VOLof5FEBRUARY NO. 19 www.texasmetronews.com WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM Week 15, 2017
Spirited discussion expected with Martin
Journalist Roland S. Martin headlines In Conversation with Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr.
You have to wonder when - An Evening with Dr. Zan this man sleeps. There Wesley Holmes, Jr. and Roseems to be barely a pause land S. Martin,” 7:00 p.m., at between when he is “live” St. Luke “Community” Uniton TV One or FaceBook, in- ed Methodist Church, 5710 terviewing guests or talking East. R.L. Thornton Freeway, with Tom Joyner on the ra- Dallas. In Conversation is dio, or sharing insight on “presented by Roland Parsome other medium, on a rish and Parrish McDonald’s Restaurants.” daily basis. Mr. Martin A consummate profesis the perfect thought leadsional who er to generate takes pride a dialogue on being prethat will awe pared anytime and challenge he opens his people in the mouth, veterDallas coman journalist munity. His Roland S. MarRev. Zan Wesley Holmes Jr. devoted and tin, who spent ever-increasa significant part of his career honing ing following, spans generhis craft in the Dallas-Fort ations, cultures, socio-ecoWorth Market, returns to the nomic status and religions. Metroplex on February 17, Whether he is talking to 2016 to share his thoughts the POTUS or giving a comand analyses of today’s hot mencement address at a issues at “In Conversation university, you can expect
Please see CONVERSATION page 10
FEBRUARY 15, 2017
Dr. Jackie brings healthy message
Seated (L-R): Carmen Gills, Epsilon Sigma Chapter President; Beverly Randall, Founders’ Day Committee Co-Chairman; Cheryl Benson, Founders’ Day Committee Chairman; Kassie Gossom, Alpha Xi Omega Chapter President; Dr. Jacqueline Walters, Keynote Speaker; Atty. Katina Semien, AKA South Central Regional Director; and Danette Reed, International Treasurer. SEE PAGE 8
Expungement Expo set
Dallas CIty Councilwoman Tiffinni A. Young (c), District Attorney Faith Johnson and District Clerk Felicia Pitre recently announced plans for Dallas’ first ever Expungement Expo! The expo will focus on expunging criminal records and feature an array of additional services such as an employment fair, social services, and other supports for formerly incarcerated individuals. Pointing out that the Expo will be a first for Dallas, Councilwoman Young said it will be held at Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church, 1101 C.B.T. Smith Street in Dallas. Anyone interested in participating must first register on March 4 at Golden Gate, to prequalify and receive complete information about the process.
Sports legends inducted into Texas Black Sports Hall of Fame this weekend Two of the greatest athletes to 7050 N. Stemmons Frwy., Dallas, have competed in the second half Texas, 75247. The Legends Recepof the 20th century in their respec- tion will be held on Friday, Februtive sport, along with several track ary 24, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and field sensations who won nu- at The African American Museum merous World and Olympic med- in Fair Park. als, will be enshrined Meet and greet the as part of the 2017 inductees after the Class of the Parrish inductees’ roundtaRestaurant Texas ble. Black Sports Hall The 2017 Class Inductees include: Eric of Fame (TBSHOF), Dickerson, Football; under the theme, George Foreman, “Celebrating Athletic Boxing; Edward Brilliance.” This new Eric Dickerson Bell, Football; Orien class makes up one Brown, Track; Kenof the strongest ever in over two decades of recogniz- neth Burrough, Football; Dexing pure sports excellence with ter Bussey, Football; T.C. Collins (Posthumous), Coaching; Carlette Lone Star State connections. The 21st Class of TBSHOF will be Guidry-Falkquay, Track; Audrey formally recognized at the Induc- Reid-German, Track; Johnny “Lam” tion Luncheon Ceremony on Feb- Jones, Football; Verida Walter-Taruary 25, 2017, 11:30 a.m., at the plin, Track; J.W. White, Golf; and Crown Plaza Dallas Market Center, Byron Williams, Football.