The Journal 2013 FINAL

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SINCE 1990



Smith wins Miss Jabberwock


Joyce Ann Brown may finally get justice Spent nine years, five months and 24 days in prison From Staff Reports

Duncanville High School senior and long-time workshop participant is crowned Miss Jaberwock by the Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Price talks County business By Jershayla Johnson

The Journal

Commissioner John Wiley Price

A prized treasure to the African American community and a hot button for politics Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price is in control. Price represents the District 3 area in Dallas County which totals at about 40% of the See PRICE, page 6

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Since 1990, the story of Joyce Ann Brown’s wrongful incarceration has been an international one. Once she was released, after the airing of CBS’ 60 Minutes report, Ms. Brown focused on helping others who had been wrongfully convicted while also providing services for their families and those who while not innocent, needed her assistance. Dallas has continued to make headlines as inmate after inmate gained freedom and in some cases, very large cash disbursements. Ms. Brown, however, went to work and got a paycheck for her services in Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price’s office, for nearly a decade before stepping out on her own, forming and working full-time with her organization, MASS - Mothers (Fathers) for the Advancement of Social Systems.

Ironically, she works with many of the men who were compensated for their wrongful convictions and imprsonments. Hearing about large settlements, people began to ask Ms. Brown if she ever received anything.

Tinsley is epitome of excellence By Shenice Sanders The Journal

Ever y night on KDFW FOX4, millions of viewers tune in to see a ver y familiar face giving you news you can count on. Clarice Tinsley is a remarkable figure in the Dallas/Fort Wo r t h a r e a a n d h a s been for the last 35 years. She is the women who can get the job done, reporting, researching and giving you in-depth news stories. M s . Ti n s l e y h a s inspired many upcoming journalists with her commitment to reporting factual and empowering stories. It’s the same commitment

Clarice Tinsley

whether it’s about one person or 360 million, deal with people,’’ said Ms. Tinsley. She is the recipient of numerous awards for her effortless work and dedication. The most prestigious award she has received was the George Foster Peabody Award, which is one of the highest honors in broadcast journalism, for her investigative story, A call for Help. She remains ver y active in her community and a strong supporter of the African American Museum in Dallas. Ms. Tinsley’s work has taken her all over

that Ms. Tinsley has that landed her the inter vie w with First Lady Laura Bush in 2002 and with Christie Bundren in 2006. “It’s not about being on TV, it’s not about you, it’s about doing the work, and caring about the people because at the end of the day every story we cover See TINSLEY, page 5

Joyce Ann Brown “Not a dime,” she replied. See JOYCE ANN BROWN, page 3

UJW Alumni Spotlight Shontina Vernon

Shontina Vernon was in the Urban Journalism Workshop about two decades ago. Shontina, like the other high school students, See UJW ALUM, page 5

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