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Legal aid Legal aid
Northwest Florida Legal Services
Emerald Coast Legal Aid
Serving Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, this practice offers FREE legal aid in cases of domestic violence, family law, foreclosure help, and elder law (including exploitation, writing a simple will, and estate planning)
Contact Information
Emerald Coast Legal Aid
Hours of Operation: M-TH 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
226 S. Palafox Place, Floor 10, Pensacola, FL -32502
Phone: 850-432-2336
Legal Services of North Florida
LSNF provides representation to low-income and vulnerable individuals in civil matters only Eligibility for assistance may be based on the income and assets of all members of the household and the legal problem. LSNF serves the legal needs of children, the elderly, victims of abuse, veterans, and people with disabilities. LSNF's priority areas include supporting families; preserving the home; maintaining economic stability; safety, stability, and health; and serving populations with special vulnerabilities. These translate to cases involving Family Law, Housing, Public Benefits, Consumers, Employment, Education, and Health Care issues. Each case is reviewed on its own legal merits for case acceptance
Contact Information
Legal Services of North Florida
Hours of Operation: M-TH 8:30 am – 5:15 pm
1741 N. Palafox St. Pensacola, Florida 32501
Phone: (850) 432-8222
Fax: (850) 432-2329
Florida Legal Services
FloridaLegalServicesisastatewideleaderinadvancingeconomic,social,andracialjustice We advocateforpoor,vulnerable,andhard-to-reachpeoplethroughimpactlitigation,legislativeand administrativeadvocacy,education,andstrategicpartnerships.
Contact Information
Florida Legal Services
Phone: 407-801-4350
Email: info@floridalegal org