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Alaba Danagogo

Thump. Thump. Thump. I wake up to that steady beat


Thump. Thump. Thump. I need not wonder what it is For I am always pleased by this

Thump. Thump. Thump. It is not the beating of my mother’s heart, Her heartbeat does not make the windows shiver Nor does it resonate throughout the small house

Thump. Thump. Thump. I edge out of my parents’ bed, stumbling on my four years old feet The air is rife with the delicious scent of mother’s food And the haze of sleep is instantly wiped from my gaze

Thump. Thump. Thump. Eager as a pianist’s fingers over an ivory piano during a Spanish dance piece With plodding steps, I make my merry way to the source of the pounding Closer I get, the sound reverberates through my little feet Up my short legs and finally to my heart which races in time And swells with joy in anticipation of what is to come

Thump. Thump. Thump. I tease the kitchen door open and peep through Ah, it is mother. She sits upon a wooden stool Back arched regally over the large oak mortar, Crushing and mixing the ingredients within with an expert hand Fists closed over the blunt heavy pestle; brows furrowed in concentration A light sheen of sweat upon her glowing dark skin, so early in the morning

Thump. Her head turns to me as the pounding stops Weariness is painted over her face by a heavy-handed artist Then she smiles, she smiles at me She transforms into a beautiful queen, gracing her subjects with a nod from her head My face enlivens in response, I hasten to embrace my mother in my chubby arms She kisses my cheek lovingly, before dipping her hand into the mortar

Out she brings a morsel of her backbreaking work and sweat It is plump and colored as the vibrant corals, smooth and tantalizing Tenderly, she places the delicacy in my mouth Its unique taste, I still dwell upon and worship I swallow the pillowy substance, the creation borne from her dedication and care And I am satisfied I display my approval in a spirited dance The Queen laughs at my antics, smiles at me and gets back to work Thump. Thump. Thump.

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