"Human Rights and Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development" course
The UN Institute for Training and Research, in partnership with the UN Environment Programme, the UN Development Programme and the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, in 2016 launched the first online course ever on the relationship between human rights and environmental protection! www.unitar.org
A public-private partnership of the World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization, UN Environmental Programme, World Intellectual Property Organization and more than 180 scientific publishers, providing affordable access to critical scientific research. www.research4life.org
The world's largest humanitarian network, helping people affected by natural and man-made disasters, in around 150 countries. The Geneva-based Federation brings together 186 Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and some 100 million volunteers to improve the situation of the most vulnerable. www.ifrc.org
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
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This infographic is made by the Perception Change Project with contributions from: The International Labour Organization (ILO), International Gender Champions (IGC), UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), UN Development Programme (UNDP), Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Scaling Up Nutrition Movement (SUN), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG).
TEDx Place DesNations: Transforming Lives
The second edition at the Palais des Nations, UN Geneva, showcased remarkable stories of scientists and peacemakers, innovators and humanitarians transforming lives of people around the globe. Speakers worked with organizations including different UN agencies. www.tedxplacedesnations.ch
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More than 20 partners from International Geneva are collaborating with UNRISD to create events and social media campaigns, with the aim of leveraging its presence in an international development hub as well as its power to bring hundreds of policy makers, activists and academics together to share knowledge across policy and practice communities. www.unrisd.org
International Standardization Organization (ISO) & Partners
Over 800 organizations worldwide work closely with ISO and its technical committees to bring valuable contributions to the development of ISO standards. www.iso.ch
International Gender Champions (IGC)
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United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
The Geneva-Tsinghua Initiative is a partnership between the University of Geneva and Tsinghua University in Beijing aimed at offering innovative teaching programs in the sustainable development field. Through close collaborations with international and non-governmental organizations, students work on solutions to specific problems raised by the implementation of the SDGs. www.unige.ch/communication/communiques/2016/CdP 161013.html
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The Sustainable Development Goal 8 promotes Decent Work and Economic Growth. Alliance 8.7 is a global partnership designed to achieve a specific target under this goal, which calls for all countries to build a world free from forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and all forms of child labour. www.alliance87.org
UNIGE’s academic collaboration with IOs and NGOs
A leadership network which encourages collaboration to spur innovative solutions to achieve gender equality. Each potential Champion signs the Panel Parity Pledge and commits to measures destined to advance gender equality within their organization. 125 Champions have now joined the initiative. www.genderchampions.com
The GEO community, A partnership of 103 member governments and 106 participating organizations such as NASA and ESA, is working to build an Earth observation data and information system of systems to support environmental decision-making. www.earthobservations.org
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Alliance 8.7
Perception Change Project (PCP)
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Group on Earth Observations (GEO)
Over 100 international organizations, governmental authorities, NGOs, foundations and academic institutions working together to strengthen synergies and show the work and collective impact of International Geneva in creative ways through projects such as Mapping Geneva's Expertise on the SDGs, GVADATA and Recipes for Peace, Rights and Well-being. www.unog.ch/pcp
The Scaling Up Nutrition Movement worked with Every Woman, Every Child, the Global Partnership for Education, the Zero Hunger Challenge and Sanitation and Water for All to develop the Partnerships Playbook. The playbook is a set of ten core principles, which embody the spirit of working in partnership and ensuring that no one is left behind. www.scalingupnutrition.org
Partnerships Playbook