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EARTHBOOK 2017 Fanshunze Yang/800376

CONTENTS Point Line and PLane Mass Frame and Infill Site Analysis

Conceptacle Final Project Further Development Reflection


Point Line a

My concept about this mo What I was thinking about line. And as line spreads, it this model to spread in 2 As what presents in plan, point. I tried to use straig represent my concept we shape. And for vertical spread, contribute different area. into different length howe since this model were aske

and Plane

del this ‘spread’. is as points spread, it became to t became to a plane. I also made 2 ways, horizontal and vertical. the structure spreads from one ght line here but I think it can’t ll so I chose to build it in curvy

different length of line would To present that, I cut the balsa ever they are all relatively short ed to build on ground.

PRESEDENTS Concept 77 by Roman Vlasov


Mass A large natural mass underground is the root of a tree. Thus, I just drew a space closed by two groups of roots with opposite direction. What I was originally thinking is the large people can go to this space by enter the end of root. But I found that part would be interesting if people can see those big ends. So, I made a collage to develop this idea.

Frame and Infill I was inspirited by the frame in frame and the way of how explosion occupies a space.Basically, I used the idea of smoke after explosion as the features of my infill part due to it can fill the space quickly and completely. Also as Alex mentioned in lecture, frame is permanent however infill can be temporary, dynamic and movable, which is what I want to show in my model. Therefore, I used frame in frame to present the idea and use string to lift the infill frame up. (What cannot be present in image is the movement of those frame used for infill when there is a breeze as force.) In addition, I made a cube frame and left some sides of the cube, which is for expressing the impact of explosion.

All frames for fill inside are lifted by strings connected with the large cube frame. And what I also explored here is the feeling inside, which means if you are surrounded by these frames, you would feel the environment has being filled although you can see outside though gaps between surrounding frames.

Site Analysis Herring Island is a small 3.2 hectares (7.9 acres) island located in Melbourne's Yarra River at South Yarra, approximately 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) from the city centre. Herring island is a artificial island that formed in 1928 for prevent river flooding, which also is the only island in Yarra river. After the flood waters receded, new trees and shrubs were planted, and the levees were built up with more river silt. The island was leased by the scouts in the 1950s and 1960s. The island also played role of wildlife reserve and recreational park in 1994.

When I was visiting Herring island, I noticed how those plants on island hided things and I also tend to apply that idea on my project. This sculpture is called Tanderrum, which is near steerage, and there are a plenty of trees and plants surrounded. What is interesting is that I noticed this spot because it is hard to found due to its surrounding vegetation. It is quite hidden if you didn’t pay much attention on it. I almost missed this spot. So, I started thinking about what vegetation could do on hiding a secret.

Conceptacle When I was combining my three ideas I found my concept of frame and infill is the strongest one. And then I mainly form the conceptacle with the portable and dynamic elements. And the concept of ‘floating’ has been generated. Besides, due to the way of hide something, I filled those gaps on frame. And what I also did for emphasizing my concept is the platform. The platform was built on a small support. And waterbody is placed surrounded the support, which would make the platform seems to be floating.

I started to separate my project in 2 parts (on ground and under ground). What is on ground is a lifted roof for shelter and skylight. The underground area has platform and stairs. Both these 2 parts represented my concept.



Draft Conceptacle Model At the beginning, I tried to develop the gaps between leaves on tree, which allows light to go through, on the floating roof tied on columns. Thus, those blue dots were there to represent that idea. And these ideas would be developed in final project since I need light to soft the space.

Final Project PRESEDENT In the three exercise we did, my ‘frame and infill’ concept is the strongest one so I used this one as my main idea of this pavilion. In addition, most parts of my pavilion are underground. What is on ground is a roof for shelter and block view form outside. For those surfaces face to sky they would filled by glass for allowing natural light into pavilion. people can go down by stairs lifted (this part would be developed as it is not practical). And those lifted frame elements are built around the main platform. I want people to feel they are go through something when they walk to another platform so l left some gap between each floating frame. What is special about the platform is that the support has smaller size than standing area and water is surrounded so the platform also emphasized my concept, floating.

What is on the ground h Naoshima Pavilion design I used this idea to for because I am interested i pavilion, its transparency looks familiar with this on

has the precedent of ned by Sou Fujimoto. m my pavilion roof in one feature of this y. And my frame also ne.


Final Model


Plan with roof Plan without roof



Section A

Section B


In week 12, the roof part is supported by ground mainly, and the entrance hole is smaller than activity area (diameter). Since I need more light for underground space, I removed the entrance hole and used columns to support the roof (the roof still built in material with high transparency like glass to allow natural light in). A n d a b o u t t h e s t a i rs , I w i l l u s e continuous stairs supporting by columns on ground or platform instead of lifting stairs. In addition, artificial down light also installed for rooms since the stair is built above room and blocks natural light. What I also want to mention is lights on the edge of the underground. Those lights are working with white cover on earth, which can reflect natural and artificial light in pavilion.

DEVELOPMENT PRESEDENTS This is the new roof of Islamic Art of Louvre Museum in France. This design took the idea of Islamic magic flying carpet. I think this department also tends to show the idea of floating. What is interesting about this design is transparency and supports (this roof is supported by only 8 columns).

The second image is the Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum. I am quite interested with how those vegetation hided Herring island some sculpture on the island. Therefore, I want to apply this method on my project as the underground spaces could be more convert. As the light can go through those plants while a secret hided by surrounding plants, I want to apply these features on my roof.


I found several problems of my design i n t h i s s e m e st e r. M i n e i d e a i s n o t developed enough or presented well. In week 4, the mass drawing, what I did is not architectural but more decorative. I realized this is a problem I need to consider in my following design tasks. And I also explore more possibilities of my model making in this semester. I tried to use materials I haven’t used before to present my idea. This is semester I also did a lot of drawing, which quite helpful on evaluate or present my idea/concept. Overall, Earth Studio really helped me a lot on understanding architecture and design.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Concept/77, Roman Vlasov,

Naoshima Pavilion, Sou Fujimoto,

Islamic Art Department in Denon’s Visconti Courtyard, Mario Bellini & Rudy Ricciotti,

The Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum, Jean Nouvel,


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