Week 03
People, Process & Technology
Technology By Amal Shah Faculty of Design CEPT University
Teaching Associates Chandni Chhabra, Sachi Motiwala & Shikha Mehta
IR3609 | Monsoon Semester 2020
“Combination is also the mechanism that drives technology's evolution. Novel technologies are put together from parts, assemblies, modules, that are themselves already existing technologies. Technologies thus combine existing building blocks to form new building blocks and combine and combine again, to create further technologies.� -Brian Arthur, The Nature of Technology
Technology Dictionary deďŹ nition: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
Technology and Science ScientiďŹ c Inquiry
Mathematics Biology Kinetics Forces
Social and Personal Values
Engineering Material Engineering
Derivations Demonstrations
Eagerness to be original
Science encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientiďŹ c knowledge for practical purposes.
Accumulated Practical Knowledge & It’s Transfer
Courtesy : Google Images
ScientiďŹ c Understanding of Behaviour and Principles New technology often requires new understanding; new investigations often require new technology.
Courtesy : Google Images
Technology develops to solve human problems
Courtesy : Google Images
Technology as Techniques and its adaptations
Courtesy : Google Images
Technology draws on Science and contributes to it
Courtesy : ResearchGate
Application of Sciences - Mathematics & Geometry
Courtesy : Google Images
Application of Sciences - Chemistry & Processes
Courtesy : MIT Media Lab
Application of Sciences - Understanding of Physics
Courtesy : Google Images
Application of Sciences - Engineering & its Concepts Engineering Combines ScientiďŹ c Inquiry and Practical Values
Courtesy : Google Images
Types of Constraints Absolute Constraints
Flexible Constraints
Physical laws such as the conservation of energy or physical properties such as limits of exibility, electrical conductivity, and friction.
Economic, Political (local, state, and national regulations), Social (public opposition), Ecological and Ethical
Constraining the Quantity of Timber in Japan
Source: Book of Japanese Private House, Photographer :Yukio Futagawa
Source: Google
Testing the Design through Technology Performance tests of a design may be conducted by using complete products, but doing so may be prohibitively diďŹƒcult or expensive. So testing is often done by using small-scale physical models, computer simulations
Source : Google
All Technologies Involve Control
Source : Google
Technologies have Side Effects
In addition to its intended benefits, every design is likely to have unintended side effects in its production and application. Side Effect such as : Loss of Identity or Context, or Increase in Carbon Footprint,
Source : Leewardists
All Technological Systems can Fail
3D model of the structure made during the design process. Source : Google
Source : Google
Issues in Technology
Courtesy : Google Images
Innovation is a development that people find useful or meaningful. To be innovative, architects—and works of architecture themselves—must become more responsive to their users and environments. In other words, they must incorporate feedback from their physical and cultural contexts rather than relying solely on conventional analytical or internal processes of development … from design to construction. — Ali Rahim, architect
Source: Innovate or Perish: New Technologies and Architecture’s Future byDavid Celanto
Replacing traditional tools Courtesy : Google Images
Diminishing role of a designer
Source: Innovate or Perish: New Technologies and Architecture’s Future by David Celanto
The capabilities now provided by furniture system designers, sustainability consultants, construction managers, and engineers of all stripes have become so advanced that Martin Simpson of Arup Associates suggests that architects may eventually become unnecessary—except, perhaps, as exterior stylists.
Lack of material knowledge
Source: Google Images
Lack of uniqueness
Source: Google Images