NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK JOURNALISTS REGION III Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas
NABJ Region III "The Power of Truth: Journalism in the Age of Opinion-Based Media"
MA’AT Awards 2017
Ma'at is the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice
CALL FOR ENTRIES The National Association of Black Journalists is proud to announce that it is accepting entries for the 2017 MA’AT Awards, recognizing excellence in the news coverage of the African-American community, experience and its people. The competition is open to any individual, news organization or public relations firm operating within Region III of the National Association of Black Journalists (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas). Winners will be announced at the MA’AT Awards Reception in Dallas. Eligibility The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) recognizes exemplary coverage of people or issues in the African/African American Diaspora. The competition is open to all professional journalists in print, broadcast, digital or photojournalism. Only work originally published or broadcast during the judging period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 is eligible for consideration. ________________________________________________ Contest Rules Materials may be submitted by the journalist, publication or a representative of the media outlet. Only work originally published or broadcast during the judging period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 is eligible for consideration. A failure to adhere to the contest rules, category descriptions or time limits will result in disqualification and forfeiture of entry fees. Entries become the property of NABJ, and will not be returned. Entry forms submitted without correct fees will not be processed. Members may not submit entries on behalf of nonmembers at the reduced entry fee. Entrants must mail 3 hard copies of each entry(s) to NABJ by the deadline. Entrants may not enter more than three separate entries in a single category. Newspaper For print entries, submit one copy of the published work on a 11 x 17 mount or smaller, plus two copies of the same work in its entirety. Photo Photo entries must be submitted on CDs as high resolution jpegs along with two copies of the published work. Tear sheets are acceptable.
Television Television entries must be submitted on DVD. Submit three copies recorded on DVD- R format, as DVD+R does not play in all playback machines. DFW-ABJ is not responsible for entries that will not play. Those entries will be disqualified. All television entries must be labeled on both the case and DVD with the entry category code, market size, entry title, airdate, total running time, entrant's name and entrant's station. Radio Radio entries, submit. Submit three copies of each entry on separate CDs. All radio entries must be labeled on both the case and CD with the entry category code, market size, entry title, airdate, total running time, entrant's name and entrant's station. Digital Digital entries, submit one copy of the URL. All digital entries must be labeled and add two additional copies. Entry Rules The early bird contest fee is $25 for members, $10 for students and $50 for non-members per entry. Regular deadline fee is $40 for members, $20 for students and $75 for non-members after January 27, 2017. The entry fee is non-refundable. Three copies MUST accompany each entry. Deadline is 2/3/17 Judging: A committee comprised of accomplished journalist and media professionals will select nominees based on content, creativity, execution and relevance to the black community. Procedures: More than one or no award may be given in each category. Each entry is judged on its content, creativity, execution and relevance to the black community on a scale of 1 (not worthy of an award) to 10 (highly worthy of an award). NEWSPAPER 01-001 News For excellence in a story of interest to the black community. 01-002 Feature For excellence in a human interest story covering issues or people affecting the black community. 01-003 Investigative For excellence in a single or multipart in-depth story investigating a problem that impacts the black community.