VOL III ISSUE 19 MAY 6, 2015
Try to make every day special with your mom
Texas Metro News
By Cheryl Smith Some people make a big deal out of Mother’s Day, regardless of how they acted throughout the rest of the year. I consider every day to be special and I actually didn’t care for all the attention devoted to specific days. I didn’t believe the hype! As Mother’s Day approaches, this will be the first time in my life that I won’t be able to call or reach out and touch her - the woman whose blood ran from her into me, who breathed life into me and whose heart I felt from the inside. Lately, I have had so many friends who have experienced the loss of their mothers. It hasn’t been easy and because we all are different, we all process grief in our own way. Believe me the pain of losing a loved one does not need to be analyzed or rationalized by others. My mother loved hard and long. Just ask my dad! And she loved her children. As she attempted to provide the best she was a strict disciplinarian. She loved her church -- New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, NJ and she enjoyed being involved. She was looking forward to being an active member of Friendship-West Baptist Church, where she visited over a decade ago and joined prior to her death. She loved life - It’s hard to think of her gone because to me she was larger than life, always on the go and living life just like she wanted. Last year on Mother’s Day, I loaded up the car with 19-year-old Annya, a family friend - Patsy, and Mother, as she was known by everyone. We were off for her therapy -- to the Winstar Casino. I knew she wasn’t really up to the trip, but I didn’t know just how close she was to departing. But she enjoyed herself, just like when she would travel with her friends or other relatives to Atlantic City or other spots. I remember when she called and asked me to move her to Dallas, I was surprised. I realized that her health was declining but I never saw her ever moving from Jersey. When she came, I was looking forward to us going to Africa and a very long and fruitful relationship as we got to know one another as
Please see Mother, Page 14
Rattlermania! Dallas-Fort Worth area native, Miss Mikela Pryor, daughter of Oran and Rosalyn Pryor congratulated by D/FW Alumni Association President Gerald Jenkins, as she receives over $71,000 in scholarships to FAMU. She received the FAMU Distinguished Scholars Award and the Urban League Guild of Greater Dallas and North Texas Gifted Ten Award. Mikela is a graduating senior at Cedar Hill Collegiate High School in Cedar Hill, TX. She starts FAMU in the fall and plans to enter the College of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences to earn her Pharm.D. with a 2021 anticipated graduation year. Florida A&M University National Alumni Association will meet in Houston beginning May 13, 2015 Calling all Rattlers to Houston!