People Dynamics - July/August 2019

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30% CLUB



















Leadership Development


Human Resource Trends


Skills Development


Mental Health


Personal Development


Socio-economic Issues


Strategic HR Management


People Development


Work Transformation


Skills Development Partnerships


Mental Wellness


Youth Development




Ed’s Note

Ed’s Note


hile the country grapples with unemployment, poverty and legacy inequality issues, the workplace is engaged in struggles relating to global competitiveness, digi-human balance, job uncertainties and salary disparities. All these challenges place a huge responsibility on leadership to review business priorities, revolutionarise operating models, all the while keeping critical human resource engaged and delivering value to customers. This creates a great opportunity for organisations to appeal to the imagination and creativity of its leaders, and to draw in a new cohort of leadership to inject new ideas and fresh thinking that diversity can bring. The 30% Club (page 4 is one of the global initiatives that seek to promote balanced leadership through gender-diversity, particularly in companies represented in the Stock Exchange. With the economy under pressure, it is just as critical for smaller entities to reflect a balanced population profile, hence a question is posed on whether legislation has done enough to bring empowerment, equity, affirmation and broad representation of race, gender, and different abilities in the workplace and mainstream economy. Talking about mainstream economy, stress levels have been on the rise due to general uncertainty, and we can all do with some Georgina Barrick pep talk (page 14) and tips for containing stress (page 28). On a practical front, we applaud efforts done by skills development partners to maximise youth development and give opportunities to young people to enter the workplace and become economically active. The Business and Industry collaboration with PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Institutions of Higher Learning empowers all parties to develop relevant and much needed skills to take the economy forward (page 10). Efforts are being intensified to retain and revive jobs in high-labour industries – with colleges, SETAs and public financing institutions collaborating and complementing each other to save and create jobs. The FP&M SETA, one of the largest SETAs, is leading the way in building skills and sustaining jobs in the textile sector (page 25), supported by such efforts as Public Investment Corporation’s bailout which helped save about 140 000 Edcon group jobs. President Ramaphosa has made a special appeal to all employers to preserve jobs and combat unemployment. We know very well that organisations need to derive value from every cent spent in salaries. As human resource leaders, we must do our utmost to help organisation maximise the talent of our people; to keep employees motivated, productive and creative – to keep increasing the value of their contribution to the organisations. A call for increased wage, for instance, should be matched by more flexibility that increases customer service and satisfaction. That way, customers could be happy to pay a premium which would finance a wage increase. An adjustment of wide disparities between executive pay and the labour wage bill presents yet another area for companies to demonstrate goodwill and responsible citizenship. No one said it would be easy, but collectively we can sure turn things around, and see our employees, our organisations and the economy thrive!

People Dynamics is the monthly journal of the Institute of People Management (IPM). The IPM is dedicated to the effective development of human potential. In terms of fast-emerging global challenges, it is critical to champion the strategic role of human resources and to acknowledge that both development and management are catalysts for growth. In the spirit of progress and support, the IPM provides members with effective leadership and access to appropriate knowledge, information and the opportunity to network with key local and international players. People Dynamics provides a forum for debate and discussion on all issues affecting HR practitioners in South Africa, the African continent and beyond. People Dynamics is distributed to all members of the IPM and to other key decisionmakers in the industry. To receive People Dynamics regularly and enjoy additional benefits – including discounts on HR-related services and professional networking events - contact Welile Mabaso on welile@ipm. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the IPM. ISSN No - 1019-6196



Felleng Yende Topic: 4IR Management and Leadership

Dr Ruwayne Kock Founder and CEO, Authentic Organisations

Dr Etienne vd Walt

Martin Pienaar

Wade Cooper

Gavin Olivier

Topic: Programs that are super-fit for a connected workplace and world

Topic: Topic: Use of e-learning in the HR industry for the employment process, workplace learning and in-house skills development

Topic: Master Class: 4th Industrial Revolution and AI Tech in the People Space – A New Look at Leadership

Topic: Fearless Leadership through Digitising the Workplace

Director, Neurozone: The Science of Brain Performance


Ashish Goverdhan Das

Topic: Are we complicit in our own oppression at work – A case study of authentic self-expression among black managers in a multinational company in South Africa

AVP, Corporate Business, Jigsaw Academy

Topic: Topic: HR Analytics - The next big growth driver for HR Professionals

COO, Mindworx Consulting

Khulu Phasiwe

Journalist and ex Eskom Spokesperson

Topic: Fearless Leadership – what does it take?

CEO, PDA International

Charmaine Kobrowisky

Executive, Human Resources

Topic: The Thinking Environment


Media Partner Patricia: or Lavern:

Managing Executive of the Learning Solutions Business Unit

Timothy Maurice Webster Brain and Brand Author

Topic: Mind & Body; Personal Brand Wellness Intelligence Sessions (WQ); The Power of a Brain and Body Connection

Platinum Sponsor


Leadership Development

The 30% Club

Investing in Leadership Diversity A quest for diversity in leadership The CEO’s job is ranked the highest executive role, yet it doesn’t always take one being a CEO to make a positive impact in an organisation. Board members have as much influence in the direction of an organisation as the CEO, if not more, in their collective role as The Board. So, where one seeks to make a contribution towards performance and growth of a company, a less precarious route may well be on the cards - via a board seat. This is how The 30% Club came into existence. Now, a global empowerment vehicle, The Club has chapters in most major economic regions around the globe. Chasing perfection in leadership recruitment While a recruitment specialist has one shot at ‘perfection’ in the hiring of an organisation’s CEO, recruiting for boards offers much improved chances at achieving perfection. The recipe lies in the collection of complementary qualities, skills, abilities, demographics and personalities that can be assembled to make up the ‘perfect’ leadership team. The 30% Club opens doors to anyone who wishes to serve on a Board of Directors in a non-executive capacity. It offers access to progressive PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

boards whose aim is to capitalise on diversity to bolster leadership thinking and creative corporate direction. The name of The Club originates from its core objective – to achieve a 30% female representation at the Stock Exchange. The easiest and most logical way to get to this goal is for each listed company to have a minimum of 30% female representation. Through various programmes, the club makes it possible for women (and aspiring men) to develop their business acumen and gain insight into how boards operate, and how large corporates are run. Is this another affirmative action initiative? Unlike equity and empowerment legislation instituted by governments, the club encourages corporates to take up the diversity challenge voluntarily. There is no quota system, let alone penalties for companies that ‘do not comply’. So, even empowerment skeptics who may think equity candidates are an imposition or window-dressing can relax. No company has to feel obligated by this initiative to appoint a candidate. The programme introduces candidates for personal development and wide pipeline creation purposes, granting them no voting powers on the Boards. Engagement in Board discussions is recommended and

Leadership Development


of the 30% Club, reflecting the increased reach and scale of the campaign since its launch. As of June 2019, the leadership structure of the campaign further evolved to reflect its ongoing success and international influence with Ann Cairns joining as Global Co-Chair of the campaign, alongside Brenda. OUR VISION

The 30% Club believes that gender balance on boards and in senior management not only encourages better leadership and governance, but diversity further contributes to better all-round board performance, and ultimately increased corporate performance for both companies and their shareholders. OUR MISSION

The 30% Club aims to develop a diverse pool of talent for all businesses through the efforts of its Chair and CEO members who are committed to better gender balance at all levels of their organisations. Business leadership is key to our mission, taking the issue beyond a specialist diversity effort and integrating it into enterprise-wide strategy development. OUR VALUES

The 30% Club approach - collaborative, concerted business-led efforts can help accelerate progress towards better gender balance at all levels of organisations. The 30% Club does not believe mandatory quotas are the right approach. Instead, we support a voluntary approach in order to realise meaningful, sustainable change. 30% Club efforts are complementary to individual company efforts and existing networking groups, adding to these through collaboration and the visible and voluntary commitment of senior business leaders. OUR INITIATIVES

has been found to benefit both the company - which gains from fresh thinking and different viewpoints, and the diversity candidate - who learns from the experience of seasoned Board members. What is the problem the Club is trying to address? Women (and minority groups) are still under-represented on the boards of major companies and equivalent organisations. Some progress has been made, particularly in Non-Executive Director (NED) appointments, but there is more to do especially as regards the executive and non-executive pipelines. Why should you take interest in The 30% Club? Rather than answering this question, it is best to allow you to reflect on The Club’s origins, its core purpose objectives, its values and approach as presented by its founders. Whether you are an aspiring board member looking to develop your leadership acumen and gain board exposure, or a Chairperson or CEO looking to groom or recruit a candidate, or a human capital advisor helping corporates and boards to enhance diversity, or perhaps you are a mentor or corporate benefactor looking to sponsor your high-potential employee(s) to progress, you can make up your mind whether this is an avenue you choose to pursue. THE FOUNDING OF THE CLUB

The 30% Club was founded by Dame Helena Morrissey in the UK in 2010, and has since evolved into a global mission with chapters in 14 countries/regions. In 2016, Brenda Trenowden CBE was appointed as the new lead for the UK chapter and as the Global Chair

The 30% Club runs a number of very specific and targeted initiatives that look to broaden the pipeline of women at all levels of organisations. The 30% Club is also working to bring about real transformation by: • Encouraging and supporting chairmen to appoint more women to their boards. • Providing information and help for businesses trying to improve their diversity at all levels - sharing innovations that work and devising new collaborative actions. • Working with other related groups. We believe that collective, concerted effort can achieve much more than individual initiatives and are ‘open source’ in our approach. We are driven by our objective, rather than by any ‘ownership’ of the issue. • Keeping the spotlight on the issue through our ongoing role in the public debate, on TV and radio and through social media. • Staging large-scale events (free of charge to attendees) to develop momentum and to evolve thinking around the issue. • Speaking at schools, universities and international women’s events. • Tracking progress towards the 30% target. SOUTHERN AFRICA

The 30% Club Southern Africa launched in September 2014. The latest figures show a 19,87% female representation among the JSE Top 40. The JSE Top40 companies, although 10% of the total listed companies, represent 80% of the total market capitalisation or shares invested on the JSE. A target of 30% female representation was set for 2020, but with the economic climate and current trajectory, this doesn’t look achievable. Of course, the campaign can always intensify, and you may just be the missing spoke to help drive Southern Africa OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Leadership Development

closer to its target. In 2018, The 30% ClubSA released an inaugural report which reflects on the progress achieved since The Chapter’s launch. The comprehensive report entitled: The State of Gender on JSE Listed Boards 2017, provides Southern Africa with a baseline from which to track progress going forward. WHAT CLUB 30% MEMBERSHIP MEANS

Membership is generally open to Chairs, CEOs and equivalents, usually of listed companies or leading professional services firms. Our Members lead by example and it is assumed that they will use their influence to bring about change in their own organisations. Members: 1. lend their name to the Club and commit to publicly support increasing numbers of women on boards 2. support initiatives to build the pipeline of women for executive and non-executive roles 3. actively assist in recruiting and spreading the word to other Chairs and key influencers 4. if they desire, assist in various events and publicity/press opportunities 5. are invited to events to build awareness of the benefits of increased diversity and to support key initiatives WHAT WOULD YOU BE COMMITTING TO?

By joining the 30% Club, our Members publicly indicate their support for the notion that it is good business practice to have women holding 30% of board seats and share the aspiration to collectively reach this goal. We believe businesses and senior business leaders should drive this change. There is no requirement for Members to have 30% women on their boards or management committees - the under-representation of women at senior levels is a global phenomenon, so better gender balance is usually an aspiration rather than a reality. Importantly this is not a quota initiative and does not require the setting of specific goals and we do not measure our Members’ performance against our collective aspirational goal. In signing up, our Members agree to be publicly listed as members of the 30% Club, and for this membership to be included in 30% Club’s communications campaigns. There is no requirement to commit specific amounts of time to the initiative. All Members of the 30% PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Club will be invited to events as they are held - we warmly welcome participation, but attendance is strictly voluntary. There is no membership cost involved, companies ‘share the load’ by kindly offering to host events but again this is entirely voluntary. FUTURE BOARDS SCHEME - UK

The scheme, established in 2016 by the UK Club, UK Government Investments and Board Apprentice represents hands-on, practical development of high calibre female executives at a fraction of the cost of other leadership and management programmes. It gives senior women a unique opportunity to get board experience to progress their careers to the next level. The scheme is aimed at FTSE 350 companies, SMEs and other major organisations. Several major companies and well-known public sector bodies have signed up to take part in the scheme, including 30% Club members, Aviva and Hammerson. The 30% Club believes the scheme has the potential to significantly grow the talent pipeline of women executives by giving women 12 months’ experience on a major board. Why does diversity matter? • Boards make better decisions where a range of voices, drawing on different life experiences and representing the full range of talent and customer bases, can be heard. • Evidence shows that companies with strong, diverse representation at board and top management level perform better than those without*. • More widely, it is important for our economy that businesses draw on the best talent from as wide a talent pool as possible. * Diversity Matters, McKinsey & Co, 2014; Gender Diversity and Corporate Performance, Credit Suisse Research Institute Report, 31 July 2012; The Bottom Line: Corporate Performance and Women’s Representation on Boards, Lois Joy, Nancy M Carter, Havery M Wagener, Sriram Narayanan, Catalyst 2007. THE CONCEPT

The Future Boards Scheme gives talented, senior women boardlevel development opportunities on the boards, or subsidiary boards, of other businesses.

Leadership Development

Diversity is a business driver and by embracing differences we can then realise the maximum customer and shareholder benefits. As a result, there is a significant business need to improve the diversity of perspective, outlook, experience and thought that highcalibre, well-qualified, diversified talent can bring.


1. Offer to host a participant on their own board, or a subsidiary board. 2. Propose a high calibre candidate to be placed on another organisation’s board, or one of the organisation’s subsidiary boards.

3. Pay a contribution towards the scheme for the placement of their candidate to cover the scheme administration costs on a not-forprofit basis.


The scheme offers a development opportunity seeking to give individual participants the fullest possible board experience short of being a director. They take part in all day-to-day aspects of the board, with access to board papers and regular opportunities to offer their views in meetings when invited. They are encouraged to participate in sub-committees and offered the same induction and training given to non-executive directors and/or executives. To ensure that there is no confusion about their legal status, they are not appointed, nor do they act as directors, nor are they paid. They have no voting rights, do not instruct nor direct the board in any way and are not part of the formal decision-making process. They do not form part of the quorum of a board meeting and are bound by the host board’s confidentiality rules. This is formalised in three legal agreements between Board Apprentice and the board, Board Apprentice and the candidate and the board and candidate (through a rider to the appointment letter). • Participants are not paid for their contribution and remain employed by their own company throughout. It is left to the board’s discretion to determine whether they can pay travel and subsistence expenses as they would usually for a board member and if whether to include the participant in their D&O insurance. • A good match benefits both the board and the participant, so boards will be asked what skills/experience they are looking for and matched with carefully-selected candidates. Individuals will not be matched with boards where there is a conflict of interest or a chance of them gaining a competitive advantage. • Each opportunity is typically for 12 months (one full board cycle) but can be ended at any point by either the host board or the participant. In exceptional circumstances, it can also be extended by mutual consent. In the first instance, the scheme will focus on talented female candidates who are “board ready”, but who would benefit from the additional personal development, experience and direct access that the scheme brings. However, the intention is to look beyond this cohort of candidates to identify other rising stars in the female executive talent pool who will form the pipeline for the future. The model has been designed so that in the medium term it could be expanded beyond female candidates, to improve broader diversity on boards. “Different experiences, different perspectives and a new role to play have all added to the participant’s experiences.” - Adam Lawrence, Chief Executive, Royal Mint The model will be to place board-ready women from the listed companies or from equivalent large, complex organisations on each other’s boards, or subsidiary boards. To participate in the scheme, 30% Club Members will need to do three things:


The 30% Club mentoring scheme, developed with the support of EY offers cross-company, cross-sector mentoring to women at every layer of the career pyramid. It aims to complement other schemes in the marketplace, or within individual organisations, where cross-company mentoring is usually only available to very senior women. This is part of a series of 30% Club initiatives aimed at helping to develop a broader pipeline of women and ‘balance the pyramid’ at all levels. The feedback from both mentees and mentors reinforces our hope that the scheme can be beneficial for, ultimately, thousands of women and their companies. Mentees report on the liberating nature of a mentoring relationship outside their own company, feeling able to discuss issues without restrictions and appreciating the access to impartial advice. Mentors report that the experience has taught them more about the issues being faced by high-potential women – and has provided eye-opening insights into the issues likely being faced by women in their own organisation. FORMAT

30% Club mentoring schemes offer mentoring opportunities to high potential women. Geographies We currently run schemes in the GCC, Ireland, UK and US. Selection Each participating organisation defines the pivot point at which it sees a divergence between career paths of men and women, and invites key women in this ‘danger zone’ into the mentoring scheme. Mentors are seasoned professionals (both men and women) with substantial business experience who hold leadership roles within their organisation. Our recommendation is that mentors and mentees volunteer to take part in the programme and are then selected by their organisation based on internal criteria. It is critical that all mentors and mentees are committed to the scheme and are prepared to make the time to meet or speak with their selected mentor/mentee. Timings To find out specific timings for the chapter you wish to join, please contact the country Scheme Manager. Meetings One-to-one mentoring meetings take place monthly or, at a minimum, every six weeks for an hour or two. The onus is on mentees to schedule and travel to meetings. Virtual mentoring In order to maintain momentum, we encourage virtual mentoring when it is not possible to attend meetings in person. For individuals who are interested in becoming mentors, and who meet the above criteria, please contact the relevant country’s Scheme Manager. We are particularly looking for mentors who would be keen to mentor our 30% Club Business Schools scholarship winners. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Human Resource Trends

Future of HR

A KPMG Study Review HR is a global profession giving practitioners, globally, access to trends that can inform their own strategies, tactical decisions and day-to-day operations management. PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Human Resource Trends


When people like our own Elon Musk say that they worry about AI, one begins to appreciate the burden of uncertainty for the digihuman workplace. Some predictions foresee a creation of jobs, and others predict that it will decimate jobs. As with most trends, it is an uncertain future, and so only 40% of companies even have a digital strategy in place. So, just how confident are HR heads about our ability to transform our workforces? • 24% confess that they are less than confident or simply not confident in their ability • 39% say they are confident • 37% believe that they are very confident about their ability to: • deliver predictive insights • believe in and drive the digital agenda • enhance the employee experience (E.X.)



t is always good for us to lift our eyes off today’s screen and have a look at what colleagues in other countries or industries are grappling with, to see what we can learn. More recently, KPMG facilitated a survey among 1201 HR executives from 64 countries across 31 industries to assess the future of HR, from a 2019 vantage point. What was also interesting was that more than half of the survey results came from companies with 100 or less employees, which allows us to also consider the views of organisations which do not have the luxury of large well-resourced HR functions. This article examines and reflects on some of the key findings.

Firstly, it appears that not all HR execs are thinking the same way. Some of us are becoming really bold, and taking action to embrace issues like data analytics, digital labour and artificial intelligence (A.I.). Others are adopting a more wait-and-see attitude to see how this 4th Industrial Revolution actually pans out. Two thirds of us in HR acknowledge that we will have to transform our business and our workforce if we are to ride the emerging wave of technology. And it is scary.

A sizable 41% of HR respondents believe that organisational culture will be the biggest barrier to digital adaptability if we are to transform from task-orientation to being innovative and experimental. On the other hand, 85% of CIOs insist that innovation and experimentation are essential to the right culture. Do you see the gap? Over the next year or two, 60% claim that they will invest materially in predictive analysis, 53% in enhanced process automation and 47% in AI and machine learning. Interestingly, of the leaders already into AI, fully 88% believe that their investment has been worthwhile. This signals to me that we are not facing a new fad, but indeed the future. Alright, but what tools can we in HR consider harnessing, if we are to take concrete steps? While some of us might recall thinking that managing three “generations” of employees in the workplace was a big deal, some organisations are now becoming comfortable with five generations. Can you even conceive what a post-millennial generation will be like in eight years, if you are still adapting to millennials? Our cutting edge HR colleagues are experimenting with “reverse mentoring” whereby highly tech savvy trainees are actively teaching upwards, and why not? This will certainly expand our definition of diversity management, as it assumes that each generation has a role to play, not just to make way for the new-comer. While HR itself has had some experience in automating processes (such as with ERP roll-outs) this survey shows that we are going to need a deep comprehension of technology enablers if we are to really appreciate the opportunities brought about by digital labour, and the way in which people can collaborate with advanced robotics and artificial intelligence. Collaboration involves much more than fearing job losses and fighting off the inevitable. If HR doesn’t lead this transformation, expect our CFOs and CIOs to do so for us. CFOs are already very comfortable with analytics, and CIOs are often au fait with total workforce learning. The exciting part for us is harnessing data and analytics to significantly improve decision-making and predicting behaviour. Some learning & development needs can now be determined by the very systems which people operate, to target performance improvement solutions. Think how this could improve our insights into employee engagement, labour turnover and enabling strategies for retaining top talent. Just as our marketing colleagues are able to profile customers with targeted contacts via social media, we could be working with them on really understanding the multiple facets of our workforces. Many of us have actually seen Sci Fi become reality – let’s dive in! Is it my way or the Huawei? OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Skills Development

Skills of the Future Trends, Imperatives, and Acquisition Avenues


A BRICS snapshot

Innovative agricultural business models are emerging in Brazil, and primary production methods and systems are rapidly evolving across the developing countries. India is challenging for a tech-capital status, helping inventors and engineers develop digital enablement that makes new solutions and initiatives more efficient. Russian intelligent technologies are sought after globally, and Huawei is taking over telecommunication from yesteryear giants like IBM, Nokia, Apple and others. Every player in the BRICS economic region is creating a niche that exploits its local resources to make waves beyond its own borders. PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

This has taken strong socio-economic intelligence and an acute understanding of macro-economics with appreciation of nuances, strengths and weaknesses of local and international markets. These are universal competencies or skills that serve countries now and will continue to into the future. Industry landscape and ‘workplace’ transformation

Workplaces are changing from large factories in remote locations to boutique production houses run from commercial parks close to communities, cutting travel time and superficial compound residency. Comprehensive producers are focusing on core specialities, letting smaller operations take care of peripheral services.

Skills Development

Old vs New staffing models

Analytical skills

These new models and developments have had significant impact on the skills required in the workplace, as they have also affected enterprises’ average staff compliment. They have reduced headcount through farmed-out/outsourced services or redundancy retrenchment. In turn, the new models have created new jobs in the areas of research, business development, efficiency analysis, systemic planning, systems design and architecture, applications development, programming and so on. These new jobs are increasingly available on an on-demand, contract basis - making it cost-effective for companies to source as they need and not burden themselves with heavy fixed cost, notwithstanding the generally higher gig-contract fees.

For systems analysis, statistical data analysis, risk and security analysis, scaling and projections

Skills of the Future - Opportunities

So, while Dr Roze Phillips of Accenture estimates that 35% of all current jobs are at risk of being lost to automation or digitisation by year 2025, there will be almost as many created by the new economies. The challenge is to make sure that our workforce successfully makes the transition by acquiring new, relevant skills that will carry them into the future. This will help existing employees make the leap and transform their skills-set from what might soon be obsolete to what is relevant for the new economy. Another way to bridge the gap would be to accelerate the building of skills among more pliable, younger human resource while extracting full value from older cadre, and letting natural attrition get the latter out of the workplace system into mentoring and support functions in broader society. Jobs for re-examination and skills for re-evaluation

There are job categories which are considered to be at risk of obsolescence, where workforce reductions, work reconstruction or employee re-skilling will be required. Accenture insights point to jobs in occupations such as production, office administration, tellers, cashiers, farming, food preparation, accounting, auditing, insurance claims and policing processing clerks, construction, mining, transportation, installation and maintenance, as those likely to be impacted by automation and digitisation. The report reveals that, in contrast, workplace activity and job categories that draw on uniquelyhuman qualities carry a low probability of human exclusion in the future. It can be seen that jobs represented in the vulnerable category span multiple sectors or industries. Having identified that, a new digital future will have a set of skills that will prove universal and basic irrespective of economic sector one operates in. IPM and Accenture, over the recent years have discussed categories of skills that people most need to thrive in the new, digital economy. Similarly, institutions across sectors continue to identify other sets of skills according to what is relevant within different industries. Here, we share what is regarded as universally relevant skills-set for a digital economy – some of which were also featured by The WorkSpace which caters to the needs of South Africa’s growing gig-economy: Foundational skills

These include literacy (including basic digital literacy), numeracy and employability skills such as time management, listening and negotiation. Technical skills

Specialist technical skills are needed for developing, maintaining and securing systems, and to support new technologies and capabilities.


Programming and computer skills

Automation requires a translation of manual systems into digitised ones, and this will require programming and software development – with skills on JavaScript, C#, .Net as well as creative design skills Social skills

People need social and communication skills for building and leveraging networks, collaborating remotely with teams and handling the kinds of complex social interactions that remain a challenge for automated systems. Increasingly, employers look to hire people who’ll bring existing networks of professionals with them. Problem solving skill

As more routine tasks are automated, people spend more time on thinking critically, addressing problems and driving innovation. Future-orientation and Agility

Other than training for essential digital skills, human resources need to be future-oriented and develop maximum adaptability to morph around their evolving environments. Learning acumen and CPD orientation

To survive, individuals and companies need to embrace change and continually learn new things. More than hiring for skill, companies are increasingly recognising the need to hire for attitude: growthorientation, agility and self-directedness – things prevalent among those who take the initiative to continually develop their own skills. Specialised work skills

Demand always exists for specialised skills that address local market priorities and industry-specific needs. Because of on-going digital transformation, the skills needed are changing faster than in the past. This makes market awareness, community insights, industry intelligence and continuous transformational learning a necessity. Ask your child: What problems will you solve?

Rather than channelling or limiting our young stars by asking them what they want to be when they grow up, the more relevant question is: “what problems do you want to solve for the world, the country, your community or for yourself?” This helps break pupils’ minds from traditional, time-limited careers to finding new learning paths that are relevant to 21st century problem solving and finding a future that benefits people and a planet we seek to thrive in. Community trends influencing skills development

Almost in all industries, local socio-economic insights and basic business acumen are essential “skills” that lead to environment and economy-specific innovations. Being aware of community challenges and what resources are naturally accessible or readily available through recycling or local w-manpower - itself is a skill that feeds new entrepreneurial capability. Some local business innovations published by Old Mutual, for instance, demonstrate the diversity of skill that is required to fulfil very diverse needs in our communities. Reminiscent of the famous Kreepy Krauly innovation that provided OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Employee Relations

a solution to what was a ‘local’ problem, and grew to become a world hit, we have four examples of creations that have global potential yet born out of our own challenges. Each of these creations ‘addresses a basic human or societal need, solves a specific problem or is set to make the world work a little better’. 1. LUMKANI

Across the country, homes and in particular informal settlements are devastated by fires. With a shortage of fire extinguishing resources, this threatens lives, especially with a recent Medical Research Council report estimating that more than 50 00O South Africans will suffer burn injuries in a year - the vast majority coming from poorer communities. Spotting ‘an opportunity’ and looking to solve a problem and meet this challenge, Francois Petousis, an engineering student at the time, together with a lecturer and few fellow students, invented Lumkani (‘be careful’ in Xhosa). The low-cost early-warning devices register rapid spikes in temperature and because all devices within a 60-metre radius are linked wirelessly, an alarm is triggered that alerts all the connected homes in case of a fire.

created a style statement that shouts ‘proudly South African.’ Skills and innovations to “make a statement”

On a broad, psycho-social context, there’s an opportunity to acquire or refine skills in order to develop solutions that fulfil a longing among consumers (and potential producers) to assert and celebrate their heritage and relevance on the world stage. Skills can also be developed to fulfil a desire to avoid negative environmental impact brought about by careless consumption which destroys the planet and thus deprive future generations of wholesome living. Skills development imperatives

South Africa is not just a rainbow country in terms of race, culture or languages, it is also a heterogeneous community as far as living standards, lifestyles and consumption patterns are concerned. Academically, skills are developed for the country to match world demand and live up to the global economy evolution. It is imperative, however, that skills are also developed that make the most of local natural resources and geared to demands and the upliftment of local consumers.


Skills acquisition options

The symbiotic relationship between humans and other species is something to be preserved as it helps sustain communities – whether for tourism, balanced ecosystem management or sustainable consumption. A keen understanding and protection of wildlife has thus become vital. CyberTracker has become an indispensable conservation tool and is used to monitor wildlife around the globe – gorillas in the Congo, butterflies in Switzerland and marine turtles in the Pacific. An icon interface reduces data input errors and allows users to input data at a speed and level not possible before. Its main advantage, though, is the software developed by physicist Louis Liebenberg and computer scientist Justin Steventon which uses an image-based interface and is not dependent on users’ reading and writing skills.

There are numerous avenues for developing one’s skills – some more formal than others. There’s an obvious link between education and skills development. In this avenue, one may choose between international online universities and local CHE-accredited public or private universities; between private QCTO-accredited trade colleges and TVET (public) colleges; between SETA-accredited sector-speciality Institutions and SAQA-registered Professional Body programmes; between formal graduate-exposure, internship or in-service programmes and informal community project participation.


The decimation of marine life by plastic waste has brought about realisation that health risk also makes its way to humans through what ends up on our plates. This is what brought on the war against single-use plastic, including the pervasive plastic straw. In an attempt to contribute toward a more sustainable future, Cue ForEVA straws emerged, the brainchild of Megan Johnson. Megan refined and brought home an idea she originally discovered in Bali - a hygienic, reusable, high-quality stainless-steel straw. The name ForEVA was inspired by Megan’s late grandmother, Eva. Megan wanted to create a lasting legacy and the result is a straw that is available in packs of four, with a cleaning brush – the first of its kind to be commercially available in South Africa. 4. IFELE

Leather, since time immemorial, has been central to the indigenous African communities’ dress code, as has red-meat consumption, thanks to cattle farming and Africa’s scores of wild life. Fashion designer Reggie Xaba put his best foot forward with his luxury footwear brand, iFele, which has made its way to international runways including the global world stage in Milan. Using a simple, traditional sandal called ‘mbadada’ as inspiration, Xaba has reinterpreted and reinvented the concept for the modern global consumer, the ‘African urban nomad’ as he says, and PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Informal skills acquisition

Limitations to formal education access do not restrict creative minds from learning what is critical for survival and selfsufficiency. Resourceful individuals continue to come up with ingenious ways to fill the needs of their local communities, by either conceiving and developing solutions from scratch, but more commonly by adapting existing solutions for their own, unique communities. Whichever approach is adopted, the process helps develop new skills and new industries, creating a living for families - even building global dynasties that offer jobs to several people. Customised skills mix

Every organisation or community is unique and so will the skillscombination required to make it work optimally. Whereas there are universal primary skill-groupings which can be transported across markets and industries internationally, each community (or organisation) can always develop its own secondary and tertiary skills that satisfy its consumer needs. The HR Challenge

Identifying and training employees or communities for these Skills-of-the-Future, in itself is a new skill that serves the need of the new economy. Human Resource executives are expected to be encouraging this identification process throughout their organisations, and to spearhead training initiatives and the overall skill evolution in the workplace.

Mental Health



at work BY: JOHN BOTHA


he World Health Organisation estimates that around 300 million people across the globe suffer from depression. This has become the leading cause of disability worldwide. While there are effective treatments for depression, anxiety, emptiness, a lack of energy and hopelessness all of these symptoms can have a significant impact on an employee’s performance at work as well as adverse effects on interpersonal relationships among workplace team members. The different faces of depression Absenteeism, taking more time to perform tasks, negligence and difficulty engaging with others are just a few examples of the impact of this debilitating condition. It is evident that there are many reasons why employers need to be equipped to deal with depression at the workplace. Managers and supervisors need to be empowered with the right EQ and interpersonal skills to engage and build trust with employees in dealing with this. In addition, there are clear legal obligations on the employer to adhere to prescribed legal protocols as set out in schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act (LRA). Incapacity, due to ill health, is addressed in this Act. Employers are required to support the employee about diagnosis, treatment and reasonable time for treatment. They are required to exhaust all alternatives before making a decision to dismiss. By taking a personal interest in employees, employers are enhancing their employee value propositions and also building trust with other employees. After all, this is why it is called an employment RELATIONSHIP. Here’s an account of how a particular family was impacted by depression and how the employer stepped up to assist. Peter’s story My mother was a professional training facilitator. She was a single

parent since I was 6 years old. She had been physically and mentally abused by my father before he left us, and had continuously lived in a state of anxiety about how she would provide for us off her modest income. My mom was strong on the outside and suppressed all her emotions to make all seem fine to me. It was 10 years later, when I was 16 years old, that severe major depression struck her. I recall being called by her manager, and when I arrived where she worked, I found her curled up in a corner in the ladies restroom crying uncontrollably and being unable to be consoled. This was the start of around five years of medical treatment, sleep therapy, counselling and regular cycles of breakdowns. The stress it placed on us pushed us to the breaking point and were it not for a few colleagues of hers who supported us emotionally and financially, we would not have made it through. Eventually, my mother was medically boarded and had to live on pension, which proved an even smaller income than her meagre salary. It was not enough to sustain her, and I had to support her until she passed away at the age of 76. This experience will be with me for the rest of my life and the importance of the role of the employer to the entire family, when depression hits, cannot be under-estimated. Depression is a very real disease and needs to be dealt with as any other ailment that you can see outwardly. Unfortunately, many employees loath to speak about this as they feel that it’s ‘just in their heads’ and that they will be seen as not doing their jobs properly if they disclose it to their employers. However, if left untreated, depression will end up having a drastic effect on an employee’s work performance – as can be seen in Peter’s story. If you’re open with your employees, you will encourage them to come forward and ask for your help in dealing with issues such as this. At the end of the day, you will create a happy workforce that is productive. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Personal Development


Uncertainty Death and taxes! Life’s only two absolute certainties, according to Benjamin Franklin.

PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Personal Development


norm – think Brexit, global trade wars and world leaders who govern by Twitter. The effects of climate change are widespread and frankly, scary – flooding, drought, our beleaguered oceans. Social media makes us more connected than we’ve ever been. Yet, we’ve never been more disconnected from what really matters. And, as a result, many of us are suffering the effects of stress-induced illness. Mental illness in the workplace seems on the rise. Most days, merely consuming the news requires a deep breath and a stiff drink. Yet, as the world becomes more unpredictable, we’re mostly coping – and many of us are thriving. It’s true that periods of massive change, while alarming, also create opportunity. Uncertainty induces anxiety, stress and frustration. But, it also brings challenge, which leads to growth, satisfaction and strength. It’s cliched, I know, but challenge helps us understand that our limits aren’t limiting and, out of this understanding, we build resilience and become open to possibility. So, how do we get this right? Acknowledge that uncertainty is a part of life Total certainty is an illusion. We’d like to believe that we have total control over what lies ahead. But, the truth is that, while we have some control, it’s far from total. Accepting that uncertainty is a natural part of life – and doesn’t necessarily mean that things are going wrong – can help to ease our anxiety around change. Understand that uncertainty doesn’t (always) equal a bad outcome If you’re a worrier as many of us are, it’s likely that you mostly equate uncertainty with a bad outcome. However, ‘bad’ is just one of a few possible outcomes – along with ‘neutral’, ‘good’ and ‘excellent’. You could accept a new job that turns out to be a bad career move. It’s also possible that a new job could energise your career and expose you to new learning. Try to steer clear of ‘better the devil you know’ thinking and be open to all outcomes.



uman beings have lived with uncertainty for millennia – which doesn’t mean that we’ve got anymore used to it. Quite the opposite, in fact. But, in uncertain times like these, the only thing that’s certain is that more uncertainty lies ahead. We can’t change, manage or control this. But, we can moderate our response to it… We live in an age of unprecedented uncertainty, where everything seems unpredictable. Since 2008, the global economy has been shaky, susceptible to shock and lacking in resilience. We’re working harder and longer than before, often for less. Political upheaval is the

Control what you can So much of life is out of our control. We can’t single-handedly grow the global economy or rein in the bad behaviour of world leaders. However, this doesn’t mean that we have no influence over how life pans out. Rather than focusing on what you can’t control, which heightens anxiety, focus on what you can. Or, as the Serenity Prayer says, accept the things you can’t change and have courage to change what you can – while hoping for the wisdom to know the difference. A good idea is to start by determining whether you have ‘no control’, ‘some control’ or ‘total control’ over what is making you anxious. Then, focus only on what is in your control. Another idea is to take action and, in small ways, give yourself options. Learn a new skill, monetise your hobby, save money or network to build new contacts. Small shifts can make a big difference and give you options and breathing space. Take care of yourself It should go without saying that, in a stressful world, self-care is vital. Make time for exercise. Get good sleep. Meditate. Seek out support. If you’re running on empty, it’s very hard to see the wood from the trees. In a world where uncertainty is the only certainty, it’s still possible to thrive. As Eckhart Tolle said, ‘When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.’ May you be open to possibility. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Socio-economic Issues

Is there still a case for EE, AA and other Quota’s in the


Views from an Equity Roundtable A few people confess to flinching at the expression: affirmative action candidate. Surprisingly, it turns out that these flinchers fell within the intended beneficiary categories. So, why flinch? PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019


y disdain isn’t for lack of appreciation of affirmative action objectives or the rationale behind transformation legislation,” explains Kgadi Mothiba, “I just dreaded being imposed on a company based on some incidental fact of nature that I consider to be besides the point. It is the same way I hate the pre-90’s economic exclusion of certain population groups based merely on colour or gender. Unlike pre-90’s, though these programmes are meant as an economic re-dress, which is supposed to level the playing fields.”

Socio-economic Issues

Reflecting on the topic, many who express reservations cite different bases. Stella, a former analyst turned human capital actuary explains: “for me, it was the possibility of being hired for window dressing that got to me. That companies could get me on the payroll to do nothing seemed to insult my healthy mind, and I’d picture myself silent as a mouse while constructive debate and important decisionmaking took place all around me. That’s why I chose to stay behind the scenes and serve on expert-advisory services.” “My issue, really, was the thought of a black candidate being shortlisted at the expense of a more deserving candidate who happened to be the wrong race at that specific time, or a perception that the hire was a favour,” says Mvaki Ntoni. “I remember breaking my back trying to prove myself streets better than any of my colleagues. While they had lives – went on overseas holidays at any opportunity, I would slave away, even throughout December, just so that everything would be perfect when everyone got back to work in January. When I finally managed to build my confidence, I realised that everyone was genuinely nice and wanted nothing but the best for me as a colleague and an equal. They were totally oblivious to my secret obsession. Too late, I had developed into a workaholic!” “For me, I dreaded the tension created by AA, EE or BEE in the workplace. When I got a management position, I could sense resentment and there was outright resistance from former peers above whom I got promoted”, says Anastasia Carter. “Quite a few of them suddenly realised they could afford early retirement and went. My line manager became overbearing and overly critical to me whenever targets were missed. I couldn’t help thinking it was in protest of my promotion. Feeling hollow and totally unsupported despite insistence by HR to hold tight as things would change, I decided to move on and promised myself I’d never take another job to ‘help the numbers’.” Two and a half decades after transformation legislation was introduced, workplace is no longer preoccupied with quotas or ‘numbers at any cost’. The introduction of B-BBEE, among other things, helped to bring the corporate hearts into the process, allowing companies to implement equity measures according to maturity and conscience rather than out of compulsion. The assimilation of King Codes and the emphasis on good corporate governance saw change being driven from within the individual companies – an end of the rent-a-darkie era and a sign of real transformation progress. Quotas and the global stage? South African democracy has matured, but more importantly markets have become more competitive. Companies sagging under difficult trading conditions have become stoic in the defence of meritocracy. In recent years, diversity has become a matter of business case rather than a political statement or quota compliance. A global tide backed by research The pursuit of transformed organisations through diversity and equity has been recognised as a sound approach to business globally. Several global studies have shown that gender, age, race, cultural diversity, etc. have a positive impact on organisational performance – giving diversified companies a significant edge over competitors that register little or no diversity in executive and management levels. Open-gates and equal opportunity The hunt for exceptional talent is on, especially for great CEO material. The playing fields have, to a great extent, been levelled. From observation, the roundtable noted that there isn’t much of a rush for the ultimate corporate hot-seat – the CEO position.


The reality is that corporate CEO’s are constantly under a tremendous pressure and harsh spotlight. At the tiniest sneeze in an enterprise’s performance, the CEO is pushed closer toward the door. Studies have shown that the average CEO tenure has reduced from over 15 years (1990’s) to less than six years in the mid 2000’s. Not too many people will have the appetite for such exposure. “A less risky approach to CEO recruitment has been through intracompany succession”, suggests Kgadi. Notwithstanding this safe strategy, South Africa has seen its fair share of disasters when it comes to new CEO appointments, particularly those hired to drive organisational change or implement new strategies. An effective shadowing as part of succession planning is important – to give the CEO designate exposure and participation at the right level. Candidates come to their own in voicing opinions and influencing direction when enjoying the support of a sponsor or linecoach. High-level board and operational exposure also help make obvious the understudy’s thought process and value system, for the board to assess the corporate fit when the clean transition time comes. Companies have fallen victim to poor fit-management, where great candidates had been promoted or poached at significant expense and with high hopes, only for the acquisition to prove an ill-fit – far removed from the envisaged result. To mind comes the likes of Liberty Life, MTN, Old Mutual, and further off, Pick ‘n Pay, Total – not to mention the many state-owned entities. Alternatives to quota’s With the successful bedding of corporate governance and selfregulation, most organisation spot profiles that are reflective of their local demographics or are well on their way there. The effect of broadbased approach to empowerment has also served to spread benefits beyond the workplace into the communities and society at large. Executive-Worker Pay-Gap With diversity management ‘under control’, the main challenge facing HR is to help tackle the excessively wide pay-gap between top executive and lower rungs of employees. This is what places the South African economy in an untenable socio-economic position – with one of the highest gini coefficients in the world. This is an unsettling sign of inequality and a potential threat to harmony in the workplace spilling into the communities outside. An honest analysis of what each organisation can afford to pay its workers is required - taking into consideration long term job security or employment risks that the company has to cover. Wage settlements would, therefore, have to be based on fair and realistic figures – with transparency between employers and employee representation. This is something that HR should spearhead, to help promote equity and to avoid unnecessary strikes and inefficiencies that end up costing workers, customers, the company and the economy. Fairness of Allocation The goal to tackle the gini-coefficient and the closing of the executiveworker pay-gap is something that can be progressively addressed, factoring minimum living standards and applying a merit-based system determined by transparent performance-management policies. Quotas anyone? By all means, if self-regulation and internally-driven transformation efforts have not been effective. But the rest of the world is moving to new equity indicators! OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Strategic HR Management

Tips to Save Jobs while Facing Financial Headwinds BY: PEOPLE DYNAMICS CORRESPONDENT

It often seems ambiguous when employers are called on to create and protect jobs while the economy is tanking. There are, however, a number of levers that can be pulled to reduce the adverse impact of business cycles and cost creep. PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019


he test of any HR executive’s mettle is the ability to shield jobs while avoiding having the wage bill erode the bottom line to the point of disinvestment contemplation. Some tactical strategies at HR’s disposal include: • Connecting to programmes like the Youth Employment Service (YES) and leveraging associated tax breaks in addition to B-BBEE benefits, as well as • Contracting flexibly.

Attractive though these strategies may seem, not all employers are able to adopt them. Precluded are those who already employ workforces that are under consideration for retrenchment if business does not pick up. It is with the latter scenario in mind that Government offer distressed employers access to the Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS). TERS offers an expedited process via the CCMA in which application can be made to the extent that up to 75% of the employee’s basic wage as well as agreed training will be covered by the UIF during the period up to a maximum of R12 084 pm. The employer is, however, required to continue paying the employee- and employer- contribution to benefit funds. The TERS is a refreshed version of the Training Layoff Scheme. It can be expected that demand will be high for this alternative. In fact, in a period of three months since roll out, 18 applications were received from employers, and eight were processed and concluded within three weeks! This provision is hardly the panacea for organisations sagging under a pressured trading environment, but any break is welcome while contemplating long-term, sustainable solutions.

People Development


Coaching with an Output-Focus

A brief review of modern coaching models shows that focus is more on the approach and the tasks involved in the coaching process, than on coaching output and outcomes.



People Development


ith businesses seeking value from every cent invested in human resource development, it is imperative that Coaches go beyond the input process and the mechanics of Coaching to articulate tangible output and outcomes that Coachees and their sponsors can expect from the programme. Criticism of Outcome-Based Education

A focus on coaching output follows a similar logic to outcome-based education, in that a coachee or sponsor would know what to expect at the end of the programme. In this case, the key objective would be to drive organisational effectiveness, whether through improved performance or change adaptation. OBE has been challenged on the bases that education outcomes can lead to a constrained nature of assessment. Assessing liberal outcomes such as creativity, respect for self and others, responsibility, and self-sufficiency, for instance, is seen to be problematic as there is no universal measurable, observable, or specific way to determine if a student has achieved these outcomes. Due to the nature of specific outcomes, OBE is perceived to potentially work against its ideals of serving and creating individuals that have achieved many outcomes. A Case for Output-Based Coaching

Although the outcomes of a coaching programme may vary with each individual or group, the fact remains that there would have been a case made for each coaching intervention. Coaching Outputs would, logically, differ from one organisation to the next. To articulate Coaching Outputs or outcomes, one needs to look no further than the individual’s or organisation’s identified problem statement, the basis on which the coaching intervention was sought. In business, the most dominant needs for coaching is Performance Improvement and Change Assimilation. Coaching for Performance - Individual

Coaching to bridge a performance gap, for instance, can be said to be successful when the candidate’s performance shows improvement or the candidate’s delivery meets the expectations of the job. The Performance Coaching outcome, therefore, would be the diminished gap between defined performance expectations and the coachees’ delivery. Subjective though the outcome in Coaching for Performance may be, according to each organisation or situation, the universal principle rests on “goals or defined expectations versus delivery”. Coaching for Performance – Organisation

The Coaching of executives for Organisational Performance involves helping management reflect on the validity of their business philosophies and business approach as well as the integrity of their strategy or viability of their plans. As can be predicted when dealing with organisational performance, reflections will include SWOT interrogation covering the external environment, local and global trends, the market, industry forces, organisational structure and internal resources – in particular, the quality of talent. Of paramount importance would be a dispassionate, objective evaluation of executive capacity and pipeline: leadership maturity and depth of captaincy to carry out the necessary work to turn out the required performance. The initial coaching reflections can be likened to testing the structural integrity and sufficiency of a ship that has been in the ocean awhile, or that’s about to set sail. PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Organisational Performance – Phase One Output

An example of the initial executive coaching output for an organisation, therefore, will be an objective report reflecting on the validity, relevance and soundness of the organisation’s strategic direction and plans. The report will articulate the organisational mandate or the operation’s raison d’tre; reflecting on the different environment layers, stakeholders, threats and opportunities to capitalise on; the organisation’s strategic intent, resource strength and high-level plans. Of course, the most important element in the coaching context is leadership profile: executive maturity, diversity of skill, collective wisdom, transformational capacity of the c-suite and the technical acumen that will be employed in the organisation’s value-creation. Organisational Performance - Phase Two Output

The next phase of Coaching for Organisational Performance would be supporting executives reflect on leveraging leadership strengths while diagnosing underlying reasons for weaknesses in their end-toend operational chain, as well as formulating solutions for each. The output in this phase, therefore, will be the breakdown of root causes for poor performance as well as corresponding remedial programme or solution options. Causes explored for poor performance may well include a resource mismatch, where human and technological resources have not kept up with the organisation’s strategic direction or imposing environmental realities. Regarding human resources, it may well be that there is disorientation, knowledge deficiency and skills gaps in respect to the environment and organisational strategy. Technologically, methodologies and programmes may be dated or machinery obsolete. Budgets may be insufficient or inappropriately allocated. Essentially, coaching for organisational performance enables executives to reflect on anything that may no longer be fitfor-purpose - posing operational or sustainability risk for the organisation. It gives the organisation the opportunity to draw plans to implement a change programme that will improve organisational performance. Organisational Performance - Phase Three Output

Once blockages or sources of poor performance have been identified and decisions reached on how best these are to be tackled, the Coaching Programme supports executives in their roll-out of the organisational improvement plans. Each executive coachee is helped to reflect on initiatives that fall under his/her responsibility. If the intervention is Group Coaching, Exco is be supported to reflect on the implementation of the improvement plans by department/ division, and how effective the leadership interventions are on the operations. The Organisational Review Plan- or operational improvement plans are examples of Phase Three outputs, and may include a strategy realignment programme, training programme, the reassignment and procurement of appropriate resources. It may be a matter of having to review processes or improving organisation’s communication flow, e.g. where different platforms or enterprise resource systems couldn’t link information automatically for real-time performance monitoring and instant correction. This third and final phase would also involve supporting the executives in the evaluation of their solutions. This is about ongoing reflections and evaluation of solution choices, testing the effectiveness of the solutions and quantifying the positive gains.

People Development

This is a critical period - often plagued by dissonance, impatience, criticism and shareholder pressure. For final phase output, the coach helps the executive go through a reflection on the original coaching objectives and to help identify improved areas; quantify impact or improvement factors - keeping a proper perspective on personal or team contribution towards the performance improvement or change success. Coaching vs Business Advisory While coaching requires the Coach to have a good understanding of the operational map, an overview should suffice. It is not necessary for a Coach to be an expert in the client’s business in order to be effective. A coach is not a business advisor. Also, Coaching is not a perfectly linear process. Notwithstanding, to ensure that outcomes are articulated, pursued and delivered, it helps for the coach and the coachee to have a mental picture of the coaching support journey, from problem identification through tests/validation, to improvement strategy and planning, through to execution that yields the desired performance. Much as the coach is not there as an operational guru, the focus is on ensuring that the executive leadership and management are on top of their game – having the: requisite mental strength and commitment – beginning by identify coaching need, setting objectives and sticking to the programme requisite leadership acumen – set out sound operational goals, motivating and inspire people, stakeholders and other resources to move towards the required performance levels required performance focus and discipline – to ensure that the organisation is well-resourced to execute improvement plans, and stays on track - progressively delivering according to expectations Coaching for Change - Individual

Coaching for change has different scenarios. Where an employee moves up or sideways as part of their development, and struggles to make the transition, s/he may need coaching to help him/ her succeed. Once again, the coachee would need to identify the blockers or retardants, and, through the coaching process, work out ways of resolving them – whether technical, political or personal. Coaching outputs would, therefore, start with 1. identified retardants 2. classification of retardants 3. identified solution(s) 4. recommended resolution programme(s) Going beyond this point may require fresh contracting, since the Coach may not necessarily be equipped to administer the intervention programme(s) identified. Should the scope of the intervention be within the coach’s competency, the contract will be similar to the one that addresses performance gap – where performance improvement or goal achievement can be both the objective and the measured output. Just as good objectives are SMART, similarly, coaching outputs must be unambiguous. Coaching for Change - Organisation

When organisations undergo change, the executives responsible to introduce the change need calming intellectual space to reflect on all the aspects of change, to make sure that the programme serves


the purpose, gets stakeholder buy-in and employee commitment, and is delivered without paralysing the operations. As such, the executives create the change project roadmap. Coaches help the executive team through the thought process – the articulation of the concept, testing of the rationale; planning, testing the soundness of the process, evaluating stakeholder effect, operational impact, associated risk, then the resourcing and scheduling of the programme elements. The complexity of the organisation’s change processes may seem daunting, but this is not the focus of the coach. The coach’s preoccupation is with supporting the executive or change agent maintain objectivity, clarity and focus throughout the Change planning and implementation process – ensuring that there is positive progress toward the goal and that each step is well considered and evaluated before the next that’s dependent on it. The scope of the change programme will determine the articulation of the Coaching Output, with each coaching session having an objective and output that aligns to the overall Change Project Plan and identified leadership (or management) milestones. Coaching Benefits for Personal Development

Throughout each phase of Coaching, competence outcomes are as important as outputs, such as performance improvement or positive change assimilation. The reason for this being that, the coaching process should be equipping the coachee with reflection skill. Coaching serves to heighten self-awareness, unmasking the ego and promoting authenticity in one’s self-evaluation. This state of maturity helps the coachee evaluate the impact of their own actions and assess their influence across all stakeholder groups. The process puts them in a primed position to gauge, objectively, their ability to deliver to the expectations of the job and meet the demands of the assigned role. Coaching helps candidates improve performance and effectiveness through better engagement, higher motivation levels, enhanced effort, self-development and focus. It also gives the coachee courage to concede to an ill-fit, and to make the necessary exit with integrity and dignity. It serves to support the individual to maintain positive selfesteem, discovering or understanding their true strengths against their professional aspirations - helping them re-define their personal and career goals and make choices that resonate with their entire being. Coaching Benefits for Organisational Success

The more self-awareness employees enjoy, the more efficient they will be in their job, and the more effective teams will be. Strengths are pooled and leveraged, while weaknesses are acknowledged and progressively worked on, with team members pulling together in mitigating any negative impact. Learning organisations also benefit from peer coaching – a competence gained from an individual- or group coaching programme. When individuals find themselves ill-matched to an organisation in its evolved state, mature individuals from learning organisations move swiftly to realign their skills-set and delivery accordingly. Failing which, they take proactive steps to take their talent where they will enjoy a better fit and the best opportunity to add value. This prevents a stressful force-fit which ends up being emotionally taxing and costly on all parties. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Work Transformation


4IR or Die

Investing in Critical Skills and Business Processes for a Secure and Sustainable Workplace PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Work Transformation

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is very much a reality. And, if it hasn’t already turned your life on its head, it will soon affect you – for better or worse. BY: LITHA MOKOENA


ndustry 4.0 (4IR) is here to disrupt your life. To what extent, will depend on your type of career, your industry, location, lifestyle or LSM, and of course, your survival skills-set. Critical Skills

Critical skills are required to thrive in the Future World of Work - a new workplace transformed by computers, technology, digitisation, artificial intelligence, robotics, informatics, IoT, corporate-social media, Big Data and other advances associated with Industry 4.0. These critical skills may also be referred to as “Skills of the Future”. In a pure social context, however, ‘skills of the future’ applies to skills needed by the different economies, to lead their communities into a sustainable future – digital, organic or otherwise.


Skills for Future World of Work

Certain skills are increasingly being endorsed as “critical skills” that are needed for a digital economy that pervades all industries and sectors. In the box is an adaptation taken from numerous 4IR specialist sources, including Bernard Marr’s list. These skills are today, what reading, writing and arithmetic were in the 1940’s. Any deficiencies spell danger as far as organisational and economic success is concerned. Creativity The future workplace is going to demand new ways of thinking, and human creativity is the key to it. Creativity employs technical and technological skills as well well as naturally-developed outside-thebox thinking ability. Emotional intelligence (EQ) A person’s ability to be aware of, control and express their own emotions as well as being cognisant of the emotions of others describes their emotional intelligence. You exhibit high emotional intelligence if you have empathy, integrity and work well with others. Analytical (critical) thinking

A person with critical thinking skills can suggest innovative solutions and ideas, solve complex problems using reasoning and logic and evaluate arguments. The first step in critical thinking is to analyze the flow of information from various resources. After observing, someone who is a strong analytical thinker will rely on logical reasoning rather than emotion, collect the pros/cons of a situation and be open-minded to the best possible solution. People with strong analytic thinking will be needed to navigate the human/machine division of labor.

Adopt or Die

No matter how strong and conservative your enterprise would like to remain, the strong tide of the new revolution will sweep it off to irrelevance and obsolescence, unless it keeps up and adapts to new, modern ways of doing business. Britannica, Kodak, Xerox, Polaroid, Walkman, Blackberry, IBM, Everite… all make for interesting case studies as far as industrial-revolution adaptation and corporate evolution is concerned.

Active learning with a growth mindset

Anyone in the future of work needs to actively learn and grow. A person with a growth mindset understands that their abilities and intelligence can be developed and they know their effort to build skills will result in higher achievement. They will, therefore, take on challenges, learn from mistakes and actively seek new knowledge. Judgment and decision making

Sustainability and Securing Work for Future

While corporate sustainability is now mostly linked with good corporate governance, responsible leadership and ethical business operations focused on a triple bottom line, the original concept essentially referred to the running of a business in such a way that short-term profitability is not achieved at the expense of future survival. Any organisation that utilises its human resource without securing future survival through skill updates and upgrades can, therefore, be regarded as negligent, irresponsible, unethical and a failure in the management of a triple bottom line. It toys with the future ability of its people to work and the ability of its organisation to sustain jobs to benefit future generations. Macro-, Micro-level and Human Capital Sustainability

When we discuss sustainability and the development of critical skills, we can’t dump the responsibility on organisations, employers or even governments. After all, societies, communities and organisations are all made up of microcosms, the most obvious of which we have control over: to shape, nurture and grow continually. Ourselves. So it is our responsibility to skill ourselves appropriately for the Future World of Work - to continually transform and evolve to shoulder our economic responsibilities and contribute to sustainability.

Human decision-making will become more complex in the future workplace. While machines and data can process information and provide insights that would be impossible for humans to gather, ultimately, a human will need to make the decision recognizing the broader implications the decision might have on other areas of business, personnel and the effect on other more human sensibilities such as morale. As technology takes away more menial and mundane tasks, it will leave humans to do more higher-level decision-making. Interpersonal communication skills

The ability to exchange information and meaning between people will be a vital skill during the 4th industrial revolution. This means people should hone their ability to communicate effectively with other human beings so that they are able to say the right things, using the right tone of voice and body language, in order to bring their messages across. Leadership skills

Traits you commonly associate with leadership such as being inspiring and helping others become the best versions of themselves will be necessary for the future workforce. While today’s typical organisational chart might not be as prevalent, individuals will take on leadership roles on project teams or work with other employees to tackle issues and develop solutions. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Work Transformation

Diversity and cultural intelligence

As our world and workplaces become more diverse and open, it is vital that individuals have the skills to understand, respect and work with others despite differences in race, culture, language, age, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, etc. The ability to understand and adapt to others who might have different ways of perceiving the world will not only improve how people interact within the company but is also likely to make a company’s products and services more inclusive and successful. Technology skills

The 4th industrial revolution is fueled by technological innovations such as artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality, block chains, and more. This means that everyone will need a certain level of comfort around technology. At the most basic level, employees in most roles will be required to access data and determine how to act on it. This requires some technical skills. On a more fundamental level, everyone needs to be able to understand the potential impact of new technologies on their industry, business, and job.

business security and sustainability, as they are for individual career security and sustainable lifestyles. Recruiting and Business Modeling for Organisational Success Business Security

Businesses are run by people. For a business to run successfully, it requires the right combination of resources, premier among which is the right mix of human skills to execute current business models as well as conceptualise new ones that continue to create value in a dynamic environment characterised by individualised consumer needs. Business Sustainability

In business, ‘sustainability’ focuses leaders on ‘meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs’. The concept of sustainability, therefore, helps leaders frame decisions ‘in terms of years and decades rather than on the next quarter’s earnings report’.

Embracing change

Meaningful Security and Sustainability

Due to the speed of change in the future workplace, people will have to be agile and able to embrace and celebrate change. Not only will our brains need to be flexible, but we’ll also need to be adaptable as we are required to adjust to shifting workplaces, expectations, and skill-sets. An essential skill during the 4th industrial revolution will be the ability to see change not as a burden but as an opportunity to grow and innovate.

Whereas companies had once been focused on maximising profits, with an eagerness to conquer markets and move on, there is increasing acceptability that a sustainable approach is both responsible and ethical. Sustainability caters to all stakeholders, offering security to the shareholders (profits), the environmentalists (planet) and communities (people) – not just current generations, but ones to follow as well.

Acquire Skills for Individual Security and Sustainability

Business Orientation and Future World of Work

Against the backdrop of the diminishing lifespan or life value of skills from and average of thirty years to a mere six years, it’s imperative that we all begin to acquire skills that will make us valuable resources in the future workplace. Do you still doubt the need to refresh your skills-set and to invest in a new set of skills? If yes, ground may be shifting under you, to your oblivion. And, you may already be losing out on security, let alone career sustainability!

All types of enterprises are occupied with ways of ensuring both business security and corporate sustainability, through lowering costs: cutting out superfluous processes; retiring slow, inefficient and outdated machinery; investing in better systems: digitised, selfservice solutions; high-volume, high-precision robotised processes; computerised and remote-controlled working environments. These new, streamlined systems are designed to cut on processing times, input materials, human intervention, thus resulting in less labour, errors, injuries, down-time, related lawsuits and insurance fees. Through savings realised, enterprises make a positive impact on profits. Modern producers and component manufacturers are also conscious to employ materials that are environmentally-friendly: natural or recyclable, resulting in significantly reduced air-, soiland water- pollution. Low pollution levels, in turn, result in better health and quality of life for communities. But, at the base of all the efficient, environmentally-friendly and profitable operations is human skill.

Start Building!

Start acquiring skills for Security - to ensure that you continue to create fresh value that earns you a living and affords you your desired lifestyle. Acquire skills for Sustainability - such that you don’t only enjoy making a living now, but can maintain your preferred lifestyle and security into the long-term future - for yourself, your family, organisation and the next generation(s). To make ourselves sustainable, and in return, to sustain organisations, economies and the planet, we need a continual upgrade of skills. Skills are most relevant if they provide us with a sustainable source of living and help us become self-sufficient. Your chosen world or location determines your main means of living and how you can sustain your lifestyle. As your world changes, or as the world changes around you so would your skills need to adapt. Work Security and Sustainability

If you chose the formal workplace, critical skills are those skills necessary for individuals to successfully make a contribution in a workplace transformed by 21st century forces such as VUCA and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They are necessary, as much for PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Imperative Strategic Outlook for Recruits

It takes skills to identify an opportunity, diagnose a problem, conceptualise a solution, design a product/service, test it, measure sufficiency, define and adjust quantities and quality, procure necessary materials, tools, resources; assign resources, monitor, replenish/adjust, manage and service the end-to-end-process of any operation. To be relevant to the future workplace, i.e., businesses that are pursuing triple bottom line security and sustainability, therefore, you need to have skills that are relevant to modern processes such as the ones described above.


Skills Development Partnerships



Leading the Way in Skills Development and Readiness for Industry 4.0 in the Clothing Industry H

umanity has always been motivated by the need to evolve, from a microcosm to macrocosm level. We have always pursued betterment and means of making such progress more efficient. This drive has led us from rock tools, steam technology, electricity to the allencompassing fourth industrial revolution. Human beings are merging the capabilities of both human and machine to embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3D printing and biometrics amongst other phenomena that are in the process of changing society forever. The fourth industrial revolution is also known as Industry 4.0 and is all about “cyber-physical systems” according to the World Economic Forum. A report by Price Water Coopers (PWC) predicts that by 2030, AI will boost the global economy by $15.7 trillion. But before the global economy can reap the rewards, the world must

adapt to the new technologies, and as is with human nature, change can be daunting. Rather than fear the looming transformation, the South African government has prioritised certain stakeholders to capitalise on the opportunities the fourth industrial revolution will bring to our shores. The role of FP&M SETA in Skills Development The Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FP&M SETA) with its 13 sub-sectors, is one of 21 SETAs that have been mandated by the South African government to manage the skills development needs of the South African economy in accordance to all sectors that contribute to our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The FP&M SETA is vigorously pursuing and realising the promotion and facilitation of an improved skills profile for the sectors’ workforce, employers and the economy of the country at large. Research and OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Skills Development Partnerships

To have the President not only talk commitment to investment in the local manufacturing industry to bolster the economy and increase job creation, but have him wear something from an entity directly linked to the SETA, further fuels the SETA drive. Development (R&D) are of paramount importance if South Africa is going to realise the opportunities that present themselves with the fourth industrial revolution. FP&M SETA is providing skills to their young people to embrace and engage with new digital technologies that will give them a competitive edge in an increasingly global market. The work done by FP&M SETA goes beyond the scope of any SETA. They have built relationships and partnerships that have provided the individual learner with a “foot in the door” of post-school education and training as well as the world of work. Learners have grasped these opportunities with both hands and succeeded. FP&M SETA is proud of these learners as they are now well positioned and equipped to play a formidable role in the fourth industrial revolution. It is the impact on the lives of learners that are at the heart of everything FP&M SETA does. Over the years since 2011, 101 722 individuals have encountered FP&M SETA at different stages of their career journey and have been left stronger and better-prepared for sustained success through the experience. Among these are 62 184 learners who entered FP&M SETA’s occupationally directed PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

programmes and 39 538 learners who have completed occupational qualifications and are ready to make an impact in their societies. “We realise and appreciate that we have a role to play in developing young people to be future leaders that will drive the economic growth of our country and look forward to sharing in many future successes.” comments Ms Felleng Yende, CEO at FP&M SETA. The FP&M SETA continues to turn the legacy of the organisation into a material force that transforms the destinies of the poor, the unemployed, youth, women, people with disabilities as well as the geographically and socially marginalised. Government is constantly looking for ways to empower and upskill the youth and women through education, skills development and training while mitigating the challenges of crime, poverty, unemployment, substance abuse and teenage pregnancy. This is a core transformational mandate of the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP). Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) have a huge responsibility in addressing the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and rural development. There are eight critical outcomes that SETAs are compelled to realise, among which are: linking education and workplace, improving the level of skills in the South African workforce, supporting the increase in access to occupationally directed programmes, encouraging and supporting worker-initiated training, to name a few. The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) is the custodian of the NSDP. In consultation with various stakeholders including the likes of the National Skills Authority (NSA), the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) and SETA, the plan aims to assist the government to grow the economy, create jobs, drive social development whilst addressing the gap of scarce skills in the market. Impact of FP&M SETA on the clothing industry Earlier this year, during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) among international fashion heavyweights, a South African brand took centre stage. President Cyril Ramaphosa, delivering his maiden SONA, emphasised his admiration for local products and manufacturing - announcing that his outfit; a suit, tie and shirt, were all locally produced by Cape Town-based, House of Monatic, one of SETA’s partners. To have the President not only talk commitment to investment in the local manufacturing industry to bolster the economy and increase job creation, but to have him wear something from an entity directly linked to the SETA, further fuels the SETA drive. FP&M SETA has also partnered with the National Clothing Bargaining Council, with a vision of delivering over 6 000 new jobs by 2025. Considering the outcomes of the Jobs Summit of 2019, the creation of decent, quality and sustainable jobs is a Government priority and a human rights issue. Yende facilitated the Board approval of funding of approximately R11 million for the National Bargaining Council Clothing and Textiles Job Creation Project. Another project that was successfully conceived by Yende was The Celrose Clothing 600 Job Creation Project. Celrose Clothing is a large clothing employer that manufactures branded clothing for large retailers such as Edgars, Truworths and Woolworths. This project is also aligned to the “Buy Local” and “Proudly South African” campaign. Celrose Clothing intends recruiting a further 600 unemployed youth from previously disadvantaged and designated groups during the 2019/20 financial year, and the FP&M SETA Board has approved funding to the value of R5 million for the implementation of this project.

Skills Development Partnerships


Currently, Yende’s focus is the fourth industrial revolution, focusing on new and emerging scarce and critical skills that will give the industry a competitive advantage and ensure that they become more sustainable in the medium to long term. It is Yende’s dedicated passion to promote the economic growth of Fibre Processing and Manufacturing industries. Strong Leadership As a champion for transformation, Yende not only bears the responsibility with expedient efficiency but her award-winning leadership further accelerates the progress of South Africa’s biggest SETA closer to actualising the National Development’s Plan (NDP) of eradicating poverty, unemployment and inequality by 2030. The fourth industrial revolution will bring advanced robotics and autonomous transport, artificial intelligence and machine learning, advanced materials, biotechnology and the internet of things that will transform the way society lives and works. South Africa’s future workforce will need to align its skills set to keep pace with these developments. This is where Yende has aligned the SETA’s research agenda, as it enables the industry to keep abreast of the technologies and the trends that will inform skills development initiatives of the future. The FP&M SETA was established in 2011 to streamline and integrate the value chain of interrelated and interdependent subsectors of manufacturing, engineering, clothing textiles, footwear, leather and furniture, timber, printing as well as packaging and publishing. During the eight-year existence, the FP&M SETA has provided more training and retraining opportunities for the unemployed through learnerships, internships and work-integratedlearning occasions. Placement of unemployed learners in jobs posttraining continues through additional upskilling. “In light of the digital era that is upon us, we need to develop a skill force geared towards Industry 4.0. At the recent National Skills Authority Awards held on the 14th of March 2019, FP&M SETA won gold in the following categories: Most Outstanding SETA, for FP&M, and Best Skills Development, for the Aranda Textile Mills project. I had the honour being awarded a Bronze in the Minister’s Awards, for Recognition of Most Outstanding Individual in Skills Development. These accolades are a testament to the high-performance culture that has been inculcated within the FP&M SETA. Despite the high level of youth unemployment, we still need young people to come forward and fully immerse themselves in skills training and education, ultimately leaving the skills development programmes as different people who are employable and can make a contribution to the economic growth of this country,” concludes Yende. About Ms Felleng Yende Felleng Yende is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FP&M SETA). Ms Yende was born and raised in Soweto and is the youngest of her four siblings. She holds a BA Honours degree in Social Work, a diploma in Integrated Marketing Communications from AAA School of Advertising as well as a master’s degree in Public and Development Management. She is also currently studying towards a PhD in Public Sector Leadership. Yende’s academic accolades don’t stop there; she completed a Stakeholder Engagement Strategies programme at Oxfam

University in Australia, attended the prestigious Africa Leadership Conference at Harvard Business School, the Executive Development Programme at the University of Cape Town and the Manufacturing Platforming Programme from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her leadership style has seen her gain representation on professional bodies such as the Vaal University of Technology, Fort Hare University, South African Furniture Initiative (SAFI), and People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA). She is also the Secretariat for the Association of SETA Organisations (ASEO) CEOs Board and a member of the International Finance Committee at BHP Billiton and the Forestry Sector Charter Council. Having been actively involved in transformation at various companies including BHP Billiton and PwC, it is evident that transforming the lives of unemployed youth and the careers of people has become a keen passion. Her zeal has led her to become a multifunctional professional with extensive experience in facilitating high level integrated policy development and strategy implementation in large multi-national organisations; specialising in transformation, communications, government relations, sustainable development, enterprise development and board participation. She boasts an array of experience across multiple industries including mining, pulp and paper, leatherwear, footwear, clothing, textiles, printing, wood, furniture, print media, packaging, financial services and agriculture in both the private and public sectors. Yende’s exceptional negotiation skills, paired with her qualifications in management, communications and social sciences has enabled her to excel in internal as well as external stakeholder relationships. Her visionary drive and bottom-line focused execution have ensured Yende continuously makes a difference in people’s lives through training and education in a valuable way. With a global outlook, Yende aims to accelerate the FP&M SETA’s growth, leveraging its strengths to advance the mandate of the National Skills Development Plan which is aligned with the National Development Plan 2030. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Mental Wellness

Building Resilience and Keeping Stress in Check PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Mental Wellness

If you thought ‘life is not for sissies’, think of the workplace! Arguably more stressful than mainstream life – the workplace has been accused of sending many great leaders and sterling employees overboard. BY: DES SAUER


ental illness, although hereditary in some cases, does not discriminate. Even those we considered our rocks - the epitome of corporate strength - have been tricked into ending their own lives prematurely. Yes, an ailing mind can trick us into seeing a minor setback as a catastrophe. Something that might have passed as a classic textbook ‘professional challenge’ can end a career, throwing someone into a black hole out of which there is no escape – sapping the inflicted individual of any motivation to soldier on. A real and lurking danger

It is important to appreciate that stress is very much part of life. We are constantly confronted by change, digital overload, invasion of privacy, unpredictable demands, delivery pressures, deadlines, difficult clients, fussy bosses, moody colleagues, health shocks, scanty budgets, escalating costs and job uncertainty – any of which is enough to convert stress into a depression. Timely professional help If you suffer bouts of anxiety or feel that your stress levels are

unbearable, it’s advisable that you seek professional help, before your health is compromised. In cases of normal workplace stress fluctuations, the secret is to ensure that a mild case does not escalate to something unmanageable. The following strategies can help you avoid unhealthy stress, and to deal with mild cases of anxiety without allowing them to become medical emergencies or turn into a chronic ailment. Perspective - Maintain a healthy perspective. While you worry incessantly about your current problem(s), think about previous problems you surmounted and how insignificant this one might be -tomorrow or the day after. Alternatively, consider others around-, above- or below you who have to contend with bigger challenges; the blind man trying to cross the street, the homeless mother begging with a soiled baby, the disabled colleague who can’t go hiking or run down the fire escape, the recycling cart driver who scrambles through refuse to make a living, the retrenched clerk who now sells tomatoes, the highly-qualified immigrant who works as a guard in a carpark… imagine what issues they have to deal with and how you wouldn’t want to change places with any of them. See their strength and resilience in-spite of what they face. Most importantly, remember that by divine design, your set of problems can never exceed your ability and personal strength to withstand or overcome them. Keep your own ‘divine’ perspective. Charity – Identify someone (or a group or people) who needs you professionally (or socially), and mentor or commit to supporting them. Focusing on their needs and challenges allows you to recognise that whatever you may be lacking or struggling with, you still represent value to others. You are a tremendous resource to someone’s growth and development. Your generosity creates a legacy, since it has a


potential to benefit others even through a single mentee or recipient! Supporting others will also help build a healthy perspective as you appreciate your protégés’ challenges. And, you stand to double up your benefit if you also borrow from what’s already discussed under Perspective above. Nature – Draw strength from nature. Take the time to see how life and creatures around you withstand invasion, use what they can from their habitat and environment to thrive and survive adverse conditions. Observe how trees find crafty ways to grow around impeding objects, how seeds fight to sprout even among stones, how rivers forge paths through and around obstacles – all to survive, pursue their purpose and reach their destination. These examples will keep your motivation up and affirm you on your delivery path. Also, consider how tall a mountain ‘has to be’, to stay snowy unaffected by temperature variations below - and appreciate that even humans can reach a stage when the environment or climate can have minimal negative impact on them. Standing tall and remaining unaffected can be practiced, and with time and experience, could be achieved effortlessly if one “stays above the noise”. Pets – Find a pet. Ideally, adopt one that will not burn your pocket nor add to your stress with high medical bills. Pets make their presence felt in a non-intrusive yet most delightful and reassuring way. Just the presence of a simple, uncomplicated life around you - the pet’s movement, colours, sounds, personality and unique idiosyncrasies, can do wonders to calm a restless spirit, occupy a listless mind or feed an empty soul. If you can’t accommodate a pet at home, you can always foster one at the local zoo or in your neighbourhood. Try building a nest or strategically placing a small birdie pond in the garden and see what feathery friends it attracts. Alternatively, at the local park, you can find a nice spot and draw these feathery friends with some breadcrumbs for a couple of minutes during lunchtime or after work. If you are the feline or canine type, try leaving a treat or leftovers in a spot where there’s one or two strays. You may develop gradual, mutually beneficial friendship with no tight strings attached. Pot plants – Get an office pot plant. Find one that suits your pace or office lifestyle and appeals to your tastes. A bean plant makes a most inspiring pet-plant. Its growth stages are intriguing and can keep you guessing just like a moth. Without demanding much, a bean plant grows from a tiny seed to a sprout, from the kidney sprout to a seedling, from a seedling to a flowery plant, and to a creeper that develops more branches, blooming flowers – even bearing fruit that can feed its loyal friend. If your fascination is with fragrance than a visual evolution, try a small lavender or jasmine pot plant. Or if you prefer colourful cheer, try a mini-rose bush or a small chillies plant. In companies that do not encourage live plants (don’t ask me why), employees have livened up their desks with framed paintings, some of which are prized originals made by their artistic toddlers. These can have a positive effect – lighting up a heavy, stressful moment, as can a neat arrangement of handmade flowers do for those with ‘grown toddlers’ or empty nests. A Cause – Identify a cause “for a greater good” to spend your energies on. It could be an environmental campaign, a social cause or local community project to which you can volunteer your services. Once you focus on contributing or making a difference in something greater or bigger than your own worries, you will find less time to stress over personal issues that can’t be resolved. The diversity of the group of fellow volunteers, or anonymity one can enjoy in Cause-work puts a distance to your professional persona and daily concerns. It offers much needed momentary escape and an opportunity to reflect objectively on the sources of your stress. It helps with a change of perspective to what you see as a problem, as you may find that it’s a temporary fog before a clear day. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Youth Development

Youth Development Where the rubber meets the road



he issue of national skills development to produce a human resource that is fit-for-purpose has been in discussion since the ushering of the latest Industrial Revolution in 2015. Due to its enormity and complexity, skills development requires a concerted effort and cooperation among all stakeholders, including communities, business, industry, guilds, SETAs, professional bodies, government departments and, of course, institutions of higher learning. The different stakeholders play different yet linked roles in the skills development value chain. The recent landmark victory for tertiary students to receive ‘free education’ has catapulted the intake at universities, with TVETs and Universities of Technology experiencing the lion’s share in student intake. In order to provide the students in their care with the most appropriate skills and relevant tools to successfully enter the workplace, institutes of higher learning host career expos at which prospective employers and industry experts share empowering information and give students a taste of what will soon become their professional playground. The Durban University of Technology, through its Department of Co-operative Education hosts an annual career expo, aptly called: The World of Work Careers Fair. The latest of these was attended by the Minister of Employment and Labour, Mr Thulas Nxesi. The Minister delivered the keynote address at the event, in which he emphasized the importance of a multi-stakeholder cooperation PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

and collaboration in achieving the national skills development goals that favourably position the country to capitalise on the Industry 4.0 opportunities. Of the national government departments, Employment and Labour, Basic Education, Higher Education, Science and Technology, Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Youth, Women and People with Disabilities, Social Development and Small Business Development all play a role to contribute toward Youth Development. The Minister’s speech affirmed the cabinet’s commitment by the different ministries and social partners to drive the Youth Development agenda and place South Africa on a positive economic trajectory that the Q1 2019 figures hinted on. This, they committed to achieve through the removal of impediments to economic growth and the building of the capacity of the state to deliver services to citizens. At the centre of this is the education of young people and the matching of talent to workplace opportunity – something on which the Department of Employment and Labour cooperates closely with the two Education Ministries. The President’s SoNA put the growing of the economy and the creation of jobs for young people at the epicenter of the Sixth administration’s work. Leading the way, the President had engaged with various sectors of young people including those living with disabilities, youth in business, youth in the arts environment and academia prior to his SoNA. The engagement was organised by the National Youth

Youth Development

Development Agency under the theme: “25 years of democracy – celebrating youth activism”. This Presidential Youth Dialogue reaffirmed the continued difficulties and challenges faced by youth, that need urgent intervention by government. In response to this, the cabinet confirms that various government programmes, including the Department of Basic Education’s Second Chance Programme, the National Youth Service and the Youth Employment Service initiative, go a long way in preparing youth for the work environment. Cabinet makes an appeal to all sectors to take cue from the President and to actively engage young people in working together to find practical solutions to challenges they experience. At the DUT WOW Career Fair, social partners, including business, labour, civil society and political formations were represented in an attempt to reinforce collaborative efforts toward making the country a better place for all, particularly for the youth whose sheer numbers can help accelerate the country’s growth trajectory, were they to be economically active. The two-day Durban event saw an impressive 175 companies represented by over 700 delegates including government departments, municipalities, SETA’s, SMME’s, Retail and Engineering exhibitors. This is a healthy turnout and a sign of commitment to the Youth Development agenda, considering that this is no fad event. The last instalment of this event had about 400 delegates and now, in its 12th year, it is going even stronger.


DUT WoW Career Expo Exhibitors seen with VC, Prof Mthembu

In the time available, I want to cover the following: • The Future of the World of Work, • The implications of the renaming and reconfiguration of the former Department of Labour – now reincarnated as the Department of Employment and Labour.’ • The employment services offered by the Department

Minister Nxesi’s Keynote Address on Youth Development

After greeting the audience and commending company representatives for their generous exposure offered to students to get a window into the real world of work, Minister of Employment and Labour, Mr Nxesi went on: “You are doing good work, as employers, you have devoted time and resources to informing the students of the many career and training opportunities that exist outside of these academic gates. On the whole, this is a multi-beneficial engagement among all concerned: • students gain insight into what is expected of them in the labour market and are enlightened on the opportunities that exist. • Employers get to know what the students are thinking and what they can bring to the party – adding to the diversity in their companies • The University is also kept abreast of developments in represented industries and educators learn what skills are relevant to the demands of the labour market and adjust curricular and methodologies accordingly. Indeed, I want to encourage employers to partner with all our training institutions to provide work experience, mentoring and job shadowing to students. Theory without practice leads to a situation where graduates hit the labour market unprepared for what is required of them. The result is unemployed graduates, who, over time will become unemployable. A waste of talent and potential! So, that relationship between the world of work and the academy is vital for producing graduates that can add value and bring to bear relevant skills when they land employment. Let me add, this also places a major responsibility on the training institution. The Durban University of Technology staff need to be in constant communication with employers – monitoring changing skills requirements so that curricula keeps up with the requirements of the labour market. This process will only intensify as we engage increasingly with the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Future of the World of Work

This event goes under the title of the World of Work Careers Fair. But of course we all know that the World of Work is not a static entity, but one that’s constantly evolving, at an increasingly rapid rate, at that. And here, I hope I am not trespassing on the territory of the talk on ‘Disrupting the Future’. Digitalisation, automation, Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution will affect us all – some jobs will go. New jobs and skills - training and re-training – will be required. So that directly effects the University’s course offerings, the demands for certain skills by employers, as well as the need for a mind-set change by students and work-seekers. You cannot prevent technological change – and this, of course, has the potential to be very disruptive in economic and societal terms. The process will need to be managed - a process which must be led by government, but needs to involve all social partners and stakeholders – labour, business, training institutions and so on. Indeed, last year, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) established a Global Commission on the Future of Work. Incidentally, the Global Commission was co-chaired by our own President Cyril Ramaphosa, together with the Prime Minister of Sweden. The main message and recommendations of the Global Commission Report focuses: • on the need to re-invigorate the social contract between government, labour and employers, • with the intension of instituting a ‘human-centred agenda’ • * in managing the introduction of new technology – so that human beings are not left behind. Amongst others, this approach requires: • The need for lifelong learning • Supporting people through the transition • Strengthening social protection OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IPM


Youth Development

• Upholding safety standards, decent and sustainable work, and • Shifting incentives towards a human-centred business and economic model. Let me quote from the Declaration of the Centenary Conference of the ILO – this year - on these matters: “In discharging its constitutional mandate, taking into account the profound transformations in the world of work, and further developing its human-centred approach to the future of work, the ILO must direct its efforts to: i. ensuring a just transition to a future of work that contributes to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; ii. harnessing the fullest potential of technological progress and productivity growth, including through social dialogue, to achieve decent work and sustainable development, which ensure dignity, selffulfilment and a just sharing of the benefits for all; iii. promoting the acquisition of skills, competencies and qualifications for all workers throughout their working lives as a joint responsibility of governments and social partners in order to: • address existing and anticipated skills gaps; • pay particular attention to ensuring that education and training systems are responsive to labour market needs, taking into account the evolution of work…”

we have to preserve and create jobs, as well as to promote appropriate training and re-training which meets the skills demanded by the labour market. By the way, this thinking started before the advent of the new Sixth Administration. It started with the Jobs Summit Agreements in 2018. An example is the formation of the Turnaround Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS), where we have leveraged surpluses in the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) to, amongst others, assist the recapitalisation of the Edcon Group – preserving 140,000 direct and indirect jobs. This investment went with guarantees and a sustainable turnaround strategy. Another example, is the Pathway to Earning scheme – in partnership with employers – providing 110,000 jobs and work opportunities to young people. We also have now signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the two Education Departments with a view to reviving and strengthening training programmes which respond to the skills needs of the labour market. I trust that this gives you a sense of the new mandate of the Department of Employment and Labour – but let me emphasise the point made by the President: that addressing the slow growth rate and the unemployment crisis requires social dialogue and coordination and cooperation among all social partners – labour, business and government – at all levels. The Department’s Public Employment Services

It must be reassuring, for us as a nation, that we are led by a President who sees the big picture when it comes to the Future of Work – and indeed has led research and debate on the Future of Work in international forums. By the way, I also give thanks for the fact that we are now led by a President committed to fighting corruption and state capture. This is a necessary pre-condition for turning the economy around – as well as managing the rapid changes that will take place in the World of Work. The Implications of Renaming and Reconfiguring the Department

The Department of Employment and Labour, in its former life as the old Department of Labour, was charged with developing policy and legislation to regulate the labour market with the objectives of: • Promoting healthy industrial relations • Promoting healthy and safe conditions at work • Promoting decent work and a National Minimum Wage • Promoting Employment Equity – so that employment, at all levels, reflects the demographics of the country. • Providing social protection through the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and the • Compensation Fund (for workplace illness and accidents). • Inspecting and enforcing labour laws and conditions. This mandate remains.

The Department of Employment and Labour will continue to champion decent working conditions and healthy industrial relations. This is essential to creating a stable labour market – which in turn is conducive to investment, growth and employment. That is in the interests of all of us – socially responsible employers and labour alike. So, the renaming and reconfiguration of the Department to include the word ‘Employment’ needs to be unpacked. First, the renaming points to the President’s priorities: growth and jobs. The Department now has an additional focus - to implement active labour market policies with the objectives of leveraging the resources PEOPLE DYNAMICS | July - August 2019

Let me end on a practical note, and speak about the Public Employment Services which are provided by the Department to employers and work seekers. It will be part of our new focus on Employment to strengthen and expand the work of the Public Employment Services. This will now include specialised Youth Employment Centres. The first Centre was opened in Cape Town last month. Next month we will be opening a Youth Centre in Gauteng. These provide a free service including: • On-line registration of employment and training opportunities • To be matched against job seekers • Providing career counselling and CVs to job seekers • Verifying qualifications and conducting assessment and psychometric testing of candidates, where required. Again, this is a free service provided by the Department. But I need to emphasise that this Service only works if employers and work-seekers register on our Employment Services System of South Africa (ESSA system) with our Labour Centres or on-line. So, I appeal to all employers here to register their vacancies. It costs you nothing, and it can assist you in the recruitment process. Last year we placed 50,000 work seekers with employers – we need to upscale our efforts in this respect. By the way, I need to make the point that the Department has a broad national footprint with nine provincial offices, 126 Labour Centres and nearly 500 visiting points and satellites. So, I want to encourage employers and work seekers to make use of these employment services – as well as for UIF and Compensation Fund registration and claims. Also, for those doing business with the state, you will require a Letter or Certificate of Compliance with the various labour laws. This again can be done through our Labour Centres – or on line. For further details, the Department will have an exhibition stall in the Careers Fair. That’s all from me. I trust that you have a very productive Careers Fair. Thank you.”

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