==== ==== Love Books ? For More Info Please Visit www.bestbooksonline.themoneyclubsite.com ==== ====
Online book selling is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to start a business. All that is really necessary to start a basic book selling business is a computer with internet access, a few books of your own or consignment books from others. There are a number of venues where you can sell your books without paying a fee until your books are sold. At that time you will pay a small commission. If you become interested in this business you will first want to determine which books are the best to buy and sell. The last thing you want is to began buying books that do not sell. You will usually end up donating these unsold books to thrift stores and other institutions. While this is a generous act on your part and may give you a minor tax break donating books does not pay the bills. Start by becoming familiar with AddAll which is on online site that lists current asking prices and numbers of titles available. This is a good place to gather information prior to searching for books and an excellent resource to help you price your books. As you build knowledge of what sells best resist the temptation to buy current best seller fiction. Unless for some reason there is a shortage of this type they are only worth a couple of dollars. Out of print books can be a good choice. Out of print and some still printed books known as "how to books" that describe unique or specialized subjects are usually always a good choice and many can be purchased at garage and estate sales for under a dollar. Other categories would include fishing, auto racing, older civil war books, older sword and weapon books. Books on specialized trades such as blacksmiting, old word working tools, some sewing titles. Many college textbooks can be good sellers. You will need to do some research here though because colleges change the course books frequently. Auto, and motorcycle repair books will usually sell very quickly. Auto collectors books are a rich field. Another area which can be very lucrative are art books containing prints. There are people who specialize in buying these books and paying a good price for them. They then dismantle the books, mount the prints and sell the prints individually for a nice profit. This field will require some research. Check eBay often for the print category and take note of what is selling and then watch for books covering those artists. This article covers a very small selection of the best books to buy. Research is the secret to success in the online book business. This is a business where you can buy products for pennies that will resell for many dollars. However you should quickly learn what not to buy. Because so many books can be purchased for pennies this can be a lucrative business. Do your research, get out of that chair and hit a few book sales and why not read one or two of those things now and then?