At , our unique and highly successful blended approach of applying psychology and business to learning and development, inspires, engages and challenges so that individual potential can be unlocked and capabilities deployed. Our solutions are all:
Based on Methods that Work. As business psychologists, we understand the process of learning. Our L&D solutions are designed to maximise transference of learning back into the workplace, via interactive learning experiences, development plans, workplace applications, co-coaching and online learning platforms.
Rooted in Business. All our L&D solutions are designed to meet specific business needs. They use materials and activities rooted in your organisational contexts and market sectors. This ensures maximum workplace application.
Flexible and Bespoke. We design solutions based on a thorough analysis of your current and future needs so that we can provide you with long-lasting, value-adding solutions.
Expertly facilitated. Our global team are expert in adapting their facilitation approach to match the needs of different learner groups and individuals. This creates the learning environment that is most likely to enable internal shift and create sustainable behavioural change.
Individuals who are not ready to learn will be much less effective in applying insights than those who arrive with an open and ready mind-set. Triggering drivers for learning, and equipping individuals with the skills to direct their own learning are prerequisites for continuous improvement. These strategies create a sustainable pathway of individual and organisational growth. The Continuous Improvement cycle draws on our extensive global L&D experience, as well as theoretical process-driven continuous improvement models such as Lean and Six Sigma, to create a cycle depicting the personal and professional growth of human resources within an organisational context.
We track behavioural change, in order to make sure that learning interventions are having the desired impact at the organisational, team, and individual level. The metrics we design allow organisations to benchmark their talent populations and determine the ROI. In addition, they help individuals identify future development areas, thus bringing the continuous improvement cycle back to stage 1.
Learning and development programmes cannot exist in isolation – they have to be aligned with the organisation’s strategic business drivers. When employees perceive and understand this alignment, they can direct their learning more effectively, in order to create behaviour change that will make an immediate impact on the organisation’s business growth.
We adopt a blended learning approach in all our client organisations; providing a range of interactive and job-relevant activities to ensure maximum transfer of learning back to the workplace.
All of the learning solutions in the L&D Academy are tailored to meet three distinct learner pathways – Leading Self, Leading Others, and Leading Business. We partner with organisations to design development initiatives and learning interventions that reflect the organisation's vision, values and business context to ensure that every learner has a shared understanding of this and their part in achieving it.
Every L&D initiative is rooted in sound theory and is designed to tie back to an organisation's competency framework. Curriculum across the learner pathways builds progressively, enabling the learner to gain ever increasing insight and expertise into that subject matter area. An organisation's curriculum can therefore be built to suit its needs, either by subject matter across different levels or by target population.
Influencing Skills
Stress Management
Communicating with Impact
Presentation Skills
Leadership Gravitas, Personal Impact and Leadership Legacy
Effective Negotiation
Leading High Performance Teams
Building Self-insight to Unlock Potential
Emotional Intelligence
Managing Difficult Conversations
Situational Leadership
Embracing and Navigating Change
Strategic Client Engagement
Collaborating for Business Growth
Thinking Strategically for Growth
Developing Confidence, Resilience and Drive
Leading Change
Customer Relationship Management
Leading Global Diversity
Leader Coaching Skills
Engaging, Building and Leveraging Talent
Facilitation & Meeting Skills
Leadership Influencing Skills
Performance Management & Coaching Conversations
Conflict Management Building Effective Teams
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We design all our L&D solutions based on the 70-20-10 formula that describes how learning occurs:  70% of learning occurs from real life and on-the-job experiences, tasks and problem solving. Our programmes utilise a blended learning methodology, allowing participants to interactively explore and reflect on learning materials in a range of different settings, in order to create behaviour shift.  20% of learning occurs from feedback and from observing and working with role models. In classroom settings, our expert facilitators are trained to help participants draw learnings out of these experiences, in order to produce growth. Out of the classroom, we facilitate the use of business mentors and peer support groups, to provide support, advice and knowledge sharing.
 10% of learning occurs from formal training. Our lecture-style methods are designed to make maximum impact in minimum time, and are interspersed by plentiful interactive activities.
Bite-size training workshops
Peer Support & Discussion Groups
Individual Learning Contracts, co-signed by managers to provide support and accountability
Business Simulations with real-time feedback
E-Learning to facilitate sharing of resources and collaboration through individual exercises and discussion forums
Presentations to nurture confidence and esteem
Psychometrics e.g. 360, personality tools, to enhance understanding of strengths and development areas
Tutorials to simulate work-place problem solving
Master Class providing thought leadership
I-Apply work-based follow-up assignments
Training-in-a-box hour-long webinars
Work-based follow-up assignments
Guided Self-awareness using reflective models
Business Case Studies
Action Learning Sets to build meaning behind the learning
Learning Journal to encourage personal reflection
One-to-one Coaching to accelerate insight and development
Video-taped simulations
Colleague Coaching (Co-coaching) Pairs
We take a multi-faceted approach to L&D evaluation, in order to evaluate impact on a range of different levels. These include: Reaction: We collect individual participants responses to the material and learning experience, as these have a significant impact on their motivation to apply their learning back on-the-job. This crucial data allows us to adjust aspects of the programme to enhance the participant experience. Learning: Informal and formal knowledge tests allow us to assess what kind of learning has occurred during the programme. These can be carried out formally, via our online measurement platform, or informally, for example in conversation with managers. Transfer: Making sure that employees transfer their learning back to the workplace is a key outcome from any L&D programme. We work with our clients to agree the most relevant performance indicators and measures, but these often include psychometric measures, 360 appraisal and competency levels. Results: We determine the Return on Education (ROE) and Return on Investment (ROI) by measuring outcome of the programme on an organisation-wide level. This includes metrics such as overall productivity and performance levels, budget, client/end user satisfaction, and other relevant measurements.
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