1 minute read
Anne Fernandez
(translation: Beauty)
Beauty is such a tricky subject to talk about In the Dominican community It’s a thriving force for women It’s why we spend every Sunday afternoon Under a hair dryer waiting for our hair to dry With cien mil rolos on our head (translation: with a thousand rollers on our head) As if straightening it is gonna get rid of Centuries of intermixing resulting in our curls Or as my mom so lovingly calls it “un pajon” (translation: or as my mom so lovingly calls it “a curly hot mess” But I understand where they’re coming from Because I too gave into that ideology once Once before I knew that all the Kardashians wear wigs and extensions The secret to their long luscious hair Once before I knew the damage I was doing to my hair Why couldn’t I be born with their genes I asked myself Their genes of perfect skin and salon ready hair Why did mother nature betray me? Was I not worthy enough? I asked myself these very questions every Sunday When my mother would yank my head Back and forth Left and right So much so that I believed the things I heard My hair is hard to control It’s not pretty enough Until high school When I asked myself Why isn’t my hair pretty enough? I am pretty enough Cuz fuck that old world thinking honestly P.s. love you mom though <3