miss birdy mag

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MISS BIRDY fashion + crafts + inspiration + advice + blogging + photography


contents // about us ......................................................................................................2 introduction...............................................................................................3 neon chic......................................................................................................4 how to get this look..................................................................15 drawing tips..........................................................................................16 tumblr love..............................................................................................20 pinterest love......................................................................................22 instagram love....................................................................................24 blogger tips..........................................................................................26 wordpress tips...................................................................................27 our beats...................................................................................................28 DIY easy pineapple clutch.............................................30 we love........................................................................................................34








about us // Hello, my name is Zali and I am a 13 year old fashion + DIY blogger in Australia. I am a fashion lover, hello kitty, ice cream, rainbow and confetti adorer and a colourful craft maker. I love to hang out with my dear friends and chatter, I also love swimming and aerial silks. Blogging is something I love to do to share with people the things that I love, I blog mainly about fashion and craft, DIY’s and wonderful things that make me happy. -------------------------------------------------w w w. mi s sza li . co m

Hello! I am Chloe, and I blog about crafts, inspiration and DIYs. I am 15 years old and I live in New Zealand! I love blogging so much. I love frankie mag, beci orpin, rookie, cameras, washi tape, shopping and crafting! I also love pretty things like ice cream, pink, succulents + cacti, and I absolutely love to inspire people. That is probably my main mission on my blog! -------------------------------------------------w w w. a li t t l e bird y bl o g . co m

introduction // Hello... thank you so much for clicking and reading our mag! We welcome you to our wonderful, inspirational world of happiness! Miss Birdy mag is a place for inspiration, pretty things and loveliness from us and around the web. enjoy! xx

fashion //

N EO N C::::: HIC

how to get this look I really love this outfit and the way the colours and patterns go together. Stripes + neon are always a good mix and black + white and bright yellow/ green looks SO wonderful. These saltwater sandals are the perfect shoes to wear with almost any summer outfit (or winter), the black goes with so much and adds such a nice finishing touch to the whole thing. At the moment I have a huge obsession with big floppy hats + felt hats, they do look so nice and reflect summer so well. I also love the way they fall and cover half the wearers face, so stylish! hehe :D

black sandals - saltwater sandals

black floppy hat - witchery

neon nails - hot pink, green, lilac, yellow

sequin pattern tutu skirt - witchery kids

striped leotard - american apparel youth


drawing tips //

1. when you are trying to think of something to draw, most people go to pinterest or tumblr to get inspiration. which is fine sometimes, but if you want your artwork to be really original and special and expressing YOU then you have to come up with your own ideas. especially if you are going to share it or sell it. this is very important. 2. there are LOADS of different styles of drawing, abstract, detailed etc. so don’t worry if your pictures aren’t like someone else’s, they are that way because they are made by YOU and your style is different to everyone else’s.


3. shading is something i love at the moment, it brings your pictures to a whole new level of detail. investing in a smudge tool is something that i definitely recommend. make sure when you shade, that you know where the light is coming from in your drawing before you start, otherwise it looks a little odd. normally, around the edges of the face, sides of the arms and legs, top of the neck down one side and around the top of the shirt are good places to start.

4. different mediums are always a good idea. I always start with a pencil drawing, which i then either a) trace around with a black pen and rub out the pencil lines or b) colour in with paint, posca pens or pencils then trace around with a black pen. either way is fine. or you may just want a pencil drawing! which i also really love, because you can keep all the shading nice and soft.

xo zali


1. I believe everyones drawing style is of course unique to them. Whether you class yourself as a famous artist, a ‘not yet discovered but super talented’ artist or you don’t even class yourself as a artist, you always will have your own style that is classed as art. yay! you may not be good at faces for example - you cant get proportions right or just end up drawing a stick figure, you may want to try a different field of art like... drawing shapes or splats of paint? Basically, you will be good at something so find that thing through experimenting! 2. this is for the people who want to have a go at typography: being fluid achieves the best results. if you move your pen swiftly rather than sudden, short movements, you will be much happier! I know my favourite word to write is hello because you can link it all together and it always looks nice! 3. be original! leading on from what zali said. dont copy, be unique - you already have your own skill level and style so stick to it! But that doesn’t mean you cant find inspiration. Inspiration makes the world go round, just don’t copy!


4. just make it up... most of the time when I sit to draw, it nice to just draw what comes to mind, and make it up. I also draw what inspires me, and objects around me, like cacti! 5. doodle. get warmed up for a big drawing, or just start a project challenge where you fill up a whole page of your journal with doodles. Its fun, and often leads to spark an idea for a bigger project. 6. have fun. I can not express this enough - the worst thing to do is try to draw something really difficult, keep erasing it, and ending up angry. just let the pen flow and see what you end up with! change it in the end if you have to - it will result in a much better drawing then you could imagine.

chloe x


tumblr A

juni-per.tumblr.com thefreckledfairy.tumblr.com confettae.tumblr.com

freckled--fawn.tumblr.com alittlebirdyblog.tumblr.com emilyjaneblog.tumblr.com

pinterest A


follow us on pinterest: zali bartholomew

chloe larkin


instagram A @MERMAIDENS



i just love this fe ed SO much. all the photos are so cute and pink. i love the innocence of it to o, so swe et!

i really love the photos they put up of their outfits, they are so unique and colourful!

i love the simplicity and beautiful edits of her fe ed! also, the oh so pretty photos.




i love tavi’s posts SO much. partly because i love HER and partly because her photos are actually really awesome, i love the style of them!

i love all the sparkles and brightness in her fe ed, also everything is so positive and makes you fe el so happy.

this fe ed is SO incredibly beautiful, i love all her photos. all the beautiful clothes and scenes, one of my most favourites.




i love the simplicity and beautiful edits of her fe ed! also, the oh so pretty photos.

tada really is a style que en! I absolutely adore her fashion sense, and her blog to o!

she is such a swe ety pie with a real drawing talent! Her style is unique and oh so cute!




her blog... her style... amazing! I love this girl she really has got what it takes to become such an icon.

chelsea has a really sophisticated yet cute fe ed and also a super cute blog and makes taro mag!

sophia is so lovely and has a stunning fe ed. her photos are soft but grungey - I love the fe el.

follow our instagrams: @MISSZALIBLOG



BLOGGER tips // Blogger is a very simple blogging server. It has many easy options for beginners, and when you feel like you have got the hang of it, it is also brilliant for experts, as you can edit the HTML and CSS of your blog. I have thought of some simple tips for you to use when starting or trying to improve your blog... 1 // Adding and taking widgets/gadgets off and on your sidebar - If you go to the ‘Layout’ section of blogger, you can customise what are called ‘widgets or gadgets’ on your blog. A gadget is a single element added to your layout such as a ‘text’ element or an image. You can add them by clicking ‘Add a gadget’, edit them by clicking ‘edit’ or remove them by clicking edit > remove. 2 // Removing the Navbar - Under Layout click ‘edit’ on the Navbar widget in the top right hand corner. Next click ‘off’ at the very bottom then save. 3 // Adding a favicon - Create an image that is 50 x 50 pixels in an image editor. This should be an icon that represents your blog or is already incorporated in your design. It could even be just a square of colour that matches your blog theme. To upload it go to Layout, then in the top left hand corner click ‘edit’ on the ‘Favicon’ gadget. Upload your image and save! It might take a couple of minutes or refreshes to show up on your blog.

WORDPRESS tips // I took wordpress classes (which btw i definitely recommend if you are finding it hard to use!) so thats where i learnt a lot about how to use the back end of it. and it seems that a lot of wordpress back ends are very different (for some reason). But here are a few easy tips for making your blog a better place! 1 // scheduling posts - this is so easy and so great, because if you are going away or will be really busy for the next few weeks, you can put in a date which the blogpost will come up on! then you wont have to blog for AGES (unless you want to) here is how: when you have finished your blogpost, over to the side where you click PUBLISH, just above it there should be something saying “publish immediately edit�. click on the edit and put in the date you want. when you are done click OK, and the publish button will turn into a schedule button, click it and your done! 2 // code in a blogpost - when you are putting code into a blogpost (i.e code for a video, button etc) always do it in the HTML section. it works so much better. here is how: in the top of where you write your post there should be a little button on the right hand side which says VISUAL. right next to it there is one which says HTML, click into that one and paste your code where you want it. then click back to visual and finish your post! make sure your preview it to make sure it works, although sometimes it doesnt show up until its published.

our beats // LO R DE Lorde is just the it girl of the moment. Unusual, catchy, vibrant, she is appealing to most genres and ages. CHLOE’S FAVES // buzzcut season, white teeth teens ZALI’S FAVES // team, bravado, tennis court

LAN A DEL R EY Lana’s voice is unlike any other; deep, powerful, chilling and emotional, her songs are more than just songs! CHLOE’S FAVE // summertime sadness ZALI’S FAVE // radio

M R . LITTLE J EAN S Cute, catchy and unique, Mr. Little Jeans is perfect for those days when you want to do nothing but sing. CHLOE’S FAVES // oh sailor, rescue song

H AI M Haim, full of bounce and 70s style beats, absolutely perfect for long distances with nothing else to do, or for brightening up a rainy day. ZALI’S FAVES // falling, dont save me


diy //

easy pineapple clutch

you will need // ruler, scissors, pens, pins, plain fabric, ribbon. also // an iron, towel, sewing machine. 1 // fold your fabric in half. measure out 24cm wide, and 19cm tall (in half). Quickly iron it so it is easier to sew.


2 // open up the fabric and draw pineapples in a pattern on the front. I chose just yellow because it compliments my neon pink ribbon! 3 // turn the fabric upside-down and fold over each shortest edge by about 1cm, then fold over again and pin.

4 // sew along the pins to create an edge that will not fray. Iron flat.

5 // keeping it inside-out, fold it in half and pin along the edges.


6 // sew along the pins. Trim the excess fabric so there is only about 0.5cm of it left after your sew line. Turn inside-out and iron!

7 // fill it with your goodies, then tie closed with your ribbon! I love how the yellow and pink compliment each other on this. The yellow is hard to see in the photos but so pretty in real life!


sewing tips //

1 // Always Iron Ironing your fabric before, during and after your project will make for much better sewing and make it much easier to handle. It simple - grab a towel, fold it in half and lay it on a flat surface. Plug in the iron and make sure you set it to the right temperature (also keep it somewhere safe!) and go over your piece a few times. 2 // Pin then sew!If you pin in the exact place where you want to sew, it is so much easier to sew afterwards - you don’t have to keep repositioning your fabric! 3 // Take your time If you rush, you are likely to stuff up! Take your time and think logically (like a nerd) then sew. I have had so many mistakes in the past from going to fast which ended up in sitting and unpicking my whole project. Not fun. good luck!


typo notebooks

find & keep by beci orpin

pom pom ribbon

C H LO E loves

flora waycott pencil case

Kikki.K pens

strawberry body butter from the body shop

noah’s creative juices - yum!

art and ghosts illustrations salt water sandals

sonny angels

ZALI loves

ice cream nail polish

kikki.k karneval stationary

new fujifilm instax camera

snow fairy shower gel from lush

MISS BIRDY fashion + crafts + inspiration + advice + blogging + photography

contact us, tell us what you think! email // missbirdymag@gmail.com

www.alittlebirdyblog.com www.misszali.com

thanks for reading xx

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