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VOL III ISSUE 25 August 4, 2015 www.texasmetronews.com

Clergy to address voting rights When thousands of clergy members from across the country gather at the Downtown Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas, TX for the annual Progressive National Baptist Convention, August 2-7, 2015, there will be a number of issues discussed and at the top of the list is voting rights. Led by the fiery Rev. Dr. James C. Perkins, pastor of Greater Christ Baptist Church in Detroit, MI, the PNBC puts to rest any doubt that the Black Church is alive and well by addressing issues and effecting change. Elected 20th President of the PNBC, in 2014, Rev. Perkins, says it is important that the members “jump in the arena of life an engage with some issue.” “Baptists are coming to Dallas in August and voting rights sits at the top of the agenda,” he said, during a recent phone interview. “As we mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act, we have to realize that we are under attack, and praising and preaching is not enough. We need protest.” Citing the period when the Black Church was the focal point of communities across the country and pastors were highly revered and looked to as the fearless voices, no matter the issues, the reverend says that the same spirit of activism is needed today. “Pastors must speak for the orphans, those without and we must be a voice for the voiceless," he explained. “If preaching and praising alone did it all and was enough to bring about change, no one does it better than we do. “We’re under attack. We must do more,” he continued, adding that social justice issues must be a priority. Moving forward, the graduate of Wiley College, who is a strong advocate of historically Black colleges and universities says while the schedule is filled with programming designed to build stronger, more productive congregations and communities, they have to focus on the very foundation of the organization, which is rooted

See Clergy, page 11

Texas Metro News

Perkins provides bold leadership at helm of Progressive National Baptist Convention

Rev. Dr. James C. Perkins with other featured speakers, Hon. Martin L. King III, Ambassador Andrew Young and Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III

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