S p e c i a l In t e r v i e w
Leaders need to have a purpose bigger than the top or bottom line: Odessa (OJ) Jenkins
In this exclusive interview with People Matters, Odessa (OJ) Jenkins, Women's National Football Conference founder, CEO + Head Coach of the Texas Elite Spartans, and President, Emtrain talks about what it means to be the only women's tackle football pioneer and one of the only black, female, openly gay executives heading up a Silicon Valley enterprise tech company By Yasmin Taj
aking a mark for oneself in a male-dominated domain is no easy task. And especially in the world of sports. But, Odessa (OJ) Jenkins, who had a love for football since childhood, turned this perception around and proved that a woman can achieve any dream she sets her heart and soul into. And not just sports, today, she has also proved her mettle in the corporate world as well by donning multiple hats, the most recent one being the President for Emtrain, which delivers workplace culture analytics through its online training platform to prevent bias, discrimination, harassment, and ethical lapses in the workplace. In this exclusive interview, Women's National Football
| June 2021