Domagoj Nikolić, M. Sc. Independent Researcher, Imotski, Croatia BOSNIAN PYRAMIDS, ANCIENT MINING, WIRELESS TRANSFER OF ENERGY AND TESLA Abstract The purpose of this paper is to point out some often hidden facts about ancient mining in the Balkans and Bosnia in particular, as well as connections between Bosnian Pyramids, contemporary knowledge about electromagnetic phenomena and devices for wireless transfer of energy devised by Nikola Tesla. The goal is to point out the following: 1. Mining in the world is much older than what is widely considered. 2. Mining in the Balkans and Bosnia is very old and goes thousands, probably tens of thousands of years back into the past. 3. There are accounts and evidence that at least some of the old pyramids in the world had complete or partial casing of precious metals. 4. There were sophisticated and technologically advanced reasons for exploitation of minerals in ancient times which were not connected with the production of primitive weaponry, tools, decorative objects, etc. The end purpose was technology of energy channeling. 5. Precious metals at those times, just like today, were used as electromagnetic materials. 6. The design and function of the Teslaʹs Wardenclyffe Tower is essentially analog to the design and function of the Bosnian Pyramids.
Gold and Anunnaki Researches of ancient Sumerian texts such as Zacharia Sitchin claim that Annunaki (Sumerian: ʺThose Who From Heaven To Earth Came”), who have been referred to in the Old Testament as Anakeim, Nephelim and Elohim, were members of a highly advanced civilization which colonized the Earth some 433,000 years ago with a purpose to collect vast quantities of gold. According to this research, it seems that some 250,000 years ago there was a mutiny of enslaved miners, the original inhabitants of the Earth, which was the main reason why Annunaki endeavored to create a particular being which would better serve the purpose of slave work. After various attempts, they finally succeeded through pairing their own genes with those of a particular Earth species (Homo Erectus) and thus through genetic manipulation a new species, today known as Homo Sapiens, was created. According to Sitchin and other researches, the human race was created in order to have a species who would, under the influence and guidance of Annunaki, colonize the whole planet and collect enormous quantities of gold as some kind of mind controlled slaves.1 These accounts are not isolated. In South Africa we have at least 2,000 ancient prehistoric mines and a plethora of ancient structures and folk traditions that give us similar accounts.2 Likewise, folk traditions in Bosnia‐Herzegovina are full of tales about the nation of giants who lived there working the land, mining minerals and dealing with metallurgy. We also have mysterious megaliths depicting those giants with complex astrotheological symbols that are most often mistakenly dated to the Middle Ages by mainline science. Please look at „Adamʹs Calendar“ a research by Johan Heine and Michael Tellinger
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Sculpted megalith depicting a human and a giant from Radimlja near Stolac in Herzegovina The memory of Elochim aka Watchers remains present in other folk traditions and monuments of ancient Illyria. As an example, on the Great Sun King Hummock on the Red Lake in Imotski, Croatia, located on the Bosnian border, we have a collection of strange skull‐ shaped magical monuments called by the locals „The Watchers“, watching over the sacred burial grounds and Most High Kingʹs tomb in his hummock. Kings have always been, from the wake of humanity, connected with treasuries and gold. This hummock is one of the largest in the region with its diameter of around 70 and height of around 30 meters.
The Sun King’s Hummock of Red Lake, Imotski
Watchers of the Sun King’s Hummock of Red Lake, Imotski The tunnel on the hummock is orientated toward the summer solstice sunrise. On the following picture we can see how this event looks from its interior.
Summer solstice sunrise beams enter the Red Lake Hummock of Imotski With this symbolism we cannot but remember the following verse from the Book of Daniel from the Old Testament3 which is curiously in the Croatian Bible numbered as 4:14. One can try to contemplate the reason for this incoherence having in mind that the numeric codes of the Bible reveal its true meaning. “The sentence is by the decree of the watchers, the decision by the word of the holy ones, to the end that the living may know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will and sets over it the lowliest of men.”
Daniel 4:17 (4:14)
Also look at the Tarot Card number XIX called „The Sun“ in further text.
Tarot Cards reveal numerical – vibration symbolism Card 4 and 17 combined together contain the symbolism of the Star Emperor or the Sun King. On card 17, we have a big star surrounded with seven smaller stars symbolizing the seven inner planets which were considered by the old astrological schools, since they are visible by naked eye, unlike Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, which were not considered. Aries and red robes on the Emperor mean, among other things, War, while card number 17 has a distinct symbolism of the Age of Aquarius. The picture below contains the same symbolism from Sumer with the same star with seven planets and the Sun King decapitated as is in the symbolism of Summer solstice with the feast of St. John the Baptist, the most revered Templar icon, who was also decapitated. Sun indeed starts losing its strength at its highest point. These symbols are moving pictures. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a symbol is worth a thousand pictures. Cosmos is not one directional and nothing has one meaning or purpose only.
Sumerian depiction of the decapitation of Sun King
The Toth Tarot Deck designed by Aleister Crowley provides excellent symbolism of card number 14 which presents the ultimate art – the virtue of mixing fire and water under an old occult motto Visit Interiora Terras Rectificatur Invenies Ocultum Lapidum“ or „Visit the innermost parts of the earth; by setting things right, you will find the hidden Stone.“ It seems that, in order to turn things into gold everything must collapse first. Manure feeds vineyards and rose gardens and from their produce only in time we can make wine and rose oil. In another one of the simpler aspects of this rule, one must go into the Earthʹs crust or dig mines in order to find gold. In a spiritual sense, one must die in this life and dissolve all matter in order to ascend to heaven. You can’t reach the stars with your head on your shoulders. Thus VITRIOL is also synonymous with sulfuric acid which has capacity to dissolve matter. It would seem then only logical that an important Sun King (Red King in the Red Lake Tomb), most probably the founding father, was placed in this tomb and on summer solstice sunrise when sun beams enter the center of the mound, the innermost part, then they meet with the material remains of the Sun King and they should technically act in resonance. Could it be that this is the technology and science of divinity as it is explained in the book The Silent Gospel – The Science of Divinity by James Barett? To add credibility to this statement we can see that the sunbeams hit the surface of the Red Lake waters4 right at the moment when they touch the bottom of the hummock tunnel. We know that at this very moment the water is suddenly powerfully electrically charged. The Sun King that rests in the symbolic womb, in the very heart of his nation, for hummocks were made of hearthʹs stones of his people. His remains which still contain his saintly vibration receive charge of the Sun which is in complete resonance with the saintly Sun King energy and then an enormous amount of Orgon or Prana energy is spouted through the peak which is the heart energy harmonizing his land. When we look at this structure through this prism it emerges as a sacred machine. This indeed is divine technology. So how would we call a civilization that built a machine that harmonizes all living in nature, placed on a perfect, powerful, and limitless energy source, using only natural energies, built of natural and local materials in the proportions of sacred geometry, used parts of nature as elements, produces no waste, is esthetically pleasing, needs no maintenance and works for thousands of years? And, to turn things around, how would we call a civilization that cannot even detect it in the countryside, let alone determine its purpose?
Red Lake is the deepest lake in Europe, although small in surface the depth of the hole is 530 meters of which 280 meters is under the water. This makes it one of the deepest „sinkholes“ in the world.
Sunlight hitting the water on the Summer solstice morning at the very moment when it hits the bottom of the hummock tunnel. Furthermore, this hummock or mound is in the center of all most important sacred sites in the region of Imotski which are laid on the lines of the cosmic markers. This means that this is the primordial mound, the living heart of the region, with the Sun King being the perfect sacred pure heart which sets the logos, the word, the prime tone, the hum which balances out everything around it, just like the Sun balances everything, radiates life and rules by its sheer presence. The true king rules without having to govern, its etheric sainthood turns everything into gold. That is the true art, the rule through virtue, not force, the ideal of the Golden Age.
Geomantic layout of Imotski ‐ detail
This primordial mound is the essence and the beginning of everything that exists around it, all life. In the following verse we can find the best explanation of this state of mind and nature, for nature comes out of the mind of the God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
But let us now return to our subject of gold for it will give more clarity to the matter. It is still unclear why exactly gold held so much importance to Annunaki. We normally connect their intention with matters that seem practical from our point of view although we could be totally mistaken. „For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. Isaiah 55:8 For example, is atomic energy practical at all, considering that we are producing extremely toxic materials, real black holes, in order to boil water in order to run a steam engine? Sounds pretty insane, but thatʹs where we are at. However, let us see what we have speculated so far about the Annunaki or Elochim. It is said that they needed gold in order to fix the collapsing electromagnetic properties of the outside layer of the atmosphere on their home planet and also because gold presented the fountain of youth. We indeed have a similar use of gold even in this day and age. Gold is used as a superb electromagnetic material while monoatomic gold, when used in diet, serves as the elixir of life. It is a healthy supplement commonly added to food, drinks and luxurious cosmetic products.5 Gold is super stable and healthy just as radioactive materials are super instable and toxic. Gold provides symbolic, meaning total, stability, just as radioactivity crates total collapse and instability at all levels of existence. Golden Age is thus symbolically opposed to Atomic Age, but, because radioactivity is the ultimate VITRIOL, it seems that we have to go through the total collapse caused by atomic disaster (which literally means without star or sun) in order to reach the Golden Age. And so, even if we decide to disregard the Sumerian and Biblical accounts and Sitchinʹs interpretations of the Annunaki mystery, there is enough other evidence of the supreme importance of gold in history and prehistory. We can also note that contemporary scientific research confirms the ancient idea that gold, due to its particular chemical and psychical properties, can influence energies at various levels. Today we can safely say that gold, besides having exceptional practical use as an electromagnetic material, also positively influences human energy channels (or meridians, as they are known in traditional, wrongfully called alternative healing practices), which also serve as mediums of electromagnetic waves in Herzian and non‐Herzian spectrums. Alchemical symbol for gold is a circle with a dot in the centre, which is also the astrological symbol of the Sun. The same pictogram is used in the Chinese script for gold. This shows that the symbolism of gold has been always universally connected with the Sun and has been shared by the whole humanity since the oldest antiquities. 6 In this fact and the symbolic 5
example of the Sun Kingʹs or Red Lake Hummock of Imotski we can observe the symbolic connection of gold with the Pyramid of the Sun.
Universal symbol for Gold and Sun Goldʹs chemical number is 79 which numerologically equals 16. Sixteen is the number of crown chakra and the card Tower in Tarot connected with the Lord of Lords, King of Kings and enormous release of energy, sublimation that has a devastating influence on the matter. Number 16 symbolism is the completion of incarnation and the final number of the emanation. It is connected with enormous energy release, purification of obsolescence, power over material world, death and catastrophe, Christ and Antichrist symbolism.
Sun Tower and two faces of Christ‐ Antichrist in one ”On his robe and his thigh he has a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” Revelation 19:16 Identical symbolism we can find in the old megalithic hillfort called Daorson near Stolac. The word Daorson means the Sun Tower and or the Sun Gate. When we are geometrically constructing the pentagram, we first obtain Vesica Pisces first from which the star pentagram gradually emerges. The structure of Daorson is the analog to this process and thus reveals
the immaculate symbolic mathematical pattern of the emergence of the star and it is indeed an idea materialized. This is all to say that sacred symbolism is the supreme scientific language which contains the sacred rule “As above so below, as within so without!“ Thus it is much more advanced and adequate for space travel from our linear primitive and proud so called scientific language which cannot separate itself from demonic technologies such as atomic, steam and inner combustion „satanic mills“ simply because a snake cannot give birth to a lion.
Daorson – Construction of the Sun Gate
The remains of Daorson near Stolac
Platoʹs testimony on Atlantis and its relation to the Giza Pyramid complex Platoʹs dialogue with Timeus in which we find the descriptions for Atlantis is extremely important, since it is the only surviving written testimony of this ancient civilization which was possibly technologically the most advanced in the whole history. Timeous was a philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and Pythagorean. It is of utmost importance for us that Tesla also regarded himself as a Pythagorean7, as well as that many researchers have found that Tesla was in some kind of a spiritual connection with Atlantis8. We have no written record as to what Pythagoras knew or thought about Atlantis, since none of his written records survived, if there were any to start with, which is highly improbable given the fact that even Plato was against writing. It is certain that he spent several decades in ancient Babylon studying and advancing through initiations of the Chaldeans who regarded themselves as the keepers of the knowledge of ancient Atlantis. Pythagoras was initially sent to Egypt to Egyptian priest schools of Heliopolis, but as the Persians broke into Egypt and enslaved a large part of the population, he ended up in Babylon. His teachings of the vibrational crux of numbers and that the whole Cosmos in the last instance is composed of vibrations or in other words, mathematical relations and codes, he did not invent, but had learned from the Chaldeans, the spiritual heirs of Atlantis , and that knowledge he later brought to Europe. Timeus is telling Plato about a testimony of Atlantis which he heard from a philosopher named Solon. Solon is also the contemporary of Pythagoras (some claim Solon was his father), and he studied, same as Pythagoras, in Egypt, or more precisely in Heliopolis – the Sun City. Plutarch is citing his account of Atlantis, which was unfortunately lost, at least for the public. What is held in the secret archives, we do not know, but Solonʹs text on Atlantis would certainly belong to an exquisite place in some bunker containing forbidden knowledge, still peppered all over the world that proudly calls itself „free“. We need not to give examples as they come to mind automatically. Let us now refresh our memory as to the Platoʹs and Timeus on the temple of Poseidon which held the central place in Atlantis. While we do that let us keep in mind that Pythagorism as a philosophy is based on the truth, and the truth is defined as the unity of external and internal manifestations, in other words unity of exoteric and esoteric content, as within so without. This implies the congruence of idea and function, spirit and practice, energy and matter. Pythagoras says that nothing occurs in the Universe unless it manifests in something observable in the material world. Alternatively, it is a trick of deceiving senses, a misconception, false idea which stems from the error of our perceptive apparatus. This implies that there used to be not only esthetic, but at the same time very pragmatic, technical and technological reasons for the specific design and construction of the temple of Poseidon, because antithetically, in congruence with the philosophical concept of Atlantis and later Pythagorism, a temple performing only pointless esthetic or worshipping function would be empty of purpose, false and therefore an epitome of the demonic. Plato gives us the following words of Timeus: „In the interior of the citadel was a holy temple, dedicated to Cleito and Poseidon, and surrounded by an enclosure of gold, and there was Poseidonʹs own temple, which was
Lectures by Velimira Abramović, Ph. D. Doug Yurchey „The Atlantis Tesla Connectionʺ, James McCanney „Atlantis to Tesla“
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covered with silver, and the pinnacles with gold. The roof was of ivory, adorned with gold and silver and orichalcum, and the rest of the interior was lined with orichalcum.“ 9 We can easily picture the temple of Poseidon shining like a silver pyramid with a golden pinnacle proportional in shape to the pyramid. Interestingly enough, there are accounts of the great Pyramid of Giza, that its shine could be observed from tens of miles, from its location. It used to be said that it shone so bright that it seemed that it was made of pure light. The ancients referred to it as Ikhet, meaning Glorious Light. Today it is commonly believed that the source of this light was the polished limestone casing on the sides of the pyramids. It is not too far‐fetched to believe that the temple of Atlantis, being the central temple of the whole civilization, served as the original according to which all subsequent similar objects were constructed. This, if true, would imply that sides of the Pyramids were coated with silver. That this would be a logical scenario we can imagine from the example of the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC. It does indeed shine in the sun, but its shine does not conform to the description on the original Great Pyramid in Giza. To execute such a fabulous endeavor such as the construction of the temple of Poseidon and the Great Pyramid of Giza, among other technical marvels, the ancient architects needed a vast quantity of gold and silver. We can also imagine that many other if not all pyramids in Giza had similar coating. Is it then realistically to conclude that someone would construct such vast buildings, so monumental, mathematically precise and technically perfect only for esthetic reasons? In fact, if we imagine the whole Giza plateau in the full shine of the pyramidsʹ lights contrasting the black Bakelite cover on the surrounding terrace, as its traces can be found on the eastern side of the Pyramid, the sight would indeed resemble an enormous solar energetic installation. The Golden Pyramid top We know that gold has completely exceptional properties in terms of malleability and ductility. A gram of gold can be beaten into a sheet of one square meter. Such sheet is 0,0001 mm thick and is translucent. Only one gram of gold can be made into a “wire“ 3 km long. The characteristics of gold in terms of electric conductivity are well known, same as its quality as an electromagnetic material which is to be expanded further in the text. In addition, gold does not corrode unless treated with a very aggressive cocktail of acids or alcalines, which means that in practical conditions as a material it is in effect permanent. As we have already stated, the Great Pyramid in Giza, the so‐called pyramidion was most likely coated with god.10 We can see that on the Bosnian Pyramid of Sun the top is currently missing, which leads to the conclusion that it was constructed in a different way from the rest of the structure and probably was empty inside. The probable purpose of the Ravne Tunnel Complex In the conglomerate underneath and around the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun there is a very elaborate tunnel complex which was likely dug with a threefold purpose:
Plato „Critias“‐pyramid‐complex.html
1. Gold, silver and other metals: enormous quantity of the conglomerate had been excavated in order to obtain the minerals necessary for the construction of the pyramid complex. Materials that could be possibly found in the conglomerate are gold, silver, zinc, copper and other metals necessary for the construction of energetic facilities. 2. Concrete: Enormous quantities of processed conglomerate were used as sand for concrete elements of the Pyramid of the Sun. 3. The tunnel labyrinth complex once excavated probably served as a ground connector similarly like Tesla built a tunnel complex underneath his Wardenclyffe Tower to ground this facility designed for wireless transfer of energy. Prehistoric mining in the Balkans and wider Officially the oldest know mine in the world is „Lion Cave“ in Swaziland. Radio carbon dating places it to 41,000 years BC which would be another 13,000 years before the oldest dating of any artifact found so far on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. According to the official theory, the Paleolithic humans extracted hematite from the mine, which is an ore with a high percentage of iron which they allegedly used for the production of red pigment ochre.11 Hematite is also a common ore in Bosnia, particularly around Vareš in Central Bosnia. Many millennia later the Romans were extracting iron ore in Bosnia, but were also extracting gold, silver, zinc, copper, etc.12 It is also a known fact that in Hungary there are mines with a similar dating, 30‐40,000 years old, which are believed to have been used by Neanderthals as a source of flint for their tools and weapons.13 This theory is quite extraordinary because it does not explain how come a primitive caveman was engaged in such a sophisticated activity as mining, unless he was part of a higher organization, such as, perhaps, slave exploitation organized by a higher civilization. Mining indeed is one of the most sophisticated human activities and it presupposes a high degree of socio‐economic development. The Varna necropolis Before we get into ancient mining in Bosnia, let us mention one more valuable site in Bulgaria called the Varna Necropolis.14 14 11 12 13
Grave # 43 of an „elite male“ These graves were dated in 2004 to the period from 4,600 to 4,200 years BC by radio carbon dating method. This site is considered to belong to the local Eneolithic so called Varna Culture. Here we have examples of extended and crouched inhumations, while some graves do not contain body remains, but do contain abundant „grave gifts“, richest in gold artifacts. In total 3,000 golden artifacts had been found with the total weight of six kilograms. Grave number 43 contains more gold than all other sites from the epoch in the whole world. Three so called symbolic graves contain clay burial masks. Without wanting to widen the subject matter, let us mention that most probably these are not symbolic graves but graves belonging to sacred spiritual masters or, in today’s vocabulary, saints, whose bodies have been transformed into pure energy some time after discarnation.15 Material findings prove that the Varna Culture had trading ties with faraway countries, most probably those in the lower parts of the Volga River in today’s central Russia and Cyclades, a Greek island group in the Aegan Sea north of Crete. It is believed that they exported metal goods and salt from the nearby Provadya salt mine. The copper ore found in the grave artifacts originates from Sredna Gora near Stara Planina (Old Mountain) and the river Iskar (Ishtar?). It is also claimed that seashells found in graves served as some sort to primitive currency which is a bizarre idea, given the level of sophistication of the Varna Culture. Indeed, why would a sophisticated technological nation trade in seashells??? We can see indeed that mainline interpretations are full of bizarre and ill‐informed wild speculations, which is something to keep in mind because it is mainly the so‐called alternative researchers who are accused of making extraordinary claims. Similar exampes and convisiong scinetific explanation of this phenomena please look up in James Barret – The Silent Gospel ‐ The Science of Divinity
Varna Culture in fact had sophisticated concepts of the afterlife and a hierarchical societal organization. Here, according to the mainline science, we have the oldest known burial evidence of an „elite male“(whatever this may mean in the current so called liberal debate about feminism). In this grave we have a high powered male buried with the most extraordinary quantity of gold. In his hand he holds a „war adze or mace“. This again is not correct. This is a symbolic hammer, adze, such as the one held by Thor, a hammer wielding Norse deity, associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, destruction, fertility, healing, and the protection of mankind. So this man was a representative, an incarnate of a supreme deity like Zeus or Jupiter. This name, Thor, same like Thora, and Tarot are Notarikons of the word Taurus and all of these words are symbolically associated with the Age of Taurus which, according to the precession of the Equinox was just starting around 4,500 BC. 16
Golden platelet symbolizing the Age of Taurus according to the precession of the equinox Since this man is holding an adze, let us say something about adze symbolism. In Bulgaria and Macedonia sound “dz” still exists in language and is associated with third eye and tranquility. Adze in Hindu means command. In astrology it symbolizes Jupiter that commands the high initiate, teacher or Messiah. It can be associated with the eye of intuition, godly inspiration, sainthood and it is the gate through which an individual enters the astral and psychic dimension of consciousness. In India adze is synonymous with Godʹs eye, eye of knowledge and we can connect it with the Egyptian Eye of Horus or Slavic Hawkʹs Eye or Oko sokolovo. It is the channel through which a spiritual explorer reaches gnosis and insight in the nature of reality. Adza Chakra or third eye is connected with eye in the pyramid, the All Seeing Eye, the eyes of Cyclopes giants, and the card number 15, the card of devil in 16
Tarot. Alchemists call it the philosopherʹs stone. There is nothing primitive about this symbolism. On the contrary: it connects planets, chakras, space travel, clairvoyance and technology. The golden cap on the penis again symbolizes the essence of the male, solar principle and is part of the same sophisticated symbolic and vibrational analogy which encompasses tantric and yantric elements. To support this claim, let’s remind ourselves that he wore bull shaped platelets, which, according to the official claims, perhaps also venerated virility, instinctive force and warfare. Again, this is a complete misconception, which is a consequence of ignorance. In fact here we have an example of a supremely elevated culture which was astronomically and technologically advanced in the manner which is completely uncomprehendible to those whose consciousness was shaped by the official hyper‐materialistic paradigm. Those people regularly attire ancient civilizations with attributes of primitiveness, which is a reflex of a paradigm of linear history which is completely wrong. In such doing there is a wrong concept embedded, considering our times to be the peak of the human civilization to date and thus unavoidably our own primitiveness, ignorance and spiritual blindness is projected at the object of observation.