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VOLof5APRIL NO. 23 www.texasmetronews.com WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM Week 5, 2017

APRIL 5, 2017



Griffey stresses early prostate screening

By Dorothy Gentry

Baseball legend Ken Griffey Sr.’s mother saw her brothers die from prostate cancer. She was determined to do what she could so hopefully the legacy would not continue in her family. “My mother was very instrumental in a lot of this – she raised five boys and one girl,” said Griffey Sr, himself a prostate cancer survivor. “She lost four of her brothers to prostate cancer so she kept us abreast of what we needed to do as we got older. She made sure we knew.” Griffey, who was diagnosed with the disease in 2006, was the keynote speaker at the North Texas Prostate Cancer Coalition Symposium last weekend at Globe Life Stadium in Arlington. He shared

his personal experience with the disease – which African American men have in high numbers - and which about 34 men in Texas are diagnosed with every day. While Griffey Sr.’s prostate cancer was diagnosed and treated early, not all men are as fortunate. For some, the disease can advance and become life threatening. That’s why Griffey Sr. and his son, Hall-ofFamer Ken Griffey Jr., have teamed up with Bayer as spokesmen for Men Who Speak Up, a program that tours the country encouraging men living with advanced prostate cancer to speak up about their symptoms. “I learned symptoms, like difficulty walking or climbing stairs, unexplained pain, difficulty sleeping, and taking pain relievers daily, can all be signs of advancing pros-

Baseball great Ken Griffey Sr.

tate cancer,” he said. “I am here to tell you its time to speak up if you have advanced prostate cancer. Staying silent

Having a BAAL

Entertainment with PoJazz & Kulture Story and Photo By Eva D. Coleman

Spoken word Artists Zemill and Verb Kulture doubled the pleasure with a two-night performance during The Black Academy of Arts and Letters’ (TBAAL) Poets n Jazz set on March 31 and April 1, 2017. Over 100 attendees packed the Clarence Muse Café’ Theatre on the second performance night, hanging onto every word, nuance, beat and breath. Verb Kulture opened the evening with the band playing the familiar tune, “Computer Love,” by Roger and Zapp. She led attendees in chants of “Techno Crack” followed by clever lyrics describing society’s dependence on electronic devices. She then took us on a trip to “The Ghetto,” with the band providing background music of that classic hit as well. With

each word masterfully delivered was a sting of reality in which Verb caused one to pause and think, reflecting on the truths she laid out for all to hear, which hopefully will resonate.

prostate cancer then a prostate biopsy is performed. Griffey said early diagnosis is the key to survival. “I was diagnosed early at age 55. I didn’t have to have chemo or radiation. That was the good part,” he said. “I just thought about I wouldn’t be able to see my kids. I had too many people around me who were a support system, especially my wife Valerie. If we needed to have a doctor’s appointment, my ear was pulled and we were out the door.” Griffey’s younger brother, Freddie, was also diagnosed with the disease early and did not need chemo or radiation either. “He is doing fine now. Life after has been pretty good.” Griffey conceded it’s hard get-

about changes in how you’re feeling can have serious consequences and may mean your prostate cancer is progressing. Determining the reason for your symptoms isn’t always easy. Don’t stay silent – talk to your doctor today about how you’re feeling. “ Griffey, 66, said growing up with the disease ever present in the back of his mind wasn’t an issue. “I wasn’t scared of it. I didn’t think about it. Thanks to my mother, I was just aware,” he said. “I knew to ask (for the PSA test). Prostate cancer screening includes a PSA blood test and a digital rectal exam. Screening does not diagnose prostate cancer but may help identify if a man is at increased risk for having prostate cancer. If it is determined that a man is at increased risk for having

This early stream of thought brought us to a familiar act that always delivers. Creator of PoJazz, the fusion of poetry and jazz, Zemill is such the entertainer that requires audience participation. Whether the sensuality of his signature “Catwoman” or his impersonations of characters Uncle T or Brother Deep, Zemill encourages all to reach out and touch or recall, giving a feel to remembrance of that which evokes laughter or gives pleasure. This show is for grown folks only. During the second set, Verb gave voice to Carly, a character that battles and overcomes the stigma associated with Autism. The display was captivating and left the room in a quietness that was deafening, yet spoke volumes. Zemill introduced and provided samples from his latest CD, “Intimate Pleasures.” He also shared words from the pages of his latest book, “Love Unleashed.” It appeared many were moved by his performance, evidenced by the long line of patrons eager to purchase his merchandise afterwards…willing to make their PoJazz Experience last beyond the night.

See GRIFFEY, page 2

WEEK 6 John Wiley Price Dapheny Fain on trial

Become informed Visit the Earle Cabell Federal Building 1100 Commerce Street Downtown Dallas 15th Floor

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