People First
Helping People Live Better Lives
Dr. Hister On
The Wonders Of Aging Making Your Tummy Happy
With Probiotics And Fibre How To Be Mindful Of
Menopause Company’s Coming Recipe
Save On Health & Wellness Products Vol. 11 No. 3
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TWO WEEK SALE PERIOD - Prices In Effect Until March 27
People15 First
Dr. Hister discusses how to age gracefully with tips on staying healthy and happy in the senior years.
contents 5
Safe Travels
599999 to
Take It To Heart Page 7
CoQ10 and Omega-3 are natural supplements that support your cardiovascular health. Make healthy choices for a better life.
Healthy Choices For Seniors Selection of products for seniors to live a better life.
Page 5
Mobility and independence are important for the health of seniors. Two mobility aids to help ensure accident free travels.
The Wonder Of Aging
Probiotics & Fibre Peoples Pharmacist Ian Lloyd on how to keep your tummy healthy and worry free.
Vitamins & Supplements Great selection of quality health and wellness products from Peoples Pharmacy.
Pharmacist Recommended Helpful information on Osteoporosis, the silent disease. Advice on risk factors and tips on prevention.
Mindful Of Menopause Darlene Booth provides advice on menopause from the insight and experiences from her own mid-life journey.
Spanish Fisherman’s Stew Brand new feature recipe From Company’s Coming Healthy Slow Cooker.
Helping People Live Better Lives
Dr. Hister
Managing The Wonder Menopause Of Aging My family and I differ about the reasons for this but we do agree that it has certainly happened: I seem to have become one of the main go-to guys around here for conferences on aging. Why do my family and I differ on the reasons that I have become such a popular aging maven, what you might call a poster-boy (“boy” being a relative term, of course) for aging? In my opinion, it’s because I’ve clearly been aging so well that “aging conference” organizers and “aging article” editors (like the young whippersnapper who asked me to write this column for the People First Magazine) simply wants to use me as a great example to their audiences of how you can still look terrific even though the years are piling on and your body is beginning to let you down. My family claims, however, that “aging” conference organizers and editors are actually using me as a visible threat to their delegates and readers, something like, “Look at Hister, folks, because if you don’t shape up, you will end up looking like this, too.” I prefer my theory, of course, but no matter which one you choose to accept, the reality is that like all of you, I too am “aging” far more rapidly and much sooner than I thought would happen, so that some mornings now I wake up
and I wonder which of that day’s already burgeoning physical complaints – my bleeding gums, my aching knee(s), the several new floaters that came upon me overnight, my fatigue despite my sleeping 8 hours, my intermittent but ever-present gastric reflux, my bad back – will be the health problem that dominates that day’s activities and concerns. Growing old, as Golda Meir said, is not for sissies, and although we don’t use words like “sissies” any longer, her sentiment is totally apt: as you barrel through your 50s and on into your 60s (and beyond), you inevitably discover that nothing works as well as it used to, and that some parts and functions are relentlessly sliding downhill way too fast for your liking, something that is often a focus of amusement for younger people who have not yet begun to experience their body’s betrayal. So what can I say to make aging folks – like you – feel better about what’s happening? A few things. First and you knew I’d start with this, I’m sure: many studies have shown that a healthy lifestyle, what I generally refer to as the sameold, same-old, slows the aging process, and quite significantly in some people. Of course, a healthy lifestyle – eating right, Continued On Page 11
4 People First
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TWO WEEK SALE PERIOD - Prices In Effect Until March 27 People First 5
Ian Lloyd
Pharmacist, Peoples Pharmacy
Probiotics and Fibre For A Happy Tummy I like food. Food is good, but food is not always good to us. Heartburn, nausea, diarrhea and general stomach upset are many of the ailments that a Pharmacist hears about every day. For some people, it is a one-time occurrence; sadly, for others it is a regular affair. Many of the problems of indigestion I see often have a preventable cause. This month I will serve up my ideas about digestive health and dish out some food for thought (sorry about the food jokes). Indigestion happens to us all, anywhere from nausea to diarrhea. Most occurrences are short lived and have an identifiable cause. Perhaps it is a stomach bug or too much spicy salsa at a Mexican restaurant. Still, there are a few general warning signs to look for. Contact a Doctor if you notice any of these symptoms: • Nausea lasting longer than 1 day • Diarrhea every 1-2 hours for 2 days • High fever, chills or blurred vision. • Stools or vomit that are bloody or black • Intense pain in the lower, right side of your abdomen (below your belly button) • If vomiting or diarrhea persists for more than 4 hours in an infant or child So how can you make your tummy happy? The first thing may not include the use of supplements or medications, just healthier eating habits. Let's start with the basics and slow down. Your food needs to be properly ground up before it hits your stomach. Try this trick at your next meal; it is harder than you think. Take a small mouthful, chew it at least 10 times, then put your fork/spoon down and wait for 15 seconds. Many people tend to eat too fast. This trick will help slow down your eating. Eating too quickly may not allow your body to realize it's full until its too late and you have eaten too much. This will also help if you suffer from heartburn. Next, I think that water is important. Water, not sugary 6 People First
pop, provides a little extra volume which can help your stomach to digest. The extra water also helps to fill up your stomach, so you are less likely to overeat. I can think of a few supplements that can be helpful for longterm digestive tract health. The first one is fibre. While you can get get extra fibre from drinks or capsules, food sources are best. Basically any brown grain, fruit, berry or vegetable contains some fibre. Fibre is helpful for your digestion in so many ways; firstly it can help with constipation. While this seems obvious, most people do not get enough fibre in their diets. Small changes in your diet can increase your daily intake of fibre. Switch from white to whole grain bread, try a high fibre breakfast cereal, use brown instead of white rice and eat at least 1-2 pieces of fresh fruit a day. You would be surprised how many people do not eat a single piece of fruit during the day. High fibre diets can also have other health benefits. Increasing your intake of fibre can reduce your risk of developing colon cancer. This is mostly due to reducing intestinal transit time. More fibre can also help you lose weight. It is thought that the extra bulk in your stomach will help you feel full longer and reduce your desire to eat. There is the thought that fibre can slow the digestion of sugars and help to reduce further cravings. Fibre can also reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Again this is due to a reduced calorie intake and the slowed absorption of dietary sugars. Let us not forget about the reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. This is primarily because fibre can help to reduce your cholesterol levels. Are these enough reasons to encourage you to get more fibre in your diet? I promise to stop if you go and eat an apple. I forgot one more benefit of fibre. Fibre contains many complex carbohydrates that are beneficial to your normal gastrointestinal flora. Gastrointestinal flora is a fancy Continued On Page 8
Supplements For A Healthy Life Jamieson
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TWO WEEK SALE PERIOD - Prices In Effect Until March 27 People First 7
Ian Lloyd...Continued From Page 6
name for the good bacteria (probiotics/acidophilus) in your intestines. Your intestines are inhabited by over 100,000 billion microscopic organisms. Some are disease causing pathogens, some are viruses and others are yeasts. But most of them are bacteria which are beneficial to your health. The helpful bacteria in your digestive tract are commonly referred to as probiotics. It is thought that there are over 1000 different types of friendly bacteria in your intestines. What can probiotics do for your health? It is a very competitive world in your digestive tract. In general, probiotics try to occupy as much space as possible within your digestive tract. Probiotics also help to keep other bad bacteria and yeast from residing there. All bacteria (both good and bad) will alter a local environment to suit their particular needs. Probiotics will release hydrogen peroxide and organic acids to prevent other bad bacteria and yeast from living there. They will also release direct bacteria toxins to prevent the growth of other bad bacteria. While this does not sound very neighborly, it is in your best interest. It is believed that the good bacteria can actually help strengthen the cell lining in your intestines. This improved cell lining can reduce
the ability of foreign bacteria to cause infections. Perhaps you have seen the TV commercials promoting a certain brand of yogurt to help with regularity. There is a bit of truth to this; another benefit of probiotics is that they can help reduce colonic transit time. A longer colonic transit time can cause symptoms of bloating, constipation and a sensation of incomplete evacuation. It has been found that consuming 1-3 servings of yogurt (Activia brand) daily helps to reduce colonic transit time. This will lead to greater regularity and reduced symptoms of gas and bloating in the lower intestines. So what do you do for an upset stomach right now; Tums or Rolaids. Many times these simple antacids can help indigestion and heartburn by neutralizing excess stomach acids. They are also a good source of calcium for those who don’t like swallowing those large calcium supplements. Generally, if you have to take more than 8 antacid tablets a day for indigestion, you should talk to your Doctor. Check with your Peoples Pharmacist because antacids can interact with certain medications; especially those used to treat osteoporosis and certain antibiotics. There are a few herbals that I like to recommend for Continued On Page 10 People First Rewards
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Osteoporosis - the silent disease Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to lose mass and become thin and brittle. Weaker bones mean there is more risk of breaks, which can result in pain, deformity, and other serious consequences. As people age, their bodies start to re-absorb calcium from their bones, leading to some loss in bone density. Osteoporosis occurs when the bone loss is excessive. What are the symptoms? Osteoporosis is sometimes called the “silent disease” because many people do not notice symptoms until they break a bone. Symptoms for older people may include: • fractures of the hip, wrist, or vertebrae • back pain • loss of height • vertebral collapse, which shortens & curves the spine What are the risk factors? Osteoporosis affects about one in four women over the age of 50 and one in eight men over 50. You are more at risk of osteoporosis if you: • are 65 years or older • are of Caucasian or Asian descent • have a history of osteoporosis in your family • have a small-boned frame and low body weight • do not have a period for more than three months (unless you are on birth control pills) • started menopause before age 45 You have an increased risk for osteoporosis if you: • eat lots of high-protein foods • drink a lot of alcohol or caffeinated beverages • smoke • do not get enough calcium or vitamin D • do not do much weight-bearing exercise Certain drugs or other products may also increase your risk of osteoporosis. If you are taking medications, ask your Peoples pharmacist about risks. How is osteoporosis diagnosed? Talk to your doctor if you have risk factors for osteoporosis. There are several ways to determine how much bone mass you have lost. Your doctor may recommend a heel ultrasound, bone density scan, or other tests. How can I prevent osteoporosis? You can reduce your risk for osteoporosis by making healthy choices about what you put into your body. Follow these basic guidelines: • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables — at least 5–10 servings a day. This will give you nutrients that help keep your bones strong and prevent fractures. • Limit your daily salt intake to less than 2100 mg. • Limit your daily alcohol intake to two beverages or less. Maximum weekly intake should be 9 alcoholic beverages for women and 14 for men. • Limit your daily caffeine intake to three cups of coffee, tea, or soda. • Quit smoking.
Other things you can do to help prevent osteoporosis include getting enough calcium, getting enough vitamin D, and staying physically active. Get enough calcium Ask your Peoples pharmacist about calcium supplements if your diet does not provide enough calcium. Your body will absorb calcium better if you get enough vitamin D. Get enough vitamin D Your body manufactures some Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. You should also include vitamin D in your diet, particularly if you’re over 65. Vitamin D sources include oysters, fish oils, and fortified foods such as butter, cow’s milk, and cereals. Ask your Peoples Pharmacist about Vitamin D supplements if your diet does not provide enough. Stay physically active You can help prevent osteoporosis by doing some weight-bearing physical activity most days of the week — exercise at a light to moderate intensity for at least 30–60 minutes. Weight-bearing activities include walking, low-impact aerobics, and dancing. Weight training and other resistance exercises can help maintain bone density as well. How can I treat osteoporosis? Osteoporosis treatment may include lifestyle modifications, supplements, medications, or a combination of these approaches. Lifestyle modifications Consider the following lifestyle modifications to help manage your osteoporosis: • Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake • Quit smoking • Exercise regularly • Avoid medications that make you drows • Rearrange your furniture to reduce your risk of falls and fractures Supplements Your doctor or Peoples pharmacist may recommend the following daily supplements: • 800–1200 mg of calcium • 400–1000 IU of vitamin D • 400 mg of magnesium Medications If you are taking medication for your osteoporosis, use it as instructed. Talk with your doctor or Peoples Pharmacist if you have concerns or notice side effects. Talk to your local Peoples Pharmacist about more information on Osteoporosis and ways to prevent and treat this silent disease. People First 9
Ian Lloyd...Continued From Page 8
indigestion. My favourites are peppermint, chamomile and ginger. Ginger tea is very helpful for any stomach upset or nausea. Dice about 1/2 inch of fresh ginger root and place it in 1/2 litre of water, and bring it to a slow boil, reduce to low and cover, then let simmer for about 10 minutes. Serve with lemon juice and honey to taste. Even easier, Gravol makes a chewable form of ginger tablets. Peppermint is another herb that can be helpful for indigestion. Like other herbal teas it is best to brew this herb in a covered cup, to avoid losing the medicinal oils that might evaporate. When using teas to help with indigestion, it is best to let them brew for longer periods of time; up to ten minutes. In rare instances peppermint can worsen heartburn. Other than that, there are few adverse effects or contra-indications with taking peppermint. I believe there is still an enteric-coated peppermint oil capsule (Colpermin) available which is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome. Lastly, no article on digestion can be complete without mentioning supplemental digestive enzymes. Normally our digestive tract produces many enzymes to help break down the food we eat into easily absorbable parts. Sometimes this system may not work perfectly. Undi-
gested fats, starches and proteins that make it to the large intestine may cause diarrhea, gas or unpleasant symptoms. Taking extra digestive enzyme supplements may help your body’s natural digestive process and reduce gastrointestinal upset. Better still; with each meal eat plenty of raw foods; such as, salads, carrot sticks or other raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Unprocessed fruits and vegetables contain natural digestive enzymes. Perhaps the best tip for good digestive health is to remember the phrase, “never again is what you swore the time before.” If you know something will upset your stomach, then avoid it. Don’t get me wrong, I can value the necessity of the occasional indulgence of gastronomic hedonism, but I also know that I can’t eat New York Fries and a Caramel Macchiato without getting a very upset stomach. Remember to eat slowly and chew your food. You spend good time and good money on it – so enjoy it. Be good to your stomach and it will be good to you. Written By Ian Lloyd, Pharmacist & Chartered Herbalist, Peoples Pharmacy
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Dr. Hister...Continued From Page 4
exercising, not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, not drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, keeping a lid on stress, sleeping well enough - doesn’t stop aging. But those healthy lifestyle practices are certainly known to slow the onset of new health problems, and to telescope life’s inevitable deterioration into a much shorter period of time towards the end of life. Second, if you get checked periodically – either to make sure that that your symptoms are not caused by anything more surreptitious than simple aging or in order to be screened for certain health problems - you are also likely to benefit greatly by picking up many major health problems – diabetes, cancers, heart disease – at a stage where there is still room for effective intervention, which will in turn offer you a much longer time to enjoy grand-children, and if you’re lucky, even great grand-children. And finally, here’s the real twist and the best thing I have to tell all baby boomers and seniors. Although it confounds the hell out of researchers, most of whom are Generation Xers and even younger dudes and lasses, several large surveys have discovered that the happiest people out there are, wait for it, folks, people in their fifties, sixties, and even those well into their seventies. “Huh,” a younger person reading this would likely say to that news, if, of course, any young person was interested enough to read an article about aging. “If your bodies are slowly deteriorating, why are you guys so damn happy? Drugs?” No, not drugs, young man, just life. You see, if you use just a bit of common sense, something that younger generations seem to have much less of than older people do, it’s easy to see the reasons why happiness increases with age.
Helping People Live Better Lives A Trusted Health Source. Your local Peoples Pharmacist is a trusted source on a wide variety of health and wellness issues. Peoples Pharmacists are committed to helping people live better lives.
Riaz Mapara and Davie Chow
Pharmacists & Owners, Coquitlam
We Can Safely Help Dispose Of Your Medications. Don’t flush or throw your medications in the landfill. Bring your unused or expired medications to Peoples for environmentally responsible disposal.
Sheri Ukrainetz
Pharmacy Manager, MacKenzie
Forget To Take Your Daily Medications? Don’t take chances with your health if you are unsure if you took your daily medications. Talk to your Peoples Pharmacist about Med Manager compliance packaging and how it can safely organize your daily medications.
Shamim Akhtar
Pharmacist & Owner, Surrey
Dr. Hister...Continued on Page 13 People First 11
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Earol Spray has a simple yet unique delivery system capable of dispensing a discrete unit dose of olive oil into the outer ear. It eliminates the need for the use of a dropper or cotton wool, therefore significantly reducing spillage or waste. Designed to be easy to hold and use, the exact right dose is applied, with no other person required. Earol 10mL
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Don’t Play A Guessing Game With Your Daily Medications Many people today are on more than one medication and when you combine this with a busy and active life, it can lead to the confusion of properly taking your medications. Medication noncompliance is a major concern and accounts for approximately 25% of all hospital admissions among seniors. Peoples Drug Mart and Peoples Pharmacy offer a medication compliance program called “Med Manager”. The Med Manager is a medication compliance card that conveniently organizes your medications for a full week and helps you easily identify what medications are to be taken at what time of the day. Talk to your Peoples Pharmacist about the convenient Med Manager program.
12 People First
Dr. Hister...Continued From Page 11
Thus, most of us who’ve entered our 50s and 60s (and beyond), have finally “grown up” (yes, even the males) and we are pretty sure about whom we are, which is a great comfort in life; little though it may be, older baby boomers and seniors also accept that we’ve achieved just about all that we’re going to achieve in life, and even if we make more money, it’ll only be left for our inheritors, anyway, so why bother to keep working as hard as we used to; with the possible exception of those aging people shooting themselves full of Botox (and other rejuvenation products| and those guys getting testosterone shots (all of whom are trying so hard to pretend that the calendar hasn’t caught them just yet), most of us in our later midlife and early senior years are no longer interested in competing with younger people because well, we know we can’t possibly look as good (nothing ever looks better than natural youth) and moreover, that those battles we used to fight are really not worth fighting any longer, so most of us have found that hey, we’d rather swim, surf, or sleep than slog our time away; the kids have (probably) finally left, and you can’t believe how much stress disappears with the “Playstation” and loud music gone; for many of us, the great news is that as we reach later midlife, we’ve become grandparents (a job that, unlike parenting, is generally worry-lite and virtually impossible to screw up); and on and on. In sum, so long as you can avoid serious health problems, growing old, while inevitable, is not nearly as harsh as it seems when you’re younger. And besides, it sure beats the only known alternative to growing older. Hands down. Dr. Art Hister can be heard on CKNW and other Corus Radio Network stations on House Calls on Saturdays at 10 AM, as well as seen on Global TV news on Saturday mornings at 9:20.
PEOPLES PHARMACISTS Helping People Live Better Lives Trusting Relationships. Choose a pharmacist who best meets your health care needs, and always visit the same pharmacy. The better your pharmacist knows you, the better he or she will be able to help you make the best choices where your health is concerned.
John Leung
Pharmacist & Owner, Abbotsford
Pharmacists Now Have The Authority To Give Vaccinations. Certain Peoples Pharmacists can provide shots for the seasonal flu or for travel vaccinations. Talk to your local Peoples Pharmacist and ask if they provide this health service.
Nancy Seow
Pharmacist & Owner, Coquitlam
Your Health And Wellness Partner. Peoples Pharmacists are one of the most accessible health care providers in the community. Peoples Pharmacists are often your first point of contact with the health care system and are an excellent source of health and wellness information.
Tom Lee
Pharmacist & Owner, Vancouver People First 13
Darlene Booth R.H.N
Mindful Of Menopause I have always tried to live my life with a focus on prevention. I am mindful to rest, take my vitamins, get plenty of exercise and eat a wholesome balanced diet. Hormonal health is also something I have long been concerned with because it was my intention to ride the menopausal wave with the greatest of ease and be one of those women who could say she hardly notice it. “Intended” is the operative word as I was soon to learn that my body had an agenda of its own which began 3 years ago with my very first hot flash. Enjoying dinner with my daughter one evening, my face suddenly turned crimson and perspiration beaded on my brow. “Sure is warm in here.” I said, apologetically. “No it’s not.” She laughed. “You’re having a hot flash!” It turns out that my menopausal “wave” was more like a tsunami. However, I have come through it with a much greater understanding of the menopausal transition and huge appreciation for the wisdom of my own body. Mother Nature continues to be my greatest teacher. Managing menopause is an extremely individual journey and should be guided by a healthcare practitioner. The endocrine system is a network of glands that produce and release hormones into the bloodstream. Hormones are like messengers that play a roll in many different metabolic processes in the human body. They are so powerful that even in very small doses, hormones can affect big changes. During menopause progesterone and estrogen levels begin to decline and this can produce a wide range of symptoms that vary from woman to woman. Weight gain is common as is short term memory loss or what many women refer to as a “foggy brain”; hot flashes vary in frequency and intensity and other symptoms include emotional highs and lows, lack of libido, heart palpitations, insomnia or disturbed sleeping patterns, increased risk of osteoporosis, shortness of breath, and more. The beauty of the endocrine system is that it is all connected. Think of it like a chain and the hormone producing glands are individual links in that chain. If any one of the links are weak, it can affect the whole of the hormonal loop. So I had a mystery to solve. Why, in spite of my greatest
14 People First
holistic efforts, was I hot flashing enough to feeling solely responsible for global warming? It was confusing and frustrating but it eventually lead me to a greater level of health and awareness. Menopause was here to fine-tune my health regime whether I liked it or not! My sleeping patterns were erratic, the hot flashes uncomfortable and my brain was lacking the ability to focus and retain information. I had long given up coffee but did enjoy green tea. I reluctantly began to suspect that somehow my green tea habit was contributing to my symptoms and it lead me to understand that my system had become so sensitive that even small doses of stimulants were enough to mess me up. Coffee, tea, chocolate, alcohol and spicy foods had to go and once they did, things noticeably improved; sugar was also on that list. Stress was another factor. I had recently returned to school to begin working on a degree in Social Work and by midterm my adrenal glands were constantly in fight or flight mode. It was like there was always an electric current coursing through my body. Yet another reason to give up on the stimulants and also bring in more meditation, gentle exercise and relaxation. I began a vitamin regime aimed at supporting the adrenals that included basics like Vitamin C, Pantothenic acid, and B Complex vitamins. At this point I enlisted the help of an acupuncturist who also recommended specific Chinese herbs, which brought me some relief. Still in search of perfection, I had heard of a local doctor that specialized in helping women through this transition with bio identical hormones. Through careful screening and saliva testing he was able to show me what was going on in my hormonal profile. I started on a course of recommended support and almost immediately regained my brain! My other symptoms are improving as well. Life is a series of transitions and for those seeking optimal health it often takes dedication to self-exploration and a willingness to keep digging for the answers. Nothing is static and the only thing we can count on is change. Just when I get this figured out, I am sure there will be something new! Good Health to You!
Spanish Fisherman’s Stew
mato-based snapper Serve this appealing, to heat bread. -w stew with crusty whole 10 mL .
2 tsp Canola oil 250 mL 1 cup Finely chopped onion 2 2 Garlic cloves, minced er) (or 1⁄2 tsp., 2mL, powd ith juice) 14 oz. 398 mL (w Can of diced tomatoes ite wine 1⁄2 cup 125 mL 1 Dry (or alcohol-free) wh 125 mL p cu ⁄2 Prepared chicken broth 5 mL . tsp 1 ika 1 Smoked (sweet) papr 1 mL . tsp ⁄4 Dried crushed chilies artered 1 lb. 454 g Red baby potatoes, qu 2 2 Bay leaves 1 1 Sprig of fresh rosemary 1 1 e ym Sprig of fresh th 454 g lb. 1 all Snapper fillets, any sm o 1 inch bones removed, cut int (2.5 cm) pieces 250 mL 1 cup er Chopped orange pepp 250 mL p cu 1 er Chopped yellow pepp 30 mL . sp tb 2 Chopped fresh parsley s) (or 1 tsp., 5 mL, flake
Recipes For Good Health
Add onion m frying pan on medium. Heat canola oil in mediu until soften, oft ring ut 8 minutes, stir and garlic. Cook for abo ened. er to 3 1/2 Stir. Bring to a boil. Transf Add next 5 ingredients. w cooker. to 4 quart (3.5 to 4 L) slo for 4 to 5 . Cook, covered, on Low Stir ts. Add next 4 ingredien card dis and ove Rem rs. 2 1/2 hou hours or on High for 2 to . bay leaves and herb sprigs h for about Stir. Cook, covered, on Hig ts. ien red ing 3 t nex d Ad fork. h wit ted es easily when tes 15 minutes until fish flak L). 75 (1. s cup 7 kes about Sprinkle with parsley. Ma , 0.3
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g Mono, 0.8 g Poly ories; 2.5 g Total Fat (1.0 1 cup (250 mL): 182 Cal g Fibre; 16 g Protein; 237 2 ate; ydr boh Car g l; 19 g Sat); 24 mg Cholestero mg Sodium
VANCOUVER • 7160 Kerr St. 434-2656 • 571 West 57th Ave. 324-2258 BURNABY • 4218 Dawson St. 299-6677 NEW WESTMINSTER • 825 McBride Ave. 525-2474 PORT COQUITLAM • 2529 Shaughnessy 941-2413 COQUITLAM • 137-3030 Lincoln Ave. 464-1033 NEW • 1001Austin Ave. LOCATION 936-0024 MAPLE RIDGE • 12005-238B Street 476-1420 ABBOTSFORD • 1945 McCallum Rd. 859-2351 WHITE ROCK • 1463 Johnston Rd 531-4636
SURREY • #177-8138-128th St. 598-3233 SURREY • 10212 -152nd St. 580-7457
• 3825 Cadboro Bay Rd. 477-2131 • 15-1594 Fairfield 598-9232 • 1282 Fairfield Rd. 595-5997 • 2642 Quadra St. 383-1188 • 3643 Shelbourne St. 477-1881 • #102-2020RichmondRd. 370-1166
• SOOKE 8-6716 Sooke Rd. 642-2226 GOLD RIVER • 375 Nimpkish Drive 283-9042
UCLUELET • 1892 Peninsula Rd. 726-2733 COURTENAY • 102-1350 England 334-9311 CAMPBELL RIVER • #101-2276 S.IslandHwy. 923-7311 • #984 Shoppers Row 287-8311 QUADRA ISLAND • 5-654 Harper Road 285-2275 PORT McNEILL • 1584 Broughton St. 956-3126 PORT HARDY • 100-8950 Granville St. 949-9522
MACKENZIE • 700 Mackenzie 997-5460
CHETWYND • 4733 - 51 Street 788-3393 st
KAMLOOPS • 103-275 Lansdowne St. 374-3112 KELOWNA • 1715 Ellis St. 712-2484 • #104-330 Hwy. 33 491-1999 • 200-3591 Elliot Rd. 768-7645 PENTICTON • 166-1848 Main St. 493-7200 LYTTON • 531 Main Street 455-6685 ASHCROFT • 403 Railway Ave. E. 453-2553 CHASE • 709 Shuswap 679-8941 SCOTCH CREEK • 3874 Squilax Anglemont 955-0601
REVELSTOKE • 555 Victoria Rd 837-5191 TRAIL • 1101 Dewdney Ave. 364-1993 ROSSLAND • 2060 Columbia Ave. 362-5622 FRUITVALE • 1942 Main Street 367-9331 SALMO • 107 - 4th St. 357-9444 SPARWOOD • 107 Centennial Square 425-2015 NAKUSP • 88 Broadway St. 265-2228 NELSON • 405 Hendryx St. 352-3121 CRANBROOK • East Kootenay Hospital 13 -24th Ave. North 420-4133
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