VOLof5MARCH NO. 20 www.texasmetronews.com WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM Week 1, 2017
West & Asso.welcomes new partner The legal firm, West & Associates, L.L.P., continues to expand with the announcement of attorney Bree West as its newest partBree West ner, to head the Criminal Law Division of the firm. Ms. West comes to West & Associates from the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, where she prosecuted all levels of Criminal Law, with particular focus in Family Violence and Sexual Assault cases. Ms. West received her undergraduate degree from Howard University in Washington, D.C. and her Juris Doctorate Degree from Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Houston, Texas. “We are extremely excited to have Bree join the firm. Not only is she an excellent attorney with a wealth of real-life experience, but she will complement our current practice by allowing us to offer expanded services to our clients in the criminal defense arena,” said Royce West, Managing Partner of West & Associates, and the father-in-law of Bree West. “She will continue the “West” legacy of providing excellent legal services to the citizens of this great city and state. She has a zeal for justice, and the compassion that clients need.” Bree is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and is a Board member for First Choice Social Services, a non-profit organization which assists families that are affected by domestic violence, substance abuse and teen homelessness. The Dallas office is located at 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 300, Dallas, TX 75203.
MARCH 1, 2017
Hooper named officer of NAACP Chairwoman Brock steps down after seven years
Congratulatory messages are still coming in from across the country for Aubrey C. Hooper. For the DeSoto School Board Trustee and Vice President, newly - elected President of the Dallas Branch of the NAACP, and National NAACP board member, many are not surprised as he takes on yet another leadership position. Late last month he became the youngest officer in the history of the Association, assuming the position of Assistant Secretary. “I’m excited and honored,” Mr. Hooper acknowledged during a recent interview. “This is a great time for the NAACP.” A life-long resident of Dallas County, Mr. Hooper comes from a family with deep roots in the DeSoto community and says he was born with a passion for helping others. Other changes on the board include Chairwoman Roslyn Brock assuming the post of Chairman Emeritus; Vice Chair Leon W. Russell of Florida named Chairman; Derrick Johnson of Mississippi named Vice Chair;
Both Brock and Hooper have long and impressive histories with the NAACP. With more than 15 years experience with community organizations and non-profit groups, Mr. Hooper currently serves as the second Vice President Aubrey C. Hooper Rsolyn Brock Assistant Secretary Chair - Emeritus of the Texas State NAACP NAACP Conference NAACP Branches and a member of the NAACP Naand, Yvonne White of Michigan tional Board of Directors. named Assistant Treasurer. Mr. Hooper is the Vice ChairExpressing optimism about the future of the NAACP, Mr. man of the NAACP National EdHooper praised Ms. Brock’s ucation Committee and serves as a member of the NAACP leadership. “She has been committed for a Finance, Advocacy and Policy, long time,” he said, adding that ACT-SO, and Resolutions comwhen she assumed the chair- mittees. He is a Campus Administramanship, Ms. Brock said that she would serve in that post for tor/Principal at the Matlock and seven years. “She’s still young Youth Village Campuses at the and can concentrate on another Dallas County Juvenile Department and is an active member chapter in her life.” Ms. Brock became the young- of the Oak Gardens Church of est person to hold the post Christ. Mr. Hooper graduated cum when she was elected unanilaude from Morehouse College mously in February 2010.
in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and received a Master of Arts in Urban Affairs from UT Arlington. He is board chairman of a small education foundation that focuses on educational scholarships and mentoring young men, and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mr. Hooper says he has committed his life and his work to serving his community and making a difference. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Urban and Public Administration with a Urban Policy concentration at the University of Texas at Arlington. With such a busy schedule, its a wonder that Mr. Hooper can take on another assignment but he’s not worried. Outlining his duties as assistant secretary, he says he has time to do the job and has no plans to step down as president of the Dallas Branch. That branch meets the first Tuesday of each month at the Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center.
STAND 4 SISTERHOOD celebrates Global Sisterhood Day with United We Stand Saturday, March 18th marks Global Sisterhood Day, and entrepreneur Marguritte S. Johnson is leading the charge in Dallas with her non-profit organization, Stand 4 Sisterhood with United We Stand! The event will feature a full day of encouragement, empowerment, entertainment and inspiration for women of all ages and walks of life. The event will take place from 9 am to 2pm at The
Marguritte S. Johnson
Help Studios located at 2435 Squire Place, Ste. 100, Farmers Branch, TX 75234. In 2011, Johnson awakened one morning to a debilitating sadness surrounding the relocation of her sister to Germany with her husband who had been deployed there as part of his military service. While the two could communicate via phone and electronically, the void became the catalyst for a
movement by Johnson to unite women around the world in a movement of sisterhood for every woman who had lost a sister to distance or circumstance and build a community of sisters with whom to collaborate and connect. The group, originally dubbed Godly Girlfriends, became a safe haven for women to for-
Please see SISTERHOOD, page 7