Erect Penis Risk Factors to Look Out For Maintaining an appropriate level of penis health should be a goal for all men who wish to get the most out of their favorite body part. A man’s erect penis is often his pride and joy, so it pays to take steps to keep his manhood firm and functioning. Yet there are many risk factors that can impact that erect penis that many men either don’t know about or choose to ignore, leading to unpleasant consequences down the road. Not always “mood-related” Many, if not most men, have had an occasion during which the penis has not functioned in the desired way. It may have refused to become erect, or the erection achieved may have been half-hearted and not as full and firm as its owner may have wished. When this happens on occasion, it’s often due to factors such as being tired or simply not totally “in the mood.” That’s all natural, and as long as it isn’t a regular occurrence, it’s nothing to really worry about. But there are times when there are other factors contributing to the impairment of proper function. Often, these factors are related to lifestyle choices; therefore, altering those choices can have a positive impact on keeping erectile issues at bay. Risk factors Many risk factors associated with erectile issues are vascular in nature. These vascular issues keep the proper amount of blood from getting to the penis, which creates the lack of erection or lack of adequate firmness or sustainability of the erection. For men over 50, about 40% of erectile issues relate to vascular problems; while the rate is lower in younger men, it can still be a cause – especially if one or more of these risk factors are present: Smoking. By now, the dangers of smoking are well documented, and it’s known that smoking is simply bad for the health. This includes erectile health. Chemicals in cigarettes get into the body and wreak havoc on the lining of the blood vessels. Men who smoke (or have smoked) are 30% more likely to have erect penis issues than nonsmokers.
Obesity. Being overweight is also bad for one’s overall health, as well as one’s sexual health. Men who are overweight are more likely to have cholesterol deposits in their blood vessels, as well as lower levels of testosterone. Both of these impede sexual function. Sedentary lifestyle. Exercise helps produce nitric oxide, which helps to keep blood vessels open. Nitric oxide doesn’t last long in the body, so it needs to be produced frequently – and that’s easier to do if one exercises regularly. Diabetes. Over time, ineffective control of blood sugar levels damages both blood vessels and nerves, including those in the penis which react to stimulation. This is a one-two punch which can make erection more difficult. Hypertension. High blood pressure, which is often associated with many other risk factors, can damage the whole vascular system, including the blood vessels that make erections possible. Working with a doctor to eliminate or manager these risk factors can have a positive outcome in treating or preventing many forms of erectile dysfunction. Maintaining a happily erect penis goes beyond addressing risk factors. It also involves keeping the penis in its best state of health in general. To help achieve this aim, regularly use a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Be sure that the crème includes both L-arginine and acetyl L carnitine. The former is an enzyme that helps to create nitric oxide, which as indicated above, is a crucial component in keeping penile blood vessels open and receptive to increased blood flow. Acetyl L carnitine is neuroprotective and is especially welcome at protecting the penis from peripheral nerve damage which can lead to a loss of sensation. When the penis is at its healthiest, it is better equipped to provide satisfaction to a man.