INTERNATIONAL GENEVA FOR INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE The International Labour Organization (ILO) has a long history of providing sustainable approaches to local and community infrastracture development in ways that spur the creation of decent jobs.
Innovation is widely recognized as one of the essential drivers of successful business and a key contributor to the productivity and economic and social development of nations. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops standards that help: • Create a solid base on which innovators can build • Define a common language that allows people to work together • Disseminate technologies and open new markets
Industrialization provides economic development, employment and social stability. The International Trade Centre (ITC) provides support for small and medium-sized enterprises in developing economies to increase their value addition and move beyond simple manufacturing. ITC works to boost SMEs’ innovation capacity, helps ensure access to affordable and adaptable technologies, and strengthens South-South trade linkages.
The ILO promotes inclusive and sustainable industrialization throughout the world through expert policy advice geared towards the creation of decent jobs.
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) International Standards together with testing and verification, support the development of quality infrastructure and of better quality and safer electric and electronic products. They also encourage innovation and technology transfer.
Through its 58 Inland Transport Conventions, the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) offers a framework to develop safe and sustainable transport systems, allowing mobility of people and circulation of goods. This is done through infrastructure agreements such as the Trans European Railway, the Trans European Motorway and the Euro Asian Transport Linkages.
UNICEF is highly invested in product and infrastructure innovation to facilitate optimal value-for-money supplies that have impacts on development programmes and emergencies. For example, UNICEF is exploring the development of software/algorithms for smart water pump sensors in order to predict failure before it happens.
IMPACT INFOGRAPHIC BY THE PERCEPTION CHANGE PROJECT. This infographic has been created with the contributions from PCP Partners Organizations participating in the PCP Impact Infographic series, and who reacted to PCP’s request in crowd-sourcing information on the impact on the SDG9: The International Organization for Sandardization (ISO), The International Labour Organization (ILO), UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), The International Trade Centre (ITC), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), UNICEF, UN Water, The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and DiploFoundation (Diplo).
Water is fundamental for all economic activity and industry. Adequate and reliable water resource is a prerequisite for the production of food and energy, as well as industry, which in turn provide jobs and sustain cities and communities. UN Water
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU)'s mission is to connect the world and help build this ICT foundation for fast forwarding the SDGs.
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is leading the development of indicators for Target 9.5 to monitor global trends in innovation, scientific research and R&D.
Governments are massive purchasers of goods and services. To promote sustainable consumption and production, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) focuses on helping governments to make decisions that promote inclusion and environmental sustainability.
As societies increasingly depend on the Internet, the international community must address its risks and vulnerabilities, while ensuring digital growth and innovation. The Geneva Internet Platform (GIP), operated by DiploFoundation (Diplo), fulfils the mission of an observatory, a space for discussion, and a capacity building centre for international and diplomatic institutions.