Mining in Bosnia – a historic account Oral traditions and material evidence of mining in Bosnia show us that mining was developed here in prehistoric times. It is considered that the oldest mining areas are situated in central Bosnia (around the mountain of Vranica) and Eastern Bosnia (around the Srebrenica town). Roman historian Pliny the Elder mentions gold mines in Dalmatia by which he means areas around the upper part of the Vrbas river, namely the Vranica mountain where we have documented copper mines from at least 1,000 BC. Folk traditions about old miners are still alive today, old mining shafts can be seen around Fojnica, Kreševo, Dusina and other places. Some, what we consider to be, caves are in fact old mine digs.1 Old traditions in Bosnia-Herzegovina give us narratives about a nation of giants who left Bosnia due to a sudden Ice Age. These giants mined iron ore in the Meomača creek near Drežnica in Herzegovina, where they had a mine and a smelting factory. A similar account we find in the following note: „Above the Karlovići village, in Međurječje near Čajniče, from the antiquities it has been told that there was a forge of the ancient Greeks (one of the synonyms for the nation of giants). There are lots of remains of that iron slag. In the Viogor mountain and also in Vučevica mountain even today traces of their homes can be spotted, landmarks of their fields, and when a beech is ripped from the ground, an old hearth can be seen.“ A similar story we find from near Fojnica in Central Bosnia. „In Russia a man told me, he says: 'When we moved from Bosnia, in that, he says, Čavka mountain, in the middle of the field, there is a spring and water and five loads of golden coins we burried, we couldn't carry... There is a wood there now, a snake couldn't carry her head through, but back then swaths had been left!“2 A historic overview of gold mining in the surroundings of the town called Fojnica gives us a particularly good insight due to the physical proximity of the Bosnian valley of Pyramids and the nearby river of Fojnica which flows through Visoko in the footsteps of the Pyramids. All these accounts serve us to establish the historic continuity of mining in Bosnia in a completely unlinear historic paradigm.
1 2 See Vlajko Palavestra: Historijska usmena predanja iz Bosne i Hercegovine
One of the ancient mines in the Balkans – Plivice mine near Kratovo, Macedonia Once upon a time in the vicinity of Fojnica area we had silver mine called Ostružnica, mercury mine Čemernica and gold mine in Bakovići which was operational up until the beginning of the Second World War. The beginning of mining in the Middle Ages was marked by the arrival of Saxon miners during the reign of Bosnian Ban Stephan Kotromanić II, buried in Visoko. Accounts are sketchy also for the recent past: gold mine in Bakovići was established or probably re-established around 1885. Today it is completely desolate, only the remains of the walls, concrete and mullock reveal the former existence of a mine. From the entrance to the mine water flows with leaving a yellow sediment trace on the ground that leads to the Gvožđanka (Iron) river. Not too many people today can tell something about the operation of the former goldmine. One of those who keeps some remaining memories about the mining operations that he received from his father is Slavko Bučo from Bakovići, a 72 year old pensioner: „There was a great hall here, the entrance to the mine shaft. A golden ore was excavated, loaded on horses, then reloaded on trains and planes and carried to England. Today there are only remains left. There is mullock, you see also this water which flows out of the former shaft entrance has healing properties. It heals skin diseases: people rub their bodies with this water and soil, it is particularly good for removing moles from hands.“
Slavko's wife shows pieces of ore she found and keeps there. „Some people from Germany, Australia and Sarajevo came, they asked questions and took these pieces and none of them called back ever.“, says Milica. 3 And so, here in Fojnica, in the vicinity of Bosnian Pyramids, we have evidence of very ancient and continuous mining operations. Consequently, perhaps some minerals or metals were extracted from the materials dug from the tunnels underneath the pyramids. So far the analysis has shown that the conglomerate from the walls of the tunnel network under the Pyramid of the Sun is worthless from the point of view of ore extraction. However, the tunnels are vast and maybe it is a matter of sampling. Hereby we will present a few pictures of stones found in the tunnels that have various and sometimes multiple colors and a shining effect even in shadow.
Minerals from the Ravne Tunnel Network It is not completely unbelievable that here on the spot not only the conglomerate was extracted in order to be used as a material for making concrete for the pyramids, but also for the extraction of metals necessary for its operation. Further research will shed more light to this possibility. Golden Pyramid Top in Light of the Latest Research
The most up to date measurements of EM radiation of the pyramid that the author partly assisted were conducted in June 2011 by Goran Marjanović, electric engineer and expert in Tesla technologies from Belgrade. He confirmed the existence of a coherent beam of electromagnetic radiation of around 32 kHz which we currently do not know the source of. This beam goes directly through the pyramid top vertically to the air. The intensity of radiation gains strength with the distance, which is something completely peculiar, because „normal“ or Herzian EM radiation loses strength with distance. Here we have evidence of non-Herzian EM radiation that Tesla was adamant about discovering and using. More on this measuring exercise you can read in Goran Marjanović's paper in this compendium. In any case, when the pyramid was complete with the top, this radiation would have had completely different properties. Fact is that gold and silver absorb electromagnetic radiation. A protective layer of gold applied at a surface protects this surface from static electricity and the appearance of sparks. Nowadays such gold coatings are very often used in microwave oven and other electromagnetic wave devices. In this day and age many other devices use electromagnetic wave resonators which amplify electromagnetic fields in the wide spectrum of frequencies which includes microwaves, millimeter waves, infra red rays, rays of visible light and ultraviolet radiation. In the field of radio waves, thin sticks of perfect conductor having length of about half a wavelength have been known for some time that they function as a type of resonators localizing electromagnetic waves, and they have been used as antennas. In the field of microwaves, confinement to a wave length space by cavity resonators, i.e. high efficiency reflection with perfect conductors, has been used for some time.4 In February 2010, A US magazine „Science Daily“ brings the following information. ScienceDaily (Feb. 14, 2010) — ScienceDaily (Feb. 14, 2010) — Material scientists at the Nano/Bio Interface Center of the University of Pennsylvania have demonstrated the transduction of optical radiation to electrical current in a molecular circuit. The system, an array of nano-sized molecules of gold, respond to electromagnetic waves by creating surface plasmons that induce and project electrical current across molecules, similar to that of photovoltaic solar cells. The results may provide a technological approach for higher efficiency energy harvesting with a nanosized circuit that can power itself, potentially through sunlight. Recently, surface plasmons have been engineered into a variety of light-activated devices such as biosensors. In other words, the results of this recent research confirms that the golden top of the Pyramid of the Sun could serve simultaneously as a photo-electric device for producing electricity from the sunlight and an antenna which sends it to remote users. Electromagnetic beam of non-Herzian radiation of 32 kHz could have been used as a sort of an amplifier or oscillator for reaching a certain frequency, as confirmed by the Tesla's research as elaborated further in the text.
In the framework of the electric universe paradigm, energy of the Sun is nothing other than cosmic energy emanating from the galactic center which is received and then transferred by the Sun. It seems that the pyramid of the Sun was a replica of the Sun, an energetic transmitter-receiver, a Sun type energy medium, which receives and transfers energy of the Sun. In this manner, the Pyramid of the Sun fully deserved its name not only in the ritual, spiritual, but also in energetic and practical senses. The pyramid then is fully materializing the Pythagorean ideal of unity of spiritual and physical. In the philosophical sense this Pyramid would be completely authentic, since its physical and metaphysical substance would be completely coherent, and the nature of its energy would be vibrationally resonant with the energy of the Sun. Implications of this can hardly be overestimated. A Possible Purpose of the Moon Pyramid Astrological symbol of silver is identical to the alchemical symbol of the Moon, Silver has a great practical value in healing due to its widely known antibacterial healing properties. Smooth and polished silver coated surfaces are widely used in solar reflectors, mirrors, searchlights, spotlights, and followlights, and so it is completely possible that the Moon Pyramid served as a „support“, or amplifier of the Pyramid of the Sun radiation. It is also possible that the fullest and most wonderful effects of the functioning of the Pyramid of the Sun were substantialized in the passive medium of the Pyramid of the Moon. Using metaphysical analogies, and analogy is key to metaphysics, the Sun Pyramid is Equal to Zeus and Moon Pyramid is equal to Semele or Zemlja (Earth). Sun is too powerful to be experienced directly and people can find its most healing and beneficial manifestation in the female medium which slows down its powerful energies and transforms them in the spectrum tuned to the human form. We as human beings incarnate in the female and female energy has the soothing, taming and healing qualities.
Ancient symbolism of Moon and silver Moon, Goddess temples have, since ancient times, kept arts of Concentration attained through Consecration. The High Priestess symbol connects the most high aspects of the Father with the most elevated principles of the Son. She is the Soul of the Light manifesting out of the Light. In this Symbolic language we can easily picture incarnation, or the soul which descends into the world of forms and shapes. In order to support this symbolic definition we can also refer to card number VIII of Tarot where we see Lion (Powerful Solar symbol) tamed by the Virgin.
At this point we simply must make a bridge to Telsa's world view since he highly respected and adored nature. He was the embodiment of Goethe's definition of genius whose mind „works like nature“. Tesla was initiated into the highest secrets of ancient wisdom as can be seen from his relations with the famous Hundu mystic Swami Vivekananda who in a letter to friend from 1896, wrote the following: „Mr. Tesla was charmed to hear about the Vedantic Prana and Akasha and the Kalpas, which according to him are the only theories modern science can entertain.....Mr. Tesla
thinks he can demonstrate that mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go see him next week to get this mathematical demonstration.“ This shows that, in order to understand the ancient megalithic monuments and machines, we need to turn to Tesla and follow his example because he was more interested in speaking with mystics and artists then to ordinary scientists. Tesla alone has invented our modern age by understanding and immersing himself into the ancient science of divinity. Sadly but unavoidably, this was also his cardinal sin for which he was sentenced to live in a form of white monkhood as some sort of renegade and heretic. Just like Tesla, one that aspires to understand the deepest secrets of nature must be prepared to be a sorrow's child, since the nature of the genius is to provide idiots ideas twenty years later. An ancient symbolic language is the language of nature and supreme scientific language and before we call our ancient ancestors primitive and superstitious we need to look in the mirror, because these words can easily backfire. Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower as a Replica of the Pyramids Tesla envisioned his device in Wardenclyffe as a laboratory for development of the wireless long distance transmission of electricity. 5 Wireless transmission of energy cannot be done with waves that Tesla called „Herzian“, which explains why Wardenclyffe looked different than any modern radio transmitters. Instead of the usual distribution of electricity through wired conductors, remote users would have received energy through grounded connector and spherical antenna terminal mounted directly above the roof top. At the time when electricity transmission network was extremely limited, project Wardenclyffe was a way to reduce the costs of electrification. Tesla called his wireless technique the "disturbed charge of ground and air method". This facility – prototype also had to serve as a probe model for construction of the global system of towers for electricity through Earth currents and magnetohydrodynamic waves. Evidence suggests that Wardenclyffe facility was designed to use ultra low frequency signals. Tesla described the process as identical to transmission of energy trough wire conductor.
Wardenclyffe -A Forfeited Dream by Leland I. Anderson 5
He established that electric current could be effectively transmitted through a global system of transmitters – receivers who use electric conductivity of the Earth. To do so, every facility must have one or two elevated terminals and one or two ground connectors.
Artistic impression of fully functional Wardenclyffe Tower Tesla saw Earth and Ionosphere as an LC circuit in which electricity oscillates between the inductor (Earth's magnetic field) and capacitor (which is Earth and Ionosphere). For this reason Tesla clearly specified the Earth as one of the conducting media involved in ground and air system technology. The other specified medium is the atmosphere above 8 km elevation. While not an Ohmic conductor, in this region of the troposphere and upwards, air density is sufficiently reduced to so that the atmosphere’s insulating properties can be easily impaired, allowing an electric current to flow. His theory further states that the conducting region is developed through the process of atmospheric ionization, in which the effected portions thereof are changed to plasma. The presence of the magnetic fields developed by each plant’s helical resonator suggests that an embedded magnetic field and flux linkage is also involved. Flux linkage with Earth’s natural magnetic field is also a possibility, especially in the case of an earth resonance transmission system. The atmosphere below 5 miles (8.0 km) is also viewed as a propagating medium for a portion of the above-ground circuit, and, being an insulating medium, electrostatic induction would be involved rather than true electrical conduction. Tesla felt that with a sufficiently high electrical potential on the elevated terminal the practical limitation imposed upon its height could be overcome. He anticipated that a highly energetic transmitter, as was intended at Wardenclyffe, would charge the elevated terminal to the point where the
atmosphere around and above the facility would break down and become ionized, leading to a flow of true conduction currents between the two terminals by a path up to and through the troposphere, and back down to the other facility. The ionization of the atmosphere directly above the elevated terminals would be facilitated by the use of an ionizing beam of ultraviolet radiation to form what might be called a high-voltage plasma transmission line.
Artistic impression of Tesla’s global tower network Tesla wrote in his various documents that Earth and Ionosphere act like an LC Circuit when Earth is electrically excited to certain frequencies. In Wardenclyffe he experimented with frequencies in the range of 1 to 1,000 kHz. He established that the range of frequency between 30-35 kHz is the most economical, which is a range in which our EM beam of 32 KHz on the Pyramid of the Sun perfectly fits. Excitement of Earth resonance on the frequency of exactly or approximately 11,7 Hz enables transfer of energy in the way very similar to that of the spherical conductor made of one wire makes surface for the transfer of EM waves in the way of antenna. Thus the whole Earth could be placed in the state of electric resonance and, under certain conditions, with only one power station. In this operation artificially obtained Earth currents would be used. The greatest losses would be related at connection points of power stations and the Earth. This was the reason why Tesla stated the following: You see the underground work is one of the most expensive parts of the tower. In this system that I have invented it is necessary for the machine to get a grip of the Earth, otherwise it cannot shake the Earth. It has to have a grip on the Earth so that the whole of this globe can quiver, and to do that it is necessary to carry out a very expensive construction.
Indeed beneath the Wardenclyffe Tower there were big tunnels filled with copper shavings and very deep ground connectors made of iron rods and steel. The tunnel network extended all the way to the beach which was approximately a mile away from the tower. The tunnel entrances have been removed together with the tower by US Navy in 1917.6 The whole operation of removal of the Wardenclyffe Tower complex in 1917 is still shrouded in secret. Analog to the Wardenclyffe Tower, grounding was the most probable original purpose of the Ravne tunnel complex, because without extremely good connection with earth, the Pyramid of the Sun could not fulfill its function of wireless transfer of energy. In fact, similar tunnel networks can be found underneath other pyramids in the world. Analog to Tesla's research, it is highly probable that some time in antiquities there had existed a global system of transmitter-receivers that had been placed according to the strict pattern of geomantic lines, as is depicted by the equilateral triangle connecting the pyramids in Bosnia, Egypt and Ukraine. Many Tesla's insights are still shrouded in mystery, but he was expert in antique traditions and sourced his ideas from Akashic chronicles and is realistic to conclude that he tried to reproduce something similar with his Wardenclyffe project. For further research of this incredible layout of ancient sites please refer to Carl Munk and his research called “Matrix�. He established the existence of ancient matrix system built up of monuments all across the globe. These monuments include megalithic stone works, pyramids, circular works, effigies, and ancient earth mound. Each structure is a point in a remarkable global matrix which explains a global positioning system involving the mathematical precisions of the Earth.
Geomantic layout of Pyramids, example
Conclusion Bosnian pyramids and Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower share the same concept and have similar components, and those are elevated terminal (spherical in Tesla's model, whereas pyramids had pyramidions), a big ground connection which is composed of tunnel network and approximately the same operating frequencies of 32 kHz, or the 30-35 kHz range. In comparison to Tesla's facility, the complex of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun was more sophisticated in the sense that it used the Sun as the energy source, whereas Wardenclyffe Tower was powered by an independent generator. It is also possible that other pyramids in the complex played very specific role. For example, Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon likely as some sort of amplifier for the Pyramid of the Sun. Mineral sources and mining traditions in the vicinity of the Bosnian Pyramids are extremely rich which justifies the choice of location in terms of economics and pure logic. Therefore the above text gives us a solid base to change our paradigm of a) b) c) d) e)
Linear History Importance of the Balkans in the history of civilization General use of ancient structures Sustainable sources, availability and distribution of energy Ethical foundation and desirable direction of development of our civilization