pepper zine 3

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r e p p e P e n zi issue 3 crafts // music // design // photography // fashion // home // life

r e p p e P e n i z design, content and editing by Chloe Larkin Pepper zine 2012 Issue 3 published January 2013

This issue: 3 // confetti and cats 4 // will you be my valentine? 5 // latest loves 6 // featured seller 8 // outfit of the issue 9 // quick crafts 10 // if you go into the woods today... 11 // interview

confetti and cats

Hello. It seems to be issue 3 already. Oh how time goes by when you’re having fun. Issue 3 is a girly, pink issue with a special feature on valentines. I hope you enjoy all the wonderfulness, including an interview with the lovely Alyssa, confetti and cats, and quick crafts to get inspired. Lots of love,

Chloe x 3 Pepper zine

will you be my

valentine? 2.



1 // lovely Valentine card - $3.95 - Red cap cards

2 // Brass heart earring posts - $15.00 - Etsy

3 // You are lovely greeting card - $6.90 - Kikki.K

Pepper zine 4

latest loves 1 // confetti

2 // cats

3 // collections

5 Pepper zine

what our team is currently obbsessing about.

featured seller

sleepy king Sleepy King is a gorgeous soft toy shop on Etsy. A gorgeous forest of foxes, bears, owls, bunnies and charming embroidery too.

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outfit of the issue 2



1// pink dog chiffon blouse - she inside 2// cream jumper - she inside 3// brown boots - Rubi shoes 4// black and whit polka skirt - she inside 5// moustache necklace - she inside Pepper zine 8



quick crafts

These oh-so pretty things are beautiful and so simple to make yourself! 9 Pepper zine

if you go into the woods today..

woodland animal rings $15 - urban outfitters twig pencils $8.40 - LEIF

antler bobby pins $36 - Woodland Belle

fox necklace $44 - Wildlife Wonders

Pepper zine 10

an interview with



solely alyssa Name: Alyssa Age: 13 Hobbies: photography, crafts, blythe, drawing and doodling. Describe yourself: Quirky. Curious. Silly. Creative. ßut personally I think everyone is creative! It’s just whether or not a person takes time to learn and teach their selves how they can output it into a hobby. Why do you blog? I blog because it teaches me things. And the opportunities to meet people who share the same interests. It’s amazing how much you can learn by blogging and how many people you meet! (wonderful people, that is)

11 Pepper zine

What do you blog about? everything? It’s a little corner to track life, hobbies, feelings, and what you have learned. If you go back to a very first post on a photography blog you can most likely see how you have improved over time! What do you want to be when you grow up? A photographer, web designer+graphics, video game developer, anything along those lines. I like them because it leaves room to explore and learn more about something you love. It’s incorporating a hobby into your job! What are some of your deepest passions? Photography has definitely got to be first! Pictures are the best things you could possibly ever have and because you can take a bit of everything with you and save it forever. I am starting to indulge myself in the hobby of blythe! It’s really spectacular because they combine a ton of hobbies into one little… taco? Haha. She just really sums up everything. (knitting, sewing, crochet, design, blogging, and so much more!)

Pepper zine 12

What would you like your readers to do/feel/be when they are reading your posts/blog? Well, I want readers to enjoy it, be inspired, and me be inspired too! Keep the inspiration train going! “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.”-Albert Einstein. My favorite part is definitely discovering blogs that readers have. It’s pretty much a little circle of people you know (online or real life) and you all have your own ideas to offer and tips and tricks for the common interests you might share. What/who are you inspired by? Why? In what way? Bloggers. All of them. Especially the ones who challenge theirselves and post what’s in their mind and do what they want to do because their blog is their space to.. show off. I love how everyone has their own little thing to show . Their own signature, or specialty. It makes each blog unique. What is your dream or, your dream life? Oh.. I want to live on a dairy farm, and raise alpacas for their wool stuff (fleece?). I will work in my house during the day as a web and graphic designer, with photography as a hobby and doing weddings for friends, etc. Yeah, it sounds a little wacky but it seems cool and something to keep busy! (and lots of fun) Thank you Alyssa! Don’t forget to visit her blog at

hey! thanks for reading the second issue of

Pepper zine. want an ad or to be featured? contact us:

r e p p e P e n zi

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