Remembering Norman Leon Moorehead
VOL. 7 NO. 29 MARCH 20, 2019
page 9
MY TRUTH Celebrating Women
By Cheryl Smith, Publisher
Last Saturday, I saw two women united who hadn’t seen each other in almost 50 years. You would have thought that they were next door neighbors or relatives as it appeared that the gap in time never existed. The two were all smiles as they recounted special moments in their lives. Now it wasn’t anything tragic or painful that caused them to lose touch. They didn’t fall out over something that today they would consider petty or childish. Something else happened, though. I’ll just call it life. Which brings me to my truth.
College Admissions Scandal highlights rampant inequality To Be Equal By Marc Morial
CEO National Urban League
I have probable cause to believe that the defendants conspired with others known and unknown: (1) to bribe college entrance exam administrators to facilitate cheating on college entrance exams; (2) to bribe varsity coaches and administrators at elite universities to designate certain applicants as recruited athletes or as other favored candidates, thereby facilitating the applicants’ admission to those universities; and (3) to use the facade of a charitable organization to conceal the nature and source of the bribe payments. – FBI College Admissions Bribery Scheme Affidavit.
In a few weeks, the National Urban League will release report cards on states’ plans to address inequity in Dr. Beverly Mitchell-Brooks
During a visit to Dallas’ historic African American Museum of Life and Culture, I saw this beautiful woman who I really hold in high esteem. It has been a few years since I’ve seen her, but no where near 50 years though, like the aforeentioned ladies. There she stood, in all her regalness. Dr. Beverly Mitchell Brooks is the epitome of womanhood. She is smart, actually brilliant. She’s gorgeous, actually she’s really hot; l mean she gets better with age. And, she’s an outstanding orator. She knows how to educate, inspire, enlighten and yes, entertain. See MY TRUTH, page 4
their education system – plans they are required to submit to the federal government under the Every Child Succeeds Act. The task is daunting, as inequities are stark, everywhere in the United States.
Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman indicted
That’s why the nation was outraged by the news that wealthy parents – whose children already have inconceivable advantages over lowincome families – allegedly resorted to outright bribery and fraud to get their children into elite colleges. See COLLEGE, page 3
Dirk Nowitzki shoots a fadeaway jumper, against New Orleans to pass Wilt Chamberlain on NBA All-Time Scoring List Photo : Michael Lark
My Time Against Domestic Violence launched
Cindy Rochelle Watts, a Lancaster mother and grandmother, is no stranger to domestic violence. She grew up with it. As a child, she witnessed women being beaten and berated by the men who professed to love them. As an adult, she wound up in
relationships where she was regularly abused, with her own children as witnesses. It has been more than a decade since she found the courage to leave her abuser for good, and after a journey of self-reflection and rebuilding her life, she decided to
help other women who wanted to leave their abusers. With the help of friends who believed in her purpose, Ms. Watts established a resource and information website for domestic violence survivors of color. My Time Against Domestic
Violence. launched in February, exists as a portal for women to go and find information about legal protection, emergency shelters and transitional housing, hotline numbers, supportive services and lifestyle articles. It also has a section that invites other domestic violence survivors to share stories of how they left their abusers and have moved on. It is Ms. Watt’s hope that the information that the website will provide women the tools to empower and inspire them to lead safer and happier lives. The website address is www.