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diretta da LuCiano GaLLiani - Vito a. BaLdassarre - ettore FeLisatti


Cristina Coggi


Volume printed with the support of the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin as part of the research project funded by the Ministry of Education with the funds “Prin 2012” (National coordinator Prof. Gaetano Domenici - Local coordinator Prof. Cristina Coggi)

ISBN volume 978-88-6760-322-0 ISSN collana 1970-8408

2015 © Pensa MultiMedia Editore s.r.l. 73100 Lecce • Via Arturo Maria Caprioli, 8 • Tel. 0832.230435 25038 Rovato (BS) • Via Cesare Cantù, 25 • Tel. 030.5310994 www.pensamultimedia.it • info@pensamultimedia.it


Introduction Reinforcing scholastic success with the Fenix Programme by Cristina Coggi


Chapter I Promoting the success of students in difficulty in schools: risk factors, protective factors and resilience by Cristina Coggi, Paola Ricchiardi


Introduction 1. Learning risk factors 1.1 Environmental risk factors 1.2 Personal risk factors 2. Effects of risk factors on development 3. From risk factors to resilience 3.1 Studies on protective factors: from individual characteristics to enviromental factors 3.2 Actions to increase resilience 4. The school as a place characterised by resilience and success Conclusions References

11 12 12 14 15 21 23 27 27 28 28

Chapter II Efficacy in interventions encouraging scholastic success: overview of research studies by Cristina Coggi, Paola Ricchiardi


Introduction 1. Effective teaching to counter failure 1.1 Early interventions 1.2 Interventions focused on cognitive processes 1.3 Essential contents 1.4 Interventions focusing on emotive-affective aspects 1.5 Relational aspects 2. Organizational aspects 3. ICT Support Conclusions References

31 32 33 34 37 41 43 44 45 47 48

Chapter III The Fenix Programme: countering failure in an innovative and sustainable way in early school years by Cristina Coggi, Paola Ricchiardi Introduction 1. Intervention model 2. Intervention aims 3. The Fenix programme 3.1 Cognitive mediation 3.2 Affective mediation 4. Addressees and scholastic levels involved 5. Articulation of interventions 5.1. Intervention in infant schools 5.2 Intervention in primary and junior high school 6. Structured evaluation tests 6.1 Infant school tests 6.2 Standardized tests for primary and junior high school 7. Course efficacy evaluation 8. Training teachers to use the method Conclusions References Chapter IV Empirical research on the efficacy of the Fenix programme: results by Cristina Coggi, Paola Ricchiardi Introduction 1. Research aims 2. Theoretical background 3. Hypotheses and variables 4. The intervention 5. Research design: a quasi-experimental plan with two groups and variants 6. The sample 7. Instruments 8. Results 8.1 Results in the infant school: development of readiness 8.2 Results in primary school 9. Persistence in results 10. Effects of teacher training Conclusions References


51 51 54 56 57 58 59 59 59 61 63 63 63 64 64 66 66


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Chapter V Constructing the bases for scholastic success with deliberate practice: Beta! and PotenziaMente 2.0 Software by Roberto Trinchero


Introduction 1. Learn the basics of the Italian language: Beta! software 1.1 Beta! software 1.2 Evidence of Beta! software’s effectiveness 2. Learn the basics of mathematics: PotenziaMente 4 operations software 2.1 PotenziaMente 4 operations software 2.2 Evidence in favour of PotenziaMente 4 operations software References

95 95 98 100 101 103 106 107

Chapter VI Fenix Programme in Junior High School: an experimental research by Emanuela Maria Teresa Torre


Introduction 1. Critical factors in the transition to secondary school 2. Factors that influence school adjustment of students 3. Students in Junior High School in Italy 4. Experimental research on Fenix Programme in Junior High School 4.1 Specific intervention characteristics 4.2 Instruments 4.3 Sample 4.4 Results Conclusions References

109 110 113 117 120 120 121 122 124 134 134

Chapter VII Integration in schools and its effect on student success/failure. Research and proposals by Vittorio Pieroni Introduction 1. Integration models 1.1 Integration in countries with old and more recent immigration 1.2 Integration in the Italian model 2. Research focusing on integration with effects on educational success/failure 2.1 Summary of most recent research 2.2 Evaluation of research results 3. Proposals in support of scholastic integration processes Conclusions References


139 140 140 142 143 143 145 149 154 154

Chapter VIII Encouraging the success of foreign students in schools: reinforcing problem solving in mathematics by Valeria Di Martino Introduction 1. Problem solving: definition and theoretical approaches relative to psychology and mathematics 1.1 Problem solving: psychological research contributions 1.2 Problem solving in mathematics: some models 1.3 Meta-cognition and affective factors in problem solving 2. The didactics of problem solving 2.1 Research studies focusing on problem solving difficulties 2.2 Research concerning the didactic efficacy of problem solving 3. An investigation focusing on difficulties in problem solving with standardized tests 3.1 The sample 3.2 Analysis of standardised test results 4. A proposal for effective didactics in problem solving Conclusions References Chapter IX The Fenix project for students with disabilities by Cecilia M. Marchisio, Natascia Curto, Veronica Abbate Daga


159 161 162 163 164 166 166 167 172 172 174 180 181 182


Introduction 1. Fenix for deaf children: the ISO course 1.1 Test results 1.2 Adapting the material 1.3 Observations 2. Fenix for students diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity: the Iper course 2.1 Adaptations and strategies 2.2 Observations 3. Fenix for students with intellectual deficit: the Didò course 3.1 Comment on data 3.2 Adaptations Conclusions References

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