annual Conference September 13-15, 2012 at Austin's Crowne Plaza Hotel & Convention Center (6121 N. IH35, Austin, TX). "Our theme this year Putting Your Business in the Black by Design - highlights the qualities our members will have to demonstrate in the current economic climate," said TAAACC Chairman Jim Wyatt. "Even though Texas has escaped the brunt of the economic downturn, African American businesses and the chambers that support them will have to sharpen our skills and stiffen our resolve to be competitive in this environment." Representing the interests of nearly thirty Black chambers across the state, TAAACC will convene a line-up of workshops and seminars designed to PAGE 2


address small business issues, contracting opportunities and professional development for chamber officials. * Close a "Deal" with state agencies and or other prime contractors (sign-up to win a Kindle) *Annual report from TAAACC Professional Services Committee *TAAACC Convention Vendor Fair *State Rep. Sylvester Turner will provide conference kick-off remarks *"Reginald Gates Best of the Best" business awards *A conversation on "Legislative Issues" as reported by Senator Ellis, Senator West & State Rep. James White (registered conference attendees will have a chance to win two "Airline Tickets") For additional information visit the TAAACC website - www.taaacc.org. TAAACC Chairman Jim Wyatt can be reached via email at info@taaacc.org or phone at 512-535-5610.






AUGUST 31, 2012

Weekdays at 2p.m. on NBC

TEXT NBC5 to 66502 Message and Data rates may apply. Only one winner per cell phone number.

Vote with your remote and WIN! Enter the Steve Harvey Launch Team giveaway by Texting NBC5 to 66502 and you will be eligible to win an Apple iPad or other great gifts. Gifts will be awarded every day thru September 9 MetroPCS subscribers, text NBC5 to 408-912-2774 And don’t forget to cast your vote for the

Don’t Believe the Hype Foundation! PAGE 3







AUGUST 31, 2012

ANYONE CAN RECEIVE A GRANT IF YOU KNOW THE SECRET! Billions of grant dollars are given away each year to individuals and businesses by Foundations, Non-Profit organizations, Private Corporations and individuals. To learn how to get your share of the billions of grant dollars awarded every year go to:

• College funding • Paying off existing student loan debt • Paying off credit card debt • Paying off a mortgage • Supplementing retirement • Purchasing a home • Starting a business • Church funding & building expansion • Paying off judgments • Eliminate Bankruptcies (Chapters: 7,8.11 & 13) • Any legal financial need… Anyone can receive a grant if you know the secret to applying and how to access the grant providers. If you are interested in receiving a grant, let me show you how. Send an email to: clsgrant1@aol.com PAGE 4







Message to the people...

INSIDE I MESSENGER August 31, 2012

Jokae’s thanks for the memories and support

Team IMAJ 7

Potential Voter Suppression in Ohio


Dallas Urban League Gala 12 First Day of School Tradition!


I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011 IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IM ESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com. PAGE 5

AUGUST 31, 2012


Deja Vu Not a good feeling! Cheryl Smith I still remember the feeling I had when I learned that Black Images Book Bazaar was closing. The sense of loss for me was tantamount to losing a close friend or family member because for years the owners, Ashore Toishwe and Emma Rodgers, have been a source of inspiration and support for me and the community, as well as to authors around the world. I was so disappointed to hear about the closing of the store where I purchased my books, artwork, cards and more, and where I hosted my talk show on KKDA-AM with a number of authors, including Sister Souljah, Akosua Buseo, and Susan Taylor. There was still hope though, because Jokae’s African American Books was still around and thriving. It was there where I greeted authors like Denise Nicholas, ReShonda Tate Billingsley and Victoria Christopher Murray. And I hosted my show there, too. Unfortunately, however, I received word recently that Jokae’s would be closing in October. Much like Black Images, Jokae’s owners have given so much to this community and to authors. The Pettis Family, like Emma and Ashira, worked tirelessly to provide a venue for new and seasoned writers to hold their booksignings and showcase their works. There was a time when several authors would stop through Dallas on the regular. Sure times have changed and we’ve been dealing with tough economic times but some of the choices we have made could have helped save some very important businesses, like Jokaes. When Black Images announced its closing, folks flocked to the Wynnewood Shopping Center to patronize the store. If only they had been regular shoppers. Interestingly there were people who would drive across town to save one or two dollars on a book! Did they think about their gas spent trying to save a buck by going to a bookstore chain? Much like Black Images, Jokae’s fought the elements, namely the larger bookstore chains, WalMart and Amazon.com. Folks looking for a bargain bypassed spending a few extra dollars by shopping at an establishment “for us and by us.” So, their dollars left our community along with their consciousness. Still, Jokae’s was able to stay afloat with help from its framing business and even a move to a smaller location. Yet, there were challenges and unfortunately those challenges lead us to today and the impending closure. Thankfully we still have Pan African Connection Bookstore and Resource Center and the bookstore at the African American Museum in Dallas and in Fort Worth, there’s Dock Bookshop. These establishments are so important to our community.. My feeling of loss is also compounded by a feeling that maybe I could have done more. Sure I spent when I could, shared information in my various venues and wrote about Jokae’s. And Jokae’s deserved more support; as do our other establishments. The owners have been good corporate citizens. They have supported our schools and organizations, but still the reciprocity has not been as it should have been. Sadly this is the case with many of our Black-owned businesses. This madness has to stop. We have to realize the beauty in supporting our own. This isn’t an “antianything” position, this is a “pro-you” philosophy that I am advocating. Show Jokae’s some love. Visit the store at 3223 W. Camp Wisdom Road, across from Southwest Center Mall in Dallas. Also, make a commitment to do better!

Cheryl NEXT WEEK - DNC and RNC Coverage!!! Obama v. Romney. !





THE WORLD Sullivan Summit ends with The Spirit Of Malabo Malabo, Equatorial Guinea – Victor Mooney, AIDS activist and executive director of New York based – South African Arts International, Ltd. (SAAI) has pledged to keep the camaraderie alive; thereby, naming his Brazilian custom made ocean rowboat “The Spirit of Malabo” in a tweet. History was cemented on the shores of this tiny nation during the 9th Sullivan Summit. Repeatedly, the African Diaspora was intertwined with the announcement of updates on infrastructure, partnerships, education, health care, cultural exchanges, dual

crossing the Atlantic Ocean. I’m determined with the fathers blessing to complete this mission”, said Mr. Mooney. During the journey, a global audience will have an exclusive opportunity to learn about the cultural treasures of this nation. A virtual exhibition of art works will be hosted on GoreeChallenge.com for this project. Updates will be translated from English to Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese and Arabic via ListServ. Periodically, Mr. Mooney will participate in online conversations with classrooms worldwide aboard the Spirit of Malabo. “We are facing a continued crisis on both continents as we battle against HIV/ AIDS. It’s my continued faith that this mission will encourage voluntary HIV testing and increase AIDS education,” Mr. Mooney added. On Mr. Mooney’s historic arrival at Brooklyn Bridge Park, cultural dancers


AUGUST 31, 2012

2012 Life Skills Class sponsored by the Dallas Women's Foundation and Moneygram

Victor Mooney training in the Atlantic Ocean.

citizenship, and human capital investments during the summit. “President Obiang's vision to prepare the country for the present and future generations was clearly disseminated. It’s time to get on board and be part of a great renaissance that is taking place in Equatorial Guinea and Africa”, said Victor Mooney. Mr. Mooney will use the Spirit of Malabo in his fourth bid to cross the Atlantic Ocean by rowing. He plans to depart from the Las Palmas, Canary Islands and row five-thousand miles, an approximately eight month voyage, back to New York’s Brooklyn Bridge later this year. “Only the strongest [his African ancestors] survived the arduous task of

from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea will welcomed the rower on the banks of New York’s East River. Take your seat on the Spirit of Malabo and follow us on twitter.com/goreechallenge. The 9th Sullivan Summit officially ended on August 24. The mission of New York based SAAI is to promote multimedia events in venues all over the world; to exhibit the works of artist, artisans, musicians, scholars and professionals; to facilitate worldwide cultural understanding; disseminate and exchange international art and culture; to provide scholarships, sponsor cultural events and artistic seminars; to increase awareness of global pandemic of HIV/AIDS.

Tune in on September 4 on NBC Text NBC5 to 66502 to win prizes Chat & Chew Also, go to http://goba.us/JhooTk And cast your vote for the Don’t Believe the Hype Foundation MEE Productions and NStar Life are helping to launch the new Steve Harvey Show on the NBC television station in your community. The star of radio, movies and books now has a new daytime television show that features the real Steve Harvey, with his funny, inspirational, insightful and common sense approach to life’s everyday moments. As we know, Steve’s newest show will only be successful if he gets the support of the Black community. MEE is inviting our Community Network to participate in a campaign to create awareness about this new show and to encourage support for Steve Harvey in this new endeavor. We will be hosting a series of Chat & Chews to explain how you, your organization and community can participate and benefit from this campaign.


We are offering two (2) Chat & Chew information events for your convenience. These (free) events will provide details about the campaign, including the contest and prizes for CBOs and community members (including iPads for consumers and $1,500 Gift Cards for actively participating CBOs).



We invite you to attend one of our Chat & Chew information events. Events will be on the following date and times:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm Pan African Connection Bookstore Art Gallery and Resource Center 828 Fourth Avenue Dallas, TX 75226 Wednesday, August 29, 2012 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm True Lee Missionary Baptist Church 3907 Bertrand Avenue Dallas, TX 75210

Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP so that we can get an accurate count on food and materials. To RSVP for the Steve Harvey Show Chat & Chew information events,






It Has Begun! Legendary multi-platinum country artist Collin Raye tells everyone everywhere he goes, “Imaj is country’s next big star!” What makes Imaj such an amazing anomaly is that her mission has always been simply, “Peace & Love” — a movement that has been advocated since The Beatles, Johnny Cash, Janis Joplin and Michael Jackson…then along came Imaj to continue the Peace Movement. What makes this so great is that Team Imaj has begun to expand her mission to not only spread world peace but to spread the awareness of Imaj and make the world a better place. You’ve heard the Breaking News: “IMAJ: Self-Titled Debut Album Set To Release This Summer/Fall!” We can’t wait for the release! And now…we’re joining hands nationwide. Join us at “Team Imaj” her official street team!

AUGUST 31, 2012

All you have to do is: 1. Click “Join Group” here http://www.facebook.com/groups/ 352164268186566/ 2. And register here: http://imaj.wufoo.com/forms/z7x3x5/ When you’re done please share the group on Facebook and be ready to have some fun!!! For those sharing on Twitter: Please Tweet the following: #TeamImaj: IT HAS BEGUN. http://bit.ly/M4btHz (Please Re-Tweet!) cc. @iamImaj

Don’t Believe the Hype Foundation extends a special thank you to

D Sportz 339 E Camp Wisdom Rd Duncanville, TX 75116-2705 972-709-4377 and

Golden Gate Funeral Home 214-941-7332



Are you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in a career in sales? Here’s an opportunity for you to have a successful career selling advertising for THREE publications and one broadcast entity.

for your support this year!

Send your resume to info@myimessenger.com








AUGUST 31, 2012


Leadership Principle 4 By Aaron Hopkins

In the past few articles on the subject of leadership, I’ve tried to make a case for looking at the leader we all have within ourselves and developing into the best possible person. I also gave some examples of my personal struggles and difficulties in trying to be the leader of my family. My main objective was to get the readers of this series of articles in the mindset of not accepting any less from themselves than they would expect from any leader. Additionally, I wanted to build momentum towards constructive and character-building criticism of leadership rather than simple complaining. Hopefully, I have established a decent backdrop for the next phase of this series on the leadership principle and what it means. For several weeks now I have watched and listened carefully to people as they issue complaint after complaint about our current Head of State, President Barack Obama and his policies. What is amazing to me in all of this bashing of the 44th President of the United States is the people doing most of the criticizing sound like they are worthy of receiving reparations for these so called terrible polices of this administration. How did some of the same people who used to talk about how Black Americans should pull themselves up by their bootstraps find their way to the White House steps begging for handouts from the government? Our economy is the biggest pawn being used in this current debate over who’s more fit to lead the country. I think the American people should really consider what they are in need of when it comes to leadership for the next four years! There must be a dialogue between the masses and the current leadership about the massive unemployment rate that was created before 2008 and has now become everyone’s biggest nightmare. There should be careful planning on what the people’s options are in terms of the skills and qualifications of the employer’s needs who say they are hiring. Also the educational benefits given to those who are currently employed and want to further their education have to be incorporated. I will end this part by saying the leadership principle is a complex set of requirements that can begin enabling those who say they want to be leaders. The key is that leadership is not the same when there is the light of day to see our way around these problems that face us. When the lights go out who will stand up and take us back into the light? More to come in the final part of the leadership principle next issue!

TEXT NBC5 to 66502 PAGE 8


By Charley Shimanski Sr. Vice President, Disaster Services American Red Cross

Since Hurricane Isaac struck the Gulf Coast less than 24 hours ago, thousands of families have evacuated their homes and turned to the Red Cross for help. With your support, we’ve readied 79 shelters and we have over half a million meals and snacks, plus disaster supplies available for immediate needs. If you or your loved ones have been affected by the hurricane, we hope you are safe. If you need assistance, please reach out to us at the Red Cross. Here are ways that you can get help now. The wind, rain and threats of tornadoes continue to batter communities along the Gulf Coast. So many of you have already reached out

to the Red Cross to help families and individuals in need. Thank you for your incredible support. As the storm lingers, we anticipate the level of response needed across the Gulf Coast will be significant and sustained. Continued support is desperately needed to provide essential aid like shelter, meals, first aid, emotional support and other emergency services. Please give generously to American Red Cross Disaster Relief now thousands of families affected by disaster are counting on relief that only you can provide. Here’s how your gift can help immediately: $40 can supply lunch and dinner for a family of four for one day. $50 can buy four days of supplies for an infant whose family has been left

without basics like diapers, wipes and formula. $100 can buy clean-up kits for five families whose homes have been damaged (including a mop, broom, trash bags and cleaning supplies). Support families as they struggle to get through – please give now. Thank you for being a part of the American Red Cross and standing with neighbors in need. Please consider these additional resources for staying safe: Safe and Well is a website that lets your family and friends know you’re safe, or where you can search for loved ones. The National Shelter System is a Google search map showing open Red Cross shelters. Our free Hurricane App provides important updates, access to shelter locations and more.

Senator West says Court's ruling confirms that state's maps meant to limit minority voting power DALLAS - Today's ruling by a federal three-judge panel adds yet another layer of proof to Democrats' contention all along that Texas went too far in redrawing Congressional, Senate and state House maps during last year's legislative session. The court ruled that the maps in fact violate the federal Voting Rights Act. The state in this regard had to prove that the maps as passed by the Legislature would not discriminate by limiting the ability of minority voters to elect a candidate of their choosing. They failed. So futile was their case that the state's lawyers attempted to shift the longstanding burden of proof from the state, to the Justice Department

(DOJ) and the defendants. The court also said no to this argument. This ruling comes with just over two months remaining before the November 6 Sen. Royce West elections where some have stated their willingness to do whatever it takes to make President Barack Obama "a one-term president." That willingness, in addition to redrawing state and congressional maps in a manner ruled discriminatory by the DOJ and now the courts, also extends to passing Voter ID laws across the country that

will further suppress the will of those who disagree with their efforts to turn back the clock, from having their voices heard at the polls. Today's ruling is also a victory for my North Texas colleague Senator We n d y D a v i s , D e m o c r a t i c Congressional District 33 nominee Marc Veasey, and friends from the Texas NAACP, MALDEF and LULAC who fought the Republican maps tooth and nail from Austin and San Antonio all the way to Washington. Royce West is a Democratic African American member of the Texas Senate representing the Dallas-based 23rd District.

I MESSENGER wants you to SPEAK YOUR MIND! Is there something on your mind? Is there something we should be thinking about? Your thoughts are welcomed on the opinion pages of I MESSENGER! We would love to hear from you. Send your thoughts to us at www.myimessenger.com along with your photo, a contact number and a brief bio. Submissions should not exceed 300 words. The opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of I MESSENGER.

Every man has a right to his own opinion. Every race has a right to its own action; therefore let no man persuade you against your will, let no other race influence you against your own. Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey !





CAMPAIGN TRAIL Conyers and Fudge call for investigation of potential voter suppression in Ohio (WASHINGTON)—On Wednesday August 15th, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted issued a directive requiring specific rules and operating hours for county boards of elections. Specifically, the directive eliminated early voting on weekends, and barred all boards of elections from being open on Columbus Day. The directive further raised questions about postage being paid for on absentee ballot envelopes. Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) and Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (D-Ohio) released this statement in response: “The actions of the Ohio Secretary of State appear to have the effect of suppressing the right to vote of Ohio voters,” said Conyers. “The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has already determined that Florida’s early voting changes would adversely impact minority voting rights in that state. In a 119 page ruling, the Court found that the ‘dramatic reduction in the form of voting that is disproportionately used by AfricanAmericans would make it materially more difficult for some minority voters to cast a ballot.’ If you compare Florida’s and Ohio’s early voting changes, it seems that the directive in Ohio may have a similarly racially discriminatory impact. "It's troubling that by eliminating weekend voting hours, the state of Ohio specifically barred a popular voting time of choice for minorities,” said Fudge. “In Cuyahoga County, which I represent,

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Are you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in a career in journalism? Here’s an opportunity for you to work with awardwinning journalists as you learn convergence: radio, television, newspaper, magazine and online journalism.

56% of weekend voters in 2008 were African American while adult African Americans comprise 28% of the county population. Moreover, Ohio is diverse, with counties that are large and small, rural and urban. Local boards of elections are best able to determine the needs of the electorate. A one size-fitsall approach imposed by the state fails our citizens and the interests of justice. “This past Wednesday, August 22nd, The New York Times reported that the Chairman of the Franklin County Republican Party in Columbus, a member of the county’s election board, stated that, ‘I guess I really actually feel

we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban – read African-American – voter-turnout machine.’ Statements of this nature are very troubling and raise a host of legal and constitutional concerns,” said Rep. Conyers. “The recent actions and statements of Secretary Husted and other Ohio officials warrant an investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act,” said Fudge. “Section 2 prohibits election and voting related practices or procedures that are intended to be racially discriminatory, as well as those that are shown to have a racially discriminatory impact. The recent actions taken by Ohio’s Secretary of State should be investigated because of the grave risk to minority voters of being disenfranchised, something that would violate Section 2. “After the 2004 Presidential elections, I organized hearings in Washington and in Columbus, Ohio (participants in this forum included Jerry Nadler, a senior Member of the Judiciary Committee) that highlighted a variety of state actions that served to suppress the vote in Ohio, particularly votes cast by minorities,” said Conyers. “In response, I released a report entitled What Went Wrong In Ohio. It appears that Congress must, again, investigate Ohio’s trend of disenfranchising, and work tirelessly to protect voters from the unfair impact to voting that the state of Ohio has endorsed.”

AUGUST 31, 2012

campaign, has a narrator saying, “Some think Obamacare is the same as free health care. But nothing is free. Obama is raiding $716 billion from Medicare, changing the program forever. Taxing wheelchairs and pacemakers! Raising taxes on families making less than $120,000! Free health care comes at a very high price. The Romney-Ryan plan will restore Medicare funding and protect and strengthen the program for the next generation.” Edward F. Coyle, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, responded, “The $716 billion savings in Medicare under the Affordable Care Act do not affect benefits for seniors and beneficiaries. They do reduce overpayments and provider reimbursements - excluding doctors and they curb waste, fraud and abuse. When Romney says he will reverse the changes to Medicare under health reform, he means he will reinstitute overpayments to insurance companies and protect pharmaceutical and medical device companies. This would weaken Medicare, making it insolvent earlier – in 2016.”

Alliance responds to argument that Pres. Obama raided $716 Billion from Medicare A new ad, paid for by the Mitt Romney

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Are you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in a career in journalism? Here’s an opportunity for you to work with award-winning journalists as you learn convergence: radio,

Send your resume to









AUGUST 31, 2012

FAMU Football Game

If you are interested in going the FAMU vs OU football game September 8, 2012 in Norman Oklahoma (7pm cst kick-off) Game tickets are $55.00 (no additional fees), available from the University until August 22, 2012 Additionally, those who wish to stay overnight, the host hotel is: Cambria Suites 4410 SW 19th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73108 Rate: $81 405-668-3300 Please contact Gerald B. Jenkins (DFW) by August 20, 2012 gbj.famu@yahoo.com 214-766-8783 -orUniversity Athletic department by August 22, 2012 (800)843-0788) or (850) 599-3141








World Natural Hair Parade and Festival planned The Natural Hair Parade & Festival was created as a platform for community healing; developing an avenue to usher in love, peace and unification all for the purpose of cultivating the labor of love for natural hair. Join in on September 1 atWynnewood Shopping Center, 655 W. Illinois Ave, 75224, Parade Starts at 10:30 a.m. Line up 8 a.m. Procession will lead participants to the BeckleySaner Park for the festival. For more information about



the 2nd Annual NaturallyIsis Natural Hair Parade & Festival Call The Isis Project: 214-329-3820 or 214-946-1460

AUGUST 31, 2012

New One-Hour Primetime series shines spotlight on Indiana Parole Officers -SILVER SPRING, MD,- "Parole Diaries," a compelling new docudrama that offers an unprecedented look into the lives of parole officers and the parolees they serve, will premiere Wednesday, September 12 (10:00 PM ET) on TV One. The 13-episode series, produced by Towers Productions ("Find Our Missing," "American Justice"), follows nine parole officers in Indianapolis, IN as they tackle their most difficult and heartwrenching cases. Nationwide, more than twothirds of inmates will be incarcerated again within three years of their release from prison. "Parole Diaries" offers an unwavering look at this uncelebrated and gritty corner of the criminal justice system. Each one-hour episode will follow three dynamic parole officers on the job with the Indiana Department of Correction and the parolee – or client – they are serving. With cases that include sex offenders, convicted murderers and addicts, the work these officers perform is high on stress, low on glamour, and

extremely dangerous. “TV One is proud to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes whose tireless work offers men and women the prospect of a second chance,” noted Toni Judkins, TV One Executive Vice President of Original Programming and Production. “In keeping with TV One’s docu-programming slate, 'Parole Diaries' offers a message of hope while delivering compelling drama that engages and enlightens.” "Parole Diaries" follows nine dedicated parole officers of the Indiana Department of Correction around the clock in their everyday duties. From their desks riddled with necessary paperwork, to field work which often requires they be armed and outfitted in a bulletproof vest - these agents must be prepared for the unexpected at all times. Viewers will also meet the parolees these officers are dedicated to serve - from the moment they first meet their parole officer, through random drug tests, several evaluations, to surprise home visits – we see the struggles these men and women



face to earn a second chance. One wrong move and they can be sent back to prison. In the premiere episode of "Parole Diaries," viewers will meet Parole Officers Denise Jackson, Gerald Carter and John Taylor. Jackson, a 12-year veteran parole officer, prides herself on her life-coaching and nurturing abilities and only handles female clients. The heart of this team of parole officers, Jackson leads off the episode working around the clock to stop her client Melissa, a recovering drug-addict and mother of three (with another one the way), from ruining the lives of her children. Officer Carter exclusively handles sex-offender cases. Using his no-nonsense – by any means necessary – approach, he tracks down his client Kenneth, a sex-offender who is illegally living near a high school. With each episode, "Parole Diaries" promises to deliver new insights into this area of the criminal justice system as well as reveal the power in receiving a second a chance.




AUGUST 31, 2012

Urban League of Greater Dallas holds 45th anniversary It was a lavish affair celebrating the 45th anniversary of one of the National Urban League’s premier affiliates. The Urban League of Greater Dallas. Awards were presented to Media Expert Jim Washington, Public Relations Executive Stan Levenson, Mega Community Activist Edna Pemberton and Derek McCoy, representing the world’s largest beverage company, Coca Cola Refreshments. Honoree Stan Levenson, Urban League CEO Dr. Beverly Mitchell Brooks, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, Charles O. Glenn and Chairman Jesse Crawford.

Honorees Stan Levenson and Edna Pemberton

Board Chair: Jesse Crawford, honoree James A. Washington and Dr. Mitchell Brooks

WFAA-TV’s Greg Fields and wife, CBS 11’s Robbie Owens, Dr. Mitchell Brooks and Board Chair: Jesse Crawford

Dallas’ own LaShirl Smith debuts film at Angelika On Tuesday, September 11th, local area celebrities and athletes will gather to walk the Red Carpet and attend the Premiere for the indie film, “Sideline Confessions”. The Premiere will take place at the Angelika Film Center located at 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane in Dallas. Red Carpet arrivals are from 6:15pm-7:15pm, with the premiere beginning at 7:30pm. The film centers around top-level marketing executive Candy Boudreaux (portrayed by newcomer, Frankie Blair) as she tackles her biggest campaign when she decides to pursue star football player Eric Whitaker (Eric Window, “) for her own personal satisfaction. But Candy quickly becomes sidelined when she becomes intertwined into the unknown sports world of parties, blackmail and sexual games, all just to be with Eric. Supporting cast includes Kisha Grandy-Alexis (Tyler Perry’s “I Can Do Bad”), Trantario Jones (“Urban Justice”), Bubba Ganter (“Our Family Wedding”) among others. This marks the film debut of Dallas native LaShirl Smith, who decided to return home last year to shoot the project and use local area talent. Bringing PAGE 12


'Hollywood' to Dallas was very important to Ms. Smith. "I wanted to be able to give local actors an opportunity to show their talent", she explains. “There is a lot of good talent in the area and I wanted Hollywood to take notice.” Ms. Smith says she is ecstatic with the response and support she has received from family, friends and peers. “Everyone has been so supportive and the cast was tremendous to work with.” Local area celebrities and athletes will be in attendance including players from the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks as well as several TV and Radio personalities. Ms. Smith, who is a top sports and entertainment publicist in Los Angeles, moved away more than 25 years ago with the dreams of becoming a successful screenwriter. “This is only the beginning, Dallas is a great production market and has a lot to offer to indie filmmakers such as myself,” she explains. Besides the film, she will begin production on a variety of other projects including several reality shows, a sports television drama and will continue to work as a publicist.







- The Smart Pillo(TM) has built-in HD speakers and allows users to easily lay down and wirelessly listen to music, audio books, movies, video games, and even talk on the phone -Shelton McCoy, inventor of The S1Pillo Charlotte, NC (BlackNews.com) -Shelton McCoy, a former protection agent, has just added innovator to an already impressive resume. McCoy's resume includes being a platinum recording artist in his teen years (with his group Divine Sounds "What People Do For Money"), and also producer for major recording artist. After closing the door to that chapter of his journey Shelton McCoy took a leap of faith and moved from Brooklyn, NY to Los Angeles, CA, landed a job with American Idol for three years and was appointed head of security for Carrie Underwood for two years. Encouraged by many Hollywood friends to follow his passion of creating innovative technology, McCoy said goodbye to an amazing carnival ride with C U and says hello to Charlotte, NC, his final destination after spending a year at NDSU Incubator Technology Park, in Fargo, ND, where he honed and developed his technological inventions. (www.wday.com/event/article/id/27884/) Today, he introduces The S1Pillo, a patent pending, state-of-the-art pillow, which offers the ultimate in audio and hands-free phone experiences. An idea that was sparked after McCoy saw a news report on CNN's 'Anderson Cooper 360,' which featured Dr. Sanjay Gupta about radiation from cell phones and the possibility of it causing Cancer (according to the World Health Organization). "I thought about all the late-night calls to my friends and family where I had my phone pressed against my ear for about 3-to-4 hours every night. I also noticed that my 16-year-old daughter would lay PAGE 13


her head on her pillow multitasking, using her head wrap to hold the phone in place to her ear so she could talk handsfree while working on her laptop. So, being a protector by nature, I saw the need, and began to envision the solution for the problem. All of this while thinking of what 'pill' would Dr. Sanjay Gupta would prescribe for this seemingly brain-frying nightmare... And the remedy would not come in the form of something to swallow, but in the form of a S1Pillo," stated the SmartPillo Company, LLC's CEO, Shelton McCoy. A company that lives by the motto; "We make simple things smart." Guaranteed to be a life-changer, some of the features of this 'Godsend' technological designer pillow include: * Embedded latest Bluetooth Technology that connects you wirelessly directly to your iPod, iPad, iPhone and Android cell phones * Headrest-like feature perfect for relaxing, gaming, sound meditation, audio reading and listening to movies in surround sound * Support for the hearing impaired through "club effect" a switch that activates heavy sound vibrations throughout the pillow * Unbelievable sounding HD audio speakers * Blue illuminated LED touch button, indicating active standby mode for answering incoming calls * Control center feature: headphone/Aux jack, master volume control, USB and power button

GREAT FUN & OPPORTUNITY AT "FIRST SUNDAY'S SHOWCASE" (Arlington)--Inspired entertainment, delicious food, Christian fellowship and genuine opportunity will all be in the mix at "First Sunday's Talent showcase & Buffet" in Arlington. The launch of this recurring, once a month event, will take place from Noon 'til 5:00pm on S u n d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 n d a t t h e Brickhouse Lounge, 2525 E. Arkansas St. @ Hwy 360. Patrons can enjoy "Christian-oriented" entertainment from singers, musicians, comedians, poets and 'clean' rappers. And, for a small extra fee, they can dine at an all-u-can eat buffet -- stocked with entrees like: fried catfish and smothered chicken, brisket, vegetables, and an assortment of delicious desserts. It's a perfect after Church venue for an individual, a couple or the whole family. "First Sunday's" will provide a showcase for emerging and new talent from the Metro-Plex and around the nation. Talent showcase winners will receive a shot at making it to the 'big time.' They'll be awarded things like -- production studio time, a professional photo shoot, product manufacturing, management, advertising & marketing, artist development & distribution of a single

project. Entertainers interested in performing at a "First Sunday's" showcase should send an email inquiry to: roundtheclock.cm@gmail.com (or) call (972) 834-5936. Tickets for "First Sunday's" can be ordered online at: firstsunday.eventbrite.com for the price of $20 for the showcase only....or $30 including the buffet. Also available at Bailey’s Furniture, 3901 W. Camp Wisdom, Dallas, TX. Sponsored by Chris Ford T.V., Vision Media, Rollins Construction, Brickhouse, Bailey’s Furniture, Beauty & Beyond, Onstage w/Earl Bynum, and Urban Gospel Sounds.

AUGUST 31, 2012

fitness and aerial arts. I kept hearing complaints that many of the studios around Los Angeles are mostly womenonly," expresses Walker. "I'm excited to open the doors to men at Aeriform Arts. And I actually think the women even appreciate it! In addition, we are just blown away to have Mr. "Bad Azz" Josiah Grant come teach with us. He is not only a pole legend but also a wonderful and gifted instructor." Aeriform Arts boasts an impressive

Male Pole Champion Josiah "Bad Azz" Grant joins Aeriform Arts Studio TV executive and Aeriform Arts Studio owner,

Photo credit: David D'Angelo

North Hollywood, CA - Television executive Lea Walker holds an expansive dream for her Aeriform Arts Studio. Born from her desire to find refuge from the busy demands of her work in the entertainment field, Walker's Aeriform Arts Studio is an oasis of dance and fitness offerings that take working out to new heights. From pole, to aerial yoga, to lyra and hanging silks, the studio is a virtual playing field for airborne conditioning adventure. Walker has elevated her vision however with the announcement of a totally co-ed curriculum, opening the doors to men who may want to partake in the fitness fun. Men can now workout right alongside the women and take their exercise agendas to new altitudes. The beautiful mirrored space, which houses ten aerial yoga hammocks, a lyra, hanging silks and five brass dance poles is truly a playground for all now! To highlight the new agenda at Aeriform Arts, Walker has bought on pole champion, Josiah "Bad Azz" Grant to conduct specialized pole instruction during the month of August before returning to the studio in January from his Australian "BadAzz Aussie Artistic Black Out Tour 2012." World renowned professional vertical dance artist, international performer, instructor and competition judge, Grant has appeared on numerous national television shows including "America's Got Talent," "The Doctors" and "Jerry Springer." "After opening my studio, I was amazed by the number of men who contacted me about wanting to learn pole !

roster of some of Los Angeles' best fitness instructors including Leigh Acosta, specializing in pole, lyra and aerial fit; Amber Porter for aerial fit; Lacy McGarry for pole & floor; Kristina Serna for BUTI ™ and Saharah Ali and Victoria Platt for aerial yoga. Walker is also bringing on Juju Namjai for additional BUTI ™ classes and adding a "Sexy Silhouettes" class for improving dance and flow technique. "Aeriform Arts is a fantastic alternative to the gym," adds Walker. "The classes are cozy and intimate with great personalized instruction. And with that said, I'd like to say to the men, 'Hey boys, come hang out with us!'" Check out Josiah "Bad Azz" Grant a t h t t p : / / w w w. b a d a z z i n o z . c o m / . Aeriform Arts is located at 5625 Lankershim Blvd. in North Hollywood, CA. Take flight at Aeriform Arts at http://aeriformarts.com/ or by calling 818-980-AERI (2374).

Tune in on September 4

Chat & Chew

Text NBC5 to 66502 to win prizes

MEE Productions and NStar Life are helping to launch the new Steve Harvey Show on the NBC television station in your community. The star of radio, movies and books now has a new daytime television show that features the real Steve Harvey, with his funny, inspirational, insightful and common sense approach to life’s everyday moments. As we know, Steve’s newest show will only be successful if he gets the support of the Black community. MEE is inviting our Community Network to participate in a campaign to create awareness about this new show and to encourage support for Steve Harvey in this new endeavor. We will be hosting a series of Chat & Chews to explain how you, your organization and community can participate and benefit from this campaign.

We invite you to attend one of our Chat & Chew information events. Events will be on the following date and times: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm Pan African Connection Bookstore Art Gallery and Resource Center 828 Fourth Avenue Dallas, TX 75226

Also, go to http:// goba.us/JhooTk And cast your vote for FAVA the Don’t Believe the Hype Foundation

We are offering two (2) Chat & Chew information events for your convenience. These (free) events will provide details about the campaign, including the contest and prizes for CBOs and community members (including iPads for consumers and $1,500 Gift Cards for actively participating CBOs).

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm True Lee Missionary Baptist Church 3907 Bertrand Avenue Dallas, TX 75210

Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP so that we can get an accurate count on food and materials.

To RSVP for the Steve Harvey Show Chat & Chew information events, contact Alicia Jackson at MEE Productions (877-633-7763). 5070 Parkside Ave., Suite 3500D Philadelphia, PA 19131 • www.meeproductions.com





AUGUST 31, 2012

Comedians showcase talents for charity Usually when you try to envision a comedian as a child, it’s easy to picture the comic in the role of class clown, life of the party or the prankster. Then there’s Keith Manning, a presidential scholar who attended Shaw University, majoring in Biology! That’s right. He’s funny and smart too! Hailing from Savannah, GA, he had six other siblings and was raised in a single-parent home. Surprisingly, he wasn’t the funniest of the group. “I have a brother who keeps feeding me material to use,” he said, adding that he is always working and to date has not used any of his brother’s “material.” His upbringing contributed significantly to his social consciousness and work ethic. He said he grew up watching “I Love Lucy” and cites such notable comics as Bill Cosby, George Carlin, Robin Williams and Richard Pryor, when he talks about influences that helped him hone his craft. A writer for the Award Winning Sketch Group, 'The DeadBeatClub,” Keith loves what he does and has yet to find a microphone he doesn’t like. Promoter Steven Keller has nothing but praise for Keith, citing his work ethic. “Keith is hilarious,” he said. “ We have a great working relationship and I have a lot of respect for the guy.” Steve is a big supporter of local talent and said he wants to spread the word about all the great local comics and signers from the area. “We are attempting to show people we have talented artists here who provide excellent performances.” Steve’s company, Da Brick Comedy Explosion (www.dabrickcomedy.com), is a sponsor of the inaugural DFW Comics for Kids Charity Softball Game at Glencoe Park on Sunday, September 2, 2012 at 1:00p.m. “I think it’s a great idea,” he said. And Keith is excited about the event and the response he has received from friends, sponsors and fellow comedians. He’s part of a tight-knit community of comedians who support one another and take pride in their craft. “We are very supportive of one another,” he said. “We all know what it takes and its great to have support during the highs and the lows, the good shows and the bad ones.” And there will be some bad ones, he acknowledged during a recent interview. Knowing this makes that support system even more important. Sharing those successes and failures are just as important as being a source of support during trying times, he said, like the recent death of local comedian Denzel Snipes, who was just 40 years old. Denzel, like Keith, was a favorite among locals. Many of Keith’s “brothers and sisters” in comedy will be joining him in Dallas over the Labor Day weekend to benefit the YMCA and Salvation Army. “We believe in giving back and those two organizations do so much for so many,” he explained. “The YMCA benefits the entire family.” So, while many will be attending barbecues or family gatherings, Keith is asking for support of this event which he plans to hold every year. And while he doesn’t expect to execute any spectacular plays or base stealing, Keith says he hopes everyone has a lot of fun. To add to the fun, there’s the 7th Inning Set (comics perform) 10-12min total, Drum Rolls with every pitch/swing and each team starts inning with a runner on base. “We’re going to have a good time, and you will too,” he said. “We care about our community and hope to raise money, with the support of our sponsors, Hyenas Comedy Club (Owners – Randy Butler); Backdoor Comedy Club (Owners – Janis Norton and Linda Stogner), Da' Brick Comedy Explosion (Promoter – Steven Keller), and That’s My Forte Talent Agency (Owner – Khadijah Forte). PAGE 14


The list of confirmed entertainers includes: - James Hannah (Writer from The Steve Harvey Show & Martin Lawrence 1st Amendment Standup) -Linda Stogner (Finalist at The Las Vegas Comedy Festival and Emmy Award Winner) - Ced Man (Single Mingle Comedy Show) - Steve Hirst (Live at Gotham on Comedy Central) -Chris Lehman (Winner, Dallas Funniest Person 2011) -CJ Starr (StarrStruck Radio Show), and the list continues to grow. -Mozan (Radio and local favorite) To say that Keith is excited about the event is an understatement. And the excitement is

mounting as other comedians like the super funny “Q” who will probably spend more time entertaining the fans, than running around bases. “I’m an athlete,” said Q, who will also be putting his acting school credentials on the line as one of the featured comedians. “I’m representing the South Side of Chicago.” On Sunday, they’ll all be representing Dallas’ future! WHEN: Sunday, September 2nd 2012 at 1pm WHERE: Glencoe Park-Field #2- 5300 Martel Dr- Dallas, TX 75206. What; Bring your entire family for an afternoon of fun! Free Hotdogs and Drinks, too! CLS !





AUGUST 31, 2012

Inspiring Potential. Developing Leaders Leslie

Bedford Leadership Academy and Cedar Valley College

Speak 2B Heard Girls’ Forum

September 15, 2012 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Cedar Valley College 3030 N. Dallas Avenue Lancaster Texas 75241

Calling Girls Ages 12 - 14, We Want To Hear “What’s On Your Minds” Food es riz urs P o r H o Do ice v r e ty S Friends i n u m Com ake New M

Forum Highlights... Speak and be heard... In a respectful and supportive environment Speak and be heard... Give your opinion on what girls really need and want in 2012 Speak and be heard... Freely express your thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences Speak and be heard... Share what works for you in coping with life challenges

Pre-Registration Required: Contact 972-230-1101 - pwn@lkbacademy.org - www.lkbacademy.org An Educational Program of the Leslie K Bedford Leadership Academy A Partnership with PAGE 15







AUGUST 31, 2012

Jerry Jones debuts rap song to woo pizza lovers for Papa John's -- Legendary Cowboys Team Owner Jerry Jones is hoping to top the charts with his new rap song. Jones-turned-hiphop-star debuts his rap in a Papa John's television commercial called "Hip Hop Jerry"that began airing August 25 as NFL pre-season football kicks off. The spot promotes Papa John's

new Cowboys 5-Star Combo and will run in D/FW, Austin and Waco through the Super Bowl in 2013. http:// w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = x h h7s6Qtxg&feature=youtu.be "Jerry's break dancing act in an earlier Papa John's TV spot was a big hit, and

we think it's time to show off some of his other talent," said Bob Paine, regional marketing director for Papa John's International. http:// w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v=knyMRGVSsE4 Known for his charisma, Jones' rap performance in the new spot is a followup act to a popular TV spot featuring his spontaneous and highly unlikely dance moves when a Papa John's delivery man shows up in the player locker room with a pizza he ordered. The Papa John's deliver man, played by Los Angeles actor Nathan Rubin, has been paired

with Jones as a regular in the regional Papa John's TV commercials for several years. The setting for the new spot is the world famous Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas, the largest stadium in the NFL and home to Jones' Dallas Cowboys football team. "Good TV advertising connects by being entertaining and surprising," said Cecily Worthy, the LOOMIS Agency creative director who headed up production. Worthy said the follow-up spot had been discussed for a few years, but was only possible because Jones was willing to do it. "Let's face it, not many professional sports team owners understand and appreciate marketing like Jerry Jones," she said. The song lyrics promote Papa John's offer of a large pizza with up to five toppings and a 2-Liter Pepsi for $10.99, and were written by LOOMIS Agency creative director, Michael Tuggle.








AUGUST 31, 2012

After serving in the Korean War and then finishing college, he joined the organization that would become NASA. He joined the astronaut program in 1962 and was command pilot for his first mission, Gemini VIII, in 1966. He was spacecraft commander for Apollo 11, the first manned lunar mission, and the first man to walk on the moon. Shortly after his death, his family released a statement: "For those who may ask what they can do to honor Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service, accomplishment and


George Hickman

The legendary Tuskegee Airmen lost another pilot on Aug. 19 when George Hickman died in Seattle at age 86, according his wife, Doris. He served as one of the United States’ first Black military pilots and ground crew members. !"#$%&'()#$*'+),$'-./012./$ Mr. Hickman became interested in 86&%!9'42#!:;!<0#='35# aviation as a boy and joined the +RPHV $SDUWPHQWV DQG 2IÂżFHV segregated aviation program in Tuskegee, Ala. Before the Tuskegee Airmen, no Black pilots had flown in the )>-,!:?100'!@6'A U.S. military. Hicks served in the Army modesty, and the next time you walk Air Corps from 1943 until 1945, outside on a clear night and see the 5HG 2DN 7H[DV moon smiling down at you, think of Neil graduating in the class of 1944. Initially he had been eliminated from Armstrong and give him a wink." :;;BCCCDE,ED>>*F the program after facing segregation and mistreatment from White superior "'GBEH)D)E>DE-FC officers. “I felt like I had really been Steve Harvey is coming :2IBEH)DJEFD*F,) mistreated," Mr. Hickman told the to daytime television Associated Press. Mr. Hickman continued to work in .../K'A#476A#0I67#;&%312&%#/567 aviation after leaving the army. In 1955, Hickman moved to Seattle to work for Boeing as an engineering training instructor and executive in the aerospace division. After retiring in 1984, Hickman became a longtime usher at University of ommunity (Sales) Chat & Chew WashingtonService and Seattle Counselors Seahawks We invite you to attend football games where, it was reported, full he rofessional training, benefits, one of our Chat & Chew information events. was always joyous and interacted with Events will be on the following date and times: advancement opportunity the crowd. -- Krishna Davis


MEE Productions and NStar Life are helping to launch the new Steve Harvey Show on the NBC television station in your community. The star of radio, movies and books now has a new daytime television show that features the real Steve Harvey, with his funny, inspirational, insightful and common sense approach to life’s everyday moments. As we know, Steve’s newest show will only be successful if he gets the support of the Black community.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm Pan African Connection Bookstore Art Gallery and Resource Center 828 Fourth Avenue Dallas, TX 75226

TEXT NBC5 to 66502

sume: raylcarr@yahoo.com, (214) 514-9553 or (214) 398-5898 Neil Armstrong Lincoln Funeral Home & Cemetery MEE is inviting our Community Network to participate in a campaign to create awareness about this new show and to encourage support for Steve Harvey in this new endeavor. We will be hosting a series of Chat & Chews to explain how you, your organization and community can participate and benefit from this campaign.

We are offering two (2) Chat & Chew information events for your convenience. These (free) events will provide details about the campaign, including the contest and prizes for CBOs and community members (including iPads for consumers and $1,500 Gift Cards for actively participating CBOs).

Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on August 5, 1930.






Wednesday, August 29, 2012 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm True Lee Missionary Baptist Church 3907 Bertrand Avenue Dallas, TX 75210

Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP so that we can get an accurate count on food and materials. To RSVP for the Steve Harvey Show Chat & Chew information events, contact Alicia Jackson at MEE Productions (877-633-7763).



.../#012#3#.4/567! !

5070 Parkside Ave., Suite 3500D Philadelphia, PA 19131 • www.meeproductions.com








SALES OPPORTUNITIES Are you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in a career with a progressive company? Here’s an opportunity to put your excellent communication skills and gain numerous benefits.


469-274-0854 PAGE 17





A Healthy You DENNY’S SUPPORTS TOM JOYNER TO HELP RAISE HEALTH AWARENESS IN AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY SPARTANBURG, S.C. – Denny’s and Tom Joyner, host of the highly rated radio program the Tom Joyner Morning Show, today launched a nationwide

to the Doctor Day has helped change lives, and this year’s event is setting out to send a message that being healthy is important. “I’m excited that this sweepstakes is spreading the word about an issue I’ve been passionate about for years,” said Joyner, host of the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show and founder of the Tom Joyner Foundation, “that’s making sure we go to the doctor and prevent health problems before they get severe.” At the “Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day Health Festival,” attendees will experience premiere health and lifestyle services, seminars and exhibitors. General immunizations and dental, eye and HIV/AIDS screenings will be provided free of charge, as well as a beauty salon/barber shop, safety demonstrations, healthy eating seminars and exercise classes, among many others. Attendance is free and promises to be a life-changing experience.

Support Massage Envy's Healing Hands for Arthritis Event

Thomas Joyner

sweepstakes to send one lucky fan and a guest to Philadelphia for a VIP experience at the “Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day Health Festival.” The health festival, a new addition to the Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day celebration, will take place Oct. 19 and 20 at the Liacouras Center in downtown Philadelphia. The signature event will include a health expo where attendees can receive more than $1,000 in free health services including immunizations and dental exams, as well as lifesaving health information, seminars and live entertainment. “Denny’s is proud to support Tom Joyner in his effort to increase health awareness within the African American community,” said John Miller, chief executive officer of Denny’s. “Tom Joyner has made incredible strides to help eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities. By encouraging his listeners to make doctors’ appointments for themselves and a loved one, he is empowering this country to be proactive about their health and that’s the first step towards creating a healthier, stronger nation.” Fans can enter the Denny’s and Tom Joyner Take a Loved One to Philly sweepstakes online. One winner, selected at random, will receive roundtrip airfare for themselves and a guest to Philadelphia October 19 through 20 for the “Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day Health Festival.” In addition to hotel accommodations, spending money and event transportation, the winner will have exclusive photo opportunities with Tom Joyner as well as VIP access and seating. For more than a decade, Take A Loved One PAGE 18


DFW -- Today more than 300,000 children suffer from arthritis. Every day, these children face searing pain, and in severe cases, bone and organ damage. Massage Envy is trying to help mitigate that pain through the Healing Hands for Arthritis program -- a nationwide, one-day event designed to build awareness for arthritis and raise funds for the Arthritis Foundation. "Healing Hands is a great thing to support and talk about. Massage really helps people with arthritis. It's not a disease for grandparents -- it can affect kids too," said Sarah Lewinski, a 10year-old who suffers from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and receives regular massages at Massage Envy as part of her treatment. During the Healing Hands for Arthritis event, Massage Envy clinics around DFW and the nation will donate $10 from every one-hour massage or facial session to the Arthritis Foundation. Last year's event raised nearly $500,000. This year's event will take place on September 19, 2012, and the goal is to raise even more to help arthritis sufferers like Sarah reduce their pain and one day be cured. "There are no words to say how fortunate I would feel for her to have a pain-free life," said Ro Lewinski, Sarah's mother. "Every day she takes medication to control her pain so that she can keep it manageable. Hopefully, one day we won't have stress over injections, medications, MRIs and hospital visits."

“Aetna Voices of Health” national recognition campaign” The Campaign was created in 2011 to honor organizations that share its goals

of closing racial and ethnic health care quality gaps and helping people live healthier lives. West Dallas Community Centers, Inc (WDCC) of Dallas, TX is proud to have been selected as one of the 34 nominated Agencies. Vo t i n g is now open at www.aetnavoicesofhealth.com for nominated organizations that have achieved results in closing those gaps and are working to improve the health and well-being of their communities. The voting will continue through Oct. 14, 2012 at which time Aetna will donate $30,000 to the organization receiving the most on-line votes and $20,000 to the second-place finisher. “We are so excited to have been nominated as part of this innovative project and to be recognized amongst this distinguished group of Agencies” states Cheryl Mayo Williams, WDCC’s Executive Director. “In 2010, the Demand Management Committee of Children’s Medical Center Dallas conducted a needs assessment of West Dallas residents. The top health issues reported for children were asthma, obesity and diabetes. With this funding, we will continue our efforts to educate our families regarding these disparities, the benefits of making healthy choices and renovate the Bataan fields so children and families will have a safe place to learn, exercise and play. Please go to www.aetnavoicesofhealth.com and vote for us today!” Program guidelines will allow a single email registrant the opportunity to vote up to 10 times for the West Dallas Community Centers and the winner will be announced at the end of October. The children of West Dallas are hoping WDCC will be selected and the fields will be completed by the end of the year. West Dallas Community Centers (WDCC) is a private, 501-C-3, nonprofit organization that provides children, youth and the West Dallas community with academic and enrichment programs strictly focusing upon the benefits of healthy choices, drug prevention, academic achievement, health, arts and culture. Chartered in 1932, this year WDCC will celebrate 80 years of providing services to youth. WDCC program sites are open 48 weeks a year, including summer, spring and holiday breaks when most schools are closed. Over 400 youth ages 6-17 and 1,500 families annually participate in programs offered at three community based sites and surrounding schools. All WDCC programs supplement academic advancement and creativity, while increasing every child’s level of selfesteem, confidence and pursuit of excellence. Centers are open Monday – Friday until 6:30PM and 9AM – 1PM during the summer. The program is free for West Dallas families but the Agency does require parental participation and an annual, non-refundable application fee of $60 per year per child. To register, donate and learn more about West Dallas Community Centers, please visit www.westdallas.org or call us at (214) 760-8353. !

AUGUST 31, 2012

Sister to Sister Fitness Festival features World’s Oldest Female Bodybuilder Ernestine Shepherd, the World’s Oldest Fe-male Body-builder is Helping People Stay on Track, as she kicks off the 11th Sister to Sister Fitness Festival. “When it comes to being fit, it all boils down to four things. The first thing is: nutrition, nutrition nutrition. Then drink plenty of water to cleanse the body, do some type of cardio, and of course strength training. These four things will help make you fit,“ said Ernestine Shepherd, who at 76 years old, is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest female bodybuilder. Ms. Shepherd, who is known for her chiseled body, will kick off the 11th Sister to Sister Fitness Festival 5k Walk/ Run. The event will take place on Saturday, September 29, 2012, at the Cedar Hill Recreation Center located at 310 Parker Rd, in Cedar Hill, TX. This event raises funds and promotes awareness in the battle against breast cancer. The festivities will begin with an aerobic workout at 8:00 am. The race/ walk will start at 8:30 am. Other activities include health information, mammograms, singers, zumba, and healthy cooking instructions from Chef Ken Patrick. “This year’s theme is Staying on Track. As the rate of breast cancer continues to increase, we can no longer afford to play Russian Rolette with our health,” said Sylvia Dunnavant the Founder of the Celebrating Life Foundation. According to a recent study from Oxford University, obesity is the biggest avoidable cause of breast cancer. “Exercise is just great. If people realized that, they would stop saying I can’t do it, or I don’t want to do it. You just need to find someone to work out with. Exercise is good for the body, the mind, the soul and spirit,” said Ms. Shepherd, whose goal it is to inspire people around the country to live healthier fulfilled lifestyles. The Celebrating Life Foundation is a non- profit organization devoted to educating the African American community and women of color about the risks of breast cancer, and the benefits of early detection and treatment. For more information contact Celebrating Life Foundation at 972-501-9981 ext. 110. This program is being supported by Charleston Methodist Health Systems, the Cedar Hill Recreation Center, the Dallas Urban League and USFI. !




AUGUST 31, 2012

Don’t wait until a designated month to go to the doctor-Cancer, hypertension, blood clots, kidney disease and other ills are not paying attention to a calendar and neither should you!








EDUCATION NOTES Educator Flash Mob Dances in the New School Year Over 100 Duncanville ISD educators took part as actors and dancers in the

2012 Convocation – even the superintendent and assistant superintendent! The show “IN-FLIGHT, Continued” was a huge hit. The audience was made up of district staff – teachers, aides, librarians, bus drivers, cafeteria employees, administrators and more, as well as community members, like Mayor Deborah Hodge, Police Chief Robert D. Brown, Jr., and Duncanville Chamber of Commerce President Steve Martin. Superintendent Dr. Alfred Ray’s message to staff was one of encouragement. He reminded them to stay committed to providing our students with the highest quality education. The show also touched on the district’s deepening its commitment to Project Based Learning – a style of instruction that keeps students actively engaged in their own learning by including hands-on projects that inspire collaboration and communication. - Duncanville Informer

Gov. Perry announces New Leadership Team at TEA Gov. Rick Perry named Michael Williams of Arlington the State Commissioner of Education, effective September 1, and announced that Lizzette González Reynolds will serve as chief deputy commissioner. This team will lead the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and oversee the state's 1,200 school districts and charter Michael WIlliams schools. "High standards and accountable public schools are essential to our state's future success, and no two people understand that better than Michael and Lizzette. Together, they will build on the improvements achieved during the

tenure of Robert Scott and Todd Webster, and will ensure our children are prepared for the challenges of college and the workplace," Gov. Perry said.

We want your First Day of School Photos

AUGUST 31, 2012

First Day of School Photo

Day Care, Pre School, Grammar School, Junior High, High School, Junior College, 4- year, Back to school after a hiatus, GED, Job Corp -- We want it all! You can even send your EMPTY NEST Photo! We know I MESSENGER has readers all over the world and we want to hear from you! Please include: Name - (it's okay if you only want the first name) School City/State And stay tuned for our BACK TO SCHOOL FEATURE!

Notes from the desk of State Rep. Barbara Mallory Caraway Flu Shots - Dallas County Health & Human Services has started offering flu vaccines, slightly ahead of schedule, following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It takes the body about two weeks to develop full protection against the flu virus. The best way to protect a person from getting the flu, and recommends shots for almost everyone, except children under 6 months old or those with severe egg allergies. No appointments is necessary. For more information, call 214-819-2162 Aerial Spraying for West Nile Virus -According to the City of Dallas and Dallas County officials, aerial spraying is considered to be an effective and safe way to kill adult mosquitoes in large, densely populated areas. Although the pesticide is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, residents are advised to take the following precautions: (1) Avoid being outside during spraying; close windows and keep pets inside. (2) If skin or clothes are exposed, wash them with soap and water. (3) Rinse homegrown fruits and vegetables with water as a general precautionary measure. (4) Cover small ornamental fish ponds.

Asst. Supt. Levels is joined by her 10th and 8th graders, Leah and Trey.

DeSoto educator and Assistant Superintendent of DeSoto ISD, Levatta L. Levels’ family is close knit and supportive. One of their family traditions is to take a photo on the first day of school. I Messenger is looking for your first day of school pictures. From Head Start, Pre K, up to College, we want your pictures for our Back to School feature. Send in your pictures to editorial@myimessenger.com by no later than September 11, 2012.

It’s back to school time!

In the spirit and rich tradition of the African Griot, let I MESSENGER get your message out to the masses. Send your information and events to info@myimessenger.com PAGE 20







In our library HURSTON/WRIGHT 2-DAY WRITERS' WORKSHOP HOWARD UNIVERSITY November 3 - 4, 2012 If you want to work with a master teacher who has been where you are and knows first hand the challenges you face, this workshop is for you! Each class is instructed by a professional who not only knows about writing, but how to teach writing. Whether published or unpublished you will be provided with peer review, instructor feedback, and a community of African-American writers in which to share ideas and solutions. The 2-Day and get a fresh set of unbiased opinions, analytical questions, suggestions, and key insights that you may not receive elsewhere. We will provide you with fast feedback that can help you increase your chances of producing a winning manuscript. The workshop brings together Black writers from around the United States, as well as Black writers from the Caribbean, Africa, and Europe, who create a nurturing, safe space to discuss their work, its meaning, and unique aesthetics. Your workshop leader will use his or her hard-earned knowledge to instruct, guide and gently lead you to develop the story you want to tell. Most importantly your instructor and peers will draw out of you what you already have in your heart, but have not given yourself permission to explore, until now. Workshop Schedule Saturday, November 3 classes meet from 9:30am - 3:30pm Sunday, November 4 classes meet from 9:30am - 3:30pm The selection process for the Hurston/Wright 2-Day Writers' Workshop is competitive. In order to provide the highest quality instruction possible, class sizes are kept small. Therefore, we may not be able to accommodate ALL qualified writers. HOW TO APPLY Complete the online application and submit it along with your $15 registration fee via PayPal. Then email your manuscript to info@hurstonwright.org. Application Submit $15 registration fee (paid via PayPal at the bottom of the online application) Support Black -owned bookstores

Email your manuscript in a .pdf or .doc format to info@hurstonwright.org Submissions must be received by September 3, 2012. Submissions received after September 3 will be considered only if space is still available. Letters of notification will be emailed to you by September 7, 2012. Manuscript Requirements Building the Novel (Fiction) Up to 25 pages of a fiction narrative Nonfiction Up to 25 pages of a memoir, biography, or factual story Registration: $15 *Tuition: $329 (lunch-both days) *Does not include room & board. Workshop Leader Dolen PerkinsValdez is the author of the New York Times Bestseller Wench: A Novel. The book is a 2010 Library Journal Book of the Year, NPR Book Club Pick, Oprah #1 pick, and winner of 2011 First Novelist Award given by the Black Caucus of Dolen Perkins-Valdez the American Library Association. Dolen was nominated for two 2011 NAACP Image Awards. Dolen's fiction and essays have appeared in The Kenyon Review, StoryQuarterly, StorySouth, African American Review, PMS: PoemMemoirStory, and elsewhere. Dolen lives in Washington, DC. Follow the author on Twitter @Dolen or Facebook at facebook.com/writerdolen. Workshop Leader Jabari Asim is a nationally known cultural critic, former deputy editor of Washington Post Book World and syndicated columnist for the Washington Post Writers Group. Jabari Asim is Editor-inChief of the NAACP's Crisis magazine. The most influential African-American literary critic of his generation, he Jabari Asim is an associate professor of Writing, Literature and Publishing at Emerson College in Boston. His books include The N Word: Who Can Say It, Who Shouldn't, and Why; What Obama Means . . .For Our Culture, Our Politics, Our Future; Not Guilty: Twelve Black Men Speak Out on Law, Justice, and Life, and several books for children. His writing has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, the Wall Street Journal, Salon.com, the Los Angeles Times, the Village Voice, the New York Times, USA Today and elsewhere.

Support the GARLAND


Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box 860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 PAGE 21


AUGUST 31, 2012

The National Association For The Advancement of Colored People

Garland Branch Presents

22th Annual

Freedom Fund Silent Auction and

Brunch Saturday, September 15, 2012 Silent Auction 9:00 a.m. Brunch 10:00 a.m. Doubletree Hotel 1981 North Central Expressway Richardson, Texas 75080

Keynote Speaker: Tammy Mutasa NBC 5 DFW Reporter Brunch Table: $400.00 – Individual Ticket: $40.00 For More Information Please Call the NAACP Garland Branch at (972) 381-5044, Box #5

Tune in to Cheryl’s World on BLOG TALK RADIO M-F 6pm Sat. Noon Sun. 8am

Listen on line or call


Insightful, thought-provoking, informative and entertaining discussions, interviews and commentary.

Black Press Texas MetroNews










AUGUST 31, 2012




AUGUST 31, 2012


Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon

June 22, 2013 Call 972-572-0088 for sponsorship opportunities

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Are you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in a career in journalism? Here’s an opportunity for you to work with award-winning journalists as you learn convergence: radio, television, newspaper, magazine and online journalism.

Send your resume to


Looking for straight talk about your health? Log on to www.blogtalkradio.com and listen to the rebroadcast from July 18, 2012 of Denice Ford on Cheryl’s World Find out about Gano Excel Healthy Coffee








Mark your calendar FWBC Sports & Rec. presents SWING CLASSES at the Wild Wild West! When: Every Tuesday & Thursday Evening Time: 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Location: FWBC Banquet Area Cost: FREE * No experience necessary * Adults of all ages and skill levels are welcome * For more information, contact sports@friendshipwest.org or (214) 861-0457. ****** TUNE IN TO THE DOCK POWER HOUR Every Wednesday, 6-8pm www.dfwiradio.com call in # 214.317.4855 Lively, informative and power-packed weekly radio show dedicated to delivering relevant, interesting, edu-taining information to our listeners Fort Worth Museum of Science and History is wrapping up the exhibit

Sept 2 at Antioch Fellowship Baptist Church at 10:00 a.m. Volunteers are needed. T-Shirts are also being sold to the Mega Greek Fest. To purchase tshirts, please visit the following website http://www.nphcdallas.org/megagreek-fest-t-shirts.html. **** A Gift to America: Voices for Peace & Justice In United States History Teatro Dallas - 1331 Road Crossing - Dallas, TX 75235 Friday, August 31 - 7:30 PM Reception 8:00 PM Performance - After Party -orSaturday, September 1 7:30 PM Reception 8:00 PM Performance - After Party

September 1


September 5 20th Annual Women's Conference & Eagle Awards Luncheon 8:00 to 4:00 Contact - Gwen Barbee 817-871-6538 Colonial Country Club 3735 Country Club Circle Ft. Worth. Tx ********** Walk-In Writing Clinic 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Pan African Connection Bookstore 828 4th Ave. Dallas, TX - 214-943-8262 Special rate for Pan African Connection patrons: 15-minute consulting sessions for $5 Bring your letters, manuscripts, resumes and other writing projects. Get expert advice, recommendations and editing tips from journalist and writing consultant Linda Jones. Social media basics also provided. For more info: ManeLock Communications

September 6

Student Recruitment Reception 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Center for Community Cooperation 2900 Live Oak Dallas, TX 75204

********* Professionals Relaxation {PR} Foundation Room (inside House of Blues) 2200 N. Lamar St. Uptown Dallas 10pm - 2am 11th Anniversary of Ethiopian Day and the Taste of Ethiopia. This annual celebration will be held at Plano Centre, 2000 East Spring Creek Parkway, Plano TX 75074, during the Labor Day weekend on September 1st and 2nd, 2012 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight.

AUGUST 31, 2012

September 7 Banks Entertainment, Jim Austin Online, ELITE News and Will.Will.Sing Productions present William Davenport and his band, Jaw Fuzz, live in concert at The Ft. Worth Event Center in Ft. Worth, TX on Friday, September 7, 2012 at 8pm. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Tickets are on sale now. See ticket locations at www.jimaustinonline.com.


that kids have been raving about all summer…”Grossology” on September 3. The exhibition is based on the best-selling book of the same name and explores why the body produces mushy, oozy, crusty, scaly and stinky gunk. Your little scientist can explore and discover interesting facts as the exhibit is full of hands-on experiences, challenges and just plain fun! Get tickets and information at fortworthmuseum.org or call (817) 255-9300. Fort Worth Museum of Science and History is located at 1600 Gendy St

The Natural Hair Parade & Festival was created as a platform for community healing; developing an avenue to usher in love, peace and unification all for the purpose of cultivating the labor of love for natural hair Wynnewood Shopping Center, 655 W. Illinois Ave, 75224, on Parade Starts at 10:30 a.m. Line up 8 a.m. GRAND MARSHALL - ERYKAH BADU ******* Join Keith Manning for the DFW Comics Charity Softball event will take place at 1pm at Glencoe Park-Field #2- 5300 Martel Dr- Dallas, TX 75206. Bring your entire family for an afternoon of fun! Free Hotdogs and Drinks…1st come1st served.

***** Running through September 2012 is an exhibit at the Leonora Rolla Heritage Center Museum,The Color of Hate: How the Jim Crow Era Shamed and Shaped Our City. The award-winning pictorial exhibit by Fort Worth Star Telegram columnist Tim Madigan includes memories from Fort Worth residents, both black and white recounting the era of segregation. The Lenora Rolla Heritage Center Museum is located at 1020 E. Humbolt Street, Fort Worth, 76104. Visit www.tarrantcountyblackhistory.org. Call (817) 332-6049 for information and exhibit times.

Comedian Guy Torry @ Arlington Improv ***** Pan-African Connection Bookstore and Sistas of the Black Woman’s Agenda presents Sis. Letava Mabiligengo discussing Black Solutions for Black Problems at the Hampton-Illinois Branch Library, 2951 S. Hampton Road on September 7 and 8, 1pm-4pm.

August 31

September 8 FAMU vs OU football game September 8, 2012 in Norman Oklahoma (7pm cst kick-off) Game tickets are $55.00 Additionally, those who wish to stay overnight, the host hotel is: Cambria Suites 4410 SW 19th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73108 Rate: $81 405-668-3300

September 2 Electric Feel PartyButtons Addison NBA Player Andre Emmett Birthday Bash Dallas NPHC Mega Greek Fest August 31- September 2, 2012. Friday, August 31 activity is a 3 hour boat ride on the Star of Texas Party Yacht in Lewisville; tickets are $15. Ticket includes music and light hors d'oeuvres, BYOB. Saturday, Aug 1 is annual picnic at Turner Park from 1:00 p.m. until 6 p.m. Free food, music and games. Worship on Sunday,



*** It’s First Sunday at Brickhouse Lounge with comedy, good food and more beginning at noon, 2535 Arkansas in Fort Worth






It’s the NEW

AUGUST 31, 2012

Call today for our special rates 469-274-0854

www.garlandjournal.com PAGE 25







Grambling State University v. TCU in Fort Worth September 9 Quince Girl EXPO Dallas Market Hall - 12-5pm Visit www.quincegirlexpos.com for more information

AUGUST 31, 2012

September 13

September 17

FWMBCC Monthly Cash Flow Workshop Sept. 13th 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. FWMBCC 1150 South Frwy #211 Ft. Worth, Tx

hip hop artist Brother Ali who will be performing @ Trees in Dallas, TX w/ his band Blank Tape Beloved as part of his 38-date North American Tour "Mourning in America."


September 13-16

Celebrate "Grand Parents Day" 5-7 PM at Casa Guanajuato on Brooklyn and Polk in Dallas

26th Annual GRAPEFEST - A Wine Experience GRAPEVINE, TX

September 18

September 11

September 14

Kristen Inverness, author FULL BODY BURDEN: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats,will speak at First Unitarian Church, 4015 Normandy at Preston, in the Hallman Building, Room 301 at 7 p.m. Sept. 11, 2012, hosted by the Nuclear Free World Committee of the Dallas Peace Center and the Social Action Committee of First Unitarian Church.

Covenant Keepers - Marriage Community MARRIAGE CONFERENCE 2012 Theme: ONEness Under Construction Date: Friday, September 14, 2012 Sunday, September 16, 2012 Time:Friday: 3:00 pm check-in | Sunday: 10:00 am check-out Marriott Dallas - Solana 5 Village Circle, Westlake, TX, 76262 (817) 430-5000 Guest Speakers: Dr. Johnny C. Parker, Jr. and Mrs. Lezlyn Parker

September 12

General Election Kickoff Reception for HON. JOHN R. AMES Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector 5:30 - 7:00 PM Original El Fenix Downtown Second Floor Event Room 1601 McKinney Avenue September 20 Lynne Haze invites you to "A Meeting In The Ladies Room Experience" Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 7:00 PM WHERE: Ten Times Two Wine Cellar 6324 Prospect Avenue Dallas TX 752

September 15 Inspiring Potential. Developing Leaders Leslie

September 21-23! The 2012 Art Uprising in West Village benefitting Easl is a two-day free arts festival featuring local artists, bands, food, and other entertainment.

Bedford Leadership Academy and Cedar Valley College

Speak 2B Heard Girls’ Forum

September 15, 2012 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

POWER TO THE POLLS: REVIVAL FOR JUSTICE 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Luncheon for Clergy, Elected Officials & Community Leaders Open Events 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Workshops by Education for a Better America Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Word & Wonders

September 22 Forum Highlights...

Cedar Valley College 3030 N. Dallas Avenue Lancaster Texas 75241

Connect.Build.Share! ULGDYP Leadership Development Conference #CBS_Dallas Confirmed Speaker: Emmy Nominated Anchor/Reporter, Shon Gables WFAA-TV Dallas/Fort-Worth @ jcp Headquarters Connect. Build.Share! Register NOW! http:// ulgdypldc2012.eventbrite.com/

Speak and be heard... In a respectful and supportive environment

Calling Girls Ages 12 - 14, We Want To Hear “What’s On Your Minds”

Speak and be heard... Give your opinion on what girls really need and want in 2012 Speak and be heard... Freely express your thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences

Food es Priz ours Door ervice H yS nds munit ew Frie m o C eN Mak

Speak and be heard... Share what works for you in coping with life challenges

Pre-Registration Required: Contact 972-230-1101 - pwn@lkbacademy.org - www.lkbacademy.org An Educational Program of the Leslie K Bedford Leadership Academy A Partnership with

********* Aussie fav Missy Higgins returns to the road this summer. She plays Granada Theater Wednesday, September 12 on a break from her tour with Gotye and you're invited! Watch Missy play "Hello Hello" on The Tonight Show: http:// youtu.be/UrXWJUL6ywI WHO: Missy Higgins WHERE: Granada Theater WHEN: Wednesday, September 12 WITH: Butterfly Boucher

Theme: “The NAACP Garland Branch: Creating Legends and Leaders” Time: Silent Auction 9:00 a.m. Brunch 10:00 a.m. Place: Doubletree Hotel 1981 North Central Expressway Richardson, TX 75080 Keynote Speaker: Tammy Mutasa- NBC 5 MC: Marquis Hankins- Garland Branch NAACP *******


NEW TIME! Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com at 6p.m. Monday, September 3

Tuesday, September 4

Black Economic History Fact of the Day

• Black Economic History Fact of the Day

Wednesday, Sept. 5

Thursday, September 6

Friday, September 7

Black Economic History Fact of the Day

Black Economic History Fact of the Day

Black Economic History Fact of the Day

Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 26



Donna P. Charles 5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012 Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU !




AUGUST 31, 2012

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers

877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at


DON’T BE SILENT Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today! PAGE 27







AUGUST 31, 2012

Weekdays at 2p.m. on NBC

TEXT NBC5 to 66502 Message and Data rates may apply. Only one winner per cell phone number.

Vote with your remote and WIN! Enter the Steve Harvey Launch Team giveaway by Texting NBC5 to 66502 and you will be eligible to win an Apple iPad or other great gifts. Gifts will be awarded every day thru September 9 MetroPCS subscribers, text NBC5 to 408-912-2774 And don’t forget to cast your vote for the

Don’t Believe the Hype Foundation! PAGE 28





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