Volume 5, No. 29
Metro News
NNPA Newswire Exclusive:
Cosby Finally Breaks Silence
Don’t Believe the Hype
Celebrity Bowl-a-thon
June 17, 2017 USA Bowl
June 7, 2017
Clergywomen under assault In Her Words page 4
page 2
An Open Letter from Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price
“Wouldn’t take nothing for this journey”
It’s been a Journey! Dear Sojourner,
It would go beyond the bounds of protocol for me to neglect the duty I have to thank the citizens of Dallas County. I feel compelled to seize this time and space to express my august and sincere appreciation for the outpouring of encouragement and support over the breadth of this six-year journey. You kept me prayed up, which left no room for me to be preyed on. The only way to describe my feelings at this point would be to borrow from the title of Maya Angelou’s first book of essays; “I wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now.” That line was a lyric lifted from “Keep Your Eyes on the Prize,” a freedom song of the Civil Rights era and one of Dr. King’s favorites. But more than that, it should remind all of us that God never puts on any of us any more than we can bear. My mother, Willie Faye said it, and I believe it. My deepest and singular regret is that dozens of my friends and associates were treated as “persons of interest” during this
been reunited process. There is no way with students I that I can atone spoke to decades for the losses you ago and been have sustained in privileged to meet legal fees, loss of the children of this business or levergeneration. ages on your repGod provided utation. strength and soMajor corpolace for me with rations who had every impromptu been partners in selfie and snapcommunity outshot that I have reach were inconbeen privileged to venienced and “I feel compelled to seize this time and appear in. in some cases You held me up sullied. Please acspace to express my august and sin- on Facebook and cept my apology. Twitter. But more Nothing grieves cere appreciation for the outpouring of than that, you me more than the have used this “collateral damencouragement and support over the journey as a meetage” that accoming place for companied this odysbreadth of this six-year journey. You kept munity issues. sey. I wouldn’t take I wouldn’t take me prayed up, which left no room for me nothing for this nothing for my journey now, but journey now bewhat I pray is that to be preyed on.“ cause the love we reconnect as you showered me a community and with was uncongrow as a political to Highland Park who have been ditional, phenomenal and gen- more than gracious. power. uine. Not power for the sake of its The constituency that I have Clergy leaders in many churchserved for more than 30 years wielding, but for the sake of the es installed me on their prayer 22% of Dallas children who live greeted me with a hero’s wellists and my name was lifted up in poverty. come at every point of meeting. regularly. The kind of power that is not I wouldn’t take nothing for blinded by an excess of cranes I have met men and women of all ages from Hamilton Park this journey now because I have and construction, but a commu-
nity whose heart and head can no longer tolerate the sight of the homeless waking up underneath bridges, lodged in doorways or camped near highway underpasses. I wouldn’t take nothing for this journey now, but there is nothing I wouldn’t give to expand educational excellence in our public schools and uplift our educators. We must make all of our law enforcement agencies accountable and show them love simultaneously. Teachers and the Police have inherited the job of making up for all of our state legislature’s mess-ups. We have to manage their success because each is tied to the safety and health of this community. I wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now. Thank you for standing by me. Thank you for praying for me, so I wouldn’t be preyed on. Thank the “Free Press” for believing in me. I wouldn’t take nothing for this journey now, and I wouldn’t take anything in exchange for the love we share in community.
John Wiley Price
Dallas County Commissioner District No. 3
DON’T FORGET - June 10, 2017 is ELECTION DAY!