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Letters of the month
The emerging hybrid working construct indeed demands and requires new types of leaders who put empathy, proximity, and flexibility at the forefront. How leaders navigated the intertwined business and people challenges through March 2020 is instrumental in their top talent choosing to walk away or stay put. Leaders are in a position to play both enablers for well-being as well as stress and burnout. There are no two ways about how difficult the position of a leader is in a crisis, but this crisis has truly brought out what factors differentiate a good leader from a great leader. The circumstances might vary from business to business, but putting people first and thinking out of the box to balance both business and people sustainability without letting either suffer requires the traits of empathy and flexibility — the two most crucial traits of a great leader, as the last twelve months have proven.
Designing for well-being
Workplace design sure impacts elements such as employee productivity and engagement. As hybrid becomes the probable working model moving forward, organizations will need to be conscious of not just the architecture at the office, but will also need to accommodate that conscious outlook towards workplace design across satellite offices as well as work from home infrastructure that they can assist employees with. While their ability to influence the design at satellite offices and employees' homes would be fairly limited; they will have to look into offering personalized work elements that meet their needs, enhance their ability to work effectively, and boost engagement.
- amaN THakkER jUNe 2021 issUe
COVID-19 has allowed us to adjust our view of employees and reinvent our talent landscape
COVID-19 has most certainly enabled a shift in the employeemanager relationship. In most cases, how managers responded to employee needs determined the nature of this equation. Several managers did exercise empathy and with the support of timely organizational policies were able to extend needed flexibility and time-off to employees. However, this wasn’t true for all. It is no news that empathy was a critical managerial capability that needed careful consideration in the last twelve months, yet not all were able to deploy this much-needed support from their supervisors. In fact, the lack of it triggered severe stress among employees, especially women.
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COVID-19 Exit - are you ready?
The need for forward planning, risk assessment, and innovative solutions is absolutely nonnegotiable today. As leaders and managers navigate the persistent challenges and endeavor to make hybrid working through the crisis as seamless as possible, it will be crucial to consider the continuity of existing plans and map them against the predictions and risk assessment of the next 12-24 months at the least. While businesses might be tempted to know for sure whether the new normal will be in business or a return to what was once normal will make its way, they will need to prepare for contingencies and ensure that people are taken care of personally and professionally.
- aNkITa kumaRI
Empower part-time careers with an open mindset and fair treatment
Leadership has indeed transformed from being about control to being about knowing what support one’s team truly needs. Speaking of pro-flexibility cultures, it definitely has a lot to do with mindset and recognizing that priorities and goals differ for everyone. It is very refreshing to see how this German firm has been able to not just offer flexibility as a perk but has institutionalized the mindset of respecting individual preferences, without any judgment.
Given the uncertainty, leaders should not commit to long-term work policies
I completely agree with Amit on creating global guidelines for geographically distributed business units but providing local leaders with the flexibility to fine-tune as needed. The nature of this crisis remains unpredictable, especially as different regions experience the severity at different degrees. While in the medium term ensuring a hybrid and remote working model is crucial to enable sustainability and to shape appropriate people practices, it might still be a little early to determine long-term policies, unless leaders are certain of the impact and consequences of the agreed-upon policies.
- BHumIka PaNwaR
The need of the hour for companies is to stand with their employees: Priyanka Anand
The second wave triggered a massive shift in priorities for several leaders. As in recent months, businesses regained stability, the unexpected second wave caused mayhem, chaos, and grief at a much larger scale. Businesses have had to adapt to significant changes over the last year, however, the disruption caused by the second wave caused a shift in priorities for leaders - making people safety, well-being and needs the first and foremost priority. And these shall hopefully remain the priority in times to come.
David Green @david_green_uk Employees will seek out organizations that elevate DE&I as a top priority: @Google’s Brigette McInnis-Day peoplemattersglobal. com/article/divers… by @BMcInnisDay via @PeopleMatters2 #Diversity #Culture #Leadership #HR
Digité @DigiteInc Can an #Agile work culture help businesses unlock the true potential of #digitaltransformation? - ow.ly/a5ki50FgseQ - #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #ML #BigData #DigitalTransformation #DeepLearning Lean #AI #DX - via @ PeopleMatters2
TalBrum HrIS @TalbrumH Humbled by the coverage of TalBrum @ShwetaMod @PeopleMatters2 peoplematters.in/article/hr-tec…
Birlasoft @birlasoft .@dkpr will feature alongside other #industryleaders in a panel discussion, sharing insights on #businesscontinuity plans in the #newnormal buff.ly/3xGZ87S @PeopleMatters2 | @RandstadIndia | @ neelmaz06 #leadershipbyexample #leadership #covidtimes #productivity
HrCurator@HrCurator The best leaders will be leaders who are closest to their teams: Cisco’s Chief People, Policy & Purpose Officer peoplematters. in/article/c-suit… @PeopleMatters2 #HR #HCM #HRM #CHRO
Jobiak@Jobiak_ai "These past few months have made it clear that the future of work is hybrid. There is a greater need for companies now to be agile and innovative, and this holds true for talent attraction and hiring as well." @PeopleMatters2 #recruitment #hybridwork peoplematters.in/article/talent…
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