VOLof5FEBRUARY NO. 18 www.texasmetronews.com WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM Week 1, 2017
FEBRUARY 1, 2017
Pastor Frederick D. Haynes calls White named Legal Legend on President Trump to “stop it!” Editor’s note: This letter was first presented by Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III at the Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017 church service at Friendship-West Baptist Church where he is the senior pastor. Shared on social media, the letter has gone viral. Many expressed the need for this letter to receive maximum coverage and distribution. A highly-respected voice internationally, we’re honored that the scholar, author, orator, advisor, preacher, teacher, activist, theologian, mentor, son, husband, father, Dr. Haynes, gave permission for us to share this message with our readers.
ulations but our state of emergency precludes me from empty pleasantries. Further, you rode a wave of division, fear and hatred into your electoral college victory for the presidency of these "yet to be"
to give birth to your illegitimate victory. Your "reality show campaign" stirred up white rage and produced a "whitelash" to use the explosive expression and "Messy Truth" of Van Jones. You did and said anything to get elected by preying on ethnic, religious and racial hostilities in a nation that has never been truthful about the ugly undercurrent of white supremacy and heteropatriarchy. You've even Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III President Donald Trump placed a picture of Andrew JackDear President Donald Trump, son, the genocidal, slave holding United States. I must admit that you brilliant- racist in the Oval Office because Grace and Peace and Love be ly united in unholy wedlock, ma- you see him as a model. multiplied. You appointed a neo nazi, white nipulating the media with your cult of celebrity and the ugly unI wanted to offer my congratSee HAYNES, page 12 resolved issue of race and racism
A virtuous woman!
On January 25, 2017 Carolyn Y. Jones transitioned after a lengthy illness. First diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2005, breast cancer in 2010 and lung cancer in 2016, Mrs. Jones was fondly remembered at services at St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church. Born to the late Ellis Harold Rogers and Tessie Reeva Rogers on November 9, 1944, she grew up with two siblings, Danny Jay and Billie Ray in Abilene, Texas. She graduated from Woodson High School in 1963 and attended
Carolyn Y. Rogers Jones
Bishop College and later retired from the Stewart Title Company, for health reasons. She met Thomas G. Jones, the love of her life, in 1967 and they married on July 26, 1968. To this union four children were born: Shaundra, Regina, Shelley and Kelley, of which three preceded her in death. She was a member of St. Luke, under the leadership of Rev. Zan Wesley Holmes Jr., where she remained faithful until her death.
Mark A. Shank, Partner; Amy M. Stewart, Partne; Jennifer H. Doan, Partner; Hon. H. Ron White; Royal Furgeson, Dean of UNT College of Law and Wes Christian, Partner
Former District Judge H. Ron White has been inducted into the Texas Legal Legends at the UNT Dallas College of Law, recently. The Texas Legal Legends is a project of the Litigation Section of the State Bar of Texas that memoralizes the stories of many legendary lawyers who have practiced law in Texas. These Legends are examples of
lawyers who have spent their professional careers serving others and taking on challenges that are bigger than themselves. Joined by his wife, Rita, son Eric and several friends and colleagues, Mr. White was lauded for a distinguished career of service in and out of the courtroom.
Congratulations to the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce’s Quest for Success Class of 2017