Tmn special edition 2018 1 3 18

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Legacy continues for mother and daughter in more ways than one

Michelle Marva Johnson Miss FAMU 2017-18

By Cheryl Smith Texas Metro News

For decades the historic Ebony Magazine has featured Black college queens. Clearly one of the most anticipated issues of the year, changes in the industry have had a serious impact. In previous years, instead of a few select queens gracing the cover with all queens featured inside; cost-cutting measures have reduced the feature to only the top 10 queens as voted on through

each reigning beauty was elected by her peers and/or school officials to represent those standards for her institution of higher learning. Meet the Queens to find out more about the dynamic queens representing HBCUs nationwide and vote for your favorite. You are allowed to vote as many times for as many queens as you like. So keep coming back every day. Log on to Voting concludes on January 20, 2018 at 11:59 p.m.� Texas Metro News does have its favorite-- Dallas’ own

Clients benefit as Linda Mitchell leads Black & Clark to new heights

By Norma Adams-Wade Contributor Friends who grew up with business juggernaut Linda Mitchell say she showed signs of her professional future as a child. They just did not know what those signs

social media. Michelle Marva Johnson, Several schools are not Miss Florida A&M University represented and will not be (FAMU). voted on but on the pages Michelle, who is called “Marof Texas Metro News (TMN) va� on FAMU’s campus, hails we are featuring the entire from Dallas, TX where she atgroup who the 10 featured tended Newman Smith High queens will be chosen from. School in Carrollton. She is TMN also continues to a senior, double majoring in speak out in support of the Business Administration and Black Press, so readers are Theatre & Performing Arts. encouraged to subscribe, Michelle is a member of the advertise and uplift those Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha publications that are institu- Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. tions and provide balance to and FACES Modeling Troupe everyday coverInc. She is age. also a PresiRealizing that dential AmEbony has gone bassador, and through sevPeer Mentor eral changes with the goal and there are of excelling in a number of the Film & Enchallenges that tertainment hopefully the Industry as a new ownership Screenwriter. is addressing, Her parents one can’t forand I attendget what Eboed FAMU tony has been to gether and so many for so Vivian Bradley Johnson Dr. Vivian long. Miss FAMU 1981-1982 Bradley JohnIn announcson served ing the competition, Ebony as vice president of the DFW wrote: “We’re excited to an- FAMU National Alumni Assonounce EBONY’s 2017-2018 ciation when I was president HBCU Campus Queens online of the chapter, in the late competition. Historically Black 1980s. Colleges and Universities were The mother-daughter tradifounded to promote Black exSee EBONY, page 16 cellence and brilliance, and

In addition to casting your vote, TMN is urging you to subscribe and help Ebony to carry on in the rich tradition established by the incomparable John. H. Johnson. We need Ebony Magazine!

See SPECIAL BLACK & CLARK TRIBUTE Inside she, too, did not understand traits about herself that gave

The owner, president and chief executive officer of

historic Black & Clark Funeral Home in Dallas looked back over her life recently during an IMessenger interview and marveled at the journey that brought her to this point -- sitting behind the Black & Clark CEO desk where – in See MITCHELL page 5

KJ may be off the air but still in our communities KJ Bland’s work in Dallas-Fort Worth area continues Texas Metro News

Mr. FAMU 2011-12

hints of her coming career, business savvy, and community service.

We’re Still Rollin’ Wit A Sista

Story and Photo By Eva D. Coleman

Frederick Johnson (center)

meant. The friends were not alone. Mitchell said recently that

Single mothers uplifted. Making a way for kids. Fashion handed down. Celebrity bowling champion. Not just a voice for the community, KJ “Midday� Bland has always been a doer of deeds with far reaching benefits to many within and well beyond her reach. She’s left her position as radio personality for Smooth R&B 105.7 FM to

pursue other that’s just how interests. it works in “Everything business. It’s has a reason, okay to agree a season, and to disagree.� I just think For nearly with Service eight years Broadcasting, in her midI just know it’s day time slot a different seain the Dallas son now, and market, LouisI’m okay with ville, Kentucky that and I’m native Bland sure they’re has served KJ Bland okay with that,� in prior onBland said. air capacities in Louisville, The agreement for KJ Mid- Kentucky, Greenville, South day and the station to part Carolina and Greensboro, ways seems that simple. North Carolina. She says she “It ultimately became a de- wishes Service Broadcasting cision where you couldn’t re- the best and expresses gratally come to an agreement,� itude for her initiation into Bland said. “Unfortunately the area.

“Moving to Dallas almost eight years ago was life-changing. Not only was it a different city‌I had never, ever visited Dallas, ever. But from a radio standpoint, I just knew that that platform was gonna allow me to be exposed to a lot more, to be able to expose people to a lot more,â€? Bland said. While her southern charm on the airwaves has permeated the masses, her wide-ranging mission of giving props and assistance, specifically to women and children, do not go unnoticed. Bland’s charity, The PINK Foundation - Poised to Inspire and Nurture our Kommunity, champions causes See KJ page 3

WOMAN OF THE YEAR Pastor Yvette Blair Lavallais!

Thanks for giving a voice to Clergy women who are being assaulted multiple times as the Church remains silent or protects the perpetrators!


Read the riveting accounting of how the United Methodist Church handled assault claims. Texas Metro News May 31 and June 7, 2017 at and see how Pastor Lavallais reclaimed her life! Also check out

#Heavysigh Admittedly, 2017 was a challenging one for me. To say I was shocked upon hearing of the passing of Mr. Dick Gregory would be an understatement. I’m still reeling from the news. He was a fine man who I held in high esteem and I miss him dearly.

As each day passes I expect to get a call from him with his familiar greeting, “God Bless You!� He was such a wise man who seemed to understand what life is really about. He was a true friend. I awake daily wondering if he is really gone. Then, I received word See SPECIAL, page 13

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