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Garland,Rowlett Mesquite Volume 6, No. 8 Free - Take One Richardson AT .EWSSTANDS IN & E.Dallas Get ,Rowlett Mesquite your chardson tickets 72)E.Dallas 926-8503 Fax (903)for450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00 KWANZAAFEST

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New UNCF Study Confirms that Jarvis Christian College Contributes To Local and Regional Economies Hawkins, TX – Jarvis Christian College is an important economic engine in its community, generating substantial economic returns year after year, and a new landmark study commissioned by the UNCF confirms it. HBCUs Make America

Service for Glenn planned

A public memorial service celebrating the life of former NFL player Terrance “Terry� Glenn will be held at 7pm at Fr i e n d s h ip - We st Baptist Church, 2020 W. Wheatland Rd, Dallas, TX 75232, Friday, December 1, 2017.

November 29, 2017


Metro News

Jarvis Christian generates $22 Million in total economic impact

Dr. Lester C. Newman President, Jarvis Christian



Strong: The Positive Economic Impact of Historically Black Colleges and Universities documents the significant economic contributions of Jarvis Christian College and the nation’s network of HBCUs by quantifying their impact on the economy, employment and increased earning power of their students. The study was underwritten by Citi Foundation and the economic estimates were prepared by the University of Georgia’s Selig Center for Economic Growth. Key findings of the study are below: ¡ Jarvis Christian College generates $22 million in total economic impact. ¡ Jarvis Christian College generates 267 jobs for its local and regional economies. ¡ The 2014 graduates of Jarvis Christian College can expect to earn $165 million over their lifetimes, 77 percent See JARVIS, page 6

Glenn, who overcame adversity as a foster child to become a world-class professional athlete, was 43 when he died in a car accident Monday, November 20, 2017. He will be eulogized by Dr. Frederick D. Haynes. While the family prefers memorial donations be sent to the 83 Kids Foundation, 83kidsfdn.org, floral arrangements can be sent to Golden Gate Funeral Home: 4155 R.L. Thornton Fwy, Terry Glenn Dallas,TX 75224.

World AIDS Day

Brings African American Communities Together out to the African American community by providing free testing on December 1— called “Testing for Tickets.� Organizations throughParticipants will receive out the Dallas-Fort Worth tickets to the Annual KwanMetroplex will be hosting zaFest sponsored by Dallas events to provide testing and County Commissioner John to educate the public about Wiley Price. The events are HIV/AIDS and to hold vigils free but the public must have for lives lost to the disease tickets to be admitted. for world AIDS day DecemFree medical screenings ber 1st. including test for AIDS and Testing is at the core of other STDs, will also be prothe initiative for Blacks to get vided at KwanzaFest. Held Zachary Thompson educated about the basics of annually at the Dallas Fair Dir, DCHHS HIV and AIDS in their comPark Automobile Building, munities. this year’s KwanzaaFest will And it is critical to its prevention, says get underway December 9 and 10. Zachary Thompson, Director of Dallas Thompson said that in addition to testCounty Health and Human Services. He ing and surveillance (contacting people says that his department will be reaching with HIV and other STDs); they work By Earnestine Gardner Texas Metro News

with all agencies working to prevent AIDS in Dallas County through community education and outreach as well as passing out condoms. Four decades after the detection and diagnosis of HIV/AIDS during the early epidemic in the U.S. in the 1980’s, it is still growing at an endemic rate in African American communities across the country as with other diseases, while other groups have the disease under control. Part of the problem is due to disparities in minority communities due to systematic racism which causes poverty, and a lack of access to clinics for care and HIV testing, as well as community education programs to prevent infection. According to Ed Jones, mobilizer for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), See WORLD AIDS, page 2

Conyers responds to allegations Following accusations lodged against and my family before the House Committhe senior official, Congresstee on Ethics. man John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) “To be clear, I would like released the following statevery much to remain as ment: Ranking Member. There is “After careful consideration still much work to be done and in light of the attention on core concerns like sedrawn by recent allegations curing civil rights, enacting made against me, I have nomeaningful criminal justice reform, and protecting actified the Democratic Leader cess to the ballot box. These of my request to step aside Congressman John challenges could not be as Ranking Member of the Conyers more pressing in the face of House Judiciary Committee an Administration that cares during the investigation of little for the rule of law and a President these matters. “I deny these allegations, many of which whose actions and conduct cheapens our were raised by documents reportedly paid discourse every day. “But I have come to believe that my for by a partisan alt-right blogger. I very much look forward to vindicating myself presence as Ranking Member on the

Committee would not serve these efforts while the Ethics Committee investigation is pending. I cannot in good conscience allow these charges to undermine my colleagues in the Democratic Caucus, and my friends on both sides of the aisle in the Judiciary Committee and the House of Representatives. “I am proud and fortunate to be part of a legacy of more than 50 years of fighting for civil rights and making our country more equitable and just. I will never allow that legacy – a legacy I owe to my father John Conyers, Sr., who integrated labor unions, or my two amazing sons John III and Carl and my loving wife Monica, and the extraordinary people of Detroit – to be cast aside, or these causes to be in any way diminished. www.texasmetronews.com

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